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A histochemical light and electron microscopy study of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was carried out on the regenerating opic tectum of adult newt. A plug of optic tectum was removed and 15 days later [6-H3] thymidine was injected. Ninety days after the lesion the brain was removed, treated for histochemical AChE-detection and autoradiographic analysis. This double treatment showed the capacity of these adult amphibians to regenerate the nervous tissue through the proliferation of undifferentiated elements and their subsequent differentiation into neurons as is shown by the presence of cells both labelled by [6-H3] thymidine and by the AChE-reaction product.  相似文献   

The permeability of the newt cerebral capillaries to lanthanum ion has been studied after perfusion with mannitol solutions of increasing molarity. In the control specimens lanthanum deposits were limited to the luminal side of the capillaries and tracer did not spread to the pericapillary spaces due to the tight junctions. Treatment with hypertonic solutions of mannitol (0.25M, 0.5M, 1M) caused opening of the blood brain barrier with a progressive increase in lanthanum between the endothelial cell edges, in the basal lamina and in the extracellular spaces of the nervous parenchyma in relation to the molarity of the mannitol solution. The spread of lanthanum is probably due to opening of the tight junctions between the endothelial cells, since pinocytotic vesicles labelled with tracer were not evident.  相似文献   

During the morphogenesis of the adrenal gland of Triturus cristatus, a cranio-caudal differentiation is observed together with a migration of the two cell types composing the adrenal gland: the steroidogenic cells and the chromaffin cells. During the cranio-caudal differentiation the two cell type gradually occupy an increasingly posterior position on the mesonephros until they are distributed, in the adult, along the whole kidney. The migration brings the cells from dorsal or dorso-lateral position, with respect to the venous vessels, to the ventral surface of the kidney, an arrangement typical of the adult.  相似文献   

Garry T. Morgan 《Chromosoma》1978,66(3):269-280
Analysis of squash preparations of spermatocytes from crested newts, Triturus cristatus carnifex, has shown that in most cells at least one large bivalent regularly fails to form chiasmata in one arm-pair. Feulgen microphotometry of diplotene and metaphase bivalents has shown that it is the largest bivalent in each cell which shows chiasma failure in one arm-pair. A C-banding technique which identifies chromosome I by virtue of a long, darkly stained region in its long arm, was used to confirm the absence of chiasmata from one arm-pair of the longest bivalent, and specifically from the darkly stained region. The achiasmate region which chromosome I exhibits during spermatogenesis, corresponds to the heteromorphic region of oocyte lampbrush bivalent I in which chiasmata never form. A possible correlation between the complete absence of crossing-over from the heteromorphic region and unusual cytological and molecular features which it exhibits, are discussed.  相似文献   

The mitotic and labelling incidence of intestine, liver, spleen and pancreas cells of Triturus cristatus carnifex adults kept at 15°C, 20°C, 25°C and 30°C were examined. Intestine mitotic and labelling incidences were highest at 25°C and lowest at 30°C. There was no significant difference between 15°C and 20°C. No such relationship could be shown for liver, spleen or pancreas, which had very much lower mitotic and labelling incidences. In culture, intestine mitotic and labelling incidences fell significantly within the first four hours, and maintained these low levels for the next five days. In contrast, liver mitotic and labelling incidences rose for 9–11 days, and then began to fall, while pancreas mitotic and labelling incidences reached peak values at day 5, and were kept in good condition for up to 14 days.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of serotonin (5-HT) immunoreactive structures has been investigated in the brain of the crested newt by means of indirect immunofluorescence, and unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase-complex (PAP) or biotin-avidin-system (BAS) techniques. In the newt, the bulk of the serotoninergic system extends from the raphe region of the medulla oblongata, through the isthmus, toward the mesencephalic tegmentum, and is characterized by pyriform neurons mainly located in a subependymal position, close to the midline. Also in the caudal hypothalamus, in addition to some 5-HT-positive adenohypophysial cells, many immunoreactive CSF-contacting neurons are found lining the paraventricular organ and the nucleus infundibularis dorsalis. A rich serotoninergic innervation was observed in the preoptic area and in the habenular complex. Concerning the telencephalon, immunopositive nerve fibers are encountered in the dorsal pallium, primordium hippocampi, striatum and olfactory bulbs. The general organization of serotoninergic systems in the newt brain exhibit close similarities to that described in higher vertebrates.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty two Triturus cristatus carnifex (Laur.) male individuals were injected intraperitoneally with a single dose of 150 c of carrier-free S35 labelled sodium sulfate. The tissues were removed at different time intervals within a period of 3 hours and 30 days after the injection. Autoradiographs were prepared from mesentery whole mounts and histologie sections of the pelvic region. In mesentery whole mounts entire spider-shaped mast cells were studied. The earliest activity was always seen to arise in the perikaryon at 3 hours, where it persisted throughout the experiment while moving along the cellular processes progressively with time. The specific activity was assayed in the pelvic glands (bilateral organs of the reproductive system in males) and plotted against time. Since in these glands S35O 4 –– uptake in shown exclusively by mast cells the turnover time of 10–11 days therein recorded was taken to indicate the total metabolism of the sulfated compound stored in the mast cells. No direct evidence is as yet available to indicate that the metachromatic sulfated compound stored in Triturus mast cells is heparin.The present study was supported by a grant from the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche-Impresa di Endocrinologia — Gruppo di Endocrinologia Comparata.  相似文献   

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