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This study documented temporal variation in the abundance of butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae) at Trunk Reef, on the central Great Barrier Reef, Australia, from May 2000 to March 2005. During this period, live coral cover declined by >90%, mostly due to severe coral bleaching. There were no short-term changes (within 4 months) in the abundance of butterflyfishes following initial declines in live coral cover. Surveys conducted in 2005, however, revealed significant declines in the abundance of Chaetodon baronessa , Chaetodon lunulatus , Chaetodon trifascialis, Chaetodon plebeius and Chaetodon rainfordi , all of which are obligate hard-coral feeders. In contrast, there was no significant change in the abundance of Chaetodon auriga , Chaetodon aureofasciatus , Chaetodon citrinellus , Chaetodon melannotus or Chaetodon vagabundus , which are much less reliant on scleractinian coral for food. Clearly, extensive coral depletion, such as that caused by severe coral bleaching, can have a major effect on the abundance of butterflyfishes. Specific responses of butterflyfishes varied according to their reliance on hard corals for food and their ability to utilize alternate prey types.  相似文献   

This study examined within‐reef distributions for 19 species of butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae) at Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia, and compared spatial patterns of abundance among species with contrasting diets. Spatial variation in abundance of butterflyfishes was most prominent among physiognomic reef zones mainly due to significant zonation of eight species, including four obligate hard‐coral feeders (Chaetodon trifascialis, Chaetodon baronessa, Chaetodon plebeius and Chaetodon lunulatus) and four generalist species (Chaetodon auriga, Chaetodon citrinellus, Chaetodon kleinii and Chaetodon rafflesi). Distributions of obligate hard‐coral feeders were closely associated with spatial variation in percentage cover of scleractinian corals, but no more restricted compared with facultative hard‐coral feeders or non‐coral feeders. Species with highest dietary specialization (C. trifascialis and C. baronessa), however, exhibited the most pronounced zonation patterns and were restricted to habitats with greatest abundance of their preferred prey. While there are conspicuous links between dietary specialization v. spatial patterns in abundance of butterflyfishes, it remains unclear whether dietary specialization is the cause or consequence of more restricted distributions.  相似文献   

This study examined the dietary habits and functional composition of butterflyfishes in the Chagos Archipelago, central Indian Ocean. Eighteen species of butterflyfishes were recorded in Chagos, including six obligate corallivores (Chaetodon bennetti, Chaetodon guttatissimus, Chaetodon meyeri, Chaetodon trifascialis, Chaetodon trifasciatus and Chaetodon zanzibarensis), five facultative corallivores (Chaetodon auriga, Chaetodon falcula, Chaetodon interruptus, Chaetodon kleinii and Chaetodon madagaskariensis), two non‐corallivores (Chaetodon lunula and Chaetodon xanthocephalus) and a further five species (Chaetodon citrinellus, Chaetodon lineolatus, Heimitaurichthys zoster, Heniochus monoceros and Forcipiger flavissimus), for which local dietary habits were not studied. There were marked differences in the abundance of butterflyfishes among sites and between reef zones, mostly associated with variation in abundance of scleractinian corals. Obligate coral‐feeding species (mostly C. trifascialis) dominated across all sites. This study suggests that coral feeding and high levels of dietary specialization contribute to high population‐level fitness among coral reef butterflyfishes. Despite being more vulnerable to habitat disturbances and coral loss, it appears likely that specialist coral‐feeding butterflyfishes are also much more resilient to occasional disturbances, and therefore dominate in a wide range of coral reef habitats.  相似文献   

Food habits of fishes in azostera marina bed at aburatsubo, central japan   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
To clarify the feeding habits of seagrass fishes, the gut contents of 31 fish species collected in aZostera marina bed at Aburatsubo central Japan, were examined. Ontogenetic changes in food preference were recognized in 12 species. In general, juveniles of the latter preyed mainly on small crustaceans (e.g., gammaridean amphipods) or planktonic animals (e.g., calanoid and cyclopoid copepods), subsequently changing to other prey items (e.g., hard-shelled animals) with growth. Cluster analysis based on dietary overlaps showed that the seagrass fish assemblage comprised seven feeding guilds (small-crustacean, planktonic-animal, large-crustacean, polychaete, fish, hard-shelled mollusc and detritus feeders). Of these, small-crustacean feeders and planktonic-animal feeders were the most abundantly represented, including juveniles of several species, which, when adult, transferred to other feeding guilds. On the other hand detritivores were represented by a single species.  相似文献   

Localised patterns of resource use can be constrained by multiple factors. Comparison of resource use at multiple locations with differing resource availability can allow fundamental specialists to be distinguished from species that simply feed predominantly on prey types that are locally abundant. This study investigates geographic variation in the feeding ecology of coral‐feeding butterflyfishes to examine whether patterns of resource use and levels of dietary specialisation vary among distinct locations, corresponding with changes in resource availability. Our specific aims were to investigate whether the dietary niche breadth of four butterflyfishes varies among five geographically separated locations and assess whether each species utilises similar resources in each location. Resource availability and dietary composition of four butterflyfishes were quantified at three sites across each of five geographic locations throughout the Pacific. Niche breadth, niche overlap, and resource selection functions were calculated for each species at each site and compared among locations. Availability of dietary resources varied significantly among locations and sites. Chaetodon vagabundus, C. citrinellus and C. lunulatus had low levels of dietary specialisation and used different resources in each location. Chaetodon trifascialis had high levels of dietary specialisation and used the same few resources in each location. Our results indicate that relative levels of dietary specialisation among different butterflyfishes do hold at larger spatial scales, however, geographical variation in the dietary composition of all butterflyfishes indicates that prey availability has a fundamental influence on dietary composition. Highly specialised species such as C. trifascialis will be highly vulnerable to coral loss as they appear to be largely inflexible in their dietary composition. However, the increased feeding plasticity observed here for C. trifascialis suggests this species may have a greater capacity to respond to coral loss than previously assumed.  相似文献   

Synopsis Stomach content data from 32 species of Japanese butterflyfishes of the family Chaetodontidae were used to classify them into feeding groups and to determine their important food resources. Four major feeding groups were distinguished: (1) obligative coral feeders which prey exclusively or mostly on Scleractinian corals, (2) facultative coral feeders that take both corals and other benthic organisms, (3) noncoralline invertebrate feeders which consume benthic invertebrates other than corals, and (4) zooplankton feeders. Ten species representing 31% of the butterflyfishes belong to the first category. The second and third categories include 13 (41%) and 8 (25%) species, respectively. The fourth category is represented by only one species which picks individual zooplankters, especially calanoid copepods, in midwater above the reefs. Facultative coral feeders consumed varying quantities of scleractinians (from 2 to 74% of food volume), along with a variety of benthic organisms including algae, alcyonarians, sea anemones, sedentary polychaetes, sponges, hydroids, etc. Noncoralline invertebrate feeders, on the other hand, tend to have low diversified diets, predominated by one prey item such as sea anemones, zoanthideans, polychaetes, or colonial ascidians. These dietary data suggest that scleractinian corals are the most important food resource for the Japanese butterflyfishes, and next important are sea anemones, sedentary polychaetes, alcyonarians, and algae.  相似文献   

To clarify the feeding habits of reed fishes, the gut contents of 13 fish species collected in a Phragmites australis belt in Lake Shinji were examined. Six species showed ontogenetic and/or seasonal changes in food use patterns. Smaller individuals generally preyed on small planktonic items (e.g., calanoid and cyclopoid copepods) or small crustaceans (gammaridean amphipods), subsequently changing to other prey items (e.g., mysids and filamentous algae) with growth. The most important dietary items for the reed fish assemblage comprised planktonic copepods, gammaridean amphipods and mysids. However, the relative importance of these changed seasonally, gammaridean amphipods being the most important in autumn and winter, and planktonic copepods and mysids the most important in spring and in summer. Cluster analysis based on dietary overlaps showed that the reed fish assemblage comprised five feeding guilds (planktonic-copepod, mysid, gammaridean-amphipod, filamentous-algae, and detritus feeders). Of these, the three former guilds were the most abundantly represented, whereas detritivores were represented by a single species.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that corallivorous fishes may be vectors for coral disease, but the extent to which fishes actually feed on and thereby potentially transmit coral pathogens is largely unknown. For this study, in situ video observations were used to assess the level to which fishes fed on diseased coral tissues at Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef. Surveys conducted at multiple locations around Lizard Island revealed that coral disease prevalence, especially of brown band disease (BrB), was higher in lagoon and backreef locations than in exposed reef crests. Accordingly, video cameras were deployed in lagoon and backreef habitats to record feeding by fishes during 1-h periods on diseased sections of each of 44 different coral colonies. Twenty-five species from five fish families (Blennidae, Chaetodontidae, Gobiidae, Labridae and Pomacentridae) were observed to feed on infected coral tissues of staghorn species of Acropora that were naturally infected with black band disease (BBD) or brown band disease (BrB). Collectively, these fishes took an average of 18.6 (±5.6 SE) and 14.3 (±6.1 SE) bites per hour from BBD and BrB lesions, respectively. More than 40% (408/948 bites) and nearly 25% (314/1319 bites) of bites were observed on lesions associated with BBD and BrB, respectively, despite these bands each representing only about 1% of the substratum available. Moreover, many corallivorous fishes (Labrichthys unilineatus, Chaetodon aureofasciatus, C. baronessa, C. lunulatus, C. trifascialis, Cheiloprion labiatus) selectively targeted disease lesions over adjacent healthy coral tissues. These findings highlight the important role that reef fishes may play in the dynamics of coral diseases, either as vectors for the spread of coral disease or in reducing coral disease progression through intensive and selective consumption of diseased coral tissues.  相似文献   

Endemic species are assumed to have a high risk of extinction because their restricted geographic range is often associated with low abundance and high ecological specialization. This study examines the abundance of Chaetodon butterflyfishes at Lord Howe Island in the south‐west Pacific, and compares interspecific differences in local abundance to the feeding behavior and geographic range of these species. Contrary to expected correlations between abundance and geographic range, the single most abundant species of butterflyfish was Chaetodon tricinctus, which is endemic to Lord Howe Island and adjacent reefs; densities of C. tricinctus (14.1 ± 2.1 SE fish per 200m2) were >3 times higher than the next most abundant butterflyfish (Chaetodon melannotus), and even more abundant than many other geographically widespread species. Dietary breadth for the five dominant butterflyfishes at Lord Howe Island was weakly and generally negative correlated with abundance. The endemic C. tricinctus was a distinct outlier in this relationship, though our extensive feeding observations suggest some issues with the measurements of dietary breadth for this species. Field observations revealed that all bites taken on benthic substrates by C. tricinctus were from scleractinian corals, but adults rarely, if ever, took bites from the benthos, suggesting that they may be feeding nocturnally and/or using mid‐water prey, such as plankton. Alternatively, the energetic demands of C. tricinctus may be fundamentally different to other coral‐feeding butterflyfishes. Neither dietary specialization nor geographic range accounts for interspecific variation in abundance of coral reef butterflyfishes at Lord Howe Island, while much more work on the foraging behavior and population dynamics of C. tricinctus will be required to understand its’ abundance at this location.  相似文献   

Obligate coral feeders such as many members of the Chaetodontidae family (also known as butterflyfish) often show strong preferences for particular coral species. This is thought to have evolved through natural selection as an energy-maximising strategy. Although some species remain as highly specialised feeders throughout their lifetime, many corallivores show a degree of dietary versatility when food abundance is limited; a strategy described by the optimal foraging theory. This study aimed to examine if, within-reef differences in the feeding regime and territory size of the Triangle Butterflyfish Chaetodon triangulum occurred, as a function of resource availability. Results showed that the dietary specialisation of C. triangulum was significant in both areas of low and high coral cover (χL22 = 2.52 x 102, P<0.001 and χL22 = 3.78 x 102, P<0.001 respectively). Resource selection functions (RSFs), calculated for the two main sites of contrasting coral assemblage, showed that in the resource-rich environments, only two Genera (Acropora and Pocillopora) were preferentially selected for, with the majority of other corals being actively ‘avoided’. Conversely, in territories of lower coral coverage, C. triangulum was being less selective in its prey choice and consuming corals in a more even distribution with respect to their availability. Interestingly, coral cover appeared to show no significant effect on feeding rate, however it was a primary determinant of territory size. The findings of the study agree with the predictions of the optimal foraging theory, in that where food supply is scarce, dietary specialisation is minimised and territory size increased. This results in maximising energy intake. This study represents the first scientific evidence that C. triangulum is an obligate corallivore and, as with many other butterflyfish, is therefore dependent on healthy scleractinian corals for survival.  相似文献   

Synopsis Ontogenetic dietary shifts are well studied in fishes. However, these shifts are rarely correlated with habitat and morphology. This study investigates: (1) ontogenetic dietary changes in mullet; and if dietary shifts do occur (2) whether they are correlated with feeding location, feeding behavior and/or feeding morphology. Stomach contents from eight size classes, each with 25 individuals, were analyzed using a gravimetric sieve fractionation procedure, Czechanowski's Quantitative Index and cluster analysis. Core samples (5 mm deep) were also analyzed in the same manner. Morphological characters were measured to detect differences among the size classes. Cluster analysis showed three distinct trophic units for Mugil cephalus in Cross Bayou: (1) 20.0 mm standard length — 30.0 mm SL; (2) 30.0 mm SL — 40.0 mm SL; and (3) 40.0 mm SL — > 100 mm SL. Comparison of the gut contents to the sediment contents for each size class showed an increase in similarity as the fish grew. Mullet gut contents from fish 20–25 mm SL were only 45% similar based on the weights of the prey items to the sediment subsample prey items, while stomach contents from fish > 100 mm SL were 84% similar to the sediment subsample contents. Gill raker length and interraker spacing of four gill arches were allometric with respect to standard length. Prey particle size within size classes appeared to be more correlated with feeding behavior than gill interraker spacing because smaller particles than predicted by the interraker spacing were ingested. It is suggested that smaller fish may be browsing more selectively than larger fish which graze.  相似文献   

Synopsis Stomach content data from 281 tiger sharks caught during shark control programs in Hawaii between 1967 and 1969, and during 1976 were analyzed to examine feeding habits and ontogenetic shifts in diet. As sharks increased in size, prey diversity and frequency of occurrence of large prey items increased. The percent occurrence of teleosts and cephalopods in stomachs decreased as sharks increased in length, while occurrence of elasmobranchs, turtles, land mammals, crustaceans, and undigestible items increased. Comparisons between the diets of tiger sharks from Hawaii and other locations indicate that ontogenetic shifts are universal in this species and that tiger sharks may be opportunistic feeders that prey heavily on abundant, easy to capture prey. Small tiger sharks may be spatially segregated from medium and large sharks and appear to be primarily nocturnal, bottom feeders. Large tiger sharks feed near the bottom at night, but also feed at the surface during the day. Prey, similar in size to humans, begin to occur in the diet of tiger sharks approximately 230 cm TL, and therefore sharks of this size and larger may pose the greatest threat to humans. Ontogenetic shifts in diet may be attributed to increased size of sharks, expanded range and exploitation of habitats of larger sharks, and/or improved hunting skill of larger sharks.Deceased 1974  相似文献   

The diet and feeding relationships of the 12 most abundant benthic and demersal fish species of the Mondego Estuary, Portugal, were studied between June 2003 and May 2006. Fishes were caught during the night using a 2 m beam trawl. The stomach contents were analysed for prey identification, counting and weighing. According to prey importance in diets, three main feeding guilds were identified: (1) invertebrate feeders, (2) invertebrate and fish feeders and (3) plankton and invertebrate feeders. Besides these main feeding guilds, some fishes also presented fractions of algae and zooplankton in their stomach contents. The most abundant prey items were macroinvertebrates, with several polychaetes ( Nephtys spp., Capitellidae, Spionidae and Eunicidae), Corophium spp. and Crangon crangon among the dominant prey. Pomatoschistus spp. were the most preyed on fishes. Several fish species showed a tendency for a specialized diet, but almost all also showed some degree of opportunistic feeding by preying on other food resources. High diet overlap was found between some fish species, yet exploitative competition could not be concluded.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence indicates that both niche breadth and resource availability are key drivers of a species' local abundance patterns. However, most studies have considered the influence of either niche breath or resource availability in isolation, while it is the interactive effects that are likely to influence local abundance. We examined geographic variation in the feeding ecology and distribution of coral-feeding butterflyfish to determine the influence of dietary specialization and dietary resource availability on their local abundance. Dietary composition and abundance of five butterflyfish and coral dietary resource availability were determined at 45 sites across five locations (Lizard Island and Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef; Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea; Noumea, New Caledonia; and Moorea, French Polynesia). Multiple regression models using variables representative of total dietary resource availability, availability of specific dietary resources, and interspecific competition were used to determine the best predictors of local abundance across all sites and locations for each species. Factors influencing local abundance varied between butterflyfish with specialized and generalized diets. Dietary resource availability had the strongest influence on the abundance of Chaetodon trifascialis-the most specialized species. Local abundance of C. trifascialis was best predicted by availability of the Acropora corals that it preferentially feeds on. In contrast, abundance of generalist butterflyfish was poorly described by variation in availability of specific resources. Rather, indices of total dietary resource availability best predicted their abundance. Overall, multiple regression models only explained a small proportion of the variation in local abundance for all five species. Despite their relatively specialized diets, dietary resource availability has limited influence on the local abundance of butterflyfish. Only the most specialized species appear to be consistently limited by prey availability. Local and total abundance of species are influenced by a wide range of different factors and there is definite need to conduct independent species assessments.  相似文献   

Several mechanisms of fish ontogenetic dietary shifts, which have important ecological implications, have been proposed. We studied the mechanism of dietary shifts of a benthophagous fish Goniistius zonatus, focusing on the effect of foraging on calcareous algal mat, one of its main feeding substrates, through comparison between two local populations (Morode and Arakashi) with different feeding ecology. The studied fish (11-29 cm SL) fed on various kinds of small invertebrates inhabiting the substrates, using a suctorial feeding mode without visual discrimination towards individual prey. At Morode, gut contents of small fish consisted of more epifaunal and less infaunal organisms than those of large fish, that is, mainly small crustaceans in small fish, and many invertebrates other than crustaceans in large fish. By contrast, at Arakashi, gut contents consisted mostly of epifaunal crustaceans regardless of fish size, i.e., fish showing no dietary shifts. At Morode, G. zonatus took foods mostly from thick calcareous algal mat, whereas fish foraged mainly on thin algal mat and bare rocks at Arakashi, the difference being due to the local differences in the substrate component. The algal mat of Morode harbored much larger amount of infaunal animals than any substrates of Arakashi. At Morode, large fish more forcefully and deeply thrust the mouth into thick algal mat than small fish, and was likely to suck up more infaunal prey using great suctorial force. The comparison clearly indicates that the dietary shifts of G. zonatus at Morode resulted from size-related efficiency in straining foods from heterogeneous micro-topography of thick algal mat.  相似文献   

Analysis of 1,063 stomach contents from 39 species of sea snakesindicates that about one-third of the shallow, warm, marine,Indo-Australian fish families are preyed upon by sea snakes.Families of eels and gobies are taken by the greatest numbersof snake species. Most species of sea snakes feed on fish familieswhose members are relatively sedentary, dwelling along the bottom,within burrows or reef crevices. With one exception, a fishegg-eating specialization found uniquely in the Aipysurus-Emydocephaluslineage, the dietary habits of sea snakes cannot be categorizedaccording to the snakes' three phylogenetic lineages. Eels,mullet-like, rabbitfish-like and goby-like fish forms are takenby all three lineages. Two or three snake species are generalists,and numerous ones specialize on eels, goby-like fish or catfish.There are differences among sea snake species in the relationshipbetween snake neck girth and the maximum diameter of the prey;in the relationships of both snake gape measurements and fanglength, to the type of prey taken; and in the relationship ofsnake shape and body proportions to the prey selected. Severalmodes of feeding have been observed among sea snakes: feedingin nooks and crannies in the bottom or in reefs, cruising nearthe bottom, and feeding in drift lines. Analysis of percentdigestion of stomach contents and projections backward to thetimes of prey capture provides evidence for feeding periodicity.The greatest amount of diet overlap is for two species of seasnakes which do not both occur at the same locality. Where speciesdo co-occur, diet overlap index values are lower. The numbersof species present as well as their relative abundances varyamong localities as does the relative importance of generalists,eel-eaters, egg-eaters and other specialized feeders.  相似文献   

Multivariate analyses of the diet relationships within fish assemblages resulted in the recognition of five major feeding guilds in shallow (0-9 m) rocky- and soft-bottom habitats on the Swedish west coast. The two habitats had similar guilds that could be broadly described as piscivores, decapod feeders, copepod feeders and amphipod and mollusc feeders. The last guild on the rocky bottom was more strictly one of amphipod feeders, whereas the last guild on soft bottoms consisted of infauna feeders (mainly polychaetes and bivalves). A comparison of the diet of the entire fish assemblages showed that amphipods and gastropods were more prevalent as prey taxa on rocky bottoms, whereas bivalves and teleosts were more common on soft bottoms. A large proportion (12 out of 27 species) of the fish species investigated was found in both habitats. These fish species generally seemed to rely on the same major prey groups in the two habitats, but also included prey taxa characteristic for the habitat in which they resided. Sea trout Salmo trutta , mackerel Scombrus scombrus , saithe Pollachius virens , whiting Merlangius merlangus and cod Gadus morhua were found to be the major piscivores in both the investigated habitats. Herring Clupea harengus and members of the family gobiidae were the most prevalent prey species for piscivores within the rocky- as well as the soft-bottom fish assemblage. A comparison of feeding modes suggested that the fish assemblage on rocky bottoms predominantly (60% of the food items) relied on food found in vegetation. On soft bottoms, the average distribution of food categories among fish species was 44% benthic, 35% pelagic and 21% vegetation-associated food items.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the gastric evacuation rate ( R ) and gut contents of a wild population of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss feeding on natural prey at four water temperatures (2, 7, 9 and 12° C) were measured. The R and mass of the gut contents increased with water temperature, and prey items changed seasonally. These results suggest that the R of fish feeding on natural food depends primarily on water temperature, with their consumed prey being a secondary factor.  相似文献   

The effects of bottom trawling on benthic invertebrates include reductions of biomass, diversity and body size. These changes may negatively affect prey availability for demersal fishes, potentially leading to reduced food intake, body condition and yield of fishes in chronically trawled areas. Here, the effect of trawling on the prey availability and diet of two commercially important flatfish species, plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) and dab (Limanda limanda), was investigated over a trawling intensity gradient in the Irish Sea. Previous work in this area has shown that trawling negatively affects the condition of plaice but not of dab. This study showed that reductions in local prey availability did not result in reduced feeding of fish. As trawling frequency increased, both fish and prey biomass declined, such that the ratio of fish to prey remained unchanged. Consequently, even at frequently trawled sites with low prey biomass, both plaice and dab maintained constant levels of stomach fullness and gut energy contents. However, dietary shifts in plaice towards energy-poor prey items were evident when prey species were analysed individually. This, together with a potential decrease in foraging efficiency due to low prey densities, was seen as the most plausible cause for the reduced body condition observed. Understanding the relationship between trawling, benthic impacts, fish foraging and resultant body condition is an important step in designing successful mitigation measures for future management strategies in bottom trawl fisheries.  相似文献   

Scavenging activity of predators inhabiting agroecosystems has not been thoroughly investigated. Understanding the prevalence of necrophagy in predators is paramount to determining the effectiveness of biological control agents. A molecular predator gut content assay is described that can differentiate necrophagy from viviphagy. Cadaver sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and green lacewing, Chrysoperla rufilabris Burmeister (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) serving as targeted prey items were marked with rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG) protein and live prey items were marked with chicken IgG, respectively. The marked prey items were fed to convergent lady beetles, Hippodamia convergens Guérin-Méneville (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and soft-winged flower beetles, Collops vittatus (Say) (Coleoptera: Melyridae). The frequency of detection of the protein-marked prey items in the gut of the predaceous beetles was assessed at 0, 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h after feeding using a rabbit-IgG-specific or chicken-IgG-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Each IgG-specific ELISA detected the presence of the marker proteins in the gut of 90 % of the predators up to 12 h after prey consumption. A laboratory feeding study was also conducted to determine the propensity that each predator species engages in viviphagy and necrophagy. The laboratory feeding observations revealed that C. vittatus prefer carrion prey items. Finally, the laboratory observations of necrophagy were confirmed in a field study where C. vittatus was observed, directly and indirectly, feeding on H. convergens carcasses. The methodologies described here are useful for future studies on various aspects of insect predation.  相似文献   

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