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The interaction between phytochrome photoequilibrium () and photon flux in the photoregulation of anthocyanin production under prolonged irradiation was studied in seedlings of Brassica oleracea L. and Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. In cabbage, anthocyanin production increases with decreasing , reaching a maximum at the lowest value ( = 0.13) used in this study; in tomato, the extent of the response is higher at intermediate values, reaching a maximum at = 0.46. In cabbage, the response increases with increasing photon flux at all values; however, the response to changes in photon flux is minimal at = 0.85, and, at = 0.13, minimal at photon fluxes higher than 5 micromolar per square meter per second. In tomato, the response increases with increasing photon flux at = 0.46, 0.65, and 0.85, the response to changes in photon fluxes being minimal at = 0.85; at = 0.13 and 0.29 the response first increases (significantly at = 0.29 and minimally at = 0.13) and then decreases with increasing photon fluxes, the transition occurring at about 1 micromolar per square meter per second at = 0.13, and at 5 micromolar per square meter per second at = 0.29. The patterns of light quality-quantity interaction in the photoregulation of anthocyanin production are significantly different in cabbage and tomato and are also significantly different than those observed for other photomorphogenic responses to prolonged irradiations.  相似文献   

The involvement of photomorphogenic photoreceptors in anthocyaninsynthesis was investigated in apple fruits under UV light from280 to 320 nm (UV-B) and red light (R). Short-term R treatmentwas ineffective in the induction of anthocyanin synthesis butthe involvement of phytochrome was indicated by the resultsof long-term irradiation (18 h) with R. The inductive effectof 18 h UV-B on anthocyanin synthesis was stimulated synergisticallyby subsequent irradiation with R for 15 min, and the R, far-redlight (FR) photorevesibility of this effect indicated the involvementof phytochrome in this synergism. The effect of UV-B on anthocyaninsynthesis was not influenced by subsequent irradiation withFR, suggesting that the effect of UV-B was independent of phytochrome,and that a specific photoreceptor for UV-B was involved. WhenR was given simultaneously with UV-B (18 h), anthocyanin wassynthesized at a much higher rate than it was after sequentialirradiation with UV-B and R. Photosynthesis was shown to beinvolved inthis synergistic increase in the synthesis of anthocyanin,although the involvement of phytochrome in the expression ofthis response, at least in part, was suggested by a reductionin the rate of anthocyanin synthesis by FR. (Received March 14, 1988; Accepted September 28, 1988)  相似文献   

In contrast to a wealth of knowledge about the photoregulation of gibberellin metabolism in dicots, that in monocots remains largely unclear. In this study, we found that a blue light signal triggers reduction of active gibberellin content in rice seedlings with simultaneous repression of two gibberellin 20-oxidase genes (OsGA20ox2 and OsGA20ox4) and acute induction of four gibberellin 2-oxidase genes (OsGA2ox4-OsGA2ox7). For further examination of the regulation of these genes, we established a series of cryptochrome-deficient lines through reverse genetic screening from a Tos17 mutant population and construction of knockdown lines based on an RNA interference technique. By using these lines and phytochrome mutants, we elucidated that cryptochrome 1 (cry1), consisting of two species in rice plants (cry1a and cry1b), is indispensable for robust induction of the GA2ox genes. On the other hand, repression of the GA20ox genes is mediated by phytochromes. In addition, we found that the phytochromes also mediate the repression of a gibberellin 3-oxidase gene (OsGA3ox2) in the light. These results imply that, in rice seedlings, phytochromes mediate the repression of gibberellin biosynthesis capacity, while cry1 mediates the induction of gibberellin inactivation capacity. The cry1 action was demonstrated to be dominant in the reduction of active gibberellin content, but, in rice seedlings, the cumulative effects of these independent actions reduced active gibberellin content in the light. This pathway design in which different types of photoreceptors independently but cooperatively regulate active gibberellin content is unique from the viewpoint of dicot research. This redundancy should provide robustness to the response in rice plants.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the spectral sensitivity of anthocyanin production in dark-grown and light-pretreated systems was carried out in Brassica oleracea L., Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., Secale cereale L. and Spirodela polyrrhiza L. Light pretreatments bring about an enhancement of the inductive, red-far red reversible response in all systems, a decrease of the continuous irradiation response in cabbage, rye, and tomato seedlings, and an enhancement of the continuous irradiation response in cabbage leaf disks. Light pretreatments also bring about a marked change in the spectral sensitivity of the continuous irradiation response. The different effect of light pretreatments on the photosensitivity of the response to short and long wavelength irradiations suggests that two photoreceptors, phytochrome and cryptochrome, may be involved in the photoregulation of anthocyanin production.  相似文献   

It has been reported that pigmentation In plants Is stimulated by light and cytoklnln (CTK); however, the signaling pathways and the relationship between light and CTK Involved In the regulation of anthocyanln accumulation remain to be elucidated. We Investigated (i) the role of blue light (BL) and CTK In anthocyanln accumulation ; and (ii) the relationship between BL and CTK In wild type (WT) and by4 mutants of Arabidopsis thaiiana. Two-d-old seedlings grown on medium with or without klnetln (KT) or zeatln (ZT) In darkness were Irradiated using BL at different fluence rates for 3 d before the anthocyanln content was determined using a spectrophotometrlc method. Anthocyanln accumulation was strongly Induced by BL In WT seedlings but not In hy4 seedlings, which demonstrated that CRY1 Is the main photoreceptor for BL. Both KT and ZT enhanced the response of the WT seedlings to BL In a dose-dependent manner, whereas they were not sufficient to promote anthocyanln eccumulatlon In darkness. In addition, data from experiments using the hy4 mutant showed that the CTK effect of BL was also CRYl-dependent. The results from experiments with three different treatment programs showed that the relationship between BL and KT In anthocyanln accumulation of Arabidopsis seedlings seems neither muItlpllcatlve nor additive coactlon, but rather Interaction. BL Is necessary for anthocyanln accumulation, and KT might be Involved In the BL signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Many physiological and biochemical processes in plants exhibit endogenous rhythms with a period of about 24 h. Endogenous oscillators called circadian clocks regulate these rhythms. The circadian clocks are synchronized to the periodic environmental changes (e.g. day/night cycles) by specific stimuli; among these, the most important is the light. Photoreceptors, phytochromes, and cryptochromes are involved in setting the clock by transducing the light signal to the central oscillator. In this work, we analyzed the spatial, temporal, and long-term light-regulated expression patterns of the Arabidopsis phytochrome (PHYA to PHYE) and cryptochrome (CRY1 and CRY2) promoters fused to the luciferase (LUC(+)) reporter gene. The results revealed new details of the tissue-specific expression and light regulation of the PHYC and CRY1 and 2 promoters. More importantly, the data obtained demonstrate that the activities of the promoter::LUC(+) constructs, with the exception of PHYC::LUC(+), display circadian oscillations under constant conditions. In addition, it is shown by measuring the mRNA abundance of PHY and CRY genes under constant light conditions that the circadian control is also maintained at the level of mRNA accumulation. These observations indicate that the plant circadian clock controls the expression of these photoreceptors, revealing the formation of a new regulatory loop that could modulate gating and resetting of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

Plant cryptochromes regulate the circadian rhythm, flowering time, and photomorphogenesis in higher plants as responses to blue light. In the dark, these photoreceptors bind oxidized FAD in the photolyase homology region (PHR). Upon blue light absorption, FAD is converted to the neutral radical state, the likely signaling state, by electron transfer via a conserved tryptophan triad and proton transfer from a nearby aspartic acid. Here we demonstrate, by infrared and time-resolved UV-visible spectroscopy on the PHR domain, that replacement of the aspartic acid Asp-396 with cysteine prevents proton transfer. The lifetime of the radical is decreased by 6 orders of magnitude. This short lifetime does not permit to drive conformational changes in the C-terminal extension that have been associated with signal transduction. Only in the presence of ATP do both the wild type and mutant form a long-lived radical state. However, in the mutant, an anion radical is formed instead of the neutral radical, as found previously in animal type I cryptochromes. Infrared spectroscopic experiments demonstrate that the light-induced conformational changes of the PHR domain are conserved in the mutant despite the lack of proton transfer. These changes are not detected in the photoreduction of the non-photosensory d-amino acid oxidase to the anion radical. In conclusion, formation of the anion radical is sufficient to generate a protein response in plant cryptochromes. Moreover, the intrinsic proton transfer is required for stabilization of the signaling state in the absence of ATP.  相似文献   

Cryptochromes are flavoproteins that act as sensory blue light receptors in insects, plants, fungi, and bacteria. We have investigated a cryptochrome from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii with sequence homology to animal cryptochromes and (6-4) photolyases. In response to blue and red light exposure, this animal-like cryptochrome (aCRY) alters the light-dependent expression of various genes encoding proteins involved in chlorophyll and carotenoid biosynthesis, light-harvesting complexes, nitrogen metabolism, cell cycle control, and the circadian clock. Additionally, exposure to yellow but not far-red light leads to comparable increases in the expression of specific genes; this expression is significantly reduced in an acry insertional mutant. These in vivo effects are congruent with in vitro data showing that blue, yellow, and red light, but not far-red light, are absorbed by the neutral radical state of flavin in aCRY. The aCRY neutral radical is formed following blue light absorption of the oxidized flavin. Red illumination leads to conversion to the fully reduced state. Our data suggest that aCRY is a functionally important blue and red light-activated flavoprotein. The broad spectral response implies that the neutral radical state functions as a dark form in aCRY and expands the paradigm of flavoproteins and cryptochromes as blue light sensors to include other light qualities.  相似文献   

以拟南芥野生型(WT)、突变体col7、以及COL7过量表达转基因株系COL7-OX-10和COL7-OX-11为实验材料,观察比较了白光、红光以及蓝光下,生长在MS培养基上的幼苗表型,以及蓝光下生长在0、100 mmol/LNaCl MS培养基上的幼苗表型。结果发现,过量表达株系幼苗在白光和蓝光下出现黄化现象,并且NaCl处理导致蓝光下幼苗黄化现象更加严重。检测幼苗的花青素及叶绿素的含量,发现白光和蓝光下,过量表达株系幼苗中花青素和叶绿素的含量明显降低,其中蓝光下生长在含100 mmol/L NaCl的MS培养基上幼苗的花青素和叶绿素含量下降尤为明显,表明COL7可能参与调控花青素和叶绿素的合成,并依赖于蓝光。  相似文献   

赵翔  赵青平  杨煦  慕世超  张骁 《植物学报》2015,50(1):122-132
蓝光受体向光素(PHOT1/PHOT2)调节蓝光诱导的植物运动反应, 包括植物向光性、叶绿体运动、气孔运动和叶片伸展等。其中, 向光素介导的植物向光性能够促使植物弯向光源, 确保其以最佳取向捕获光源, 优化光合作用。光敏色素和隐花色素作为光受体也参与植物的向光性调节。该文综述了向光素介导的拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)下胚轴向光弯曲信号转导及其与光敏色素、隐花色素协同作用的分子机制, 以期为改造植物光捕获能力及提高光利用效率提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Hilton, J. R. and Thomas, B. 1987. Photoregulation of phytochromesynthesis in germinating embryos of Avena sativa L.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 1704–1712. The effect of light on the accumulation of phytochrome in germinatingAvena embryos was determined. A quantitative ELISA using monoclonalantibody AFRC MAC 56 was used to measure specifically type 1(or dark) phytochrome. A pulse of red light given after 14 himbibition but prior to the onset of type 1 phytochrome synthesis,strongly inhibited subsequent type 1 phytochrome accumulation.This effect of red light at 14 h was reversible by far-red lightindicating the involvement of phytochrome. Red light also inhibitedphytochrome synthesis after 18 h and 24 h imbibition but after24 h, far-red light did not reverse the effect. The effect ofred light treatment at 18 h was reversed by giving a pulse offar-red light at any time up to 30 h. Seed germination was notinfluenced by light under the conditions of these experiments.It is proposed that type 2 (or light) phytochrome may be responsiblefor photoregulation of type 1 phytochrome synthesis in germinatingAvena embryos. Key words: Photoregulation, phytochrome, seed.  相似文献   

介绍了近年来植物隐花色素介导的光信号转导分子机制的研究进展.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster shows exquisite light sensitivity for modulation of circadian functions in vivo, yet the activities of the Drosophila circadian photopigment cryptochrome (CRY) have only been observed at high light levels. We studied intensity/duration parameters for light pulse induced circadian phase shifts under dim light conditions in vivo. Flies show far greater light sensitivity than previously appreciated, and show a surprising sensitivity increase with pulse duration, implying a process of photic integration active up to at least 6 hours. The CRY target timeless (TIM) shows dim light dependent degradation in circadian pacemaker neurons that parallels phase shift amplitude, indicating that integration occurs at this step, with the strongest effect in a single identified pacemaker neuron. Our findings indicate that CRY compensates for limited light sensitivity in vivo by photon integration over extraordinarily long times, and point to select circadian pacemaker neurons as having important roles.  相似文献   

蓝光和蔗糖对拟南芥花色素苷积累和CHS基因表达的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以在20μmol m^-2s^-1白光下生长13d的拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana,Landsbcrg生态型)幼苗为材料,采用测定叶片花色素苷含量和Northern blot方法,研究蓝光与蔗糖在诱导植物花色素苷积累及相关基因表达中的作用。结果表明:蓝光处理后,叶片花色素苷积累随光强和照光时间的延长而增加,突变体hy4叶片的花色素苷含量明显低于野生型(WT),说明隐花色素1(cry1)是蓝光诱导花色素苷积累的主要光受体:WT中苯基苯乙烯酮合酶基因(CHS)的表达受蓝光诱导,处理4h即有表达,8h达到最高,之后逐渐下降;蓝光不能诱导突变体hy4中CHS基因的表达,说明cry1介导蓝光诱导CHS基因的表达。培养基中不含蔗糖,削弱了蓝光诱导的拟南芥叶片花色素苷的积累,CHS基因表达也受到抑制。蔗糖不仅作为碳源参与蓝光诱导的花色素苷积累,还可能作为信号分子参与蓝光诱导的CHS表达。  相似文献   

Casein kinase1 (CK1) plays crucial roles in regulating growth and development via phosphorylating various substrates throughout the eukaryote kingdom. Blue light is crucial for normal growth of both plants and animals, and blue light receptor cryptochrome2 (CRY2) undergoes blue light–dependent phosphorylation and degradation in planta. To study the function of plant CK1s, systematic genetic analysis showed that deficiency of two paralogous Arabidopsis thaliana CK1s, CK1.3 and CK1.4, caused shortened hypocotyls, especially under blue light, while overexpression of either CK1.3 or CK1.4 resulted in the insensitive response to blue light and delayed flowering under long-day conditions. CK1.3 or CK1.4 act dependently on CRY2, and overexpression of CK1.3 or CK1.4 significantly suppresses the hypersensitive response to blue light by CRY2 overexpression. Biochemical studies showed that CK1.3 and CK1.4 directly phosphorylate CRY2 at Ser-587 and Thr-603 in vitro and negatively regulate CRY2 stability in planta, which are stimulated by blue light, further confirming the crucial roles of CK1.3 and CK1.4 in blue light responses through phosphorylating CRY2. Interestingly, expression of CK1.3 and CK1.4 is stimulated by blue light and feedback regulated by CRY2-mediated signaling. These results provide direct evidence for CRY2 phosphorylation and informative clues on the mechanisms of CRY2-mediated light responses.  相似文献   

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