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Daphnia can suppress ciliates and rotifers through predationand interference competition, but it is not known whether thisproduces any direct benefit to Daphnia. We conducted survivorshipand cohort lifetable experiments to determine whether Daphniacan utilize ciliates and rotifers as food. Three species ofoligotrich ciliates (Halteria grandinella, Strobilidium gyransand Strobilidiumvelox) and one rotifer (Keratella cochlearis)were used. Lifetable experiments were conducted with a basallevel of algae (Cryptomonas sp.), plus either ciliates or rotifers,while survivorship experiments had only the rotifers or ciliates.Densities of 30 H.grandinella ml–1, 50 S.gyrans ml–1and 15 S.velox ml–1 enhanced Daphnia pulex's populationgrowth rate 35–50% over controls with only algae. TenS.gyrans ml–1 did not produce a significant change inDaphnia's growth rate. Densities of 100 and 300 K.cochlearis–1 increased Daphnia population growth rates by II and10%, respectively. Both 10 and 50 S.gyrans ml–1 enhancedDaphnia's survivorship compared to starved controls, but neither100 nor 300 K.cochlearis l–1 enhanced its survivorship.The amount of enhancement of Daphnia growth rates by rotifersand ciliates is roughly proportional to the death rates imposedby Daphnia. The death rate imposed by Daphnia on rotifers isa function of both algal density and Daphnia size. Per unitbiomass, neither ciliates nor Keratella appear to be as nutritiousfor Daphnia as is Cryptomonas.  相似文献   

The abundance and biomass of the large heterotrophic dinoflagellateNoctiluca scintillans, together with the changes in its potentialprey items, were monitored in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, duringsummer 1997 (17 July-11 August). Growth and grazing rates ofNscintillans fed natural plankton populations were also measuredeight and seven times, respectively, during the survey period.The abundance and biomass of N scintillans averaged over thewater column (19 m) were in the range 1–345 cells 1–1(temporalaverage = 93 cell1–1) and 0.1–49.6 µg C l–1(temporalaverage = 13.8 µg C l–1; three times higher thanthat of calanoid copepods during the same period). Noctilucascintillans populations followed the changes in phytoplankton:N.scintillans biomass was increasing during the period of diatomblooms and was at a plateau or decreasing during periods oflow chlorophyll a. The growth rates of N.scintillans (µ)were also consistent with the wax and wane of the N.scintillanspopulation: N.scintillans showed highest growth rates duringdiatom blooms. A simple relationship between µ and chlorophylla concentration was established, and the production of N.scintillanswas estimated using this relationship and the measured biomass.The estimated production averaged over the water column wasin the range >0.1–5.2 µg C l–1 day–1(temporalaverage = 1.4 µg C l–1 day–1; 64% of the productionof calanoid copepods during the same period). Diatom clearancerates by N.scintillans were in the range 0.10–0.35 mlcell–1 day–1, and the phytoplankton population clearanceby N.scintillans was >12% day–1. Thus, although thefeeding pressure of N.scintillans on phytoplankton standingstock was low, N.scintillans was an important member of themesozooplank-ton in terms of biomass and production in the SetoInland Sea during summer.  相似文献   

The pattern of biomass and abundance of microzooplankton andmesozooplankton were studied over an annual cycle in the NuecesEstuary, Texas. Zooplankton samples and associated hydrographicdata were collected at four locations at biweekly intervalsfrom September 1987 through October 1988. This is a broad, shallowbay system with an average depth of 2.4 m. The concentrationof chlorophyll a in the surface waters averaged 7.4 µgl–1with 85% passing through a 20 µ mesh. Microzooplankton(20–200 µ in length) were extremely abundant throughoutthis study. Abundances of ciliates (including both aloricateciliates and tintinnids) ranged from 5000 to 400 000 l,with a mean of 38 000 l–1 of seawater over the entirecourse of the study. Mesozooplankton (200–2000 µmin length) abundance averaged 6100 m–3 for samples collectedduring the day and 10 100 m–3 for samples collected atnight. Mesozooplankton were dominated by Acartia tonsa whichmade up {small tilde}50% of the total. Biomass estimates formicrozooplankton (based on volume estimates) were often higherthan measured biomass of mesozooplankton. Given the shortergeneration times and higher metabolic rate of microzooplanktoncompared to mesozooplankton, microzooplankton should have agreater effect on the trophic dynamics of the Nueces Estuarythan mesozooplankton.  相似文献   

The abundance and biomass of marine planktonic ciliates in BorgeBay, Signy Island, were determined at monthly intervals betweenApril 1990 and June 1991. At least 24 different ciliate taxawere recorded from samples preserved in Lugol's iodine, includingthe tintinnids Codonellopsis balechi, Cymalocylis convallaria,Laackmaniella naviculaefera and Salpingella sp., and the aloricatetaxa Didinium sp. and Mesodinium rubrum. Ciliate abundance andbiomass exhibited a clear seasonal cycle with high values duringthe austral summer and low values in the austral winter. Abundanceranged from 0.3 103l–1 in September to 2.3 103l–1in January, while biomass ranged from 0.5 µg C l–1in October to 12.6 µg C l–1 in December. Small ciliatesdominated abundance throughout the year, and biomass duringwinter. Larger ciliates contributed most to biomass during summer.Aloricate ciliates were common throughout the year, while tintinnidscontributed substantially to abundance and biomass only duringsummer. Salpingella sp. was the commonest tintinnid, but C.convallariacontributed most to tintinnid biomass. The seasonal patternof ciliate abundance and biomass matched that of chlorophylla concentration and bacterial biomass, suggesting tight trophiccoupling between ciliates and other components of the pelagicmicrobial community. 1Present address: Scott Polar Research Institute, Universityof Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1ER, UK  相似文献   

The impact of a cyclopoid copepod population on the protozoacommunity (two ciliate categories and Cryptomonas) was assessedweekly during the spring cohort of Cyclops vicinus (one monthduration) in hypereutrophic Lake Søbygård by insitu gradient experiments with manipulation of ambient zooplanktonabundance. As C.vicinus always made up >92% of the zooplanktonbiomass, the response of protozoa is assumed to be a resultof predation by the copepod. Significant effects of copepodbiomass on protozoa net population growth rates were obtainedin the four experiments. Copepod clearance rates were significantlyhigher on oligotrichs than on prostomatids and Cryptomonas butdeclined for all three protozoa categories during the firstthree weeks of the copepod cohort, probably because of the changein developmental instar composition of the copepod population.Grazing impact on protozoa at ambient copepod abundance wasconsiderable (range, 0.05–0.87 day–1) and could,together with the estimated reproductive potential of protozoans(range, –0.20–0.87 day–1), account for thedecline in abundance and biomass of protozoa during the cohortdevelopment. Carbon flow from the protozoa to C.vicinus (range,2.8–23.5 µg C l–1 day–1) documents thepresence of a trophic link between protozoa and the spring cohortof C.vicinus in Lake Søbygård.  相似文献   

The ingestion rates of the copepod, Diacyclops thomasi, on thesoft-bodied rotifer, Synchaeta pectinata, increased 10-fold(0.07–0.77 Synchaeta h–1) over the range 50–250prey l–1. The saturating functional response curve appearedsigmoid but was statistically indistinguishable from a parabola.The response curve was more linear and 10 times lower over thesame range of density when Diacyclops was offered Kerarellacochleans, a species having a stiffened lorica. Diacyclops maximizedits ingestion rate on Synchaeta as a function of the availablegut space. Predation effort, measured as clearance rates, waslinked tentatively to changes in swimming speed of Diacyclopsand was a function of hunger level. Diacyclops, which were starvedfor varying periods of time, increased their ingestion rateson Synchaeta up to a maximum (-3.0 h–1) after 7–10h of food deprivation. The gut passage time of Diacyclops wasestimated to be 7–8 h. Therefore, ingestion rates (andclearance rates) appeared to be strongly correlated to the volumeof food in the gut.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton and ice algal assemblages in the SiberianLaptev Sea during the autumnal freeze-up period of 1995 aredescribed. The spatial distribution of algal taxa (diatoms,dinoflagellates, chrysophytes, chlorophytes) in the newly formedice and waters at the surface and at 5 m depth differed considerablybetween regions. This was also true for algal biomass measuredby in situ fluorescence, chlorophyll (Chl) a and taxon-specificcarbon content. Highest in situ fluorescence and Chl a concentrations(ranging from 0.1 to 3.2 µg l–1) occurred in surfacewaters with maxima in Buor Khaya Bay east of Lena Delta. Thealgal standing stock on the shelf consisted mainly of diatoms,dinoflagellates, chrysophytes and chlorophytes with a totalabundance (excluding unidentified flagellates <10 µm)in surface waters of 351–33 660 cells l–1. Highestalgal abundance occurred close to the Lena Delta. Phytoplanktonbiomass (phytoplankton carbon; PPC) ranged from 0.1 to 5.3 µgC l–1 in surface waters and from 0.3 to 2.1 µg Cl–1 at 5 m depth, and followed the distribution patternof abundances. However, the distribution of Chl a differed considerablyfrom the distribution pattern shown by PPC. The algal assemblagein the sea ice, which could not be quantified due to high sedimentload, was dominated by diatom species, accompanied by dinoflagellates.Thus, already during the early stage of autumnal freeze-up,incorporation processes, selective enrichment and subsequentgrowth lead to differences between surface water and sea icealgal assemblages.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton biomass, primary production rates and inorganicnutrients were measured in the uppermost layer of the ice-edgeregion and in open water and compared with environmental factorsduring a three-week cruise in September – October 1979.Biomass and production values were low (maximum 2.2 µgchl a l–1, 2.5 mg C m–3 h–1). A post-bloomcommunity of diatoms, consisting mainly of representatives ofChaetoceros, Leptocylindrus, Nitzschia and Thalassiosira, waspredominant. Concentrations of phosphate were quite low (maximum0.55 µM I–1). Nitrate and silicate ranged from nomeasurable quantities to 5.7 µM l–1 and 3.8 µMl–1, respectively. The possibility of light and nutrientlimitation on phytoplankton growth is discussed.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine whether thetwo cyclopoid copepods. Cyclops vicious and Mesocyclops leuckaru.exploit the same food resources. The food requirements of juvenilesof the two cyclopoid copepods were investigated. Moreover, theimportance of algae for the predaceous adults was studied. Naupliiof both M leuckaru and C.vicinus successfully developed intocopepodites when fed the motile algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.Chlamydomonas sphaeroides and Cryptomonas sp. Threshold foodconcentrations for naupliar development varied between offeredalgae and between the two cyclopoid species. The food thresholdfor successful naupliar development, when reared on C.reinhardui,was lower for M.leuckarti (0.3 mg C 1–1) than for C.vicinus(0.5 mg C l–1) whereas a similar food threshold was foundusing Cryptornonas sp (0.3 mg C –1) and C.sphaeroides(<0.2 mg C 1–1), Naupliar development time was inverselyrelated to food concentration. Food required for copepoditedevelopment differed for the two cyclopoid species. Cyclopsvicinus was able to develop to the adult stage on a pure dietof any one of the three algal species. whereas M.leuckarti requireda prey supply of the rotifer Brachionus rubens. Food composition.i.e. algal species, algal concentration and rotifer abundance,influenced copepodite survivorship of both cyclopoids and wasalways higher in the presence of B.rubens. Under similar foodconditions, mortality was higher for M.leuckarti than for Cvicinus. Mesocyclops leuckaru females were very dependent onanimal food. The predation rate of M.leuckaru was not lowerin the presence of algae. Egg production of M.leuckarti waslow on a pure algal diet and significantly higher when B rubenswas present. The results were used to discuss the life cyclestrategy and the possibility of exploitative competition ofthe two cyclopoid copepods.  相似文献   

In May 1994, we investigated the short-term development of theplanktonic community in the epi- and metalimnion of an oligo-mesotrophiclake (Piburger See, Tyrol), focusing on trophic links betweenprotists and picoplankton, but also including phyto- and zooplankton.Uptake experiments with fluorescently labelled bacteria (FLB)and picocyanobacteria (FIC) were performed in order to comparethe importance of both prey types as carbon sources for bacterivorousprotists. Heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) were responsiblefor {small tilde}90% of total protozoan picoplanktivory (FLB+ FLC); ciliates accounted for {small tilde}10%. A selectivityindex related to prey density showed that both HNF and ciliatesclearly preferred FLC over FLB. The mean cell size of autotrophic(prokaryotic) picoplankton (APP) was nearly three times larger(0.323 µm3) and much less variable than mean bacterialcell volume (0.122 µm3). Although APP biomass was on averageonly 8.6% of total picoplankton biomass, pico-cyanobacteriaaccounted for a mean 15.9% of total HNF carbon uptake. We calculatedthat total HNF grazing could match potential APP maximum growthrates at the beginning of the study period. A strong decreasein HNF individual clearance rate (CR) on APP was clearly relatedto a fall in the percentage of choanofiagellates (from 75 to{small tilde}10% of the HNF community). A simultaneous decreasein HNF biomass and CR was followed by a steep increase in APPabundance; APP abundance and HNF biomass were highly negativelycorrelated both in the epi- and the metalimnion (r1 EM = –0.879,r1 META = =0.907; P = 0.001). Total rotifer abundance increasedby a factor of 50 within 2 weeks and was also negatively correlatedwith HNF biomass (r1 EM = –0.852, P < 0.001; r1 META= –0.659, P < 0.05). HNF grazing was found to exerta strong short-term control on picocyanobacteria and this linkwas probably broken by an increase in metazooplankton, especiallydue to rotifer predation on HNF.  相似文献   

Ephyra larvae and small medusae (1.7–95 mm diameter, 0.01–350mg ash-free dry wt, AFDW) of the scyphozoan jellyfish Aureliaaurita were used in predation experiments with phytoplankton(the flagellate Isochrysis galbana, 4 µm diameter, {smalltilde}6 x 10–6 µg AFDW cell–1), ciliates (theoligotrich Strombidium sulcatum, 28 µm diameter, {smalltilde}2 x 10–3 µg AFDW), rotifers (Synchaeta sp.,0.5 µg AFDW individual–1) and mixed zooplankton(mainly copepods and cladocerans, 2.1–3.1 µg AFDWindividual–1). Phytoplankton in natural concentrations(50–200 µg C I–1) were not utilized by largemedusae (44–95 mm diameter). Ciliates in concentrationsfrom 0.5 to 50 individuals ml"1 were consumed by ephyra larvaeand small medusae (3–14 mm diameter) at a maximum predationrate of 171 prey day–1, corresponding to a daily rationof 0.42%. The rotifer Synchaeta sp., offered in concentrationsof 100–600 prey I–1, resulted in daily rations ofephyra larvae (2–5 mm diameter) between 1 and 13%. Mixedzooplankton allowed the highest daily rations, usually in therange 5–40%. Large medusae (>45 mm diameter) consumedbetween 2000 and 3500 prey organisms day"1 in prey concentrationsexceeding 100 I–1. Predation rate and daily ration werepositively correlated with prey abundance. Seen over a broadsize spectrum, the daily ration decreased with increased medusasize. The daily rations observed in high abundance of mixedzooplankton suggest a potential ‘scope for growth’that exceeds the growth rate observed in field populations,and this, in turn, suggests that the natural populations areusually food limited. The predicted predation rate at averageprey concentrations that are characteristic of neritic environmentscannot explain the maximum growth rates observed in field populations.It is therefore suggested that exploitation of patches of preyin high abundance is an important component in the trophodynamicsof this species. 1Present address: University of Bergen, Department of MarineBiology, N-5065 Blomsterdalen, Norway  相似文献   

The total number of planktonic bacteria in the upper mixed layerof the Bering Sea during the late spring-early summer periodranged between 1 and {small tilde}4 x 106 ml–1 (biomass10–40mg C m–3). In the northern Pacific, along 47–526N,the corresponding characteristics of the bacterioplankton densityin the upper mixed water layer were: total number 1–2x 106 cells ml–1 and biomass 15–46mg C m–3Below the thermocline at 50–100 m, the density of bacterioplanktonrapidly decreased. At 300 m depth, it stabilized at 0.1–0.2x 106 cells ml–1. The integrated biomass of bacterioplanktonin the open Bering Sea ranged between 1.2 and 3.6 g C m–2(wet biomass 6–18 g m–2) Its production per dayvaried from 2 to 23 mg C m–3 days–1 in the upper0–100 m. The numerical abundance of planktonic ciliatesin this layer was estimated to be from 3 to l0 x 103 cells l–1,and in the northern Pacific from 0.4 to 4.5 x 103 l–2.Their populations were dominated by naked forms of Strombidium,Strombilidium and Tontonia. In some shelf areas, up to 40% ofthe total ciliate population was represented by the symbioticciliate Mesodinium rubrum. The data on the integrated biomassof basic groups of planktonic microheterotrophs are also presented,and their importance in the trophic relationships in pelagiccommunities of subarctic seas is discussed.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the species composition of tintinnid ciliateswere examined based on time-series samples taken at 2 week intervalsover a 3 year period in Hiroshima Bay, the Seto Inland Sea ofJapan. The maximum abundance of total tintinnids over the entireperiod was 5.7 x 103 indi viduals l Among 32 speciesidentified, a consistent seasonal occurrence was recognizedin 22 species. The relationships between various environmentalfactors and the abundance of each species of tintinnids wereanalyzed using principal component analysis From this analysis,the abundance of many tintinnids was revealed to be associatedwith temperature, the <20 µm size fraction of chlorophylla and water column stability, but not with the <20 µmsize fraction of chlorophyll a, nor with salinity. From theseresults, tintinnid species were divided into five associationtypes: species whose abundance increased with increasing temperature,decreasing temperature, nanophytoplankton abundance, increasingwater column mixing, or increasing water stratification coupledwith low temperature.  相似文献   

Ingestion and clearance rates, feeding behaviors and life historyvariables of the marine cladoceran Penilia avirostris were evaluatedover a range of food concentrations encountered in nature (0.01–3.0mm3 1–1 of Isochrysis galbana). Ingestion rates increasedand clearance rates decreased with increasing food concentration.No maximum feeding thresholds were observed over the range ofalgal concentrations offered. Weight-specific ingestion ratesdecreased with increasing body weight. Feeding behaviors suchas mandibular activity, abdominal claw rejections of cloggedfeeding structures and feeding appendage activity decreasedat a food level of 0.3 mm3 l–1 of l. galbana. Peniliaavirostris had very poor survivorship at extremely low (0.01mm3 l–1 and high (3.00 mm3 l–1) food levels. Mortalitywas hardly affected at food levels of 0.03–1.0 mm3 l–1Reproduction did not occur at food levels of  相似文献   

The heterotrophic dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans has anegligible swimming ability and feeds predominantly on immobileprey. How, then, does it encounter prey? Noctiluca scintillansis positively buoyant and, therefore, we hypothesized that itintercepts prey particles during ascent and/or that microscaleshear brings it into contact with prey. Noctiluca scintillanshas a specific carbon content 1–2 orders of magnitudeless than that typical for protists and, thus, an inflated volume.It also has a density slightly less than that of the ambientwater and therefore ascends at high velocities (-1 m h–1).In stagnant water, clearance rates of latex spheres (5–80µm) increased approximately with prey particle size squared.This scaling is consistent with N.scintillans being an interceptionfeeder. However, absolute clearance rates were substantiallylower than those predicted by modeling N.scintillans both asa spherical and as a cylindrical collector. The latter modelassumes that prey particles are collected on the string of mucusthat may form at the tip of the tentacle. Feeding, growth andprey selection experiments all demonstrated that diatoms arecleared at substantially higher rates than latex beads and otherphytoplankters, particularly dinoflagellates. We propose thatdiatoms stick more efficiently than latex beads to the mucusof N.scintillans and that dinoflagellates reduce fatal contactbehaviorally. We conclude that N.scintillans is an interceptionfeeder and that the high ascent velocity accounts for encounterswith prey. However, the flow field around the cell-mucus complexis too complicated to be described accurately by simple geometricmodels. Fluid shear (0.7–1.8 s–1 had a negativeimpact on feeding rates, which were much less than predictedby models. Noctiluca scintillans can survive starvation forlong periods (>3 weeks), it can grow at low concentrationsof prey (-15 µg C l–1), but growth saturates onlyat very high prey concentrations of 500–1000 µgC l–1 or more. We demonstrate how the functional biologyof N.scintillans is consistent with its spatial and seasonaldistribution, which is characterized by persistence in the plankton,blooms in association with high concentrations of diatoms, andsurface accumulation during quiescent periods or exponentialdecline in abundance with depth during periods of turbulentmixing.  相似文献   

Are bacteria an important food source for rotifers in eutrophic lakes?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In situ grazing measurements using fluorescent particles of0.5, 2.4 and 6.3 µm diameter in eutrophic Lake Loosdrecht(The Netherlands) showed that Anuraeopsis fissa, a small rotifer,filtered the smallest, bacteria-sized particles as efficientlyor more efficiently than the larger particles. In contrast,three other rotifer species (Brachionus angularis, Filinia longisetaand Pompholyx sulcata) filtered the bacteria-sized particlesless efficiently than the larger particles. Both Keratella cochlearisand Conochilus unicornis only ingested the bacteria-sized particles.Anuraeopsis fissa had a higher uptake of fluorescent bacteria-sizedparticles than K.cochlearis, both in 1 µm filtrate oflake water and in lake water. Within both species, uptake didnot differ between juveniles and adults. When cultured on threedifferent size fractions of lake water (1, 3 and 15 µmfiltrate) in July, all rotifer species declined in numbers onthe 1 and 3 µm filtrates, while A.fissa and B.angularisincreased in numbers on the 15 µm filtrate. The high abundanceof small bacteria in the lake water could not support rotiferpopulations. It is concluded that bacteria are not a suitablefood source of high quality for A.fissa because its populationdoes not grow even though the bacterial concentration was higherthan its estimated threshold food concentration. In August,when individually cultured, the mortality was high for all species,but especially for F.longiseta. The lifespan of K.cochleariswas reduced in the 1 and 3 µm filtrates of lake water,compared with in the 15 µm filtrate. The lifespan of A.fissawas similar in all filtrates, but reproduction was reduced inthe 1 and 3 µm filtrates, as in Keratella. On the 15 µmfiltrate, their ages at first reproduction and growth ratesdid not differ. Individuals of A.fissa older than 4 days showeda higher survival in the 15 µm filtrate than in the othertwo filtrates, as did K.cochlearis throughout its life. Hence,bacteria seem to be a more important food source for youngerindividuals of A.fissa than of K.cochlearis.  相似文献   

The effect of three different Scenedesmus food concentrations(0.04, 0.2 and 1 mg C l–1) on maternal investment wasstudied in two cladoceran species of similar size, Daphnia pulicariaand D.hyalina. It was observed that as food concentration decreased(between 1 and 0.2 mg C l–1), there was an increase insize, protein content, lipid content, carbon and mass of theegg, while, at the same time, the clutch size of the femalesbecame smaller. Such an increase in ‘per offspring investment’was reflected in an increase in body length, body carbon andbody mass of neonates as the food available for females decreased.However, in D.pulicaria this tendency was not maintained downat 0.04 mg C l–1 in which there was a decrease of theegg characteristics mentioned above. Although, there are notavailable all the egg and neonate parameters of D.hyalina at0.04 mg C l–1, the body length of the neonates was largerthan at 0.2 and 1 mg C l–1. These results show that, asfood diminishes, these two cladoceran species are able to respondby decreasing clutch size, but increasing the size of egg, therebyincreasing the probability of neonate survival. This tendencyis probably maintained until the food concentration is too lowand the females have to reduce the energy allocated for reproduction.  相似文献   

Stem from three- and four-week-old Soyabean [Glycine max (L.)Merr. cv. Tracy] plants reduced from 0.3 to 0.7 µmol nitrateh–l g–l f. wt. Leaf activity was 4.7–7.6 µmolnitrate h–l g–l f. wt. Outer stem was two to fourtimes more active at reducing nitrate than was inner stem. Plantnitrate nutrition had a strong effect upon the ratio of activitypresent in stem and leaf. More nitrate increased the proportionpresent in leaves. Glycine max L., soyabean, nitrate assimilation, nitrogen metabolism, Rhizobium japonicum  相似文献   

GU  ZHUPING 《Annals of botany》1987,60(3):309-313
Callus of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) was initiatedfrom stem and root explants which were obtained from seedlingsgrowing in vitro, on Linsmaier Skoog (LS) medium supplementedwith 1 mg l–1 2, 4-D and 1 mg l–1 BA or only 1 mgl–1 BA, and the Vacin and Went medium without hormones.Somatic embryos were formed on LS medium containing 1 m l–1BA. Embryos developed into complete plants on filter paper saturatedwith hormone-free LS medium. Onobrychis viciifolia, somatic embryogenesis, callus culture, plant regeneration  相似文献   

During the 1st GAP Workshop at Konstanz in April 1982 comparativemeasurements of phytoplankton primary production by severaltechniques were conducted simultaneously at an offshore stationin Lake Konstanz and an experimental algal pond. Suspended glassbottle exposure techniques using 14C and 13C uptake gave Pz(mg C m–3 h–1) values which varied considerablynear-surface, but estimates of areal rates for the euphoticzone Pcu(mg C m–3 h–1) which were reasonably close.In the lake, Pz, from a vertical tube exposure (with 14C uptake)was greater than rates derived for integrated bottle samples.The oxygen bottle method permitted a good estimate of compensationdepth, corresponding to in situ growth studies. There were difficultiesin direct comparison between O2 and carbon methods. Correlationbetween them for Pz was good in the lake but poor in the pond,both for suspended bottle and vertical tube methods. This seriesdemonstrates that despite reasonable overall estimates, comparativelyminor methodological differences in experimental technique cancause large variation. + Coordinator of the group for comparative measurements of photosyntheticproduction at the GAP Workshop, Konstanz, April 1982. *This paper is the result of a study made at the Group for AquaticPrimary Productivity (GAP) First International Workshop heldat the Limnological Institute, University of Konstanz, in April1982.  相似文献   

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