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报春苣苔是一类生长在石灰岩基质上的多年生草本植物,目前已知的种类160余种,主要分布在我国南部和越南北部的石灰岩地区。该属植物许多种类分布极其狭域,往往仅零星分布在某个或少数几个地点。近年来,该属植物许多新种类不断地被发现和报道,预示着该属植物可能有更加丰富的多样性。该研究报道了在广西博白县发现的该属植物一新种。从形态上判断,该新种属于广义报春苣苔属,其具有的一些特别的形态特征,如花冠下唇比上唇长得多,上唇内部具有两个近圆形斑点(其它多数种类具有条形斑点),而易于与本属其它物种区分。而且,基于叶绿体mat K基因序列重建的系统发育关系表明,该新种的确属于报春苣苔属且广义报春苣苔属是单系类群。该新种与钟冠报春(P.swinglei)和疏花报春(P.laxiflora)最为近缘,其mat K基因与后两者分别有5个和11个碱基差异,暗示这些物种间经历了较长时间的独立演化或mat K基因在这些物种中具有较高的碱基替换速率。另外,该新种只生长在丹霞岩石上,而其近缘种以及同属大多数其它种类都生长在石灰岩基质上,暗示该新种获得了特殊的适应能力以及与其它近缘种间存在生态隔离。该新种以及近年来本属许多其它新种类的发现,进一步增加了对该属植物多样性的认识,以及该属植物的演化与多样性分化之谜。这些物种所具有的高度区域或局域特有性和稀有性,以及形态上的特殊性和遗传上的独立性,进一步强化了对该属植物开展保护的重要性。  相似文献   

A new species of Primulina (Gesneriaceae) from a limestone area in southern China, P. rubella L.H. Yang & M. Kang, is described and illustrated. The new species has purple‐red flowers and is thus similar to P. lijiangensis, but differs by its petiole, leaf blade, cyme, filament, stigma and ovary. In adition, a molecular phylogenetic reconstruction indicated that P. rubella and P. lijiangensis belong to quite different clades. Instead, P. rubella appears to be closely related to the sympatric P. qingyuanensis, although these two species are obviously differentiated both in terms of flower color and other vegetative and floral characters. The conservation status of P. rubella is assessed as ‘Critically Endangered’ (CR) according to the IUCN red list categories and criteria.  相似文献   

Primulina maciejewskii F. Wen, R.L. Zhang & A.Q. Dong, a new species of Primulina (Gesneriaceae) from Guangdong, China, is described and illustrated. It is similar to P. lobulata and P. danxiaensis in leaf and flower shape, but can be distinguished by bract shape, peduncle, pedicel, and bract size, filament and anther indumentum, and number of bracts, staminodes and stigma.  相似文献   

Leaf water storage capacity and osmotic strength are important traits enabling species to adapt to environments that are often moisture limited. However, whether these drought tolerance traits are correlated with the species diversification rate (DR) of plant lineages is yet to be determined. In this study, we selected a species-rich genus (Primulina) of plants widely distributed in karst regions in which species frequently experience variable periods of drought. We measured water storage capacity-related traits (including leaf thickness and water content per mass) and saturated osmotic strength in the leaves of 58 Primulina species growing in a common garden. Subsequently, using phylogenetic methods, we examined the relationships between the rate of species diversification and the drought tolerance traits and between the species DR and evolutionary rates of these traits. We found that neither water storage capacity nor saturated osmotic strength showed significant relationships with the rate of species diversification. However, the evolutionary rate of saturated osmotic strength showed a significant correlation with the species DR, although no comparable significant relationship was detected regarding the evolutionary rate of water storage capacity. Our study indicates that the diversification among Primulina species has typically been accompanied by an extensive divergence of leaf osmotic strength but not a divergence in leaf water storage capacity. These findings will enhance our current understanding of how drought tolerance influences the diversification of plant species in karst regions.  相似文献   

黄翠莹  孟开开  郭剑强  陈昉  廖文波  凡强 《广西植物》2020,40(10):1429-1437
该文报道了在广东丹霞山发现的报春苣苔属一新种——黄进报春苣苔(Primulina huangjiniana),并对其进行了描述。该新种与同属物种短序报春苣苔(P. depressa)最为相似,但两者在形态特征上能够很好地区别:黄进报春苣苔具有更短的、长2.5~6 mm的苞片(vs. 短序报春苣苔具有长15~30 mm的苞片,顺序下同); 花萼裂片等长(vs. 不等长),花丝基部附近膝状突起,中部以上具腺毛(vs. 于中部膝状突起且无毛); 柱头倒三角形,深2裂成2线形裂片(vs. 片状,稍2浅裂,裂片为三角形),侧膜胎座(vs. 中轴胎座)。加上该新种在内,丹霞山目前共记录有6种报春苣苔属植物,其中丹霞小花苣苔(P. danxiaensis)和该新种均为丹霞地貌特有植物。黄进报春苣苔目前在丹霞山的两个地方有发现,成年植株不超过200株,根据IUCN红色名录标准,属于极危种。  相似文献   

原唇柱苣苔属(Chirita Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don)为一个人为界定的属, 2011年在分子系统学研究的基础上对该属及其近缘属开展了系统发育重建工作,其中绝大部分的原唇柱苣苔属唇柱苣苔组(Sect. Gibbosaccus C. B. Clark)的物种被并入了广义报春苣苔属(Primulina Hance)。然而,由于历史原因和早期经典分类学在研究方法上的局限性以及对现报春苣苔属部分物种的营养器官与生殖器官的认知不够,该属下一些物种的分类仍存在一些问题,亟待深入研究。比如,在对中国和越南分布的苦苣苔科植物开展研究的过程中,作者发现两个报春苣苔属的物种——广布于中国西南和华南直至中南半岛中部的钟冠报春苣苔[Primulina swinglei(Merr.)Mich. Möller & A. Weber]命名人和原被认为是中国与广西特有种的疏花报春苣苔[P. laxiflora(W. T. Wang)Yin. Z. Wang]之间的鉴定存在分类学问题,需要进一步厘清两者之间的关系。该文对这两个物种进行了形态比较,同时通过对这两种植物的原始描述对比、植物标本检查、栽培观察以及野外实地观察,确定疏花报春苣苔是钟冠报春苣苔的异名。此外,还明确了钟冠报春苣苔的后选指定模式标本。  相似文献   

覃信梅  盘波  卢永彬  沈利娜  张强  梁燕妮 《广西植物》2020,40(10):1466-1476
石山苣苔属(苦苣苔科)约41种,主要分布于我国西南石灰岩地区。到目前为止,仅其中四种的染色体数目被研究和报道,其余绝大多数物种的染色体数目和倍性尚不清楚,染色体数目和倍性在该属及其姐妹属报春苣苔属中的演变历史及其对两属物种多样性分化的影响亦不清楚。该文以叶片水培生根法获取的四种(含一变种)石山苣苔属植物 [即石山苣苔原变种(Petrocodon dealbatus var. dealbatus)、齿缘石山苣苔(Petrocodon dealbatus var. denticulatus)、弄岗石山苣苔(Petrocodon longangensis)、石山苣苔未定名种(Petrocodon sp.)]的根尖细胞为材料开展染色体实验,探索了多种不同的实验条件对染色体制片效果的影响并获取染色体数目,在石山苣苔属和报春苣苔属的系统树上追踪了染色体数目和倍性的演变历史,同时探讨染色体数目尤其是倍性变化是否对两属物种多样性分化存在影响。结果表明:(1)长度为1~1.5 cm的根尖,0.002 mol·L-1 8-羟基喹啉溶液预处理5 h,解离4 min为较适宜的染色体制备条件。(2)四种(含一变种)石山苣苔属植物染色体数目一致,均为二倍体(2n=2x=36)。(3)两属之间及两属各自的最近共同祖先染色体数目尚不能确定,除个别物种染色体条数或倍性有变化以外,其余已知染色体数目的物种均为2n=2x=36,在两属中高度一致,石山苣苔属与报春苣苔属物种多样性分化尤其两属物种多样性巨大差异与染色体数目和基因组倍性变化无关。综上结果为石山苣苔属植物及其近缘类群染色体制备提供了参考,也为进一步对该类群的分类、系统演化和物种形成等方面的研究提供了基础数据和启示。  相似文献   

中国苦苣苔科植物的多样性与地理分布(附表)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许为斌  郭婧  盘波  张强  刘演 《广西植物》2017,37(10):1226-1226
物种多样性编目是开展生物多样性保护的重要基础,该研究结合最新分子系统学研究成果以及近年来发表的新资料,对中国苦苣苔科植物多样性和地理分布数据进行了统计和分析.结果表明:中国苦苣苔科植物共有44属671种(含种下单位,下同),其中特有属11个;特有种573种,占总种数的85.39%.种数最多的10个属依次为广义报春苣苔属(180种)、广义马铃苣苔属(122种)、石蝴蝶属(39种)、半蒴苣苔属(39种)、芒毛苣苔属(38种)、长蒴苣苔属(35种)、石山苣苔属(31种)、吊石苣苔属(31种)、蛛毛苣苔属(28种)、汉克苣苔属(22种).在地理分布上,种数排名前10的省份(区)有广西(260种,33属)、云南(236种,30属)、贵州(96种,28属)、广东(93种,17属)、四川(85种,21属)、湖南(58种,13属)、西藏(39种,9属)、湖北(29种,15属)、福建(26种,13属)、江西(25种,9属).含中国特有苦苣苔科植物的属中排前10位的分别为广义报春苣苔属(178种)、广义马铃苣苔属(119种)、石蝴蝶属(37种)、半蒴苣苔属(35种)、石山苣苔属(30种)、长蒴苣苔属(29种)、吊石苣苔属(23种)、蛛毛苣苔属(19种)、芒毛苣苔属(19种)、汉克苣苔属(11种).这表明中国南部和西南部是苦苣苔科植物的一个分布中心,特别是石灰岩地区有着高度的物种多样性和特有性,广义报春苣苔属、广义马铃苣苔属、石蝴蝶属、半蒴苣苔属、石山苣苔属、吊石苣苔属等为我国典型的优势属.此外,根据目前的研究现状,还对我国苦苣苔科植物资源的调查、分类学和系统发育研究、保护和可持续利用等进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Karst ecosystems in southern China are species‐rich and have high levels of endemism, yet little is known regarding the evolutionary processes responsible for the origin and diversification of karst biodiversity. The genus Primulina (Gesneriaceae) comprises ca. 170 species endemic to southern China with high levels of ecological (edaphic) specialization, providing an exceptional model to study the plant diversification in karsts. We used molecular data from nine chloroplast and 11 nuclear regions and macroevolutionary analyses to assess the origin and cause of species diversification due to palaeoenvironmental changes and edaphic specialization in Primulina. We found that speciation was positively associated with changes in past temperatures and East Asian monsoons through the evolutionary history of Primulina. Climatic change around the mid‐Miocene triggered an early burst followed by a slowdown of diversification rate towards the present with the climate cooling. We detected different speciation rates among edaphic types, and transitions among soil types were infrequently and did not impact the overall speciation rate. Our findings suggest that both global temperature changes and East Asian monsoons have played crucial roles in floristic diversification within the karst ecosystems in southern China, such that speciation was higher when climate was warmer and wetter. This is the first study to directly demonstrate that past monsoon activity is positively correlated with speciation rate in East Asia. This case study could motivate further investigations to assess the impacts of past environmental changes on the origin and diversification of biodiversity in global karst ecosystems, most of which are under threat.  相似文献   

卢永彬  黄俞淞  许为斌  黄洁  刘演  向春雷  张强 《广西植物》2017,37(10):1227-1239
石山苣苔属(苦苣苔科)约30种,主要分布于我国南部的石灰岩地区.目前该属已知物种数虽少但花形态极其多样,是该科中分类最为困难的类群之一.基于分子证据,其它8个属中花形态迥异的一些物种被并入石山苣苔属.然而,该属花形态的演化趋势缺乏系统性的研究,传统分类对属的界定与分子系统学研究结果相矛盾的原因,以及是否有形态特征支持新界定的石山苣苔属还不清楚.该研究中,总共编码了19种石山苣苔属植物和9种报春苣苔属植物的35个形态特征,其中包括26个花部形态特征,在分子系统树上追踪了它们的演化路径.结果表明:无论属内还是属间,多数花部形态特征,尤其以往属的分类界定特征,在演化过程中变化频繁且发生了高度同塑性演化,这是导致传统形态分类不自然的关键因素.此外,在观察研究的所有特征中,花丝和柱头的差异可能在石山苣苔属植物共同祖先中经历了演变,或可用于区分石山苣苔属与其姐妹报春苣苔属的大多数种类.因此,在苦苣苔科植物的分类学研究中应当慎用这些花部性状作为分类依据,而且应对形态特征进行广泛地观察研究,在密集的取样和分辨率更高、更可靠的系统树上追踪它们的演化规律.更为重要的是,需要进一步研究导致复杂形态性状演化的内在分子调控机理和外在的自然选择动力,最终更加深入地理解石山苣苔属等典型喀斯特植物的演化过程和机理.  相似文献   

赖碧丹  邓征宇  孙奇 《广西植物》2020,40(10):1520-1530
广西是报春苣苔属植物的世界分布中心,特有种较多。该研究针对线叶报春苣苔(Primulina linearifolia)、条叶报春苣苔(P. ophiopogoides)、刺齿报春苣苔(P. spinulosa)、大根报春苣苔(P. macrorhiza)、线萼报春苣苔(P. linearicalyx)、癞叶报春苣苔(P. leprosa)、桂中报春苣苔(P. guizhongensis)、百寿报春苣苔(P. baishouensis),八种广西特有种的开花物候期、开花动态、子房发育情况、花粉活性等开花生物学特性进行了研究。结果表明:(1)八种广西特有报春苣苔属植物在野外及人工环境下部分种在花期、单株开花量、单花开放持续时间具有显著性差异。人工栽培植株在单株开花量、单花开放持续时间要优于野生植株。(2)不同物种的单花花期长短不同,为3~14 d。雄蕊在花蕾阶段已经基本完成生长。雌雄蕊成熟期不一致,雄蕊先于雌蕊成熟。(3)花冠半开放至完全打开阶段的花粉活性最高,均在90%以上。(4)花冠完全开放阶段的柱头可授性最强。(5)自花授粉不能结实,异花授粉可正常结实,自交种子发芽率在80%以上。综上结果不仅为解决珍稀物种的繁殖障碍和保存种质资源提供了数据支持,而且对后续提高报春苣苔属的杂交育种成功率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

P. Ax 《Hydrobiologia》1995,305(1-3):45-47
Species-rich communities of brackish-water plathelminths of the European continental coast and of the north American Atlantic coast are known to be most similar. In contrast nothing has been recorded about a possible settlement of corresponding faunal elements between the continents on volcanic islands which were covered by glaciers in the Pleistocene. At the Faroe Islands 2 freshwater species, 11 marine-euryhaline species and 12 genuine brackish-water organisms were found in minute brackish-water biotopes with highly variable salinity. Macrostomum curvituba Luther, Minona baltica Karling & Kinnader and Coronhelmis lutheri Ax are the most abundant species. Several brackish-water plathelminths are able to tolerate freshwater conditions. Most probably they have evolved mechanisms which are comparable to those of limnetic organisms allowing long distance transport across the sea in an inactive state.  相似文献   

该研究在建立贵州省野生苦苣苔科植物名录和地理分布数据库的基础上,对其物种多样性及地理分布格局进行研究。通过文献资料结合实地调查,从物种组成、特有性、水平分布、垂直分布和相似性等方面进行分析,并采用筛除算法确定贵州苦苣苔科植物分布的热点地区。结果表明:(1)贵州省苦苣苔科植物共计2族8亚族28属153种(含种下等级),分布在75个县级行政区,有128/45个中国/贵州特有种,垂直分布以900~1300 m海拔段最为丰富。(2)通过计算省级相似性系数,发现贵州与广西的相似程度最高,最后筛选得到10个热点县,共代表了75%的苦苣苔科植物。(3)贵州省为典型的喀斯特高原山地,苦苣苔科植物种类丰富,尤其是广义马铃苣苔属、广义报春苣苔属、广义石山苣苔属和蛛毛苣苔属等,有着较高的物种多样性和区域特有性。该研究可以为贵州省苦苣苔科植物资源保护和持续利用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Onobrychis dushanbensis Ranjbar, Vitek & Karamian, a new Fabaceae species endemic to Tajikistan, is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to Onobrychis Miller subgen. Sisyrosema (Bunge) Grossheim sect. Hymenobrychis DC. It is closely related to O. chorassanica Bunge and O. seravschanica B. Fedtsch., but is easily distinguished by its purple flowers with darker venation (vs yellowish with purple venation), with wings 9–10 mm long (vs wings 4–5 mm long) and bracts 14–15 mm long (vs bracts 4–5 mm long). The relationships between the new and closely related species are discussed.  相似文献   

Erysimum damirliense, a new species of Brassicaceae from Zanjan and Ardebil provinces (northwest Iran) is described and illustrated. The new species resembles E. uncinatifolium and E. elbrusense, but is easily recognized by its life form, basal leaf margin, indumentum of cauline leaves, number of flowers in the main raceme, fruit width and style length. Phylogenetic analysis of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) DNA sequences confirm that the new species is distinct from morphologically similar species.  相似文献   

The new species Mollugo viscosa Thulin & Harley is described from Minas Gerais in eastern Brazil. It was previously part of the recently published M. brasiliensis Thulin & Harley, a species that was found to be non‐monophyletic in molecular phylogenetic analyses. Mollugo brasiliensis is here divided into a northern species (M. brasiliensis s.str.) in Bahia and a southern species (M. viscosa sp. nov.) in Minas Gerais. The new species differs from M. brasiliensis in its denser and more viscous indumentum, and in its distinctly smaller seeds with smaller tubercles and a smaller hilar peg, and from its sister species M. ulei by being a perennial herb with bisexual flowers.  相似文献   

Chassalia magnificens, a new species from the Albertine Rift in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, is described and illustrated. The species is recognised inter alia by its large stipules and montane habitat. Chassalia chrysoclada is a new combination for a widespread, but hitherto overlooked, central African species originally described in the genus Psychotria. Chassalia chrysoclada is related to C. pteropetala (K. Schum.) Cheek but lacks the bicostate twigs and dorsally winged corolla lobes of that species.  相似文献   

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