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阿舍利技术的两个核心要素在于剥取大石片以及制作手斧等定型化大型工具。目前,国内有关手斧工业的研究中,关注较多的是大型工具的加工与制作,而对于大石片生产的方式与策略则缺乏系统的研究和介绍。本文重点介绍和综述了目前国外发现和报道的大石片生产技术,并对每种技术的具体特点进行了分析和阐释。根据剥片复杂程度的不同,阿舍利大石片生产技术可细分为三类;第一类指砾石初级剥片技术,是利用原料的自然特征,选择合适台面和剥片角度进行单次剥片;第二类包括两面剥片技术、板状石核剥片技术和昆比哇技术,是在了解原料特征的基础上,对石核进行有计划的剥片,以便连续生产出多个大石片;第三类包括奇尔基技术、塔拜勒巴拉-塔奇恩基特技术和西维多利亚技术,是在较为复杂的剥片流程引导下,通过对石核的预制,获取具有相对稳定形态的大石片。在此基础上,初步分析了广西百色盆地发现的大型石核和大石片标本,探讨其在深入认识该地区石器工业面貌方面的作用和意义。  相似文献   

仝广  李锋  高星 《人类学学报》2023,42(1):129-136
旧石器时代晚期东北亚地区涌现出大量细石叶技术遗存,楔形细石核是该技术组合中的重要代表。楔形细石核因为多样的类型、广泛的分布受到学术界的关注,研究者从不同方面对其展开分析,其中模拟剥片实验发挥着关键作用。20世纪80年代以来,多位学者对东北亚地区广泛分布的楔形细石核进行了模拟剥片实验,尝试使用直接打击法、间接打击法、压制法从该类石核上剥制细石叶,设计了多种与剥片工艺配合使用的石核固定方式,还从原料选择策略、石核预制方法等角度展开讨论。本文从选用原料、预制石核、剥片工艺与固定方式等方面对这些实验取得的成果与存在的问题进行了梳理、总结和剖析,并对模拟实验在细石叶技术研究中的作用与发展前景进行分析和展望,以期为相关研究提供信息、启示并起到推动作用。  相似文献   

水洞沟遗址是中国较早发现并且最早发掘的旧石器遗址,该遗址自1923年发现以来便因其出土较多具有欧洲旧石器时代中晚过渡期特征的石制品而受到国内外学者的广泛关注。本文以水洞沟遗址第7地点(SDG7)出土的石制品材料为基础,主要从石核剥片策略和工具修理策略两个方面进行石器技术的分析研究。石核、石片以及工具的分析显示,SDG7存在两大石器技术体系:一是中国北方常见的占主导地位的石片石器技术,该技术不存在剥片前对石核的预制过程,而是以简单剥片石核、大量的不规则石片以及修理程度较低的工具为代表,少量采用优质原料精致加工的工具类型体现出旧石器时代晚期该技术的发展和进步;二是Levallois-like石叶技术,以少量的Levallois-like石核(扁脸石核)为代表,与SDG1、SDG2(CL5a)以及SDG9出土的同类石核呈现技术理念的一致性,该技术以剥离较大尺寸的石叶/长石片为目的,且均具有台面的预制修理和剥片面的维护现象,应为外来的技术体系。SDG7石器技术的分析可为水洞沟遗址区技术演化序列的构建、整体文化面貌的揭示以及技术变化原因的探讨提供新的材料和参考。  相似文献   

李浩  雷蕾  李大伟  张萌 《人类学学报》2022,41(2):354-369
近年来,有关中国含手斧石器工业的研究取得了一系列进展,但是,在更深层次的人群社会行为研究方面的相关工作较为薄弱。本文以肯尼亚Olorgesailie遗址、以色列Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov遗址和英国Boxgrove等典型遗址为例,对国外不同地区、不同阶段阿舍利遗址中有关古人类社会行为的研究案例进行介绍和评述。通过这些述评,一方面促进我们对手斧人群社会行为的深入理解和认识,另一方面,也为推动国内相关研究工作的开展提供有益的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

长期以来,细石叶技术的发展和传播是更新世末期到全新世初期文化传播、人群迁徙和生态适应研究领域探讨的重要课题。20世纪50年代,发现于广东西樵山石器制造场的大批细石叶技术产品,突破了传统意义上对细石叶技术流行、传播范围的认识。早期研究中不少学者就西樵山细石叶制品的形态特征、分布情况进行了介绍,随后鲜见后续研究,缺乏对技术内涵、石核开发策略的深入解析,亦未开展对其所指示的文化传播与人口迁徙问题的探讨。本文选取收藏于中山大学人类学博物馆的343件细石叶石核,通过对石料、毛坯类型、台面类型和数量、剥片面等多方位观察以及对相关技术数值的测量统计,建构西樵山细石叶石核开发策略的模式。这项工作总结了西樵山细石叶技术的特点,并与其他区域的细石叶技术进行对比,加深了对出现在亚热带地区的细石叶技术的认识,为尝试进一步讨论其可能的技术源流和指示人口迁徙与文化传播提供了基础。  相似文献   

大型尖状类石器在长江中游地区相邻或相近的汉水上游、丹江口库区、三峡地区和澧阳平原等不同区域保存有不同的技术传统。汉中盆地的大型尖状类石器多选自河滩砾石为毛坯直接加工。丹江口库区无论是调查数据还是发掘数据其比例均高于汉中盆地,现有发掘材料来看其大型尖状类石器有稳定的传统,即选自砾石直接单面或两面加工而成,但调查的材料显示存在另外一种传统,即选取砾石生产长度大于10cm的大石片,以大石片为毛坯加工大型尖状类石器。三峡地区古人类在更新世期间似乎不存在有生产大型尖状类石器的传统,为数不多的手镐与当地的砾石砍砸器和石片砍砸器应当为"同质异型"类器物。澧阳平原及周边丘陵区内发现的大型尖状类石器相比于汉中盆地和丹江口库区,发现数量最多,技术传统也最为复杂,至少包括三种不同的技术。大型尖状类石器在不同区域显示不同的技术传统,暗示从中更新世开始长江中游地区可能在一定程度上形成了并不简单的文化关系。  相似文献   

中国旧石器时代手斧的特点与意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高星 《人类学学报》2012,31(2):97-112
手斧的存在与否及其意义是我国史前考古学界长期争论的问题。中国旧石器时代遗存中存在着手斧这一类器物,但它们在形态、技术、组合关系、丰度上与旧大陆西侧有很大区别; 大多数手斧与手镐应属同质异型, 是中国乃至东南亚砾石石器文化中居于从属地位的特定成员, 是更新世生活在热带-亚热带的先民开发利用植物根茎食材的大型挖掘工具。他们在渊源上有本土砾石文化的根基, 可能受到小规模人群迁徙和文化交流的影响, 体现着"本土起源+外来影响"的融合发展过程。中国的手斧存在着材料的不完备性和研究的肤浅性, 体现在绝大多数标本的地层和时代归属不明, 研究多停留在对少数"典型标本"主观定性的层面, 缺乏全面客观的材料分析和详实的观测、统计数据, 很多争论缘于缺乏共同遵循的类型学标准, 陷入表层的术语纷争。未来的研究必须加强地层、年代和形态、技术分析的基础性工作, 充分运用现代科技手段提取信息和数据, 并从理论层面深入揭示手斧这类遗存所蕴含的先民生存与演化的意义。  相似文献   

活性多肽可以参与生命机体的多种生理活动,对促进人体健康发挥着重要的作用,如降血压、降血糖、降血脂和抗癌等,其创制技术也逐渐成为重要的研究和应用转化方向。本综述旨在总结天然活性多肽的发掘策略和生产技术的研究进展。目前,天然活性多肽的发掘与生产技术主要包括自上而下和自下而上两种方法,其中自上而下方法在多肽发掘方面主要为直接提取鉴定法,在生产技术方面主要包括直接提取法、酶解法和微生物发酵法;自下而上方法在多肽发掘方面包括天然活性多肽改造和数据库发掘方法,在生产技术方面主要方法包括化学合成法、酶合成法、基因重组表达法和无细胞合成法。自上而下的天然多肽制备与功能验证方法存在步骤烦琐、耗费时间长、功能不确定性大、实验与生产成本高以及质量控制难度大等问题;而自下而上的活性多肽合成与功能验证方法适合多肽药物的开发,而难以用于功能食品。随着测序和质谱技术的发展,人们更容易从分子水平获取物种蛋白组信息。以此蛋白组信息为根据,将自上而下和自下而上两种方法结合,可以克服单独使用这两种方法存在的问题,从而为快速开发和生产天然活性多肽提供新的策略。  相似文献   

翟少冬 《人类学学报》2015,34(2):192-201
本文主要介绍了陶寺遗址石制品复制实验的目的、方法、过程和结果,其中,过程部分主要介绍了磨制石器的复制。结果部分主要是通过实验考察了陶寺遗址磨制石器生产所需的几种工艺,以及这些工艺的操作所需的工具、时间等因素。文章认为,陶寺遗址磨制石器的制作过程简单,一般只需打片和磨两个步骤。磨比较简单易操作,只是比较耗费时间;而打片相对于打制石器来讲,要简单很多。因此,陶寺遗址磨制石器的制作工艺总体来讲比较简单易操作。  相似文献   

Elongation is a commonly found feature in artefacts made and used by humans and other animals and can be analysed in comparative study. Whether made for use in hand or beak, the artefacts have some common properties of length, breadth, thickness and balance point, and elongation can be studied as a factor relating to construction or use of a long axis. In human artefacts, elongation can be traced through the archaeological record, for example in stone blades of the Upper Palaeolithic (traditionally regarded as more sophisticated than earlier artefacts), and in earlier blades of the Middle Palaeolithic. It is now recognized that elongation extends to earlier Palaeolithic artefacts, being found in the repertoire of both Neanderthals and more archaic humans. Artefacts used by non-human animals, including chimpanzees, capuchin monkeys and New Caledonian crows show selection for diameter and length, and consistent interventions of modification. Both chimpanzees and capuchins trim side branches from stems, and appropriate lengths of stave are selected or cut. In human artefacts, occasional organic finds show elongation back to about 0.5 million years. A record of elongation achieved in stone tools survives to at least 1.75 Ma (million years ago) in the Acheulean tradition. Throughout this tradition, some Acheulean handaxes are highly elongated, usually found with others that are less elongated. Finds from the million-year-old site of Kilombe and Kenya are given as an example. These findings argue that the elongation need not be integral to a design, but that artefacts may be the outcome of adjustments to individual variables. Such individual adjustments are seen in animal artefacts. In the case of a handaxe, the maker must balance the adjustments to achieve a satisfactory outcome in the artefact as a whole. It is argued that the need to make decisions about individual variables within multivariate objects provides an essential continuity across artefacts made by different species.  相似文献   

The Early Stone Age sites of Gadeb (Ethiopian South-East Plateau) were excavated under the direction of Desmond Clark in the 1970s. Dated to between 1.45 and 0.7 Ma, Gadeb proved that humans had already occupied high altitude areas in the Lower Pleistocene. Despite the importance of the Gadeb sites, their lithic assemblages were never published in detail, and no review of the stone tools has ever been reported since the original 1970s study. This paper updates the information available on Gadeb by presenting a systematic review of the lithic technology of several assemblages. The objectives are to evaluate the technological skills of Gadeb knappers and to contextualize them into the current discussion of the origins of the Acheulean and its possible coexistence with the so-called Developed Oldowan in East Africa.  相似文献   

The Acheulean to Middle Palaeolithic transition is one of the most important technological changes that occurs over the course of human evolution. Here we examine stone artefact assemblages from Patpara and two other excavated sites in the Middle Son Valley, India, which show a mosaic of attributes associated with Acheulean and Middle Palaeolithic industries. The bifaces from these sites are very refined and generally small, but also highly variable in size. A strong relationship between flake scar density and biface size indicates extensive differential resharpening. There are relatively low proportions of bifaces at these sites, with more emphasis on small flake tools struck from recurrent Levallois cores. The eventual demise of large bifaces may be attributed to the curation of small prepared cores from which sharper, or more task-specific flakes were struck. Levallois technology appears to have arisen out of adapting aspects of handaxe knapping, including shaping of surfaces, the utilization of two inter-dependent surfaces, and the striking of invasive thinning flakes. The generativity, hierarchical organization of action, and recursion evident in recurrent Levallois technology may be attributed to improvements in working memory.  相似文献   

许家窑遗址74093地点1977年出土石制品研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
马宁  裴树文  高星 《人类学学报》2011,30(3):275-288
许家窑遗址74093地点位于泥河湾盆地中部, 发现于1974年, 出土了早期智人化石以及大量的石制品和动物化石。该地点进行过多次发掘, 其中1977年在U3等探方共出土石制品共1765件, 类型包括石核、石器、完整石片、不完整石片和断块等。石制品原料取自梨益沟流水带来的河卵石, 以石英岩和脉石英为主。石制品以小型居多, 锤击法为主要剥片方法, 砸击法应用较少。石器毛坯以片状居多, 占63.6%; 石器类型多样, 以刮削器和石球为主; 石器由锤击法加工而成, 加工部位多集中分布在毛坯的单侧或者单端, 单向加工占72.4%, 且以正向为主; 双向加工占27.6%, 多以复向加工为主。年代测定表明古人类在该地点活动的时间大致发生在晚更新世早期。石器组合属于华北小石器工业传统, 大量石球的发现对于研究早期人类的剥片技术和生存行为具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The Acheulean of the southern Iberian Peninsula is markedly similar to the north African Acheulean. However, the characteristics of the stone tool assemblages are heterogeneous and represent complex cultural phenomena. From MIS 15, the lithic assemblages in fluvial (Guadiana, Guadalquivir and Guadalete rivers), fluvio-lacustrine (Solana del Zamborino) and karstic (Cueva del Ángel, Bolomor, Cueva Negra del río Quípar, Cueva Horá and Santa Ana) contexts exhibit analogies and technical differences representative of a phenomenon of multiplicity. Contributing to this phenomenon is the perception of technological stasis or conservatism of the Acheulean technocomplex and the different technical responses articulated by hominins to achieve equivalent results. These equivalences generate the uniformity that allows us to recognise typologies of large cutting tools (LCTs) regardless of the lithic materials used or the organisational structures of the operational sequences. These diversified typologies include handaxes, picks, and cleavers, which maintain a consistent presence despite innovations such as the Levallois flaking method. In some cases, the presence of cleavers and spheroids affects the range of represented typologies. Beneath the uniformity of the handaxes, lie organisational differences in the operational sequences. The changes and differences in the use of flakes to shape handaxes, the representation of cleavers and diversification of shaped-tool typologies all suggest differential cultural behaviours linked in part to divergent contexts. These aspects indicate that this multiplicity is related to diffusion, adaptation and cultural changes produced at the margins of the conservatism of this technocomplex. Observed changes could indicate inter-group cultural replacements, most of which retained a similar techno-typological diversity to that seen in the north African Acheulean until MIS 5. Cyclical climate change during the Middle Pleistocene affected the Strait of Gibraltar, regulating its function and conditioning the circulation of hominins and affecting cultural interactions between southern Iberian groups.  相似文献   

The Middle Awash region of Ethiopia contains a rich record of Acheulean occupation spanning from Early Pleistocene times through much of the Middle Pleistocene. Here we will present an overview of some of the major reported features of the Acheulean archaeological record of the Middle Awash (Clark et al., 1994; de Heinzelin et al., 2000) and compare and contrast earlier and later biface technological patterns in this important study area. As an overall pattern, later Acheulean bifaces, here tend to differ from earlier ones in the following characteristics: later biface forms tend to be smaller, more ovate, wider relative to length, thinner (both relative to length and width and in absolute terms), more symmetrical, more heavily flaked, show greater use of soft hammer flaking and Kombewa technique, be straighter-edged or less sinuous, and often exhibit a remarkably high degree of standardization at a given site. These technological changes over perhaps half a million years (between approximately 1.0 and 0.5 million years ago) accompany the transition from Homo erectus to Homo heidelbergensis in this region. The later technological patterns thus correlate with the emergence of larger-brained, more intelligent hominids that exhibit greater technological finesse and also appear to develop and maintain stronger rules and traditions pertaining to their technological behaviors. It is likely that, relative to earlier hominids, these later hominid forms (which would evolve into early anatomically modern humans or Homo sapiens) had richer communicative abilities and cultural complexity, which we believe to be manifested in the technological finesse and standardization of their material culture.  相似文献   

The cost analysis of a real facility for the production of high value microalgae biomass is presented. The facility is based on ten 3 m3 tubular photobioreactors operated in continuous mode for 2 years, data of Scenedesmus almeriensis productivity but also of nutrients and power consumption from this facility being used. The yield of the facility was close to maximum expected for the location of Almería, the annual production capacity being 3.8 t/year (90 t/ha·year) and the photosynthetic efficiency being 3.6%. The production cost was 69 €/kg. Economic analysis shows that labor and depreciation are the major factors contributing to this cost. Simplification of the technology and scale-up to a production capacity of 200 t/year allows to reduce the production cost up to 12.6 €/kg. Moreover, to reduce the microalgae production cost to approaches the energy or commodities markets it is necessary to reduce the photobioreactor cost (by simplifying its design or materials used), use waste water and flue gases, and reduce the power consumption and labor required for the production step. It can be concluded that although it has been reported that production of biofuels from microalgae is relatively close to being economically feasible, data here reported demonstrated that to achieve it by using the current production technologies, it is necessary to substantially reduce their costs and to operate them near their optimum values.  相似文献   

Large cutting tool variation west and east of the Movius Line   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Norton et al. (2006) compared "handaxes" from Korea and two basins with Acheulean assemblages (Olorgesailie, Kenya and Hunsgi-Baichbal, India). The authors found significant morphological variance between Eastern and Western handaxes, leading them to conclude that East Asian tool forms were not morphologically similar to typical Acheulean implements. We test this finding using a larger array of localities, and find some metrical overlaps between handaxes and cleavers in the West and East. We indicate the role of convergence in lithic assemblage formation, but we also raise the possibility that handaxes and cleavers in the Luonan Basin (China) may represent evidence for Acheulean stone tool manufacturing methods.  相似文献   

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