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B. Salle 《Andrologie》1994,4(3):312-321
Auto immune infertility represents about 15% of all sterilities. The most commun mechanisms of autoimmunity in males are genitals infections (epidymitis) and traumatisms (vasectomies, testiculat biopsies). Mixt agglutination reaction test and immunobead test are the most commun tests used for detection of antibodies. Since 1981, researchs tried to characterize spermatozoa antigens by using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. More than 30 antigens had been found during this last decade. Naz and coll had identified an antigen called FA 1 antigen. FA 1 Ag is a 23 Kd glycoprotein. Anti FA1 antibodies inhibit binding and penetration of sperm to zona intact mice oocytes and also zona free hamster oocytes. They do so without causing agglutination or immobilization of sperm and by the way they cannot be detected by usual tests.  相似文献   

J. Auger 《Andrologie》1997,7(4):433-442
Several studies have shown a good correlation between sperm motility and fertility though the microscopic evaluation of the percentage of motile sperm is highly subjective by nature. Therefore in the last decade, various objectives methods have been proposed to overcome this problem. Two types of methods were developed: The methods based on the analysis of images obtained by microphotography, microcinematography and microvideography and the global, undirect methods based on physical principles. Several systems based on video and image analysis (Computer Aided Sperm Analysis, CASA) have been developed and are used in numerous laboratories of reproductive biology. CASA technology offers the possibility to analyse some characteristics of sperm motion which are related to the fertilization potential and to develop new parameters related to some important aspects of sperm behavior such as hyperactivation. However, there is a large amount of interactions between the operator and the CASA machine. CASA instruments are not “ready-to-use” robots: the reliability of CASA depends largely on the expertise and training of the user and the application of standardized procedures and quality control schemes. By contrast, there is only minimal interaction between the operator and the Sperm Quality Anlyser which is a new device measuring and index of sperm motility highly correlated to the concentration of progressively motile sperm. The device uses light passed through a small sample of semen introduced in a capillary tube to detect variations in optical density that result from moving particles. The reproducibility of the measurements is excellent, the device is easy to use and this is a potentially useful tool for field-work studies. Further investigations of this device in the managment of male infertility is warranted. Finally, both types of objectives approaches are complementary to the conventional analysis of sperm motility and they will not replace it. Standardized procedures have been proposed by the World Health Organization for the subjective evaluation of sperm motility. Such procedures are very useful to reduce significantly the intra- and interlaboratory variations but internal and external quality controls schemes indicate that they are not sufficient to achieve acceptable levels of variation and regular quality controls followed by the definition and the application of corrective procedures are required.  相似文献   

Résumé L'injection de substances irritantes de nature chimique variée perturbe les mécanismes qui contrÔlent la multiplication des hépatocytes du rat.Les très jeunes rats réagissent de faÇon intense et reproductible. 15 heures après l'injection il se produit une augmentation brève et intense du nombre des cellules entrant en phase S de sorte que les divisions cellulaires, qui normalement auraient été réparties sur les 30 ou 40 prochaines heures, débutent en l'espace de 2 heures seulement. La croissance hépatique a pris une importante avance qui est suivie par une période de diminution du nombre des mitoses due à une rétroaction inhibitrice.La réaction des rats plus âgés met en évidence un mécanisme inhibiteur permanent qui entraÎne une réponse moins intense et moins régulière.La production d'hépatocytes binucléés et polyploÏdes parait liée à ce mécanisme inhibiteur.La régularité et la sensibilité des réactions des très jeunes rats en fait un matériel de choix pour l'étude des mécanismes régulateurs de la croissance hépatique.
Control of multiplication and polyploidy of rat hepatocytesA study of the perturbations of physiological regulation induced by injection of irritants
Summary The injection of irritating substances of various chemical nature disturbs the mechanisms regulating the multiplication of rat hepatocytes.The reaction of baby rats is intense and reproducible. It results, 15 hours after the injection, in an increase of the number of cells entering the S phase, so that practically all the divisions which would normally have been scattered over 36 hours are initiated within 2 hours. This burst of synchronized mitosis corresponding to a 36 hours advance in the hepatic growth is followed by a decrease of mitoses due to a feed-back inhibition.The reaction of older rats brings to evidence a permanent inhibitory mechanism that results in a less regular and intensive response.The production of binucleated and polyploÏd hepatocytes seems to be correlated to this inhibitory mechanism.The regularity and sensivity of the baby rat reactions make them a choice material for the study of hepatic growth.

Since the first publication on the detection of sperm-agglutinating antibodies in infertile men, multiple assays have been described. The most useful tests are able to detect antibodies bound to the sperm membrane of motile spermatozoa. The immunobeads test (IBT) is considered to be the most advantageous in terms of its sensitivity, the low incidence of false-positive results, and its ability to localize antibodies of different immunoglobulin classes on the sperm surface. The IBT assay can be used in parallel with the mixed antiglobulin reaction (MAR), to detect sperm-associated antibodies in the ejaculates of infertile men, the most rational way to test for antisperm antibodies (ASA) in males. In view of the high level of agreement between the two assays, MAR, the easier of the two, may be used as a first step in the detection of these antibodies. A positive MAR must be confirmed by IBT, as this assay is more specific for the detection of IgA antibodies. The clinical significance of sperm-associated antibodies is usually established according to the proportion of motile spermatozoa coated with immunobeads, its class and its localization on the sperm surface. However, binding of immunobeads does not provide any information about the antigens against which the antibodies are directed. As the functional effects of sperm-associated antibodies may vary as a function of their antigenic specificities, other assays, using purified fertilization related antigens, are necessary to establish, for each individual, the specific impact of the antibodies on the fertilization process. The indirect IBT assay has recently become the most widely used test to detect the various classes of ASA in serum and cervical mucus of infertile women and in the serum and seminal fluid of infertile men, in combination with the direct assay described above. However, in most laboratories, it is performed with only one dilution of the biological fluid tested, usually a low dilution, so that antibody levels of no significance for fertility could be detected. This may explain a recente debate (Human Reprod, 1999) on the significance of ASA as a cause of infertility. At present, and in the absence of standardized assays able to identify the antigens involved in each individual immune reaction, antibody assays, as detected by the IBT assay, in the serum and/or genital secretions of infertile subjects might provide useful clinical guidance.  相似文献   

Leaves of Holarrhena febrifuga from East Africa contain 1·5% of alkaloids, mostly of the amino-3α ceto-20 pregnane-5α type. Six alkaloids have been isolated: funtumine (I), holamine (II), dimethyl- and monomethyl-funtumine (Ia) and (Ib), dimethyl- and monomethylholamine (IIa) and (IIb); these methyl derivatives have been isolated for the first time from natural source. Pregnane-3,20-dione has been isolated from the same leaves.  相似文献   

So far in France, sperm donor anonymity, which was a fundamental principle and has been twice confirmed in the law in 1994 and 2004, is debated nowadays. In this context, the Cecos wanted to know the donors opinion on anonymity. In 2006, 193 semen donors recruited in 14 Cecos answered anonymously a questionnaire: 73% were in agreement with the principle of anonymity and less than 30% agreed that the future law should change to allow the children to know the donor identity. In case of anonymity disclosure, 60% would give up their sperm donation. The same proportion of donors would accept that non identifying information on them could be given on request to the parents and the child.  相似文献   

Résumé La parathyroïde de souris ne diffère pas essentiellement par sa structure générale de celles des autres espéces étudiées. Les cellules glandulaires se caractérisent cependant par une plus grande richesse en matériel sécrétoire figuré. La présence de ce matériel figuré dans les cavités golgiennes permet de suivre l'élaboration de granules sécrétoires typiques d'un diamètre de 160 à 200 m qui sont spécialement abondants chez la souris. Ces granules ne sont pas excrétés au pôle vasculaire des cellules; ils migrent vers les parois cellulaires apicales et latérales, fusionnent avec la membrane plasmique et semblent être excrétés sous forme soluble dans les espaces intercellulaires. Il n'existe dans la parathyroïde de souris, comme dans celle du hamster et du rat, qu'un seul type cellulaire fondamental. Les éléments clairs et sombres ne diffèrent que par leur densité hyaloplasmique; cette différence s'accuse plus ou moins selon la qualité du prélèvement.
Summary The structure of the mouse parathyroid does not differ essentially from other species studied. However, the glandular cells are characterized through an abundance in visible secretory material. The presence of this material in the cavities of the Golgi apparatus makes it possible to observe the formation of the typical secretory granules (160–200 m in diameter) which are particularly abundant in the mouse parathyroid. These granules are not secreted directly at the vascular pole; they migrate to the apical and lateral walls, fuse with the plasma membrane, and seen to pass into the cellular space in a soluble form. In the mouse parathyroid, as in the hamster and rat, there is only one fundamental cell type. The difference between dark and clear cells lies in the density of their hyaloplasm, which, however, is a consequence of the pretreatment of the material (fixation).

Among the methods used to carry out measurements of thyroid, echography is the best because it is noninvasive and more specific. The goals of this study were to determine the normal thyroid volume of the Burkinabe child; to study the parameters which induce a variation of thyroid volume and to compare our values with those from other localities. Through a cross-sectional study, 240 children from the town of Ouagadougou benefited from a thyroid echography. Thus the height (h), the transverse diameter (dt) and the thickness (e) were measured. Volume (vl) of each lobe was estimated by: vl = h × dt × e × 3.14/6. The total volume (VT) is the sum of the volumes of each lobe, the isthmus being neglected. A correlation set at the threshold p < 0.001 has been carried out between VT and some anthropometric parameters. The following averages were observed: before one year, the average volume is of 0.51 L ± 0.21; from one to three years, it is of 0.95 mL ± 0.33; from four to six years, the average volume is of 1.35 mL ± 0.43; from seven to nine years, it is of 1.95 mL ± 0.62. From 10 to 12 years, the average volume is of 3.01 mL ± 1.08 and it is of 5.32 mL ± 2.07 from 13 to 15 years. It stands out that the VT is positively associated with the age (r = 0.82), with the size (r = 0.73), with the weight (r = 0.81) and with body surface (r = 0.78). Moreover, the VT is higher among boys than in girls beyond one year of age. This parameter varies according to the area of origin. Lastly, compared with the American, European and Asian averages, our values are smaller. This study enabled us to establish our own standards which we will be able from now on to use in daily practice. However, multicentric studies associated with thyroid and sexual hormones blood levels measurements must be undertaken to ascertain these data.  相似文献   

D-Galacto-D-xylo-D-glucans (amyloids) from Balsamina, Tropaeolum, and Tamarindus seeds behave in a similar manner in the presence of various glycosidase preparations: slow depolymerization by enzymes from several germinated or non-germinated seeds, and hydrolysis into monosaccharides and oligosaccharides by commercial cellulase and hemicellulase preparations from fungi. A purified cellulase from Penicillium notatum gave a dialyzable fraction almost exclusively composed of α-D-xylopyranosyl-(1→6)-D-glucose residues and a nondialyzable fraction composed of chains of β-D-(1→4)[withsome (1→3)]-glucopyranosyl residues; β-D-galacto-pyranosyl-(1→2)-α-D-xylosyl groups are linked to some of the β-D-glucosyl residues at 0-6. The presence of (1→3)-linkages in the D-glucan chain of the Balsamina was verified by methylation and sequential periodate oxidation-borohydride reduction; the distribution of the substituents on the D-glucan chain is not regular. The main D-glucan backbone, where the β-D-glucosyl residues are partly linked at 0-6 to β-D-galactosyl-(1→2)-D-xylosyl groups, is linked to D-glucan chains where almost all the D-glucose units are linked at 0-6 by one α-D-xylosyl group. The presence of 3,6-di-O-methyl-D-glucose after permethylation and hydrolysis suggests that the xyloglucan chains are linked to 0-2 of the D-glucosyl units of the galactoxyloglucan backbone.  相似文献   

After isolation and identification of the flavonoid compounds of D. grandiflorum Lam., a comparison of the flavonoid patterns of four species of Doronicum was undertaken. The differences observed are discussed from the evolutionary point of view.  相似文献   

The final modifications that the spermatozoa undergo correspond with the destabilization of their plasma membrane. This indispensable step facilitates the fusion of membranes and primes the signal transduction during fertilization. This destabilization is composed of a series of changes and modulation of the lipids in membranes such as cholestérol, phospholipids and glycolipids. Several differences exist in the lipid composition of the plasma, acrosome, nuclear and mitochondrial membranes of spermatozoa. The principal membrane phospholipids are phosphatidyl choline, phosphatidyl ethanolamine and sphingomyelin. Plasma membrane of sperm is also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) linked to phospholipids. Such as C18∶2n?6, C20∶4n?6 and large amounts of docosahexaenoic acid (C22∶6n?6). The amount of membrane lipids in human sperm varies considerably between patients. This variation, could influence certain functional properties of the sperm cells such as their ability to undergo capacitation, the acrosome reaction and the fusion between sperm and oocyte membranes. The lipid composition of the human sperm cell can be altered during the process of freezing-thawing. A significant decrease in phospholipids (phosphatidyl choline, phosphatidyl ethanolamine), and PUFA in particular docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid was observed. Human spermatozoa have a molar cholestérol/phopholipid ratio ≤1.0, and reduces during capacitation due to loss of cholestérol. In addition, the decrease in the levels of cholestérol and the methylation of phospholipids is involved in the modification of membrane fluidity and in the maturation of the sperm plasma membrane receptors. Therefore it seems that the methylation is important for the fusion between sperm and oocyte membranes. Intrinsic sperm phospholipase A2 also plays a role in the destabilization of the plasma membrane by producing of lysophospholipid. Therefore this enzyme and free fatty acids are believed to play a role in the acrosome reaction, an indispensable event facilitating the fusion between sperm and oocyte membranes.  相似文献   

C. Mathieu  H. Lucas 《Andrologie》1999,9(2):286-296
There are many procedures to select spermatozoa but those procedures are often specific of each andrology centre. This review that is not an exhaustive review of the numerous methods published is rather devoided to focus on the main techniques, the sperm washing, the filtration methods («SpermPrep»), the swim-up, and the discontinuous density gradients with colloïdal solutions («Percoll», PureSperm” and «Isolate») including iodinated organic molecule as ‘OptiPrep». The first part presents a synthesis of literature in order to bring out standardized procedures, and a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of each step of these procedures. Some specific anomalies of sperm need particular treatments. There is a consensus on the validated techniques to prepare semen samples in the presence of antisperm antibodies, leukocytes, bacterial contaminants, and also semen samples exhibiting hyperviscosity or in case of retrograde ejaculation. Cryopreserved sperm preparation is also described with references to experimental results in freezing-thawing human spermatozoa. The second part proposes guidelines for the therapeutic choice of the appropriate assisted reproductive technologies (i.e.: intra uterine artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection) according to semen parameters, and to the outcome of sperm selection and survival.  相似文献   

The human lineage has a very ancient origin, as most of the mammals. Its oldest representatives, anthropoid primates, have been described from Asia some 45 million years ago. During this long evolutionary story, two critical stages have appeared as especially important, their beginning in Asia and the emergence of hominids in Africa, some seven million years ago. These two stages are discussed hereby with new data relative to their Asian origins and their dispersal into Africa between 45 and 40 million years ago. Following this dispersal event, these primates evolved in Africa and gave rise to the early hominids. These appeared around seven million years ago and have three distinct representatives. Among them, Toumaï appears as the oldest and the closest to our ancestry, a point that is evidenced here.  相似文献   

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