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The Bluethroat Luscinia svecica is a migratory passerine that exhibits a socially monogamous pair bond and a high level of parental care. Males are territorial both when wintering and breeding whereas females are territorial only in winter. We investigated changes in body condition and testosterone levels during successive life-history stages and determined their relationships. Sex-specific patterns were observed in the variation in body condition and testosterone level. Male body condition varied mainly during the winter. It peaked at the onset of the prenuptial moult and then decreased, whereas it remained stable throughout breeding. In contrast, female body condition varied mainly during the breeding season. It increased during the prelaying stage and then abruptly decreased until fledgling provisioning. As in other monogamous and territorial passerines, testosterone levels in Bluethroat males were low during winter, increased in late winter, peaked during the prelaying stage and then decreased when provisioning young. In wintering females, territorial competition caused testosterone levels to rise. These females were able to produce territorial vocalizations and exhibit aggressive postures. Females showed higher mean testosterone levels than males when wintering whereas the opposite was observed when breeding. Our data from wintering female Bluethroats support the 'challenge hypothesis' under which high testosterone levels are associated with periods of social instability, and testosterone can regulate female territorial behaviour during this period.  相似文献   

Partial migration is a pervasive albeit poorly studied phenomenon by which some individuals of a population migrate while others are residents. It has tremendous consequences on seasonal variations of population size/structure and therefore management. Using a multi-event capture-mark-recapture/recovery (CMR) approach, we assessed seasonal site occupancy, survival and site fidelity of a partially migratory diving duck, the Common pochard (Aythya ferina), in an area potentially including both local breeders and winter visitors. The modelling exercise indeed discriminated two different categories of individuals. First, locally breeding females which had a probability of being present in our study area during winter of 0.41. Females of this category were found to be more faithful to their breeding site than males (breeding site fidelity probabilities of 1 and 0.11, respectively). The second category of birds were winter visitors, which included adults of both sexes, whose probability of being present in the study area during the breeding season was nil, and young of both sexes with a 0.11 probability of being present in the area during the breeding season. All wintering individuals, among which there was virtually no locally breeding male, displayed a high fidelity to our study area from one winter to the next (0.41–0.43). Estimated annual survival rates differed according to age (adults 0.69, young 0.56). For both age classes mortality was higher during late winter/early spring than during summer/early winter. Our study is among the first to show how and under which conditions the multi-event approach can be employed for investigating complex movement patterns encountered in partial migrants, providing a convenient tool for overcoming state uncertainty. It also shows why studying patterns of probability of individual presence/movements in partial migrants is a key towards understanding seasonal variations in numbers.  相似文献   

Winter residency is characteristic of the majority of cooperatively breeding birds, but the composition and dynamics of winter groups have been examined in relatively few. In 1996-1998, we examined winter territoriality in the western bluebird, a year-round resident that shows a limited degree of helping behaviour in central coastal California, U.S.A. In spring, most western bluebirds breed as socially monogamous pairs, but a small proportion of pairs (3-16%) have additional breeding-age males helping at the nest, usually assisting parents or brothers. We found that year-round residents commonly wintered in family groups that defended territories similar to those used in spring. Winter groups had an even sex ratio and formed early in the autumn, when hatch-year birds dispersed. More females than males left their natal groups to be replaced by an influx of immigrant hatch-year birds. Winter groups typically consisted of breeders and one or two sons from the prior breeding season along with one or more immigrant females. A second period of dispersal occurred in spring when winter groups broke up and most birds other than the breeding pair left the winter territory. When they bred, yearling males and females often bred with unrelated individuals from their winter groups. Sons were more likely to remain on the study area as yearlings when they wintered with both parents than when they wintered with just one parent. We suggest that young males stay the winter due to benefits of remaining in family groups on mistletoe-based winter territories. Subsequent localized dispersal of sons then leads to opportunistic kin-based interactions later in life. Copyright 2001 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   


In a study area of 16.3 ha of dairy pasture and pine plantations in the Manawatu region of the southern North Island, 150 hedgehogs were marked and 356 recaptures recorded between 1 January 1970 and 24 June 1971. Population density was estimated at between 1.1/ha in winter and 2.5/ha in summer and autumn. Only 11 females and 5 males were considered to be residents, and these used overlapping feeding ranges of similar extent. Concentrations of food organisms became foci of hedgehog activity. During winter, when an estimated 20% of the population died, movement was restricted to the vicinity of the nest site; the hedgehogs hibernated fitfully during July‐October. The breeding season as such extended at least from November to March; some breeding activity was observed in most months, however. The average life span of adults was 1.97 years. The causes of 6 natural deaths and the incidence of abscesses and external parasites were noted.  相似文献   

Canid social groups are typically thought to consist of extendedfamilies, that is, a dominant breeding pair and related nonbreedingsubordinates, that principally obtain indirect fitness benefitsfrom helping to raise the offspring of the dominant pair. Consequently,the monogamous pair has been viewed as the basic fundamentalunit of canid social organization. However, there have beenfew genetic studies that have tested this assumption. We analyzedthe parentage of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in a high-density(19.6–27.7 adult foxes/km2) population in Bristol, UK,to determine (1) whether groups typically produced a singlelitter of cubs annually and (2) whether male and female foxesexhibited monogamous mating strategies. Social monogamy (theproduction of one litter in a social group) was observed orassumed in 54% of breeding attempts (N = 13 group-years). However,polyandrous and polygynous patterns of mating were common. Multiplepaternity was confirmed in 38% of litters (N = 16) containingoffspring with resolved maternity and paternity (N = 30 cubs);when including cubs with unresolved paternity (N = 20), multiple-paternitymay have occurred in 69% of litters. Litters were sired by anaverage of 1.6 identified males (range = 1–4); when includingcubs with unresolved paternity, litters may have been siredby up to seven males. Only 20% (6/30) of cubs with resolvedmaternity and paternity were sired by males within the socialgroup. Within groups, dominant females did not breed with subordinatemales; dominant males did breed with subordinate females. Dominantand subordinate females both produced cubs with dominant andsubordinate males from other social groups. Mean adult relatednessin groups typically ranged from 0.15–0.35, indicativeof second-order rather than first-order relatives.  相似文献   

COLIN NI. MISKELLY 《Ibis》1990,132(3):366-379
New Zealand Snipe Coenocorypha aucklandica were studied over six breeding seasons on the Snares Islands. The study area (7.5 ha) held about 20 pairs at a density of 3.2 ± O.5 pairs/ha, plus 5 to 25 nonterritorial birds. Most matings were monogamous but simultaneous polygyny was recorded in one territory (by two different males) in four consecutive seasons. Males courtship fed females before egg-laying. The typical clutch was two eggs, laid three days apart. Incubation was shared equally by the sexes in monogamous pairs and took 22 days. Some females with polygynous mates attempted to incubate unaided, which took about 38 days. Broods were split at hatching, with the male caring for the first chick to leave the nest. Chicks were fed by adults for at least 41 days, and did not become independent until about 65 days old. Growth rates were slow compared to Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago and full plumage took about 54 days to attain. No pairs were double-brooded but 43% of pairs that failed during incubation or early chick-rearing renested together. Some breeders of both sexes who had lost their dependent chick bred a second time with a new mate while their first mate continued rearing the surviving chick (sequential polygyny and polyandry). Hatching success was 80%, and fledging success was 48%. Each pair produced, on average, O.6 fledglings per year. Chatham Island Snipe C. pusilla were studied on Rangatira Island during the 1983–84 breeding season. Breeding density was about 5.6 pairs/ha. The breeding system was very similar to that for C. aucklandica but chicks became independent at about 41 days old. Hatching success was 89%. Compared to Common Snipe, Coenocorypha snipes occurred at high densities, had courtship feeding, large eggs, a long interegy interval, a small clutch, shared incubation and a long incubation period. Nest desertion rates were high, but overall hatching success was also high, chick growth rates were slow, there was a long period of chick dependence and a long relaying interval following nest failure or chick loss. Survival rates of both adults and chicks were high. These differences are attributed to the absence of predation, and to intense intraspecific competition for food in a stable environment.  相似文献   

Species with variable mating systems provide a unique opportunity to investigate whether females receive direct fitness benefits from additional male partners. The direct benefits provide an obvious explanation for why females would breed polyandrously, in a situation where males clearly do not attain their optimal reproductive success. Evidence for these direct benefits is, however, mixed. Here, we present a detailed study of the breeding biology of the dunnock, Prunella modularis, which inform an investigation into the effects of the social mating system on the reproductive success in a population of dunnocks in Southern New Zealand. We studied 80 different social groups over the course of three breeding seasons. Dunnocks in our population presented a variable mating system, with socially monogamous (45%), socially polyandrous (54%) and socially polygynandrous (1%) groups being observed in the same breeding season. We did not observe any polygynous social units in our study period although polygyny exists in the population. We found little difference in the numbers of eggs laid, and egg volume between monogamous and polyandrous nests. However, polyandrous groups had better hatching and fledging success than monogamous groups (composite d = 0.385, 95% CI: 0.307 to 0.463). Overall our results support the notion that polyandry is beneficial for females.  相似文献   

Whether to disperse, and where to, are two of the most prominent decisions in an individual's life, with major consequences for reproductive success. We studied natal and breeding dispersal in the monogamous black‐tailed godwit Limosa limosa limosa in the Netherlands, where they breed in agricultural grasslands. The majority of these grasslands recently changed from wet herb‐rich meadows into well‐drained grassland monocultures, on which godwits have a lower reproductive success. Here we examine habitat selection with a multistate mark–recapture analysis. Habitat transition probabilities between meadows and monocultures were estimated on the basis of 1810 marked chicks and 531 adults during seven years in a 8500 ha study area. Young and adult godwits may differ in habitat selection because: 1) adults may have gained experience from previous nest success where to settle, 2) younger individuals may find it harder to compete for the best territories. Both young and adults moved at a higher rate from the predominant monocultures to meadows than the other way around, thus actively selecting the habitat with better quality. However, dispersal distance of adults was not affected by previous nest success. The average dispersal distance from place of birth of godwits breeding for the first time was ten times larger than that of adult godwits. That godwits breeding in their second calendar year arrived and laid at similar dates and were equally able to select territories in areas with high breeding densities, suggests that young birds were not competitively inferior to adults. Although on monocultures reproduction is insufficient to maintain constant populations, birds sometimes moved from meadows to monocultures. This explains why even after 30 years of land‐use intensification, godwits still breed in low‐quality habitat. The adjustment to changing habitat conditions at the population level appears to be a slow process.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated ecological determinants of socialityin burying beetles (Nicrophorus spp.), potential conflicts ofinterest among reproductive females, and the effects of nestingfailure and costs of fighting on cooperation. Burying beetlesare known to form monogamous pairs when exploiting small vertebratecarcasses. More complex social behavior in this group is poorlyunderstood. We conducted experiments in which one or two females(N. defodiens, N. orbicollis) were provided small or large carcasseson which to breed. On large but not on small carcasses, twofemales often formed cooperative breeding associations (jointlyprepared a carcass and fed young). In N. defodiens, but notN. orbicollis, two females produced a larger brood than singlefemales on large carcasses. In both species, the reproductiveoutput per female was less for two than for one female. Thepresence of a second female did not decrease the preparationtime of a carcass (discovery of resource to egg hatch). Conflictwas evident between females. Trials employing females of similarsize were more likely to result in injury than trials usingfemales of dissimilar size (N. tomentosus, N. defodiens, N.orbicollis). In N. tomentosus, those associations that persistedthe longest resulted in the fewest injuries. After care of youngwas initiated, conflict among familiar nest mates was not observed.There was no evidence that breeding females could discriminatebetween brood; use of a genetic marker (N. orbicollis) demonstratedthat females fed related and unrelated young alike. Femalesof similar size (high potential cost of fighting for the dominantindividual) were not more likely to form cooperative breedingassociations than females of dissimilar size (low cost of fightingfor dominant). Females of a species subject to a high rate ofnest failure (N. defodiens) were more likely to cooperate thanfemales of a species with a low rate of nest failure (N. orbicollis).It is argued that limited reproductive opportunities, difficultyin controlling rivals' access to a large carcass, and the superabundantlarval food supply represented by a large carcass, but not kinselection, have contributed to the evolution of cooperativebehavior in this group. In addition, we hypothesize that beetlesmight initially tolerate consexual rivals on large carcasseswhen there is a high likelihood of nesting failure, therebyavoiding potentially costly conflicts.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that females mate multiply to increasethe heterozygosity of their progeny because heterozygous individualsare assumed to have a fitness advantage. Females can maximizeheterozygosity of their offspring by mating with geneticallyunrelated and/or heterozygous males. We tested these predictionsin a socially monogamous passerine, the reed bunting (Emberizaschoeniclus), where extrapair paternity occurs frequently. Theresults based on genotypes at nine microsatellite loci revealedthat females were no less genetically related to the extrapairmale(s) (EPMs) than to their pair male (i.e., breeding partner)and that EPMs were no more heterozygous than the males theycuckolded. In addition, a direct comparison of maternal half-siblingsnaturally raised in the same brood showed that extrapair youngwere no more heterozygous than within-pair young. Thus, femalereed buntings do not seem to mate with EPMs to increase offspringheterozygosity. It is not yet known whether extrapair matinginvolves any benefits at all to females in this species.  相似文献   

Razorbills (Alca Undo) engaged in extrapair copulations (EPCs)during two phases of their breeding cycle when fertilizationof eggs was not possible, suggesting that EPCs provide nongeneticbenefits. Females actively pursued extrapair mountings afterthey completed egg laying, the first monogamous species reportedto do so. Mountings were performed in mating arenas outsideof the breeding colony, where attendance by postlaying femalesindicated that they sought encounters with extrapair males whiletheir mates were incubating. Postlaying females always successfullyresisted insemination yet positioned themselves to receive mountings.These findings support the hypothesis that resistance to inseminationis a ploy used by females to appraise males. At the end of thebreeding cycle, when males escorted the fledgling to sea, femalesremained at the colony where they consorted and sometimes copulatedwith other males. Nonfertilizable extrapair copulations mayserve two social functions for razorbills: female appraisalof males for future fertilizable EPCs and the appraisal andacquisition of new mates by both sexes.  相似文献   

In the socially monogamous gulls and terns, female-biased sex ratios are sometimes revealed by the occurrence of ‘supernormal clutches’, which are usually attended by female-female pairs or other multi-female associations. We studied these phenomena in the endangered Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii at Bird Island, USA, from 1970 to 1995. DNA-techniques were used to sex breeding adults in 1992–94. Supernormal clutches (with three or four eggs) have comprised 1–7% of all Roseate Tern clutches at Bird Island since at least 1970, probably increasing in frequency since 1980. Supernormal clutches were spatially clustered; most were laid late in the peak period of nesting during each season. More than 80% of supernormal clutches and at least 7% of normal clutches were attended by multi-female associations; most of these were female-female pairs, with a few trios (male + two females, or three females) and one quartet (four females). More than half of the multi-female associations attended normal clutches. Some female-female pairs were maintained for up to five years. The age-distribution of females mated to females did not differ significantly from that of females mated to males. Females mated together usually laid eggs synchronously (±2 days). Such females laid fewer eggs than females mated to males (means 1.20 versus 1.73), and had lower fertility and hatching success (about 46% versus 98%); they were less successful in raising young from eggs that did hatch (means 58% versus 73%), but this difference was not significant. Their overall breeding success was much lower (about 0.34 fledglings per female versus 1.35). The sex-ratio of breeders was about 127 females to 100 males; about 20% of breeding females did not have male mates. Female Roseate Terns that do not obtain male mates appear to be of low phenotypic ‘quality’ - based on late laying, small clutches and small eggs. Our data support the hypothesis that such females have a higher fitness if they mate with each other and raise a few young than if they do not breed at all.  相似文献   

Over five years from November 1982 to November 1987, we examined 395 mice collected from unlogged and logged native forest and from exotic forest at Pureora Forest Park, in the central North Island of New Zealand. Sex ratio, litter size, and breeding effort (pregnancy rate in females, proportion of males with visible tubules) were similar in all samples. By contrast, both density (captures per 100 trap-nights = C/ 100TN) and recruitment (proportion of young mice of age classes 1-3) were higher in densely vegetated habitats (along the road edge or in a young exotic plantation) than in the forest interior, whether logged or not. The age structures of the road edge and interior forest samples were significantly different (road edge, 33-35% young; interior, 10-11% young, means adjusted for sex, season and year by GLM). Mice of a given age caught in summer were larger, especially the females, implying that young mice grew faster in summer than at other seasons, and that older mice, especially females, also put on extra weight in summer. Most pregnant mice were found in spring and summer, but there was no winter quiescence in mature mice of either sex, and three of 29 pregnant females were collected in August. In five of 29 litters of embryos, at least one embryo was resorbing, totalling 12 of 161 embryos (7.4%). Litter size (viable embryos only) ranged from 5 to 8 (average 6) in 23 spring and summer pregnancies, but only 1-5 in four autumn and winter pregnancies. At high densities during 1984 in the young plantation (41.1 C/100TN in May) mice were significantly smaller in autumn, though somewhat larger in spring, and fewer young were recruited in 1984 and 1985. In these years we found significantly fewer males fertile, litters smaller and pregnancy rates lower, both in the plantation and in other habitats. The population Peak was much higher than most apparently similar post-seedfall Peaks in beech forest documented by the same methods, but it was different because (1) it developed very suddenly in autumn rather than building up slowly over winter and spring and Peaking in summer; (2) it was not preceded by winter breeding; and (3) it was made up mostly of mice born in the previous summer, whereas Peak populations in beech forests are usually made up of mice born during the previous winter and spring.  相似文献   

Bird habitat conservation may require different management strategies for different seasonal bird assemblages. We studied habitat use by winter birds in forest and scrubland habitat patches in the northern Negev, Israel. Our goal was to assess whether differences in responses to landscape and habitat structure between breeding and non-breeding seasons require changes in future conservation plans that have been suggested for the Negev breeding bird community. We evaluated habitat and area effects on bird abundance and distribution and tested whether species habitat use during winter involves niche shifts. Compared with breeding birds, a larger proportion of winter bird species occupied both scrubland and forest. As in summer, forest bird species responded to habitat structure, whereas scrubland species were associated with both habitat structure and area. Resident birds disperse into habitats in which they were not present during summer. Consequently, for several species, the correlation between bird densities and environmental factors showed a better fit at the landscape rather than at the habitat scale. In addition, rather than niche shift, birds actually extended their niche breadth. Nest site selection may constrain bird distribution into a realized niche, smaller than their fundamental niche. Despite the scale differences in habitat use, the similar species diversity patterns between seasons suggest that both winter and summer birds would benefit from conservation of scrub patches larger than 50 ha, and enrichment of foliage layers within the planted forests.  相似文献   

Mass loss of breeding birds might be due to the physiological stress of breeding or it could be an adaptation to lower the costs of flight to the feeding areas. We examined the natural variation in the adult body mass of Wilson’s storm petrels Oceanites oceanicus on King George Island, South Shetland Islands over four breeding seasons. During two seasons, the prey abundance was high, while it was poor during the other two seasons. Only breeding birds were sampled; the fluctuations in mass were similar among males and females. During incubation, the mass of the adults was high in good seasons and low in poor seasons. Thus, body mass during incubation was determined by energetic constraints. However, during chick feeding, adults lost mass in the good seasons but gained mass in the poor seasons, suggesting that mass loss during chick rearing is not primarily caused by stress, but is regulated adaptively. Adults in poor conditions may buffer against unpredictable food supply by increasing their own body mass, even at the expense of the chick. Reduced body condition at the beginning of the breeding season was associated with reduced egg volumes and late laying, suggesting that the initial body condition influenced the level of investment in the current breeding attempt.  相似文献   

Most cooperative breeding bird species live in family groups that are formed through the prolonged association of offspring with their parents. Research into cooperative families has in particular investigated the balance between cooperation and conflict over reproductive decisions. As a consequence of this research focus, social interactions among group members outside the breeding season are rarely studied, despite the fact that they are likely to be crucial for social decisions. We investigated the social dynamics and ranging behaviour of the family group living cooperatively breeding apostlebird ( Struthidea cinerea ) outside the breeding season. Group size changed between, but not within, the seasons, being smaller during the breeding season than in the winter season. This change in group size was a consequence of breeding groups merging after breeding, then splitting again before the next breeding season. While breeding groups used small, non-overlapping home ranges (      = 113 ha) around the nesting site, during winter groups moved up to 1200 ha (      = 598 ha), and interacted frequently with up to four other winter groups. In particular large groups often joined together during winter and spent up to 50% of their time associating with other large winter groups. This apparent fission-fusion system facilitated the exchange of group members, offering the possibility to form new breeding coalitions and new groups. The results of this study suggest that behaviour outside the breeding season can be of considerable importance to the social dynamics of both families and cooperative breeding in such systems.  相似文献   

Proximate and fatty acid composition of wild silver pomfrets, Pampus argenteus, were studied in Kuwait waters for a period of 1 year (November 2007–October 2008) to see whether there were any seasonal compositional differences between males and females. Ten adults (five males, five females) were sampled each month during (i) Pre‐spawning (March–May), (ii) Spawning (June–August), (iii) Post‐spawning (September–November), and (iv) Winter (December–February). Both sexes had significantly (P < 0.05) higher whole body moisture and lower crude protein and lipid contents in winter compared to the respective males and females sampled in other seasons. However, females had significantly higher (9.1%) lipid content during the pre‐spawning season than females in other seasons (7.0–8.2%). The most abundant fatty acid in whole body lipid in both sexes was C16 followed by C18:1n‐9, which accounted for about 31–35% and 22–24% of total lipids, respectively. Males in the pre‐spawning and spawning seasons had significantly higher total monosaturated fatty acids (MUFA) than males and females in post‐spawning and winter. Males had significantly higher total polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) during post‐spawning seasons than females in pre‐spawning and winter seasons. However, there were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in total saturated fatty acids (SFA), PUFA, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) or n‐3/n‐6 ratios between respective males and females in different seasons. Livers in males had significantly (P < 0.05) higher MUFA, SFA, PUFA, EPA and DHA than respective females in all months during the spawning season. Female gonads had significantly (P < 0.05) higher MUFA and PUFA but lower SFA content than males in different months during the spawning season. In contrast to the liver, the gonad DHA content and n‐3/n‐6 ratios in females were significantly higher than in males. The gonads from both sexes contained more than double the amount of EPA present in liver; in the case of DHA this was more than three‐fold higher in female gonads, but not in males. Thus, the presence of higher proportions of PUFA, EPA and DHA in gonads, particularly in eggs of silver pomfret, indicates their need for these fatty acids, which may be used as a guideline for dietary essential n‐3 fatty acid requirements for feed formulation of this species. A higher content of DHA in eggs also indicates the higher requirement for DHA in the broodstock diet of silver pomfret.  相似文献   

EIICHIRO URANO 《Ibis》1990,132(4):584-594
The male's role in feeding young and his effect on the mortality of eggs and nestlings of the Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus were studied in Kahokugata, central Japan, during eight breeding seasons. Three potential costs of polygynous breeding for females were examined:(i) a reduction of male parental care per brood, (ii) an attraction of predators due to concentration of nests, and (iii) an increase of unfertilized eggs due to the reduced frequency of copulation per female. Only the first cost was found to occur:polygynous males fed their young, especially of their second broods, less frequently than monogamous ones. The lowered paternal feeding frequency, however, did not increase the mortality by starvation in second-hatched broods. This was because the warm climate emancipated females from brooding and enabled them to compensate for the deficiency of feeding by males. The paper discusses possible roles of the staggering of the time of laying among harem mates and the shift of breeding status of females caused by nesting failure, in reducing potential costs of polygynous breeding for females.  相似文献   

Despite the acknowledged importance of prescribed fire in creating northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) breeding cover, little research has investigated bobwhite breeding season habitat selection relative to time since fire. In 2016 and 2017, we monitored radio-tagged bobwhite on a 17,000-ha portion of a military installation managed with frequent (every ~3 years) prescribed fires, applied during the growing and dormant seasons. We monitored bobwhite to determine which vegetation characteristics associated with prescribed burning were important to bobwhite breeding season habitat selection at the microsite (i.e., telemetry location compared to nearby random location) and the macrosite scale (i.e., the burn-unit containing the location compared to study area availability). During 2 breeding seasons, we collected 2,315 bobwhite locations and compared percent cover of vegetation, days since burn, basal area, and distance to key landscape features (e.g., stream, wildlife opening) at a subset of microsite locations (301 locations during 2016 and 890 locations during 2017) to paired random locations. At the microsite scale, bobwhite selected lower basal area of hardwoods, greater woody understory cover, greater other (not wiregrass [Aristida stricta]) grass cover, and greater forb cover than at random points. At the macrosite scale, bobwhite selected units with <4.6 m2/ha basal area (combined hardwoods and pines) in 2016 and units with <9.2 m2/ha basal area in 2017. At the macrosite scale, bobwhite selected for areas burned in the dormant season of the same year, avoided areas burned in the growing season of the same year, and used other times since last burn categories proportionate to their availability. The selection for a low basal area at both scales indicates prescribed fire effects would be limited by shading from dense overstory, and the shrubs, grasses, and forbs that provide essential cover for bobwhite during the breeding season will not develop. In lower productivity soil regions similar to our study area, we advise that thinning operations set target basal areas below 10 m2/ha to create and maintain breeding season habitat for northern bobwhite. © 2019 The Wildlife Society  相似文献   

Biological observations on small cyclopoid copepods in the Red Sea   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The breeding activity, sex ratio and variation in body lengthof a number of cyclopoid copepod species from the upper 450mof the Red Sea were analyzed. In most species the body lengthof adult specimens was in the lower range or less than thosereported from other pelagic regions. In the central Red Seamost species had some individuals actively breeding, duringboth autumn and winter. To the north, breeding was observedin fewer species. Only two species, Paroithona sp. and Agetuslimbatus, however, seemed to find conditions for reproductionbetter in the north than in the central area. The sex ratioswere quite consistent for all species within the families Sapphirinidaeand Corycaeidae (high percentage of males) and Oithonidae (lowpercentage of males). Within the Oncaeidae, the percentage ofmales varied from a few percent to >60% of adults. Thereappears to be a relationship between sex ratio and size. Populationsof the very small Oncaea species, O.ivlevi, O.prendeli and O.zernovi,include far fewer males than those of their larger congeners.The available information on the biology of Oncaea is summarized.Peculiarities in their life histories and reproduction are discussed.  相似文献   

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