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Differential spiralization along mammalian mitotic chromosomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The morphology of human metaphase chromosomes of peripheral blood lymphocytes taken from normal persons of both sexes and cultured at the final stages of the S-period in the presence of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR), or 5-bromodeoxycytidine (BCdR) was studied. It was observed that the chromosomes of the complement were capable of responsing to the treatment with analogs by the appearance of extended segments along their length. The pattern of segmentation was constant and specific for a given chromosome, serving as a basis for its identification, and appeared to be similar for both analogs. — Autoradiography of such chromosomes performed with 3H-thymidine (3H-TdR), 3H-deoxycytidine (3H-CdR), and 3H-BUdR showed that the extended chromosomal segments are late replicating. In accordance with this correlation, the most regular and distinctive segmentation was observed in chromosomes having large late replicating regions, such as Nos. 4, 6, 9, 13, 16, X, and Y. — A comparative analysis of the BUdR-induced differential spiralization pattern and banding pattern obtained with the G-staining technique was carried out. A good correspondence between the extended segments and Giemsa-positive bands was found. The data are discussed in relation to the mechanism of differential staining of metaphase chromosomes.  相似文献   

Differential spiralization along mammalian mitotic chromosomes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Morphology of chromosomes replicating in the presence of 5-bromodeoxyuridine was studied using long-term cultures of Chinese hamster cells (line Blld-ii-FAF28). The cytological effect of the analog administered in various concentrations, at different stages of the S period, and during one and two successive mitotic cycles was studied. — The main cytological manifestation of the BUdR action consisted in spiralization delay of certain chromosome regions. The degree of the delay was dependent on the time interval between the introduction of the agent and mitosis, as well as on the agent's concentration. With prolongation of the interval, the spiralization delay diminished and disappeared being therefore always observable only in late replicating chromosome regions. Increased concentration of BUdR (in the range of 25 to 400 g/ml) produced enhancement of the delay of chromosome spiralization. — After two successive reproduction cycles in the presence of BUdR, a great number of metaphases contained chromosomes the sister chromatids of which showed unequal spiralization delay. Autoradiography of 3H-BUdR distribution showed that the sister chromatid with a more pronounced underspiralization corresponds to the chromatid incorporating BUdR into both strands of the DNA molecule. — Mechanisms of the effect observed, as well as chemical influence on chromosome spiralization as a usefull tool of displaying linear chromosome differentiation, are discussed.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Luzula purpurea (2n=6) were placed in contact with H3-thymidine for 30 minutes. After removal of the isotope the roots and leaf primordia were fixed at intervals between 0 and 14 hours. The percentage of labelled mitoses follows a very close curve in roots and leaf primordia. In both tissues the value of G2 is approximately 3 to 4 hours and of S circa 8 hours. DNA replication in the chromosomes of L. purpurea is asynchronous. The discontinuous DNA synthesis discloses that Luzula chromosomes are composed of many segments replicating independently of each other. The results support a polycentric rather than a completely diffuse kinetochore system in this species.  相似文献   

The initiation of DNA replication and the subsequent chain elongation were studied using Chinese hamster ovary cells synchronized at the beginning of S phase. The cells were synchronized by a combination of mitotic selection and treatment with 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FdU). The use of this drug at a concentration of 10–5 M was found to effectively prevent the leakage of cells into S phase. Reversal of the FdU block by supplying thymidine resulted in the synchronous onset of initiation at multiple sites in each cell. The length of the nascent chains, as determined by autoradiography and velocity sedimentation in alkaline gradients, increased linearly with time during the first twenty minutes of S phase after release. — We applied these procedures to study the effects of the length of an FdU block on the number of functional origins per cell, the rate of chain growth, and the rate of DNA synthesis per cell following reversal of the block. Although no change was noted in the rate of DNA synthesis in cells held at the beginning of S phase from 10.5 to 24 h after division, the rate of chain growth decreased from 0.94 to 0.28 microns per min. This decrease indicated that the number of functional origins increased markedly with length of FdU block. The calculated number of utilized origins per cell increased from 1,900 to 5,700. We also presented arguments that 1,900 origins per cell represents the approximate number of origins utilized by any cell held at the beginning of S phase for less than 10.5 h after division.  相似文献   

Sequence of centromere separation of mitotic chromosomes in Chinese hamster   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chromosome preparations in late metaphase cells from bone marrow of colcemid treated male Chinese hamsters were used to analyse the sequence of separation of sister centromeres. Chromatids of chromosomes 2 and 1 are the first ones to separate at centromeres, followed by members of group B, D and C. Some acrocentric chromosome is always the last one to separate at the centromere. The data point to a possible correlation between the position of a centromere in the separation sequence in the genome and the amount of centromeric heterochromatin as well as relation to the phenomenon of non-disjunction.  相似文献   

Werner Schempp 《Chromosoma》1980,79(2):199-206
Asynchronies in late replication of the autosomal chromosome pair No. 5, and to some extent of pair No. 4, were found after thymidine pulse labeling cultures of partially synchronized Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts from nine to nine and a half hours and from nine and a half to ten hours after block removal. In contrast to this, no asynchrony could be detected in the replication of homologous autosomes after continuous labeling for the last two hours of the S-phase. — G-banding and C-banding revealed no differences between the homologous autosomes. — These findings indicate that besides the known form of asynchronous replication in mammalian cells during S-phase on the chromosomal level, there also exists an asynchronous replication between homologous autosomes of the same complement.  相似文献   

DNA values of Chinese hamster male meiotic metaphase chromosomes were measured by slide-based Feulgen cytometry. All the autosomes were distinguishable on the basis of their DNA content. No significant differences were found between the autosomes of the two male animals studied, but a significant difference was found in the DNA content of the sex-chromosome pair between these two animals.  相似文献   

Summary A new technique is described which produces spiralization of human metaphase chromosomes. The important feature is heat followed by trypsin treatment. By varying conditions, it is possible to produce bands, spirals and intermediate stages. This provides a new approach to the understanding of banding and chromosome structure.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the mechanisms used by somatic cells to regulate the replication of the centrosome complex. Centrosome doubling was studied in CHO cells by electron microscopy and immunofluorescence microscopy using human autoimmune anticentrosome antiserum, and by Northern blotting using the cDNA encoding portion of the centrosome autoantigen pericentriolar material (PCM)-1. Centrosome doubling could be dissociated from cycles of DNA synthesis and mitotic division by arresting cells at the G1/S boundary of the cell cycle using either hydroxyurea or aphidicolin. Immunofluorescence micros-copy using SPJ human autoimmune anticentrosome antiserum demonstrated that arrested cells were able to undergo numerous rounds of centrosome replication in the absence of cycles of DNA synthesis and mitosis. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that the synthesis and degradation of the mRNA encoding PCM-1 occurred in a cell cycle-dependent fashion in CHO cells with peak levels of PCM-1 mRNA being present in G1 and S phase cells before mRNA amounts dropped to undetectable levels in G2 and M phases. Conversely, cells arrested at the G1/S boundary of the cell cycle maintained PCM-1 mRNA at artificially elevated levels, providing a possible molecular mechanism for explaining the multiple rounds of centrosome replication that occurred in CHO cells during prolonged hydroxyurea-induced arrest. The capacity to replicate centrosomes could be abolished in hydroxyurea-arrested CHO cells by culturing the cells in dialyzed serum. However, the ability to replicate centrosomes and to synthesize PCM-1 mRNA could be re- initiated by adding EGF to the dialyzed serum. This experimental system should be useful for investigating the positive and negative molecular mechanisms used by somatic cells to regulate the replication of centrosomes and for studying and the methods used by somatic cells for coordinating centrosome duplication with other cell cycle progression events.  相似文献   

M Ray 《Cytobios》1986,48(193):85-95
Replication patterns of the normal male Chinese hamster chromosomes and the three cell lines CHW, 1102 and 1103, were determined using fluorescent, plus Giemsa or acridine orange, techniques. The individual chromosomes or chromosomal segments were consistent in the replication patterns of normal Chinese hamster chromosomes and all the transformed cell lines. Late DNA replication was regularly identified in the long arm of the X chromosome, the entire Y chromosome, the short arms of chromosomes 6 and 7, and the paracentromeric regions of chromosomes 8, 9 and 10. A similar consistency was demonstrated in the large late replicating areas of chromosomes X and Y. Each cell line had specific marker chromosomes by which the cell line was identified and their replication patterns have been described. The chromosome analysis in cell line 1103 indicated that chromosomes 2, 3, 8 and 9 were more stable than others, of which chromosome 2 was extremely stable. The markers M4 and M5 in cell line 1103 are very interesting. The cytogenetic behaviour of marker M4 indicated a new phenomenon of translocation by simple association. The marker chromosome M5 indicated that inactivation spread to the early replicating distal region. These cell lines are very useful tools for studying replication patterns and providing a basic understanding of mammalian cytogenetics.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster V79 cells blocked in mitosis were irradiated with 60Co gamma-rays and incubated for repair in the presence of colcemid. DNA strand breaks were measured using neutral sucrose gradient centrifugation or the alkaline unwinding technique. It was found that mitotic cells repair DNA double-strand breaks (as well as single-strand breaks) efficiently, with a rate similar to exponentially growing asynchronous cells. It is argued that the dense packing of the chromatin in the mitotic chromosome makes a recombinational repair mechanism unlikely.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster cells were grown for 1+ and 2+ cell cycles in the presence of BrdU and then treated by the sister chromatid differential staining technique (SCD). Those regions of a chromosome which had replicated twice in the presence of BrdU were pale staining and by selecting appropriate metaphase cells an accurate reconstruction of the DNA synthetic patterns was possible. A direct correlation between the staining intensity of the G bands and the order in which they replicate was found. Dark staining G bands were always the last region of a chromosome to replicate while G negative bands were first. It is concluded that each G band may be a cluster of replicons capable of initiating DNA synthesis simultaneously.  相似文献   

DNA from isolated Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) metaphase chromosomes can be obtained in three different molecular weight classes. The two largest forms have sedimentation coefficients of 80 and 120 S at 7,500 rpm. Based on sedimentation and speed dependence analysis these have molecular weights of 220 million and above 5,000 million, and are thought to be analogs of DNA classes observed in a prior study of human metaphase chromosomes. An extract can be converted to primarily the 80 S form through alkaline pH treatment of metaphase DNA. The third class (45 S DNA) is formed as a result of metaphase chromosome exposure to the nuclease Bal31, and has a mass distribution analogous to the CHO replicon.  相似文献   

Effect of puromycin on DNA replication in Chinese hamster cells   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We have used autoradiography to examine the effect of puromycin on DNA replication in Chinese hamster cells aligned by treatment with fluorodeoxy-uridine. In the absence of puromycin the patterns of replication are consistent with those obtained previously by others (Cairns, 1966; Huberman &; Riggs, 1968). In particular, replication occurs in tandem clusters of replicons but not all replicons in a cluster appear to be activated at the same time.Puromycin decreases the over-all rate of synthesis of DNA per cell, but does not inhibit chain elongation as visualized in autoradiograms. It is suggested that puromycin inhibits the initiation of replication of replicons not yet activated. Puromycin prevents the joining of short stretches of radioactive DNA into longer pieces. This may be due to the inability to activate a few late replicating units within a cluster of replicons.  相似文献   

A chromosome polymorphism was detected between two early passage euploid Chinese hamster cell strains when a fluorescence shift of the small metacentric No. 9 chromosome was resolved by flow cytometry. The characteristics of the polymorphism were studied using cultures established from ear clippings taken from 16 additional hamsters from our breeding colony. Additional variants of chromosome 9 were detected using flow cytometry, and a subset of these variants were analyzed by G- and C-banding. An increase of fluorescence recorded by flow cytometry correlated with an increase of centromeric heterochromatin. Autosomal normalization of the flow karyotype from 18 different animals indicated three distinct peak positions for chromosome 9. The results indicate that a discrete block of constitutive heterochromatin may be present in one or two extra copies within the small inbred colony of hamsters studied. To determine the inheritance patterns, hamsters with known polymorphic No. 9 chromosomes were bred. The flow karyotypes derived from the offspring of these matings provide strong evidence that chromosomal polymorphisms are inherited in Mendelian fashion.  相似文献   

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