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Changes in shape and size of Robinia pulvinar cortical cellsin relation to leaflet movements have been investigated usingan image processing system applied to drawings of transverseand longitudinal pulvinar sections. Both the size and shapeof cell sections underwent change during movement. The dorsal-leftside region of the cortex has been characterized as the extensorregion which increases turgor during opening. Morphometric changesoccur throughout the cortical motor cells except in the threeor four inner layers. K, Cl, S, and Ca distribution in cellwalls and protoplasts of inner and outer motor cells have beenmeasured with X-ray microanalysis. The distribution patternof K and Cl shows that these ions are mainly responsible forturgor changes. K and Cl were simultaneously depleted in apoplastand protoplast, which suggests that cell walls do not possessa high enough ionic reservoir during Robinia leaflet movements.Ca was always higher in flexor cell walls than in extensor regionsof closed pulvini. This fact could be related to a lower abilityto extend of flexor cells which underwent fewer morphomerticchangrs during movement.  相似文献   

In addition to circadian changes in the membrane potential andleaf movement, light applied to the pulvinus causes changesin both the membrane potential and the pulvinar movement inPhaseolus vulgaris L. Even after a short pulse of light, a transientdepolarization of the membrane occurs and leaf movement is observed.Decreases of turgor pressure of the motor cells are always precededby the depolarization. The direction of the leaf movement canbe explained by the decrease of turgor pressure in the motorcells on the irradiated side of the pulvinus. Using the OkazakiLarge Spectrograph at the National Institute for Basic Biology,we determined the action spectrum of the membrane depolarizationinduced by light pulses (30 s) in motor cells of Phaseolus.The pulvinus was left exposed to air during measurement of themembrane potential with microelectrodes. The action spectrumobtained was in the range of 300 to 730 nm. It had the highestpeak at 460 nm with lower peaks at 380 nm and 420 nm. Almostno sensitivity was observed at wavelengths shorter than 360nm and longer than 520 nm. Red and far-red light had no effecton the depolarization of the motor cell. The features of theaction spectrum are almost the same as those of the Blue-Typeresponse in plants. (Received January 9, 1997; Accepted February 14, 1997)  相似文献   

The sealing-off phenomenon of microelectrode tips has oftenbeen observed in plant cells during potential measurements.In motor cells of pulvinus, changes of the sealing-off potentialwere induced by blue light. These light-induced changes of electricalpotential were in the direction opposite to those of the changesin intracellular potential. The results were evaluated and discussedin relation to the changes of the potential difference of themotor cells and turgor movements of the pulvinus. (Received February 2, 1987; Accepted June 29, 1987)  相似文献   

Transient depolarization of cell membranes precedes inductionby a pulse of blue light (BL) of pulvinar movement in Phaseolusvulgaris. The depolarization may involve the plasma membraneH+-ATPase since vanadate and dicyclohexylcarbodiimide decreasedor almost completely inhibited depolarization. BL may inactivatethe enzyme, thereby decreasing the turgor pressure in motorcells. (Received February 15, 1994; Accepted April 21, 1994)  相似文献   

To analyze the mechanism of the light-induced changes in electricpotential in motor cells of the pulvinus of Phaseolus vulgarisL., inhibitors were applied to the pulvinus by the xylem perfusionmethod. The membrane potential was –60 to –80 mV,which indicated that the polarization was less than that ofcells of a pulvinus in air. A pulse (30 s) of blue light (BL)induced transient depolarization of the membrane in the motorcells. Red light (RL) caused hyperpolarization of the membrane.The magnitude of BL pulse-induced transient depolarization wasgreater under the hyperpolarized state caused by the RL. The membrane was depolarized to –30 to –40 mV onperfusion with the respiratory inhibitor NaN3 (1 mM) and a pulseof BL or irradiation with RL did not cause any change in thepotential in the depolarized state. Hyperpolarization of themembrane by RL was inhibited by perfusion with DCMU (50 µM),an inhibitor of electron transport in photosynthesis. However,the magnitude of the depolarization induced by the pulse ofBL was not affected. Perfusion with a proton ionophore CCCP(100µM) depolarized the membrane and no change in thepotential was induced by a pulse of BL or by RL in the depolarizedstate. The extent of the BL pulse-induced depolarization of the membranewas proportional to the magnitude of the membrane potentialat the time of which the pulse of BL was applied. It is suggestedthat the active component of the membrane potential was inhibitedby the pulse of BL. The experimental results further supportthe hypothesis that BL inhibits the activity of the proton ATPaseand, thus, causes loss of the electrogenic component of themembrane potential of the pulvinar motor cells. (Received June 22, 1992; Accepted August 24, 1992)  相似文献   

The leaflet rhythm of Desmodium gyrans , the period of which is in the minute range, was investigated by application of direct current pulses through the pulvinus. The current was generated in a current clamp device, and applied via a 0.1 mm copper wire electrode to the tip of the leaflet and to the base of the leaf stalk. Currents of 2, 5 or 10 µA were applied for 1 s, being kept at a constant value by the clamp electronics. The phase shift was in all cases a delay, attained after transients of four or five periods. The shifts were longer with increasing current. The electronic equipment developed to attain the current pulses is described.  相似文献   

Membrane potentials of cultured carrot cells in culture mediumwere about –40 mV and did not change with addition ofsalts of addition (or depletion) of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyaceticacid (2,4-D). When the measurement was performed in the testmedium (containing low concentration of salts), the values werewidely distributed (from –60 to –110mV) and changedlargely with external concentration of K+ but not Mg2+ nor Ca2+.When the cells were fractionated by Ficoll density gradientcentrifugation, the membrane potential of the cells of higherdensity (> 14% Ficoll) was about –150 mV in the testmedium and did not change during embryogenesis with depletionof 2,4-D. The membrane potential of cells of lower density (bandingbetween 6– 10% Ficoll) was less negative (– 60 to– 110 mV) in the test medium. When these cells were transferredand cultured in medium containing zeatin but lacking 2,4-D,the membrane potential was shifted negatively by about 15 mVprior to anthocyanin synthesis. When 2,4-D was added to anthocyanin-synthesizingcells in the medium containing zeatin, a transient hyperpolarizationand subsequent depolarization of the membrane were observedprior to the inhibition of anthocyanin synthesis. (Received October 22, 1987; Accepted April 20, 1988)  相似文献   

The period (∼3-5 min) of the ultradian rhythm of the lateral leaflet movement of Desmodium motorium is strongly lengthened (≤30-40%) by the K+ channel blocker tetraethylammoniumchloride (20, 30, and 40 mM) and vanadate (0.5 and 1 mM), which is an effective inhibitor of the plasma membrane-bound H+ pump. The alkali ions K+, Na+, Rb+, and Cs+ (10-40 mM) shorten the period only slightly (≤ 10-15%). Li+ (5-30 mM), however, increases the period of the leaflet rhythm drastically (≤80%). We concluded that the plasmalemma-H+-ATP-ase-driven K+ transport through K+ channels is an essential component of the ultradian oscillator of Desmodium, as has been proposed for the circadian oscillator.  相似文献   

The period (~3-5 min) of the ultradian rhythm of the lateral leaflet movement of Desmodium motorium is strongly lengthened (≤30-40%) by the K+ channel blocker tetraethylammoniumchloride (20, 30, and 40 mM) and vanadate (0.5 and 1 mM), which is an effective inhibitor of the plasma membrane-bound H+ pump. The alkali ions K+, Na+, Rb+, and Cs+ (10-40 mM) shorten the period only slightly (≤ 10–15%). Li+ (5-30 mM), however, increases the period of the leaflet rhythm drastically (≤80%). We concluded that the plasmalemma-H+-ATP-ase-driven K+ transport through K+ channels is an essential component of the ultradian oscillator of Desmodium, as has been proposed for the circadian oscillator.  相似文献   

In the dark, the membranes of the pulvinar motor cells of Phaseolusvulgaris L. were rapidly depolarized under anoxic conditionsand repolarized with re-aeration. This change in potential mayhave been due to suppression by anoxia of a respiration-dependent,electrogenic ion pump in the motor cells. When the pulvinuswas irradiated with blue light (BL) in the depolarized stateunder anoxic conditions, no marked depolarization occurred.Furthermore, a short pulse of BL did not induce transient depolarization.On continuous irradiation with red light (RL), the motor cellunder anoxic conditions showed slow recovery of the depolarizedmembrane potential. When a pulse of BL was superimposed on theRL after the recovery, transient depolarization occurred again. The leaf showed a small downward movement under anoxic conditionsbut recovered with re-aeration. Upward movement of the leafcaused by continuous application of BL to flexor cells changedto a downward movement under anoxic conditions, and re-aerationled to a return to upward movement. Unidirectional irradiationby BL of the flexor side did not cause upward movement of theleaf under anoxic conditions. However, unidirectional irradiationof RL to the flexor side caused downward movement of the leafunder anoxic conditions, which could be changed to upward movementby superimposition of irradiation with BL. The experimentalresults clearly show that BL acts mainly to inhibit (depolarize)an electrogenic component of the membrane potential in pulvinarmotor cells which is dependent on a supply of energy from respirationor photophsphorylation. (Received November 1, 1989; Accepted April 12, 1990)  相似文献   

This study presents a fluorescence-based assay that allows for direct measurement of protein binding to the plasma membrane inside living cells. An axial scan through the cell generates a fluorescence intensity profile that is analyzed to determine the membrane-bound and cytoplasmic concentrations of a peripheral membrane protein labeled by the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). The membrane binding curve is constructed by mapping those concentrations for a population of cells with a wide range of protein expression levels, and a fit of the binding curve determines the number of binding sites and the dissociation coefficient. We experimentally verified the technique, using myosin-1C-EGFP as a model system and fit its binding curve. Furthermore, we studied the protein-lipid interactions of the membrane binding domains from lactadherin and phospholipase C-δ1 to evaluate the feasibility of using competition binding experiments to identify specific lipid-protein interactions in living cells. Finally, we applied the technique to determine the lipid specificity, the number of binding sites, and the dissociation coefficient of membrane binding for the Gag matrix domain of human T-lymphotropic virus type 1, which provides insight into early assembly steps of the retrovirus.  相似文献   

The lateral leaflets of Desmodium motorium exhibit rhythmic upward and downward movements with a period in the minute range. Apoplasmic K+ and H+ activities were monitored in situ in the abaxial part of the pulvini with ion-selective microelectrodes. An extracellular electric potential was recorded simultaneously. The apoplasmic H+ activity of all pulvini exhibiting a regular rhythm of the extracellular electric potential oscillated with the same period between about 10 and 20 mM. The apoplasmic K+ activity was high when the membrane potential of the motor cells was depolarized (about 36 mV) and the cells were shrunken. In contrast, the apoplasmic K+ activity was low in the swollen state of the motor cells, when the membrane potential was hyperpolarized (about -136 mV). The volatile anesthetic enflurane suppressed reversibly the movement of the leaflets. The same treatment also arrested spontaneous oscillations in the apoplasmic K+ activity in the pulvinus. The apoplasmic K+ activity oscillated roughly in phase with the K+ activity between pH 6.6 and 6.0. Application of white light disturbed the rhythm and increased the extracellular pH. Our results indicate that the physiological mechanism that drives the lateral leaflet movements of Desmodium motorium is closely related to the osmotic motors mediating the leaf movements of Mimosa, Samanea and Phaseolus.Abbreviations Em membrane potential - Eex extracellular electric potential - Hex extracellular H+ activity - Kex extracellular K+ activity - Rex extracellular electrical resistance B. Antkowiak was supported by the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk.  相似文献   

In the leaf of Codariocalyx motorius, rhythmic electrical potentialchange could be recorded from the pulvinus of the lateral leaflet,which gyrates spontaneously. The change showed a complex andirregular waveform having about 3 min period with an amplituderanging from 100 to 140 mV. On rare occassions intracellularrhythmic potential change could be recorded from a motor cell;this showed a simpler and more regular waveform than that inthe former. Anoxia and application of an oxidative phosphorylationinhibitor halted the rhythmic potential change, but darknessand application of dichlorophenyl-dimethylurea did not. Vanadatepoisoning stopped the change, showing that the activity of anelectrogenic ion pump in the motor cell may alter rhythmically.This system utilizes ATP supplied from oxidative phosphorylationas an energy source. (Received July 21, 1989; Accepted September 6, 1989)  相似文献   

Post-illumination transients of the membrane potential wererevealed in cells of Anthoceros punctatus upon short (1–2s) irradiation with photosynthetically active light. An initialfast depolarization of the cell by 20–30 mV after a lagperiod of 2 s and a subsequent slow repolarization were recordedwith micro-electrodes positioned both in the chloroplast andin transparent parts of the cell. The potential changes of similarkinetics were also observed upon continuous illumination. Post-illuminationpotential changes were abolished by 3-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-l,l-dimethylurea and dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and were stimulatedby the addition of NH4C1. It is assumed that the light-triggeredpotential change across the plasmalemma of A. punctatus aredetermined by the light activation of chloroplast ATPase. Thisassumption is further supported by observations of post-illuminationtransient increase of the chlorophyll fluorescence in preparationsof A. punctatus. Key words: Cell membrane potential, Chloroplast, Photosynthesis  相似文献   

The responses of membrane potential and membrane resistanceof tonoplast-free Nitellopsis cells to step changes of internalpH (pHi) from 7 were studied during continuous perfusion withmedia containing either 1 mu ATP or no ATP. Whether ATP waspresent or not, the time course of Em responses was composedof an initial rapid change (initial phase) and a subsequentslow change (second phase). At the end of the second phase,Em attained nearly stable values. When Em values of ATP-containingcells obtained at the peak of the initial phase were plottedagainst pHi, Em was found to hyperpolarize most at pHi 6.5.This was also found for steady Em values measured at the endof the second phase. The Em values of ATP-lacking cells werealmost insensitive to pHi changes between 4 and 8, but morepositive than those of ATP-containing cells at pHi 4–7.5.Above pHi 8, no difference in Em was observed between the twotypes of cells. In this range of pHi, the Em change in the initialphase amounted to about 60 mV per unit of pHi change. The light-induced hyperpolarization still occurred at pHi 6.5where the electrogenic potential was maximal, and over the widepHi range, from 6.0 to 7.5 even when pHi was strongly buffered.Thus, we concluded that the pHi change may not be the causeof light-induced hyperpolarization. (Received December 5, 1983; Accepted June 18, 1984)  相似文献   

Conditional neuronal membrane potential oscillations have been identified as a potential mechanism to help support or generate rhythmogenesis in neural circuits. A genetically identified population of ventromedial interneurons, called Hb9, in the mouse spinal cord has been shown to generate TTX-resistant membrane potential oscillations in the presence of NMDA, serotonin and dopamine, but these oscillatory properties are not well characterized. Hb9 interneurons are rhythmically active during fictive locomotor-like behavior. In this study, we report that exogenous N-Methyl-D-Aspartic acid (NMDA) application is sufficient to produce membrane potential oscillations in Hb9 interneurons. In contrast, exogenous serotonin and dopamine application, alone or in combination, are not sufficient. The properties of NMDA-induced oscillations vary among the Hb9 interneuron population; their frequency and amplitude increase with increasing NMDA concentration. NMDA does not modulate the T-type calcium current (ICa(T)), which is thought to be important in generating locomotor-like activity, in Hb9 neurons. These results suggest that NMDA receptor activation is sufficient for the generation of TTX-resistant NMDA-induced membrane potential oscillations in Hb9 interneurons.  相似文献   

The primo-vascular (Bonghan) tissue has been identified in most tissues in the body, but its structure and functions are not yet well understood. We characterized electrophysiological properties of the cells of the primo-nodes (PN) on the surface of abdominal organs using a slice patch clamp technique. The most abundant were small round cells (~10 μm) without processes. These PN cells exhibited low resting membrane potential (−36 mV) and did not fire action potentials. On the basis of the current–voltage (I–V) relationships and kinetics of outward currents, the PN cells can be grouped into four types. Among these, type I cells were the majority (69%); they showed strong outward rectification in I–V relations. The outward current was activated rapidly and sustained without decay. Tetraethylammonium (TEA) dose-dependently blocked both outward and inward current (IC50, 4.3 mM at ±60 mV). In current clamp conditions, TEA dose-dependently depolarized the membrane potential (18.5 mV at 30 mM) with increase in input resistance. The tail current following a depolarizing voltage step was reversed at −27 mV, and transient outward current like A-type K+ current was not expressed at holding potential of −80 mV. Taken together, the results demonstrate for the first time that the small round PN cells are heterogenous, and that, in type I cells, TEA-sensitive current with limited selectivity to K+ contributed to resting membrane potential of these cells.  相似文献   

Previous experiments have evidenced that calcium is functionallyimplicated in glycine uptake by pulvinar motor cells of Mimosapudica L. The present data show that compounds having anticalmodulinproperties, compound 48/80 and the sulfonamide W-7, inhibitedthe amino acid uptake suggesting that a step in this processmay be regulated by calmodulin. H+ excretion by the tissuesand transmembrane potential of the motor cells were not modifiedby these compounds, thus showing that the inhibition of aminoacid uptake was not an indirect consequence of a decrease inthe proton motive force energizing the glycine H+ cotransport.Therefore, the data argue for the implication of calmodulinin a specific Ca2+-regulated reaction. (Received March 2, 1994; Accepted May 6, 1994)  相似文献   

经1×10-6mol/L视黄酸诱导的P19细胞体外可向神经方向分化,接种于多聚赖氨酸(polyDlysine)和纤连蛋白(fibronectin)包被的玻片后,细胞逐渐聚集成团,此时细胞的贴壁性较差,进行原位分子杂交时容易脱落。我们尝试在细胞表面覆盖一层明胶,减少了细胞的脱落,又比较了蛋白酶K和胃蛋白酶对细胞蛋白质的消化作用,确定胃蛋白酶可较温和地消化细胞蛋白质,使探针有效地透入结合,杂交后细胞亦能较完整地保留于玻片上。  相似文献   

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