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A new species of Primula, P. vallicola Y. Xu, G. Hao & C.M. Hu, is described and illustrated from Sichuan province, China. Based on general morphology the new species is assigned to Primula sect. Aleuritia subsect. Yunnanensis. It is closely allied to P. kialensis, but can be distinguished by its larger stature, leaf shape, and the well‐differentiated petiole. The leaf shape of the new species is ovate to ovate‐elliptic and usually sub‐rounded at base. The new species also resembles P. homogama, but differs in being glabrous rather than with appressed hairs, and with longer petiole.  相似文献   

Primula jiugongshanensis J. W. Shao, a new species from Mt Jiugongshan in Hubei Province, China, is described and illustrated. This species is a biennial glabrous herb with pinnately compound leaves, and affiliated to P. sect. Ranunculoides C. M. Hu. It is distinguished from other species of the section by outer simple leaves ovate, flowers distylous, corolla lobe apex conspicuously emarginate, and lack of bulblets. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of nrDNA internal transcribed spacer sequences (ITS) was conducted and the results also supported the recognition of P. jiugongshanensis as a new species. The species is known from only three separated unprotected populations and is categorized as ‘Endangered’ (EN).  相似文献   

描述了产自云南的球兰属一新种四花球兰(Hoya tetrantha J.F.Zhang,Y.H.Tong&N.H.Xia).该种为附生灌木,具有一年生的顶生花序和小型叶片,而与产自缅甸的狄克森球兰(H.dickasoniana P.T.Li)相似,但该种叶片卵形至阔卵形,先端锐尖,具短尖头,花序通常具4朵花,萼片线形且...  相似文献   

Thottea sasidharaniana (Aristolochiaceae), a new species from the southern part of the Western Ghats, India is described and illustrated. The new species is phenotypically close to the Indian species T. dinghoui. However, it differs from the latter in its ovate and glossy leaves, larger bracts, uniseriate stamens, 6 anthers, short and pubescent filaments and fewer seeds per fruits. It resembles T. tomentosa in having 6 distinct anthers, but the non‐urceolate flowers and the inflorescence architecture distinguish T. sasidharaniana from T. tomentosa. The latter species is distributed from Bangladesh, India (i.e. Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Assam, Manipur), Thailand, Malaysia, Java, Sumatra to the Philippines.  相似文献   

Distyly is usually rare or not observed in species thriving on oceanic islands. The rarity of this breeding system is probably because of the difficulty of colonization for distylous plants and the paucity of pollinators on oceanic islands. However, the endemic and endangered tree Psychotria homalosperma has maintained its distylous nature in the oceanic Bonin Islands, Japan. To understand how the distylous breeding system of P. homalosperma has been maintained on these islands and to characterize the reproduction systems, we studied the pollination and reproductive biology of this species. Specifically, we observed current flower visitors and estimated their effects on plant reproduction. We also examined the floral traits and floral volatiles of P. homalosperma to infer its original pollinators, because plant–pollinator relationships in the Bonin Islands have recently been disrupted by anthropological activities. Finally, we examined the fruit set and pollen tube growth in the stigmas under hand and open pollination. Although original pollinators were presumed to be moths with long proboscises, the introduced honeybee, Apis mellifera, was the most common flower visitor. The honeybee carried pollen grains only unidirectionally, from the short‐ to long‐styled morphs, because it could not reach the hidden stigmas of the short‐styled flowers, and long‐styled flowers set fruits 1.7–38 times more than short‐styled ones. This case study indicates that the instability of pollinator fauna can cause distylous species to be rare on oceanic islands.  相似文献   

A new species, Heterostemma trilobatum A. Kidyoo & Thaithong has been discovered in northern, northeastern and southeastern Thailand. It is here described, illustrated and meticulously compared with a morphologically similar species, H. xuansonense T. B. Tran & J. Hw. Kim. Both species resemble each other, having sessile to subsessile cymes, five glands on the inside of the calyx and dark red to purplish red ovate corona lobes. However, H.trilobatum is markedly differentiated by much smaller size of flowers and the presence of peculiar trilobed corona appendages.  相似文献   

报道了中国四川报春花属(Primula L.)一新种——小繸瓣报春(P.hydrocotylifolia G.Hao,C.M.Hu&Y.Xu)。小繸瓣报春植株无毛、无粉,叶片多少呈圆形,具纤细的叶柄,开花期叶丛基部无鳞片,球形蒴果藏于宿存花萼,成熟时裂成不规则碎片,显然属于脆蒴报春组(sect.Petiolares Pax)革叶报春亚组(subsect.Chartacea W.W.Sm.&Forrest),并与该亚组的川西繸瓣报春(P.veitchiana Petitm.)最为接近,但后者植物体的各部分均远大于此新种,花序多花,花亦较大,二者之间无过渡类型。  相似文献   

最近被重新界定的广义石山苣苔属(Petrocodon Hance)是苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)一个中等大小的属,我国目前已知的有34种1变种,主要分布于我国华南至西南石灰岩地区。该文报道了于云南东南部马关县发现的该属一新种——细管石山苣苔(Petrocodon tenuitubus W. H. Chen,F. WenY. M. Shui)。该新种在形态上与陆氏细筒苣苔(P. lui)、细筒苣苔(P. hispidus)和长檐苣苔(P. jasminiflorus)相似,但其线形或披针形的苞片和小苞片均为3枚,花冠筒细小且弯曲,盘形柱头1,很容易区别于陆氏细筒苣苔和细筒苣苔;而其叶片卵形至圆形,花冠裂片卵形而尖端钝以及退化雄蕊3,则显著区别于长檐苣苔。该新种的发现对推进我国石灰岩地区苦苣苔科植物资源的发掘具有一定意义。主模式标本存放于中国科学院昆明植物研究所标本馆(KUN),等模式标本存放于广西植物研究所标本馆(IBK)。  相似文献   

Abstract The comparative pollination biology of a population of Primula beesiana, a population of P. bulleyana, and an overlapping population of these two species in Yulong Shan, Yunnan Province, China, was studied in 2004 and 2005. The results indicate that both P. beesiana and P. bulleyana are typical heterostylous and obligate outcrossing species; the main pollinators of the two species were bees and butterflies. At the sites of all three populations, the main pollinating visitors of the two species showed preference for one of the two species, resulting in the ethological isolation of the two species by the pollinators. This ethological isolation contributes to the reproductive isolation of the two species, which supports the hypothesis that P. beesiana and P. bulleyana are two distinct species. The reproductive isolation of the two species (ethological isolation) is probably an important mechanism in maintaining species boundaries in the genus and has contributed to the species diversification of Primula in the area. In addition, gene exchanges between P. beesiana and P. bulleyana has occurred to some extent in the overlapping population, but whether natural hybridization has contributed to species diversification in Primula remains to be determined.  相似文献   

首次报道了囊萼花属(Cyrtandromoea Zoll.)的1个中国新记录种——茎花囊萼花(Cyrtandromoea grandis Ridl.),该种原记载产于泰国、马来半岛和苏门答腊岛,2019年在中国云南省勐海县布朗山地区发现有分布。茎花囊萼花与囊萼花(Cyrtandromoea grandiflora C.B.Clarke)最为相似,但前者聚伞花序生于老茎上,每一花序3~18朵花,二者容易区别。  相似文献   

Rungia sinothailandica (Acanthaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China and Chiang Rai, Thailand is described and illustrated. A colour plate, line drawing and distribution map of R. sinothailandica are provided. Rungia sinothailandica is similar to R. pinpienensis H. S. Lo, but differs in the broadly ovate sterile bracts and obovate‐elliptic fertile bracts, the crispate and tawny bracts margin, the 2‐lobed upper lip of the corolla and puberulent capsule. It is also similar to R. burmanica (C. B. Clarke) B. Hansen, but is easily distinguished by pubescent stems and leaves, the cymbiform‐oblong bracteoles and the 2‐lobed upper lip of corolla.  相似文献   

Under the pressure of global warming, general expectations of species migration and evolution of adaptive traits should always be confirmed with species‐specific studies. Within this framework, some species can be used as study systems to predict possible consequences of global warming also on other relatives. Unlike its mountain congeneric, Primula palinuri Petagn. has endured all the climatic fluctuations since the Pleistocene, while surviving on Mediterranean coastal cliffs. The aim of this work was to investigate the possible evolution of reproductive biological and ecological traits in P. palinuri adaptation to a warmer environment. Data showed that flowering starts in mid‐winter; single flowers remain open for over a month, changing from pendulous to erect. The number of insects visiting flowers of P. palinuri increases during the flowering season, and pollination reduces flower longevity. Overall, the best pollen performances, in terms of viability and germinability, occur at winter temperatures, while pollinator activity prolongs flowering until spring. Moreover, extended longevity of single flowers optimises reproductive success. Both phenotypic plasticity and selective processes might have occurred in P. palinuri. However, we found that reproductive traits of the only Mediterranean Primula remain more associated with cold mountain habitats than warm coastal cliffs. Given the rapid trend of climate warming, migration and new adaptive processes in P. palinuri are unlikely. Response to past climate warming of P. palinuri provides useful indications for future scenarios in other Primula species.  相似文献   

Primulina suichuanensis X. L. Yu & J. J. Zhou, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Jiangxi, China, is described and illustrated. Morphologically, the new species is most similar to P. roseoalba, but differs by entire leaf blade margin, narrowly ovate bracts, reddish–purple or bluish–purple corolla, 3.0–3.4 cm long corolla tube, white filaments, and 3.6 cm long pistil. It flowers from September to November.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Primula merrilliana Schltr. and P. cicutariifolia Pax that are sister taxa and the only two members of Primula sect. Ranunculoides were studied. The results showed that P. merrilliana is typically a distylous species not only in morphology but also in function; it has an incompatibility system that restricts the legitimate pollination to that between pin and thrum flower morphs, but self-fertilization may occur under certain conditions. P. cicutariifolia is self-compatible. The pin morph of P. merrilliana has longer stigma papillae and smaller pollen than the thrum morph. The results stated above support the view that P. filchnerae should be moved from sect. Pinnatae to sect. Auganthus.  相似文献   

Reciprocal herkogamy is known to promote intermorph-pollination in distylous species, which are generally self- and intramorph-incompatible. Legitimate crossing rates are also influenced by pollinator foraging strategy, which determines most of the pollen flow in natural populations. This study reports on the floral morphology, compatibility relations and pollination biology of Psychotria nuda (Cham. and Schltdl.) Wawra in the Atlantic rain forest, southeastern Brazil, based on floral measurements, hand-pollination experiments and focal observation of floral visitors. It was found that P. nuda does not present an exactly reciprocal herkogamy, however, this morphological trait in P. nuda is as good as in most of Rubiaceae. Reproductive experiments showed compatibility relations similar to those frequently observed in distylous species. The hummingbirds Ramphodon naevius and females of Thalurania glaucopis were the main pollinators of P. nuda, presenting the traplining foraging strategy, which seems to maximize intermorph crosses in P. nuda flowers. These hummingbirds pollinated P. nuda flowers sequentially throughout the flowering period.  相似文献   

A new species of Gesneriaceae, Primulina jianghuaensis K. M. Liu & X. Z. Cai, from a limestone cave in Hunan Province, China, is identified and described. Its seed and pollen grain morphology are described. The new species is morphologically closely related to P. lingchuanensis ( =Chiritopsis lingchuanensis) and P. danxiaensis ( =Chiritopsis danxiaensis), but it can be distinguished by its 12–25 (–30) leaves, ovate or broad ovate leaf blade, subcordate, truncate or slightly decurrent leaf base, undulate leaf margin, 5–20 cymes, and 2–3 staminodes.  相似文献   

A new species of Rubiaceae, Spiradiclis densa, is described and illustrated from southwestern China. It is similar to S. tomentosa, but differs in the elliptic or oblong leaf blades, distylous flowers and inner sides of corolla tube with dense pubescence near throat. The conservation status of the new species is preliminarily assessed as ‘Vulnerable’ according to IUCN categories and criteria.  相似文献   

乔娣  杨凤  曹建新  叶罕根  王焕冲 《广西植物》2017,37(11):1443-1446
外来物种的归化和入侵对全球环境和社会发展造成了严重影响,已成为当今各国生物多样性管理和生态保护中所面临的全球性问题。我国是遭受外来入侵危害最为严重的国家之一,在外来物种入侵的预警、管理和治理等方面形势严峻。该研究报道了中国西番莲科(Passifloraceae)西番莲属(Passiflora Linn.)一个新归化种,即桑叶西番莲(P.morifolia Mast.),并提供了形态描述和野外生态照片。桑叶西番莲原产于中美洲和南美洲的热带地区,现发现新归化于我国云南省普洱市孟连县的竜山龙血树省级自然保护区。桑叶西番莲的主要鉴别特征为叶片草质,掌状3浅裂,疏被短硬毛,托叶卵形,半抱茎,聚伞花序退化,苞片线状,具1~2花,花梗长3~6 cm,花瓣白色,副花冠基部紫色,浆果成熟时紫黑色,被短刺毛和白霜。国产种类中,桑叶西番莲与龙珠果(Passiflora foetida)最为近似,但后者全株被柔毛和腺毛,叶柄不具腺体,花序苞片一至三回羽状分裂,丝状的副花冠基部常粉红色。此外,还简要评估了桑叶西番莲的危害和入侵风险。  相似文献   

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