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GESTs(gene expression similarity and taxonomy similarity)是结合基因表达相似性和基因功能分类体系Gene Ontology (GO)中的功能概念相似性测度进行功能预测的新方法. 将此预测算法推广应用于蛋白质互相作用数据, 并提出了几种在蛋白质互作网络中为功能待测蛋白质筛选邻居的方法. 与已有的其它蛋白质功能预测方法不同, 新方法在学习过程中自动地从功能分类体系中的各个功能类中选择最合适的尽可能具体细致的功能类, 利用注释于其相近功能类中的互作邻居蛋白质支持对此具体功能类的预测. 使用MIPS提供的酵母蛋白质互作信息与一套基因表达谱数据, 利用特别针对GO体系结构层次特点设计的3种测度, 评价对GO知识体系中的生物过程分支进行蛋白质功能预测的效果. 结果显示, 利用文中的方法, 可以大范围预测蛋白质的精细功能. 此外, 还利用此方法对2004年底Gene Ontology上未知功能的蛋白质进行预测, 其中部分预测结果在2006年4月发布的SGD注释数据中已经得到了证实.  相似文献   

根据蛋白质互作网络预测乳腺癌相关蛋白质的细致功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王靖  李彦辉  郭政  朱晶  马文财  彭春方  刘庆 《遗传》2007,29(9):1061-1066
乳腺癌是最为常见的恶性肿瘤之一。已有的关于乳腺癌相关蛋白质的功能注释比较宽泛, 制约了乳腺癌的后续研究工作。对于已知部分功能的乳腺癌相关蛋白质, 提出了一种结合Gene Ontology功能先验知识和蛋白质互作的方法, 通过构建功能特异的局部相互作用网络来预测乳腺癌相关蛋白质的细致功能。结果显示该方法能够以很高的精确率为乳腺癌相关蛋白质预测更为精细的功能。预测的相关蛋白质的功能对于指导实验研究乳腺癌的分子机制具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

对于功能部分已知的前列腺癌相关蛋白质,提出了一种基于Gent Ontology的功能特异的子网构建方法来细化其功能注释。结果显示该方法能够以很高的精确率为前列腺癌相关蛋白质预测更为精细的功能。预测的相关蛋白质的功能对于指导实验研究前列腺癌的分子机制具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

利用在多种应激条件下酵母的基因表达谱数据 ,分别计算互作蛋白质及复合物亚基编码基因的表达相关性。结果发现 ,相对于随机对照组 ,互作蛋白质的编码基因与蛋白质复合物的编码基因表达相关性均显著 (P <0 .0 1) ,即互作蛋白质及复合物亚基有共表达的倾向。通过比较 ,进一步发现蛋白质复合物亚基的基因表达相关性显著高于互作蛋白质的基因表达相关性 (P <0 .0 1) ,这与复合物亚基之间功能联系强于定义不甚确切的互作蛋白之间功能联系现象吻合。  相似文献   

高通量的蛋白质互作数据与结构域互作数据的出现,使得在蛋白质组学领域内研究人类蛋白质结构互作网络,进一步揭示蛋白质结构与功能间的潜在关系成为可能.蛋白质上广泛分布的结构域被认为是蛋白质结构、功能以及进化的基本功能单元.然而,结合蛋白质的结构信息(例如蛋白质结构域数目、长度和覆盖率等)来研究这些表象后的内部机制仍然面临着挑战.将蛋白质分为单结构域蛋白质与多结构域蛋白质,并进一步结合蛋白质互作信息与结构域互作信息构建了人类蛋白质结构互作网络;通过与人类蛋白质互作网络进行比较,研究了人类蛋白质结构互作网络的特殊结构特征;对于单结构域蛋白质与多结构域蛋白质,分别进行了功能富集分析、功能离散度分析以及功能一致性分析等.结果发现,将结构域互作信息综合考虑进来后,人类蛋白质结构互作网络可以提供更多的单纯的蛋白质互作网络无法提供的细节信息,揭示蛋白质互作网络的复杂性.  相似文献   

生物学通路被广泛应用于基因功能学研究, 但现有的生物学通路知识并不完善, 仍需进一步扩充。生物信息学预测为通路扩充提供了一种有效且经济的途径。文章提出了一种融合蛋白质-蛋白质互作知识以及Gene Ontology(GO)数据库信息进行基因通路预测的新方法。首先选取目标基因在蛋白质-蛋白质互作层面上的邻居所在的Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG)通路为候选通路, 然后通过检验候选通路中的基因是否在与目标基因关联的GO节点富集来判断目标基因的通路归属。分别利用Human Protein Reference Database (HPRD)和Biological General Repository for Interaction Datasets(BioGRID)数据库中的蛋白质-蛋白质互作信息进行预测。结果表明, 在两套数据中, 随着互作邻居个数的增加, 预测的平均准确率(在所有目标基因注释的通路中被成功预测的比例)及相对准确率(在至少有一个注释通路被成功预测的基因集中, 所有注释通路均被预测正确的基因所占的比例)均呈现上升趋势。当互作邻居个数达到22时, 预测的平均准确率分别达到96.2%(HPRD)和96.3%(BioGRID), 而相对准确率分别为93.3%(HPRD)和84.1%(BioGRID)。进一步利用新版数据库对旧版数据库中被更新的89个基因进行验证, 至少有一个更新通路被预测正确的基因有50个, 其中43个基因的更新通路被完全正确预测, 相对准确率为86.0%。这些结果显示该方法是一种可靠且有效的通路扩充方法。  相似文献   

hub蛋白质作为参与较多互作的“中心蛋白”,在实现蛋白质功能和生命活动中发挥着关键作用.而结构域作为蛋白质上的基本功能区域,决定着蛋白质功能及蛋白质互作的情况.互作网络中hub蛋白质和结构域对于蛋白质功能的实现均起到决定性的作用.对蛋白质互作与结构域的关系分析表明,蛋白质互作与结构域之间存在着密切的联系.对人类蛋白质互作网络中的hub蛋白与结构域进行关联分析,探讨hub蛋白及其互作partner与结构域数目之间的关系.并通过hub蛋白质之间的互作对相应结构域的关系进行进一步的论证.  相似文献   

核酸-蛋白质互作的生物化学研究方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张金璧  潘增祥  林飞  马雪山  刘红林 《遗传》2009,31(3):325-366
研究核酸-蛋白质的互作是揭示生命活动机理的基础, 文章简要综述了用于研究核酸-蛋白质互作的各种生物化学方法。从体内、体外两个研究角度, 针对核酸、蛋白以及复合物3个研究水平, 概述了硝化纤维膜过滤实验、足迹法、EMSA、Southwestern杂交等经典分析方法的原理、发展和运用。还着重介绍了最近在表观遗传学领域中广泛运用的nChIP、xChIP等基本染色质免疫沉淀(ChIP)技术及其衍生出的ChIP-on-chip等方法。  相似文献   

王敏  王靖  肖会  龚雪  郭政 《生物信息学》2009,7(3):223-226
口腔鳞状细胞癌(oral squamous cell carcinoma,OSCC)是人类最常见的恶性肿瘤之一。本文结合Gene Ontology,功能先验知识,通过构建功能特异的蛋白质互相作用子网来预测口腔癌相关蛋白质的功能。我们以很高的精确率为已知部分功能的口腔癌相关蛋白质预测了更为精细的功能,这对于指导实验研究口腔癌的分子机制具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

利用高通量基因表达谱数据可以识别在肿瘤与正常组织中差异表达的基因,为研究癌机理提供重要的线索。目前,在研究同种癌型的不同实验中发现的差异表达基因的交叠比例很低。这种高通量基因表达谱数据低重复性的现象严重制约了基因芯片在癌症研究中的应用。然而,已有研究表明从研究同种癌型的不同实验数据中得到的不交叠的差异表达基因倾向于扰动相同的功能。因此,在评价差异表达基因重复性时,应考虑其在生物学功能上的一致性。本文结合基因共表达和蛋白质互作关系,设计了功能重复性指标来评价差异表达基因列表的可重复性。通过分析两套卵巢癌数据,发现对同种癌型得到的差异表达基因具有很高的功能一致性(p<0.0001)。结果表明,在功能水平上评估差异表达基因的一致性具有合理性。  相似文献   

GESTs (gene expression similarity and taxonomy similarity), a gene functional prediction approach previously proposed by us, is based on gene expression similarity and concept similarity of functional classes defined in Gene Ontology (GO). In this paper, we extend this method to protein-protein interaction data by introducing several methods to filter the neighbors in protein interaction networks for a protein of unknown function(s). Unlike other conventional methods, the proposed approach automatically selects the most appropriate functional classes as specific as possible during the learning process, and calls on genes annotated to nearby classes to support the predictions to some small-sized specific classes in GO. Based on the yeast protein-protein interaction information from MIPS and a dataset of gene expression profiles, we assess the performances of our approach for predicting protein functions to “biology process” by three measures particularly designed for functional classes organized in GO. Results show that our method is powerful for widely predicting gene functions with very specific functional terms. Based on the GO database published in December 2004, we predict some proteins whose functions were unknown at that time, and some of the predictions have been confirmed by the new SGD annotation data published in April, 2006.  相似文献   

GESTs (gene expression similarity and taxonomy similarity), a gene functional prediction approach previously proposed by us, is based on gene expression similarity and concept similarity of functional classes defined in Gene Ontology (GO). In this paper, we extend this method to protein-protein interac-tion data by introducing several methods to filter the neighbors in protein interaction networks for a protein of unknown function(s). Unlike other conventional methods, the proposed approach automati-cally selects the most appropriate functional classes as specific as possible during the learning proc-ess, and calls on genes annotated to nearby classes to support the predictions to some small-sized specific classes in GO. Based on the yeast protein-protein interaction information from MIPS and a dataset of gene expression profiles, we assess the performances of our approach for predicting protein functions to “biology process” by three measures particularly designed for functional classes organ-ized in GO. Results show that our method is powerful for widely predicting gene functions with very specific functional terms. Based on the GO database published in December 2004, we predict some proteins whose functions were unknown at that time, and some of the predictions have been confirmed by the new SGD annotation data published in April, 2006.  相似文献   

Decoding health and disease phenotypes is one of the fundamental objectives in biomedicine. Whereas high-throughput omics approaches are available, it is evident that any single omics approach might not be adequate to capture the complexity of phenotypes. Therefore, integrated multi-omics approaches have been used to unravel genotype–phenotype relationships such as global regulatory mechanisms and complex metabolic networks in different eukaryotic organisms. Some of the progress and challenges associated with integrated omics studies have been reviewed previously in comprehensive studies. In this work, we highlight and review the progress, challenges and advantages associated with emerging approaches, integrating gene expression and protein-protein interaction networks to unravel network-based functional features. This includes identifying disease related genes, gene prioritization, clustering protein interactions, developing the modules, extract active subnetworks and static protein complexes or dynamic/temporal protein complexes. We also discuss how these approaches contribute to our understanding of the biology of complex traits and diseases. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Cardiac adaptations to obesity, diabetes and insulin resistance, edited by Professors Jan F.C. Glatz, Jason R.B. Dyck and Christine Des Rosiers.  相似文献   

Gene expression profiles of 14 common tumors and their counterpart normal tissues were analyzed with machine learning methods to address the problem of selection of tumor-specific genes and analysis of their differential expressions in tumor tissues. First, a variation of the Relief algorithm, “RFE_Relief algorithm” was proposed to learn the relations between genes and tissue types. Then, a support vector machine was employed to find the gene subset with the best classification performance for distinguishing cancerous tissues and their counterparts. After tissue-specific genes were removed, cross validation experiments were employed to demonstrate the common deregulated expressions of the selected gene in tumor tissues. The results indicate the existence of a specific expression fingerprint of these genes that is shared in different tumor tissues, and the hallmarks of the expression patterns of these genes in cancerous tissues are summarized at the end of this paper.  相似文献   

Tumor-specific gene expression patterns with gene expression profiles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gene expression profiles of 14 common tumors and their counterpart normal tissues were analyzed with machine learning methods to address the problem of selection of tumor-specific genes and analysis of their differential expressions in tumor tissues. First, a variation of the Relief algorithm, "RFE_Relief algorithm" was proposed to learn the relations between genes and tissue types. Then, a support vector machine was employed to find the gene subset with the best classification performance for distinguishing cancerous tissues and their counterparts. After tissue-specific genes were removed, cross validation experiments were employed to demonstrate the common deregulated expressions of the selected gene in tumor tissues. The results indicate the existence of a specific expression fingerprint of these genes that is shared in different tumor tissues, and the hallmarks of the expression patterns of these genes in cancerous tissues are summarized at the end of this paper.  相似文献   

基因芯片技术与基因表达谱研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基因芯片技术是近年来出现的分子生物学与微电子技术相结合的最新DNA分析检测技术,该技术将成为信息科学与生命科学之间的联系纽带,为后基因组时代基因功能的分析提供一种最重要的技术手段,目前基因芯片技术已在基因表达谱等研究中得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

Human embryogenesis includes an integrated set of complex yet coordinated development of different organs and tissues, which is regulated by the spatiotemporal expression of many genes. Deciphering the gene regulation profile is essential for understanding the molecular basis of human embryo development. While molecular and genetic studies in mouse have served as a valuable tool to understand mammalian development, significant differences exists in human and mouse development at morphological and genomic levels. Thus it is important to carry out research directly on human embryonic development. Here we will review some recent studies on gene regulation during human embryogenesis with particular focus on the period of organogenesis, which had not been well studied previously. We will highlight a gene expression database of human embryos from the 4(th) to the 9(th) week. The analysis of gene regulation during this period reveals that genes functioning in a given developmental process tend to be coordinately regulated during human embryogenesis. This feature allows us to use this database to identify new genes important for a particular developmental process/pathway and deduce the potential function of a novel gene during organogenesis. Such a gene expression atlas should serve as an important resource for molecular study of human development and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

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