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Auditory event-related potentials (AERPs) were recorded in waking 1 month olds, 3 month olds, 6 month olds and adults in order to study the morphology and development of the wave form in the waking subject. Previous data were generally obtained in sleeping or drowsy infants.The findings indicated that there were 3 quantitative changes in the AERP over the first 6 months of life in waking infants: an increase in the latency of peaks, an increase in peak amplitude, and a decrease in intersubject variability. Adult peak latencies were generally shorter than those for 3 month olds and 6 month olds. Further, latencies ofearlier AERP peaks for 1 and 6 month olds, in the present study, were comparable to those reported in previous investigations with sleeping infants. However, latencies oflater AERP peaks differed from those of previous reports and were closer to those reported for waking adults.With respect to the amplitude, the 6 month olds, in general, had the highest amplitudes, the 1 month olds the lowest, and the 3 month olds and adults fell in between the two groups. Some differences were present between early and late components.The findings of this study are significant in that the AERPs were quantitatively different from those reported in earlier work with sleeping or drowsy infants. If cognitive and perceptual development is to be studied, it is necessary to obtain data on waking subjects. The data presented in this report are consistent with behavioral studies of biobehavioral shifts that are associated with changes in responsivity of the organism to stimuli during the first 6 months of life.  相似文献   

Spatial visual attention modulates the first negative-going deflection in the human averaged event-related potential (ERP) in response to visual target and non-target stimuli (the N1 complex). Here we demonstrate a decomposition of N1 into functionally independent subcomponents with functionally distinct relations to task and stimulus conditions. ERPs were collected from 20 subjects in response to visual target and non-target stimuli presented at five attended and non-attended screen locations. Independent component analysis, a new method for blind source separation, was trained simultaneously on 500 ms grand average responses from all 25 stimulus-attention conditions and decomposed the non-target N1 complexes into five spatially fixed, temporally independent and physiologically plausible components. Activity of an early, laterally symmetrical component pair (N1aR and N1aL) was evoked by the left and right visual field stimuli, respectively. Component N1aR peaked ca. 9 ms earlier than N1aL. Central stimuli evoked both components with the same peak latency difference, producing a bilateral scalp distribution. The amplitudes of these components were no reliably augmented by spatial attention. Stimuli in the right visual field evoked activity in a spatio-temporally overlapping bilateral component (N1b) that peaked at ca. 180 ms and was strongly enhanced by attention. Stimuli presented at unattended locations evoked a fourth component (P2a) peaking near 240 ms. A fifth component (P3f) was evoked only by targets presented in either visual field. The distinct response patterns of these components across the array of stimulus and attention conditions suggest that they reflect activity in functionally independent brain systems involved in processing attended and unattended visuospatial events.  相似文献   



The role of inhibitory control in addictive behaviors is highlighted in several models of addictive behaviors. Although reduced inhibitory control has been observed in addictive behaviors, it is inconclusive whether this is evident in smokers. Furthermore, it has been proposed that drug abuse individuals with poor response inhibition may experience greater difficulties not consuming substances in the presence of drug cues. The major aim of the current study was to provide electrophysiological evidence for reduced inhibitory control in smokers and to investigate whether this is more pronounced during smoking cue exposure.


Participants (19 smokers and 20 non-smoking controls) performed a smoking Go/NoGo task. Behavioral accuracy and amplitudes of the N2 and P3 event-related potential (ERP), both reflecting aspects of response inhibition, were the main variables of interest.


Reduced NoGo N2 amplitudes in smokers relative to controls were accompanied by decreased task performance, whereas no differences between groups were found in P3 amplitudes. This was found to represent a general lack of inhibition in smokers, and not dependent on the presence of smoking cues.


The current results suggest that smokers have difficulties with response inhibition, which is an important finding that eventually can be implemented in smoking cessation programs. More research is needed to clarify the exact role of cue exposure on response inhibition.  相似文献   

Nineteen-channel event-related potentials (ERPs) were studied in the GO/NOGO test in 517 healthy subjects. Multi-channel ERPs were decomposed into independent components by the method of modeling the cross-covariance structure of transient process. The research results showed that low-correlated ERP components could be obtained by this method with acceptable reliability. The identified components were associated with psychological processes, such as the attended sensory mismatch operation, decision making on the subsequent action, the action inhibition operation, and the conflict monitoring operation. In conclusion, decomposition of ERP recordings into independent components and the use of sLORETA help to localize ERP sources more accurately than the conventional ERP analysis.  相似文献   

Brain potentials were recorded from 12 normal subjects engaged in an auditory target detection task (target stimulus probability of 0.2, stimulus rate of 1 every 2 sec) when instructions were (1) to press a response button with the thumb of the dominant hand to each target or (2) to keep a mental count of each target. A pre-stimulus slow negative potential was identified before every stimulus except non-targets immediately after targets. The amplitude of the pre-stimulus negativity was significantly affected by task instructions and was up to 4 times larger during the button press than the mental count condition. In contrast, the amplitudes and latencies of the event-related components (N100, P200, N200 and P300), when slow potentials were removed by filtering, were not different as a function of press or count instructions. The immediately preceding stimulus sequence affected both the amplitude and onset latency of the pre-stimulus negativity; both measures increased as the number of preceding non-targets increased. The amplitude of the pre-stimulus negative shift to targets also increased significantly as RT speed decreased. The major portion of the pre-stimulus negative potential is considered a readiness potential (RP) reflecting preparations to make a motor response. The amplitude of the RP during the target detection task did not significantly lateralize in contrast to the RP accompanying self-paced movements.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the integrity of neuromuscular transmission and impulse propagation during fatigue by examining the muscle compound action potential (M wave) in elderly and young adults. The tibialis anterior muscle of nine elderly [mean = 67.7 (SE 1.7) years] and nine young [mean = 26.7 (SE 1.2) years] adults was maximally stimulated repetitively at frequencies of 20, 30 or 40 Hz for 60 s on separate occasions. There was a significantly smaller resting M wave amplitude [7.9 (SE 0.4) mV versus 9.9 (SE 0.6) mV] and M wave area [0.038 (SE 0.005) mV s versus 0.06 (SE 0.004) mV.s] in the elderly versus the young adults respectively. Measurement of the evoked muscle contractile properties revealed significantly (P < 0.05) longer twitch durations and a significantly (P < 0.05) greater peak twitch torque [4.6 (SE 0.4) Nm versus 3.2 (SE 0.5) Nm] in the elderly versus the young adults, respectively. The elderly adults had a significantly greater torque decline during the 20-Hz trial; however, the decline in torque during the 30-Hz and 40-Hz trials was similar in the elderly and the young adults (30 Hz: 40%; 40 Hz: 56%). Throughout each of the stimulation trials, the decline in torque was accompanied by a significant reduction in M wave amplitude (20 Hz: 14%; 30 Hz: 53%; 40 Hz: 67%); M wave area also declined significantly during the 30-Hz (31%) and 40-Hz (53%) trials. There was no significant difference between the elderly and the young adults in the reduction in the M wave amplitude or area during each trial.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

目的:针对不同COMT基因型健康青年被试,进行连续3-back任务1h共12Block,探讨健康成人数字工作记忆能力变化情况。方法:将112名健康青年分组抽取出18名不同基因型作为被试,利用视觉事件相关电位P3来观测被试连续工作记忆任务中COMT基因多态型与脑皮层电生理的关系。结果:Val/Val基因型的被试P3波幅显著高于Val/Met基因型(P<0.01),但和Met/Met基因型被试的波幅无差异。结论:Val/Met基因型被试关联着最差的工作记忆任务的成绩,被试者的P3波幅和3-back任务成绩成正相关。  相似文献   


Animal and human studies demonstrate anatomical and functional links between the vestibular nuclei and the circadian timing system. This promotes the hypothesis of a circadian rhythm of vestibular function. The objective of this study was to evaluate the vestibular function through the vestibulo-ocular reflex using a rotatory chair at different times of the day to assess circadian rhythmicity of vestibular function. Two identical studies evaluating temporal variation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) were performed, the first in young adults (age: 22.4 ± 1.5 y), and the second in older adults (70.7 ± 4.7 y). The slow phase velocity and time constant of the VOR were evaluated in six separate test sessions, i.e., 02:00, 06:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00, and 22:00 h. In both studies, markers of circadian rhythmicity (temperature, fatigue, and sleepiness) displayed expected usual temporal variation. In young adults, the time constant of the VOR showed variation throughout the day (p < .005), being maximum 12:25 h (06:00 h test session) before the acrophase of temperature circadian rhythm. In older adults, the slow phase velocity and time constant also displayed temporal variation (p < .05). Maximum values were recorded at 10:35 h (06:00 h test session) before the acrophase of temperature circadian rhythm. The present study demonstrates that vestibular function is not constant throughout the day. The implication of the temporal variation in vestibular system in equilibrium potentially exposes the elderly, in particular, to differential risk during the 24 h of losing balance and falling.  相似文献   

Olfactory-evoked potentials (OEPs) were recorded monopolarlyat the Fz, Cz and Pz electrode sites in young adults and elderlysubjects with an amyl acetate stimulus presented olfactometrically.Psychophysical odor thresholds for amyl acetate were determinedusing a two-alternative, forced-choice detection procedure.These demonstrated a decreased odor detection sensitivity inthe elderly relative to the young subjects. In accordance withthe threshold findings, elderly subjects produced significantlysmaller N1 and P2 amplitudes, and a trend towards longer latenciesthan younger subjects. Moreover, odor threshold was found tocorrelate with amplitude magnitude. The OEP findings, whichare discussed in the context of previous OEP studies, offerpromise as an objective, non-invasive measure of sensory functionin both clinical and non-clinical settings.  相似文献   

The force enhancement of a twitch after a maximal conditioning muscle contraction [i.e., postactivation potentiation (PAP)] is reduced with aging, but its influence on the summation of force in response to repetitive stimulation at different frequencies is not known. The purpose of this work was to compare the electrically evoked mechanical responses of the tibialis anterior muscle between young and elderly adults after a 6-s maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). The results showed that, immediately after the conditioning MVC, twitch torque and its maximal rate of development and relaxation were significantly enhanced in both groups, but the magnitude of potentiation was greater in young (148.0 +/- 14.2, 123.7 +/- 16.5, and 185.4 +/- 36.5%, respectively) compared with elderly adults (87.4 +/- 15.2, 63.8 +/- 9.9, and 62.9 +/- 11.0%, respectively). This age-related difference in potentiation of the twitch disappeared completely 1 min after the conditioning MVC. The potentiation of torque and speed-related parameters in response to two- and three-pulse trains, delivered at a constant interval of 10 ms (100 Hz), was less than for a single pulse for both groups. In young adults, the magnitude of PAP on the successive individual mechanical contributions within a train of stimuli declined progressively such that the third contribution did not differ significantly from the same contribution before the conditioning MVC. In contrast, the second and third contributions did not potentiate (P > 0.05) in elderly adults. Although these contributions did potentiate significantly at a lower frequency of stimulation (20 Hz) in the two groups, the difference in PAP between young and elderly adults still persisted. This overall attenuation of potentiation with aging, however, appears to have a moderate influence on the decrement of the muscular performance.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to establish the joint moment and joint range of motion requirements of stair descent and the demands relative to maximal capacities in elderly and young adults. Participants descended a custom-built standard dimension four-step staircase, at their self-selected speed in a step-over manner. Kinetic data were acquired from force platforms embedded into each of the steps and into the floor at the base of the stairs. A motion analysis system was used to acquire kinematic data and joint moments were calculated using the kinematic and kinetic data. Maximum capacities (joint moment and joint range of motion) were assessed using a dynamometer. During stair descent the elderly generated lower absolute ankle joint moments than the young, which enabled them to operate at a similar relative proportion of their maximal capacity compared to young adults (75%). The knee joint moments during stair descent were similar between groups, but the elderly operated at a higher proportion of their maximal capacity (elderly: 42%; young: 30%). Ankle plantarflexion-dorsiflexion angle changes were similar between groups, which meant that the elderly operated at a higher proportion of their maximal assisted dorsiflexion angle. These results indicate that the elderly redistribute the joint moments in order to maintain the task demands within 'safe' limits.  相似文献   


Purpose/background: Multiscale entropy (MSE) is a nonlinear measure of postural control that quantifies how complex the postural sway is by assigning a complexity index to the center of pressure (COP) oscillations. While complexity has been shown to be task dependent, the relationship between sway complexity and level of task challenge is currently unclear. This study tested whether MSE can detect short-term changes in postural control in response to increased standing balance task difficulty in healthy young adults and compared this response to that of a traditional measure of postural steadiness, root mean square of velocity (VRMS).

Methods: COP data from 20?s of quiet stance were analyzed when 30 healthy young adults stood on the following surfaces: on floor and foam with eyes open and closed and on the compliant side of a Both Sides Up (BOSU) ball with eyes open. Complexity index (CompI) was derived from MSE curves.

Results: Repeated measures analysis of variance across standing conditions showed a statistically significant effect of condition (p?<?0.001) in both the anterior–posterior and medio-lateral directions for both CompI and VRMS. In the medio-lateral direction there was a gradual increase in CompI and VRMS with increased standing challenge. In the anterior–posterior direction, VRMS showed a gradual increase whereas CompI showed significant differences between the BOSU and all other conditions. CompI was moderately and significantly correlated with VRMS.

Conclusions: Both nonlinear and traditional measures of postural control were sensitive to the task and increased with increasing difficulty of standing balance tasks in healthy young adults.  相似文献   

This study compared motor unit rate coding and muscular force control in the first dorsal interosseous muscle of older (n = 11, mean 72.3 yr) and young (n = 12, mean 18.7 yr) adults. Rate coding during a sinusoidal isometric force-matching task was evaluated using spectral analysis of the time-varying changes in firing rate. The task required force modulations to match a trajectory comprising the sum of 0.15- and 0.45-Hz sine waves. Based on the amplitude of spectral peaks at 0.15 and 0.45 Hz, the amplitude of force modulation was similar in young and older adults at both frequencies (F = 1.9, P = 0.17). Force modulation gain (FMG) was computed as the ratio of the amplitude of force modulation to the amplitude of firing rate modulation. To account for rate coding differences related to the properties of the motoneuron, recruitment threshold force was used as a covariate in age-group comparisons. At both task frequencies, firing rate was modulated with less amplitude (F = 0 14, P < 0.001) and FMG was greater (F = 0 27, P < 0.001) in the older adults. In its transformation of neural input to mechanical output, muscle is known to act as a low-pass filter. Compared with modulation at 0.15 Hz, less change in force per change in firing rate at 0.45 Hz (lower FMG; F = 0 67, P < 0.001), independent of age group, is consistent with this filtering effect. Our conclusion is that there is a reduced amplitude of firing rate modulation in older adults.  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated that single shot vaccinations against tetanus and diphtheria do not lead to long-lasting immunity against diphtheria in elderly persons despite administration at 5 year intervals. In the present study we have immunized a group of young adults against tetanus and diphtheria to compare the pre- and 28 days post-vaccination immune responses in the young group with results of the same vaccination performed in an elderly group of a previous study. We also studied protection in both groups 5 years after vaccination. We compared antibody titers at all three time points and also analyzed the T cell responses in both age groups 5 years after vaccination.Before vaccination 9 % of the elderly persons were not protected against tetanus, and 48 % did not have protection against diphtheria. In the young group all participants were protected against tetanus, but 52 % were also unprotected against diphtheria before vaccination. 28 days after vaccination 100 % of all participants had protective antibody concentrations against tetanus and only a small percentage in each age group (<10 %) was unprotected against diphtheria. 5 years later, 100 % of both cohorts were still protected against tetanus, but 24 % of the young and 54 % of the elderly group were unprotected against diphtheria. Antibody concentrations against diphtheria measured by ELISA correlated well with their neutralizing capacity. T cell responses to tetanus and diphtheria did not differ between young and old persons. We conclude that booster vaccinations against tetanus and diphtheria according to present recommendations provide long-lasting protection only against tetanus, but not against diphtheria, independently of age. In elderly persons, the level of protection is even lower, probably due to intrinsic age-related changes within the immune system and/or insufficient vaccination earlier in life.  相似文献   

L. Hechtman  G. Weiss  K. Metrakos 《CMAJ》1978,118(8):919-21,923
In a 10-year follow-up study electroencephalograms (EEGs) of 31 hyperactive and 27 matched control subjects of mean ages 19.17 and 18.59 years respectively showed no significant differences in any of the features assessed. Sequential EEGs, available for only the hyperactive subjects, suggested that a much greater proportion were normal at the 10-year follow-up assessment than at the 5-year follow-up assessment and that the normalization tended to take place mainly in the second 5-year period. This supports the hypothesis that EEG abnormalities of hyperactive persons are those of an immature pattern that tends to normalize with age. Correlation between EEG findings at the 10-year follow-up assessment and global outcome measures was not significant. Initial and 5-year EEGs also failed to predict global outcome at the 10-year follow-up assessment.  相似文献   

The rest states with the eyes open (RSEO) and closed (RSEC) were subjected to quantitative EEG study as states similar in the pattern of mental activity and subjective assessments but different in the EEG pattern. The mean values of the spectral power and EEG coherence function were compared in 74 subjects for the following bands: Δ, ?, α1, α2, β1, β2, and γ. Upon the transition from the RSEC to the RSEO, the EEG local power significantly decreased over the whole cortex for the α, ?, and β bands. A simultaneous decrease in the EEG power in all the bands (including β and γ) was most pronounced (as judged by relative changes and tests of significance of difference) in the parietooccipital derivations immediately related to the cortical zones where an increase in the neuronal activity upon opening the eyes is most probable. A significant increase in the EEG power was observed only for the γ band in frontal derivations F 3 and F 4. Significant differences in the mean EEG coherence in the RSEO-RSEC comparison were present in many derivation pairs, especially in the α2, β1, β2, and γ bands. For each of these bands, the number of differences determined on the basis of Fisher test was more than 70% of the maximum possible number. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the coherence was lower in the RSEO; however, in the caudal cortical zones, a higher coherence in the α1, ?, and Δ bands in the RSEO was rather typical. The results confirmed that the two states under study differ in a number of averaged EEG parameters with high statistical significance and may be used as reference states during performance of tasks with the eyes open and closed, respectively. The differences between the RSEC and the RSEO may be caused by the fact that the RSEC is a functional state oriented predominantly to the analysis of internal information (internally oriented), and the RSEO, predominantly to the analysis of information coming from the outside (externally oriented). The pattern of the observed EEG differences points to a combination of effects both localized in the visual zone and reflecting changes in the network cortical activity, i.e., simultaneous, although nonuniform, changes over all the main zones of the cortex. Comparison of the results with published estimations of differences in the local cerebral blood flow (ICBF) between the RSEO and the RSEC shows that increase in the ICBF may be associated with a local decrease in the EEG spectral power in any frequency band, including the high-frequency β and γ bands, or several frequency bands simultaneously.  相似文献   

Genetic disorders in children and young adults: a population study.   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
The data base of an ongoing population-based registry with multiple sources of ascertainment was used to estimate the present population load from genetic disease in more than 1 million consecutive live births. It was found that, before approximately age 25 years, greater than or equal to 53/1,000 live-born individuals can be expected to have diseases with an important genetic component. This total was composed of single-gene disorders (3.6/1,000), consisting of autosomal dominant (1.4/1,000), autosomal recessive (1.7/1,000), and X-linked recessive disorders (0.5/1,000). Chromosomal anomalies accounted for 1.8/1,000, multifactorial disorders (including those present at birth and those of onset before age 25 years) accounted for 46.4/1,000, and cases of genetic etiology in which the precise mechanism was not identified accounted for 1.2/1,000. Previous studies have usually considered all congenital anomalies (ICD 740-759) as part of the genetic load, but only those judged to fit into one of the above categories were included in the present study. Data for congenital anomalies are therefore also presented separately, to facilitate comparison with earlier studies. If all congenital anomalies are considered as part of the genetic load, then greater than or equal to 79/1,000 live-born individuals have been identified as having one or other genetic disorder before approximately age 25 years. These new data represent a better estimate of the genetic load in the population than do previous studies.  相似文献   

Although many studies investigating the impacts of zoo exhibit designs on captive animals exist, none have been performed on how they influence the behavior and welfare of captive Bennett's wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus). Here, we assess the impact of exhibit design on the activity budget and spatial distribution of Bennett's wallabies. We compared animal behavior in two open exhibits (i.e. physical interaction between animals and visitors permitted) to two closed exhibits (i.e. physical interaction between animals and visitors prohibited). Behavioral data were collected using focal sampling, and spatial distribution was recorded on exhibit maps at regular time intervals. We found a significant increase in feeding and interactive behaviors in closed exhibits in comparison to open exhibits. However, other behaviors such as resting, locomotion, and vigilance did not vary with design. Functional use of space was similar between both designs; however, the effect of habituation may be relevant to consider in future studies. Although some support for visitor effects were present, our study provided no evidence for strong impacts of exhibit design on Bennett's wallaby welfare. Our study emphasizes the need for additional research into the impacts of how zoo environments affect Bennett's wallaby behavior and welfare.  相似文献   

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