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本文是对出土于新疆哈密地区天山北路青铜时代墓地颅骨测量性状的研究。文中公布了24例天山北路墓地古代人群77项颅骨测量性状基本数据, 在此基础上, 对男、女两性的测量性状特点进行了统计分析, 并结合考古学文化研究和分子生物学研究的相关结论对实验结果进行了讨论和推论。主要研究结论如下: 一是该人群虽已经形成了具有自身特点的、共性的体质特征, 但人群内部也存在些许差异, 尤其是在男性个体数据之中。二是该人群是由分别具有东、西方体质特征的祖先人群混杂融合而成, 是处于当时大人种分布过渡地带的过渡人群。  相似文献   

以军都山墓地为代表的"玉皇庙文化"系中国北方青铜时代的一支具有鲜明地方特色的少数部族文化。本文对军都山墓地出土人骨牙齿标本作牙齿磨耗状况分析,试图为其饮食结构和社会经济形态的探讨提供线索。结果显示:军都山古代人群中,相同年龄组的男女两性牙齿磨耗差异不大;前部牙齿磨耗轻于后部臼齿,第一臼齿磨耗最重;臼齿磨耗样式大多呈现"正常平匀"式,臼齿磨耗角度大多较小,两者均随年龄而变化但没有显著的性别差异。经与其他样本组的对比认为军都山古代人群牙齿磨耗的特点可能与其社会经济农牧兼营的性质有关,推测动物性食物(肉食)可能在军都山古代人群主要饮食结构中占据重要比例,并包含有一定的农业经济成分。不同游牧人群牙齿磨耗程度差异较大,只有结合了磨耗形态及其他信息才有可能更切实地反映其饮食状况。  相似文献   

古代畜牧生计人群的生活方式、对畜牧业依赖程度及与相邻定居人群的关系表现多样。军都山墓地是东周时期以畜牧业为重要生计方式的玉皇庙文化代表性遗址,在其延续的近三百年时间里文化遗存发生了一些明确变化,暗示其生活模式的可能改变。本文通过该遗址出土人骨体质状况的表现对军都山古人群运动和生活方式的时序性变化进行探讨。106根股骨骨干中部断面生物力学参数被用来分析其下肢功能状况及流动性,2487枚牙齿的龋病发生情况用于了解其植物性食物摄入的变化趋势。结果表明,与放牧生活密切相关的流动性在男性随时代明显减弱,但一直显著高于同性别农业定居人群;女性的流动性则变化不大,与定居农业人群相当。龋齿发病在男性随时代显著增高,女性则变化不明显且维持在相对较高水平,表明男性饮食中粮食类占比随时代有增加的趋势。结合文化遗存的发展变化推断,虽然畜牧业一直是军都山古代人类最重要的生计模式,但其流动性和龋病的变化表明畜牧业在其生业模式重要性随时代有所下降;伴随其的是农业在其经济生活中的比重开始增加,可能是受周边定居农业文化影响的结果。  相似文献   

何嘉宁 《人类学学报》2016,35(2):238-245
古代畜牧生计人群的生活方式、对畜牧业依赖程度及与相邻定居人群的关系表现多样。军都山墓地是东周时期以畜牧业为重要生计方式的玉皇庙文化代表性遗址,在其延续的近三百年时间里文化遗存发生了一些明确变化,暗示其生活模式的可能改变。本文通过该遗址出土人骨体质状况的表现对军都山古人群运动和生活方式的时序性变化进行探讨。106根股骨骨干中部断面生物力学参数被用来分析其下肢功能状况及流动性,2487枚牙齿的龋病发生情况用于了解其植物性食物摄入的变化趋势。结果表明,与放牧生活密切相关的流动性在男性随时代明显减弱,但一直显著高于同性别农业定居人群;女性的流动性则变化不大,与定居农业人群相当。龋齿发病在男性随时代显著增高,女性则变化不明显且维持在相对较高水平,表明男性饮食中粮食类占比随时代有增加的趋势。结合文化遗存的发展变化推断,虽然畜牧业一直是军都山古代人类最重要的生计模式,但其流动性和龋病的变化表明畜牧业在其生业模式重要性随时代有所下降;伴随其的是农业在其经济生活中的比重开始增加,可能是受周边定居农业文化影响的结果。  相似文献   

忻州窑子墓地是近年来内蒙古中南部地区重要的考古发现之一,该墓地出土人骨标本是内蒙古中南部地区东周时期最具有代表性的古代人类标本,在探讨该时期中原王朝北扩疆土与北方民族南下冲突融合的历史过程问题上具有重要的学术价值。本文对出土的31例东周时期的颅骨标本(男性21例,女性10例)进行了体质人类学的研究,根据颅骨形态特征的差异,我们将该墓地的人群分为两组,即忻州窑子A组和忻州窑子B组。经过对比分析可知,忻州窑子A组居民的颅骨形态特征与先秦时期的"古蒙古高原类型"居民十分一致,忻州窑子B组居民则与"古中原类型"居民较为接近。忻州窑子墓地中未见有不同文化系统的葬俗,但在人群构成上却包括了两类体质特征差异显著的群体,佐证了这一时期该地区古代人群的构成具有强烈的融合性与多源性。  相似文献   

张雅军  张旭 《人类学学报》2021,40(6):981-992
本文通过对新疆且末县托乎拉克勒克乡加瓦艾日克村29座墓地出土的人骨标本进行了观察和分析。共鉴定出150例个体,其中男性73例、女性50例、性别不明者27例。男性、女性平均死亡年龄分别为36.3岁和35.6岁。形态学的分析指出且末人群更多地具有欧洲人种的特点,如鼻根凹陷深、鼻骨明显突起及犬齿窝深等。聚类分析结果显示且末人群与新疆古代人群焉布拉克C组、察吾呼四号组、多岗等人群较为接近。文章还根据线粒体DNA的分析结果讨论了且末古代人群的种族属性,古DNA的分析揭示出且末人群存在欧亚大陆东、西部人群的基因交流,并进一步指出其西部类型的成分来源极有可能来自西伯利亚,其东部成分可能来自西伯利亚或中国甘肃,只是东西方人群的基因融合规模小而且处于初级阶段,所以并未在颅面部形态特征上有大规模明显的改变。此外,本文从考古学文化、体质人类学研究以及古DNA等几个方面探讨了新疆地区古代人群的种族成分来源。本文还对且末人群的身高进行了推算,对一例变形颅骨以及骨骼上的创伤作了简要描述。  相似文献   

本文对出土于宁夏东汉时期的石砚子墓地中一例罕见颅骨病理性损伤个体进行了古病理学诊断分析,该男性个体颅骨上可见不规则形大面积骨质破坏,累及额骨、左侧顶骨、左侧颞骨以及右侧顶骨,缺损周缘可见成骨性、溶骨性反应混合特征,呈向内、外翻卷状,边缘伴有骨膜反应,颅内壁可见较深血管压迹。通过CT影像分析骨骼损伤形态、骨骼损伤区域特征,并结合临床医学资料进行鉴别诊断,排除了朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症、骨血管瘤、Gorham-Stout综合征、骨髓瘤和非特异性感染,推测该病例的病理诊断为甲状腺癌导致的继发性颅骨转移癌。  相似文献   

曹家寨墓地是一处位于陕西西咸新区沣西新城的清代平民墓地,文章通过体质人类学和古人口学研究方法,结合历史文献,对曹家寨墓地的人口结构进行了初步分析。结果表明,沣西新城曹家寨清代居民的性别比为117.5,男性远多于女性,可能与清代盛行的“溺女婴”风俗有关。两性的死亡高峰皆在中年期,但生育行为使得女性壮年期的死亡率是男性的2倍多,有更多的男性居民活到了老年期,表明男性个体有相对更长的寿命。墓地人骨的埋葬方式和迁葬行为,反映了清代一夫一妻多妾的婚姻形式以及平民阶层个体家庭为主的家庭结构。  相似文献   

魏东  王永笛  吴勇 《人类学学报》2020,39(3):404-419
下坂地墓地青铜时代居民是帕米尔高原区早期人群的代表。通过颅骨测量性状特征对该人群来源和流向问题的讨论,为建立欧亚大陆青铜时代人群的流动、变迁史提供了新的素材。与欧亚大陆青铜时代时空相关人群对比分析的结果表明,下坂地青铜组居民的祖先人群,可能是来自东欧南部草原地带的洞室墓文化居民。他们在安德罗诺沃文化的繁盛期,自东欧草原地带迁徙到帕米尔高原区,逐渐发展为安德罗诺沃文化的一个地方变体。  相似文献   

本文使用不同倍率的超景深电子显微镜,对新疆吐鲁番胜金店墓地中出土的13例臼齿的颊侧微磨耗形态进行了观察和研究。通过对臼齿颊侧表面凹坑和条痕形态微磨耗的测量和统计,计算出每例牙齿的微痕数量、均长、均宽、凹坑百分比和Lh/Lv比值,按照性别和年龄分组进行人群内的数据对比分析。研究结果表明,该人群中年龄较大的个体摄入更高比例的植物类食物;两性的食物结构不存在显著性差异,男性摄入植物类食物比例略高,女性的食物结构在不同的年龄阶段有所差异。将胜金店墓地人群与不同生计方式人群的Lh/Lv比值进行人群间的差异性分析,并结合胜金店墓地的随葬品特点推测,胜金店墓地人群的食物结构以肉类食物为主,其生计模式以游牧业为主,兼营种植类经济。  相似文献   

何嘉宁 《人类学学报》2018,37(3):384-392
肌肉通过肌腱、韧带附着于骨骼,附着位点的形态改变与肌肉功能相关,因而被用于古代人群肢体功能活跃度的复原。本文对东周时期军都山古代人群股骨的臀中肌、髂腰肌、腓肠肌内侧头三个纤维软骨性附着位点的形态进行了观测,并与清代君子村组进行对比,检验其形态变化与组别、性别、年龄、体型的相关性。结果表明,部分附着位点的形态改变随年龄而增加,但性别、体型及组别差异对附着位点形态变化的影响较小。这与很多上肢研究中发现的附着位点形态受性别、体型、劳动强度等影响结论不同。这种差别可能来自下肢承重以及更为复杂的功能状况等原因,军都山与君子村样本年龄结构的不一致性也是一个重要影响因素。对于古代人群下肢肌腱附着位点形态变化与其功能状况的关系需要更深入的探讨。  相似文献   



In 1994 there was a horrific genocide in Rwanda following years of tension, resulting in the murder of at least 800,000 people. Although many people were injured in addition to those killed, no attempt has been made to assess the lasting burden of physical injuries related to these events. The aim of this study was to estimate the current burden of musculoskeletal impairment (MSI) attributable to the 1994 war and related violence.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A national cross-sectional survey of MSI was conducted in Rwanda. 105 clusters of 80 people were selected through probability proportionate to size sampling. Households within clusters were selected through compact segment sampling. Enumerated people answered a seven-question screening test to assess whether they might have an MSI. Those who were classed as potential cases in the screening test were examined and interviewed by a physiotherapist, using a standard protocol that recorded the site, nature, cause, and severity of the MSI. People with MSI due to trauma were asked whether this trauma occurred during the 1990–1994 war or during the episodes that preceded or followed this war. Out of 8,368 people enumerated, 6,757 were available for screening and examination (80.8%). 352 people were diagnosed with an MSI (prevalence = 5.2%, 95% CI = 4.5–5.9%). 106 cases of MSI (30.6%) were classified as resulting from trauma, based on self-report and the physiotherapist''s assessment. Of these, 14 people (13.2%) reported that their trauma-related MSI occurred during the 1990–1994 war, and a further 7 (6.6%) that their trauma-related MSI occurred during the violent episodes that preceded and followed the war, giving an overall prevalence of trauma-related MSI related to the 1990–1994 war of 0.3% (95% CI = 0.2–0.4%).


A decade on, the overall prevalence of MSI was relatively high in Rwanda but few cases appeared to be the result of the 1994 war or related violence.  相似文献   



Working in the stressful environment of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is an emotionally charged challenge that might affect the emotional stability of medical staff. The quality of care for ICU patients and their relatives might be threatened through long-term absenteeism or a brain and skill drain if the healthcare professionals leave their jobs prematurely in order to preserve their own health.


The purpose of this review is to evaluate the literature related to emotional distress among healthcare professionals in the ICU, with an emphasis on the prevalence of burnout and compassion fatigue and the available preventive strategies.


A systematic literature review was conducted, using Embase, Medline OvidSP, Cinahl, Web-of-science, PsychINFO, PubMed publisher, Cochrane and Google Scholar for articles published between 1992 and June, 2014. Studies reporting the prevalence of burnout, compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress and vicarious trauma in ICU healthcare professionals were included, as well as related intervention studies.


Forty of the 1623 identified publications, which included 14,770 respondents, met the selection criteria. Two studies reported the prevalence of compassion fatigue as 7.3% and 40%; five studies described the prevalence of secondary traumatic stress ranging from 0% to 38.5%. The reported prevalence of burnout in the ICU varied from 0% to 70.1%. A wide range of intervention strategies emerged from the recent literature search, such as different intensivist work schedules, educational programs on coping with emotional distress, improving communication skills, and relaxation methods.


The true prevalence of burnout, compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress and vicarious trauma in ICU healthcare professionals remains open for discussion. A thorough exploration of emotional distress in relation to communication skills, ethical rounds, and mindfulness might provide an appropriate starting point for the development of further preventive strategies.  相似文献   

《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1975,4(5994):427-430
Necropsy records from two large general hospitals in Dundee showed short-term fluctuations in the prevalence of gall stones that had not previously been described. There was no evidence of a rise in the standardised prevalence rate between 1902-9 and 1953-73. A spurious increase was apparent from the crude prevalence rates for these periods, which resulted simply from the increased age of the patients in the later period. Since there was no real increase in prevalence no conclusions can be drawn about dietary or other changes. Patients with stones in the common bile duct were likely to die from an associated cause. This related mainly to a high mortality rate in women. In patients with established epilepsy the prevalence of gall stones was greater than expected, which suggests that phenobarbitone does not diminish the likelihood of gall stones.  相似文献   

The Middle Period in San Pedro de Atacama (AD 400–1000) stands out as a time of great prosperity that was, in part, associated with high levels of interaction with foreign polities, including the highland state of Tiwanaku. Although previous studies have demonstrated an increase in rates of violence during the subsequent Regional Developments Period (AD 1000–1400), this does not mean that the Middle Period was a time of peace and tranquility. Here, the prevalence of violence in four contemporary cemeteries is analyzed, exploring potential sources of conflict, including social inequality. Cranial trauma was documented through the presence, location, size, and state of healing of all wounds and was found in 14.7% of the sample (61/415; including two cases of perimortem trauma). Skeletal remains were also analyzed for demographic data to investigate differences in patterns of violence related to sex and age. Notably, most of the trauma centered on the anterior portion of the skull, suggesting the prominence of face‐to‐face confrontations that involved both sexes. Correlations between trauma and items in the mortuary assemblage that may have been associated with prestige or an elevated social standing in two cemeteries from the Solcor ayllu indicate that individuals from the more elite cemetery were subjected to significantly less traumatic injury. These data suggest that people did not share equally in the benefits of this period's affluence and that there were tensions in Atacameño society despite seemingly widespread prosperity. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This article examines evidence for violence as reflected in skull injuries in 378 individuals from Neolithic Denmark and Sweden (3,900–1,700 BC). It is the first large‐scale crossregional study of skull trauma in southern Scandinavia, documenting skeletal evidence of violence at a population level. We also investigate the widely assumed hypothesis that Neolithic violence is male‐dominated and results in primarily male injuries and fatalities. Considering crude prevalence and prevalence for individual bones of the skull allows for a more comprehensive understanding of interpersonal violence in the region, which is characterized by endemic levels of mostly nonlethal violence that affected both men and women. Crude prevalence for skull trauma reaches 9.4% in the Swedish and 16.9% in the Danish sample, whereas element‐based prevalence varies between 6.2% for the right frontal and 0.6% for the left maxilla, with higher figures in the Danish sample. Significantly more males are affected by healed injuries but perimortem injuries affect males and females equally. These results suggest habitual male involvement in nonfatal violence but similar risks for both sexes for sustaining fatal injuries. In the Danish sample, a bias toward front and left‐side injuries and right‐side injuries in females support this scenario of differential involvement in habitual interpersonal violence, suggesting gendered differences in active engagement in conflict. It highlights the importance of large‐scale studies for investigating the scale and context of violence in early agricultural societies, and the existence of varied regional patterns for overall injury prevalence as well as gendered differences in violence‐related injuries. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   



To know the prevalence and etiology of oral and maxillofacial trauma in elders.


Analytical quantitative cross-sectional study conducted at a public trauma hospital located in Fortaleza-Ceará, Brazil. The study population comprised patients with trauma who were hospitalized from April to August 2014. Of these patients, patients with oral and maxillofacial trauma were chosen to be included in the research. A questionnaire was administered in order to obtain information on socio-demographics, systemic comorbidities, use of medication, deleterious habits (smoking and alcohol consumption), etiology of oral and maxillofacial trauma and type of pre-hospital care.


Of the 280 elderly hospitalized with trauma, 47 had oral and maxillofacial trauma, with a prevalence of 16.8%. In this group, the age ranged from 60 to 88 years, with a mean age of 72.4 years (SD± 8.38). The elderly were mostly women (55.3%), self-declared pardos (53.2%), who presented with cardiovascular disorders (48.9%), and who received formal pre-hospital care (70.2%). Elderly who were in the 60–69 years age group, spent 6–9 years at school and drank alcohol were 2.64, 3.75, and 1.97, respectively, more likely to suffer oral and maxillofacial trauma. The main causes of trauma were physical aggression, traffic accidents, falls and domestic accidents. All of the physical aggressions resulted in oral and maxillofacial traumas, and the elderly who suffered traffic accidents were four times more likely to have oral and maxillofacial trauma.


The prevalence of 16.8% and the lack of research on oral and maxillofacial traumas in the elderly is worrisome and should be included in the oral health indicators for the elderly population to support the importance of oral health.  相似文献   

1. Variation in life-history strategies among conspecific populations indicates the action of local selective pressures; recently, parasitism has been suggested as one of these local forces. 2. Effects of trematode infections on reproductive effort, juvenile growth, size at maturity and susceptibility were investigated among different natural populations of the marine gastropod Zeacumantus subcarinatus, Sowerby 1855. 3. Reproductive effort was not higher in uninfected snails from populations experiencing a high trematode prevalence, but females from high prevalence populations produced significantly larger offspring compared with their conspecifics from other populations. 4. Juvenile growth rate was significantly higher in laboratory-raised snails originating from females in a high prevalence population compared with other populations. 5. Size at maturity, determined by the appearance of functional gonads, was significantly and negatively related to trematode prevalence, and positively related to mean snail size, across 10 populations in the study area. 6. There was no evidence of different host resistance against trematodes in sentinel snails from high and low prevalence populations exposed to the same infection pressure in the field. 7. Our results strongly indicate that Z. subcarinatus adapt to trematodes by reaching maturity early, thereby maximizing their chance of reproducing in populations experiencing a high prevalence of infection by castrating trematodes.  相似文献   

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