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The hydrophobic fluorescent probe, 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulphonate (ANS), has been used to study conformational changes of mouse antigen-stimulated lymphocytes in vivo. Studies revealed that early conformational changes appear in Bovine Serum Albumin-- or Sheep Erythrocytes-- stimulated splenic and thymic lymphocytes. These conformational changes are detected by fluorescence intensity changes, when ANS is bound to lymphocytes. The kinetic studies further indicate that the course of conformational changes may vary considerably depending on antigens.  相似文献   

Boundary and zeta potentials induced by ANS adsorption in dioleoyl lecithin membranes were measured using three methods, namely: inner membrane field compensation, measurements of carrier-mediated membrane conductance and microelectrophoresis. The changes of boundary potentials due to ANS adsorption recorded by the first two methods were the same and did not depend on the ionic strength of aqueous solutions. On the contrary, the values of zeta potentials were smaller as compared with the boundary potentials, and depended on the ionic strength. The results obtained were described satisfactorily by means of combination of Henry, Gouy-Chapman and Boltzmann equations, when ANS ions were assumed to adsorb at a plane shifted towards the hydrophobic region of the membrane.  相似文献   

Although freeze-induced perturbations of the protein native fold are common, the underlying mechanism is poorly understood owing to the difficulty of monitoring their structure in ice. In this report we propose that binding of the fluorescence probe 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS) to proteins in ice can provide a useful monitor of ice-induced strains on the native fold. Experiments conducted with copper-free azurin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as a model protein system, demonstrate that in frozen solutions the fluorescence of ANS is enhanced several fold and becomes blue shifted relative free ANS. From the enhancement factor it is estimated that, at -13 degrees C, on average at least 1.6 ANS molecules become immobilized within hydrophobic sites of apo-azurin, sites that are destroyed when the structure is largely unfolded by guanidinium hydrochloride. The extent of ANS binding is influenced by temperature of ice as well as by conditions that affect the stability of the globular structure. Lowering the temperature from -4 degrees C to -18 degrees C leads to an apparent increase in the number of binding sites, an indication that low temperature and /or a reduced amount of liquid water augment the strain on the protein tertiary structure. It is significant that ANS binding is practically abolished when the native fold is stabilized upon formation of the Cd(2+) complex or on addition of glycerol to the solution but is further enhanced in the presence of NaSCN, a known destabilizing agent. The results of the present study suggest that the ANS binding method may find practical utility in testing the effectiveness of various additives employed in protein formulations as well as to devise safer freeze-drying protocols of pharmaceutical proteins.  相似文献   

Both the sialoglycoprotein of human erythrocyte membranes, glycophorin, and the sialic acid free protein, obtained by treatment of glycophorin with neuraminidase (EC, increase the fluorescence of 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS). Binding of ANS to glycophorin is weak compared with the binding to bovine serum albumin (BSA). equilibrium dialysis gives an apparent binding constant of about 4 X 10(3) M(-1) at neutral pH, but Ka increases 1.75 times when NaCl or CaCl2 are added and 10-fold when the pH is lowered to 3.0. Sialic acid groups do not significantly affect ANS binding, although they have some effect at low ionic strength and neutral pH. Fluorescence studies indicate only one to two binding sites for ANS, with apparent pK = 3.8 +/- 0.2, and located close to aromatic residues in glycophorin. Polarization and quantum efficiency of the fluorescence of ANS associated with glycophorin fail to indicate changes in the vicinity of the binding site when the pH is lowered.  相似文献   

The effects of hypophysectomy and subsequent administration of growth hormone and/or L-thyroxine on thermotropic properties of State 3 respiration (ADP-induced), cholesterol, phospholipid and fatty acid composition of phospholipid fraction were examined in myocardial mitochondria of rats. Temperature-dependence of 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate fluorescence was determined in vesicles prepared from lipids of heart mitochondria. Transition temperature obtained from the Arrhenius plots of respiration occurred at 21 and 24°C for heart mitochondria of normal and hypophysectomized rats, respectively. Most notably, after hypophysectomy the rate of respiration was lower below 24°C, but was progressively higher above that temperature when compared to normal rats. The energy of activation was 148 and 36% larger below and above the transition temperature, respectively. Growth hormone restored almost completely the energy of activation and respiratory rates to normal levels. Administration of L-thyroxine, with or without growth hormone, did not significantly change the rate of respiration but decreased the transition temperature to 17.7–17.0°C. Lipid and phospholipid content, as well as percent distribution of phospholipids and their fatty acid composition were not statistically different among the different groups of rats. Only cholesterol content was increased after hypophysectomy. Administration of growth hormone and thyroxine did not significantly change the total unsaturation index of fatty acids, but growth hormone increased the content of arachidonic acid (20 : 4) by 70% but decreased the docosahexaenoic acid (22 : 6) three times which may have a beneficial effect on mitochondrial membranes. These and other results suggest that hormones exert different effects on subcellular organelles in different tissues, like heart and liver.  相似文献   

1-Anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS) anion is conventionally considered to bind to preexisting hydrophobic (nonpolar) surfaces of proteins, primarily through its nonpolar anilino-naphthalene group. Such binding is followed by an increase in ANS fluorescence intensity, similar to that occurring when ANS is dissolved in organic solvents. It is generally assumed that neither the negative sulfonate charge on the ANS, nor charges on the protein, participate significantly in ANS-protein interaction. However, titration calorimetry has demonstrated that most ANS binding to a number of proteins occurs through electrostatic forces, in which ion pairs are formed between ANS sulfonate groups and cationic groups on the proteins (D. Matulis and R. E. Lovrien, Biophys. J., 1998, Vol. 74, pp. 1-8). Here we show by viscometry and diffusion coefficient measurements that bovine serum albumin and gamma-globulin, starting from their acid-expanded, most hydrated conformations, undergo extensive molecular compaction upon ANS binding. As the cationic protein binds negatively charged ANS anion it also takes up positively charged protons from water to compensate the effect of the negative charge, and leaves the free hydroxide anions in solution thus shifting pH upward (the Scatchard-Black effect). These results indicate that ANS is not always a definitive reporter of protein molecular conformation that existed before ANS binding. Instead, ANS reports on a conformationally tightened state produced by the interplay of ionic and hydrophobic characters of both protein and ligand.  相似文献   

The binding of 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate (ansyl) to native and copper-free hemocyanin of Octopus vulgaris has been studied in different conditions by measuring the fluorescence properties of the probe in the presence of hemocyanin. Native hemocyanin, either in the oxygenated or in the deoxygenated state, does not bind ansyl. The binding of ansyl with apohemocyanin induces a strong increase (from 0.004 to 0.6 -- 0.7) of the quantum yield and a blue shift from 520 nm to 460 nm of the emission maximum indicating the presence of ansyl binding sites in the protein. Experimental evidence is reported that the binding occurs at the copper-binding site of the protein. The dissociation constants of the ansyl-hemocyanin complexes are equal to about 10(-4) M, i.e. they are of the same order of those obtained with other proteins. The number of binding sites (n) of apohemocyanin for ansyl depends on the conformational state of the protein and ranges from 0.15 -- 0.80 mol/mol protein (Mr 50,000), depending on pH, ionic strength, and urea concentration. A negative interaction between the ansyl binding sites has been suggested.  相似文献   

The interactions between Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor (UTI) and 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS) were investigated by fluorescence spectra, isothermal titration calorimetry and molecular modeling. The results revealed the presence of four specific binding sites for ANS on UTI, with interactions driven mainly by electrostatic forces. The four specific binding sites indicated the involvement of four hydrophobic patches on UTI. Experimental data also confirmed the presence of a further five nonspecific binding sites that interacted mainly by the formation of salt bridges between the sulfonates of ANS and positive residues on the surface of UTI.  相似文献   

The binding of 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonate (ANS) to dipalmitoyl-phosphatidycholine (DPPC)-sonicated vesicles was measured by a fluorimetric method in the vicinity of the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition temperature (Tm). A similar measurement was performed on large multimellar DPPC vesicles through equilibrium dialysis. Both measurements demonstrated anomalous dye binding in the temperature region of the Tm and slightly above (prefreezing region). The amount of ANS bound at this temperature region was in excess of what would be expected based on extrapolation of the high temperature binding data; just below the Tm, the amount of bound dye decreased abruptly. The fluorimetric studies on vesicles also indicated that inner monolayer binding of ANS was markedly inhibited below the Tm. The possibility that the increase in bound dye in the prefreezing region was caused by enhanced lateral compressibility, density fluctuations, or additional binding sites at the boundary of transient gel-like clusters is discussed and the general topic of anomalous increases in various membrane processes in the vicinity of a phase transition is briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

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