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克氏原螯虾   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
从形态、习性、繁殖和幼体发育等7个方面介绍了克氏原螯虾的生物学特性,指出它对人类有益的方面,以及对水利、农业、淡水养殖业的危害及其可能造成食用者食物中毒的不利方面。  相似文献   

外来种克氏原螯虾的危害及其防治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
江舒  庞璐  黄成 《生物学通报》2007,42(5):15-16
克氏原螯虾作为外来入侵种,已经对其所入侵的栖息地土著动物、植被、土壤结构等生态环境构成了严重威胁。针对我国一些拟引入养殖或正在大面积推广养殖该螯虾的现状,提出防治该物种的一些探索性对策,对拟将引种的地区,必须持慎重态度,进行生态安全评估,制定预警措施  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾与克氏原螯虾血细胞的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对罗氏沼虾与克氏原螫虾血细胞的分类与组成进行了染色观察比较研究。根据染色后光镜下血细胞的核质比、颗粒的大小和数量等来对血细胞进行分类,罗氏沼虾与克氏原螯虾的血细胞均可分为透明细胞、半颗粒细胞和颗粒细胞三类;其血细胞浓度分别为1.02±0.21×107 Ind·ml-1和0.85±0.15×107Ind·ml-1。2种虾血细胞的颗粒形态存在显著差异;透明细胞、半颗粒细胞和颗粒细胞占血细胞总量的百分比在罗氏沼虾为21.3±6.3%,45.7±2.5%,33.0±6.8%:在克氏原螯虾为12.0±5.8%、49.5±5.1%和38.5±9.5%。  相似文献   

克氏原螯虾幼体发育的初步研究   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
郭晓鸣  朱松泉 《动物学报》1997,43(4):372-381
在实验条件下观察了克氏原螯虾的幼体发育。详细描述了第一至第三龄幼体发育的形态特征。  相似文献   

武汉地区克氏原螯虾繁殖期的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为探究武汉地区克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)繁殖期的问题,采用石蜡切片的方法,对武汉地区自然群体中克氏原螯虾雌雄成体的生殖腺进行了周年观察研究。结果表明,武汉地区成年克氏原螯虾的卵母细胞发育不同步,在4~5月以及9~10月的卵巢中都有大量成熟期的卵子,同时也含有少量卵黄发生前期或初期的卵母细胞。6~7月和11月都可见产后恢复期的卵巢,内含少量未产出的正在退化的过熟卵和一些卵黄发生前期或初期的卵母细胞。精巢发育的年周期变化没有卵巢变化的那么明显,但也可以看到,在4~6月和9~10月,含精子细胞和精子的精小管的比例大大增加,而在其他时期,含精原细胞和精母细胞的精小管比例较多。这些结果提示,武汉地区克氏原螯虾一年有两个繁殖高峰期,一个在4~5月,另一个在9~10月。  相似文献   

克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)血细胞染色方法的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
甲壳类血细胞的形态和分类是甲壳类免疫学研究的基础.本文选择三种甲壳类血细胞的常用染料:瑞氏染液、姬姆萨染液和瑞氏-姬姆萨混合染液,研究它们对于克氏原螯虾血细胞的染色效果.通过改变染色时间、染色温度、分色方式以及分色时间等染色条件,观察、比较不同染色条件下血细胞内的颗粒、细胞核和细胞质的着色情况,以及细胞整体轮廓清晰程度,确定适用于克氏原螯虾血细胞染色的理想染色方法,并建立相应的操作程序.  相似文献   

文章研究了稻田黄鳝(Monopterus albus)天然饵料生物资源、稻田黄鳝对克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)捕食选择及不同投喂策略下黄鳝对克氏原螯虾的捕食强度,旨在为构建与优化稻-虾-鳝综合种养模式提供依据。结果表明,稻田中黄鳝天然饵料生物种类丰富,达16种(属);克氏原螯虾是黄鳝最喜猎物,其次为米虾,再次为蚯蚓和水生寡毛类;稻田黄鳝自然生长期间,其胃和肠前端食物团中,克氏原螯虾重量百分比均显著高于其他猎物,其中8月份占比最大,达93.90%, 4月份占比最小,为76.85%;当克氏原螯虾为唯一食物时,每尾大规格成鳝(≥200 g)日均捕食量为(1.63±0.065) g;当克氏原螯虾、米虾和蚯蚓作为食物时,黄鳝主要捕食克氏原螯虾且不捕食蚯蚓,对三者的选择指数分别为0.066、–0.266和–1;若以克氏原螯虾、鱼糜-饲料为食物时,黄鳝主要摄食鱼糜-饲料,极少捕食克氏原螯虾,对两者的选择指数分别为–0.846和0.591。  相似文献   

克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)是广泛分布于我国淡水水域的外来入侵物种,对其种群遗传结构的研究有助于了解种群扩散过程。本文测定了淮河流域自然水体中9个地理种群共151个野生克氏原螯虾线粒体COⅠ序列,获得624 bp的有效基因片段,共定义了25个单倍型。AMOVA分析结果表明,淮河流域的克氏原螯虾种群内的变异占主导地位,单倍型多样性和核苷酸多样性均为中等水平,各地理种群间平均遗传差异较小(Fst=0.078),遗传差异不显著。系统发生树并没有按地理位置形成对应族群,表明克氏原螯虾各地理种群间存在明显的基因流,各地理种群间没有形成明显的种群遗传分化。  相似文献   

为评估克氏原螯虾用产芽孢益生菌的特性和安全,本研究从市售益生菌产品中分离到19株芽孢杆菌属成员.通过测定抗菌活性、产纤维素酶活性、温度对生长影响来评价其益生菌的特性;通过测定芽孢对高温、低pH、胆汁酸盐的耐受、自聚集性和表面疏水性等评价其稳定性;通过溶血活性、抗生素敏感性、小鼠攻毒试验、克氏原螯虾饲养试验等评价其安全性.以抗菌和产纤维素酶活性、低温(15℃)生长快和无溶血活性这四项指标为标准进行筛选,结果表明:只有3株芽孢杆菌(B8,B20,B27)可成为益生菌候选株.在15℃低温时生长迅速、抗菌和产纤维素酶活性高的2株解淀粉芽孢杆菌(B14和B40)有溶血活性,能引起克氏原螯虾的肠炎,并导致肠道菌群中气单胞菌丰度显著上升.因此,在克氏原螯虾用芽孢杆菌益生菌的选择中,不仅要关注益生功能,更要考虑其安全性.本研究结果为芽孢杆菌在动物保护产品中科学评价和合理使用提供参考.  相似文献   

克氏原螯虾的入侵生态学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)原产于美国南部和墨西哥北部,是一个著名入侵物种,作为一种水产经济资源物种在世界各地扩散。克氏原螯虾抗逆性强,所具有的广泛生境适应性、生长迅速、高生殖率等特点使它们迅速建立野生种群。近10余年的研究认为,克氏原螯虾通过捕食和资源竞争等机制严重威胁引入地的水生植物、无脊椎动物、两栖类等的生存,显著降低引入地的生物多样性。当前,由于克氏原螯虾的经济价值高,它会借助于人力的作用而继续扩散。为认清和减少克氏原螯虾对引入地的生态影响,应加强以下方面的研究:1)在中国开展克氏原螯虾的生态危害的调查和研究;2)克氏原螯虾种群调节和控制对策研究;3)被入侵地的生态恢复工作。  相似文献   

为研究性别和生长阶段对克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)肠道菌群的影响,实验对来自虾塘的雌雄成虾肠道样品及来自实验室养殖的幼虾和成虾的肠道样品进行了16S rRNA高通量测序分析。结果表明,不同性别间克氏原螯虾肠道菌群的多样性和功能均没有显著性差异(独立样本t检验:P>0.05),其优势菌群在门水平上均包括厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)等;属水平上包括拟杆菌属(Bacteroidia)、希瓦氏菌属(Shewanella)、梭菌属(Clostridium)和柠檬酸杆菌属(Citrobacter)等;但各优势菌群在个体间的丰度差异较大,且在成虾阶段趋于保守,属肠道常驻菌群。幼虾肠道菌群的Alpha多样性显著高于成虾(独立样本t检验:P<0.05)。在门水平上,优势菌群较为一致,包括变形菌门、拟杆菌门、厚壁菌门和放线菌门(Actinobacteria)。成虾厚壁菌门与拟杆菌门的比例高于幼虾,表明成虾分解食物和吸收营养的潜力更强。在属水平上,成虾和幼虾肠道中均存在大量的黄杆菌属(F...  相似文献   

P. J. S. Olney  D. H. Mills 《Ibis》1963,105(3):293-300
The food and feeding habits of Goldeneye Bucephala clangula are described, based on the analyses of 51 stomach contents and a brief review of the literature. The type of food taken depends on the type of habitat being used, the availability and size of the food items and on the methods of feeding—though animal material largely predominates.
In estuarine and coastal areas, small crustaceans and in particular Carcinus maenas figured highly in the diet, with some molluscs and small fish. In two brackish-water feeding birds, seeds formed the bulk of the food, some caddis-fly larvae also being taken. In freshwater feeding birds insects predominated, particularly Trichoptera larvae, chironomid larvae and the adults of Corixa spp. Some crustaceans ( Asellus, Gammarus ) and small molluscs were taken and occasionally small fish. A small amount of plant material was taken in the form of seeds, mainly Potamogeton spp.
The relation between Goldeneye and fishing interests is briefly discussed and it is concluded that fish normally form a small part of the diet and it is unlikely that any serious depredation of fish stocks is common.  相似文献   

P. J. S. Olney 《Ibis》1965,107(4):527-532
The food and feeding habits of Shelduck Tadorna tadorna are described, based on the analyses of the viscera of 30 birds collected under special licence, and of 18 birds found dead or dying during the cold weather of 1963, on faecal material from eight incubating birds, on field observations and on the literature. The birds came from a number of different localities and from each month of the year, apart from July.
The mollusc Hydrobia ulvae (Pennant) was found in all 46 birds which contained food, and it is quite obvious, and this is confirmed by the literature and by faecal analyses, that this is the most important food item during much of the year and in many different localities. Other species eaten included the bivalve Macoma balthica , the amphipod Corophium volutator , the ragworm Nereis sp., the alga Enteromorpha , and occasionally the seeds of various plants.
The importance of H. ulvae is examined in the light of its distribution and numbers, which may be a strong controlling factor in concentrating Shelduck in certain areas at certain times of the year.
The feeding behaviour of Shelduck, and a number of other birds, is apparently closely related to the cyclic behaviour pattern of the main food species, H. ulvae .
It seems that Shelduck have a rather fixed type of feeding behaviour which exploits only one feeding niche and therein mainly one food item. Any event (prolonged gales or very cold weather) which prevents the bird from using that niche can be the cause of heavy mortality.  相似文献   

P. J. S. Olney 《Ibis》1963,105(1):55-62
The food and feeding habits of Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula are described, based on field observations and on the analyses of the stomach contents of 95 birds, all but one of them having fed inland; 57 were collected from a gravel pit near London, 28 from Northern Ireland and 9 from a number of English inland waters, in the shooting seasons 1959-60 and 1960-61.
The London birds in both seasons had fed primarily on molluscs, mainly Dreissena polymorpha. The Northern Ireland birds, where D. polymorpha does not occur, had a more variable diet, again mainly molluscs, but with some crustaceans, insects and plant seeds. The English birds had a similarly variable diet with the emphasis on crustaceans ( Asellus spp.) and with some molluscs, insects and plant seeds. Brief information is given on the food of young birds.
It is suggested that the spread of D. polymorpha may be one of the factors explaining the recent spread of the Tufted Duck in certain areas. It appears that where one particular food such as D. polymorpha is not plentiful a more variable diet is taken, though molluscs always figure prominently. The type of food taken depends on the type of habitat used, the availability and size of the food items and on the methods of feeding.  相似文献   

为探讨在克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)稻田养殖水体中施用不同肥料对浮游植物群落结构的影响,以湖北省荆州市太湖农场稻虾模式试验基地为场所,于2019年4—5月进行试验,设置施化肥、施有机肥和施有机-无机复混肥3个处理.每块稻田中克氏原螯虾的放养密度为2.30ind/m2.结果发现,施化肥、施有机肥和...  相似文献   

Different patterns of resistance to six pathotypes of Melampsora lini were detected in 11 populations of Linum marginale distributed across two metapopulations. The two metapopulations (mountains and plains of New South Wales, Australia) differed in the annual cycle of disease development, which barely overlapped, and in the growth cycle and mating system of the host. Host populations in the mountains metapopulation were highly inbred, whereas those on the plains showed appreciable levels of outcrossing. Within each metapopulation there was significant variation among component populations in (1) levels of host resistance to individual pathogen isolates; (2) mean levels of resistance to all six isolates; (3) the number of resistance phenotypes present and the evenness of their distribution within the population; and (4) the average number of pathogen lines to which individual hosts were resistant. A more limited comparison of pathogen populations from the two metapopulations (two from each) found greater similarities in the structure of populations and particular virulence frequencies within, rather than among, the two metapopulations. Differences in host outcrossing rates between the two metapopulations are reflected in marked differences in the overall level of resistance, its partitioning within and among populations, the number and distribution of resistance phenotypes in the two areas, and the level of polymorphism for specific virulence factors in the pathogen, with the plains metapopulation showing consistently higher values. However, these differences were not significant. In general, variation for all parameters was just as great among populations within a metapopulation as between the two metapopulations.  相似文献   

本文报道了作者于1976、1979年在巴里坤草原自然和罩笼条件下,观察优势种蝗虫取食范围、取食程度等研究结果。根据斑腿蝗亚科蝗虫主要取食双子叶植物,蝗亚科蝗虫取食单子叶植物,而斑翅蝗亚科中一部分种类取食双子叶植物,一部分取食单子叶植物这个事实,提出:斑腿蝗亚科较原始,蝗亚科最进化,斑翅蝗亚科介于两者之间。这种系统是否与蝗虫的头部形态结构有关,值得深入研究。  相似文献   

长江口水生动物食物网营养结构及其变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究长江口水生动物食物网营养结构及其变化, 运用胃含物分析法研究了2016—2017年长江口及其邻近水域捕获的43种水生动物的食性类型与营养结构, 并与20世纪90年代和2006年文献数据进行了比较, 结果表明, 长江口及其邻近水域捕获的水生动物分为4种食性类型: 浮游生物食性、底栖生物食性、游泳生物食性、混合食性, 其中浮游生物食性消费者占绝对优势, 为39.53%; 游泳生物食性消费者所占比例最少, 为11.63%。所分析样品的营养级可分为3级, 其中植食性消费者占优势, 为76.75%; 中级肉食性消费者所占比例最少, 为4.65%; 与20世纪90年代相比, 12种常见鱼类的平均营养级由3.80下降到2.87。长江口水生动物食物网结构较为复杂, 生产者类型包括底栖藻类、浮游植物、有机碎屑3种, 主要由牧食食物链和碎屑食物链构成复杂的食物网。  相似文献   

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