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A previous study by McLean and co-workers reported that regenerating axons of the rabbit vagus nerve were unable to sustain axonal transport in vitro for several months after nerve injury. In contrast, we found that sensory axons of the rat sciatic nerve were able to transport 3H-labeled protein into their regenerating portions distal to the site of injury within a week after injury when placed in vitro. Transport in vitro was not significantly less than transport in axons maintained in vivo for the same period. Transport occurred in the medium that was used by the McLean group, but was significantly reduced in calcium-free medium. When axon regeneration was delared, only small amounts of activity were present in the nerve distal to the site of injury, showing that labeled protein normally present in that part of the nerve was associated with axons and was not a result of local precursor uptake by nonneural elements in the sciatic nerve. We were not able to explain the failure of McLean and co-workers to demonstrate transport in vitro in regenerating vagus nerve, but we conclude that there is no general peculiarity of growing axons that makes them unable to sustain transport in vitro.  相似文献   

Axonal transport of neurofilament (NFs) is considered to be regulated by phosphorylation. While existing evidence for this hypothesis is compelling, supportive studies have been largely restricted to correlative evidence and/or experimental systems involving mutants. We tested this hypothesis in retinal ganglion cells of normal mice in situ by comparing subunit transport with regional phosphorylation state coupled with inhibition of phosphatases. NF subunits were radiolabeled by intravitreal injection of 35S-methionine. NF axonal transport was monitored by following the location of the peak of radiolabeled subunits immunoprecipitated from 9x1.1 mm segments of optic axons. An abrupt decline transport rate was observed between days 1 and 6, which corresponded to translocation of the peak of radiolabeled subunits from axonal segment 2 into segment 3. Notably, this is far downstream from the only caliber increase of optic axons at 150 mu from the retina. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated a unique threefold increase between segments 2 and 3 in levels of a "late-appearing" C-terminal NF-H phospho-epitope (RT97). Intravitreal injection of the phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid increased RT97 immunoreactivity within retinas and proximal axons, and markedly decreased NF transport rate out of retinas and proximal axons. These findings provide in situ experimental evidence for regulation of NF transport by site-specific phosphorylation.  相似文献   

This study of the slow component of axonal transport was aimed at two problems: the specific identification of polypeptides transported into the axon from the cell body, and the identification of structural polypeptides of the axoplasm. The axonal transport paradigm was used to obtain radioactively labeled axonal polypeptides in the rat ventral motor neuron and the cat spinal ganglion sensory neuron. Comparison of the slow component polypeptides from these two sources using sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide electrophoresis revealed that they are identical. In both cases five polypeptides account for more than 75% of the total radioactivity present in the slow component. Two of these polypeptides have been tentatively identified as tubulin, the microtubule protein, on the basis of their molecular weights. The three remaining polypeptides with molecular weights of 212,000, 160,000, and 68,000 daltons are constitutive, and as such appear to be associated with a single structure which has been tentatively identified as the 10-nm neurofilament. The 212,000-dalton polypeptide was found to comigrate in SDS gels with the heavy chain of chick muscle myosin. The demonstration on SDS gels that the slow component is composed of a small number of polypeptides which have identical molecular weights in neurons from different mammalian species suggests that these polypeptides comprise fundamental structures of vertebrate neurons.  相似文献   

After axotomy, changes in the composition of fast axonally transported proteins ( FTP ) within the peripheral nervous system (PNS) axons have been reported. The most significant and reproducible changes involved polypeptides found within the molecular weight range of 31.0 to 14.5 kilodaltons ( Bisby , 1980). We wished to determine whether similar changes following axotomy occur in axons of the central nervous system (CNS). Intracranial axotomy of the left optic tract was performed stereotaxically in rats. Six days post axotomy 50 muCi 35[S]-methionine was injected into the vitreous body of both eyes. FTP were isolated within the optic nerves 2 h after isotope injection. The nerve segments were processed for SDS-PAGE, fluorography, and compared to similarly prepared fluorographs of normal and eight day post-axotomy sciatic nerve segments. The labelling of 5 major polypeptide bands (S1, MW congruent to 28,000; S2a , MW congruent to 25,000; S2b , MW congruent to 23,000; T1, MW congruent to 20,200; and T2, MW congruent to 17,000) was studied by laser densitometry. Band S2b showed a highly significant (p less than 0.001) increase in concentration, while bands S1 and T1 demonstrated highly significant decreases in concentration following axotomy of the sciatic nerve. In contrast, after axotomy of the retinal ganglion cell axons the only significant change was a decrease (p less than 0.05) in T1. We suggest that failure of CNS axons to respond similarly to PNS axons following axotomy may be related to the failure of CNS axons to regenerate.  相似文献   

Tullidinol, a neurotoxin extracted from the Karwinskia humboldtiana fruit, dissolved in peanut oil was injected into the right sciatic nerve of adult cats. The contralateral sciatic nerve received an equivalent volume of peanut oil alone. The fast axonal transport of labeled ([3H]Leucine) protein was studied in sensory and motor axons of both sciatic nerves. The radioactive label was pressure injected either into the L7 dorsal root ganglion or the ventral region of the same spinal cord segment. Several days after the toxin injection, the cat limped and the Achilles tendon reflex was nearly absent in the right hind limb. The amount of transported label was decreased distal to the site of toxin injection. Proximal to this site, the transported material was dammed. Sensory and motor axons showed similar changes. In addition, the toxin produced demyelination and axonal degeneration. Axonal transport and the structure of the axons were normal in the contralateral nerve. Both, Schwann cells and axons of the right sciatic nerve showed globular inclusions, presumably oil droplets containing the toxin. We conclude that Schwann cells and axons as well are tullidinol targets.Departamento de Química. Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Sidney Ochs.  相似文献   

The axonal transport of the diverse isotubulins in the motor axons of the rat sciatic nerve was studied by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after intraspinal injection of [35S]methionine. 3 wk after injection, the nerve segments carrying the labeled axonal proteins of the slow components a (SCa) and b (SCb) of axonal transport were homogenized in a cytoskeleton-stabilizing buffer and two distinct fractions, cytoskeletal (pellet, insoluble) and soluble (supernatant), were obtained by centrifugation. About two-thirds of the transported-labeled tubulin moved with SCa, the remainder with SCb. In both waves, tubulin was found to be associated mainly with the cytoskeletal fraction. The same isoforms of tubulin were transported with SCa and SCb; however, the level of a neuron-specific beta-tubulin subcomponent, termed beta', composed of two related isotubulins beta'1 and beta'2, was significantly greater in SCb than in SCa, relative to the other tubulin isoforms. In addition, certain specific isotubulins were unequally distributed between the cytoskeletal and the soluble fractions. In SCa as well as in SCb, alpha'-isotubulins were completely soluble in the motor axons. By contrast, alpha' and beta'2-isotubulins, both posttranslationally modified isoforms, were always recovered in the cytoskeletal fraction and thus may represent isotubulins restricted to microtubule polymers. The different distribution of isotubulins suggests that a recruitment of tubulin isoforms, including specific posttranslational modifications of defined isoforms (such as, at least, phosphorylation of beta' and acetylation of alpha'), might be involved in the assembly of distinct subsets of axonal microtubules displaying differential properties of stability, velocity and perhaps of function.  相似文献   

Synaptotagmin‐1 (syt1) is a Ca2+‐binding protein that functions in regulation of synaptic vesicle exocytosis at the synapse. Syt1 is expressed in many types of neurons well before synaptogenesis begins both in vivo and in vitro. To determine if expression of syt1 has a functional role in neuronal development before synapse formation, we examined the effects of syt1 overexpression and knockdown on the growth and branching of the axons of cultured primary embryonic day 8 chicken forebrain neurons. In vivo these neurons express syt1, and most have not yet extended axons. We present evidence that syt1 plays a role in regulating axon branching, while not regulating overall axon length. To study the effects of overexpression of syt1, we used adenovirus‐mediated infection to introduce a syt1‐YFP construct, or control GFP construct, into neurons. Syt1 levels were reduced using RNA interference. Overexpression of syt1 increased the formation of axonal filopodia and branches. Conversely, knockdown of syt1 decreased the number of axonal filopodia and branches. Time‐lapse analysis of filopodial dynamics in syt1‐overexpressing cells demonstrated that elevation of syt1 levels increased both the frequency of filopodial initiation and their lifespan. Taken together these data indicate that syt1 regulates the formation of axonal filopodia and branches before engaging in its conventional functions at the synapse. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2013  相似文献   

Mitosis inhibitors, drugs affecting the energy metabolism, heavy water and ouabain were used to partially inhibit fast axonal transport in frog sciatic nerves. Effects on the rate and on the amount of pulse labeled protein could be separated. The pulse of labeled protein, released after a cold-block, rapidly reached a maximum height which indicated that the transport system was saturated in the nerve segment occupied by the pulse. Both the rate and the amount were reduced by the mitosis inhibitors colchicine, vinblastine, and griseofulvin. Colchicine had a differential effect and reduced the rate of material migrating in the advancing front of the pulse less than the rate of that moving in the peak. Preincubation at low temperature potentiated the effects of colchicine. Two inhibitors of energy metabolism, NaCN and IAA, reduced the amount of labeled material in the pulse. The slope of the pulse was markedly reduced and multiple peaks appeared. The distance covered by the migrating pulse was largely unaffected, but some retardation of late components might have occurred. In contrast, 2.4-DNP reduced the rate without any effects on the amount of migrating material. Heavy water uniformly reduced the rate of the migrating pulse, whereas the main effect of ouabain was a diminished amount and multiple peaks as with NaCN and IAA. All drugs were tested for their effects on the electrical activity of sciatic nerves. The compound action potential was not affected by the mitosis inhibitors and heavy water, but was depressed by the inhibitors of energy metabolism and abolished by ouabain. The results indicate that the effects of various transport inhibitory drugs can be differentiated if both the rate and the amount are considered.  相似文献   

Explaining how intracellular cargos are sorted between axons and dendrites is important for a mechanistic understanding of what happens in many neurodegenerative disorders. A simple model of cargo sorting relies on differences in microtubule (MT) orientation between axons and dendrites: in mammalian neurons all MTs in axons have their plus ends directed outward while in proximal regions of dendrites the MT polarity is mixed. It can therefore be assumed that cargos that need to be driven into axons associate with kinesin motors while cargos that need to be driven into dendrites associate with dynein motors. This paper develops equations of cargo transport in axons and dendrites based on the above assumptions. Propagation of a pulse of radiolabelled cargos entering an axon and dendrite is simulated. The model equations are solved utilising the Laplace transform method. Differences in cargo transport between axons and dendrites are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Orthograde and retrograde axonal transport were studied in rat sciatic nerves which had been crushed and either allowed to regenerate, or prevented from doing so by tightly ligaturing the nerve. At various intervals after crushing the nerve. L-[3H]leucine was injected into the lumbosacral spinal cord. and the subsequent transport of labeled protein in motoneuron axons was quantitated by measuring the accumulation of labeled protein at collection crushes made proximal to the original nerve crush. Accumulations proximal to the collection crushes (orthograde transport) 9-11 h after injection (p.i.). decreased within I day of nerve injury, but returned to normal values as regeneration proceeded. In non-regenerating nerves accumulations remained depressed for at least 30 days. Accumulations distal to the collection crushes (retrograde transport) 9-11 h pi. increased over the first 5 days following injury but returned to normal values as regeneration proceeded. In non-regenerating nerves accumulations remained elevated. The time-course of retrograde transport of newly-synthesized protein also returned to normal during nerve regeneration. It is suggested that changes in retrograde transport during regeneration may inform the neuron cell body of the progress of regeneration and elicit appropriate metabolic responses. among which may be the changes in orthograde transport that follow axotomy.  相似文献   

Video-enhanced contrast techniques have been used to study fast axonal transport of organelles in diseased and normal human axons. A broad perspective on the importance of axonal transport in the pathogenesis of human neurological disorders is presented and problems in dealing with human nerve summarized. Results from analysis of organelle traffic in axons from motor nerve in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) show: 1) higher mean speed of anterograde organelles, 2) lower mean speed of retrograde organelles, and 3) lower retrograde organelle traffic density. Hyperparathyroidism, another human clinical syndrome, can mimic ALS. The effect of parathyroid hormone (PTH) on axons in vitro is to increase the mean speed of both anterograde and retrograde organelle traffic. The dose response curve and time course of the PTH effect are delineated. Dihydropyridine calcium channel antagonists block the PTH effect, implicating extracellular calcium in the alteration of organelle traffic speed. The results are discussed in relation to neuronal function and the regulation of fast axonal transport.  相似文献   

Passage of vitamin B12 across the outer and cytoplasmic membranes of Escherichia coli occurs in two steps, each involving independent transport systems. Since the vitamin accumulated in btuC or btuD mutants is readily released from the cell by chase or osmotic shock and does not undergo the usual metabolic conversions, the products of these genes might participate in transport across the cytoplasmic membrane. Mutations in btuC and btuD are complemented by recombinant plasmids carrying a 3,410-base-pair HindIII-HincII DNA fragment. Transposon Tn1000 mutagenesis and subcloning defined the location of these two genes and showed that they are separated by approximately 800 base pairs. The polypeptides elicited by this fragment and its derivatives were identified by using a maxicell system. The apparent molecular weight of the btuC product was approximately 26,000, that of the btuD product was 29,000. Both polypeptides were associated with the cell membrane. Transposon insertions in the region between btuC and btuD, as well as those in the two genes, conferred a deficiency in vitamin B12 utilization and transport when they were crossed onto the chromosome. This region, termed btuE, encoded a 22,000-Mr polypeptide and lesser amounts of a 20,000-Mr species. A portion of the BtuE protein was released from maxicells by osmotic shock or spheroplast formation. The relative production of BtuE and BtuD in response to plasmids carrying transposon insertions suggested that the three genes are arranged in an operon in the order btuC-btuE-btuD and that internal promoters exist since polarity was incomplete. Substantial elevation of transport activity was engendered by plasmids carrying the intact btu region, but not when any of the btu genes was disrupted. The btuCED region thus may encode a transport system for passage of vitamin B12 across the cytoplasmic membrane. This system bears similarities to periplasmic binding protein-dependent transport systems, although the putative periplasmic component is not required for its function.  相似文献   

Axonal transport of labelled protein was studied in rat sciatic nerve by analyzing nerve segments at intervals after injection of L-[3H]leucine into the lumbar spinal cord. Some nerves were sectioned before injection so that material in transit accumulated proximal to the section. The segments distal to the section served as controls for incorporation into the nerve of blood-borne label. An analysis of TCA-soluble and TCA-insoluble activity in cut and intact nerve segments was also made. No evidence was found for the existence of a 'superfast' component of axonal transport (velocity 2000 mm/day). Results showed that the most rapidly transported protein derived from the neuron soma had a conventional 'fast' velocity of 350-420 mm/day. There was no transport of TCA-soluble material. It is suggested that 'superfast' transport, detected in mice by other investigators, is an artefact resulting from failure to control for incorporation of circulating label into the sciatic nerve.  相似文献   

The transport of long gas bubbles, suspended in liquid, through symmetric bifurcations, is investigated experimentally and theoretically as a model of cardiovascular gas bubble transport in air embolism and gas embolotherapy. The relevant dimensionless parameters in the models match the corresponding values for arteries and arterioles. The effects of roll angle (the angle the plane of the bifurcation makes with the horizontal), capillary number (a dimensionless indicator of flow), and bubble volume (or length) on the splitting of bubbles as they pass through the bifurcation are examined. Splitting is observed to be more homogenous at higher capillary numbers and lower roll angles. It is shown that, at nonzero roll angles, there is a critical value of the capillary number below which the bubbles do not split and are transported entirely into the upper branch. The value of the critical capillary number increases with roll angle and parent tube diameter. A unique bubble motion is observed at the critical capillary number and for slightly slower flows: the bubble begins to split, the meniscus in the lower branch then moves backward, and finally the entire bubble enters the upper branch. These findings suggest that, in large vessels, emboli tend to be transported upward unless flow is unusually strong but that a more homogeneous distribution of emboli occurs in smaller vessels. This corresponds to previous observations that air emboli tend to lodge in the upper regions of the lungs and suggests that relatively uniform infarction of tumors by gas embolotherapy may be possible.  相似文献   

Rapid axonal transport is generally viewed as being exactly analogous to the secretory process in nonneuronal cells. The cell biology of rapid axonal transport is reviewed, the central concern being to explore those aspects that do not fit into the general secretory model and which may thus represent specific neuronal adaptations. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between the transport of newly synthesized proteins and of the membranous organelles that act as carriers. Sites in the transport sequence at which the behavior of axonal transport may differ from the secretory model are at the initiation of axonal transport at the trans-side of the Golgi apparatus, within the axon where molecules are deposited from the moving phase to a stationary phase, and at nerve terminals or axonal lesions where transport reversal takes place.  相似文献   

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