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对2017年11月至2022年1月报道于西藏自治区的15个兰科植物新种、77个兰科植物新记录种统计表明,绝大部分(85.9%)发现于墨脱县。该研究于2021年进一步对墨脱县野生兰科植物资源进行调查,经查阅标本和文献比对鉴定,共发现采自墨脱县的兰科植物西藏新记录属1个——叉柱兰属(Cheirostylis Blume),西藏兰科新记录种10个——巡胡石豆兰(Bulbophyllum sinhoense Aver.)、葡萄天麻(Gastrodia putaoensis X.H.Jin)、中华叉柱兰(C.chinensis Rolfe)、弯瓣大苞兰[Bulbophyllum sasakii(Hayata)J.J.Verm.,Schuit.&de Vogel]、独龙石斛(Dendrobium praecinctum Rchb.f.)、直立山珊瑚[Cyrtosia falconeri(Hook.f.)Aver.]、红唇鸢尾兰(Oberonia rufilabris Lindl.)、白肋菱兰[Rhomboda tokioi(Fukuy.)Ormerod]、带唇兰(Tainia dunnii Rolfe)和绿叶线柱兰(Zeuxine agyokuana Fukuy.),其中巡胡石豆兰和葡萄天麻为2个中国新记录种。结合最新文献及野外植株形态,对以上物种分别进行了描述,提供花期照片和解剖图,并总结了新记录种与相似种之间的差异,以方便鉴别。凭证标本均存放于华东师范大学植物标本馆(HSNU)。  相似文献   

Aspidistra punctatoides Yan Liu & C. R. Lin (Ruscaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from limestone areas in southwestern Guangxi, China, near the border with northern Vietnam. It resembles A. punctata Lindl. in leaf size, a campanulate perianth densely covered with purple spots, lobes adaxially with two fleshy keels, and the peltate stigma, but differs by the stigma being adaxially truncate and densely papillate, and by the margin being 3‐ or 4‐lobed with lobes emarginate at apex.  相似文献   

Draba longiciliata Al‐Shehbaz & Sklená?, a new species from the Ecuadorian páramo, is described and illustrated. It is readily distinguished from the remaining South American species by a combination of linear leaves, glabrous on both surfaces and long‐ciliate along the entire margin and apex, and by the slender, many‐branched, slightly woody lower stems, densely covered with persistent leaf bases.  相似文献   

Aristolochia bhamoensis from Myanmar is here described and illustrated. This new species is morphologically similar to A. faviogonzalezii (confined to northern Vietnam) and A. cathcartii (growing in the Himalayan region) but is distinguished from the latter two species by having a cream‐white upper part of the perianth tube, with visible purple ridges, a trumpet‐shaped limb, 5.0–5.5 cm diameter, inner surface of limb lobes densely covered with dark‐purple bristles, a nearly circular mouth, 3.2–3.5 cm wide, upper half of throat being dark‐purple to blackish, without striations or dots, and lower half purple, with conspicuous white striation. Morphological characters such as a 3‐lobed gynostemium and a 3‐lobed limb support a placement of the new species in the subgenus Siphisia. A diagnostic key is provided to the seven Siphisia species known from Myanmar.  相似文献   

Two new species of Schizostachyum Nees (Poaceae: Bambusoideae): S. yalyense N. H. Xia, V. T. Tran et H. N. Nguyen and Schizostachyum ninhthuanense N. H. Xia, V. T. Tran et H. N. Nguyen (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) are described and illustrated from Vietnam. Schizostachyum yalyense is similar to S. lima (Blanco) Merrill, but differs by culm sheaths with a concave apex 4–5 cm wide and 1.0–1.5 cm deep, pseudospikelets clustered on the wholly leafless flowering branches, possession of 2 bracts and lodicules. Schizostachyum ninhthuanense is related to S. hainanense Merrill ex McClure, but differs by culm sheaths covered with white hairs and having white–brown hairs at the apex, ligule margin densely pale‐ciliate, pseudospikelets clustered on wholly leafless flowering branches, presence of 3 lodicules, two stigmas apically on the style and the third stigma branching off from one of the two other stigmas.  相似文献   

报道中国大陆兰科(Orchidaceae)天麻属(Gastrodia R. Brown)二新记录种——折柱天麻(Gastrodia flexistyla T. C. HsuC. M. Kuo)和叉脊天麻(Gastrodia shimizuana Tuyama)。折柱天麻与日本天麻[Gastrodia nipponica(Honda) Tuyama]相似,但前者花被筒长、疣状凸起不明显,唇瓣绿黄色等特征可与后者相区分。叉脊天麻与冬天麻(Gastrodia pubilabiata Sawa)相近,但前者花被筒浅黄褐色至淡红褐色,唇瓣三角状、白色等特征易与后者相区别。该文提供了新记录种的形态描述及图版。  相似文献   

Anatomically preserved infructescences of Sarbaicarpa shilinii gen. et sp. nov. are described from the Cenomanian-Turonian of Kazakhstan and assigned to the Hamamelidales on the basis of their microstructure. The infructescence consists of about 30 free broadly cuneate fruits. The fruits are monocarpellate, without stylode, and basally with hairs. The seed is solitary and anatropic. Two types of sterile elements are present: (1) semispherical structures that are comparable in size to the fruits and densely covered with rounded trichomes and (2) narrow linear structures reaching more than a half of the fruit length. The new genus is characterized by a mosaic of platanaceous and hamamelidaceous characters. The plant remains are found associating with fossil leaves of the typically Platanus aspect.  相似文献   

报道了采自云南省绿春县的杜鹃花科树萝卜属一中国新记录种,即葡萄树萝卜(Agapetes putaoensis Y. H. Tong & N. H. Xia)。葡萄树萝卜原记录产于缅甸东北部克钦邦葡萄地区。该研究对该种进行了描述,补充了该种发表时未曾描述的果实特征,并提供彩色图版以方便鉴别。凭证标本存放于中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园标本馆(HITBC)和中国医学科学院药用植物研究所云南分所标本馆(IMDY)。  相似文献   

Regeneration of natural forests was studied in the Nakagawa Experiment Forest of Hokkaido University using age distribution surveys made by the clear felling method. In Plot 1 (30 m × 65 m),Abies sachalinensis dominated the canopy layer but there were also a fewBetula ermanii trees.Sasa senanensis densely covered the forest floor. Most of the canopy trees were from 122 to 195 years old. Seedlings younger than 50 years old ofA. sachalinensis were found on fallen logs and root bases. There were, however, few trees from 50 to 120 years old. The present canopy trees seemed to have regenerated after competitive pressure from old canopy andSasa disappeared 180 years ago. Plot 2 (50 m × 100 m) on serpentinite soil was dominated byPicea glehnii. Sasa kulirensis covered the floor but not as densely asS. senanensis in Plot 1. The ages ofP. glehnii ranged from 1 to 586 years old, and the age distribution ofA. sachalinensis was L-shaped. A small gap in the canopy formed about 290 years ago, and it gradually extended. Conifers regenerated continuously in the extending gap butB. ermanii did not. One hundred thirty years ago, part of Plot 2 was again destroyed andA. sachalinensis andB. ermanii regenerated. Thus, two types of regeneration were found. One regenerated both conifers andBetula after a sudden disturbance of canopy layer or death ofSasa, and the other, under an extending gap, regenerated only conifers.  相似文献   

A new red alga, Dasya enomotoi, is described from Japan. This species is characterized by having a large thallus consisting of an elongated axis and many, radially arranged, polysiphonous branches both of which are heavily corticated and densely covered with numerous, soft monosiphonous filaments. It is distinguished from several similar species by the combination of the following: (i) indistinct pericentral cells in transverse sections except near the apices, (ii) the presence of enlarged, inner cortical cells, (iii) radially arranged adventitious monosiphonous filaments, (iv) three‐celled carpogonial branches, (v) six (sometimes five) tetrasporangia in each fertile segment of the stichidia, and (vi) three tetrasporangial cover cells that are not elongated longitudinally and usually not divided transversely. This species may have been identified as D. villosa Harvey by previous investigators in Japan.  相似文献   

Didymocarpus tonghaiensis J. M. Li & F. S. Wang sp. nov. from Yunnan, China, is illustrated and described. It is morphologically similar to D. stenanthos C. B. Clarke, but differs by having a densely glandular peduncle, 5‐lobed calyx with lobes that are free to the base, larger corolla, anther with white woolly hairs and a densely glandular‐hairy capsule.  相似文献   

The new genus Nanooravia Kiran Raj & Sivad. (Poaceae–Andropogoneae–Dimeriinae) from the southwestern Ghats in India is described and illustrated, and the new combination N. santapaui (M. R. Almeida) Kiran Raj & Sivad. is made. The genus is characterized by its usually unequal and intertwined racemes, triquetrous rachis, extremely oblique and glabrous pedicel tip, distantly arranged spikelets, long trigonous callus with oblique tip and densely covered with golden–yellow or yellowish–brown hairs along one angle, keel‐less glumes with a dorsally echinate apex and apically auricled margins, and an upper lemma with a stout awn having a long column. The new genus is distinct from Dimeria R. Br. in which the species was originally described, but is similar to the monotypic Indian genus Pogonachne Bor currently placed in the subtribe Ischaeminae. It occurs in Peninsular India, a region considered as the centre of diversity of the subtribe with more than 50% of the known Dimeria species, including numerous endemics.  相似文献   

报道了中国伞形科(Apiaceae)孜然芹属一新记录种:长毛孜然芹[Cuminum borszczowii(Regel et Schmalh.)Koso-Pol.]。该物种在形态上与孜然芹(C.cyminum)相近,与后者的区别在于总苞宽披针形具较宽的膜质边缘,不反折,比伞辐短;果实密被长毛。提供了该种详细的形态学描述及图版。凭证标本保存在新疆农业大学标本馆(XJA)和中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所标本馆(XJBI)。  相似文献   

A new species, Auleutes alexanderi sp. n. formerly confused with and similar to the Holarctic A. epilobii (Pk.) is described from the Middle West and Southeast United States. The new species differs from A. epilobii in the rostrum densely covered with broad white scales in males and longer, less strongly curved and matte, not striate, and less flattened in females and in the structure of the aedeagus with a broad membranous medial part along the entire length.  相似文献   

A new orchid species, Gastrodia sui C. S. Leou, T. C. Hsu & C. L. Yeh is described and illustrated from Taiwan. The new species is closely related to G. callosa J. J. Sm. but distinguishable by the number and position of calli inside the perianth tube, the fused ratio of perianth lobes, and the structure of the lip and column. It is so far only found in the area of Mt Lilung in southern Taiwan.  相似文献   

Plumatella nitens is a newly recognized species of phylactolaemate bryozoan in North America. It has previously been combined with either P. repens or P. fungosa, from which it differs primarily by the floatoblast. In P. nitens the ventral floatoblast annulus is uniformly narrow with no significant widening at the poles. The dorsal floatoblast fenestra is conspicuously larger than in either P. repens or P. fungosa. Reticulated ridges on the dorsal fenestra are weak along the margins, becoming unusually prominent in the center. The sessoblast is densely covered with uneven papillae. Spotty sampling so far shows a distribution only in the northern half of North America, including Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Ontario, and the northern regions of Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.  相似文献   

Three new species of Agaricales are described and illustrated from eastern Honshu, Japan:Boletus rhodocarpus sp. nov. (sectionLuridi), forming large, deep red basidiomata with a pileus covered with small, blackish brown scales, was found on ground in a highland forest dominated byTsuga diversifolia andAbies veitchii; Phaeomarasmius laccarioides sp. nov. (subgenusCarpophilus), forming a squamulose-fibrillose, reddish brown pileus in which the pileipellis consists of chains of thick-walled sphaerocysts with heavily incrusting, brown pigment, was found on a fallen fruit ofLiquidambar styraciflua; Pluteus phaeocephalus sp. nov. (subsectionHispidodermini of sectionCelluloderma), forming a dark brown, velvety pileus and a white stipe densely covered with dark brown punctate scales, was found on dead fallen twigs ofQuercus serrata.  相似文献   

Petrocodon retroflexus Q. Zhang & J. Guo, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guizhou, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is morphologically similar to Petrocodon viridescens W. H. Chen, Mich. Möller & Y. M. Shui, but differs by its leaf blade being ovate, broadly ovate to elliptic, 8–20 × 5–15 cm and densely pilose on both surfaces, narrowly triangular, 9 mm long, densely pilose bracts, white corolla that is decurved near the middle, with adaxial lip shallowly 4‐partitioned and retroflexed, and pistil ca 1.3 cm long and densely pilose and glandular‐pilose.  相似文献   

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