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目的:了解及比较两组毒力差异明显的新生隐球菌格鲁比变种的多位点序列分型(MLST)的特点并进行交配型鉴定。方法采用多位点序列分型(MLST)的方法,设计7个看家基因(CAP59,GPD1,LAC1,PLB1,SOD1,URA5和IGS1)的引物,扩增并分析来源分别为环境和临床的各10株新生隐球菌格鲁比变种的基因型,并鉴定实验菌株交配型,与多位点微卫星分型(MLMT)结果对比,比较不同基因分型方法在分类中的稳定性和可靠性。结果在微卫星分型中为MLMT-36的10株环境分离株,MLST分型为ST-15,而在微卫星分型中为MLMT-13型的10株临床分离株,MLST分型为ST-32,所有菌株交配型均为MAT-α。结论MLST分型结果与MLMT分型结果高度一致,提示以上两种分子分型技术在真菌分类鉴定研究中可显示对于其分离背景及进化来源的高分辨率及稳定性。  相似文献   

一株尿素酶阴性的新生隐球菌   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文报告从鸽粪标本中分离出的一株尿素酶试验阴性、咖啡酸玉米吐温琼脂培养呈棕色菌落的酵母样真菌。根据该菌袜的生理、生化特性及致病力,认为是尿素酶阴性的新生隐球菌。此外,应注意这种菌在自然界中的存在和对人类造成感染的可能。这是关于从自然环境中分离出尿素酶阴性新生隐球菌的首次发现和报告。  相似文献   

目的了解云南省艾滋病患者中新生隐球菌病的病原分离部位、耐药性及临床治疗效果。方法对2010年1月至2020年12月临床总共分离的424株新生隐球菌,用VITEK2 Compact全自动微生物分析仪鉴定菌种,ATB FUNGUS 3检测5种抗真菌药物的敏感性,并对临床资料进行分析。结果424株新生隐球菌以脑脊液检出比例最高,占62.50%(265/424);血液次之,占30.90%(131/424);第三是痰液,占2.83%(12/424)。424株新生隐球菌对唑类抗真菌药物伊曲康唑和伏立康唑MIC范围均≤2μg/mL,多烯类的两性霉素B MIC范围≤4μg/mL,氟康唑及5-氟胞嘧啶的MIC范围≤64μg/mL。对两性霉素B、氟康唑、5-氟胞嘧啶的敏感性分别为95.28%(404/424)、80.66%(342/424)、75.71%(321/424)。5种抗真菌药物的流行病学折点分别为:5-氟胞嘧啶和氟康唑16μg/mL;两性霉素B、伊曲康唑和伏立康唑0.5μg/mL。结论新生隐球菌对两性霉素B的敏感性较好,而氟康唑及5-氟胞嘧啶在多年的临床用药过程中已慢慢出现非敏感菌株,伊曲康唑和伏立康唑MIC范围≤2μg/mL。新生隐球菌药敏试验结果为临床医生用药提供参考依据。新生隐球菌病治疗首选两性霉素B与5-氟胞嘧啶联合治疗。隐球菌作为临床重要的致病真菌,实验室及临床均应给予高度重视。  相似文献   

新生隐球菌感染是全世界艾滋病患者死亡的主要原因,尤其是在撒哈拉以南非洲地区发病率最高[1]。新生隐球菌除了容易感染HIV个体外,还易感染其他免疫功能低下的个体,如造血系统恶性肿瘤、器官移植后服用免疫抑制剂及免疫缺陷病患者。格特隐球菌主要侵犯免疫功能正常的个体,但也感染免疫功能低下患者如合并艾滋病毒的患者[2]。  相似文献   

目的评估AFLP-DNA指纹技术在新生隐球菌分类中应用情况。方法新生隐球菌基因组DNA用双酶酶切,双链接头连于其酶切末端,用与接头和酶切位点互补的引物扩增DNA片段,其产物在高分辨的变性聚丙酰胺凝胶上电泳分离,然后进行银染。结果分析来自5种血清型和临床分离株的18株新生隐球菌,可见有30多条大小在30~500bp的DNA-AFLP指纹,相同的血清型有不同的指纹图谱,来自同一患者不同病期的两株分离株和来自同一患者患者的不同部位的两株分离株都显示出相同的带型。结论显示了AFLP的高分辨率,是适用于新生隐球菌流行病学调查的有力工具。  相似文献   

新生隐球菌是一种专性需氧条件致病菌,它的细胞壁外包绕着一个多糖荚膜,是其主要毒性因子之一。荚膜主要包含两种多糖-葡萄糖醛酸木糖和半乳糖甘露聚糖,此外还有少部分的甘露糖蛋白。这些多糖分子除构成多糖荚膜外,同时也参与新生隐球菌与宿主之间的免疫反应。该文对新生隐球菌荚膜的结构、生物合成、免疫反应及针对荚膜的抗真菌治疗等方面作一综述,旨在为新生隐球菌相关疾病的研究提供新的思路。  相似文献   

改进筛选新生隐球菌Cap59荚膜缺陷株ura5突变株的方法。采用硫酸二乙酯化学诱导新生隐球菌Cap59荚膜缺陷株,利用5-氟乳清酸(5-FOA)反筛选法筛选ura5尿嘧啶合成基因突变株。用新方法筛选到2株Cap59荚膜缺陷株ura5突变株。建立了一种筛选新生隐球菌荚膜缺陷株ura5突变株的简易方法。  相似文献   

新生隐球菌是一重要的致病真菌,其细胞壁外层的多糖荚膜是第1个被公认的新生隐球菌毒性因子。本文总结了在荚膜生理和生化合成方面的研究进展,介绍了研究新生隐球菌荚膜合成的常用方法以及在新生隐球菌的荚膜代谢途径、生化合成酶、分泌、组装和调节这些广泛的研究领域存在的许多未解决的问题。  相似文献   

新生隐球菌( Cn) 是临床上重要的病原真菌, 树突细胞( DC) 则是最重要的抗原呈递细胞。作为宿主固有免疫和适应性免疫的联系枢纽,DC 对于识别病原、呈递抗原、诱导宿主免疫应答十分重要。许多研究证明,DC 可通过细胞表面的多种受体有效识别新生隐球菌抗原( CnAg) , 诱导宿主产生有效的细胞免疫应答。DC 本身也有一定的杀菌能力, 但DC 的不同亚群以及成熟状态对宿主的免疫防御功能有重要影响。另外, 隐球菌除具有甘露糖蛋白等主要免疫显性抗原外, 还有多种抑制机体保护性免疫应答的毒性因子。本文就近年来国内、外对两者之间复杂机制的研究进行概述。  相似文献   

目的检测巨噬细胞对新生隐球菌活力的影响。方法新生隐球菌标准株B3501与小鼠巨噬细胞系J774细胞共孵育后,检测其出芽率,并通过电镜观察B3501在J774细胞内的超微结构。结果被吞噬的B3501超微结构完好,J774细胞对B3501菌株的吞噬指数在5.67%±1.29%~8.76%±3.09%,而B3501菌在J774细胞内的出芽率较高,可达46.85%±6.63%,出芽率随共孵育时间延长而下降,但4hrs组和8hrs组无明显差别(P>0.05)。超微结构观察显示细胞内的新生隐球菌细胞壁完整。结论虽然巨噬细胞存在着胞内和胞外的抗隐球菌活性,但新生隐球菌仍可在其细胞内外存活并繁殖。  相似文献   

Feng X  Yao Z  Ren D  Liao W  Wu J 《FEMS yeast research》2008,8(6):930-938
Cryptococcosis has been reported to be mostly associated with non-HIV-related patients in China. However, little is known about the molecular characteristics of clinical isolates from the Cryptococcus neoformans species complex in this country. In this study, 115 clinical isolates were included. Molecular type VNI was the most representative ( n =103), followed by VGI ( n =8), VNIII ( n =2), VNIV ( n =1), and VGII ( n =1). With the exception of a serotype D mating type a isolate, all possessed the MAT α locus. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) revealed that most Cryptococcus gattii isolates from China shared identical MLST profiles with the most common MLST genotype reported in the VGI group, and the only one VGII isolate resembled the Vancouver Island outbreak minor genotype. The C. gattii strains involved in this study were successfully grouped according to their molecular type and mating types by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the GEF1 gene. Our results suggest that (1) in China, cryptococcosis is mostly caused by C. neoformans var. grubii (molecular type VNI), and mating type α; (2) The most common causative agents of C. gattii infection in China are closely related to a widely distributed MLST genotype; and (3) The PCR-RFLP analysis of the GEF1 gene has the potential to identify the molecular and mating types of C. gattii simultaneously.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans is an opportunistic basidiomycete responsible for the high incidence of cryptococcosis in patients with AIDS and in other immune-compromised individuals. This study, which focused on the molecular structure and genetic variability of the two varieties in the C. neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii species complex, employed sequence analysis of the intergenic spacer regions, IGSI and IGSII. The IGS region is the most rapidly evolving region of the rDNA families. The IGSI displayed the most genetic variability represented by nucleotide base substitutions and the presence of long insertions/deletions (indels). In contrast, the IGSII region exhibited less heterogeneity and the indels were not as extensive as those displayed in the IGSI region. Both intergenic spacers contained short, interspersed repeat motifs, which can be related to length polymorphisms observed between sequences. Phylogenetic analysis undertaken in the IGSI, IGSII and IGSI +5S rRNA + IGSII regions revealed the presence of six major phylogenetic lineages, some of which segregated into subgroups. The major lineages are represented by genotypes 1 (C. neoformans var. grubii), genotype 2 (C. neoformans var. neoformans), and genotypes 3, 4, 5 and 6 represented by C. gattii. Genotype 6 is a newly described IGS genotypic group within the C. neoformans species complex. With the inclusion of IGS subgenotypic groups, our sequence analysis distinguished 12 different lineages. Sequencing of clones, which was performed to determine the presence of multiple alleles at the IGS locus in several hybrid strains, yielded a single IGS sequence type per isolate, thus suggesting that the selected group of cloned strains was mono-allelic at this locus. IGS sequence analyses proved to be a powerful technique for the delineation of the varieties of C. neoformans and C. gattii at genotypic and subgenotypic levels.  相似文献   

目的探讨中国广西地区格特隐球菌菌种复合体的基因型特点、种群结构特征和全球菌株的进化关系。方法收集2014—2018年间分离自临床确诊为隐球菌病患者的隐球菌临床株,利用CGB培养基初步筛选格特隐球菌菌种复合体。采用多位点序列分型方法(MLST)确定基因型。通过MEGA7软件构建系统发育树,利用R语言进行主成分分析。使用微量肉汤稀释法M27-A3方案行体外抗真菌药物敏感性检验。结果120株临床隐球菌中,分离出11株格特隐球菌菌种复合体,6株属于C.deuterogattii(AFLP6/VGII),5株属于C.gattii sensus stricto(AFLP4/VGI)。分离自广西的AFLP6/VGII呈遗传多样性,主要起源进化自南美巴西格特隐球菌菌种复合体。11株分离菌株均对常用抗真菌药物敏感。结论中国广西可能出现高致病性AFLP6/VGII,对格特隐球菌菌种复合体进行有效的全国性监测是必要的。  相似文献   

The humoral immune response of patients infected with Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans and C. neoformans var. gattii to cytoplasmic (non-capsular) antigens from the two varieties of Cryptococcus has been investigated. Cytoplasmic antigens from C. neoformans (one clinical isolate and one acapsular mutant of var. neoformans and two clinical isolates from var. gattii) were subject to isoelectric focusing, SDS-PAGE and Western blotting; patients sera was then used in the immunoenzyme development of the Western blots. The humoral response from the 20 patients (all HIV+) infected with var. neoformans against the var. neoformans antigens was predominantly IgG based, with a large number of bands recognised; the most commonly recognised bands were at 26, 52, 74, 100, 115 and 144 kDa. The IgM response was less pronounced and the IgA response was practically non-existent. The humoral response of the sera from the 15 patients (all but one HIV-) infected with var. gattii against var. gattii antigens was also predominantly IgG based with bands at 37, 55, 65, 74, 94 and 115 kDa being most commonly recognised. Periodate treatment of cytoplasmic antigens reduced the intensity of antigen recognition, though it did not absolutely destroy reactivity to any individual antigen. Comparison of immunodevelopment of cytoplasmic antigens from both varieties grown at 25°C and 37°C revealed that culture temperature made no differences in the number of bands recognised although there were differences in the intensity of recognition. This is the first report on the pattern of serological recognition of the non-capsular antigens from the two varieties of Cryptococcus and it identifies a number of major antigenic components.  相似文献   

为了解南京地区戊型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis E virus,HEV)基因型的分布以及变异状况,本研究采用逆转录套式聚合酶反应(RT-nPCR)的方法检测南京地区40份急性散发性戊型肝炎患者的粪便标本,对PCR产物进行测序,利用生物信息学软件比较核苷酸的同源性、遗传距离,进行基因分型和变异分析。40份粪便标本中检测到14份阳性HEV、RNA,检出率为35%,基因分型均为HEV IV型,且分属2个不同的亚型;利用生物信息学软件对国内I型和IV型毒株加以比较,发现HEV IV型毒株比I型变异程度高,不同年份的HEV IV型毒株变异更大,有新的亚型出现,且变异有随时间推移而增大的趋势。  相似文献   

胡阳  姜楠  黄怡文  朱旭东 《菌物学报》2013,32(Z1):62-69
microRNAs (miRNAs)在植物和动物中大量存在,但是否在真菌中存在一直是个未解之谜.本研究组在担子菌新型隐球酵母Cryptococcus neoformans中发现了miRNA.两个miRNA,miR1和miR2,长度分别是22nt和18nt,前体是70nt,和动物miRNA相近.通过报告基因,证实miRl/2具有沉默功能.真菌miRNA的发现为研究其进化、功能等提供有用知识.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans is the causative agent of pulmonary cryptococcosis and cryptococcal meningoencephalitis, which are major clinical manifestations in immunosuppressed patients. In the present study, a surface ATPase (ecto-ATPase) was identified in C. neoformans yeast cells. Intact yeasts hydrolyzed adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) at a rate of 29.36+/-3.36nmol Pi/hx10(8) cells. In the presence of 5 mM MgCl(2), this activity was enhanced around 70 times, and an apparent K(m) for Mg-ATP corresponding to 0.61mM was determined. Inhibitors of phosphatases, mitochondrial Mg(2+)-ATPases, V-ATPases, Na(+)-ATPases or P-ATPases had no effect on the cryptococcal ATPase, but extracellular impermeant compounds reduced enzyme activity in living cells. ATP was the best substrate for the cryptococcal ecto-enzyme, but it also efficiently hydrolyzed inosine 5'-triphosphate (ITP), cytidine 5'-triphosphate (CTP), guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP) and uridine-5'-triphosphate (UTP). In the presence of ATP, C. neoformans became less susceptible to the antifungal action of fluconazole. Our results are indicative of the occurrence of a C. neoformans ecto-ATPase that may have a role in fungal physiology.  相似文献   

Voriconazole (VCZ), a new wide-spectrum antifungal triazole currently in development, was tested for activity against Cryptococcus neoformans (CN) var. gattii and var. neoformans in RPMI-1640 (RPMI) or RPMI plus human serum. In RPMI VCZ was 10-fold more inhibitory than FCZ for both varieties of CN. In the presence of human serum neither VCZ nor FCZ had enhanced activity against CN var. gattii. By contrast, both VCZ and FCZ had significantly increased activity in the presence of serum against CN var. neoformans. The lack of serum-enhancing activity for VCZ or FCZ against CN var. gattii may reflect the in vivo situation and predict less efficacy in CN var. gattii infections. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Khosravi  A.R. 《Mycopathologia》1997,139(2):93-95
Nine hundred and eighty three specimens of pigeon droppings, collected in different regions of northern Iran, were examind. Of these samples, 175 (17.8%) were positive for Cryptococcus neoformans. All isolates obtained were C. neoformans var. neoformans. Most of these isolates of C. neoformans were from pigeon shelters. There were significant differences in isolation frequency between pigeon shelters and the other collection sites. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The study of the clinical isolates of Cryptococcus neoformans from 83 Brazilian patients with disseminated cryptococcosis showed that 75 were C. neoformans var. neoformans and 8 were var. gattii. Twenty-seven isolates were serotyped; all 19 var. neoformans were serotype A and all 8 var. gattii were serotype B. The correlation of the varieties of C. neoformans with the presence or not of hosts predisposing conditions to the mycosis showed that: (1) cryptococcosis caused by gattii variety occurred in 7 (58.3%) of the 12 nonimmunosuppressed patients, and (2) cryptococcosis caused by neoformans variety occurred in 65 (98.5%) of the 66 AIDS patients and in all 5 patients with other immunosuppressive conditions. The comparison of the distribution of the gattii and neoformans varieties between the nonimmunosup-pressed and immunosuppressed patients showed a significant statistical difference (p < 0.01).  相似文献   

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