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Analysis of pmoA and 16S rRNA gene clone libraries of methanotrophic bacteria in Lake Constance revealed an overall dominance of type I methanotrophs in both littoral and profundal sediments. The sediments exhibited minor differences in their methanotrophic community structures. Type X methanotrophs made up a significant part of the clone libraries only in the profundal sediment and were also found only there as a prominent peak by T-RFLP analyses.  相似文献   

NO3 concentration profiles were measured in the sediments of a meso-eutrophic lake with a newly developed microelectrode. The depth of penetration of NO3 varied from only 1.3 mm in organic-rich profundal silty sediments to 5 mm in organic-poor littoral sandy sediments. The thickness of the zone of denitrification in the organic-rich sediments was <500 μm. Oxygen profiles measured simultaneously revealed that the zone of denitrification was directly adjacent to the aerobic zone. The results demonstrate high denitrification rates (0.26 to 1.31 mmol m−2 day−1) at in situ nitrate concentrations in the overlying water (0.030 mmol liter−1) and limitation of denitrification by nitrate availability.  相似文献   

Abstract Viable counts and potential activities of different bacteria were determined as a function of depth in the deep profundal sediment of Lake Constance, Germany. The sediment layer at the bottom of the lake had a total depth of about 7 m and was deposited in the time after the last ice age, i.e., over the past 13,000 years. The high clay content of the sediment prevents seepage. Below 25 cm all of the viable heterotrophic bacteria were present as heat-resistant spores. Numbers of viable spores of both aerobic and anaerobic heterotrophic bacteria decreased exponentially with sediment depth and were below the detection limit (5–55 cells ml−1) at 4–6 m, i.e., in about 8,900-year-old sediment. Absence of viable heterotrophic bacteria in deeper sediment layers demonstrated that aseptic sampling conditions were achieved. The decrease of viable spores with depth may be interpreted as time-dependent death of spores resulting in a death rate of about 0.0013–0.0025 year−1. Viable units of specific metabolic groups of bacteria were detected only in the upper sediment layers (0–50 cm). Nitrifying bacteria could not be detected below 30 cm. Methane-oxidizing bacteria were present in the sediment down to >30 cm, but were in a dormant state. Nitrate reduction activity decreased by a factor of 6 within the upper 25 cm of the sediment, but was still detected at 50 cm. Sulfate reduction, on the other hand, could not be detected at depths of 20 cm and below. By contrast, methanogenesis and methanogenic bacteria could be detected down to 50 cm. These observations indicate that bacteria eventually become nonviable in aged sediments. Received: 5 March 1996; Accepted: 12 March 1996  相似文献   

The results of the first systematical investigation into the aerobic methanotrophic communities inhabiting the bottom sediments of Lake Baikal have been reported. Use of the radioisotopic method revealed methane consumption in 12 10- to 50-cm-long sediment cores. The maximum methane consumption rates (495–737 µl/(dm3 day) were recorded in sediments in the regions of hydrothermal vents and oil and gas occurrence. Methane consumption was most active in the surface layers of the sediments (0–4 cm); it decreased with the sediment depth and became negligible or absent at depths below 20 cm. The number of methanotrophic bacteria usually ranged from 100 to 1000 cells/cm3 of sediment and reached 1 million cells/cm3 in the regions of oil and gas occurrence. The seventeen enrichment cultures obtained were represented mainly by morphotype II methanotrophs. Phylogenetic analysis of the enrichment cultures in terms of the amino acid sequence of the α subunit of the membrane-bound methane monooxygenase (MMO) revealed the predominance of methanotrophs of the genus Methylocystis. The results obtained suggest the presence of an active aerobic methanotrophic community in Lake Baikal.__________Translated from Mikrobiologiya, Vol. 74, No. 4, 2005, pp. 562–571.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Gainutdinova, Eshinimaev, Tsyrenzhapova, Dagurova, Suzina, Khmelenina, Namsaraev, Trotsenko.  相似文献   

Samples from diverse upland soils that oxidize atmospheric methane were characterized with regard to methane oxidation activity and the community composition of methanotrophic bacteria (MB). MB were identified on the basis of the detection and comparative sequence analysis of the pmoA gene, which encodes a subunit of particulate methane monooxygenase. MB commonly detected in soils were closely related to Methylocaldum spp., Methylosinus spp., Methylocystis spp., or the “forest sequence cluster” (USC α), which has previously been detected in upland soils and is related to pmoA sequences of type II MB (Alphaproteobacteria). As well, a novel group of sequences distantly related (<75% derived amino acid identity) to those of known type I MB (Gammaproteobacteria) was often detected. This novel “upland soil cluster γ” (USC γ) was significantly more likely to be detected in soils with pH values of greater than 6.0 than in more acidic soils. To identify active MB, four selected soils were incubated with 13CH4 at low mixing ratios (<50 ppm of volume), and extracted methylated phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) were analyzed by gas chromatography-online combustion isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Incorporation of 13C into PLFAs characteristic for methanotrophic Gammaproteobacteria was observed in all soils in which USC γ sequences were detected, suggesting that the bacteria possessing these sequences were active methanotrophs. A pattern of labeled PLFAs typical for methanotrophic Alphaproteobacteria was obtained for a sample in which only USC α sequences were detected. The data indicate that different MB are present and active in different soils that oxidize atmospheric methane.  相似文献   

Ostendorp  Wolfgang  Dienst  Michael  Schmieder  Klaus 《Hydrobiologia》2003,506(1-3):687-695
Hydrobiologia - After an extreme flood in Lake Constance in 1999 the Phragmites australisbelt showed a severe decline in area and vitality. A three year monitoring project was installed in 2000 to...  相似文献   

The application of culture-dependent studies to quantify Fe-metabolizing microorganisms from the environment is a necessity, as there are so far no universal functional marker genes for application in culture-independent studies. Media composition can vary between studies, therefore, we determined the effects of three different growth media on the quantification (MPNs) and identity (via cloning and sequencing of dominant DGGE bands) of nitrate-reducing Fe(II)-oxidizers and lactate- or acetate-oxidizing Fe(III)-reducers from a lacustrine sediment: low sulphate freshwater medium (FWM), sterile filtered bicarbonate-buffered lake water (BLW) and a mixture of both (MIX). We consistently found fewer cells in the BLW than in the FWM and the MIX. The DGGE banding patterns of the microbial communities enriched in different media types clustered together according to the e? donor and acceptor couples and not according to the medium used. Thus, although the medium composition significantly influenced the quantification and thereby conclusions on the abundance and potential significance of the targeted group within the ecosystem, biodiversity assessments through enrichment cultures were less influenced by the medium, but instead were affected by the type and concentration of the e? donor/acceptor.  相似文献   

In the two studied subspecies of Coregonus lavaretus , the pollan ( C. l. wartmanni ) (which lives deep in the pelagial) and the gangfish ( C. l. macrophthalmus ) (which lives near the slope, closer to the bottom), duplex retinae containing rod and cone photoreceptors are found. Four morphologically different cone types were observed: unequal double cones, short single cones, long single cones and triple cones. The cones are arranged in a square pattern (four double cones around a central short single cone) in the ventral and ventrotemporal and in a row pattern in the nasal and dorsal areas of the retina. Moreover, intermediate patterns can be observed in several regions indicating that double cone twisting occurs, i.e. double cones twist about their longitudinal axis. The highest cone densities are found in the ventrotemporal area. Conversely, the rod photoreceptor density is the highest in the dorsal retina. While the basic morphology of the retina is the same in both subspecies, the distribution of long single and triple cones differs between the studied animals. While these cone types are very rare in the pollan, they are common in the gangfish, though not exhibiting a regular pattern. The findings are discussed with regard to the photic habitat conditions, the systematic position of coregonids and variation of retinal morphology in the two subspecies.  相似文献   

We found that the clade-specific abundance dynamics of Synechococcus type picocyanobacteria in the pelagic and littoral zone macro-habitats of Lake Constance (Germany) challenge the hypothesis of a regular annual succession of picocyanobacteria genotypes in temperate zone lakes. Methods used in this study were quantitative Taq nuclease assays (TNA), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), a 19-month time series analysis (with two isothermal and two stratified periods) and genotyping of a new littoral phycocyanin (PC)-rich Synechococcus strain collection. The recorded differences between the two macro-habitats and between seasons or years, and the observed effect of water column mixis in winter on the inversion of clade-specific dominance ratios in Lake Constance might explain the known inter-annual differences in abundance and dynamics of the autotrophic picoplankton (APP) in lakes. The APP in Lake Constance shows a high genetic diversity with a low overall abundance, similar to the APP in the Baltic Sea, but different from Lake Biwa in Japan or lakes in the UK. Our results indicate that APP bloom events in both macro-habitats of Lake Constance are driven by phycoerythrin-rich Synechococcus genotypes of the Subalpine Cluster I. DGGE revealed the presence of a diverse periphyton (biofilm) community of the PC-rich Synechococcus pigment type in the littoral zone in early spring, when no such community was detectable in the pelagic habitat. A more sensitive and quantitative approach with TNA, however, revealed an intermittent presence of one PC-rich genotype in the plankton. We discuss the seasonal development of the pelagic and littoral PC-rich community, and while we cannot rule out a strain isolation bias, we found that isolated PC-rich strains from the pelagic habitat have different genotypes when compared to new littoral strains. We also observed littoral substrates colonized by specific PC-rich Synechococcus genotypes.  相似文献   

Bacteria and algae release exopolymeric substances (EPS) that perform a wide range of important functions in aquatic and terrestrial systems. In this study we measured EPS in sediments at nine littoral sites around a shallow oligotrophic basin, and tested whether the concentration and composition of EPS was related to sediment characteristics. The concentrations of both loosely bound (colloidal) and tightly bound (capsular) EPS carbohydrates ranged up to ~800 µg glucose equiv. cm–2 and were well within the range of concentrations reported from marine intertidal flats, where EPS play an important role in stabilizing sediments, affecting nutrient exchanges between sediments and the water column, feeding benthic invertebrates, and sequestering and increasing the transfer of contaminants to food webs. Proteins were an important component of the EPS in these littoral sediments, with protein:carbohydrate ratios of ~0.4. In summer, the concentrations of most EPS fractions were positively related (P < 0.05) to the porewater and organic matter content of the sediments. Capsular EPS concentrations were lower in the fall, with a simultaneous increase in colloidal proteins but not in colloidal carbohydrates. This suggests that the carbohydrates in this colloidal EPS may be more labile than the proteins. Our results suggest that exopolymeric substances could be an important, but neglected, component of littoral sediments in lakes.  相似文献   

At present there are substantial amounts of archaeological and archaeobotanical data from the Late Neolithic wetland settlements of southern Germany on the oil and fibre plant flax (Linum usitatissimum L.). This is the result of 30 years of intensive excavations and research in 53 settlement areas. This article, on the one hand, will present the significance of flax remains, products made of flax and the inventory of relevant tools for evidence of and reconstruction of the flax production processes. On the other hand, based on the quantitative analysis of flax remains, the changing significance of this important cultivated plant during the course of the Late Neolithic will be demonstrated. From this it will be evident that textile production and in particular flax processing were part of a decisive upheaval in cultural development that initiated the transition to the middle phase of the Late Neolithic in the fields of agriculture and technology.  相似文献   

Larval abundance of burbot Lota lota in the pelagic zone of Lake Constance, Germany, peaked during April and remained at a constant but lower level until mid‐June. From the end of May onwards a significant diel vertical migration pattern was observed: while burbot larvae were distributed above as well as below the thermocline in the daytime with the highest percentages of abundance at water depths of 30 and 50 m (below the thermocline) on 5 and 25 June, they were concentrated from 2 to 15 m (above the thermocline) during the night. This migration pattern coincided with a significant decline in the food items preferred by burbot at this life stage, cyclopoid copepods. This phase of diel vertical migration lasted for c . 4 weeks until the burbot larvae suddenly disappeared from the pelagic zone. This indicated a short phase, lasting only a few days, of larval settlement into profundal benthic habitats. This was supported by a significant, abrupt decrease in the absolute growth rates of the larvae at day 56 after hatching. The day–night pattern of vertical migration observed could be assumed to be a transition phase from a pelagic to a benthic lifestyle, as reported for juveniles of several other, marine gadoid species.  相似文献   

The interactions between viral abundance and bacterial density, biomass, and production were investigated along a longitudinal transect consisting of nine deep-sea stations encompassing the entire Mediterranean basin. The numbers of viruses were very low (range, 3.6 × 107 to 12.0 × 107 viruses g−1) and decreased eastward. The virus-to-bacterium ratio was always < 1.0, indicating that the deep-sea sediments of the Mediterranean Sea are the first example of a marine ecosystem not numerically dominated by viruses. The lowest virus numbers were found where the lowest bacterial metabolism and turnover rates and the largest cell size were observed, suggesting that bacterial doubling time might play an important role in benthic virus development.  相似文献   

1. Since zebra mussel invaded Lake Constance in the 1960s the number of wintering waterbirds increased fourfold. We studied the impact of predation by waterbirds (tufted duck Aythya fuligula, pochard Aythya ferina and coot Fulica atra) on the population of Dreissena polymorpha in winter 2001/2002. These three species, with monthly peak numbers of approximately 230 000 individuals, currently comprise up to 80% of the waterbird population wintering at Lake Constance. 2. Four different study sites and four depths, that represent typical and characteristic habitats of mussels in Upper Lake Constance, were chosen. 3. Zebra mussels were sampled before, during and after predation by waterbirds. Their biomass in shallow areas decreased by >90%; the biomass reduction in deeper areas was highly variable and dependent on the substratum. With one exception, no changes could be detected at the greatest depth (11 m). 4. Concurrent exclosure studies revealed that the decrease in zebra mussels was caused by waterbird predation. A GIS‐based approximation revealed that in an area of 1 km2 a total of approximately 750 t mussel fresh mass was removed by birds, which is equivalent to 1390 g mussels per bird per day. 5. Wintering waterbirds have a strong structural impact on the littoral community of Lake Constance and could be the key predator of zebra mussels.  相似文献   

Community structures of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms were investigated using PCR primers designed to specifically target the ammonia monooxygenase α-subunit (amoA) gene in the sediment of Jinshan Lake. Relationships between the abundance and diversity of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), and physicochemical parameters were also explored. The AOA abundance decreased sharply from west to east; however, the AOB abundance changed slightly with AOB outnumbering AOA in two of the four sediment samples (JS), JS3 and JS4. The AOA abundance was significantly correlated with the NH4–N, NO3–N, and TP. No significant correlations were observed between the AOB abundance and environmental variables. AOB had a higher diversity and richness of amoA genes than AOA. Among the 76 archaeal amoA sequences retrieved, 57.89, 38.16, and 3.95 % fell within the Nitrosopumilus, Nitrososphaera, and Nitrososphaera sister clusters, respectively. The 130 bacterial amoA gene sequences obtained in this study were grouped with known AOB sequences in the Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira genera, which occupied 72.31 % and 27.69 % of the AOB group, respectively. Compared to the other three sample sites, the AOA and AOB community compositions at JS4 showed a large difference. This work could enhance our understanding of the roles of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in freshwater lake environment.  相似文献   

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