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Abstract Polygonella macrophylla Small is a rare, perennial, primarily gynodioecious plant species endemic to a narrow zone of coastal sand pine scrub habitat along the Gulf of Mexico from Carrabelle, Florida, to Gulf Shores, Alabama (U.S.A.). The species is comprised of a crimson-red flowered form ("rubra"), known from only two populations at the eastern distributional limit of the species, and a white/pink flowered form ("alba") represented by several populations throughout the remainder of the range of the species. An electrophoretic investigation revealed that commonly used measures of gene diversity are very close to expected values in "rubra" given the combination of ecological attributes displayed by the species; however, gene diversity in "alba" is much lower than expected. Population differentiation is high, with estimates of the coefficient of gene differentiation ( G ST ) indicating that more than 30% of the diversity is among populations. Lack of gene flow among populations, estimated to be at most 0.6 migrating individuals per generation for the species, is a likely cause of greater population differentiation. High inbreeding, detected both within populations and within the species, is suggestive of high rates of self-fertilization in hermaphroditic plants and/or biparental inbreeding in small populations.  相似文献   

The method of polymerase chain reaction with random primers (RAPD) was used to assess genetic variation and population differentiation in the rare endemic plant Oxytropis chankaensis Jurtz. (Fabaceae). DNA samples from plants of two isolated populations were compared at 133 loci detected by use of ten primers. Both populations examined were characterized by high polymorphism levels (P 95 = 72.9%; A = 1.92 and P 95 = 74.4%; A = 1.88, respectively). They were also statistically significantly different in the frequencies of most of the amplicons. For each of the plants, unique multilocus RAPD phenotype was established using 17 to 20 RAPD markers. Diagnostic markers were not revealed. The populations were poorly differentiated. On average, the between-population component accounted for about 8% of the variation, while 92% of the variation was detected within populations. High variation along with the low degree of differentiation characteristic of two most geographically remote populations of O. chankaensis can have several explanations, among which a polyploid origin of the species seems to be most important.  相似文献   

中国主要鹅品种的线粒体DNA多态性与起源分化研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
史宪伟  曾凡同 《遗传学报》1998,25(6):499-507
运用19种限制性内切酶对中国11个家鹅品种138个样本进行了mtDNA的限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)分析。在使用的19种内切酶中,有7个酶检测出多态。综合27种限制性态型(restrictionmorph),可得到6种mtDNA单倍型(hopotype)。伊犁鹅与另外10个鹅品种没有共享的单倍型,遗传距离和UPGMA聚类分析也表明,伊犁鹅与这些品种具有不同的起源。EcoRV、HaeⅡ、HincⅡ和KpnⅠ4种酶的限制性态型可作为鉴别两种起源家鹅的母系遗传标记。起源于鸿雁的10个鹅品种群体内出现一定的遗传差异,其群体多态度(π)、单倍型间平均遗传距离(P)、品种间平均净遗传距离(δnet)分别为0.025%、0.266%和0.029%。白羽鹅品种在形成过程中经历过创立者效应(foUndereffect)。这10个鹅品种可能起源于两个不同地理区的鸿雁类群。  相似文献   

Medicago intertexta andM. ciliaris have been controversially recognized as separate species. The only reliable diagnostic character, gland-tipped trichomes on the fruits inM. ciliaris, is controlled by presence of a single dominant allele, and such one-character taxonomies are debatable. Contributing to the difficulty,M. muricoleptis andM. granadensis, the other two species ofMedicago sectionSpirocarpos subsectionIntertextae, are sometimes confusingly similar toM. intertexta or to each other. Allozyme differences provided 95% verification of the suitability of the gland-tipped trichome character for separatingM. intertexta andM. ciliaris, thus corroborating their recognition as separate taxa. Several measures of allozyme variation indicated thatM. intertexta is more polymorphic than its sister species. Heterozygosity was also highest inM. intertexta, suggestive of a higher outcrossing rate, which is also consistent with larger floral size. Heterozygosity ofM. intertexta was concentrated in Sicily and nearby countries. Taxonomic difficulties in identifying SicilianM. intertexta are well known, and may be the result of interspecific hybridization and introgression.Medicago muricoleptis differed from the above two species in the frequency of several alleles, whileM. granadensis possessed numerous unique alleles consistent with its complete absence of genetic exchange with the other three substantially interfertile species.  相似文献   

Lathyrus vernus (L.) Bernh. is a diploid, long-lived perennial and insect-pollinated herb with no special adaptation to long-distance dispersal. It occurs on neutral soil in deciduous forests throughout western Eurasia. Due to specific habitat preferences,L. vernus has a fragmented distribution with isolated populations. We investigated allozyme variation at eleven loci in 20 populations ofL. vernus from one geographically central region (the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic) and two geographically marginal regions (southern and central Sweden) in the species present-day distribution. There was a clear differentiation between the three regions and the genetic distance between the populations was highly correlated with geographic distance. The total genetic diversity (HT) was 0.354. The proportion of genetic diversity due to differentiation between regions, and to differentiation between populations within regions, accounted for 10% each. There was no difference in level of genetic diversity between the three regions. No significant difference in level of genetic diversity was found between small and large populations. The genetic diversity inL. vernus may either be a result of the long generation-time of the species or peculiarities in the post-glacial migration species, e.g. survival only in refugia far east of the sampled populations and/or migration as a continuous process not involving founder-events.  相似文献   

应用AFLP技术探讨半夏属五个种的亲缘关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用扩增酶切片断多态性(AFLP)方法研究半夏属内5个种之间的亲缘关系。应用POPGENE及SPSS软件对所得“1”、“0”二元矩阵进行遗传距离,遗传相似性及聚类分析。实验发现鹞落坪半夏与虎掌之间的遗传差异小,鹞落坪半夏可能是虎掌的一个特化分支群体;虎掌和鹞落坪半夏组与本属其他种之间遗传差异较大,相似性较小;盾叶半夏和滴水珠是姐妹群关系,盾叶半夏虽然叶形与同属其他种有显著差异,但遗传距离及相似性分析对比不支持其独立于半夏属其他种,而作为完全独立进化类群的结论。为半夏属分类及系统进化关系提供了分子生物学证据。  相似文献   

NineAlu loci (Ya5NBC5, Ya5NBC27, Ya5NBC148, Ya5NBC182, YA5NBC361, ACE, ApoA1, PV92, TPA25) were analyzed in six ethnic populations (Trans-Ural Bashkirs, Tatars-Mishars, Mordovians-Moksha, Mountain Maris, Udmurts, and Komi-Permyaks) of the Volga–Ural region and in three Central Asian populations (Uzbeks, Kazakhs, and Uigurs). All Alu insertions analyzed appeared to be polymorphic in all populations examined. The frequency of insertion varied from 0.110 in Mountain Maris at the Ya5NBC5 locus to 0.914 in Tatars at the ApoA1 locus. The data on the allele frequency distribution at nine loci point to the existence of substantial genetic diversity in the populations examined. The value of the observed heterozygosity averaged over nine Alu insertions varied from 0.326 in Mountain Maris to 0.445 in Kazakhs and Uigurs. The level of the interpopulation genetic differences for the Volga–Ural population (F st = 0.061) was higher than for the populations of Central Asia (F st = 0.024), Europe (F st = 0.02), and Southeastern Asia (F st = 0.018). The populations examined were highly differentiated both in respect of linguistic characteristics and the geographical position. The data obtained confirmed the effectiveness of the marker system used for the assessment of genetic differentiation and the relationships between the ethnic groups.  相似文献   

基于ITS序列探讨杜鹃属的亚属和组间系统关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
首次报道了 15种杜鹃属 (Rhododendron)植物、1种杜香属 (Ledum)植物和Cassiopefastigiata的内转录间隔区(ITS) (包括 5 .8S)序列。加上从GenBank下载的 13种杜鹃属植物和Bajiariaracemosa的ITS序列 ,以C .fastigiata和B .racemosa为外类群 ,用最大简约法对杜鹃属的亚属和组间的系统关系进行了分析。结果表明 :1)杜鹃属是一个单系类群 ,叶状苞亚属为杜鹃属的基部类群 ;2 )杜香属确应归并到杜鹃属中 ,且与有鳞杜鹃亚属有较近的亲缘关系 ;3)有鳞杜鹃亚属和杜香构成一个单系分支 ,该分支是其余无鳞杜鹃花的姐妹群 ;4 )由无鳞杜鹃花组成的一个分支的内部支持率较低 ,其中常绿杜鹃亚属和映山红亚属均为内部支持率很高的单系类群 ,而羊踯躅亚属和马银花亚属均为多系类群 ;5 )在马银花亚属中 ,长蕊杜鹃组和马银花组均分别得到强烈支持 ,马银花组与异蕊杜鹃亚属可能构成姐妹群关系 ,异蕊杜鹃亚属和马银花组组成的一个分支可能与映山红亚属构成姐妹群关系。  相似文献   

首次报道了15种杜鹃属(Rhododendron)植物、1种杜香属(Ledum)植物和Cassiope fastigiata的内转录间隔区(ITS) (包括5.8S)序列.加上从GenBank下载的13种杜鹃属植物和Bajiaria racemosa的ITS序列,以C. fastigiata和B. racemosa为外类群,用最大简约法对杜鹃属的亚属和组间的系统关系进行了分析.结果表明: 1)杜鹃属是一个单系类群,叶状苞亚属为杜鹃属的基部类群; 2)杜香属确应归并到杜鹃属中,且与有鳞杜鹃亚属有较近的亲缘关系; 3)有鳞杜鹃亚属和杜香构成一个单系分支,该分支是其余无鳞杜鹃花的姐妹群; 4)由无鳞杜鹃花组成的一个分支的内部支持率较低,其中常绿杜鹃亚属和映山红亚属均为内部支持率很高的单系类群,而羊踯躅亚属和马银花亚属均为多系类群; 5)在马银花亚属中,长蕊杜鹃组和马银花组均分别得到强烈支持,马银花组与异蕊杜鹃亚属可能构成姐妹群关系,异蕊杜鹃亚属和马银花组组成的一个分支可能与映山红亚属构成姐妹群关系.  相似文献   

Abstract Carex misera is a rare sedge, endemic to rocky outcrops and mountain summits within the southern Appalachian Mountains from northern Georgia to northern North Carolina. We assessed allozyme diversity for 406 individuals from nine populations over most of the geographic range. Twenty-seven putative loci were assayed and eight (30%) were found to be polymorphic. Nei's gene diversity statistics ( H T =0.043, H S =0.019, G ST =0.551) indicated low levels of variation but relatively highly differentiated populations, suggesting little gene flow. Significant deviations from genotypic expectations under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, high positive fixation indices, and the existence of small genetic neighborhoods within populations suggest that at least some inbreeding occurs. Cluster analysis of Nei's genetic identity statistics and principal component analysis of allele frequency data showed high similarity among the six southern populations with the two northern populations more differentiated from them and from each other. These results suggest that preservation of the northern populations is necessary to conserve the already low levels of genetic diversity within the species.  相似文献   

What is the underlying mechanism behind the fat-tailed statistics observed for species abundance distributions? The two main hypotheses in the field are the adaptive (niche) theories, where species abundance reflects its fitness, and the neutral theory that assumes demographic stochasticity as the main factor determining community structure. Both explanations suggest quite similar species-abundance distributions, but very different histories: niche scenarios assume that a species population in the past was similar to the observed one, while neutral scenarios are characterized by strongly fluctuating populations. Since the genetic variations within a population depend on its abundance in the past, we present here a way to discriminate between the theories using the genetic diversity of noncoding DNA. A statistical test, based on the Fu-Li method, has been developed and enables such a differentiation. We have analyzed the results gathered from individual-based simulation of both types of histories and obtained clear distinction between the Fu-Li statistics of the neutral scenario and that of the niche scenario. Our results suggest that data for 10–50 species, with approximately 30 sequenced individuals for each species, may allow one to distinguish between these two theories.  相似文献   

rbcL sequence data (1324 bp on average). Our analyses indicate (1) that Antitrichia is distantly related to the other members of Leucodontaceae and should be excluded from the family, (2) that Cryphaeaceae form a monophyletic clade, not with Anomodontaceae and Leptodontaceae, but with Leucodontaceae, refuting the placement of Leucodontaceae and Cryphaeaceae in different superfamilies, (3) that Forsstroemia, variously classified in Leucodontaceae, Cryphaeaceae or Leptodontaceae, forms a monophyletic clade with Neckera (Neckeraceae), and (4) that the presumed monophyly of Anomodon and that of Anomodontaceae are not supported. Received 18 September 1999/ Accepted in revised form 27 December 1999  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and possible geographic structure of the Madeiran endemic Armeria maderensis have been assessed with AFLP. Its scarce distribution (less than 3 km between the two most distant localities) and restricted habitat (vertical pastures on the highest elevations of Madeira), at least in part due to grazing by goats, suggest an assessment of its conservation status. Diversity estimates obtained for A. maderensis were evaluated through comparison with reference values of AFLP diversity for outcrossing plants and, in order to correct for phylogenetic constraints, with a widespread congener analyzed with the same AFLP markers. Our results reveal that low levels of genetic diversity and a weak intraspecific genetic structure underlie the restricted distribution of A. maderensis.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Genetics - The questions about the taxonomic status and phylogenetic relationships of the Far Eastern closely related species Oxytropis ochotensis, O. litoralis, O. erecta, O....  相似文献   

Applying Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism, we explored genetic differences between widespread Oxytropis campestris subsp. campestris and O. campestris subsp. tiroliensis, a presumed glacial relict restricted to a small area along the main chain of the Eastern Alps. We could not find genetic differences between the two taxa. Neither do the morphological characters given in the literature discriminate between them. Therefore Oxytropis campestris subsp. tiroliensis is unlikely a glacial relict that survived Pleistocene glaciations on nunataks, but rather a genetically insignificantly differentiated phenotype that arose in the course of postglacial recolonisation. There is no phylogeographical structure in O. campestris s.l. in the Alps most probably due to the fact that the taxon did not survive the cold stages of the Pleistocene in the interior of the Alps but immigrated to that region at a later date.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Cladonia , including Cladina (Cladoniaceae, Lecanoromycetes), were reconstructed based upon simultaneous analyses of DNA sequences and morphological and chemical data. We used sequences from the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1), the 5.8 rDNA gene, and the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) of the nuclear rDNA gene cluster, and partial sequences from the protein-coding β-tubulin gene. The analyses included 235 specimens of 168 taxa representing all currently recognized sections of Cladonia and Cladina and the outgroup genera Cladia, Pycnothelia , and Ramalea . Analyses were performed using optimization alignment with three different parameter values. The results of all analyses support the inclusion of Cladina in Cladonia . The current sectional division of Cladonia was not supported, and a new provisional classification for the genus is proposed.  相似文献   

The radiation of the genus Cheirolophus (Asteraceae) in Macaronesia constitutes a spectacular case of rapid diversification on oceanic islands. Twenty species – nine of them included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species – have been described to date inhabiting the Madeiran and Canarian archipelagos. A previous phylogenetic study revealed that the diversification of Cheirolophus in Macaronesia started less than 2 Ma. As a result of such an explosive speciation process, limited phylogenetic resolution was reported, mainly due to the low variability of the employed molecular markers. In the present study, we used highly polymorphic AFLP markers to i) evaluate species'' boundaries, ii) infer their evolutionary relationships and iii) investigate the patterns of genetic diversity in relation to the potential processes likely involved in the radiation of Cheirolophus. One hundred and seventy-two individuals representing all Macaronesian Cheirolophus species were analysed using 249 AFLP loci. Our results suggest that geographic isolation played an important role in this radiation process. This was likely driven by the combination of poor gene flow capacity and a good ability for sporadic long-distance colonisations. In addition, we also found some traces of introgression and incipient ecological adaptation, which could have further enhanced the extraordinary diversification of Cheirolophus in Macaronesia. Last, we hypothesize that current threat categories assigned to Macaronesian Cheirolophus species do not reflect their respective evolutionary relevance, so future evaluations of their conservation status should take into account the results presented here.  相似文献   

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