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Debaryomyces hansenii exhibited yeast-to-mycelium dimorphism in the continuous fermentation of xylose-containing media made from acid hydrolyzates of barley bran. The lower the dilution rate, the earlier the yeast-to-mycelia transition occurred. Within a selected range of dilution rates, the yeast morphology was reversibly affected by the dissolved O2: low aeration caused the transition from oval cells to hyphae, and further increases in dissolved O2 concentration resulted in recuperation of the oval shape. Under the operational conditions assayed, xylitol was the major fermentation product when the yeast was in both morphological forms, whereas the production of ethanol was increased when the yeast grew under hyphal morphology and oxygen limitation. The lower xylose consumption corresponded to the yeast-to-mycelia transition. In media made with commercial sugars (xylose or glucose), the yeast-to-mycelia transition was induced by adding selected amounts of acid-soluble lignin.  相似文献   

The comparative analysis of growth, intracellular content of Na+ and K+, and the production of trehalose in the halophilic Debaryomyces hansenii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae were determined under saline stress. The yeast species were studied based on their ability to grow in the absence or presence of 0.6 or 1.0 M NaCl and KCl. D. hansenii strains grew better and accumulated more Na+ than S. cerevisiae under saline stress (0.6 and 1.0 M of NaCl), compared to S. cerevisiae strains under similar conditions. By two methods, we found that D. hansenii showed a higher production of trehalose, compared to S. cerevisiae; S. cerevisiae active dry yeast contained more trehalose than a regular commercial strain (S. cerevisiae La Azteca) under all conditions, except when the cells were grown in the presence of 1.0 M NaCl. In our experiments, it was found that D. hansenii accumulates more glycerol than trehalose under saline stress (2.0 and 3.0 M salts). However, under moderate NaCl stress, the cells accumulated more trehalose than glycerol. We suggest that the elevated production of trehalose in D. hansenii plays a role as reserve carbohydrate, as reported for other microorganisms.  相似文献   

The presence of 1.0 M KCl or NaCl during growth of Debaryomyces hansenii results in increased ethanol production. An additional increase of fermentation was observed when the salts were also present during incubation under nongrowing conditions. Extracts of cells grown in the presence of salt showed increased alcohol dehydrogenase and phosphofructokinase activities, indicating that these enzymes are responsible for the increased fermentation capacity. This is confirmed by measurements of the glycolytic intermediates. The increased fermentation capacity of the cells grown with salts seems to enable them to cope with the additional energy required for uptake and/or efflux of cations.  相似文献   

Relevant production of xylitol by Debaryomyces hansenii requires semiaerobic conditions since in aerobic conditions the accumulated reduced adenine dinucleotide coenzyme is fully reoxidized leading to the conversion of xylitol into xylulose. For oxygen transfer coefficient values from 0.24 to 1.88 min-1, in shake flasks experiments, biomass formation increased proportionally to the aeration rate as shown in the oxygen transfer coefficient and xylose concentration isoresponse contours. The metabolic products under study, xylitol and ethanol were mainly growth associated. However, for oxygen transfer coefficient above 0.5 min-1 higher initial xylose concentration stimulated the rate of production of xylitol. This fact was less evident for ethanol production. The direct relationship between increased biomass and products formation rate, indicated that the experimental domain in respect to the aeration rate was below the threshold level before the decreasing in metabolic production rates reported in literature for xylose-fermenting yeasts. The fact that ethanol was produced, albeit in low levels, throughout the experimental design indicated that the semiaerobic conditions were always attained. Debaryomyces hansenii showed to be an important xylitol producer exhibiting a xylitol/ethanol ratio above four and a carbon conversion of 54% for xylitol.Abbreviations KLa oxygen transfer coefficient - DO(T) dissolved oxygen (tension) - OUR oxygen uptake rate - NAD(H) oxidised (reduced) nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - NADP(H) oxidised (reduced) nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate - CRC catabolic reduction charge - C oxygen concentration in the culture medium - C* oxygen concentration at saturation conditions - Yi response from experiment i - parameters of the polynomial model - x experimental factor level (coded units) - R2 coefficient of multiple determination - t time  相似文献   

In a study of the halotolerant yeast Debarymyces hansenii cultured in 4 mM and 2.7 M NaCl the intracellular ATP pool, the heat production, the oxygen uptake, and, in the high culture salinity also, the intracellular glycerol concentration were found to be correlated. The intracellular ATP in the 2.7 M NaCl culture had a constant concentration of 3.5 mM ATP during the second half of the lag phase, while in 4 mM NaCl it rose to a maximum of 3.1 mM during the late log phase. The intracellular glycerol concentration in 2.7 M NaCl was about 1.3M during the entire exponential growth phase. Sine the glycerol concentration of the medium was not more than 0.23 mM, glycerol must contribute to the osmotic balance of the cells in high salinity. The corresponding maximum values for the 4 mM NaCl culture were 0.16 M and 0.08 mM. The experimental enthalpy changes were approximately the same for the two salinities, viz. about-1200 kJ per mole consumed glucose. The Y m-values for the 4 mM and 2.7 M NaCl cultures were 91 and 59, respectively, the difference being a consequence of the decreased efficiency of growth in high salinity.Abbreviations CFU colony-forming units - PCA perchloric acid - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   

The production of xylitol from concentrated synthetic xylose solutions (S(o) = 130-135 g/L) by Debaryomyces hansenii was investigated at different pH and temperature values. At optimum starting pH (pH(o) = 5.5), T = 24 degrees C, and relatively low starting biomass levels (0.5-0.6 g(x)/L), 88% of xylose was utilized for xylitol production, the rest being preferentially fermented to ethanol (10%). Under these conditions, nearly 70% of initial carbon was recovered as xylitol, corresponding to final xylitol concentration of 91.9 g(P)/L, product yield on substrate of 0.81 g(P)/g(S), and maximum volumetric and specific productivities of 1.86 g(P)/L x h and 1.43 g(P)/g(x) x h, respectively. At higher and lower pH(o) values, respiration also became important, consuming up to 32% of xylose, while negligible amounts were utilized for cell growth (0.8-1.8%). The same approach extended to the effect of temperature on the metabolism of this yeast at pH(o) = 5.5 and higher biomass levels (1.4-3.0 g(x)/L) revealed that, at temperatures ranging from 32-37 degrees C, xylose was nearly completely consumed to produce xylitol, reaching a maximum volumetric productivity of 4.67 g(P)/L x h at 35 degrees C. Similarly, both respiration and ethanol fermentation became significant either at higher or at lower temperatures. Finally, to elucidate the kinetic mechanisms of both xylitol production and thermal inactivation of the system, the related thermodynamic parameters were estimated from the experimental data with the Arrhenius model: activation enthalpy and entropy were 57.7 kJ/mol and -0.152 kJ/mol x K for xylitol production and 187.3 kJ/mol and 0.054 kJ/mol x K for thermal inactivation, respectively.  相似文献   

Changes in polyol production and the intracellular amino acid pool were followed during the growth cycle of Debaryomyces hansenii in 4 mM and 2.7 M NaCl media. The intracellular levels of polyols were markedly enhanced by high salinity, the dominant solutes being glycerol in log phase cells and arabinitol in stationary phase cells. At low salinity arabinitol was the most prominent intracellular solute throughout the growth cycle. There were no major changes in the composition of the total amino acid pool with changes in cultural salinity. The amount of total free amino acids related to cell dry weight was 15–50% lower in cells cultured in 2.7 M NaCl as compared to 4 mM NaCl media.After subtraction of contributions from intracellular polyols the calculated cellular C/N ratio was found to be unaffected by cultural age and salinity during the late log and early stationary phase. On prolonged incubation of stationary phase cells, this ratio decreased, particularly at high salinity. The sensitivity of cells towards exposure to high salinity was measured in terms of the length of the lag phase after transference to 2.7 M NaCl media. This lag phase decreased with increasing intracellular polyol concentrations. At a given polyol content, stationary phase cells were considerably less sensitive than were log phase cells.When cultured at high salinity the mutant strain, 26-2b, grew more slowly and retained less of the total polyol produced during the early growth stages than did the wildtype. Exogenously supplied mannitol, arabinitol, and glycerol stimulated the growth of the mutant in saline media. Erythritol was without effect.Abbreviations GLC gas-liquid chromatography - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   

Changes in glycerol production and two parameters related to energy metabolism i. e. the heat production rate and the ATP pool, were assayed during growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Debaryomyces hansenii in 4 mM and 1.35 M NaCl media. For both of the yeasts, the specific ATP pool changed during the growth cycle and reached maximum values around 10 nmol per mg dry weight in both types of media. The levels of glycerol were markedly enhanced by high salinity. In the presence of 1.35 M NaCl, D. hansenii retained most of its glycerol produced intracellularly, while S. cerevisiae extruded most of the glycerol to the environment. The intracellular glycerol level of S. cerevisiae equalled or exceeded that of D. hansenii, however, with values never lower than 3 mol per mg dry weight at all phases of growth. When D. hansenii was grown at this high salinity the intracellular level of glycerol was found to correlate with the specific heat production rate. No such correlation was found for S. cerevisiae. We concluded that during salt stress, D. hansenii possesses the capacity to regulate the metabolism of glycerol to optimize growth, while S. cerevisiae may not be able to regulate when exposed to different demands on the glycerol metabolism.  相似文献   

The production of xylitol by the yeast Candida guilliermondii was investigated in batch fermentations with aspenwood hemicellulose hydrolysate and compared with results obtained in semi-defined media with a mixture of glucose and xylose. The hemicellulose hydrolysate had to be supplemented by yeast extract and the maximum xylitol yield (0.8 g g–1) and productivity (0.6 g l–1 h–1) were reached by controlling oxygen input.  相似文献   

To understand the possible proteolytic contribution of yeast during cheese ripening, Debaryomyces hansenii 212 was isolated from commercial blue-veined cheese and incubated in a medium containing casein. Growth and casein degradation were recognized at the cheese-ripening temperature. Proteolytic activity was found in the intracellular fraction, and the enzyme, which was attached to the cell wall, primarily acted on β-casein. The cytosol contained more than 90% of the total proteolytic activity which was responsible for the degradation of both αs- and β-casein. These results suggest that the contribution of yeast to cheese ripening would depend on the susceptibility to cell lysis in addition to its proteolytic activity.  相似文献   

The kinetics of continuous l-sorbose fermentation using Acetobacter suboxydans with and without cell recycle (100%) were investigated at dilution rates (D) of 0.05, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.3 h–1. The biomass and sorbose concentrations for continuous fermentation without recycle increased as the dilution rate was increased from 0.05 to 0.10 h–1. A maximum biomass concentration of 8.44 g l–1 and sorbose concentration of 176.90 g l–1 were obtained at D=0.10 h–1. The specific rate of sorbose production and volumetric sorbose productivity at this dilution rate were 2.09 g g–1 h–1 and 17.69 g l–1 h–1. However, on further increasing the dilution rate to 0.3 h–1, both biomass and sorbose concentrations decreased to 2.93 and 73.20 g l–1 respectively, mainly due to washout of the reactor contents. However, the specific rate of sorbose formation and volumetric sorbose productivity at this dilution rate increased to 7.49 g g–1 h–1 and 21.96 g l–1 h–1 respectively. Continuous fermentation with 100% cell recycle served to further enhance the concentration of biomass and sorbose to 28.27 and 184.32 g l–1 respectively (in the reactor at a dilution rate of 0.05 h–1). Even though, there was a decline in the biomass and sorbose concentrations to 6.8 and 83.40 g l–1 at a dilution rate of 0.3 h–1, the specific rates of sorbose formation and volumetric sorbose productivity increased to 3.67 g g–1h–1 and 25.02 g l–1 h–1.  相似文献   

Traditional phenotypic methods and commercial kits based on carbohydrate assimilation patterns are unable to consistently distinguish among isolates of Pichia guilliermondii, Debaryomyces hansenii and Candida palmioleophila. As result, these species are often misidentified. In this work, we established a reliable method for the identification/differentiation of these species. Our assay was validated by DNA sequencing of the polymorphic region used in a real-time PCR assay driven by species-specific probes targeted to the fungal ITS 1 region. This assay provides a new tool for pathogen identification and for epidemiological, drug resistance and virulence studies of these organisms.  相似文献   

为提高D-阿拉伯糖醇的产量,研究不同类型表面活性剂对德巴利汉逊酵母(Debaryomyces hansenii)发酵生产D-阿拉伯糖醇的影响。结果表明:阳离子和阴离子表面活性剂对D-阿拉伯糖醇的生成几乎没有影响,部分非离子表面活性剂对D-阿拉伯糖醇的生产有促进作用,其中Trition X-100的影响最为显著。在不同发酵时间加入不同浓度的Trition X-100均对D-阿拉伯糖醇的生产有促进作用,当发酵24 h添加30 g/LTrition X-100时,D-阿拉伯糖醇的产量达到最高(92.9 g/L),相比于对照增加了27.2%。  相似文献   

Kim TB  Lee YJ  Kim P  Kim CS  Oh DK 《Biotechnology letters》2004,26(8):623-627
Long-term cell recycle fermentations of Candida tropicalis were performed over 14 rounds of fermentation. The average xylitol concentrations, fermentation times, volumetric productivities and product yields for 14 rounds were 105 g l–1, 333 h, 4.4 g l–1 h–1 and 78%, respectively, in complex medium; and 110 g l–1, 284 h, 5.4 g l–1 h–1 and 81%, respectively, in a chemically defined medium. These productivities were 1.7 and 2.4 times those with batch fermentation in the complex and chemically defined media, respectively. The xylitol yield from xylose with cell recycle fermentation using the chemically defined medium was 81% (w/w), which was 7% greater than the xylitol yield with batch fermentation (74%); both modes of fermentation gave the same yield using the complex medium. These results suggest that the chemically defined medium is more suitable for production of xylitol than complex medium.  相似文献   

Summary After several improvements in the electronmicroscopical procedure a satisfactory resolution was obtained of the ultrastructural features of the halotolerant yeastDebaryomyces hansenii. An elaborate system of compartmentation structure was revealed. By analysis of serial sections its origin in plasma membrane and extension into the vacuole could be followed.  相似文献   

The effect of hexoses (glucose and galactose) addition to the feed xylose mineral medium of Debaryomyces hansenii chemostat cultures grown at a constant dilution rate of 0.055 h−1 was studied. Xylitol was the major product detected amongst all tested conditions. The maximal values for xylitol yield and volumetric productivity (0.56 gg−1 xylose and 0.21 gl−1h−1, respectively) were obtained for a glucose/xylose feeding ratio of 10%, showing that the addition of small amounts of glucose, but not galactose, enhanced the xylitol production. A xylitol yield increase of 30%, compared with the sole xylose-containing feed medium, was observed. It was found that the oxygen requirement for D. hansenii growth is lower under glucose compared with xylose. Ethanol and glycerol were only produced for glucose/xylose feeding ratio above 30%. The byproducts accumulation was correlated with glucose metabolism, because a direct relationship between the increase of ethanol (and glycerol) concentration and the increase of glucose in the feed medium was found.  相似文献   

Park JK  Jung JY  Park YH 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(24):2055-2059
The addition of 1% (v/v) ethanol to the basal medium inhibited growth of Gluconacetobacter hansenii but decreased the numbers of non-cellulose producing cells. Cellulose production increased 1.7 times to approx. 2.5 g l(-1) and showed a pattern of mixed growth-associated production. Microbial cells produced rigid pellicle-type bacterial cellulose as the shell of a large lump of bacterial cellulose like a static culture. The inoculum cultivated for 3 d maintained cellulose production by the fifth batch.  相似文献   

Batch fermentations for xylitol production were conducted using Candida boidinii (BCRC 21432), C. guilliermondii (BCRC 21549), C. tropicalis (BCRC 20520), C. utilis (BCRC 20334), and P. anomala (BCRC 21359) together with a mixture of sugars simulating lignocellulosic hydrolysates as the carbon source. C. tropicalis had the highest bioconversion yield (YP/S) of 0.79 g g−1 (g xylitol·g xylose−1) over 48 h. Additional fermentations with C. tropicalis achieved YP/S values of 0.6 and 0.39 g g−1 after 96 and 72 h using urea and soybean meal as the nitrogen sources, respectively. Ethanol and arabitol were also produced in all fermentation. Xylitol in the fermentation broth was recovered by cross-flow ultrafiltration. With prior application of 2 mg polydiallyl dimethylammonium chloride l−1 on the membrane surface, protein in the permeate was reduced from 7.1 to 1.5 mg l−1 after 2 h.  相似文献   


A psychrotolerant, halotolerant and alkalophilic yeast was isolated from fermented leaves of Camellia sinensis Kuntze, the tea plant. The yeast strain, named Tea-Y1, was both phenotypically and genotypically identified as belonging to the species Debaryomyces hansenii. This assignment was confirmed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The analysis of growth curves demonstrated the ability this yeast strain to grow in a temperature range between 4°C and 28°C, with an optimum of 23°C. The ecology of this yeast in the C. sinensis phyllosphere, as well as its possible role in tea fermentation and storage, with particular reference to iced tea, are discussed.  相似文献   

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