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—Axonal transport of proteins in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system of the rat was studied after a local injection of [35S]cysteine in the region of the supraoptic nucleus. The migration of labelled proteins was followed by measuring the specific radioactivity of the proteins in various parts of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial tract. Between 2 and 4 h after the isotope injection there was a sharp increase in the protein-bound specific radioactivity of the posterior pituitary lobe, demonstrating that a transport of 35S-labelled proteins had occurred from the supraoptic nucleus to the neurohypophysis. The rate of the transport was 2-3 mm/h. During the first 24 h after the injection a continuous accumulation of labelled material occurred in the neural lobe. Considerable radioactivity could still be recovered 6 days after the isotope injection. Fractionation of the neurohypophysial proteins by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that approximately 90 per cent of the radioactivity of the soluble proteins was recovered in a single protein fraction. Labelling of this fraction was not observed until 2 h after isotope injection. The radioactivity increased markedly up to 4 h. It is suggested that this protein component is involved in the neurohypophysial response to osmotic stress since the protein disappeared from the posterior lobe upon dehydration of the rat.  相似文献   

Following injection of [35S]cysteine into the region of the supraoptic nucleus male rats were subjected to haemorrhage and the radioactivity of the supraoptic nucleus and neurohypophysial proteins was measured at various time intervals after injection. Following haemorrhage the incorporation of [35S]cysteine into supraoptic nucleus proteins increased. Evidence was obtained for a lag period of 1 to 2 h for the supraoptic nucleus proteins to become available for axonal transport. As judged from the time of arrival of labelled material in the neurohypophysis, haemorrhage did not change the rapid rate of axonal transport (190 mm/day). At 15 min following bleeding, the radioactivity in fraction A (a neurophysin) of the neurohypophysis was reduced, which indicated a release of this rapidly transported protein. During the following 15 min an increase in the protein-bound radioactivity of the neural lobe occurred which exceeded that in controls. This is taken as evidence for increased axonal transport in response to haemorrhage.  相似文献   

Abstract— Radioactive cystathionine, a metabolic precursor of taurine, was injected into the right eye of goldfish. At various times after injection the retina and both optic tecta were extracted with trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and the amount and nature of the radioactivity was determined. Radioactive taurine and inorganic sulfate were present in the TCA-soluble extract of retina and radioactive taurine and a small amount of inorganic sulfate was found in the contralateral optic tectum. That taurine is migrating intraaxonally and is not diffusing in extraaxonal spaces is suggested from experiments in which the migration of taurine was compared with that of [14C]mannitol, used here as a marker of extracellular diffusion. In the time studied (up to 15 h) mannitol did not migrate to the tectum, whereas taurine was detectable in the tectum as early as 8 h after injection. Since intra-axonal diffusion of amino acids and other small molecules in this system has been ruled out, it is likely that taurine is being transported axonally. The axonal transport of taurine was found to be similar to the fast component of protein transport because: (1) their rates of transport are similar, (2) the transport of both is blocked by the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide, (3) vinblastine, which disrupts neurotubules, appears to have similar effects on both protein and taurine transport, and (4) both rapidly transported proteins and taurine remain mostly intra-axonal once they have been transported to the tectum. Taurine and proteins differ in that rapidly transported proteins are primarily paniculate in nature and localized to a large extent in nerve endings, while taurine is primarily in a soluble fraction and is present in nerve endings only in trace amounts. We suggest that taurine may be loosely linked to a newly synthesized protein in the soma and is then transported along with that protein on a similar conveying mechanism in the axoplasm.  相似文献   

—The redistribution of rapidly migrating [3H]leucine-labelled proteins was studied using double ligatures applied to the vagus nerve and single ligatures, applied to the hypoglossal nerves. Rapidly migrating proteins accumulating for 16 h proximal to a distal ligature of the cervical vagus redistributed to give a retrograde accumulation distal to a second ligature. Within 6 h a substantial redistribution occurred indicating a rapid retrograde transport. After 21 h there was a further accumulation with 70 per cent of the labelled material accumulating at the distal end of the isolated nerve segment and 16 per cent accumulating at the proximal end. It was shown that about a half of the retrograde accumulation was dependent on the distal accumulation zone. Rapidly migrating proteins accumulated distal to a ligature applied to the hypoglossal nerve 16 h after labelling of the nerve cell bodies indicating that a rapid retrograde transport of labelled macromolecules occurs from the peripheral parts of the nerve in the tongue. Labelled proteins accumulated proximal to ligatures and transections of both the hypoglossal and vagus nerve when applied 16 h after labelling of the nerve cell bodies, indicating the presence of axonal proteins, migrating at a rate of transport intermediate to that of rapidly and slowly migrating proteins.  相似文献   

Axonal transport and turnover rate of proteins in the supraoptico-neurohypo-physial tract were studied after injection of 35S cysteine into the region of the supraoptic nucleus. The proximo-distal migration of labelled proteins from the nerve cell bodies to the axon terminals in the neurohypophysis was followed by measuring the radioactivity of neurohypophysial proteins at various time intervals (4 h to 30 days) after isotope injection. A rapidly transported phase of proteins with a minimal transport rate of approximately 60 mm/day was demonstrated. An accumulation of protein-bound radioactivity was also observed in the neural lobe at 9 days after isotope injection, representing slowly transported proteins (0-5 mm/day). In addition, an intermediate phase of axonal transport (1-5 mm/day) was found. Fractionation of neurohypophysial proteins by polyacrylamide gel disc electrophoresis revealed that a predominating portion of the radioactivity was recovered in a single protein component (fraction A) at 4 h as well as at 30 days after isotope injection. This protein component was shown to be a constituent both of the rapid and the slow phase of axonal transport. With time an increasing amount of radioactivity was found in another protein component (fraction B), which reached a maximum at 14 days after injection and then remained fairly constant up to 30 days. When the turnover rates of neurohypophysial proteins were estimated, a half-life of 1-2 days and 8 days was calculated for the rapidly and slowly transported proteins, respectively.  相似文献   

Rapidly transported fucose-labelled glycoproteins from the optic system of the rabbit were solubilised with the non-ionic detergent Berol 172. The major labelled components were bound to wheat germ agglutinin or Concanavalin A coupled to Sepharose but not to other lectins or glycoproteins. It was concluded that rapidly transported proteins contain exposed N-acetyl-D-glucosamine  相似文献   

—Rabbit vagus nerves and nodose ganglia were incubated in vitro for up to 24 h in two-compartment chambers. After the introduction of [3H]leucine or [3H]fucose to the ganglion compartments a rapid anterograde axonal transport of labelled proteins or glycoproteins occurred at rates of 330 ± 44 mm/day and 336 ± 30 mm/day respectively. Accumulation of [3H]leucine-labelled proteins proximal to a ligature on the nerve was unaffected by a delay of up to 6 h between removal of the nerve and labelling in vitro. Accumulation was prevented by inhibition of protein synthesis in the ganglion but not in the axon and was inhibited in a graded manner by colchicine.  相似文献   

Both rapid (415 mm/day) and slow (24 mm/day) rates of axonal transport of proteins were found in sensory fibres of rabbit vagus nerve after injection of [3H]leucine into the nodose ganglion in vivo. The slow phase of transport was dependent on contact between the cell bodies and the nerve trunk, and did not continue under in vivro conditions. The results suggest some difference between the mechanisms of fast and slow transport.  相似文献   

Abstract— Axonal transport of lipids was demonstrated in the rabbit optic system using [2-3H]glycerol and [3-14C]serine. Following intraocular injection of these precursors, radioactive lipids were detected in the optic tract, superior colliculus and lateral geniculate body over a 31 day period. The bulk of lipid appeared to migrate at a rate equivalent to that of rapidly transported protein which, when combined with a prolonged period of release into the axon, led to a peak of transported radioactivity at 6-10 days for the 3 tissues. The suggestion of a second peak at 17 days indicated the possibility of a smaller slow component, although another interpretation is suggested. Analysis of individual transported lipids revealed [2-3H]glycerol to label phosphoglycerides preferentially and [3-14C]serine to be an effective precursor for sphingolipids and certain of the phosphoglycerides. [3-14C]Serine labeled axonally transported proteins to an even greater extent than lipids, revealing the same fast and slow components previously shown with other amino acids.  相似文献   

Abstract— The redistribution of rapidly migrating [3H]leucine-labelled proteins and [3H]fucose-labelled glycoproteins was studied in ligated regenerating hypoglossal and vagus nerves of the rabbit. When regenerating and contralateral hypoglossal nerves were ligated 16 h after labelling of the nerve cell bodies, rapidly migrating proteins and glycoproteins accumulated distal to the ligatures indicating a rapid retrograde transport from the peripheral parts of the nerves within 6 h. The retrograde accumulation of both proteins and glycoproteins was greater on the regenerating side than on the contralateral side at both 1 and 5 weeks after a nerve crush. Labelled proteins and glycoproteins also accumulated proximal to the ligatures, indicating a delayed rapid anterograde phase of axonal transport. The accumulation of this phase was also greater on the regenerating side 1 week after a nerve crush for both labelled proteins and glycoproteins. One week after a crush of the cervical vagus nerve, rapidly migrating proteins and glycoproteins redistributed between he crush zone and a proximal ligature applied 16 h after labelling of the nerve cell bodies. A retrograde accumulation occurred distal to the ligature within 6 h, indicating a rapid retrograde transport from the crush zone.  相似文献   

Abstract— An in vitro system from the frog has been used to study fast axonal protein transport. The preparation, which was incubated in a specially made chamber, consisted of the gastrocnemius muscle, the sciatic nerve, the dorsal ganglia and part of the spinal cord. The parts were separated from each other by silicone grease barriers, which made it possible to follow the migration of labelled proteins from the spinal cord and ganglia, along the sciatic nerve, towards the muscle. About 80 per cent of transported proteins in the sciatic nerve originated from the dorsal spinal ganglia and moved antidromically at a rate of 60–90 mm per day at 18°C. The rapidly transported proteins were 90 per cent particulate and mainly associated with structures sedimenting in the microsomal fraction.
The effects of cyclohexirnide showed that the synthesis of rapidly moving proteins and their transport were separate processes. A low concentration of colchicine inhibited the transport when it was present in the medium surrounding the ganglia, but had no effect even at a higher concentration, when it was added to the nerve compartment. The presence of vinblastine at a low concentration in either of the two compartments completely arrested the protein transport. Likewise N-ethylmaleimide or p-chloromercuribenzene sulphonic acid in the nerve medium effectively blocked the fast transport. Results from experiments performed to test the possibility of disto-proximal flow and of transfer of proteins from the muscle to the nerve are discussed.  相似文献   

The axonal transport of DOPA-decarboxylase (EC was investigated in rabbit sciatic nerves by means of in vitro stop-flow techniques. Enzyme activity accumulated just proximal to a region that was locally cooled to 5°C in nerves that were elsewhere incubated at 37°C. The accumulation of enzyme activity was linear with time and corresponded to an average orthograde transport velocity of 11 mm/day. Retrograde transport was not detected. When nerves that had been locally cooled for 3 h were rewarmed, the accumulated enzyme activity moved distally along them as a wave with a narrow range of velocities. The front of this wave traveled at a rate of about 150mm/day, and the mean velocity of the wave was about 120 mm/day. These values are much lower than those previously obtained for tyrosine hydroxylase (EC, dopamine-β-hydroxylase (EC and norepinephrine in similarly designed experiments. Thus DOPA-decarboxylase appeared to be transported at intermediate velocities, and, since the mean velocity of the moving fraction was about 11 times the average velocity, it is ljkely that only 9% of the enzyme was undergoing transport at any given moment.  相似文献   

Abstract— Rapid axonal transport of proteins in retinal ganglion cells of the rabbit was studied following intraocular injection of labelled amino acids. It was found that rapidly transported material could be completely solubilized by sequential extraction with (a) isotonic buffer, (b) hypotonic buffer, (c) non-ionic detergents (major part), (d) deoxycholate and (e) sodium dodecyl sulphate. All these fractions contained a major labelled macromolecular peak with a mol.wt. of 70,000–95,000 as determined by gel filtration in SDS. The molecular weight of this labelled peak seemed to be inconsistent with previous estimations based upon electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulphate.  相似文献   

Evidence has been reported that the proximal small intestine of the neonatal rat selectively transports antibodies into the circulation. This study describes the morphology of the absorptive epithelial cells in this region of the intestine and their transport of several immunoglobulin tracers: ferritin-conjugated immunoglobulins (IgG-Ft) and antiperoxidase antibodies. Cells exposed to rat IgG-Ft bound the tracer on the membrane of tubular invaginations of the apical cell surface. Tubular and coated vesicles within the cell also contained the tracer, as did the intercellular spaces. Uptake of tracer was highly selective and occurred only with rat or cow IgG-Ft; when cells were exposed to chicken IgG-Ft, ferritin-conjugated bovine serum albumin, or free ferritin, tracer did not enter the cell or appear in the intercellular spaces. Experiments with rat and chicken antiperoxidase showed a similar selective uptake and transport of only the homologous antibody. When cells from the distal small intestine were exposed to the tracers, all tracers were absorbed nonselectively but none were released from the cells. Cells from the proximal small intestine of the 22-day-old rat failed to absorb even rat IgG-Ft. A model is presented for selective antibody transport in proximal cells of the neonatal rat in which antibodies are selectively absorbed at the apical cell surface by pinocytosis within tubular vesicles. The antibodies are then transferred to the intercellular space within coated vesicles. Distal cells function only to digest proteins nonselectively.  相似文献   

Abstract— Orthograde and retrograde axoplasmic transport of selected axonal organelles were examined by monitoring accumulation of enzyme activities residing in various types of particles proximal and distal to a ligature placed on rat sciatic nerve as a function of time after tying. Proximal to the tie, activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE, EC; probably in small endoplasmic reticulum-like particles) accumulated for 2 days; then, during the next 5 days, the accumulation disappeared. Activities of glutamic dehydrogenase (GDH, EC and monoamine oxidase (MAO, EC (both located in mitochondria) accumulated steadily for 7 days. Accumulation of monoamine oxidase activity was more rapid than that of glutamic dehydrogenase during the first day or two. Acid phosphatase (acid P'tase, EC; in lysosomes) activity also accumulated throughout the week of observation. Accumulation of all four enzyme activities proximal to the ligature was blocked by nerve crush or subepineurial vinblastine injection 1 cm or more proximal to the site of the tie. Distal to the ligature, AChE activity accumulated early (14 h), and then gradually disappeared in the course of the week. MAO activity also accumulated, with a maximum at 2 days, and no further change thereafter. GDH activity, on the other hand, showed little accumulation during the first 2 days, but did appear in modest amounts at the end of the week. Distal accumulation of acid P'tase kept pace with proximal accumulation for the first day, and continued more slowly for another day, after which there was no further change. This system has been used to study the effects of axonal crush injury upon anterograde and retrograde axoplasmic transport. A tie applied at various times after injury, proximal to the site of injury, was used to show that orthograde transport of AChE was maintained for 1 day after tying, but at 2 days had fallen 50% or more, and within a week was down to 20–25% of control. At 3 days after injury retrograde transport of AChE activity was not different from the control. Orthograde transport of acid P'tase activity was depressed 35% by injury. Retrograde transport of acid P'tase was inhibited more than 50% both at 3 and at 7 days after injury. Transport of the mitochondrial enzymes was not measurably affected.  相似文献   

—The presence of phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (EC 2.1.1.-) and dopamine-β-hydroxylase (EC activities was demonstrated in the sciatic nerve of the toad, Bufo marinus. The rates of accumulation of phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT) and dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH) proximal to a ligation of the sciatic nerve were studied. DBH accumulated proximal to the ligation at a more than 10-fold faster rate than PNMT. By measuring the rate of loss of enzyme activity distal to a ligation, an estimate of per cent clearance of each enzyme was made. Based on the per cent of enzyme activity free to move, the absolute transport rates for each enzyme were estimated to be: PNMT, 3.6 mm/24 h; DBH, 102 mm/24 h. PNMT activity (89 per cent) was recovered in the soluble fraction of sciatic nerve homogenates with no change occurring in the subcellular distribution of the enzyme proximal to ligations. In contrast, 43 per cent of DBH activity was found in the soluble fraction of sciatic nerve homogenates; but a disproportionate increase in paniculate DBH activity was found proximal to sciatic nerve ligations. Reduction of toad body temperature to 4°C resulted in a complete but totally reversible block of the axonal transport of both PNMT and DBH.  相似文献   

—Application of 35SO4 to the olfactory mucosa of the long-nosed garfish is found to label sulfated macromolecules which are transported down the olfactory nerve. The transported molecules pass along the nerve as a discrete peak whose leading edge has a transport velocity of 206 ± 6 mm/day. A large portion of the radioactivity from the peak is deposited along the axon. At 2 days after isotope application 83% of the total nerve radioactivity is in the axons and the remaining 17% has accumulated at the terminals in the olfactory bulb. Characterization of sulfated material in the migrating peak indicates that both sulfated glycoproteins (isolated as glycopeptides) and mucopolysaccharides, including chondroitin sulfate and heparan sulfate, are undergoing transport.  相似文献   

The morphological changes induced in the frog ventral horn neurons by axonal transection have been studied with the electron microscope. During the first 2 wk after axotomy the neuronal nucleus becomes more translucent and the nucleolus becomes enlarged and less compact. The cisternae of the granular endoplasmic reticulum vesiculate and ribosomes dissociate from membranes. Free ribosomes and polysomes are dispersed in the cytoplasmic matrix. Neurofilaments and neurotubules are increased in number. These structures appear to be important in the regeneration of the axon. It is proposed that neurotubules, neurofilaments, and axoplasmic matrix are synthesized by the free polyribosomes in the chromatolytic neuron. By the fourth postoperative week, the neurons show evidence of recovery. The cytoplasm is filled with profiles of granular endoplasmic reticulum and many intercisternal polysomes. The substances being manufactured by the newly formed granular endoplasmic reticulum are not clearly defined, but probably include elements essential to electrical and chemical conduction of impulses. The significance of these observations in respect to recent studies of axoplasmic flow is discussed.  相似文献   

—Colchicine injected intracisternally markedly inhibited the rapid migration (300-400 mm/day) of labelled proteins in the hypoglossal and vagus nerve of the rabbit. The transport of acetylcholinesterase (EC and choline acetyltransferase (EC previously shown to move with the slow (5-26 mm/day) phase of axoplasmic transport in these nerves, was only partially blocked. In view of this differential effect on axonal flow, we suggest that the neurotubules, on which colchicine acts preferentially, are primarily involved in the rapid (300-400 mm/day) axoplasmic flow. After local injection of colchicine into the nerves both the rapidly migrating labelled proteins and the enzymes (AChE and ChAc) accumulated above the site of injection to the same degree as they accumulate above a nerve ligation. Since this blockage of enzyme transport occurred after concentrations of colchicine much higher than those used for intracisternal injections these findings after local injection may represent more severe effects on axonal transport systems.  相似文献   

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