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Aims As an important potential carbon sink, shrubland ecosystem plays a vital role in global carbon balance and climate regulation. Our objectives were to derive appropriate regression models for shrub biomass estimation, and to reveal the biomass allocation pattern and carbon density in Rhododendron simsii shrubland.
Methods We conducted investigations in 27 plots, and developed biomass regression models for shrub species to estimate shrub biomass. The biomass of herb and litterfall were obtained through harvesting. Plant samples were collected from each plot to measure carbon content in different organs.
Important findings The results showed that the power and linear models were the most appropriate equation forms. The D and D2H (where D was the basal diameter (cm) and H was the shrub height (m)) were good predictors for organ biomass and total biomass of shrubs. All of the biomass models reached extremely significant level, and could be used to estimate shrub biomass with high accuracy. It was more difficult to predict leaf and annual branch biomass than stem biomass, because leaf and annual branch were susceptible to herbivores and inter-plant competition. The mean biomass of the shrub layer was 20.78 Mg·hm-2, in which Rhododendron simsii and Symplocos paniculata biomass accounted for 93.63%. Influenced by both environment and species characteristics, the biomass of the shrub layer organs was in the order of stem > root > leaf > annual branch. The root:shoot ratio of the shrub layer was 0.32, which was less than other shrubs in subtropical regions. The relative higher aboveground biomass allocation reflected the adaptation of plants to the warm and humid environment for more photosynthesis. The mean total community biomass was 26.26 Mg·hm-2, in which shrub layer, herb layer and litter layer accounted for 79.14%, 7.62% and 13.25%, respectively. Litter biomass was relatively high, which suggested that this community had high nutrient return. There were significant correlations among aboveground biomass, belowground biomass and total biomass of shrub layer and herb layer. The mean biomass carbon density of the community was 11.70 Mg·hm-2 and the carbon content ratio was 44.55%. The carbon density was usually obtained using the conversion coefficient of 0.5 in previous studies, which could overestimate carbon density by 12.22%.  相似文献   

Aims As the second largest C flux between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems, soil respiration plays a vital role in regulating atmosphere CO2 concentration. Therefore, understanding the response of soil respiration to the increasing nitrogen deposition is urgently needed for prediction of future climate change. However, it is still unclear how nitrogen deposition influences soil respiration of shrubland in subtropical China. Our objectives were to explore the effects of different levels of nitrogen fertilization on soil respiration, root biomass increment, and litter biomass, and to analyze the relationships between soil respiration and soil temperature and moisture.
Methods From January 2013 to September 2014, we conducted a short-term simulated nitrogen deposition experiment in the Rhododendron simsii shrubland of Dawei Mountain, located in Hunan Province, southern China. Four levels of nitrogen addition treatments (each level with three replicates) were established: control (CK, no nitrogen addition), low nitrogen addition (LN, 2 g·m-2·a-1), medium nitrogen addition (MN, 5 g·m-2·a-1) and high nitrogen addition (HN, 10 g·m-2·a-1). Soil respiration was measured by LI-8100 soil CO2 efflux system. At the same time, we measured root biomass increment and litter biomass in each plot.
Important findings Soil respiration exhibited a strong seasonal pattern, with the highest rates found in summer and the lowest rates in winter. Annual accumulative soil respiration rate in the CK, LN, MN and HN was (2.37 ± 0.39), (2.79 ± 0.42), (2.26 ± 0.38) and (2.30 ± 0.36) kg CO2·m-2, respectively. Annual mean soil respiration rate in the CK, LN, MN and HN was (1.71 ± 0.28), (2.01 ± 0.30), (1.63 ± 0.27) and (1.66 ± 0.26) μmol CO2·m-2·s-1, respectively, and it was 17.25% higher in the LN treatment compared with CK (p = 0.06). The root biomass increment was increased by LN, MN, and HN treatments by 18.36%, 36.49% and 61.63%, respectively, compared to CK. The litter biomass was increased by LN, MN, and HN treatments by 35.87%, 22.17% and 15.35%, respectively, compared with CK. Soil respiration exhibited a significant exponential relationship with soil temperature (p < 0.01, R2 is 0.77 to 0.82) and a significant linear relationship with soil moisture at the depth of 5 cm (p < 0.05, R2 is 0.10 to 0.15). The temperature sensitivity (Q10) value of CK, LN, MN and HN plots was 3.96, 3.60, 3.71 and 3.51, respectively. These results suggested that nitrogen addition promoted plant growth and decreased the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration. The increase of root biomass under N addition may be an important reason for the change of soil respiration in the study area.  相似文献   

杜鹃的组织培养及快速繁殖   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21  
1 植物名称 杜鹃(Rhododendron simsii)品种“Hellmut Vogel。2 材料类别 叶片。3 培养条件 培养基:(1)WPM+TDZ(苯基噻二唑基脲)0.2 mg·L~(-1)(单位下同)+NAA 0.5;(2)WPM+TDZ 0.5;(3)WPM+IAA 1.75+活性炭0.25%。上述培养基中均附加白糖30 g·L~(-1) ,琼脂7g·L~(-1);pH 5.0。培养温度20~23℃,每天光照16 h,光照度2000 lx。  相似文献   

Aims Exploring flowering patterns and detecting processes are essential when probing into the nature of reproductive traits during the life history and the interactions among different evolutionary clades. Such patterns are believed to be influenced by many factors, but quantifying these impacts at the community-level remains poorly understood.Methods We investigated the flowering patterns based on long-term herbarium records in a given area from subtropical forest regions in southern China. We obtained 5258 herbarium voucher specimens collected from the Dinghushan National Nature Reserve (DNNR) belonging to 166 families, 943 genera and 2059 species and examined the month when each species was flowering during the period 1920–2007.Important findings The results showed that plants flowered sequentially almost throughout the whole year, showing the characteristics of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests. Flowering spectrums of the entire flora and the four life forms exhibited a clear unimodality that is probably typical of subtropical forest communities. Flowering patterns of the DNNR were positively correlated with mean rainfall, mean air temperature and mean sunshine duration. Median flowering dates of the 38 large species-rich families ranged from early April to late August; 25 families exhibited significant unimodal distribution patterns, whereas the remaining families were unclear or bimodal. Median flowering dates of the 10 most species-rich genera ranged from middle May to later July. While the results are consistent with climatic factors playing a general role in flowering patterns, median flowering dates varied significantly among species-rich families and genera, suggesting that phylogenies could provide specific constraints in subtropical forests.  相似文献   

中国地貌区划系统——以自然保护区体系建设为目标   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭子良  崔国发 《生态学报》2013,33(19):6264-6276
地貌类型是重要的自然地理特征,是影响区域生物多样性空间格局变化的重要因子。地貌研究能使人们深入认识地理环境特点,有利于完善对区域自然环境和地域分异规律的认识,同时对生物地理区划和区域自然保护研究也具有很好的参考价值。采用"自上而下"的区域分割和"自下而上"的区域合并的区划方式,以中国地形DEM作为基础,使用GIS10.0对其进行高程重分类、坡度分析等量化分析,并结合现有气候区划、自然地理区划和地貌类型等资料,对中国地貌格局进行了分析。在考虑生物多样性保护过程中以地貌为主体的地理单元差异性基础上,根据分析结果,提出了以区域自然保护区体系构建为目标的中国地貌区划系统,该地貌区划系统包括了东部季风淋蚀地貌大区、西北干燥风蚀地貌大区、青藏高原高寒冻蚀地貌大区、南海诸岛地貌大区等4个地貌大区,大兴安岭、小兴安岭和内蒙古高原等40个地貌地区,完达山、老爷岭和张广才岭等127个地貌亚地区,以及473个地貌区。其地貌区划方案科学构建了区划等级系统,体现了中国地貌类型的基本特征和分布格局,其中地貌大区基本反映了中国大的地貌格局,地貌地区基本反映了高原、山地、平原等地貌特征的水平分异,地貌亚地区和地貌区基本反映了区域地貌特征。中国地貌区划系统为自然保护区体系构建提供了参考和依据,而且区划界线准确,便于使用。  相似文献   

湖南大围山杜鹃灌丛木本植物种群空间格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以大围山山顶杜鹃灌丛为研究对象,设置了6个15 m×15 m的样地。采用方差/均值比率法的t检验对杜鹃灌丛的空间格局进行了分析,同时采用负二项式参数、丛生指数、平均拥挤度指数、聚块性指数、扩散指数、格林指数和Cassic指数分析了群落内木本植物的聚集强度。结果表明:14种常见木本植物(如杜鹃Rhododendron simsii、湖南白檀Symplocos hunanensis、四川冬青Ilex szechwanensis)中,有85.7%的物种表现为聚集分布格局;聚集强度随种群密度的增大而减小;非优势种群直角荚蒾(Viburnum foetidum var.rectangulatum)、水马桑(Weigela japonica var.sinica)、鹿角杜鹃(Rhododendron latoucheae)的聚集强度大于优势种群杜鹃、湖南白檀等;植物对山顶温凉湿润气候条件的适应能力,种子扩散方式、萌生能力和耐荫特性等生物学特性,以及干扰是决定杜鹃灌丛木本植物空间格局的主要驱动因子。  相似文献   

Establishing nature conservation reserves is an effective and widely accepted practice to protect biodiversity. In order to promote the effectiveness and efficiency of the reserve, spatial attributes of the reserve should be considered. Connectedness (contiguity) is one of these important spatial attributes. Currently in the biological literature there are only a few formal/exact optimization approaches to endogenously designing a connected nature reserve. This article adds a new approach by adapting a spatial unit allocation model to the reserve design problem. Using concepts from network flow theory, the model defines a sink site from which no flow directs out and ensures contiguity by specifying the outflow and inflow relationship of the potential sites. Computational performance of the model is tested using hypothetical problems with various sizes including up to 400 potential sites. Results show that the time needed to solve the problem to optimality increases exponentially both as number of potential sites increases and as species distribution gets more sparse. An empirical application involving 80 potential sites and 15 bird species in part of Fox River watershed, Illinois USA is presented. Factors influencing an IP model’s computational performance and potential extensions of the model were discussed.  相似文献   

灌丛是陆地生态系统中最重要的自然植被类型之一, 在植被演替、生物多样性保护和维持生态平衡等方面具有重要作用。本文基于2012年的样地资料, 对湖南大围山杜鹃(Rhododendron simsii)灌丛的物种组成和群落结构进行了分析。结果表明: 群落内共有维管束植物58种, 隶属于36科50属, 其中木本植物19种, 草本植物39种, 缺乏木质藤本; 区系以温带性质为主, 兼受热带亚热带区系的强烈影响; 群落外貌矮平, 灌木层个体集中在1-2 m高度级; 植被分类上, 该群落归属于山地中生落叶阔叶灌丛, 隶属于温性落叶阔叶灌丛群系组; 生活型以地面芽和高位芽植物为主, 反映了亚热带中山山顶温凉湿润的气候特点; 群落各层次优势种明显, 具有较高的稳定性和均匀性; 高度级和基径级分析表明群落内中等大小个体具有保守的生活史策略, 优势种杜鹃为远期衰退种群。综合分析结果表明, 该杜鹃灌丛尚处于群落演替的中期或前中期, 最终将演替为亚热带中山常绿落叶阔叶混交林或常绿阔叶林。  相似文献   

A set of 14 polymorphic microsatellite markers has been developed and characterized using FIASCO (fast isolation by AFLP of sequences containing repeats) methods for the garden plant, Rhododendron simsii Planch. Forty‐one R. simsii individuals showing large morphological differences were used to identify these markers. The total number of alleles for each locus ranged from 2 to 6, with an average value of 3.643. The expected heterozygosities and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.137 to 0.778 and 0.000 to 0.769, respectively. Eight loci exhibited significant deviations from Hardy‐Weinberg equilibrium. Among these microsatellites, seven could successfully be transferred to four related species (R. pulchrum, R. hybrida, R. alutaceum and R. molle (Blume) G. Don). These novel microsatellite markers could be further used for assessment of genetic diversity and population structure, phylogeographic analysis and marker‐assisted selection for R. simsii and other Rhododendron species.  相似文献   

To investigate the diversity of root endophytes in Rhododendron fortunei, fungal strains were isolated from the hair roots of plants from four habitats in subtropical forests of China. In total, 220 slow-growing fungal isolates were isolated from the hair roots of R. fortunei. The isolates were initially grouped into 17 types based on the results of internal transcribed spacer-restriction fragment length polymorphism (ITS-RFLP) analysis. ITS sequences were obtained for representative isolates from each RFLP type and compared phylogenetically with known sequences of ericoid mycorrhizal endophytes and selected ascomycetes or basidiomycetes. Based on phylogenetic analysis of the ITS sequences in GenBank, 15 RFLP types were confirmed as ascomycetes, and two as basidiomycetes; nine of these were shown to be ericoid mycorrhizal endophytes in experimental cultures. The only common endophytes of R. fortunei were identified as Oidiodendron maius at four sites, although the isolation frequency (3–65%) differed sharply according to habitat. Phialocephala fortinii strains were isolated most abundantly from two habitats which related to the more acidic soil and pine mixed forests. A number of less common mycorrhizal RFLP types were isolated from R. fortunei at three, two, or one of the sites. Most of these appeared to have strong affinities for some unidentified root endophytes from Ericaceae hosts in Australian forests. We concluded that the endophyte population isolated from R. fortunei is composed mainly of ascomycete, as well as a few basidiomycete strains. In addition, one basidiomycete strain was confirmed as a putative ericoid mycorrhizal fungus.  相似文献   

以2年生杜鹃(Rhododendron simsii)苗为研究对象,采用J1(杜鹃花类菌根真菌混合接菌)、J2(杜鹃花类菌根真菌和马尾松外生菌混合接菌)、J3(不接菌,对照)等3种接菌组合与不同氮磷钾施肥组合研究菌根真菌与氮磷钾肥对杜鹃苗生长及养分吸收的影响。结果表明,杜鹃幼苗的生长指标和氮磷钾含量总体表现为接菌处理优于不接菌处理,J2处理下施用尿素1.1 g·株-1、钙镁磷1 g·株-1、氯化钾0.7 g·株-1对杜鹃苗生长及氮磷钾含量积累的促进作用最为明显。数据表明,J2处理促进N向叶积累,促进K向茎叶积累,促进P向根茎积累;J1处理促进N和P向根茎积累,促进K向茎叶积累。  相似文献   

The phosphorus (P) fractions and bioavailable P in the sediments from the Quanzhou Bay Estuarine Wetland Nature Reserve were investigated using chemical extraction methods for the first time to study the distribution and bioavailability of P in the reserve sediments. A hypothesis was presented suggesting that the bioavailable P in the sediments could be evaluated using the P fractions. The total phosphorus (TP), inorganic phosphorus (IP), organic phosphorus (OP), non-apatite phosphorus (NAIP), and apatite phosphorus (AP) contents in the sediments were in the ranges of 303.87–761.59 mg kg−1, 201.22–577.66 mg kg−1, 75.83–179.16 mg kg−1, 28.86–277.90 mg kg−1, and 127.36–289.94 mg kg−1, respectively. The water soluble phosphorus (WSP), readily desorbable phosphorus (RDP), algal available phosphorus (AAP), and NaHCO3 extractable phosphorus (Olsen-P) contents in the sediments were in the ranges of 0.58–357.17 mg kg−1, 80.77–586.75 mg kg−1, 1.09–24.12 mg kg−1, and 54.96–676.82 mg kg−1, respectively. The correlation analysis results showed that the NAIP was the major component of the bioavailable P and that the impact of the AP on the bioavailable phosphorus may be minimal. Due to the low TP content in the sediments of the Quanzhou Bay Estuarine Wetland Nature Reserve, the potential pollution risks of P in the sediments may not be very high. The results also show that the bioavailable P concentrations in the sediments of the Quanzhou Bay Estuarine Wetland Nature Reserve could not be evaluated by measuring the P fractions and that the hypothesis was untenable.  相似文献   

本新种与皱皮杜鹃(Rhododendron wiltonii Hemsl.et Wils.)相近似,区别在于前者叶较小,长6.8~8.0 cm,宽2.0~2.5 cm,叶表面平坦而不呈泡状突起,叶背密被一层黄色至锈红色毡毛,花5~6(~9)朵,较小,长约2.5 cm,易于区别。  相似文献   

鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林碳素积累和分配特征   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
研究了鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林 40 0多年林龄的锥栗 (Castanopsis chinensis)、黄果厚壳桂 (Crypto-carya concinna)和 50多年林龄的黄果厚壳桂、鼎湖钓樟 (Lindera chunii)两个群落碳素积累和分配特征。结果表明 ,两林分间植物碳素含量在不同器官和不同层中的分配格局均十分相似 ,总平均分别为 41 .980 %(锥栗、黄果厚壳桂群落 )和 40 .377% (黄果厚壳桂、鼎湖钓樟群落 )。锥栗、黄果厚壳桂群落生态系统碳总贮量为 2 4 4 .998t/ hm2 ,其中植被部分为 1 54.2 89t/ hm2 ,土壤为 89.1 2 8t/ hm2 ,地表凋落物层为 1 .581 t/ hm2。黄果厚壳桂、鼎湖钓樟群落植被碳总贮量为 84.1 51 t/ hm2。在两林分植被碳总贮量中 ,乔木层分别占了97.47% (锥栗、黄果厚壳桂群落 )和 98.0 4 % (黄果厚壳桂、鼎湖钓樟群落 ) ,而在乔木层碳总贮量中 ,干器官则分别占 47.93% (锥栗、黄果厚壳桂群落 )和 44.66% (黄果厚壳桂、鼎湖钓樟群落 )。锥栗、黄果厚壳桂群落植被碳年积累量为 3.1 4 9t/ (hm2· a) ,黄果厚壳桂、鼎湖钓樟群落植被碳年积累量则为 3.42 5 t/ (hm2· a)。  相似文献   

Assessment of the effectiveness of nature reserve management in China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Assessing the management effectiveness of nature reserves is an effective way to promote management quality and achieve management targets. Using a questionnaire developed by the World Bank (WB) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) as a tool for tracking management effectiveness, we carried out a survey in 535 nature reserves in China to assess the management status quo in 2005. The results indicated that the indices related to management regulation, infrastructure and equipment, monitoring and evaluation, budget and community involvement produced relatively lower scores, while the indices related to management of protection targets and resources, setup of management agency and reserve boundary had better performances. The independent variables of reserve class, time since establishment, distribution region, economic condition and staff number exhibited strong correlations with the effective management of nature reserves. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to measure the association between the 3 assessment indices representing management effectiveness and other 28 assessment indices. Among these 28 assessment indices, the indices of personnel management, resource management, monitoring and evaluation, and management plan had more effects on the management effectiveness of nature reserves than other indices. When the most pressing management issues and influence factors have been identified, countermeasures can be implemented to improve the management of nature reserves.  相似文献   

自然保护区体系构建方法研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
面对越来越严重的野生生物的生境丧失和生境破碎化威胁,如何构建科学的自然保护区体系成为自然保护区学领域研究的热点问题.本文在对国内外自然保护区体系构建文献分类整理的情况下,具体介绍了保护空缺分析、保护优先区分析和生态区保护规划分析等自然保护区合理布局方法,以及生境廊道规划设计方法.对各种方法的优缺点和适用条件进行了分析,提出了目前自然保护区体系构建方法研究中存在的问题,并探讨了未来的研究方向,以期对自然保护区体系构建的研究和实践提供一定的参考,促进自然保护区事业的发展.  相似文献   

广东内伶仃岛自然保护区的苔藓植物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道广东内伶仃岛自然保护区的苔藓植物共19 科、34 属、61 种, 其中藓类13 科、26属、50 种, 苔类6 科、8 属、11 种。全缘疣鳞苔( Cololejeunea schwabei) 等3 种苔类和拟阔叶小石藓( Weisia platyphylloides) 等10 种藓类为广东省新记录。分析了保护区内的苔藓植物区系特点, 并与车八岭、黑石顶、鼎湖山及南岭自然保护区的苔藓植物区系进行了比较。研究表明, 内伶仃岛的苔藓植物区系由于受地理位置及地形特征的影响而具有一定的特殊性。  相似文献   

Rhododendron simsii is an important garden plant. We isolated and characterized eight microsatellite loci in this species. The average allele number of these microsatellites was 7.1 per locus, ranging from 6 to 9. The observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.278–0.944 and 0.556–0.871, respectively. This set of markers is potentially useful to investigate the genetic structure, gene flow, and the phylogeography of R. simsii.  相似文献   

周繇 《生物学通报》2004,39(8):18-19,F003,F004
金凤蝶(papilio machaon)(本文照片见封三、封四)形态特征:翅展75~95mm,大型,翅面金黄色。前翅基部1/3为黑色。外缘具有1条黑色宽带。后翅外缘有6个黄色新月斑,臀角有1橙色圆斑。生态:1年2代。春型5~6月,体型较小;夏型7~9月。体型较大。♀比♂的黄色较淡,卵圆球形,以蛹越冬。寄主植物是伞形花科的独活、柴胡等;芸香科的黄檗、白藓等。分布的区域为海拔700~1589m。  相似文献   

新疆艾比湖湿地自然保护区荒漠优势种体内的水分来源   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
植物体内各水分来源的比例反映植物的适应特征,在水分作为限制因子的荒漠区,其更是物种间生态位分化、荒漠多样性维持的重要机理之一。通过检测艾比湖湿地自然保护区内4个生境(荒漠、河岸林、盐沼地和沙丘)的8科14种优势种的木质部,以及当地河水、地下水、4层不同深度(0—40,40—70,70—100 cm和100—150 cm)土壤水的稳定氧同位素值(δ~(18)O),估算各物种和各科植物体内各种水分来源的比例,随后依据根系的空间位置再将14种植物分成13个中深根系和1个浅根系物种,进一步利用δ~(18)O值分析深浅根系植物间的水分差别,以及各水源间的补给关系。结果表明:(1)艾比湖湿地自然保护区内,不同物种体内水分来源存在差别。将所有优势物种按科属归类后,类似物种水平,不同科属植物体内的水分来源也存在差别;(2)地下水是大部分植物的主要补给水源,多数植物很少利用0—40 cm表层土壤水;(3)深浅根系植物的水分来源不同,深根系植物主要利用地下水和河水,而浅根系植物主要利用土壤水;(4)艾比湖湿地自然保护区内,地下水补给河水,随后两者共同从土壤深层至浅层依次补给土壤水。综上可知:干旱荒漠内,水源可利用性的多样化,导致不同区域植物体内各水分来源的比例存在差别。在离河岸距离、地下水位高低、土壤表层盐渍化程度等因素的综合影响下,多年生和盐渍环境生长的植物,趋向于吸收地下水、河水和深层土壤水,相反,一年生或短命植物趋向于利用其能触及到的各种水源。  相似文献   

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