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A long-lasting fatigue was measured in human biceps muscle, following 40 maximal isokinetic concentric or eccentric contractions of the forearm, as the response to single-shock stimuli every minute for 4 h. This protocol allowed new observations on the early time course of long-lasting fatigue. Concentric contractions induced a novel progressive decline to 30.2% (SE 7.8, n = 7) of control at 23 min with complete recovery by 120 min. Eccentric contractions lead initially to a smaller force reduction of similar time course followed by a slower decline to 40.0% (SE 5.1, n = 7) control at 120 min with recovery less than half complete at 4 h. A 50-Hz test stimuli overcame both fatigues, identifying low-frequency fatigue. EMG recordings from the biceps muscle showed moderate (<20%) changes during the fatigue. A visual-tracking task showed no decrement in performance at the time of maximal fatigue of the single-shock response. Because the eccentric contractions have a similar activation, a larger force, but much smaller metabolic usage than concentric contractions, it is concluded that the initial decline is related to the effects of metabolites, whereas the slower phase after eccentric contractions is associated with higher mechanical stress.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that muscle sound amplitudes would remain constant during sustained submaximal isometric contractions, we recorded acoustic myograms from the abductor digiti minimi muscle in 12 subjects at 15, 25, 50, and 75% of a maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Muscle sounds were detected with an omni-directional electret microphone encased in closed-cell foam and attached to the skin over the muscle. Acoustic amplitudes from the middle and end of the sustained contractions were compared with the amplitudes from the beginning of contractions to determine whether acoustic amplitudes varied in magnitude as force remained constant. Physiological tremor was eliminated from the acoustic signal by use of a Fourier truncation at 14 Hz. The amplitudes of the acoustic signal at a contraction intensity of 75% MVC remained constant, reflecting force production over time. At 50% MVC, the root-mean-square amplitude decreased from the beginning to the end of the contraction (P less than 0.05). Acoustic amplitudes increased over time at 15 and 25% MVC and were significantly higher at the end of the contractions than at the beginning (P less than 0.05). Alterations in the acoustic amplitude, which reflect changes in the lateral vibrations of the muscle, may be indicative of the different recruitment strategies used to maintain force during sustained isometric contractions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate systematically if complementary knowledge could be obtained from the recordings of electromyography (EMG) and mechanomyography (MMG) signals. EMG and MMG activities were recorded from the first dorsal interosseous muscle during slow concentric, isometric, and eccentric contraction at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). The combination of the EMG and MMG recordings during voluntary concentric-isometric-eccentric contraction showed significant different non-linear EMG/force and MMG/force relationships (P<0.001). The EMG root mean square (rms) values increased significantly from 0 to 50% MVC during concentric and isometric contraction and up to 75% MVC during eccentric contraction (P<0.05). The MMG rms values increased significantly from 0 to 50% MVC during concentric contraction (P<0.05). The non-linear relationships depended mainly on the type and the level of contraction together with the angular velocity. Furthermore, the type of contraction, the contraction level, and the angular velocity influenced the electromechanical efficiency evaluated as the MMG to EMG ratio (P<0.05). These results highlight that EMG and MMG provide complementary information about the electrical and mechanical activity of the muscle. Different activation strategies seem to be used during graded isometric and anisometric contraction.  相似文献   

Sandercock, Thomas G., and C. J. Heckman. Doubletpotentiation during eccentric and concentric contractions of cat soleusmuscle. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(4):1219-1228, 1997.The addition of an extra stimulus pulse, ordoublet, at the beginning of a low-frequency train has been shown tosubstantially increase isometric force. This study examined the effectsof muscle movement on this doublet potentiation. The soleus muscles ofanesthetized cats were stimulated at 10 Hz for 1 s, with and without anadded doublet (0.01-s interval). Isovelocity releases reduced but didnot eliminate peak and early doublet potentiation (average 0.0-0.5s after the doublet). Large releases, >0.4 s after the doublet,completely abolished sustained doublet potentiation (average0.5-1.0 s after the doublet). In contrast, early isovelocitystretches boosted peak doublet potentiation. Yet, large stretches laterin the stimulus almost completely eliminated sustained doubletpotentiation. This suggests that a different mechanism is responsiblefor early and sustained doublet potentiations. Because peak and averageinitial doublet potentiation were not strongly affected by movement,doublets still offer a viable control strategy to increase force during movement while minimizing the number of stimulus pulses.


The repeatability of initial value and rate of change of mean spectral frequency (MNF), average rectified values (ARV) and muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) was investigated in the dominant biceps brachii of ten normal subjects during sustained isometric voluntary contractions. Four levels of contraction were studied: 10%, 30%, 50% and 70% of the maximal voluntary contraction level (MVC). Each contraction was repeated three times in each of three different days for a total of nine contractions/level/subject and 90 contractions per level across the ten subjects. Repeatability was investigated using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and the standard error of the mean (SEM) of the estimates for each subject. Contrary to observations in other muscles, CV estimates appeared to be very repeatable both within and between subjects. CV showed a small but significant increase when contraction force increased from 10% to 50% MVC but no change for further increase of force. As force increased, MNF showed a slight decrease possibly related to a wider spreading of the CV values. The rate of time decrement of MNF and CV increased with the level of contraction. The normalized decrement (% of initial value per second) was in general higher for MNF than for CV and was more repeatable between subjects at 10% MVC than at 70% MVC. A final observation is that a resting time of 5 minutes may not be sufficient after a contraction at 50% or 70% MVC.  相似文献   

Torque steadiness and low-frequency fatigue (LFF) were examined in the human triceps brachii after concentric or eccentric fatigue protocols. Healthy young males (n = 17) performed either concentric or eccentric elbow extensor contractions until the eccentric maximal voluntary torque decreased to 75% of pre-fatigue for both (concentric and eccentric) protocols. The number of concentric contractions was greater than the number of eccentric contractions needed to induce the same 25% decrease in eccentric MVC torque (52.2 ± 2.9 vs. 41.5 ± 2.1 for the concentric and eccentric protocols, respectively, p < .01). The extent of peripheral fatigue was ~12% greater after the concentric compared to the eccentric protocol (twitch amplitude), whereas LFF (increase in double pulse torque/single pulse torque), was similar across protocols. Steadiness, or the ability for a subject to hold a submaximal isometric contraction, was ~20 % more impaired during the Ecc protocol (p = .052). Similarly, the EMG activity required to hold the torque steady was nearly 20% greater after the eccentric compared to concentric protocol. These findings support that task dependent eccentric contractions preferentially alter CNS control during a precision based steadiness task.  相似文献   

In contraction of skeletal muscle a delay exists between the onset of electrical activity and measurable tension. This delay in electromechanical coupling has been stated to be between 30 and 100 ms. Thus, in rapid movements it may be possible for electromyographic (EMG) activity to have terminated before force can be detected. This study was designed to determine the dependence of the EMG-tension delay upon selected initial conditions at the time of muscle activation. The right forearms of 14 subjects were passively oscillated by a motor-driven dynamometer through flexion-extension cycles of 135 deg at an angular velocity of approximately equal to 0.5 rad/s. Upon presentation of a visual stimulus the subjects maximally contracted the relaxed elbow flexors during flexion, extension, and under isometric conditions. The muscle length at the time of the stimulus was the same in all three conditions. An on-line computer monitoring surface EMG (Biceps and Brachioradialis) and force calculated the electromechanical delay. The mean value for the delay under eccentric condition, 49.5 ms, was significantly different (p less than 0.05) from the delays during isometric (53.9 ms) and concentric activity (55.5 ms). It is suggested that the time required to stretch the series elastic component (SEC) represents the major portion of the measured delay and that during eccentric muscle activity the SEC is in a more favorable condition for rapid force development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe and examine the variations in recruitment patterns of motor units (MUs) in biceps brachii (BB) through a range of joint motion during dynamic eccentric and concentric contractions. Twelve healthy participants (6 females, 6 males, age = 30 ± 8.5 years) performed concentric and eccentric contractions with constant external loading at different levels. Surface electromyography (EMG) and mechanomyography (MMG) were recorded from BB. The EMGs and MMGs were decomposed into their intensities in time–frequency space using a wavelet technique. The EMG and MMG spectra were then compared using principal component analysis. Variations in total intensity, first principal component (PCI), and the angle θ formed by first component (PCI) and second component (PCII) loading scores were explained in terms of MU recruitment patterns and elbow angles. Elbow angle had a significant effect on dynamic concentric and eccentric contractions. The EMG total intensity was greater for concentric than for eccentric contractions in the present study. MMG total intensity, however, was lower during concentric than during eccentric contractions. In addition, there was no significant difference in θ between concentric and eccentric contractions for both EMG and MMG. Selective recruitment of fast MUs from BB muscle during eccentric muscle contractions was not found in the present study.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the influence of contraction velocity on the eccentric (ECC) and concentric (CON) torque production of the biceps brachii. After performing warm-up procedures, each male subject (n = 11) completed 3 sets of 5 maximal bilateral CON and ECC isokinetic contractions of the biceps at speeds of 90, 180, and 300 degrees x s(-1) on a Biodex System 3 dynamometer. The men received a 3-minute rest between sets and the order of exercises was randomized. Peak torque (Nm) values were obtained for CON and ECC contractions at each speed. Peak torque scores (ECC vs. CON) were compared using a t-test at each speed. A repeated measures analysis of variance was used to determine differences between speeds. ECC peak torque scores were greater than CON peak torque scores at each given speed: 90 degrees x s(-1), p = 0.0001; 180 degrees x s(-1), p = 0.0001; and 300 degrees x s(-1), p = 0.0001. No differences were found between the ECC peak torque scores (p = 0.62) at any of the speeds. Differences were found among the CON scores (p = 0.004). Post hoc analysis revealed differences between 90 degrees x s(-1) (114.61 +/- 23) and 300 degrees x s(-1) (94.17 +/- 18). These data suggest that ECC contractions of the biceps brachii were somewhat resistant to a force decrement as the result of an increase in velocity, whereas CON muscular actions of the biceps brachii were unable to maintain force as velocity increased.  相似文献   

Maximal and submaximal activation level of the right knee-extensor muscle group were studied during isometric and slow isokinetic muscular contractions in eight male subjects. The activation level was quantified by means of the twitch interpolation technique. A single electrical impulse was delivered, whatever the contraction mode, on the femoral nerve at a constant 50 degrees knee flexion (0 degrees = full extension). Concentric, eccentric (both at 20 degrees /s velocity), and isometric voluntary activation levels were then calculated. The mean activation levels during maximal eccentric and maximal concentric contractions were 88.3 and 89.7%, respectively, and were significantly lower (P < 0.05) with respect to maximal isometric contractions (95.2%). The relationship between voluntary activation levels and submaximal torques was linearly fitted (P < 0.01): comparison of slopes indicated lower activation levels during submaximal eccentric compared with isometric or concentric contractions. It is concluded that reduced neural drive is present during 20 degrees /s maximal concentric and both maximal and submaximal eccentric contractions. These results indicate a voluntary activation dependency on both tension levels and type of muscular actions in the human knee-extensor muscle group.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the mechanomyography (MMG) and electromyography (EMG) amplitude and mean power frequency (MPF) vs. eccentric isokinetic torque relationships for the biceps brachii muscle. Nine adults (mean +/- SD age = 23.1 +/- 2.9 years) performed submaximal to maximal eccentric isokinetic muscle actions of the dominant forearm flexors. After determination of isokinetic peak torque (PT), the subjects randomly performed submaximal step muscle actions in 10% increments from 10 to 90% PT. Polynomial regression analyses indicated that the MMG amplitude vs. eccentric isokinetic torque relationship was best fit with a quadratic model (R(2) = 0.951), where MMG amplitude increased from 10 to 60% PT and then plateaued from 60 to 100% PT. There were linear increases in MMG MPF (r(2) = 0.751) and EMG amplitude (r(2) = 0.988) with increases in eccentric isokinetic torque, but there was no significant change in EMG MPF from 10 to 100% PT. The results suggested that for the biceps brachii, eccentric isokinetic torque was increased to approximately 60% PT through concurrent modulation of the number of active motor units and their firing rates, whereas additional torque above 60% PT was produced only by increases in firing rates. These findings contribute to current knowledge of motor-control strategies during eccentric isokinetic muscle actions and could be useful in the design of training programs.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to validate the capability of new fatigue indexes (in the time and frequency domain) applied to experimental recordings and thus, to test some assumptions made in previous simulations. The indexes were applied to M-waves detected non-invasively from human m.biceps brachii during repetitive slightly above threshold stimulations. It was found that distance between the motor point and middle of the end-plate region could be relatively large. Under identical conditions (signals detected by monopolar electrodes and high-pass filtered at 1 Hz), the relative changes of the indexes obtained in electrophysiological experiments and simulations were similar. Changes of the intracellular action potential profile during fatigue used in the simulations were consequently supposed to be close to the actual ones for the muscle analyzed. When the high-pass cut-off frequency was higher than 1 Hz, the sensitivity of the index in the time domain was higher, while that in the frequency domain was lower. If the normalizing spectral moment was of higher order, the sensitivity of the spectral index could be even 150-times greater than that of the fatigue indexes traditionally used. Thus, the spectral index promises high capability to assess fatigue during functional electrical stimulation.  相似文献   

PurposeThis study investigated neuromuscular fatigue following high versus low-intensity eccentric exercise corresponding to the same amount of work.MethodsTen volunteers performed two eccentric exercises of the elbow flexors: a high-intensity versus a low-intensity exercise. Maximal voluntary contraction torque and surface electromyography of the biceps brachii muscle were recorded before, immediately and 48 h after exercises. Maximal voluntary activation level, neural (M-wave) and contractile (muscular twitch) properties of the biceps brachii muscle were analysed using electrical stimulation techniques.ResultsMaximal voluntary contraction torque was significantly (P < 0.01) reduced immediately and 48 h after exercise but the reduction was not different between the two conditions. Electromyography associated with maximal voluntary contraction significantly decreased (P < 0.05) immediately and 48 h after exercise for both conditions while maximal voluntary activation level was only significantly reduced immediately after the high-intensity exercise. Peak twitch alterations were observed immediately and 48 h after exercise for both conditions while M-wave did not change.ConclusionHigh and low-intensity eccentric exercises with the same amount of work induced the same reduction in maximal strength capacities of the biceps brachii muscles. The magnitude of peripheral and central fatigue was very similar in both conditions.  相似文献   

Acoustic myography for investigating human skeletal muscle fatigue.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sounds produced during voluntary isometric contractions of the quadriceps muscle were studied by acoustic myography (AMG) in five healthy adults. With the subject seated, isometric force, surface electromyography (EMG), and AMG were recorded over rectus femoris, and the EMG and AMG signals were integrated (IEMG and IAMG). Contractions lasting 5 s each were performed at 10, 25, 50, 60, 75, and 100% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) force. Fatigue was then induced by repeated voluntary contractions (10 s on, 10 s off) at 75% MVC until only 40% MVC could be sustained. After 15 min of rest, the different force levels were again tested in relation to the fresh MVC. Both before and after fatiguing activity the relationships between force and IEMG [r = 0.99 +/- 0.01 (SD), n = 10] and force and IAMG (r = 0.98 +/- 0.02) were linear. After activity, however, the slopes of the regression lines for force and IEMG increased (P less than 0.01) but those for force and IAMG remained the same (P greater than 0.05). The present results clarify the relationship between AMG and isometric force in fatigued muscle without the problem of fatigue-induced tremor, which hampered previous studies of prolonged activity. This study contributes to the validation of AMG and shows that it is a potentially useful method for noninvasive assessment of force production and fatigue. Further studies to establish the origin of AMG activity are required before AMG can be accepted for use in neuromuscular physiology or rehabilitation.  相似文献   

In surface electromyography (sEMG), the distribution of motor unit potential (MUP) velocities has been shown to reflect the proportion of faster and slower propagating MUPs. This study investigated whether the distribution of MUP velocities could distinguish between sprinters and endurance athletes in not-specifically trained muscle (biceps brachii). sEMG results were acquired from 15 sprinters and 18 endurance athletes during short static contractions (3.8 s) at three force levels: unloaded, 10% and 20% of maximum voluntary contraction. The features extracted from the sEMG were: the mean muscle conduction velocity (CV) – estimated using the inter-peak latency and the cross-correlation methods, the within-subject skewness of MUP velocities (expressing the relative proportions of faster and slower propagating MUPs), and the within-subject standard deviation of MUP velocities. Sprinters had a higher CV than endurance athletes using both methods. Sprinters also demonstrated a greater proportion of fast propagating MUPs, as indicated by the skewness. Thus, the distribution of MUP velocities was able to demonstrate physiological differences between sprinters and endurance athletes during short contractions at low forces. The findings can be extrapolated to the motor unit level. Since the investigated muscle was not involved in specific training, the differences seem to reflect inherited properties.  相似文献   

连续递增负荷条件下肌肉活动的力-电关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察非疲劳状态下肱二头肌在静态连续递增负荷下sEMG信号的线性和非线性指标变化规律,探讨非疲劳状态下肌肉活动的力-电关系。方法:记录11名男性受试者肱二头肌在完成为时5s连续递增负荷等长收缩过程中的sEMG信号,观察线性分析指标AEMG、MPF、MF与非线性分析指标C(N)和DET%的变化规律。结果:AEMG由第1s的112.14μV逐渐上升到第5s的1277.18μV,与负荷水平呈明显线性相关;DET%从第1s的74.95下降到第5s的46.78,呈单调递减变化;MPF、MF和C(N)在本试验条件下未发生明显改变。结论:在连续递增收缩过程中,线性分析指标AEMG呈线性递增性变化,而MPF和MF无显著改变;非线性分析指标DET%随用力程度的连续递增而递减,而C(N)则保持相对稳定。  相似文献   

Aim. The purpose of this study was to determine the neuromuscular fatigue profiles during 100 s isometric (ISO), concentric (CON), and eccentric (ECC) activity.

Methods. Twelve subjects (age 25.1±3.7 years, mass 70.1±8.2 kg, mean±SD) performed ISO, CON and ECC maximal voluntary contractions and 100 s endurance trials on an isokinetic dynamometer. Raw EMG data were recorded throughout each trial from the rectus femoris of the right limb. Corresponding data for integrated electromyography (IEMG), percentile frequency shifts (MPFS) and peak torque output were divided into five 5 s epochs and subsequently normalised with the first epoch being the reference point, in order to assess changes over time.

Results. There were no significant differences between ECC, CON and ISO peak torque output (211±63 vs 169±41 vs 177±61 Nm; ECC, CON, ISO) and IEMG activity (280±143 vs 305±146 vs 287±143 mV; ECC, CON, ISO) during maximal contractions. Serial reductions in torque output were greatest in ISO in which torque output during the final epoch was 31±13% of initial values, similar to the final torque values in CON (58±15%), but significantly less than ECC (108.6±38.6%; P<0.001) values. In CON and ECC, IEMG was maintained (95±27% and 93±21%; CON and ECC), whereas IEMG for ISO decreased to 38±13% of initial values. The greatest reduction in MPFS occurred in CON (69±10%) compared to ISO (78±9%; P<0.05) and ECC (93±6%; P<0.001).

Conclusion. These data demonstrate distinct neuromuscular fatigue profiles for the different types of muscle contraction. Whereas eccentric activity was largely fatigue resistant, isometric and concentric contractions displayed different neuromuscular fatigue profiles.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of an acute static stretching bout of the biceps brachii on torque, electromyography (EMG), and mechanomyography (MMG) during concentric isokinetic muscle actions. Eighteen (men, n = 10; women, n = 8) adult subjects (M +/- SD age = 22.7 +/- 2.8 years; weight = 78.0 +/- 17.0 kg; height = 177.9 +/- 11.0 cm) performed maximal isokinetic (30 and 270 degrees.s(-1)) forearm flexion strength testing on 2 occasions while EMG and MMG were recorded. Subjects were randomly assigned to stretching (STR) or nonstretching (NSTR) protocols before strength testing. Two-way ANOVAs with repeated measures revealed significantly (p < or = 0.05) greater torque for NSTR (M +/- SEM = 36.9 +/- 3.3 N.m) vs. STR (35.2 +/- 3.3 N.m), significantly greater MMG amplitude for STR vs. NSTR for 30 degrees.s(-1) (STR = 93.5 +/- 14.4 mV; NSTR = 63.1 +/- 10.6 mV) and 270 degrees.s(-1) (STR = 207.6 +/- 35.6 mV; NSTR = 136.4 +/- 31.7 mV), and no difference in EMG amplitude. These results indicate that a greater ability to produce torque without prior stretching is related to the musculotendinous stiffness of the muscle rather than the number of motor units activated. This suggests that performing activities that reduce muscle stiffness (such as stretching), may be detrimental to performance.  相似文献   

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