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Campylobacter is the most common cause of human acute bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide. In order to comply with the demands of consumers for food free of bacterial pathogens, a mass screening program for Campylobacter in Danish broilers has been carried out based on conventional bacterial culture techniques since 1998. However, using conventional culture methods is time consuming and laborious, and therefore a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Campylobacter detection assay suitable for mass screening of cloacal swab samples from broilers was developed. By comparing the PCR detection with conventional culture methods, significantly more samples were found positive for Campylobacter with the PCR method. The PCR method is rapid, sensitive and suitable for mass screening for Campylobacter in poultry. Using this PCR method Campylobacter can be detected within 15 h. Notably, the method can be applied to detect Campylobacter directly from chicken feces at the species level.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to evaluate cycloheximide as a potential media amendment to prevent fungal overgrowth on selective media for salmonellae enumeration. The objectives were to determine the effect of cycloheximide on Salmonella spp growth rates and to determine the effect of cycloheximide addition on Salmonella enumeration in selective media. The bacteria tested included two strains of Salmonella typhimurium (NO/NA and LT2) and one strain of Salmonella arizonae. All strains were grown in tryptic soy broth containing cycloheximide to determine the effect of cycloheximide on bacterial specific growth rates. The growth rate of all strains grown in tryptic soy broth were not significantly influenced by addition of cycloheximide at concentrations up to 1,000 mg/L. Growth rates of S. typhimurium NO/NA in minimal media were significantly decreased by addition of cycloheximide aerobically (300 mg/L) and anaerobically (600 mg/L). However, S. typhimurium NO/NA populations on brilliant green agar, MacConkey agar, and from selenite cysteine broth and tetrathionate broth were not affected by cycloheximide additions at concentrations up to 1,000 mg/L. Cycloheximide has potential as a fungistat additive for salmonellae selective media.  相似文献   

Capacitance monitoring is commonly used as an efficient means to generate growth curves of bacterial pathogens. However, the use of capacitance monitoring with Campylobacter spp. was previously determined to be difficult due to the complexity of the required media. We investigated capacitance monitoring using a simplified medium for the efficient and reproducible construction of growth curves for Campylobacter spp . It was determined that Campylobacter spp. should initially be propagated on Mueller Hinton plates in a microaerobic atmosphere (5% O2, 10% CO2, 85% N2) at 37C for 24 h, followed by transfer to Mueller Hinton biphasic cultures for 6 h at 37C in a microaerobic atmosphere. Serial dilutions of the Campylobacter spp. cultures should be used for inoculation of Bactometer wells that contain 1 mL Mueller Hinton broth supplemented with 0.1 M sodium pyruvate for the completion of Campylobacter spp. growth curves with the Bactometer.


Growth rates can vary greatly among Campylobacter isolates; therefore, the rapid and reproducible methods described will prove useful in studies where the generation of growth curves is critical for subsequent experimental analyses.  相似文献   

A total of 215 freshly processed post-chill whole chicken carcasses were assessed for Campylobacter spp. contamination by a fluorescence concentration immunoassay (FCIA) procedure. Whole chicken carcasses were sampled with low volume water rinses from which 5 ml portions were enriched with brucella enrichment broth with or without oxyrase supplement in a test tube enrichment system. After a 24h stationary incubation at 42C, each sample was assayed using a FCIA procedure for the presence or absence of campylobacters. The FCIA procedure indicated Campylobacter spp. contamination in 84% of carcasses using oxyrase supplemented enrichment, while only 47% of the chicken carcasses were positive from nonsupplemented enrichment. The corresponding incidence rates detected by culture method were 92% and 87% for oxyrase supplemented and unsupplemented samples, respectively. The FCIA procedure can be completed in less than 1 h with 48 samples including a positive and a negative control assayed on one plate. In summary, the test tube oxyrase-supplemented stationary enrichment system followed by the use of the FCIA procedure was found to be an effective, rapid method for the detection of Campylobacter spp. in chicken rinse water.  相似文献   

A method has been developed to detect thermophilic species of Campylobacter in shellfish, marine and tributary waters, sediment and farm runoff by-products such as manure and silage. The method consists of a 48 h enrichment incubation and subcultured to selective agars. Presumptive colonies confirmed with a latex agglutination (antibodies) to common flagellar antigens of C. jejuni, C. coli and C. lardi. Over an 8 year period, West Coast estuaries (Washington, Oregon, and California) were sampled, resulting in analysis of a total of 512 samples. Results suggest that Campylobacter spp. are well distributed in the marine environment. Two enrichment broths were compared for the recovery of campylobacters from environmental samples. The method described in the Food and Drug Administration Bacteriological Analytical Manual (FDA/BAM) (1984), was compared to a modified method. Use of the modified method described here resulted in higher recovery rates of Campylobacter spp. Recoveries of campylobacters from sediment, shellfish, and water were 10,13, and 28% higher for the modified method, respectively.  相似文献   

The suitability of PALCAM and modified Oxford (MOX) agars for recovering sublethally heat- and lactic acid-injured Listeria monocytogenes was investigated. L. monocytogenes LM101M, LM103M (meat isolates), and Scott A were suspended in tryptose phosphate broth (TPB), heated for up to 40 min at 54C, and surface plated onto tryptose phosphate agar (TPA), TPA + 4% NaCl (TPAS), PALCAM, and MOX. TPA and TPAS were used to determine total viable and sublethally injured populations, respectively. Heat-injured LM103M was recovered in the highest numbers on all media, followed by Scott A and LM101M (P<0.01). TPA allowed best recovery of all test strains, followed by PALCAMand MOX which were not different, and TPAS (P<0.01). For acid-injury studies, uninjured and heat-injured (54C for 20 min) test strains were suspended in phosphate-buffered TPB + 0.85% lactic acid (bTPBLA) at 25C for up to 24 h and plated as described above. Uninjured and heat-injured L. monocytogenes were recovered better from bTPBLA on MOX than on PALCAM (P<0.05). Heat injured L. monocytogenes LM103M was recovered better than LM101M but similar to Scott A on MOX and PALCAM (P<0.05), whereas Scott A was recovered similarly to LM101M and LM103M on MOX and PALCAM (P>0.05). Acid-injury of L. monocytogenes LM103M was enhanced by prior heat stress.  相似文献   

Tryptone soya agar (TSA) and three selective media, BCM1M O157:H7(+) agar (BCM), modified eosin methylene blue agar (MEMB), and sorbitol MacConkey agar (SMAC) were evaluated for recovery of two strains of E. coli O157:H7 (salami and cider isolates) heated at 56, 58, and 60C for up to 60 min in tryptone soya broth (TSB). TSA and MEMB were equally effective at recovery of heat-stressed (56, 58, and 60C) E . coli O 157:H7 and superior to SMAC and BCM (P 0.05). When heated at 56 and 58C, recovery of E. coli O157:H7 on MEMB and TSA was not significantly different (P > 0.05); recovery was poorer on SMAC, followed by BCM (P 0.05). There was no significant difference in recovery of E. coli O157:H7 on BCM and SMAC when strains were heated at 60C (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates of the genus Dinophysis are agents of Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP). They occur along the French coast and affect shellfish exploitation during most of the year (during spring, summer and autumn). Because this species is difficult to cultivate, very little is known about this organism. The first problem is the species‐delineation within this genus which is sometimes unclear based upon the solely on morphological features, in particular for the complex D. acuminata (D. cf. acuminata,, D. cf. norvegica, D. cf.sacculus, and D. skagii) or the complex D. sacculus (D. sacculus and D. pavillardii). The second problem is its detection in natural samples. French Dinophysis blooms have been reported to be toxic under 100 cells L?1, a concentration which corresponds to less than 1 cell 10‐mL?1, as determined by the Utermöhl method of enumeration. Molecular tools may help to resolve these two kind of problems. During one year (spring 1999 to spring 2000), more than 100 fixed samples containing Dinophysis spp. cells were collected along the French coast by the French monitoring network (or REPHY; http://www. ifremer.fr). The genetic diversity of Dinophysis spp. was studied by sequencing and analysis of ribosomal DNA genes. We found that sequences were hightly conserved between species or within the D. acuminata or D. sacculus complex. Two oligonucleotide probes, specific to these complex groups, were designed. Their specificity and sensitivity are actually tested on natural samples by a PCR‐based assay. Furthur investigation will include the development of standard molecular diagnostics due to their rapid and sensitive detection in natural samples.  相似文献   


Onoclea sensibilis gametophytes grown on agar, unsterilized soil or ashed soil without the addition of antheridiogen developed antheridia after the notch meristem was formed. There was a linear increase in maleness through time on all three media. Antheridial production on agar was delayed nearly 3 wk. Agar had a significantly higher proportion of females than ashed soil or unsterilized soil. It was concluded that agar is an inappropriate medium for experiments on the mechanism of sexual development in Onoclea gametophytes.  相似文献   

The light color of mice that inhabit the sandy dunes of Florida's coast have served as a textbook example of adaptation for nearly a century, despite the fact that the selective advantage of crypsis has never been directly tested or quantified in nature. Using plasticine mouse models of light and dark color, we demonstrate a strong selective advantage for mice that match their local background substrate. Further our data suggest that stabilizing selection maintains color matching within a single habitat, as models that are both lighter and darker than their local environment are selected against. These results provide empirical evidence in support of the hypothesis that visual hunting predators shape color patterning in Peromyscus mice and suggest a mechanism by which selection drives the pronounced color variation among populations.  相似文献   

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