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【目的】研究鸭源新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus,NDV)M蛋白核定位信号(nuclear localization signal,NLS)突变对其毒力和复制能力的影响。【方法】利用鸭源NDV SS1株P基因和F基因上的AgeⅠ和Bstz17Ⅰ酶切位点,将overlapPCR方法获得的M蛋白NLS突变的片段替换到p NDV/SS1GFP中获得全长质粒pNDV/SS1GFP-M/NLSm。通过反向遗传学技术拯救M蛋白NLS突变体病毒,并对拯救的病毒进行血凝(hemagglutination,HA)试验、荧光试验和M基因测序鉴定。另外,对突变体病毒进行M蛋白的亚细胞定位观察,以及病毒的生物学特性、空斑形成能力和体外增殖能力测定。【结果】成功构建M蛋白NLS突变的全长质粒pNDV/SS1GFP-M/NLSm。细胞转染物接种鸡胚后的第1代尿囊液无HA效价,盲传3代才能检测到拯救病毒的HA效价。进一步的荧光试验和M基因测序确定拯救的病毒是突变体病毒r SS1GFP-M/NLSm。与亲本病毒rSS1GFP相比,突变体病毒M蛋白由细胞核定位变为细胞质定位。此外,突变体病毒的毒力、在鸡胚上的复制能力以及在细胞中的空斑形成能力显著降低,并且感染细胞后产生的细胞病变轻微,M蛋白和绿色荧光蛋白的表达量均降低,说明M蛋白NLS突变使病毒的体外增殖能力受到抑制。【结论】NLS突变导致的M蛋白细胞核定位功能丧失可明显降低鸭源NDV的毒力和复制能力。  相似文献   

Newcastle disease virus (NDV) edits its P-gene mRNA by inserting a nontemplated G residue(s) at a conserved editing site (3'-UUUUUCCC-template strand). In the wild-type virus, three amino-coterminal P-gene-derived proteins, P, V, and W, are produced at frequencies of approximately 68, 29, and 2%, respectively. By applying the reverse genetics technique, editing-defective mutants were generated in cell culture. Compared to the wild-type virus, mutants lacking either six nucleotides of the conserved editing site or the unique C-terminal part of the V protein produced as much as 5, 000-fold fewer infectious progeny in vitro or 200,000-fold fewer in 6-day-old embryonated chicken eggs. In addition, both mutants were unable to propagate in 9- to 11-day-old embryonated specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chicken eggs. In contrast, a mutant (NDV-P1) with one nucleotide substitution (UUCUUCCC) grew in eggs, albeit with a 100-fold-lower infectious titer than the parent virus. The modification in the first two mutants described above led to complete abolition of V expression, whereas in NDV-P1 the editing frequency was reduced to less than 2%, and as a result, V was expressed at a 20-fold-lower level. NDV-P1 showed markedly attenuated pathogenicity for SPF chicken embryos, unlike currently available ND vaccine strains. These findings indicate that the V protein of NDV has a dual function, playing a direct role in virus replication as well as serving as a virulence factor. Administration of NDV-P1 to 18-day-old embryonated chicken eggs hardly affected hatchability. Hatched chickens developed high levels of NDV-specific antibodies and were fully protected against lethal challenge, demonstrating the potential use of editing-defective recombinant NDV as a safe embryo vaccine.  相似文献   

【背景】新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus, NDV)的传染可能会引发作为二类传染病之一的新城疫(Newcastledisease,ND),给养禽业带来巨大的经济损失,因而早期、精准的NDV筛查是防治ND暴发的关键。【目的】针对新城疫病毒(NDV)建立结合TaqMan探针的反转录环介导等温扩增技术(RT-TaqMan-LAMP)快速检测方法。【方法】根据NDV F基因序列设计特异性引物组和TaqMan探针,以重组质粒pMD-NDV-F为阳性标准品优化反应条件,验证该方法的特异性、灵敏性和重复性,同时与国家标准(GB/T16550—2020)中推荐的RT-qPCR方法比较,对70份实际样本进行验证。【结果】最佳反应条件为61℃60 min。引物和探针最优浓度:1.6μmol/L (FIP/BIP)、0.2μmol/L (F3/B3)、0.8μmol/L (LF/LB)、0.2μmol/L (GTP)。最低检测限为1.651×102 copies/μL,灵敏性是LAMP方法的100倍。无非特异性扩增,与禽流感病毒(avian influenza virus, AIV...  相似文献   

【目的】在鸡胚水平上探索VP1和VP2基因特异miRNA抑制传染性法氏囊病病毒(infectious bursaldisease virus,IBDV)复制的可行性。【方法与结果】将表达VP1基因特异miRNA重组载体pAITR-RFPmiVP1或VP2基因特异miRNA重组载体pAITR-RFPmiVP2E与禽腺联病毒(avian adeno-associated virus,AAAV)包装载体pcDNA-ARC和腺病毒辅助载体pHelper共转染AAV-293细胞,获得重组病毒rAAAV-RFPmiVP1和rAAAV-RFPmiVP2E,用同样方法获得不表达miRNA的rAAAV-RFP和表达对照miRNA的rAAAV-RFPmiVP2con。电镜观察显示重组病毒具有典型的AAAV颗粒形态;PCR检测结果表明其基因组中含miRNA表达盒;经poly(A)加尾RT-PCR检测证明重组病毒感染细胞能表达基因特异的miRNA。分别将重组病毒经卵黄囊途径接种8日龄SPF鸡胚,然后经绒毛尿囊膜途径用Lukert株IBDV攻毒,收获鸡胚进行IBDV组织细胞半数感染剂量(TCID50)测定。结果在攻毒后第3天,rAAAV-RFP和rAAAV-RFPmiVP2con接种组的IBDV TCID50为8.0 log10,rAAAV-RFPmiVP1和rAAAV-RFPmiVP2E接种组的IBDV TCID50分别下降到1.0和1.5 log10;在攻毒后第6天,rAAAV-RFP和rAAAV-RFPmiVP2con接种组的IBDV TCID50仍为8.0 log10,rAAAV-RFPmiVP1和rAAAV-RFPmiVP2E接种组的TCID50分别下降到0.8和2.0 log10。【结论】rAAAV是有效的miRNA鸡胚导入载体,表达的VP1和VP2基因特异miRNA能有效阻断IBDV复制。  相似文献   

新城疫病毒HN和F基因遗传变异相关性的研究   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
选取国内1999~2005年发生的NDV毒株,经CEF蚀斑纯化和SPF鸡胚增殖,对其融合蛋白(F)和血凝素-神经氨酸酶(HN)基因分别进行克隆测序,结合在GenBank中发表的具有F和HN基因的NDV序列,利用DNAStar软件,对其不同毒株的F或HN基因片段和全长、F和HN基因全长分别进行遗传变异的研究,利用统计学软件SPSS8.0进行同源性相关分析。结果表明:不同NDV毒株F或HN基因片段与其全长之间,核甘酸r≥0.973,氨基酸:0.911≤r≤0.968,遗传变异高度相关,但F与HN基因全长之间核甘酸的遗传变异呈现弱相关(r=0.312)。国内NDV野毒株之间HN核甘酸高度同源(同源率97%以上),而与La Sota同源率仅为79.2%~80.7%,且显示出明显的地域性。  相似文献   

A technique was analyzed by which Newcastle disease virus (NDV) proteins could be quantitatively detected in the presence of chicken embryo cellular proteins in NDV-infected cells. The technique involved removal of electropho-proteins from a sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide-agarose gel matrix by chemical cleavage of the acrylamide gel cross-linker. The proteins were subsequently transferred and covalently bound to diazobenzyloxymethyl paper. By incubating the paper with unlabeled antisera and 125I-labeled Staphylococcus aureus protein A, the specificity of the antisera and the sensitivity of this method of quantitative antigen detection were tested. The results demonstrated that as little as 1 ng of an individual NDV protein could be detected. Furthermore, this technique can simultaneously quantitate the synthesis of multiple NDV proteins under experimental conditions in which immunofluorescence, hemadsorption, and plaque assays failed to show virus protein synthesis or the formation of virus progeny.  相似文献   

The DnaD protein in Gram-positive bacteria is thought to be essential for the initiation step in DNA replication. In the present study, we characterized two Staphylococcus aureus mutants whose temperature-sensitive growth phenotype could be complemented by a plasmid carrying the dnaD gene. These mutants each had a single amino acid substitution in the DnaD protein and showed decreased DNA synthesis at restrictive temperature. Analyses of the origin to terminus ratio by Southern blotting, and of origin numbers per cell by flow cytometry, revealed that, at the restrictive temperature, one mutant continued ongoing DNA replication but failed to initiate DNA replication. The other mutant, in contrast, could not complete ongoing DNA replication and proceeded to degrade the chromosome. However, if protein synthesis was inhibited, the second mutant could complete DNA replication. These results suggest that DnaD protein is necessary not only for the initiation step, but also to avoid replication fork blockage. Moreover, both mutants were sensitive to mitomycin C, a drug that induces DNA damage, suggesting that the DnaD protein is also involved in DNA repair.Communicated by H. Ikeda  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive mutant (ts3) of Newcastle disease virus was physiologically characterized. All major viral structural proteins were synthesized at the permissive (37 degrees C) and nonpermissive (42 degrees C) temperatures, but the fusion (F) glycoprotein was not cleaved at 42 degrees C. In immunocytochemical electron microscopy, the F protein was abundant in the rough endoplasmic reticulum but not in cytoplasmic membrane at 42 degrees C. Noninfectious hemagglutinating virus particles containing all major structural proteins except the F protein were released at 42 degrees C from infected cells. We concluded that the defect in ts3 resides in the intracellular processing of the F protein.  相似文献   

Eight highly virulent Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strains were isolated from vaccinated commercial chickens in Indonesia during outbreaks in 2009 and 2010. The complete genome sequences of two NDV strains and the sequences of the surface protein genes (F and HN) of six other strains were determined. Phylogenetic analysis classified them into two new subgroups of genotype VII in the class II cluster that were genetically distinct from vaccine strains. This is the first report of complete genome sequences of NDV strains isolated from chickens in Indonesia.  相似文献   

M蛋白是新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus,NDV)基因组编码的一种非糖基化膜相关蛋白,主要位于病毒囊膜内表面,构成病毒囊膜与核衣壳连接的支架.研究表明,M蛋白是一种细胞核-细胞质穿梭蛋白,在抑制细胞基因转录和蛋白质合成以及协助病毒粒子组装和出芽方面发挥了重要作用.目前,国内外对NDV毒力和复制...  相似文献   

Wheelock, Frederick E. (Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio). Virus replication and high-titered interferon production in human leukocyte cultures inoculated with Newcastle disease virus. J. Bacteriol. 92:1415-1421. 1966.-High titers of interferon (20,480 culture-protecting units per ml) are produced in freshly prepared human leukocyte cultures inoculated with a Newcastle disease virus (NDV)-cell multiplicity of 1:1. NDV replicates to low titers in these cultures. Incubation of leukocytes at 37 C for 24 hr prior to inoculation of NDV results in almost complete loss of detectable interferon production, but virus replicates to higher titers than in the freshly prepared cultures. In contrast, no diminution of interferon production in response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) occurs on 24 hr of incubation of cultures prior to addition of PHA. Experiments with cultures of predominantly pure cell fractions of peripheral blood indicate that the lymphocyte fraction produces interferon in response to either NDV or PHA, and that polymorphonuclear leukocytes produce no interferon in response to these agents. These studies suggest a hitherto unsuspected ability of human lymphocytes to produce high titers of interferon in vivo.  相似文献   

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