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In this work, the effect of liposomes consisting of tetraoleyl cardiolipin and dioleyl phosphatidylcholine (1 : 1, mol/mol) on the rate of three more reactions of Cyt c heme with H2O2 was studied: (i) Cyt c (Fe2+) oxidation to Cyt c (Fe3+), (ii) Fe...S(Met80) bond breaking, and (iii) heme porphyrin ring decomposition. It was revealed that the rates of all those reactions increased greatly in the presence of liposomes containing cardiolipin and not of those consisting of only phosphatidylcholine, and approximately to the same extent as peroxidase activity. These data suggest that cardiolipin activates specifically Cyt c peroxidase activity not only because it promotes Fe...S(Met80) bond breaking but also facilitates H2O2 penetration to the reaction center.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(4):439-444

The peroxidase-type reactivity of cytochrome c is proposed to play a role in free radical production and/or apoptosis. This study describes cytochrome c catalysis of peroxide consumption by ascorbate. Under conditions where the sixth coordination position at the cytochrome c heme iron becomes more accessible for exogenous ligands (by carboxymethylation, cardiolipin addition or by partial denaturation with guanidinium hydrochloride) this peroxidase activity is enhanced. A reaction intermediate is detected by stopped-flow UV-vis spectroscopy upon reaction of guanidine-treated cytochrome c with peroxide, which resembles the spectrum of globin Compound II species and is thus proposed to be a ferryl species. The ability of physiological levels of ascorbate (10–60 µM) to interact with this species may have implications for mechanisms of cell signalling or damage that are based on cytochrome c/peroxide interactions.  相似文献   

Recombinant cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP) and a W51A mutant of CcP, in contrast to other classical peroxidases, react with phenylhydrazine to give sigma-bonded phenyl-iron complexes. The conclusion that the heme iron is accessible to substrates is supported by the observation that CcP and W51A CcP oxidize thioanisole to the racemic sulfoxide with quantitative incorporation of oxygen from H2O2. Definitive evidence for an open active site is provided by stereoselective epoxidation by both enzymes of styrene, cis-beta-methylstyrene, and trans-beta-methylstyrene. trans-beta-methylstyrene yields exclusively the trans-epoxide, but styrene yields the epoxide and phenylacetaldehyde, and cis-beta-methylstyrene yields both the cis- and trans-epoxides and 1-phenyl-2-propanone. The sulfoxide, stereoretentive epoxides, and 1-phenyl-2-propanone are formed by ferryl oxygen transfer mechanisms because their oxygen atom derives from H2O2. In contrast, the oxygen in the trans-epoxide from the cis-olefin derives primarily from molecular oxygen and is probably introduced by a protein cooxidation mechanism. cis-[1,2-2H]-1-Phenyl-1-propene is oxidized to [1,1-2H]-1-phenyl-2-propanone without a detectable isotope effect on the epoxide:ketone product ratio. The phenyl-iron complex is not formed and substrate oxidation is not observed when the prosthetic group is replaced by delta-meso-ethylheme. CcP thus has a sufficiently open active site to form a phenyl-iron complex, to oxidize thioanisole to the sulfoxide, and to epoxidize styrene and beta-methylstyrene. The results indicate that a ferryl (Fe(IV) = O)/protein radical pair can be coupled to achieve two-electron oxidations. The unique ability of CcP to catalyze monooxygenation reactions does not conflict with its peroxidase function because cytochrome c is oxidized at a distinct surface site (DePillis, G. D., Sishta, B. P., Mauk, A. G., and Ortiz de Montellano, P. R. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 19334-19341).  相似文献   

Upon cardiolipin (CL) liposomes binding, horse heart cytochrome c (cytc) changes its tertiary structure disrupting the heme-Fe-Met80 distal bond, reduces drastically the midpoint potential, binds CO and NO with high affinity, displays peroxidase activity, and facilitates peroxynitrite isomerization. Here, the effect of CL liposomes on the nitrite reductase activity of ferrous cytc (cytc-Fe(II)) is reported. In the absence of CL liposomes, hexa-coordinated cytc-Fe(II) displays a very low value of the apparent second-order rate constant for the NO2 ?-mediated conversion of cytc-Fe(II) to cytc-Fe(II)-NO (k on = (7.3 ± 0.7) × 10?2 M?1 s?1; at pH 7.4 and 20.0 °C). However, CL liposomes facilitate the NO2 ?-mediated nitrosylation of cytc-Fe(II) in a dose-dependent manner inducing the penta-coordination of the heme-Fe(II) atom. The value of k on for the NO2 ?-mediated conversion of CL-cytc-Fe(II) to CL-cytc-Fe(II)-NO is 2.6 ± 0.3 M?1 s?1 (at pH 7.4 and 20.0 °C). Values of the apparent dissociation equilibrium constant for CL liposomes binding to cytc-Fe(II) are (2.2 ± 0.2) × 10?6 M, (1.8 ± 0.2) × 10?6 M, and (1.4 ± 0.2) × 10?6 M at pH 6.5, 7.4, and 8.1, respectively, and 20.0 °C. These results suggest that the NO2 ?-mediated conversion of CL-cytc-Fe(II) to CL-cytc-Fe(II)-NO could play anti-apoptotic effects impairing lipid peroxidation and therefore the initiation of the cell death program by the release of pro-apoptotic factors (including cytc) in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The effect of complex formation between ferricytochrome c and cytochrome c peroxidase (Ferrocytochrome-c:hydrogen peroxide oxidoreductase, EC on the reduction of cytochrome c by N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD), reduced N-methylphenazonium methosulfate (PMSH), and ascorbate has been determined at low ionic strength (pH 7) and 25 degrees C. Complex formation with the peroxidase enhances the rate of ferricytochrome c reduction by the neutral reductants TMPD and PMSH. Under all experimental conditions investigated, complex formation with cytochrome c peroxidase inhibits the ascorbate reduction of ferricytochrome c. This inhibition is due to the unfavorable electrostatic interactions between the ascorbate dianion and the negatively charged cytochrome c-cytochrome c peroxidase complex. Corrections for the electrostatic term by extrapolating the data to infinite ionic strength suggest that ascorbate can reduce cytochrome c peroxidase-bound cytochrome c faster than free cytochrome c. Reduction of cytochrome c peroxidase Compound II by dicyanobis(1,10-phenanthroline)iron(II) (Fe(phen)2(CN)2) is essentially unaffected by complex formation between the enzyme and ferricytochrome c at low ionic strength (pH 6) and 25 degrees C. However, reduction of Compound II by the negatively changed tetracyano-(1,10-phenanthroline)iron(II) (Fe(phen)(CN)4) is enhanced in the presence of ferricytochrome c. This enhancement is due to the more favorable electrostatic interactions between the reductant and cytochrome c-cytochrome c peroxidase Compound II complex then for Compound II itself. These studies indicate that complex formation between cytochrome c and cytochrome c peroxidase does not sterically block the electron-transfer pathways from these small nonphysiological reductants to the hemes in these two proteins.  相似文献   

A Gengenbach  S Syn  X Wang  Y Lu 《Biochemistry》1999,38(35):11425-11432
Trp191Phe and Trp51Phe mutations have been introduced into an engineered cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP) containing a Mn(II)-binding site reported previously (MnCcP; see Yeung, B. K.-S., et al. (1997) Chem. Biol. 5, 215-221). The goal of the present study is to elucidate the role of tryptophans in peroxidase activity since CcP contains both Trp51 and Trp191 while manganese peroxidase (MnP) contains phenylalanine residues at the corresponding positions. The presence of Trp191 in CcP allows formation of a unique high-valent intermediate containing a ferryl oxo and tryptophan radical called compound I'. The absence of a tryptophan residue at this position in MnP is the main reason for the formation of an intermediate called compound I which contains a ferryl oxo and porphyrin pi-cation radical. In this study, we showed that introduction of the Trp191Phe mutation to MnCcP did not improve MnP activity (specific activity: MnCcP, 0.750 micromol min-1 mg-1; MnCcP(W191F), 0.560 micromol min-1 mg-1. k(cat)/K(m): MnCcP, 0.0517 s-1 mM-1; MnCcP(W191F), 0.0568 s-1 mM-1) despite the fact that introduction of the same mutation to WTCcP caused the formation of a transient compound I (decay rate, 60 s-1). However, introducing both the Trp191Phe and Trp51Phe mutations not only resulted in a longer lived compound I in WTCcP (decay rate, 18 s-1), but also significantly improved MnP activity in MnCcP (MnCcP(W51F, W191F): specific activity, 8.0 micromol min-1 mg-1; k(cat)/K(m), 0. 599 s-1 mM-1). The increase in activity can be attributed to the Trp51Phe mutation since MnCcP(W51F) showed significantly increased MnP activity relative to MnCcP (specific activity, 3.2 micromol min-1 mg-1; k(cat)/K(m), 0.325 s-1 mM-1). As with MnP, the activity of MnCcP(W51F, W191F) was found to increase with decreasing pH. Our results demonstrate that, while the Trp191Phe and Trp51Phe mutations both play important roles in stabilizing compound I, only the Trp51Phe mutation contributes significantly to increasing the MnP activity because this mutation increases the reactivity of compound II, whose oxidation of Mn(II) is the rate-determining step in the reaction mechanism.  相似文献   

H2O2 production by coupled mitochondrial fractions from the protozoan, Crithidia fasciculata, has been measured spectrophotometrically by the formation of the stable enzyme-substrate complex with yeast cytochrome c peroxidase. H2O2 formation was observed with succinate, l-α-glycerophosphate, l-proline, α-ketoglutarate, and with endogenous substrate. The maximum rate of H2O2 generation obtained with each substrate in the presence of antimycin A was about 10% of the state 4 rate of O2 respiration, and only 1–2% of the carbonylcyanide m-fluorophenylhydrazone-uncoupled respiratory rate. Therefore, excess O2 uptake due to the formation of H2O2 cannot satisfactorily account for the low ADP:O ratios previously reported.Cytochrome c peroxidase activity was measured in mitochondrial preparations by recording the decrease in absorbance at 550 nm during the oxidation of horse heart ferrocytochrome c which was observed after addition of H2O2. The distribution of activity after sonic disruption of mitochondrial preparations was that expected for a soluble enzyme. The activity was proportional to the amount of enzyme protein added, and was abolished by heating at 100 °C for 3 min. Total cytochrome c peroxidase activity in mitochondrial fractions isolated from C. fasciculata was calculated to be 0.3% that of isolated yeast mitochondria, but it is suggested that the in vivo activity may be considerably higher than this estimate.  相似文献   

The interaction between cytochrome c and cytochrome c peroxidase was investigated using sedimentation equilibrium at pH 6,20 degrees C, in a number of buffer systems varying in ionic strength between 1 and 100 mM. Between 10 and 100 mM ionic strengths, the sedimentation of the individual proteins was essentially ideal, and sedimentation equilibrium experiments on mixtures of the two proteins were analyzed assuming ideal solution behavior. Analysis of the distribution of mixtures of cytochrome c and cytochrome c peroxidase in the ultracentrifuge cell based on a model involving the formation of a 1:1 cytochrome c-cytochrome c peroxidase complex gave values of the equilibrium dissociation constant ranging from 2.3 +/- 2.7 microM at 10 mM ionic strength to infinity (no detectable interaction) at 100 mM ionic strength. Attempts to determine the presence of complexes involving two cytochrome c molecules bound to cytochrome c peroxidase were inconclusive.  相似文献   

Here we present a solution NMR study of the complex between yeast cytochrome c (Cc) and cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP), a paradigm for understanding the biological electron transfer. Performed for the first time, the CcP-observed heteronuclear NMR experiments were used to probe the Cc binding in solution. Combining the Cc- and CcP-detected experiments, the binding interface on both proteins was mapped out, confirming that the X-ray structure of the complex is maintained in solution. Using NMR titrations and chemical shift perturbation analysis, we show that the interaction is independent of the CcP spin-state and is only weakly affected by the Cc redox state. Based on these findings, we argue that the complex of the ferrous Cc and the cyanide-bound CcP is a good mimic of the catalytically-active Cc–CcP compound I species. Finally, no chemical shift perturbations due to the Cc binding at the low-affinity CcP site were observed at low ionic strength. We discuss possible reasons for the absence of the effects and outline future research directions.  相似文献   

In this work, the actions of bovine heart cardiolipin, synthetic tetraoleyl cardiolipin, and a nonspecific anionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) on cytochrome c (Cyt c) peroxidase activity recorded by chemiluminescence in the presence of luminol and on the Fe...S(Met80) bond whose presence was estimated by a weak absorption band amplitude with peak at 695-700 nm (A(695)) were compared. A strict concurrency between Fe...S(Met80) breaking (A(695)) and cytochrome peroxidase activity enhancement was shown to exist at cardiolipin/Cyt c and SDS/Cyt c molar ratios of 0 : 1 to 50 : 1 (by chemiluminescence). Nevertheless, when A(695) completely disappeared, Cyt c peroxidase activity under the action of cardiolipin was 20 times more than that under the action of SDS, and at low ligand/protein molar ratios (=4), SDS failed to activate peroxidase activity while cardiolipin enhanced Cyt c peroxidase activity 16-20-fold. A(695) did not change on Cyt c binding with liposomes consisting of tetraoleyl cardiolipin and phosphatidylcholine (1 : 10 : 10), while peroxidase activity was enhanced by a factor of 8. Breaking of 70% of the Fe...S(Met80) bonds resulted in only threefold enhancement of peroxidase activity. Cardiolipin-activated Cyt c peroxidase activity was reduced by high ionic strength solution (1 M KCl). The aggregated data suggest that cardiolipin activating action is caused, first, by a nonspecific effect of Fe...S(Met80) breaking as the result of conformational changes in the protein globule caused by the protein surface electrostatic recharging by an anionic amphiphilic molecule, and second, by a specific acceleration of the peroxidation reaction which is most likely due to enhanced heme accessibility for H(2)O(2) as a result of the hydrophobic interaction between cardiolipin and cytochrome.  相似文献   

Yeast cytochrome c peroxidase and horse heart cytochrome c have been cocrystallized in a form suitable for x-ray diffraction studies and the structure determined at 3.3 A. The asymmetric unit contains a dimer of the peroxidase which was oriented and positioned in the unit cell using molecular replacement techniques. Similar attempts to locate the cytochrome c molecules were unsuccessful. The peroxidase dimer model was subjected to eight rounds of restrained parameters least squares refinement after which the crystallographic R factor was 0.27 at 3.3 A. Examination of a 2Fo-Fc electron density map showed large "empty" regions between peroxidase dimers with no indication of cytochrome c molecules. Electrophoretic analysis of the crystals demonstrated the presence of the peroxidase and cytochrome c in an approximate equal molar ratio. Therefore, while cytochrome c molecules are present in the unit cell they are orientationally disordered and occupy the space between peroxidase dimers.  相似文献   

A pH titration study of cytochrome c peroxidase and apocytochrome c peroxidase was carried out at 25 degrees C and 0.1 M ionic strength. The net charge on cytochrome c peroxidase due to proton association and dissociation varies from +32 at pH 2 to --50.2 at pH 12, while that of apocytochrome c peroxidase varies between +24.5 at pH 3 to --48 at pH 12. The apoprotein tented to aggregate below pH 3. Between pH 4 and 8, the titration behavior of both the native enzyme and the apoenzyme are consistent with the semi-empirical Linderstr?m-Lang theory. Between pH 9 and 12, the titration behavior of both the holo- and apoproteins suggest they assume a more extended conformation which reduces the electrostatic interaction charged groups on the surface. In the acid region, between pH 4 and 3, a similar transition occurs in which the protein expands 40% based on the electrostatic factor of the Linderstr?m-Lang theory.  相似文献   

Apoptosis can be induced by activation of so-called "death receptors" (extrinsic pathway) or multiple apoptotic factors (intrinsic pathway), which leads to release of cytochrome c from mitochondria. This event is considered to be a point of no return in apoptosis. One of the most important events in the development of apoptosis is the enhancement of cytochrome c peroxidase activity upon its interaction with cardiolipin, which modifies the active center of cytochrome c. In the present work, we have investigated the effects of nitric oxide on the cytochrome c peroxidase activity when cytochrome c is bound to cardiolipin or sodium dodecyl sulfate. We have observed that cytochrome c peroxidase activity, distinctly increased due to the presence of anionic lipids, is completely suppressed by nitric oxide. At the same time, nitrosyl complexes of cytochrome c, produced in the interaction with nitric oxide, demonstrated sensitivity to laser irradiation (441 nm) and were photolyzed during irradiation. This decomposition led to partial restoration of cytochrome c peroxidase activity. Finally, we conclude that nitric oxide and laser irradiation may serve as effective instruments for regulating the peroxidase activity of cytochrome c, and, probably, apoptosis.  相似文献   

A covalent complex between recombinant yeast iso-1-cytochrome c and recombinant yeast cytochrome c peroxidase (rCcP), in which the crystallographically defined cytochrome c binding site [Pelletier, H., and Kraut, J. (1992) Science 258, 1748-1755] is blocked, was synthesized via disulfide bond formation using specifically engineered cysteine residues in both yeast iso-1-cytochrome c and yeast cytochrome c peroxidase [Papa, H. S., and Poulos, T. L. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 6573-6580]. Previous studies on similar covalent complexes, those that block the Pelletier-Kraut crystallographic site, have demonstrated that samples of the covalent complexes have detectable activities that are significantly lower than those of wild-type yCcP, usually in the range of approximately 1-7% of that of the wild-type enzyme. Using gradient elution procedures in the purification of the engineered peroxidase, cytochrome c, and covalent complex, along with activity measurements during the purification steps, we demonstrate that the residual activity associated with the purified covalent complex is due to unreacted CcP that copurifies with the covalent complex. Within experimental error, the covalent complex that blocks the Pelletier-Kraut site has zero catalytic activity in the steady-state oxidation of exogenous yeast iso-1-ferrocytochrome c by hydrogen peroxide, demonstrating that only ferrocytochrome c bound at the Pelletier-Kraut site is oxidized during catalytic turnover.  相似文献   

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