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A Penicillium simplicissimum strain has been found to produce an inducible extracellular lipase. Triolein was the best inducer for the enzyme production with the highest activity being achieved after 48 h of incubation. The purified lipase showed a molecular weight of 56,000 by SDS-PAGE. The enzyme exhibited a high ratio of apolar amino acids. The lipase was stable in the pH range of 5-7 and at 50 degrees C for 15 min. The optimum assay conditions were 37 degrees C and pH 5.0. The enzyme showed a high stability in water immiscible organic solvents. Lipase from P. simplicissimum is nonspecific and hydrolyses each of the three bonds of triacylglycerols.  相似文献   

Cholesterol oxidase [EC] from Schizophyllum commune was purified by an affinity chromatography using 3-O-succinylcholesterol-ethylenediamine (3-cholesteryl-3-[2-aminoethylamido]propionate) Sepharose gels. The resulting preparation was homogeneous as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated to be 53,000 by SDS-gel electrophoresis and 46,000 by sedimentation equilibrium. The enzyme contained 483 amino acid residues as calculated on the basis of the molecular weight of 53,000. The enzyme consumed 60 mumol of O2/min per mg of protein with 1.3 mM cholesterol at 37 degrees C. The enzyme showed the highest activity with cholesterol; 3 beta-hydroxysteroids, such as dehydroepiandrosterone, pregnenolone, and lanosterol, were also oxidized at slower rates. Ergosterol was not oxidized by the enzyme. The Km for cholesterol was 0.33 mM and the optimal pH was 5.0. The enzyme is a flavoprotein which shows a visible absorption spectrum having peaks at 353 nm and 455 nm in 0.1 M acetate buffer, pH 4.0. The spectrum was characterized by the hypsochromic shift of the second absorption peak of the bound flavin. The bound flavin was reduced on anaerobic addition of a model substrate, dehydroepiandrosterone. Neither acid not heat treatment released the flavin coenzyme from the enzyme protein. The flavin of the enzyme could be easily released from the enzyme protein in acid-soluble form as flavin peptides when the enzyme protein was digested with trypsin plus chymotrypsin. The mobilities of the aminoacyl flavin after hydrolysis of the flavin peptides on thin layer chromatography and high voltage electrophoresis differed from those of free FAD, FMN, and riboflavin. A pKa value of 5.1 was obtained from pH-dependent fluorescence quenching process of the aminoacyl flavin. AMP was detected by hydrolysis of the flavin peptides with nucleotide pyrophosphatase. The results indicate strongly that cholesterol oxidase from Schizophyllum commune contains FAD as the prothetic group, which is covalently linked to the enzyme protein. The properties of the bound FAD were comparable to those of N (1)-histidyl FAD.  相似文献   

Rand T  Halkier T  Hansen OC 《Biochemistry》2003,42(23):7188-7194
The flavoenzyme choline oxidase catalyzes the oxidation of choline and betaine aldehyde to betaine. Earlier studies have shown that the choline oxidase from Arthrobacter globiformis contains FAD covalently linked to a histidine residue. To identify the exact type of flavin binding, the FAD-carrying amino acid residue was released by acid hydrolysis. The fluorescence excitation maxima of the isolated aminoacylriboflavin, showing a hypsochromic shift of the near-ultraviolet band relative to riboflavin, and the pH-dependent flavin fluorescence confirmed the presence of an 8alpha-substituted flavin linked to histidine. Similarly, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry showed a molecular mass corresponding to histidylriboflavin. Classical experiments used to distinguish between the N(1) and N(3) isomers all indicated that the flavin was linked to the N(1) position of the histidine residue. The position of the FAD-carrying histidine residue in the choline oxidase polypeptide was identified by tryptic cleavage of the denatured enzyme, HPLC separation of the proteolytic peptide fragments, and characterization of the purified flavin-carrying peptide by mass spectrometry and spectroscopy. The FAD moiety was assigned to the tryptic peptide, His-Ala-Arg, corresponding to residues 87-89 in the open reading frame of the previously published cDNA sequence. Further analysis of the flavopeptide by collision-induced dissociation mass spectrometry confirmed that the flavin cofactor was attached to His(87). We conclude that this variant of choline oxidase contains 8alpha-[N(1)-histidyl]FAD at position 87 in the polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

Vanillyl-alcohol oxidase catalyses the oxidation of several 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohols by using 8-α-(N3-histidyl)-FAD as a covalently bound prosthetic group. Crystals of vanillyl-alcohol oxidase from Penicillium simplicissimum have been grown by using the vapor diffusion technique. The space group was found to be I4, with cell dimensions a = b = 140.5 Å, c = 132.9 Å. Diffraction data have been recorded to 3.2 Å resolution by using a laboratory source and to 2.5 Å resolution on flash freezing the crystal at the ELETTRA Synchrotron X-ray diffraction beam line. Proteins 27:601–603, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

Structure of the xylanase from Penicillium simplicissimum.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Despite its relatively low pH and temperature optimum, the xylanase from Penicillium simplicissimum performs exceedingly well under conditions of paper bleaching. We have purified and characterized this enzyme, which belongs to family 10 of glycosyl hydrolases. Its gene was cloned, and the sequence of the protein was deduced from the nucleotide sequence. The xylanase was crystallized from ammonium sulfate at pH 8.4, and X-ray data were collected at cryo-temperature to a crystallographic resolution of 1.75 A. The crystal structure was solved by molecular replacement using the catalytic domain of the Clostridium thermocellum xylanase as a search model, and refined to a residual of R = 20% (R(free) = 23%) for data between 10 and 1.75 A. The xylanase folds in an (alpha/beta)8 barrel (TIM-barrel), with additional helices and loops arranged at the "top" forming the active site cleft. In its overall shape, the P. simplicissimum xylanase structure is similar to other family 10 xylanases, but its active site cleft is much shallower and wider. This probably accounts for the differences in catalysis and in the mode of action of this enzyme. Three glycerol molecules were observed to bind within the active site groove, one of which interacts directly with the catalytic glutamate residues. It appears that they occupy putative xylose binding subsites.  相似文献   



Cholesterol oxidase is an alcohol dehydrogenase/oxidase flavoprotein that catalyzes the dehydrogenation of C(3)-OH of cholesterol. It has two major biotechnological applications, i.e. in the determination of serum (and food) cholesterol levels and as biocatalyst providing valuable intermediates for industrial steroid drug production. Cholesterol oxidases of type I are those containing the FAD cofactor tightly but not covalently bound to the protein moiety, whereas type II members contain covalently bound FAD. This is the first report on the over-expression in Escherichia coli of type II cholesterol oxidase from Brevibacterium sterolicum (BCO).  相似文献   

The bifunctional enzyme FAD synthetase from Brevibacterium ammoniagenes was purified by a method involving ATP-affinity chromatography. The final preparation was more than 95% pure. The apparent molecular weight of the enzyme was determined as 38,000 and the isoelectric point as 4.6. Although previous attempts to separate the enzymatic activities had failed, ATP:riboflavin 5'-phosphotransferase and ATP:FMN-adenylyltransferase activities in B. ammoniagenes were believed to be located on two separate proteins with similar properties, possibly joined in a complex. The following evidence, however, suggests the presence of both activities on a single polypeptide chain. The two activities copurify in the same ratio through the purification scheme as presented. Only a single band could be detected when aliquots from the final purification step were subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, nondenaturing gel electrophoresis, and isoelectric focusing. Edman degradation of the protein yielded a single N-terminal sequence.  相似文献   

Alcaligenes species CF8 isolated from surface water of a lake produced a novel serine type metallo-caffeine oxidase. The optimal medium for caffeine oxidase production by this strain was (w/v) NaNO(3), 0.4%; KH(2)PO(4), 0.15%; Na(2)HPO(4), 0.05%; FeCl(3).6H(2)O, 0.0005%; CaCl(2).2H(2)O, 0.001%; MgSO(4).7H(2)O, 0.02%; glucose, 0.2%; caffeine, 0.05%, pH 7.5. The enzyme was purified to 63-fold by using ammonium sulfate precipitation, dialysis, ion exchange (diethylaminoethyl-cellulose) and gel filtration (Sephadex G-100) chromatographic techniques. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that the purified caffeine oxidase was monomeric with a molecular mass of 65 kDa. The purified caffeine oxidase with a half-life of 20 min at 50 degrees C had maximal activity at pH 7.5 and 35 degrees C. The purified caffeine oxidase had strict substrate specificity towards caffeine (K(m) 8.94 microM and V(max) 47.62 U mg protein(-1)) and was not able to oxidize xanthine and hypoxanthine. The enzyme activity was not inhibited by para-chloromercuribenzoic acid, iodoacetamide, n-methylmaleimide, salicylic acid and sodium arsenite indicating the enzyme did not belong to xanthine oxidase family. The enzyme was not affected by Ca(+2), Mg(+2) and Na(+), but was completely inhibited by Co(+2), Cu(+2) and Mn(+2) at 1mM level. The novel caffeine oxidase isolated here from Alcaligenes species CF8 may be useful in biotechnological processes including waste treatment and biosensor development.  相似文献   

A specific mRNA for a structural lipoprotein of the Escherichiacoli outer membrane was translated in a wheat germ cell-free protein synthesizing system, S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM) and S-adenosyl-homocysteine (SAH) had neither stimulative nor inhibitory effect on the translation. When the products were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, two peaks appeared at the appearent molecular weights of about 15,000 and about 7,500. Both products were cross-reactive with antiserum against the lipoprotein.  相似文献   

A novel glucooligosaccharide oxidase was purified 495-fold from wheat bran culture of a soil-isolated Acremonium strictum strain T1 with an overall yield of 21%. This enzyme was composed of a single polypeptide chain with a molecular mass of 61 kDa as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography. Its isoelectric point was pH 4.3-4.5. This enzyme contained 1 mol of FAD per mol of enzyme and showed absorption maxima at 274, 379 and 444 nm. This enzyme was stable in the pH range of 5.0 to 11.0 with an optimal reaction pH of 10.0. The optimal reaction temperature was 50 degrees C. It was stable up to 50 degrees C for 1 h at pH 7.8. This enzyme oxidized those oligosaccharides with glucose residue on the reducing end and each sugar residue jointed by alpha or beta-1,4 glucosidic bond. The relative activity of this enzyme toward maltose, maltotriose, maltotetraose, maltopentaose, maltohexaose, maltoheptaose, lactose, cellobiose and glucose was 100:94:74:46:66:56:64:47:59. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the discovery of an glucooligosaccharide oxidase as judged from enzyme substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Cholesterol oxidase from Brevibacterium sterolicum is a monomeric flavoenzyme catalyzing the oxidation and isomerization of cholesterol to cholest-4-en-3-one. This protein is a class II cholesterol oxidases, with the FAD cofactor covalently linked to the enzyme through the His(69) residue. In this work, unfolding of wild-type cholesterol oxidase was compared with that of a H69A mutant, which does not covalently bind the flavin cofactor. The two protein forms do not show significant differences in their overall topology, but the urea-induced unfolding of the H69A mutant occurred at significant lower urea concentrations than wild-type (approximately 3 versus approximately 5 M, respectively), and the mutant protein had a melting temperature approximately 10-15 degrees C lower than wild-type in thermal denaturation experiments. The different sensitivity of the various spectroscopic features used to monitor protein unfolding indicated that in both proteins a two-step (three-state) process occurs. The presence of an intermediate was more evident for the H69A mutant at 2 m urea, where catalytic activity and tertiary structure were lost, and new hydrophobic patches were exposed on the protein surface, resulting in protein aggregation. Comparative analysis of the changes occurring upon urea and thermal treatment of the wild-type and H69A protein showed a good correlation between protein instability and the elimination of the covalent link between the flavin and the protein. This covalent bond represents a structural device to modify the flavin redox potentials and stabilize the tertiary structure of cholesterol oxidase, thus pointing to a specific meaning of the flavin binding mode in enzymes that carry out the same reaction in pathogenic versus non-pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

1. Alcohol oxidase (alcohol:oxygen oxidoreductase) was purified 22-fold from the brown rot fungus Poria contigua. The final enzyme preparation was homogeneous as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and by sedimentation in an ultracentrifuge. The molecular weight was calculated to be 610000 +/- 5000 from sedimentation equilibrium experiments. Electrophoresis in sodium dodecylsulfate gels and electron microscopic analysis indicate that the enzyme is an octamer composed of eight probably identical subunits, each having a molecular weight of 79 000. The enzyme contains eight mol FAD/mol as the prosthetic group. 2. This alcohol oxidase oxidizes not only methanol but also lower primary alcohols (C2-C4), 2-propin-1-ol and formaldehyde. The apparent Km value for methanol is 0.2 mM, and that for formaldehyde 6.1 mM. Sodium azide was found to be a competitive inhibitor with respect to methanol. 3. The enzyme from the fungus Poria contigua is immunologically different from the alcohol oxidase isolated from the methanol-utilizing yeast Candida boidinii. Furthermore antiserum raised against this enzyme did not cross-react with the alcohol oxidase from the white rot fungus Polyporus obtusus.  相似文献   

A new flavoenzyme using molecular oxygen to oxidize L-glutamic acid has been purified to homogeneity, as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, from the culture medium of Streptomyces endus. Hydrogen peroxide, 2-oxoglutaric acid and ammonia are formed as products. Among 25 amino acids tested including D-glutamic acid, L-glutamine and L-aspartic acid, only L-glutamic acid is converted. The molecular mass of the enzyme was estimated to be about 90 kDa by gel chromatography and 50 kDa by SDS/PAGE. The subunit contains 1 molecule noncovalently bound FAD. The absorption spectrum shows maxima at 273, 355 and 457 nm and the isoelectric point is at pH 6.2. The Km value for L-glutamic acid in air-saturated phosphate pH 7.0 was estimated to be 1.1 mM, the Km for oxygen was calculated to be 1.86 mM at saturating concentration of L-glutamic acid. The enzymic reaction is inhibited by Ag+ and Hg2+ ions. The enzyme described here distinctly differs from two microbial L-glutamate oxidases purified hitherto, with regard to extremely high substrate specificity and to the subunit structure.  相似文献   

Flavin adenine dinucleotide synthetase (ATP:FMN adenylyltransferase, EC has been enriched more extensively than previously from fresh rat liver. For this, 10% homogenates in sucrose-phosphate buffer were treated with 0.1% Tween-20 prior to high-speed centrifugation to obtain soluble proteins. Those precipitated by 40% saturation with ammonium sulfate were subjected to stepwise addition of calcium phosphate gel to remove pyrophosphatase, and the remaining synthetase was further enriched by passage through a tricalcium phosphate column. An apparent yield of greater than 70% and purification over 70-fold was achieved from the high-speed supernatant fraction. The synthetase activity in solution at 4 degrees was largely lost within a week unless protected by thiols which could partly restore inactivated enzyme. The pH optimum for synthetase activity is near 7.7 when assayed with suitable concentrations of FMN, ATP, and Mg2+. Purified enzyme could be separated into lower (140,000) and higher (325,000) molecular weight components when subjected to molecular sieving on a Sephadex G-200 column.  相似文献   

FAD Synthetase (FADS) [EC], the second enzyme in flavin cofactor biosynthetic pathway converts FMN to FAD, plays an important role in many redox reactions. Neurospora crassa FADS (NcFADS) was cloned and overexpressed in E. coli cells. Recombinant NcFADS was purified in high yields of ~8 mg per liter of bacterial culture using a single step glutathione sepharose affinity chromatography. SDS-PAGE and MALDI-MS revealed that NcFADS has a molecular mass of ~31 kDa. Enzyme kinetic analysis monitored by reverse phase HPLC demonstrate a specific activity and kcat of 1356 nmol/min/mg and 0.69sec?1 respectively. Steady state kinetic analysis of NcFADS exhibited a Km of NcFADS for FMN is 2.7 μM and for MgATP?2 is 88.7 μM. Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments showed that the recombinant protein binds to the substrates with apparent Kd of 20.8 μM for FMN and 16.6 μM for MgATP?2. Biophysical characterization using intrinsic fluorescence suggests that the enzyme is in folded conformation. Far-UV CD data suggest that the backbone of the enzyme is predominantly in a helical conformation. Differential scanning calorimetry data shows that the Tm is 53 °C ± 1. This is the first report on cloning, purification and characterization of FADS from N. crassa. The specific activity of NcFADS is the highest than any of the reported FADS from any other source. The results obtained in this study is expected to pave way for intensive research aimed to understand the molecular basis for the extraordinarily high turnover rate of NcFADS.  相似文献   

An NADP-dependent branched-chain alcohol dehydrogenase was purified from Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. uvarum grown under anaerobic conditions. Its quaternary structure is monomeric, and it has a molecular mass of 37 kDa and a pI of 5.9. A possible role of the enzyme in flavor production during alcoholic fermentation is discussed.  相似文献   

NADH-cytochrome c oxidoreductase activity specifically expressed during growth on tetrahydrofuran was detected in cell extracts of Pseudonocardia sp. strain K1. The enzyme catalyzing this reaction was purified to apparent homogeneity by a three-step purification procedure. It was characterized as a monomer of apparent molecular mass 40 kDa. Spectroscopic studies indicated that it contains an iron-sulfur cluster and a flavin cofactor. An amount of 1 mol of flavin and 1 mol of iron was determined per mol of homogeneous protein. The N-terminal amino-acid sequence exhibited great similarity to the reductase component of various oxygenases. Cloning and sequencing of the corresponding gene designated as thmD revealed an ORF encoding a protein of 360 amino acids. An overall similarity of up to 38% was obtained to the NAD(P)H-acceptor reductase of several binuclear iron-containing mono-oxygenases. Conserved sequence motifs were identified that were similar to the chloroplast-type ferredoxin 2Fe-2S centre and to nucleotide-binding domains. Studies on the flavin cofactor showed that it could not be removed from the protein by denaturation, indicating a covalent attachment. Spectroscopic studies revealed that the flavin is at the FAD level and covalently bound to the protein via the flavin 8alpha-methyl group. Thus, the isolated reductase component is the first enzyme of this type for which a covalent attachment of the flavin has been observed.  相似文献   

From Mimosa pudica fresh leaves and pulvinar callus cells, we have purified tubulin protein using an anion-exchange resin, DEAE-Sephadex A-50, followed by ammonium sulfate fractionation and Sephadex G-200 gel filtration. The purified protein consisted of alpha and beta subunits and trace quantities of other proteins. When analysed by sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at pH 8.8, both alpha and beta subunits of tubulin almost comigrated with their counterparts from goat brain. Two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed that this tubulin contains one major alpha-tubulin having a pI value of 7.1 and three beta species having pI values of 6.70, 6.46 and 6.40. Morphologically normal microtubules were observed by electron microscopy; self-polymerization in vitro, even in the cold, can also be achieved. Radioimmunoassays, and also immunoblotting with the antibodies raised against alpha- and beta-tubulins of this plant, showed that the nature of alpha-tubulin is different from that obtained from other sources. This is an example of plant tubulin where strong colchicine binding at 1 microM was observed. This protein constitutes 5-6% of the total extractable protein in the leaves. We propose that movement of the leaves of this plant may be regulated by the presence of a high amount of this protein.  相似文献   

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