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This is the first report dealing with the effect of 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylthymine 5'-triphosphate (araTTP), synthesized by a new method, on eukaryotic DNA polymerase [EC]. AraTTP was tested for the inhibition of DNA synthesis in vitro using highly purified mouse myeloma DNA polymerase alpha in comparison with 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine 5'-triphosphate (araCTP). AraTTP was found to inhibit competitively the incorporation of [3H]dTTP into DNA and non-competitively the incorporation of [3H]dCTP, while the mode of the inhibition by araCTP was non-competitive with respect to dTTP and competitive with respect to dCTP. Neither araTTP nor araCTP was utilized as a substrate in place of dTTP or dCTP in DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase alpha.  相似文献   

In recent studies, we have shown that the smallest preantral follicles in the cyclic hamster increase DNA synthesis in the periovulatory period in response to surge levels of FSH. The current investigation was designed to determine whether the same phenomenon occurs in the cyclic mouse. Intact mouse follicles were isolated with watchmaker forceps (stages 4-6) or by enzymatic digestion (stages 1-4) at 0900 h and 1500 h on each day of the 5-day estrous cycle. The isolated follicles were classified into 6 stages: stages 1 and 2: follicles with 1 and 2 layers of granulosa cells; stage 3: follicles with 3 or more layers of granulosa cells and formation of theca; stages 4-6: incipient, small, and preovulatory antral follicles. The follicles at each stage were incubated for 3 h with [3H]thymidine. DNA content in stages 1-4 of follicles remained unchanged during the estrous cycle; for stages 5 and 6, DNA content was higher on the afternoon of proestrus than on other days of the cycle. Incorporation of [3H]thymidine for stages 1-3 (preantral follicles) started to increase at 1500 h of proestrus and peaked at 0900 h on estrus, whereas for stages 4-6, DNA synthesis peaked on proestrus (1500 h) and then fell by the morning of estrus. Thus, the rate of DNA replication in preantral and antral mouse follicles were different. Similarities and differences in folliculogenesis between mouse and hamster are discussed. These results suggest that DNA synthesis and the growth of all stages of follicles in the cyclic mouse may be associated with changing levels of periovulatory gonadotropins.  相似文献   

In vitro polyoma DNA synthesis: asymmetry of short DNA chains.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
T Hunter  B Francke  L Bacheler 《Cell》1977,12(4):1021-1028
The kinetics of annealing of the separated strands of the polyoma DNA Hpa II restriction fragments 1 and 2 to an excess of purified short DNA chains isolated from in vitro pulse-labeled replicating polyoma DNA were determined. The results indicate that for each growing fork, the DNA strand which must grow discontinuously is represented about 4 times as frequently in the population of short DNA chains as the strand which could replicate continuously. In addition, the absolute concentration of short DNA chains in the two growing forks is approximately the same. The average size of the short DNA chains from the continuous strand was shown to be very similar to that of the short DNA chains from the discontinuous strand. We conclude that polyoma DNA replication in vitro proceeds by a predominantly semi-discontinuous mechanism.  相似文献   

Steady-state kinetic studies of DNA polymerase alpha purified from mouse myeloma MOPC104E cells have been carried out. The results of initial velocity analysis with or without sodium pyrophosphate, a product inhibitor, indicated that the reaction mechanism of this enzyme can be categorized as an ordered Bi Bi type where the concentration of the ternary complex is very low.  相似文献   

B Francke  M Vogt 《Cell》1975,5(2):205-211
Short DNA chains, isolated from in vitro pulse-labeled replicating polyoma DNA, exhibit some degree of self-complementarity (28% resistance to S1 nuclease after self-annealing to plateau levels). This level of self-annealing is not increased if short DNA chains present as free single-stranded DNA after extraction are included in the hybridization, excluding a selective loss of chains from one side of the growing fork and supporting a semi-discontinuous mode of chain growth. This mode also applies to restricted synthesis conditions under which a relative excess of short chains is made, since no increase in the self-annealing of such short chains is observed. The self-annealing that can be measured is higher for the faster sedimenting portion (46%) of the short DNA chains than for the slower sedimenting portion (18.5%), indicating that it is most likely due to contaminating continuously growing strands from the other side of the fork. High self-annealing values (up to 60%) are obtained if virus stocks generating defective DNA are used for infection. Restriction endonuclease (Hpall) characterization of such DNA shows evidence for the presence of multiple origins of replication. One of several possible mechanisms is discussed by which replicating defective DNA can generate self-complementary short chains despite a semi-discontinuous mode of replication.  相似文献   

Isolation of the DNA polymerase alpha core enzyme from mouse cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA polymerase alpha has been purified from mouse hybridoma cells approximately 30,000-fold using a combination of conventional and high performance liquid chromatography. In contrast to previous characterizations of mammalian DNA polymerase alpha, this enzyme has a single high molecular mass polypeptide (185 kDa) in tight association with a 68-kDa polypeptide and this structure appears to be the core DNA polymerase of the mouse cells. The biochemically purified enzyme, with a specific activity of approximately 200,000 units/mg protein, has an estimated molecular mass by gel filtration chromatography of 240 kDa and sedimentation value of 9 S, consistent with the enzyme being a heterodimer of 185 and 68 kDa. The enzyme is sensitive to both N-ethylmaleimide and aphidicolin and insensitive to ddTTP. Using an activated DNA template, the apparent Km values for the deoxynucleotide triphosphates are approximately 0.5-1 microM. The purified DNA polymerase has neither exonuclease nor primase activities and is the predominant DNA polymerase alpha activity in the mouse cells.  相似文献   

To determine whether cellular replication factors can influence the fidelity of DNA replication, the effect of HeLa cell single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) on the accuracy of DNA replication by HeLa cell DNA polymerase alpha has been examined. An in vitro gap-filling assay, in which the single-stranded gap contains the supF target gene, was used to measure mutagenesis. Addition of SSB to the in vitro DNA synthesis reaction increased the accuracy of DNA polymerase alpha by 2- to 8-fold. Analysis of the products of DNA synthesis indicated that SSB reduces pausing by the polymerase at specific sites in the single-stranded supF template. Sequence analysis of the types of errors resulting from synthesis in the absence or presence of SSB reveals that, while the errors are primarily base substitutions under both conditions, SSB reduces the number of errors found at 3 hotspots in the supF gene. Thus, a cellular replication factor (SSB) can influence the fidelity of a mammalian DNA polymerase in vitro, suggesting that the high accuracy of cellular DNA replication may be determined in part by the interaction between replication factors, DNA polymerase and the DNA template in the replication complex.  相似文献   

A partially purified preparation of DNA polymerase alpha, obtained from the cytosol of Ehrlich ascites tumour cells, has been found to catalyze the conversion of MVM parvovirus, SS DNA (5 kilobases) to RF in vitro. The reaction initiates at a natural 55 base pair hairpin which exists at the 3' terminus of MVM SS DNA. The SS leads to RF conversion is sensitive to aphidicolin, resistant to ddTTP and is promoted by purine ribonucleoside 5' triphosphates, a phenomenon which could not be explained simply by stabilization effects on the in vitro deoxynucleotide precursor pool. In the absence of rNTPs, nascent complementary strands frequently terminate prematurely at a preferred location, between 1300 and 1700 nucleotides from the initiating 3' hairpin terminus. This in vitro system, involving self-primed parvovirus DNA synthesis, provides a convenient assay for those components of the mammalian replicative DNA polymerase complex which are required for the elongation of nascent DNA chains.  相似文献   

The incorporation of thymidine into the DNA of eukaryotic cells is markedly depressed, but not completely inhibited, by aphidicolin, a highly specific inhibitor of DNA polymerase alpha. An electron microscope autoradiographic analysis of the synthesis of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA in vivo in Concanavalin A stimulated rabbit spleen lymphocytes and in Hamster cell cultures, in the absence and in the presence of aphidicolin, revealed that aphidicolin inhibits the nuclear but not the mitochondrial DNA replication. We therefore conclude that DNA polymerase alpha performs the synchronous bidirectional replication of nuclear DNA and that DNA polymerase gamma, the only DNA polymerase present in the mitochondria, performs the "strand displacement" DNA synthesis of these organelles.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 chromosomes carry out replicative DNA synthesis in vitro which is sensitive to aphidicolin and to N-ethylmaleimide, resistant to 2',3'-dideoxythymidine-5'-triphosphate, and proportional to the amount of chromosome-associated alpha-like polymerase. Thus, an alpha-like DNA polymerase (alpha polymerase or delta polymerase) is responsible for in vitro DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Two forms of DNA polymerase alpha, alpha 1 and alpha 2, have been partially purified from mouse FM3A cells by discriminating one form from the other on the basis of the association of primase activity. The primase activity in the most purified alpha 1 fraction co-sedimented with the DNA polymerase activity in a glycerol gradient, and almost no primase activity was detected in the most purified alpha 2 fraction. The primase activity associated with DNA polymerase alpha was assayed indirectly by measuring ATP-dependent DNA synthesis with poly (dT) as template. Characterization of the assay system was performed with the purified alpha 1. The system was absolutely dependent on the presence of ATP and a divalent cation. Mn2+ was much more effective than Mg2+, and 5-fold higher activity was observed with Mn2+ than with Mg2+ at their optimal concentrations. The primase activity assayed by the above system showed sensitivity to (NH4)2SO4 very similar to that of free primase reported by Tseng and Ahlem (J. Biol. Chem. 258, 9845-9849, 1983). The activity was inhibited by more than 50% by 20 mM (NH4)2SO4. alpha 1 and alpha 2 were very similar as DNA polymerases in their sensitivity to several inhibitors and their preference for template-primers, except that alpha 1 had a slightly greater preference for poly (dT) X (rA)10 than alpha 2 did. The major difference between the two forms was observed in their S values, 8.2 and 6.4 S for alpha 1 and alpha 2, respectively.  相似文献   

The initiation of new DNA strands at origins of replication in animal cells requires de novo synthesis of RNA primers by primase and subsequent elongation from RNA primers by DNA polymerase alpha. To study the specificity of primer site selection by the DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex (pol alpha-primase), a natural DNA template containing a site for replication initiation was constructed. Two single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) molecules were hybridized to each other generating a duplex DNA molecule with an open helix replication 'bubble' to serve as an initiation zone. Pol alpha-primase recognizes the open helix region and initiates RNA-primed DNA synthesis at four specific sites that are rich in pyrimidine nucleotides. The priming site positioned nearest the ssDNA-dsDNA junction in the replication 'bubble' template is the preferred site for initiation. Using a 40 base oligonucleotide template containing the sequence of the preferred priming site, primase synthesizes RNA primers of 9 and 10 nt in length with the sequence 5'-(G)GAAGAAAGC-3'. These studies demonstrate that pol alpha-primase selects specific nucleotide sequences for RNA primer formation and suggest that the open helix structure of the replication 'bubble' directs pol alpha-primase to initiate RNA primer synthesis near the ssDNA-dsDNA junction.  相似文献   

DNA primase-DNA polymerase alpha, purified 53,000-fold from CV-1 cells, synthesized predominantly (p)ppA(pA)6-primed DNA on a poly(dT) template. About 80% of the RNA primers synthesized on an M13 DNA template were (p)ppA/G(pN)5-7, and 20% were (p)ppA/G(pN)0-4. RNA primer size was determined by gel electrophoresis after removing nascent DNA with phage T4 DNA polymerase 3'-5' exonuclease, leaving a single dNMP at the 3'-end of the RNA primer, and the terminal 5'-(p)ppN residue was determined by "capping" with [alpha-32P]GTP using vaccinia guanylyl-transferase. The processivity of DNA synthesis initiated by de novo synthesis of RNA primers was the same as that initiated on pre-existing RNA primers (10-15 dNMPs), although initiation on pre-existing primers was strongly preferred. Primers always began with A or G, even at high levels of CTP or UTP, although the ratio of A to G varied from 4:1 to 1:1 depending on the relative concentrations of ATP and GTP in the assay. ATP and GTP had no effect on primer length, but the fraction of shorter RNA primers increased 2-fold with higher concentrations of CTP or UTP. Nearest-neighbor analysis revealed a preference for purine ribonucleotides at RNA covalently linked to the 5'-end of DNA (RNA-p-DNA) junctions, and increasing the concentration of a single rNTP increased slightly its presence at RNA-p-DNA junctions. Thus, the base composition and size of RNA primers synthesized by DNA primase-DNA polymerase alpha is modulated by the relative concentrations of ribonucleoside triphosphates.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase alpha   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

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