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MutS and MutL are both required to activate downstream events in DNA mismatch repair. We examined the rate of dissociation of MutS from a mismatch using linear heteroduplex DNAs or heteroduplexes blocked at one or both ends by four-way DNA junctions in the presence and absence of MutL. In the presence of ATP, dissociation of MutS from linear heteroduplexes or heteroduplexes blocked at only one end occurs within 15 s. When both duplex ends are blocked, MutS remains associated with the DNA in complexes with half-lives of 30 min. DNase I footprinting of MutS complexes is consistent with migration of MutS throughout the DNA duplex region. When MutL is present, it associates with MutS and prevents ATP-dependent migration away from the mismatch in a manner that is dependent on the length of the heteroduplex. The rate and extent of mismatch-provoked cleavage at hemimethylated GATC sites by MutH in the presence of MutS, MutL, and ATP are the same whether the mismatch and GATC sites are in cis or in trans. These results suggest that a MutS-MutL complex in the vicinity of a mismatch is involved in activating MutH.  相似文献   

M C Hall  J R Jordan    S W Matson 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(5):1535-1541
UvrD (DNA helicase II) is an essential component of two major DNA repair pathways in Escherichia coli: methyl-directed mismatch repair and UvrABC-mediated nucleotide excision repair. In addition, it has an undefined role in the RecF recombination pathway and possibly in replication. In an effort to better understand the role of UvrD in these various aspects of DNA metabolism, a yeast two-hybrid screen was used to search for interacting protein partners. Screening of an E.coli genomic library revealed a potential interaction between UvrD and MutL, a component of the methyl-directed mismatch repair pathway. The interaction was confirmed by affinity chromatography using purified proteins. Deletion analysis demonstrated that the C-terminal 218 amino acids (residues 398-615) of MutL were sufficient to produce the two-hybrid interaction with UvrD. On the other hand, both the N- and C-termini of UvrD were required for interaction with MutL. The implications of this interaction for the mismatch repair mechanism are discussed.  相似文献   

The MutL ATPase is required for mismatch repair   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Members of the MutL family contain a novel nucleotide binding motif near their amino terminus, and the Escherichia coli protein has been found to be a weak ATPase (Ban, C., and Yang, W. (1998) Cell 95, 541-552). Genetic analysis has indicated that substitution of Lys for Glu-32 within this motif of bacterial MutL results in a strong dominant negative phenotype (Aronshtam, A., and Marinus, M. G. (1996) Nucleic Acids Res. 24, 2498-2504). By in vitro comparison of MutL-E32K with the wild type protein, we show the mutant protein to be defective in DNA-activated ATP hydrolysis, as well as MutS- and MutL-dependent activation of the MutH d(GATC) endonuclease and the mismatch repair excision system. MutL-E32K also acts in dominant negative manner in the presence of wild type MutL in vitro, inhibiting the overall mismatch repair reaction, as well as MutH activation. As judged by protein affinity chromatography, MutL and MutL-E32K both support formation of ternary complexes that also contain MutS and MutH or MutS and DNA helicase II. These findings imply that the MutL nucleotide binding center is required for mismatch repair and suggest that the dominant negative behavior of the MutL-E32K mutation is due to the formation of dead-end complexes in which the MutL-E32K protein is unable to transduce a signal from MutS that otherwise results in mismatch-dependent activation of the MutH d(GATC) endonuclease or the unwinding activity of helicase II.  相似文献   

The DNA binding properties of the mismatch repair protein MutL and their importance in the repair process have been controversial for nearly two decades. We have addressed this issue using a point mutant of MutL (MutL-R266E). The biochemical and genetic data suggest that DNA binding by MutL is required for dam methylation-directed mismatch repair. We demonstrate that purified MutL-R266E retains wild-type biochemical properties that do not depend on DNA binding, such as basal ATP hydrolysis in the absence of DNA and the ability to interact with other mismatch repair proteins. However, purified MutL-R266E binds DNA poorly in vitro as compared with MutL, and consistent with this observation, its DNA-dependent biochemical activities, like DNA-stimulated ATP hydrolysis and helicase II stimulation, are severely compromised. In addition, there is a modest effect on stimulation of MutH-catalyzed nicking. Finally, genetic assays show that MutL-R266E has a strong mutator phenotype, demonstrating that the mutant is unable to function in dam methylation-directed mismatch repair in vivo.  相似文献   

Vsr DNA mismatch endonuclease is the key enzyme of very short patch (VSP) DNA mismatch repair and nicks the T-containing strand at the site of a T-G mismatch in a sequence-dependent manner. MutS is part of the mutHLS repair system and binds to diverse mismatches in DNA. The function of the mutL gene product is currently unclear but mutations in the gene abolish mutHLS -dependent repair. The absence of MutL severely reduces VSP repair but does not abolish it. Purified MutL appears to act catalytically to bind Vsr to its substrate; one-hundredth of an equivalent of MutL is sufficient to bring about a significant effect. MutL enhances binding of MutS to its substrate 6-fold but does so in a stoichiometric manner. Mutational studies indicate that the MutL interaction region lies within the N-terminal 330 amino acids and that the MutL multimerization region is at the C-terminal end. MutL mutant monomeric forms can stimulate MutS binding.  相似文献   

We have used the recently determined crystal structures of Escherichia coli (E. coli) MutS, MutL and MutH to guide construction of 47 amino-acid substitutions in these proteins and analyzed their behavior in mismatch repair and recombination in vitro and in vivo. We find that the active site of the MutH endonuclease is composed of regions from two separate structural domains and that the C-terminal 5 residues of MutH influence both DNA binding and cleavage. We also find that the non-specific DNA-binding activity of MutL is required for mismatch repair and probably functions after strand cleavage by MutH. Alteration of residues in either the mismatch recognition domain, the ATPase active site, or the domain interfaces linking the two activities can diminish the differential binding of MutS to homoduplex versus heteroduplex and results in the loss of mismatch-specific MutH activation. Finally, every mutation that abolishes mismatch repair is deficient in blocking homeologous recombination, suggesting that mismatch repair and prevention of homeologous recombination use the same MutS-MutL complexes for signaling in E. coli.  相似文献   

Most eubacteria, and all eukaryotes examined thus far, encode homologs of the DNA mismatch repair protein MutS. Although eubacteria encode only one or two MutS-like proteins, eukaryotes encode at least six distinct MutS homolog (MSH) proteins, corresponding to conserved (orthologous) gene families. This suggests evolution of individual gene family lines of descent by several duplication/specialization events. Using quantitative phylogenetic analyses (RASA, or relative apparent synapomorphy analysis), we demonstrate that comparison of complete MutS protein sequences, rather than highly conserved C-terminal domains only, maximizes information about evolutionary relationships. We identify a novel, highly conserved middle domain, as well as clearly delineate an N-terminal domain, previously implicated in mismatch recognition, that shows family-specific patterns of aromatic and charged amino acids. Our final analysis, in contrast to previous analyses of MutS-like sequences, yields a stable phylogenetic tree consistent with the known biochemical functions of MutS/MSH proteins, that now assigns all known eukaryotic MSH proteins to a monophyletic group, whose branches correspond to the respective specialized gene families. The rooted phylogenetic tree suggests their derivation from a mitochondrial MSH1-like protein, itself the descendent of the MutS of a symbiont in a primitive eukaryotic precursor.  相似文献   

The UvrD helicase and its modulation by the mismatch repair protein MutL   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
UvrD is a superfamily I DNA helicase with well documented roles in excision repair and methyl-directed mismatch repair (MMR) in addition to poorly understood roles in replication and recombination. The MutL protein is a homodimeric DNA-stimulated ATPase that plays a central role in MMR in Escherichia coli. This protein has been characterized as the master regulator of mismatch repair since it interacts with and modulates the activity of several other proteins involved in the mismatch repair pathway including MutS, MutH and UvrD. Here we present a brief summary of recent studies directed toward arriving at a better understanding of the interaction between MutL and UvrD, and the impact of this interaction on the activity of UvrD and its role in mismatch repair.  相似文献   

Bai H  Lu AL 《Journal of bacteriology》2007,189(3):902-910
Escherichia coli MutY and MutS increase replication fidelity by removing adenines that were misincorporated opposite 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-deoxyguanines (8-oxoG), G, or C. MutY DNA glycosylase removes adenines from these mismatches through a short-patch base excision repair pathway and thus prevents G:C-to-T:A and A:T-to-G:C mutations. MutS binds to the mismatches and initiates the long-patch mismatch repair on daughter DNA strands. We have previously reported that the human MutY homolog (hMYH) physically and functionally interacts with the human MutS homolog, hMutSalpha (Y. Gu et al., J. Biol. Chem. 277:11135-11142, 2002). Here, we show that a similar relationship between MutY and MutS exists in E. coli. The interaction of MutY and MutS involves the Fe-S domain of MutY and the ATPase domain of MutS. MutS, in eightfold molar excess over MutY, can enhance the binding activity of MutY with an A/8-oxoG mismatch by eightfold. The MutY expression level and activity in mutS mutant strains are sixfold and twofold greater, respectively, than those for the wild-type cells. The frequency of A:T-to-G:C mutations is reduced by two- to threefold in a mutS mutY mutant compared to a mutS mutant. Our results suggest that MutY base excision repair and mismatch repair defend against the mutagenic effect of 8-oxoG lesions in a cooperative manner.  相似文献   

The alternating ATPase domains of MutS control DNA mismatch repair   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
DNA mismatch repair is an essential safeguard of genomic integrity by removing base mispairings that may arise from DNA polymerase errors or from homologous recombination between DNA strands. In Escherichia coli, the MutS enzyme recognizes mismatches and initiates repair. MutS has an intrinsic ATPase activity crucial for its function, but which is poorly understood. We show here that within the MutS homodimer, the two chemically identical ATPase sites have different affinities for ADP, and the two sites alternate in ATP hydrolysis. A single residue, Arg697, located at the interface of the two ATPase domains, controls the asymmetry. When mutated, the asymmetry is lost and mismatch repair in vivo is impaired. We propose that asymmetry of the ATPase domains is an essential feature of mismatch repair that controls the timing of the different steps in the repair cascade.  相似文献   

Li F  Liu Q  Chen YY  Yu ZN  Zhang ZP  Zhou YF  Deng JY  Bi LJ  Zhang XE 《Mutation research》2008,637(1-2):101-110
It has been hypothesized that DNA mismatch repair (MMR) is coupled with DNA replication; however, the involvement of DNA polymerase III subunits in bacterial DNA MMR has not been clearly elucidated. In an effort to better understand the relationship between these 2 systems, the potential interactions between the Escherichia coli MMR protein and the clamp loader subunits of E. coli DNA polymerase III were analyzed by far western blotting and then confirmed and characterized by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) imaging. The results showed that the MMR key protein MutL could directly interact with both the individual subunits delta, delta', and gamma and the complex of these subunits (clamp loader). Kinetic parameters revealed that the interactions are strong and stable, suggesting that MutL might be involved in the recruitment of the clamp loader during the resynthesis step in MMR. The interactions between MutL, the delta and gamma subunits, and the clamp loader were observed to be modulated by ATP. Deletion analysis demonstrated that both the N-terminal residues (1-293) and C-terminal residues (556-613) of MutL are required for interacting with the subunits delta and delta'. Based on these findings and the available information, the network of interactions between the MMR components and the DNA polymerase III subunits was established; this network provides strong evidence to support the notion that DNA replication and MMR are highly associated with each other.  相似文献   

The MutS DNA mismatch protein recognizes heteroduplex DNAs containing mispaired or unpaired bases. We have examined the oligomerization of a MutS protein from Thermus aquaticus that binds to heteroduplex DNAs at elevated temperatures. Analytical gel filtration, cross-linking of MutS protein with disuccinimidyl suberate, light scattering, and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry establish that the Taq protein is largely a dimer in free solution. Analytical equilibrium sedimentation showed that the oligomerization of Taq MutS involves a dimer-tetramer equilibrium in which dimer predominates at concentrations below 10 microM. The DeltaG(0)(2-4) for the dimer to tetramer transition is approximately -6.9 +/- 0.1 kcal/mol of tetramer. Analytical gel filtration of native complexes and gel mobility shift assays of an maltose-binding protein-MutS fusion protein bound to a short, 37-base pair heteroduplex DNA reveal that the protein binds to DNA as a dimer with no change in oligomerization upon DNA binding.  相似文献   

The MutS protein plays an important role in the DNA mismatch repair system. Mutations in the mutS gene can lead to genome instability and ultimately cell malfunction. Here we have established a method for identifying functional defective mutants of MutS by random mutation and rifampicin screening. Some novel functional sites in MutS were identified. The MutS mutant strains were analyzed using surface plasmon resonance, gel filtration and far-western methods to determine the molecular mechanisms behind the DNA mismatch repair function of MutS.  相似文献   

MutL assists the mismatch recognition protein MutS to initiate and coordinate mismatch repair in species ranging from bacteria to humans. The MutL N-terminal ATPase domain is highly conserved, but the C-terminal region shares little sequence similarity among MutL homologs. We report here the crystal structure of the Escherichia coli MutL C-terminal dimerization domain and the likelihood of its conservation among MutL homologs. A 100-residue proline-rich linker between the ATPase and dimerization domains, which generates a large central cavity in MutL dimers, tolerates sequence substitutions and deletions of one-third of its length with no functional consequences in vivo or in vitro. Along the surface of the central cavity, residues essential for DNA binding are located in both the N- and C-terminal domains. Each domain of MutL interacts with UvrD helicase and is required for activating the helicase activity. The DNA-binding capacity of MutL is correlated with the level of UvrD activation. A model of how MutL utilizes its ATPase and DNA-binding activities to mediate mismatch-dependent activation of MutH endonuclease and UvrD helicase is proposed.  相似文献   

The MutS family of DNA repair proteins recognizes base pair mismatches and insertion/deletion mismatches and targets them for repair in a strand-specific manner. Photocrosslinking and mutational studies previously identified a highly conserved Phe residue at the N-terminus of Thermus aquaticus MutS protein that is critical for mismatch recognition in vitro. Here, a mutant Escherichia coli MutS protein harboring a substitution of Ala for the corresponding Phe36 residue is assessed for proficiency in mismatch repair in vivo and DNA binding and ATP hydrolysis in vitro. The F36A protein is unable to restore mismatch repair proficiency to a mutS strain as judged by mutation to rifampicin or reversion of a specific point mutation in lacZ. The F36A protein is also severely deficient for binding to heteroduplexes containing an unpaired thymidine or a G:T mismatch although its intrinsic ATPase activity and subunit oligomerization are very similar to that of the wild-type MutS protein. Thus, the F36A mutation appears to confer a defect specific for recognition of insertion/deletion and base pair mismatches.  相似文献   

DNA mismatch repair corrects mismatched base pairs mainly caused by replication error. Recent studies revealed that human MutL endonuclease, hPMS2, plays an essential role in the repair. However, there has been little biochemical analysis of the MutL endonuclease. In particular, it is unknown for what the MutL utilizes ATP binding and hydrolyzing activity. Here we report the detailed functional analysis of Thermus thermophilus MutL (ttMutL). ttMutL exhibited an endonuclease activity that decreased on alteration of Asp-364 in ttMutL to Asn. The biochemical characteristics of ttMutL were significantly affected on ATP binding, which suppressed nonspecific DNA digestion and promoted the mismatch- and MutS-dependent DNA binding. The inactivation of the cysteinyl residues in the C-terminal domain resulted in the perturbation in ATP-dependent regulation of the endonuclease activity, although the ATP-binding motif is located in the N-terminal domain. Complementation experiments revealed that the endonuclease activity of ttMutL and its regulation by ATP binding are necessary for DNA repair in vivo.  相似文献   

The roles of ATP binding and hydrolysis by MutS in mismatch repair are poorly understood. MutS E694A, in which Glu-694 of the Walker B motif is substituted with alanine, is defective in hydrolysis of bound ATP and has been reported to support MutL-dependent activation of the MutH d(GATC) endonuclease in a trans DNA activation assay (Junop, M. S., Obmolova, G., Rausch, K., Hsieh, P., and Yang, W. (2001) Mol. Cell 7, 1-12). Because the MutH trans activation assay used in these previous studies was characterized by high background and low efficiency, we have re-evaluated the activities of MutS E694A. In contrast to native MutS, which can be isolated in a nucleotide-free form, purified MutS E694A contains 1.0 mol of bound ATP per dimer equivalent, and substoichiometric levels of bound ADP (0.08-0.58 mol/dimer), consistent with the suggestion that the ADP.MutS.ATP complex comprises a significant fraction of the protein in solution (Bjornson, K. P. and Modrich, P. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 18557-18562). In the presence of Mg2+, endogenous ATP is hydrolyzed with a rate constant of 0.12 min-1 at 30 degrees C, and hydrolysis yields a protein that displays increased specificity for heteroduplex DNA. As observed with wild type MutS, ATP can promote release of MutS E694A from a mismatch. However, the mutant protein is defective in the methyl-directed, mismatch- and MutL-dependent cis activation of MutH endonuclease on a 6.4-kilobase pair heteroduplex, displaying only 1 to 2% of the activity of wild type MutS. The mutant protein also fails to support normal assembly of the MutS.MutL.DNA ternary complex. Although a putative ternary complex can be observed in the presence of MutS E694A, assembly of this structure displays little if any dependence on a mismatched base pair.  相似文献   

MutS proteins are ubiquitous in cellular organisms and have important roles in DNA mismatch repair or recombination. In the virus world, the amoeba-infecting Mimivirus, as well as the recently sequenced Cafeteria roenbergensis virus are known to encode a MutS related to the homologs found in octocorals and ɛ-proteobacteria. To explore the presence of MutS proteins in other viral genomes, we performed a genomic survey of four giant viruses (‘giruses'') (Pyramimonas orientalis virus (PoV), Phaeocystis pouchetii virus (PpV), Chrysochromulina ericina virus (CeV) and Heterocapsa circularisquama DNA virus (HcDNAV)) that infect unicellular marine algae. Our analysis revealed the presence of a close homolog of Mimivirus MutS in all the analyzed giruses. These viral homologs possess a specific domain structure, including a C-terminal HNH-endonuclease domain, defining the new MutS7 subfamily. We confirmed the presence of conserved mismatch recognition residues in all members of the MutS7 subfamily, suggesting their role in DNA mismatch repair rather than DNA recombination. PoV and PpV were found to contain an additional type of MutS, which we propose to call MutS8. The MutS8 proteins in PoV and PpV were found to be closely related to homologs from ‘Candidatus Amoebophilus asiaticus'', an obligate intracellular amoeba-symbiont belonging to the Bacteroidetes. Furthermore, our analysis revealed that MutS7 and MutS8 are abundant in marine microbial metagenomes and that a vast majority of these environmental sequences are likely of girus origin. Giruses thus seem to represent a major source of the underexplored diversity of the MutS family in the microbial world.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli K-12 strain was constructed with a chromosomal deletion (mutSdelta800) in the mutS gene that produced the removal of the C-terminal 53 amino acids which are not present in the MutS crystal structure. This strain has a MutS null phenotype for mutation avoidance, anti-recombination, and sensitivity to cytotoxic agents in a dam mutant background.  相似文献   

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