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We tested the deterrent effects of non-host plant secondary compounds on Manduca sexta Johan. larvae, in choice tests. Treatment chemicals were applied, at approximately natural concentrations to either glass fiber or tobacco leaf disks. Of 30 compounds tested on glass fiber disks, with artificial diet reared larvae, 6 were deterrent. When the 6 deterrent chemicals were tested on tobacco leaf disks only one was still deterrent. No deterrent effects were observed when tobacco reared larvae were tested with chemicals applied to tobacco leaf disks. The results suggest that maintenance of restricted host range in M. sexta larvae relies not on avoidance of non-hosts due to deterrence but on attraction and stimulation to feed on hosts.
Résumé Nous avons examiné au moyen des expériences de choix, les effects dissuasifs des composés secondaires de plantes non-hôtes des chenilles de M. sexta Johan. Des disques de fibres de verre ou des rondelles de feuilles de tabac ont été traités chimiquement, aux concentrations à peu près naturelles. Sur les 30 substances examinées sur les disques de fibres de verre, 6 ont été répulsives pour des chenilles élvées sur aliment artificiel. Quand l'examen est effectué avec des rondelles de feuilles de tabac, seul un produit est encore répulsif. Aucun effet répulsif n'est observé quand des chenilles élevées sur tabac sont mises en présence de substances associées à des rondelles de feuille de tabac. Ces résultats suggèrent que le maintien d'un spectre d'hôtes limité chez les chenilles de M. sexta ne repose pas sur l'évitement des plantes non-hôtes par suite de leurs substantes dissuasives, mais sur l'attraction et la stimulation provoquées par les hôtes.

Diet-induced changes in food preference by fifth instar larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta (Johan.) (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae), were examined. Two groups of larvae with different diet experience were used: larvae reared on a host or on an acceptable non-host plant species. Each group of larvae was offered a choice between leaf discs from each rearing plant species (2-plant choice test) and food preference was measured as the consumption of one plant species relative to that of the other plant species. Diet-induced changes in preferences were larger with the host versus acceptable non-host plant pairs Solanum pseudocapsicum (L.) versus Raphanus sativus (L.), Lycopersicon esculentum (Mill.) versus Vigna sinensis (Savi), and Datura innoxia (L.) versus V. sinensis than with the host versus host plant pairs L. esculentum versus Capsicum annuum (L.) and L. esculentum versus D. innoxia. To examine how much the food preference had been altered for each test plant species alone, two other groups of larvae were offered a choice between leaf discs from a single plant species and filter paper discs laced with distilled water (1-plant choice test). Larvae preferred the dietary plant species more strongly than the non-dietary plant species in tests using the following plant species: for C. annuum with C. annuum and L. esculentum as diets, for V. sinensis with V. sinensis and L. esculentum or D. innoxia as diets, and for R. sativus with R. sativus and S. pseudocapsicum as diets. The preference for the hosts L. esculentum and D. innoxia did not change significantly after rearing larvae on different hosts or on an acceptable non-host. Thus, diet-induction by M. sexta larvae results in an enhancement of preference for the dietary plant species which is much stronger with acceptable non-hosts than with hosts.  相似文献   

Ten host plant (Solanaceae) and twelve non-host plant species were tested as foodplants for first instar larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Only nine host and three non-host plant species elicited feeding and supported growth up to fifth instar. The range of acceptability suggested that plants be divided into hosts, acceptable non-hosts, and unacceptable non-hosts. Using the two-choice feeding preference test we found that the initial preference for hosts was preserved when larvae were reared on hosts, but was less strong or absent for larvae reared on acceptable non-hosts. Thus oligophagy in the tobacco hornworm is not induced, but must be inherited.Newly-hatched first instar larvae and fifth instar larvae showed a preference hierarchy among both hosts and non-hosts. Fifth instar larvae reared separately on two different host species showed slightly different preference hierarchies among hosts. The preference for the rearing plant was increased and also two other host species changed positions in hierarchies.Feeding preferences of larvae reared on hosts or acceptable non-hosts were determined using plant combinations of host vs. host, host vs. acceptable non-host, and acceptable non-host vs. acceptable non-host. Induction of feeding preference was found in all three of these categories. This shows that induction of feeding preference in the tobacco hornworm is not restricted to host plant species.The degree to which feeding preferences were induced ranged from very strong to undetectable and dependend on the plant species paired. The strength of induction in the tobacco hornworm was found to correlate inversely with taxonomic relatedness of the plant species paired. Analysis of induction data from the literature revealed a similar correlation for other lepidopteran species.
Résumé Vingt-deux espèces de plantes, dont 10 planteshôtes (Solanées), ont été testés comme plantes alimentaires pour des chenilles de ler stade de Manduca sexta. Sur cet ensemble, seulement 12 plantes (dont 9 plantes hôtes) induisaient la prise de nourriture et permettaient la croissance jusqu'au 5ème stade. La diversité des résultats suggère que les plantes pouvaient être classées en hôtes, non-hôtes acceptables et non-hôtes refusés. En utilisant le test du choix alimentaire préférentiel entre deux rondelles de feuilles, les chenilles néonates de ler stade ont préféré nettement les plantes-hôtes aux autres. Cette préférence initiale pour les plantes-hôtes était préservée quand les cheniles étaient élevées sur plantes-hôtes, mais devenait moins nette ou disparaissait pour des chenilles élevées sur d'autres plantes acceptées. Ainsi l'oligophagie ches M. sexta n'est pas induite, mais doit être héritée.Les chenilles néonates, aussi bien que celles de 5ème stade, présentent des préférences hiérarchisées parmi les plantes hôtes ou non. La seule frontiere nette observée était entre espèces de plantes acceptables ou non. Les hiérarchies préférentielles des chenilles du 5ème stade différaient légèrement lors-qu'elles avaient été élevées sur deux plantes-hôtes différentes. La différence essentielle était l'observation d'une préférence accrue pour l'espèce ayant servi à l'élevage, mais deux autres plantes-hôtes changaient aussi de position hiérarchique.La cause de ces changements de préférence a été approfondie, les chenilles étant élevées sur des feuilles de chaque espèce acceptable (hôte ou non). Leurs préférences alimentaires ont été définies en utilisant des combinaisons diverses (hôte x hôte, hôte x non-hôte acceptable, non-hôte acceptable x non-hôte acceptable). L'induction de la préférence alimentaires a été obtenue dans ces trois associations. Ceci montre que l'induction des choix alimentaires chez M. sexta n'est pas limitée aux plantes-hôtes. Le degré d'induction de la préférence alimentaire variait de très fort à indécelable; il dépendait de l'association examinée. La source de la variabilité de cette induction a été examinée en fonction de la relation entre la force de l'induction et les rapports taxonomiques des plantes associées. La relation obervée était inversée pour M. sexta. L'examen des données de la littérature ont révélé une relation du même type pour les autres espèces de Lépidoptères.

The function of bilateral chemosensory input in food discrimination was examined using larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta (Johan.) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae), in 2-choice preference tests. Larvae having three different complements of chemosensory organs remaining after microsurgery were tested: unoperated, unilaterally-ablated, and bilaterally-ablated. Discrimination between Solanum pseudocapsicum (L.) and Pelargonium hortorum (Bailey) was reduced after unilateral removal of chemosensory organs. A similar effect was found in tests offering larvae a choice between one plant species or an ethanolic extract of S. pseudocapsicum and wetted filter paper, indicating an impaired food detection. These results demonstrate that both sets of chemosensory organs are required for normal feeding decisions about these plants.Six additional plant species were each tested against wetted filter paper. The function of bilateral chemosensory input in food discrimination varies with the plant species tested. Bilateral chemosensory input is required for discrimination of Vigna sinensis (Savi) and Raphanus sativus (L.), but not for that of Lycopersicon esculentum (Mill.), Datura innoxia (L.), Brassica napus (L.), and Canna generalis (Bailey). Discrimination of V. sinensis, S. pseudocapsicum, and P. hortorum by unoperated larvae is twice as strong as that by unilaterally-ablated larvae, suggesting algebraic addition of unilateral sensory inputs. For R. sativus unilateral input does not mediate discrimination, but bilateral input does, indicating sensory processing which may be more than additive. These results show that information mediated by bilateral chemosensory organs of M. sexta is not redundant in mediating feeding decisions, but provide the necessary sensory input for normal discrimination. This suggests that, for some plant species, feeding decisions are based on both qualitative and quantitative aspects of chemosensory input.No difference in preferences between left-sided and right-sided operated larvae were observed which suggests functional duplication of each set of unilateral chemosensory organs. Possible neural mechanisms underlying feeding decisions mediated by bilateral versus unilateral chemosensory inputs are discussed.  相似文献   

Alternating antiphasic rhythmic activity was observed in opener and closer mandibular motor neurons in the isolated suboesophageal ganglion of the larva of Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). This was interpreted provisionally as fictive chewing; the pattern is similar to that seen in semiintact animals but of lower frequency. Additionally, a variety of associated rhythmic activities were observed in suboesophageal interneurons. These could be classified into several different physiological types by their activity patterns in relation to the chewing cycle. Some of these neurons can modulate the rhythm when injected with current. It seems likely that they are part of or associated with a central pattern generator circuit for chewing.Abbreviations A anterior - CEC circumoesophageal connective - Cl-MN closer motor neuron - IN interneuron - MdN mandibular nerve - MN motor neuron - O-MN opener motor neuron  相似文献   

Simultaneous intracellular recordings were made from interneurons and from closer or opener mandibular motor neurons in the isolated suboesophageal ganglion of the larva of Manduca sexta. This article describes various morphologically and physiologically distinguishable premotor spiking interneurons which make direct excitatory connections with the motor neurons. In addition, two presumptive non-spiking interneurons make excitatory and inhibitory connections respectively with opener motor neurons. Both classes of interneurons receive excitatory and inhibitory sensory inputs from the mouthparts. Their circuitry and functions are discussed.Abbreviations A anterior - AP action potential - CEC circumoesophageal connective - Cl-MN closer motor neuron - EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential - IN interneuron - IPSP inhibitory postsynaptic potential - MdN mandibular nerve - MN motor neuron - MxN maxillary nerve - O-MN opener motor neuron - PSP postsynaptic potential  相似文献   

The effects of 2-undecanone, a compound found in the glandular trichomes of the wild tomato, Lycopersicon hirsutum f. glabratum C. H. Mull, PI 134417, on the larvae of Heliothis zea (Boddie) and Manduca sexta (L.) were studied by rearing the larvae on artificial diets containing this chemical. 2-Undecanone increased larval mortality of H. zea in the first 48 h when combined with 2-tridecanone, but not alone, and caused deformity and mortality of H. zea pupae both alone and in combination with 2-tridecanone. 2-Undecanone had no effect on M. sexta larvae or pupae. Potential implications of these findings for insect pest management are discussed.
Résumé Le 2-undécanone est une methyle cétone qui se trouve avec le 2-tridécanone dans les extrémités des poils glandulaires des feuilles de la tomate sauvage: Lycopersicon hirsutum f. glabratum C. H. Mull, PI 134417. Notre étude entreprendait à rechercher le rôle du 2-undécanone dans la resistance de cette plante à Heliothis zea et Manduca sexta.Les produits chimiques synthétiques s'étaient incorporés en diète artificièlle sur laquelle les insectes ont élevés. Le 2-undécanone a causé peu de mortalité des larves de H. zea sauf quand il soit combiné avec le 2-tridécanone, dans quel cas on trouve, dans les premiers 48 heures, une augmentation de mortalité, en comparaison au 2-tridécanone seul. Aussi le 2-undécanone a causé les difformités des nymphes de H. zea et la mortalité dans l'étage de nymphe, toutes les deux seul et en combinaison avec le 2-tridécanone. En contrast, le 2-undécanone n'a pas produit un effet sur les larves ou nymphes de M. sexta.L'élevage sélective des lignes de tomates de niveau plus élevé de 2-undécanone pourrait utile pour la lutte contre le H. zea. En combinaison avec des niveaux élevés du 2-tridécanone, c'est possible de reduire les populations nuisibles des larves. Il peut aussi réduire le nombre des lépidoptères adultes produit dans la récolte de tomate. Toutefois, il ne serait pas probablement de valeur dans la lutte contre le M. sexta.

Summary Brains and subesophageal ganglia from day 3.5 fifth stadium larvae of Manduca sexta were incubated in vitro with 4 nM tritiated ponasterone A, a 20-hydroxyecdysone analog, to determine whether uptake and specific binding of ecdysteroids occur at a cellular level. These tissues, which were taken just prior to the commitment peak in the hemolymph-ecdysteroid titer, showed saturable uptake of 3H-ponasterone A after 40–60 min of incubation. Uptake was blocked by the addition of 400 nM unlabelled ponasterone A, or of 500 nM or 1000 nM 20-hydroxyecdysone. RH 5849, a synthetic 20-hydroxyecdysone agonist with a long half-life, for which ecdysteroid receptors have low affinity, also reduced ponasterone A uptake at a concentration of 10 M. Autoradiographs of 4 m sections of brains revealed distinct nuclear concentrations of silver grains over cell populations in the pars intercerebralis, pars lateralis, and ventral tritocerebrum. Nuclear labelling was also found in many small cells around the mushroom bodies and the neuropil, and between the inner and outer larval optic lobes. Nuclear labelling of cells in the subesophageal ganglion was observed in the fronto-medial and lateral regions, in small cells around the neuropil, and caudally in a few large neurons. In addition to cells with nuclear labelling, both brains and ganglia at this development stage contained cells with exclusively cytoplasmic or both nuclear and cytoplasmic labelling. None of these apparent binding sites were observed in the competition experiments, suggesting that the binding is specific.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of c-fos, a marker for cell activation, was investigated in cerebral neurons actively expressing ecdysteroid receptors during larval-pupal development in the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Colocalization was accomplished by ecdysteroid autoradiography using the tritiated high affinity 20-hydroxyecdysone agonist ponasterone A and immunocytochemistry with an antibody to a peptide sequence which is highly conserved in both human and murine c-fos. Immunoreactivity to a c-fos-like protein(s) was present in nuclei of many neurons of all the developmental stages examined. However, with the exception of the optic lobe, cells expressing nuclear ecdysteroid receptors were more immunoreactive than non-ecdysteroid-binding neurons. These data suggest that ecdysteroid-induced gene activation and translation may involve c-fos expression. Offprint requests to: H.-J. Bidmon  相似文献   

Summary We investigated the ability of pheromone-sensitive olfactory receptors of male Manduca sexta to respond to 20-ms pulses of bombykal, the major component of the conspecific pheromonal blend. Isolated pulses of bombykal elicited a burst of activity which decreased exponentially with a time constant of 160–250 ms. Trains of pulses delivered at increasing frequencies (0.5–10 Hz) elicited temporally modulated responses at up to 3 Hz. Concentration of the stimulus (1, 10, 100 ng per odor source) had a marginal effect on the temporal resolution of the receptors. Within a train, the responses to individual pulses remained constant, except for 10-Hz trains (short-term adaptation). A dose-dependent decline of responsiveness was observed during experiments (long-term adaptation). Although individual neurons may not respond faithfully to each pulse of a train, the population of receptors sampled in this study appears to be capable of encoding the onset of odor pulses at frequencies of up to at least 3 Hz.Abbreviations BAL bombykal or (E,Z)-10,12-hexadecadienal - C15 (E,Z)-11,13-pentadecadienal - HAL (E)-2-hexenal - EAG electroantennogram - P1, P2, P3 single stimulus pulses - PSTH peri-stimulus histogram - SC synchronization coefficient - 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 10 Hz stimulus trains  相似文献   

The microstructure of the feeding activity of tobacco hornworm caterpillars (Manduca sexta Johansson) on tomato leaf was examined by means of an automated cafeteria. In this device each activity of the caterpillar generates a characteristic slow electrical change which can be recorded. The apparatus is therefore both accurate and sensitive. Examination of the activity records indicated that larger animals ate more than smaller ones by increasing both bite frequency and the lengths of meals. Meal frequency did not increase. Correlations amongst a variety of measures indicated that there was regulation of feeding both between and within meals.  相似文献   

Third instar tobacco hornworms (Manduca sexta L.: Sphingidae) on low dietary potassium had a lower relative growth rate than individuals on diets with potassium concentrations reflecting those in host-plants, due to decreased consumption rate, lower efficiencies of conversion of ingested and digested food (ECI and ECD), and a prolonged growth/feeding phase. Furthermore, these larvae, when placed on a diet with a moderate potassium concentration through the fourth stadium, ended up being smaller due to lower ECI and less biomass gained, and had a prolonged growth phase, which suggest an irreversible cost of the previous low potassium diet. Third instar hornworms on high potassium diets had lower ECI and ECD, and they had a prolonged growth phase. These individuals, when placed on a moderate potassium diet in the fourth stadium, gained less biomass, than those previously offered hostplant-like-potassium diets. Body potassium concentrations (% dw) at the end of the third stadium were similar among treatment groups. With increasing potassium concentrations in the diet, utilization efficiencies of potassium decreased and potassium concentrations in the frass increased. Correspondingly, water content (% fw) of the newly-molted fourth instar larvae declined with increasing potassium, indicating a passive loss of water during potassium excretion. Low and high dietary potassium reduced survivorship of third instar larvae; fourth instar caterpillars previously fed the low potassium diet also had poor survivorship. We conclude that, within the normal range of potassium concentrations in the hostplants, caterpillar performance is largely unaffected by potassium concentration, but that potassium-poor and potassium-rich diets, such as those hornworms may sometimes experience, can reduce growth and survivorship.  相似文献   

Sixteen species of Nicotiana were examined for resistance to second instar larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta (L.). The tests were designed so as to discriminate between antibiosis and nonpreference. High levels of antibiosis resistance were observed in several wild species such as N. gossei and species in the Repandae section. Several other species, such as N. excelsior, showed antibiosis that appeared to be due to a different mechanism than the alkaloid-trichome exudate based resistance of the above species. The data indicate that these species of Nicotiana may be used as a new source of resistance to larvae of M. sexta.
D'espèces sauvages de Nicotiania comme nouvelle source de résistance du tabac à Manduca sexta
Résumé La résistance aux chenilles de second stade de Manduca sexta L. a été examinée chez seize espèces de Nicotiana. Les essais ont été conçus pour distinguer absence d'appétance et antibiose. Plusieurs espèces sauvages comme N. gossei et les espèces de la section Repandae ont présenté un niveau élevé d'antibiose. D'autres espèces, comme N. excelsior ont présenté une antibiose vraisemblablement due à un mécanisme différent de la résistance des espèces précédentes provoquée par un exsudat alcaloïde des trichomes. Les résultats indiquent que ces espèces de Nicotiana peuvent être utilisées comme nouvelle source de résistance aux chenilles de M. sexta.

The effects of plant age and growing conditions on the wound-induced responses of tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) was studied. The impact of these variables on the suitability of tomato foliage as food was assessed both by growth rates of neonate Manduca sexta Johannson larvae and by radiometric assay for proteinase inhibitor concentration. Plant quality (as assessed by M. sexta growth rates) was decreased by wounding regardless of plant age or environmental conditions at the time of wounding. The decrease in quality was not necessarily associated with increased concentrations of proteinase inhibitor. When tested directly, high concentrations of proteinase inhibitor did not affect larval growth rates. Induction of foliar proteinase inhibitors in response to wounding was found to peak while the plants were young and decrease as the plants matured.
Résumé Le feuillage de pieds de tomates (Lycospersicon esculentum Mill) a été endommagé à différents âges et dans différentes conditions écologiques. Les modifications de sa valeur alimentaire ont été testées avec des chenilles néonates de Manduca sexta Johannson et par des dosages radiométriques de sa concentration en inhibiteurs de protéïnase. Des plantes endommagées à 2 semaines provoquent une croissance larvaire plus lente que des plantes endommagées à 2 semaines provoquent une croissance larvaire plus lente que des plantes endommagées à 4 semaines. Des plantes soumises à une forte intensité lumineuse et à des températures élevées lors de leur altération provoquent une croissance larvaire plus lente que des plantes maintenues en serre pendant cette période. Les changements de la qualité des plantes mis en évidence par les taux de croissance larvaire n'étaient pas liés à l'importance de l'induction des inhibiteurs de protéïnase dans le feuillage. Quand les plantes sont endommagées à 3 jours d'intervalle, 10 à 30 jours après la germination, l'induction des inhibiteurs de protéïnase est maximale le 16e jour et diminue ensuite. M. sexta se développe aussi bien sur les feuilles mûres de tomate, qu'elles contiennent ou non des concentrations élevées en inhibiteurs de protéïnase. Ces résultats montrent que la blessure a un impact négatif sur la valeur comme aliment pour M. sexta du feuillage de tomate, qui ne dépend pas de la quantité d'inhibiteurs de protéïnase induite dans les feuilles.

The pore-formation activity of monomeric and oligomeric forms of different Cry1 toxins (from Cry1A to Cry1G) was analyzed by monitoring ionic permeability across Manduca sexta brush border membrane vesicles. The membrane vesicles were isolated from microvilli structures, showing a high enrichment of apical membrane markers and low intrinsic K+ permeability. A fluorometric assay performed with 3,3′-dipropylthiodicarbocyanine fluorescent probe, sensitive to changes in membrane potential, was used. Previously, it was suggested that fluorescence determinations with this dye could be strongly influenced by the pH, osmolarity and ionic strength of the medium. Therefore, we evaluated these parameters in control experiments using the K+-selective ionophore valinomycin. We show here that under specific ionic conditions changes in fluorescence can be correlated with ionic permeability without effects on osmolarity or ionic strength of the medium. It is extremely important to attenuate the background response due to surface membrane potential and the participation of the endogenous permeability of the membrane vesicles. Under these conditions, we analyzed the pore-formation activity induced by monomeric and oligomeric structures of different Cry1 toxins. The Cry1 toxin samples containing oligomeric structures correlated with high pore activity, in contrast to monomeric samples that showed marginal pore-formation activity, supporting the hypothesis that oligomer formation is a necessary step in the mechanism of action of Cry toxins.  相似文献   

The response of V(1) ATPase of the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta to Mg(2+) and nucleotide binding in the presence of the enhancer methanol has been studied by CuCl(2)-induced disulfide formation, fluorescence spectroscopy, and small-angle X-ray scattering. When the V(1) complex was supplemented with CuCl(2) nucleotide-dependence of A-B-E and A-B-E-D cross-linking products was observed in absence of nucleotides and presence of MgADP+Pi but not when MgAMP.PNP or MgADP were added. A zero-length cross-linking product of subunits D and E was formed, supporting their close proximity in the V(1) complex. The catalytic subunit A was reacted with N-4[4-[7-(dimethylamino)-4-methyl]coumarin-3-yl]maleimide (CM) and spectral shifts and changes in fluorescence intensity were detected upon addition of MgAMP.PNP, -ATP, -ADP+Pi, or -ADP. Differences in the fluorescence emission of these nucleotide-binding states were monitored using the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence. The structural composition of the V(1) ATPase from M. sexta and conformational alterations in this enzyme due to Mg(2+) and nucleotide binding are discussed on the basis of these and previous observations.  相似文献   

Summary The thoracic legs of the moth Manduca sexta acquire a new form and develop a new complement of sensory organs and muscles during metamorphosis from larva to adult. Because of our interest in the reorganization of neural circuitry and the acquisition of new behaviors during metamorphosis, we are characterizing sensory elements of larval and adult legs so that we may determine the contribution of new sensory inputs to the changes in behaviors. Here we describe the sensory structures of adult legs using scanning electron microscopy to view the external sensilla and cobalt staining to examine innervation by underlying sensory neurons. We find that, in contrast to larval legs, the adult legs are covered with a diverse array of sensilla. All three pairs of thoracic legs contain scattered, singly innervated scalelike sensilla. Campaniform sensilla occur singly or in clusters near joints. Hair plates, consisting of numerous singly innervated hairs, are also present near joints. Other more specialized sensilla occur on distal leg segments. These include singly innervated spines, two additional classes of singly innervated hairs, and three classes of multiply innervated sensilla. Internal sensory organs include chordotonal organs, subgenual organs, and multipolar joint receptors.  相似文献   

Performance of leaf beetle larvae on sympatric host and non-host plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studies asking the ability of insects to utilize novel host plants often use novel hosts that are allopatric with the insect population under investigation. However, since the outcomes of species interactions are often site-specific, such studies cannot tell us whether a plant would actually be used by a given insect population if the plant grew sympatrically with it. We therefore performed a quantitative genetics experiment to analyse the performance of larvae of the leaf beetle Oreina elongata Suffrian (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Chrysomelinae) on two host and three non-host plants, collected from a site where insects and plants co-occur in the Western Alps. When raised on the non-host Petasites albus (L.), larvae were able to survive equally well as on the two hosts, Adenostyles alliariae (Gouan) and Cirsium spinosissimum (L.), whereas they did not survive on the two other non-hosts, Peucedanum ostruthium (L.) and Rumex alpinus L. On P. albus, growth rate was slightly lower and development time slightly longer than on the two hosts. We found a genotype by environment interaction only for growth rate but not for development time and survival. However, the shape of the reaction norms of growth rates suggests that it is unlikely that selection could favour the inclusion of P. albus into the host range of the study population.  相似文献   

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