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The specificity of GalNAc-transferase is consistent with the existence of an extended site composed of nine subsites, denoted by R4, R3, R2, R1, R0, R1, R2, R3, and R4, where the acceptor at R0 is either Ser or Thr to which the reducing monosaccharide is anchored. To predict whether a peptide will react with the enzyme to form a Ser- or Thr-conjugated glycopeptide, a neural network method—Kohonen's self-organization model is proposed in this paper. Three hundred five oligopeptides are chosen for the training site, with another 30 oligopeptides for the test set. Because of its high correct prediction rate (26/30=86.7%) and stronger fault-tolerant ability, it is expected that the neural network method can be used as a technique for predicting O-glycosylation and designing effective inhibitors of GalNAc-transferase. It might also be useful for targeting drugs to specific sites in the body and for enzyme replacement therapy for the treatment of genetic disorders.  相似文献   

谷氨酸发酵过程的神经网络模拟预测模型   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
人工神经网络是八十年代迅速兴起的一门非线性科学.它力图模拟人脑的一些基本特性。如自组织性、自适应性和容错性能等,已在模式识别、数据处理和自动化控制等方面得到了初步应用,取得了很好的效果〔1〕。 本文根据上海某味精厂某发酵罐的一批批报数据,利用人工神经网络的一典型模型-“反向传播”模型,初步尝试了神经网络模拟预测方法的效果,有关这方面的研究工作尚未见报道.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS A method is described for the axenic mass cultivation of Paramecium tetraurelia strains 51s and 299s. the ciliate is grown in an enriched axenic medium developed by Soldo, Godoy & van Wagtendonk. Under continuous shaking on a rotary shaker, cultures were grown in one-liter Erlenmeyer flasks with 330 ml medium yield cell densities of 32,000 cell/ml and 20,000 cells/ml for strains 299s and 51s respectively. Doubling time is considerably shorter under these conditions than in the conventional static cultures. A 20-liter airlift bioreactor is described in detail which can be used successfully to otain up to 100 g wet weight of Paramecium in a single run; in this reactor the cell density reaches 38,000 cells/ml for strain 299s. and 23,000 cells/ml for 51s. This technic should facilitate the study of minor protein components of the ciliate.  相似文献   

ObjectivesMammography mass recognition is considered as a very challenge pattern recognition problem due to the high similarity between normal and abnormal masses. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to develop an efficient and optimized two-stage recognition model to tackle this recognition task.Material and methodsBasically, the developed recognition model combines an ensemble of linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers with a Reinforcement Learning-based Memetic Particle Swarm Optimizer (RLMPSO) as RLMPSO-SVM recognition model. RLMPSO is used to construct a two-stage of an ensemble of linear SVM classifiers by performing simultaneous SVM parameters tuning, features selection, and training instances selection. The first stage of RLMPSO-SVM recognition model is responsible about recognizing the input ROI mammography masses as normal or abnormal mass pattern. Meanwhile, the second stage of RLMPSO-SVM model used to perform further recognition for abnormal ROIs as malignant or benign masses. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of RLMPSO-SVM, a total of 1187 normal ROIs, 111 malignant ROIs, and 135 benign ROIs were randomly selected from DDSM database images.ResultsReported results indicated that RLMPSO-SVM model was able to achieve performances of 97.57% sensitivity rate with 97.86% specificity rate for normal vs. abnormal recognition cases. For malignant vs. benign recognition performance it was reported of 97.81% sensitivity rate with 96.92% specificity rate.ConclusionReported results indicated that RLMPSO-SVM recognition model is an effective tool that could assist the radiologist during the diagnosis of the presented abnormalities in mammography images. The outcomes indicated that RLMPSO-SVM significantly outperformed various SVM-based models as well as other variants of computational intelligence models including multi-layer perceptron, naive Bayes classifier, and k-nearest neighbor.  相似文献   

浙江天台山七子花种群结构与分布格局研究   总被引:37,自引:3,他引:37  
浙江天台山七子花种群结构与分布格局研究金则新(台州师范专科学校,浙江临海317000)AStudyofPopulationStructureandDistributionPaternofHeptacodiummiconioidesintheTiant...  相似文献   

一类求解约束非线性规划问题的神经网络模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一类求解闭凸集上非线性规划问题的神经网络模型。理论分析和计算机模拟表明在适当的假设下所提出的神经网络模型大范围指数级收敛于非线性规划问题的解集。本文神经网络所采用的方法属于广义的最速下降法,甚至当规划问题地正定二次时,本文的模型也比已有的神经网络模型简单。  相似文献   

嗅觉系统神经网络模型的模拟与动力学特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在哺乳动物嗅觉系统的拓扑结构及生理实验的基础上建立了一套非线性动力学神经网络模型.此模型在模拟嗅觉神经系统方面有着突出的优点,同时在信号处理以及模式识别中表现出了奇异的混沌特性.着重描述了K系列模型的非线性动力学特性,并通过数值模拟进行分析.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a new method for the analysis of unreplicated factorial designs. The new method does not use an estimate of the error variance and has the potential to identify up to m – 1 active contrasts, where m is the number of contrasts in the study. It can be shown that the proposed test statistic, called MaxUr, is a function of the generalized likelihood ratio test statistic under normality, which was also used by Al‐Shiha and Yang (1999). Our strategy to identify active contrasts using MaxUr, however, is different from the multistage procedure proposed by Al‐Shiha and Yang (1999). Additionally, our simulation study seems to show that the new method is superior to Al‐Shiha and Yang's (1999) method. In order to test the performance of the new method, we did an extensive simulation study based on 10,000 samples to compare the new method with 12 other methods from the literature. To reasonably compare these methods, some of the 12 existing methods had to be slightly modified, such that the probability of falsely rejecting the global null hypothesis of no active factors was 0.05 for all methods. Two types of evaluation standard were used, the empirical power and the loss of decision. The results show that the new method performs very well, especially for large number of active contrasts (say more than 3 out of 15). A second purpose of the simulation study was to compare the performance of two well‐known estimates for the variance. One is the PSE introduced by Lenth (1989), the other the ASE introduced by Dong (1993). The simulation study confirmed the approximations of Kunert (1997) which indicate that Dong's (1993) estimate should perform better for small numbers of active factors. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

主要介绍了一类带有非线性感染率的传染病模型.并且证明了当基本再生数Ro≤1时,无病平衡点是全局稳定的,当基本再生数R_0〉1时,疾病持续.  相似文献   

嵌合体大鼠是研究人类疾病的重要动物模犁.用囊胚注射法研究了大鼠内细胞团(ICM)和胎儿神经干细胞(FNS)构建嵌合体的潜力.结果发现来自黑色(DA)大鼠第5天(D5)和第6天(D6)囊胚的ICM细胞注入D5 Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠囊胚后得到3只嵌合体大鼠:D5 SD大鼠ICM细胞注射入D5 DA囊胚后得到4只嵌合体大鼠:而体外培养的DA或SD人鼠ICM细胞注射后均未能获得嵌合体大鼠.本研究用大鼠胎儿神经干细胞(rFNS)和LacZ转染的rFNS构建嵌介体,未能获得嵌合体人鼠:但在LacZ转染的SD rFNS注射到DA大鼠囊胚后发育来的41只胎儿中,有2只胎儿其组织切片中发现少量LacZ阳性细胞.结果表明DA和SD大鼠ICM具有参与嵌合体发育的潜力,但ICM细胞经体外培养后构建嵌合体的潜力显著F降(P<0.05);大鼠胎儿神经干细胞构建嵌合体的潜力较低,可能仅具有参与早期胚胎发育的潜力.  相似文献   

A neural network, originally proposed as a model for nuclei in the auditory brainstem, uses gradients of cell thresholds to reliably compute the difference of inputs over wide input ranges. The encoding of difference is linear even though the individual components of the network are finite, saturating, nonlinear devices highly dependent on input level. Theorems are proven that explain the linear dependence of network output on difference and that show the robustness of the network to perturbations of the threshold gradients. There is some evidence that the network exists in the neural tissue of the auditory brainstem.  相似文献   

嵌合体大鼠是研究人类疾病的重要动物模型。用囊胚注射法研究了大鼠内细胞团(ICM)和胎儿神经干细胞(FNS)构建嵌合体的潜力。结果发现来自黑色(DA)大鼠第5天(D5)和第6天(D6)囊胚的ICM细胞注入D5 Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠囊胚后得到3只嵌合体大鼠;D5 SD大鼠ICM细胞注射入D5 DA囊胚后得到4只嵌合体大鼠;而体外培养的DA或SD大鼠ICM细胞注射后均未能获得嵌合体大鼠。本研究用大鼠胎儿神经干细胞(rFNS)和LacZ转染的rFNS构建嵌合体,未能获得嵌合体大鼠;但在LacZ转染的SD rFNS注射到DA大鼠囊胚后发育来的41只胎儿中,有2只胎儿其组织切片中发现少量LacZ阳性细胞。结果表明DA和SD大鼠ICM具有参与嵌合体发育的潜力,但ICM细胞经体外培养后构建嵌合体的潜力显著下降(P<0.05);大鼠胎儿神经干细胞构建嵌合体的潜力较低,可能仅具有参与早期胚胎发育的潜力。  相似文献   

近年来,高强度间歇训练(high-intensity interval training,HIIT)被认为是一种调节骨骼肌质量及功能的运动方式,但其具体作用和机制以及运动和检测中需要注意的问题尚不明确。因此,梳理HIIT与骨骼肌质量及功能的关系显得尤为重要。本文综述HIIT上调骨骼肌蛋白质合成速率和下调萎缩速率、引发肌肉重塑和调节肌纤维类型、促进血管生成和血流灌注、介导骨骼肌线粒体含量上调和功能改善、增加肌肉力量和与膳食补充的协同作用等影响骨骼肌质量及功能的研究进展,为HIIT预防和改善肌肉丢失和功能下降提供理论依据和应用策略。  相似文献   

A new method of slow cortical potential (SCP) biofeedback is described, in which subjects were presented with a sequence of two alternating tones. Subjects learned to adjust their SCPs with the 4-s rhythm of presented tones by producing directed SCP changes only in certain inter-tone intervals. Specifically, they learned to simultaneously produce two EEG signals: 1) positive or negative SCP shift at vertex, and 2) SCP asymmetry between the right and the left central area. After one training session, 13 healthy participants were able to differentiate significantly between the negativity and the positivity conditions; this differentiation was achieved within less than 300 ms after the discriminative signal, i.e. much faster than in previous studies employing traditional SCP biofeedback technique. However, these participants did not produce a significant hemispheric asymmetry in the first session. In the second experiment, five subjects participated in prolonged training (6 to 17 sessions). Highly significant control of SCP asymmetry over the precentral cortex was attained in four out of five participants. Advantages and disadvantages of the new method as compared with the classical SCP biofeedback technique are discussed.  相似文献   

The stock‐driven dynamic material flow analysis (MFA) model is one of the prevalent tools to investigate the evolution and related material metabolism of the building stock. There exists substantial uncertainty inherent to input parameters of the stock‐driven dynamic building stock MFA model, which has not been comprehensively evaluated yet. In this study, a probabilistic, stock‐driven dynamic MFA model is established and China's urban housing stock is selected as the empirical case. This probabilistic dynamic MFA model has the ability to depict the future evolution pathway of China's housing stock and capture uncertainties in its material stock, inflow, and outflow. By means of probabilistic methods, a detailed and transparent estimation of China's housing stock and its material metabolism behavior is presented. Under a scenario with a saturation level of the population, urbanization, and living space, the median value of the urban housing stock area, newly completed area, and demolished area would peak at around 49, 2.2, and 2.2 billion square meters, respectively. The corresponding material stock and flows are 79, 3.5, and 3.3 billion tonnes, respectively. Uncertainties regarding housing stock and its material stock and flows are non‐negligible. Relative uncertainties of the material stock and flows are above 50%. The uncertainty importance analysis demonstrates that the material intensity and the total population are major contributions to the uncertainty. Policy makers in the housing sector should consider the material efficiency as an essential policy to mitigate material flows of the urban building stock and to lower the risk of policy failures.  相似文献   

杨海帆  董海龙  张昊鹏  徐晨  郭超 《生物磁学》2011,(22):4225-4228
目的建立脑电监测SD大鼠异氟醚全身麻醉模型并分析脑电监测结果。方法:随机选取SD大鼠20只,先行脑电电极置入术,术后使用密闭吸入麻醉动物行为学观察圆筒,观察异氟醚引起的麻醉诱导、维持、觉醒状态并记录诱导、觉醒时间。将记录的行为学结果对照典型脑电图波形改变判断麻醉深度。结果:实验SD大鼠均检测出脑电图,通过对照行为学观察发现动态脑电监、}测结果同异氟醚麻醉过程进展一致。在麻醉过程中SD大鼠出现典型的全身麻醉脑电循环。结论:动态脑电监测和SD大鼠行为学观察可以准确反应全身麻醉深度。  相似文献   

A model of competition between populations of two species, describedby a two dimensional map, is analytically and numerically studied. A rich dynamics is observed.  相似文献   

利用所测定的猪脂肪组织表达序列标签以及来源于GenBank中非冗余核酸数据库和表达序列标签数据库中的人、牛及小鼠cDNA序列 ,在随机抽样方法建立的基础上 ,分别采集 70个已知功能基因的cDNA序列 ,分析了 4个物种 70× 15 0bp序列连接体的突变规律 ,建立了不同物种之间的综合种系发生分析方法。结果表明 ,在 4个物种 70个已知功能基因所构成的cDNA序列连接体同源性分析中 ,共发现 391个单碱基突变 ,不同物种之间的突变数量大大超过了同一物种基因组水平预测的 1/ 10 0 0。其中以C/T(T/C)转换和A/G(G/A)转换为主要的单碱基突变类型。种系发生分析结果表明 ,作为偶蹄目的猪和牛的遗传关系最近 ,其次是人类 ,小鼠与家猪和牛的遗传关系最远。 4种动物从共同祖先分化的顺序分别为小鼠最早 ,人类次之 ,然后为猪和牛  相似文献   

目的:建立脑电监测SD大鼠异氟醚全身麻醉模型并分析脑电监测结果。方法:随机选取SD大鼠20只,先行脑电电极置入术,术后使用密闭吸入麻醉动物行为学观察圆筒,观察异氟醚引起的麻醉诱导、维持、觉醒状态并记录诱导、觉醒时间。将记录的行为学结果对照典型脑电图波形改变判断麻醉深度。结果:实验SD大鼠均检测出脑电图,通过对照行为学观察发现动态脑电监测结果同异氟醚麻醉过程进展一致。在麻醉过程中SD大鼠出现典型的全身麻醉脑电循环。结论:动态脑电监测和SD大鼠行为学观察可以准确反应全身麻醉深度。  相似文献   

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