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Patterns of intraspecific variation were examined inAntennaria alborosea A. E. Porsild,A. corymbosa E. Nels,A. marginata Greene,A. microphylla Rydb.,A. parvifolia Nutt., andA. umbrinella Rydb. AlthoughA. alborosea was initially considered arctic in distribution, it became apparent that a southern montane element also exists. Our results suggest that morphological differences between arctic and southern montane specimens represent clinal variation. The additional morphological data for specimens that occur more than 1,500 km south of the species' range as it was initially described result in a better understanding of this once presumed arctic taxon. Morphological variation in the dioecious speciesA. corymbosa, A. marginata, A. microphylla, A. parvifolia, andA. umbrinella was greater between the genders than was geographic variation within each gender. These results demonstrate that both pistillate and staminate specimens must be examined in dioecious species ofAntennaria if morphological variation in the respective species is to be fully understood. Character size or number of broadly distributed species (A. microphylla andA. parvifolia) generally decreased with increasing longitude, whereas characters of species with more restricted distributions (A. alborosea, A. corymbosa, andA. marginata) generally increased in size or number with increasing latitude or longitude.Antennaria umbrinella was an exception in this respect.  相似文献   

Riassunto Lo studio comprende una revisione critico-sperimentale della specie Actinomyces albus, della quale vengono considerati come sinonimi circa 30 nomi speeifici, fra i quale A. chromogenus, A. odorifer, A. thermophylus p.p.; della specie é data una diagnosi ed una particolareggiata descrizione.Sono inoltre studiate le specie A. viridis, (= A. viridochromogenus) e A. innominatus, n. nomen. Quest'ultima é preceduta da una breve discussione sulla specie A. homini.
Summary Twenty-six strains of Actinomyces albus are studied redescribed from morphological, cultural and biochemical standpoints. Many biological activities of A. chromogenus, A. odorifer and A. thermophilus are in common with other species of the same genus, so that they may be considered for sub-specific, (not specific) differentiation. A discussion on A. farcinicus, A. albidoflavus and A. aureus has been originated from mislabeling as A. albus; the group including the two last named species (flavus group) must be revised. A few strains classified A. farcinicus are in no doubt true A. albus, but this real specific entity remains to be revised from Nocard's strain. A. viridis, for the first time described by Lombardo-Pellegrino, has been redescribed three times as a new species under the same binomial, and the fourth as A. viridochromogenes. A. hominis Bostroem is an uncorrect determination for the species originally described by Waksmann and Curtiss, and it is renamed A. innominatus, the binomial A. (Streptothrix) hominis Auct. being a nomen ambiguum. In conclusion, 30 bionmial are appended in sinonimy to A. albus, including Cladothrix dichotoma Macé (1888) non Cohn, G. invulnerabilis Acosta et G. Rossi, C. odorifera Rullm. Actinomyces chromogenus Gasp., A. thermophilus Auct., p.p., A. (Streptothrix) Sanninii (Cif.) Westerd., A. Almquisti Duché, A. Gougeroti Duché, and so on.

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):153-155

The taxonomy of Anomobryum julaceum and allied species with axillary bulbils in Europe and Asia is reviewed. A. concinnatum is regarded as a distinct species, occurring in W. and C. Europe, SW., N. and C. Asia and N. America. A. bavaricum has often been confused with A. concinnatum, but differs in its more numerous, small, reddish bulbils and in leaf shape; it is known only from the European Alps. The Asian A. nitidum also has numerous small reddish bulbils but it differs from A. bavaricum in leaf shape and bulbil form. A lectotype is designated for A. nitidum, of which A. gemmigerum and other nominal taxa are regarded as synonyms. Information is presented on geographical ranges and habitats of the four valid species.  相似文献   

Allium fistulosum possesses a number of traits which would be desirable in A. cepa. Thus far, no commercial A. cepa cultivars have been released which harbor Allium fistulosum traits. F1BC3 populations were generated for this study by backcrossing A. cepa to A. cepa×A. fistulosum hybrids. The F1BC3 plants were evaluated for plant morphology, floral characters, male- sterile cytoplasm, soluble solids and pungency, and isozymes. Overall growth habit and floral characters of the F1BC3 plants were much like A. cepa. We report here the recovery of recombinant, bulbing, and fertile A. cepa-type onions that exhibit A. fistulosum isozyme alleles and morphological markers. Recombination between A. cepa and A. fistulosum genomes was achieved using the introgression strategy of backcrossing A. fistulosum into A. cepa, thereby ameliorating the nuclear cytoplasmic barriers that occurred in previous less successful introgression attempts when plants were not in A. cepa cytoplasm. We believe this report to be the first demonstration of onion introgressants that are like A. cepa in appearance, are male- and female-fertile, and possess A. fistulosum genes. Received: 29 May 1999 / Accepted 22 June 1999  相似文献   

Aspidistra albopurpurea, A. khangii, A. lubae and A. stellata discovered recently are described and illustrated as species new to science. All novelties are local endemics of northern Vietnam and southeastern Laos. Aspidistra albopurpurea is unique in the genus with a white/red stigma in striking contrast to the large milk‐white tube base. Aspidistra stellata belongs to a group of species with extraordinary long and narrow lineate perigone lobes. Aspidistra khangii and A. lubae belong to a small group of species having erect, vertical shoots. The first species is easily distinguished by its stout stem, down‐curved peduncle and obpyramidal, container‐shaped perianth. Aspidistra lubae has characteristic horizontal, peduncles and urceolate flowers. Besides the type variety, A. lubae includes var. lancifolia, which differs in its erect, lanceolate, immaculate, shortly petiolate leaves. Both varieties of A. lubae were found growing, often intermixed, in the same locality in very similar ecological conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract Adenophora is an extremely variable genus, and its taxonomy is very controversial. Of the genus, Adenophora potaninii complex, including A. potaninii, A. bockiana, A. wawreana, A. lobophylla, A. biformifolia, A. polydentata, and A. wawreana var. lanceifolia, is a typical group with different taxonomical treatments due to high level of morphological diversity. We carried out extensive biosystematic studies based on population sampling, transplantation experiments and offspring tests, cluster analysis, and a crossing experiment. The results reveal four main findings. (i) Leaf forms of the A. potaninii complex were extremely polymorphic; the leaf form of A. potaninii and A. bockiana, and that of A. wawreana and A. biformifolia could be found, respectively, on a single population or among the offsprings of a single plant. (ii) Cluster analysis and a crossing experiment indicated that A. bockiana and A. polydentata could not be separated from A. potaninii, nor A. biformifolia from A. wawreana. (iii) Adenophora potaninii and A. wawreana were gradational in morphology and their compatibility value was slightly reduced compared to that within each entity. (iv) Adenophora lobophylla was distinct from the other members of the complex in shape and size of corolla, relative length of style, and shape of capsule. This species was incompatible reproductively with the other members of the complex, but partly compatible with A. stenanthina, a species in another section. Therefore, we recognized only one species with two subspecies in the complex, A. potaninii subsp. potaninii and subsp. wawreana, moved A. lobophylla out of the complex, and reduced all the other names as new synonyms.  相似文献   

A specimen of Agapetes from Myanmar is described and illustrated as Agapetes grandiflora Hook.f., as a result of comparison with A. burmanica W.E.Evans, A. macrantha (Hook.) Hook.f. and A. variegata (Roxb.) D.Don ex G.Don. This species has extrafloral nectaries on the margins of young leaves and at the apex of calyx lobes.  相似文献   

Hybrids were produced with relative ease from controlled crosses of Elymus canadensis L. with European Agropyron caninum (L.) Beauv., North American A. trachycaulum (Link) Malte ex H. F. Lewis, and Asian A. striatum Nees ex Steud. All hybrids appeared to be completely sterile and were, for the most part, morphologically intermediate between their parents. The E. canadensis × A. caninum hybrids were exceptionally vigorous and leafy and may have some potential as forage grasses if fertility can be achieved. All parent plants were tetraploid, 2n = 28, and they behaved cytologically as alloploids. Chromosome pairing in the hybrids indicated that both E. canadensis genomes were closely homologous with those of A. trachycaulum and somewhat less homologous with those of A. caninum. Interchanged and inverted chromosome segments apparently constitute the major differences between E. canadensis, A. trachycaulum, and A. caninum genomes; however, cryptic structural differences must also exist. Partial homologies were detected between one A. striatum and E. canadensis genome, but their other genomes were distinctly different. The genome relations between the parent species were expressed in terms of the following genome formulas: E. canadensis, S1S1X1X1; A. trachycaulum, S2S2X2X2; A. caninum, S3S3X3X3 : and A. striatum S4S4YY or X4X4YY, where “S” refers to a genome derived from A. spicatum and “X” and “Y” are genomes of unknown origin.  相似文献   

Two new species of Amomum (Zingiberaceae) from Mizoram are described and illustrated: A. dampuianum and A. mizoramense. Photographs, a comparison with the allied species A. corynostachyum and A. hypoleucum, and a key to the species of Amomum known in Mizoram is also provided.  相似文献   

In a taxonomic/phylogenetic study of the genus Lenormandia, several species were found to differ significantly from the type species, L. spectabilis Sonder, in apical morphology, blade‐surface pattern, medullary construction, the presence of pseudopericentral cells, and the position of reproductive structures. These species constitute two groups that differ morphologically, a finding largely supported by analysis of 18S rRNA sequences, as reported previously. The two putative Lenormandia species from New Zealand, along with two previously undescribed species also from New Zealand, comprised one such group, designated here by the new genus name Adamsiella L.E. Phillips et W.A. Nelson, gen. nov. and including A. melchiori L.E. Phillips et W.A. Nelson, sp. nov., A. lorata L.E. Phillips et W.A. Nelson, sp. nov., A. angustifolia (Harvey) L.E. Phillips et W.A. Nelson, comb. nov., and A. chauvinii (Harvey) L.E. Phillips et W.A. Nelson comb. nov. Adamsiella differs from Lenormandia by incurved apices, a chevron surface pattern, and reproductive structures on dorsi‐ventrally flattened apically incurved polysiphonous branchlets usually produced at the margins. Two species endemic to Australia formed the second group designated by the resurrected generic name Epiglossum and also characterized by a strongly incurved apex and chevron surface pattern but with reproductive structures produced on terete polysiphonous branchlets found either on the midrib or elsewhere on the blade surface but not the margins. Epiglossum contains E. smithiae (J.D. Hooker et Harvey) Kützing and E. proliferum (C. Agardh) L.E. Phillips, comb. nov.  相似文献   


The genus Amanita Pers. ex Fr. in Rome neighbourood. — The presence of the genus Amanita in Rome neighbourood, small district, with vegetation and soil diversified, has been studied. The list includes 30 entities (A. caesarea, A. argentea°, A. nivalis, A. vaginata, A. vaginata var. cinerea°, A. fulva, A. crocea°, A. umbrinolutea°, A. lividapallescens°, A. strangulata, A. junquillea, A. eliae°, A. muscaria, A. pantherina, A. alba, A. phalloides, A. phalloides var. alba, A. verna, A. virosa, A. citrina, A. citrina var. alba°, A. porphyria°, A. rubescens, A. spissa. A. excelsa, A. aspera, A. vittadini, A. codinae°, A. strobiliformis, A. boudieri°), 11 new also for latium (°), among these A. codinae and A. vaginata var. cinerea hitherto not found in Italy. At last, the genus in whole region is examined.  相似文献   

A morphological study of specimens collected by the author and a critical revision of the key herbarium collections revealed a new rather peculiar taxon of Alchemilla occurring in almost every region of the Middle Volga basin, Russia. This novelity is here described as A. schmakovii and images of the principal morphological features of this species are provided. The new species is compared with related species in A. sect. Alchemilla (e.g. A. micans) and sect. Plicatae (e.g. A. breviloba) based on morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung A. sagittata (Bertol.) DC. von zehn Herkünften aus Europa ist mit 2 n=16 diploid.A. hirsuta (L.)Scop. s. str. einschließlich der sicherlich hierhergehörigen var.glaberrima Wahlenb. von 30 europäischen Herkünften ist mit 2 n=32 tetraploid; diploide Pflanzen konnten beiA. hirsuta s. str. nicht gefunden werden.
Summary A. sagittata (Bertol.) DC. from 10 different places in Europe has 2 n=16 chromosomes and is diploid.A. hirsuta (L.)Scop. s. str., its var.glaberrima Wahlenb. being included, has been investigated from 30 provenances in Europe, it has the tetraploid chromosome number 2 n=32, diploid plants could not be found in this species.A. hirsuta var.glaberrima (2 n=32) is surely belonging toA. hirsuta s. str. and not toA. allionii (2 n=16).

 A study was conducted to assess the dynamics of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi associated with Acacia farnesiana and A. planifrons in moderately fertile alkaline soils. The intensity of root colonization by VAM fungi and the distribution of VAM fungal structures varied with host species over a period of time. The occurrence of vesicles with varied morphology in the mycorrhizal roots indicates infection by different VAM fungal species. This was further confirmed from the presence of spores belonging to different VAM fungal species in the rhizosphere soils. Root colonization and spore number ranged from 56% – 72% and 5 – 14 g –  1soil in A. farnesiana and from 60% – 73% and 5 – 15 g –  1 soil in A. planifrons. Per cent root colonization and VAM spore number in the rhizosphere soil were inversely related to each other in both the Acacia species. However, patterns of the occurrence of VAM fungal structures were erratic. Spores of Acaulospora foveata, Gigaspora albida, Glomus fasciculatum, G. geosporum and Sclerocystis sinuosa were isolated from the rhizosphere of A. farnesiana whereas A. scrobiculata, G. pustulatum, G. fasciculatum, G. geosporum and G. microcarpum were isolated from that of A. planifrons. The response of VAM status to fluctuating edaphic factors varied with host species. In A. farnesiana though soil nitrogen (N) was positively correlated with root colonization, soil moisture, potassium and air temperature were negatively correlated to both root colonization and spore number. Per cent root colonization and spore number in A. planifrons were negatively related to each other. Further, in A. planifrons as the soil phosphorus and N were negatively correlated with the density of VAM fungal spores, the same edaphic factors along with soil moisture negatively influenced root colonization. Received: 16 May 1995 / Accepted: 7 February 1996  相似文献   

The African rats of the genus Arvicanthis have been widely studied during recent years to clarify species boundaries and phylogenetic relationships. The wide chromosomal variability of the genus has been highlighted in several studies, with each accepted species characterised by its individual karyotypes and others being revealed as cryptic species. In the present paper we report the karyotype and the C- and G-banding patterns of the two species A. nairobae and A. neumanni from seven localities of Tanzania, an area of the range poorly studied. The two karyotypes were compared to that of A. niloticus, which is considered to be primitive. The karyotype of A. neumanni is characterised by 2n = 53–54 and NFa = 62. This karyotypic variability depends on a widespread Robertsonian polymorphism. The karyotype of A. nairobae shows 2n = 62 and NFa = 78; it diverges from that of A. niloticus through one reciprocal translocation, five inversions and three heterochromatic additions. The comparison with the karyotypes of other species of the genus showed that A. neumanni belongs to the east African lineage (with A. abyssinicus, A. blicki, A. niloticus), while A. nairobae is closer to the central and the west African representatives which were all previously under the name of A. niloticus (ANI-2, ANI-3, ANI-4). The distribution of A. nairobae in east Africa opens new scenarios in the biogeographical pattern of evolution of the genus.  相似文献   

A new unicellular red alga, Corynoplastis japonica gen. et sp. nov., is described from Tobishima, Japan. Cells are spherical, 18–33 µm in diameter, pale purple to brownish red and surrounded by a mucilaginous sheath. A single chloroplast with many lobes extends from the cell periphery to the cell center. A peripheral thylakoid is present. A pyrenoid occurs at each innermost chloroplast lobe end and one or two thylakoids are present in the pyrenoid matrix. The nucleus is eccentric to peripheral and Golgi bodies are scattered throughout the cell and associated with endoplasmic reticulum. Cells have a slow random gliding motility. The low molecular weight carbohydrate mannitol is present in the cells. Molecular phylogenetic analysis indicates that this alga is closely related to members of the genus Rhodella. A new order, Dixoniellales, is established for Dixoniella, Neorhodella and Glaucosphaera based on molecular and ultrastructural evidence (Golgi bodies associated only with the nucleus). The redefined order Rhodellales in which Rhodella and Corynoplastis are placed is characterized ultrastructurally by Golgi bodies scattered throughout the cytoplasm and associated with endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted to identify fungi associated with leaf diseases of ornamental herbs, including Christ plant, dracaena, rose geranium, rose periwinkle and treasure flower, in Ahvaz, southwestern Iran. Twenty‐five symptomatic herbs were collected and studied, which led to the isolation of seven Phoma‐like strains belonging to four taxa. These fungi were characterised based on DNA sequence data for the partial large subunit 28S nrDNA (LSU‐D1/D2), the internal transcribed spacer 1 and 2 and 5.8S nrDNA (ITS) and part of the β‐tubulin (tub2) gene regions. A multi‐locus‐based phylogeny, in combination with morphology, allowed for the identification of Allophoma hayatii, A. labilis, A. tropica and a novel species of the genus Ectophoma. Ectophoma iranica sp. nov. is morphologically and genetically distinctive from previously described species. In pathogenicity tests, the two strains of E. iranica (CBS 144681 and IRAN 3354C) caused leaf spot symptoms on leaves of Catharanthus roseus. New host plant species and records for A. hayatii, A. labilis and A. tropica are reported, plus further emended characterization of A. hayatii.  相似文献   

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