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定模遗址位于广西百色田东县布兵盆地内。2010-2011年间,广西民族博物馆和田东县博物馆对定模遗址进行了试掘,面积32 m2,出土了2108件石制品和少量动物化石。石制品类型包括石核、石器、石片、断块、碎片、未经加工的砾石等。石器以打制石器为主,磨制石器较少;类型多样,以砍砸器、刮削器为主,另有少量锯齿刃器、凹缺器等。原料主要来自附近的右江河滩,岩性以砂岩为主。石核剥片以锤击法为主,石器毛坯以砾石和石片为主。经过14C测年分析,该遗址的距今年代为1.6~0.5万年。定模遗址的试掘为探索百色地区晚更新世末期至全新世初期石器文化面貌提供了新的材料,对于探讨华南及东南亚地区晚更新世石器技术演化提供了新的参考。  相似文献   

王幼平 《人类学学报》2016,35(3):397-406
吊桶环遗址位于江西万年县境内的大源盆地,是一处坐落在盆地西南边缘的孤立小山顶山的岩厦遗址。岩厦内发现晚更新世晚期以来文化堆积厚达4 m以上。1993-1999年期间曾经过三次发掘,出土了数以千计的石制品,包括石片石器、砾石石器及局部经过磨制加工的石制品,数量众多的动物骨骼遗存。尤为重要的是时代早,数量较多,类型复杂的骨、角及蚌制品的发现,如鹿角斧、骨鱼镖及穿孔蚌壳刀等。与此同时,还有多处用火与居住活动遗迹的发现。这些新发现清楚地记录了晚更新世人类在岩厦内活动的历史,为认识华南地区晚更新世晚期人类的"行为现代性"或"复杂化"进程提供了重要的新证据。  相似文献   

汉中盆地梁山龙岗寺遗址地处秦岭南麓汉水上游,是我国发现较早的一处旧石器地点群。龙岗寺遗址第3地点位于汉江右岸第四级阶地之上。2014年2~6月,为了配合国家大遗址保护和龙岗寺考古遗址公园建设项目,从根本上廓清龙岗寺旧石器遗存的石器工业面貌,我们对该地点进行了正式发掘,发掘面积36m2,出土不同类型的石制品4441件。龙岗寺第3地点石制品原料为来自于遗址附近河流阶地及河漫滩中的砾石,以石英为主,火成岩次之,石英岩、细砂岩和燧石等偶有使用。锤击法为主要剥片方法,存在少量砸击技术产品。石制品尺寸以小型为主。工具类型主要是以石片为毛坯加工而成的刮削器,有少量的尖状器和雕刻器。石器加工方向多为正向或反向。从出土石制品的情形看,龙岗寺第3地点石制品的面貌更接近于更新世期间华北地区常见的小型石片和修理小石片工具为主体的石器工业类型,这与以往对汉中盆地旧石器工业面貌为华南砾石石器传统的认识有较大的差距。遗址相关的地层年代学研究工作表明,龙岗寺第3地点埋藏石制品的地层堆积形成于距今120~70万年间,属早更新世晚期至中更新世早期阶段。龙岗寺遗址第3地点及其出土的石制品为我们更加全面地了解汉中盆地旧石器遗址群的地层埋藏状况、遗址年代和石器工业内涵提供了比较丰富的材料。  相似文献   

汉江流域旧石器时代文化遗存丰富,南方砾石石器工业和北方小石片石器工业类型的遗存并存,对研究中国南北旧石器文化交流和发展演化具有重要的意义。2016-2018年夏天,我们在汉江流域进行野外调查,新发现十个含更新世晚期旧石器遗存的地点,利用热转移光释光(TT-OSL)方法对各遗址的地层进行了测年。测年结果表明,这几处旧石器地点的古人类活动主要发生在距今20-5万年之间,涵盖了L2、S1和L1三个阶段,与之前汉江流域第二级阶地发现的旧石器遗址年代基本一致。新发现的十个旧石器地点丰富了汉水流域旧石器遗存,为进一步研究该区域古人类旧石器遗址年代学和石器技术提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

水牛洼遗址位于湖北省丹江口市均县镇关门岩村,是汉水流域一处同时具有旧石器早期与晚期文化层的重要遗址。2010年3~4月间,吉林大学边疆考古研究中心对该遗址进行了发掘,揭露面积675m2,共获石制品301件,类型包括石核、石片、断块及工具等。地貌和地层对比显示,遗址年代大致为中更新世至晚更新世晚期。遗址可分为上、下两个文化层。上文化层出土石制品246件,属晚更新世;下文化层出土石制品55件,处于中更新世。下文化层石制品特点显示了中国南方砾石石器工业的特点,而上文化层却出现了中国北方石片石器工业的文化因素。  相似文献   

内蒙古金斯太洞穴遗址发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000—2001年间,金斯太洞穴遗址先后经历了两次发掘,面积约80m2, 发掘出土石制品4000余件和大量动物化石。洞穴地层堆积厚达6m以上, 可划分为8层。第3层以下为旧石器时代文化堆积,可分为上、中、下三个文化层。遗址经过14C测年, 旧石器层位年代为距今3.6万年至1.8万左右, 处于旧石器时代中晚期过渡至晚期之末。通过对石、骨制品和部分动物化石的分析可知, 这是一处以旧石器遗存为主,兼有全新世遗存的洞穴遗址。遗址石器工业整体上属于小石器工业, 中文化层阶段出现了勒瓦娄哇技术, 上文化层阶段出现了细石叶工业,并占主体地位, 与小石器工业并行发展。该遗址的发掘为探索北方主工业的分布范围和文化内涵提供了新的材料, 对于探讨旧石器时代的文化交流以及细石叶工业的产生具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

蔚县盆地地处泥河湾盆地(广义)的东南端,是更新世人类活动的重要区域。2017-2018年,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所等在盆地内开展系统的旧石器考古调查,新发现并确认了27处旧石器地点。相关地貌、地层对比显示,新地点年代可大致分为中更新世和晚更新世晚期两个阶段,文化遗物分别埋藏于泥河湾河湖相堆积和黄土堆积中。中更新世石制品类型包括石核、石片、石器和断块等,原料以火山岩为主,均采用锤击法进行剥片和修理石器;晚更新世晚期遗址包括石核、石片和细石叶等,原料以白云岩和燧石居多,火山岩次之,以硬锤锤击法为主要剥片技术,软锤技术少量发现。对石制品初步分析表明,蔚县盆地中更新世地点表现出了一套与阳原盆地早-中更新世不同的原料及石制品组合,且在蔚县盆地晚更新世晚期存在小型石片石器和细石器两种工业。本次调查扩大了泥河湾盆地古人类活动的地理范围与文化内涵,为揭示泥河湾盆地(广义)早期人类的迁徙与适应行为提供了有价值的线索。  相似文献   

山西榆次大发旧石器地点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山西榆次大发旧石器地点,属搬运埋藏类型,文化遗物和哺乳动物化石产自潇河右岸第二级阶地中部,时代为晚更新世末期。该地点的文化遗物包括传统的打制石器和细石器。石器类型和制作技术显示出与雁北地区的峙峪遗址和晋南的下川遗址有密切关系。该地点在晋中盆地的发现对连接、对比山西南、北旧石器晚期文化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

鸡公山遗址发掘初步报告   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
刘德银  王幼平 《人类学学报》2001,20(2):102-114,T001,T002
本文是湖北荆州鸡公山遗址1992年发掘资料的初步研究报告。该遗址分上、下两个文化层。下文化层出土数量较多的小石片石器,时代约为晚更新世晚期,下文化层含数以万计的砾石石器,时代可能处于中晚更新世之交或稍早。尤为重要的是下文化层近500m^2活动面的发展,显示早期人类曾较长时间占用该遗址并从事多种活动。  相似文献   

王幼平 《人类学学报》2019,38(4):525-535
本文首先简要梳理了晚更新世华北地区石片石器发展历程;进而探讨石片石器与南邻的砾石工业,北部边疆地区新发现的莫斯特文化遗存,以及更晚来自西北方向的石叶/细石器技术的交流互动。在此基础上,重点讨论晚更新世华北石片石器与现代人在该地区出现与发展历程之间的关系,提出石片石器是华北地区旧石器文化发展的主流,亦是追溯该地区现代人出现与发展课题至关重要的考古学证据。  相似文献   

This paper is the first geomycological report regarding the fungal communities on rock surfaces in the Demänovská Ice Cave and the Demänovská Cave of Liberty, Slovakia. The samples were collected in June 2014 from five locations from inside both the caves by using sterile swabs wetted with physiological saline (0.85% NaCl). The density of epilithic fungi isolated from the Demänovská Ice Cave ranged from 238.7 to 575.1 CFU (colony-forming units) per m2 of the rock surface, and from the Demänovská Cave of Liberty ranged from 88.6 to 347 CFU. Seventeen different free-living culturable fungi (15 filamentous fungi, one yeast, and one yeast-like fungus) were isolated from the rock surfaces of both caves. Generally, Cladosporium cladosporioides and Aspergillus flavus were the most frequently cultured species from the Demänovská Ice Cave and the Demänovská Cave of Liberty, respectively. Free-living fungi found on the rock surfaces of both caves can lead to their slow biodegradation.  相似文献   

A Plio-Pleistocene to Holocene faunal sequence has been recovered from four carefully excavated caves in the Bubing Basin, adjacent to the larger Bose Basin of South China. The caves vary in elevation; we suggest that the higher caves were formed and filled with sediments prior to the lower caves. The highest deposits, which are from Mohui Cave, contain hominoid teeth and other fossilized remains of mammalian taxa most similar to late Pliocene and early Pleistocene faunas. Wuyun Cave ( approximately 50m lower in elevation than Mohui) contains a late middle Pleistocene fauna, which is supported by U-series age constraints from 350 to 200ka. Lower Pubu Cave ( approximately 23m below Wuyun) is assigned to the late Pleistocene, while the Cunkong Cave (the lowest, approximately 2m lower elevation than Lower Pubu) preserves a Holocene fauna. The four faunal assemblages indicate species-level changes in Ailuropoda, Stegodon, and Sus, the appearance of Elephas, the local disappearance of Stegodon, and the migration of Equus hemionus to South China. These initial results of our work call into question the continued value of the Stegodon/Ailuropoda Fauna, a category long used to characterize the Pleistocene faunas of South China. Excavation of karstic caves of varying elevation within the basins of South China holds promise for defining local sequences of mammalian fossils that can be used to investigate faunal variations related to climate change, biogeographic events, and evolutionary change over the past two million years. Stable isotopic analysis of a small sample of mammalian teeth from Bubing Basin caves is consistent with 100% C(3) vegetation in the Bubing/Bose region, with certain delta(13)C values consistent with a canopied woodland or forest. A preliminary assessment of the hominoid teeth indicates the presence of diverse molar and premolar morphologies including dental remains of Gigantopithecus blacki and a sample with similarities to the teeth reported from Longgupo.  相似文献   

Remains of the steppe lion Panthera leo spelaea (Goldfuss) from historical digs in the Bilstein Caves of Warstein (Sauerland, NW Germany) are described. Their age seems to be from the Early Weichselian periods (Upper Pleistocene). Whereas the Bilstein cave was inhabited by cave bears at that time only a few hyena prey remains, were most likely imported into the cave entrance by hyenas. Bite and crush marks on a few bones of Bison priscus, Bos primigenius, Cervus elaphus, a rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis vertebra and even several chewed cave bear bones prove the hyena presence which is similar to other caves in the Sauerland hyena den cave rich region. Additionally some larger wolves subspecies Canis lupusspelaeus bones were found, but only few Crocuta crocuta spelaea remains are present. After taphonomic comparisons to six other hyena and cave bear den caves of northern Germany, this cave can be classified as a cave bear den, which was briefly used by hyenas only for food storage or commuting or cave bear predation site in one part of the Cave. The lion material refers at least to one young adult lioness, one more adult female and two male lions; therefore, at minimum, the remains of four adult individuals are represented. The absence of juvenile lion material, in contrast to cave bear cub remains in the Bilstein Caves, proves that P. leo spelaea did not use this and all other caves in the region to raise their cubs. The bone material from the Bilstein Caves would prove the same hyena-lion antagonism conflict being recently proven for the Perick Caves, Balve Cave or Martins Cave well. Other situations in caves such as the Keppler Cave and the Bilstein Cave initially show the more complex taphonomic situation of lion remains in European caves, especially in cave bear dens, where they seem to have hunted periodically cave bears, such as it is already proven for hyenas in the Sauerland Karst and other caves of Europe.  相似文献   

刘润  张朝晖  申家琛  王智慧 《生物多样性》2018,26(12):1277-1972
岩溶洞穴的开发与利用导致的重金属污染严重威胁洞穴环境及地下水, 因此对洞穴环境的监测具有重要的现实意义。本文通过对典型的暗河型溶洞贵州织金洞内的苔藓群落特征及其重金属污染状况进行研究, 拟揭示苔藓群落对洞穴重金属污染的指示意义。共发现苔藓群落类型34个, 苔藓植物种类20科33属49种, 含苔类8科8属12种, 藓类12科25属37种。优势科为丛藓科、凤尾藓科和提灯藓科, 物种占比率分别为16%、14%、14%。Hg污染超标倍数最高达59.45倍, 在距洞口不同深度均远高于Cr和Zn, 说明洞内Hg污染较为严重。苔藓群落指标随着重金属污染含量的上升总体呈下降趋势。所测定的重金属中基质Hg含量与苔藓群落指标的拟合程度最好, 与其对应的苔藓群落指标均呈显著负相关关系(P < 0.05), 说明苔藓群落特征能够很好地反映洞内Hg污染的变化趋势。RDA排序结果分析表明: 洞穴苔藓群落为适应低光度环境会表现出向光性运动、喜钙生基质、耐重金属等生理特征。蛇苔(Conocephalum conicum)植物体内的Hg含量与其基质Hg含量具有显著相关性(P < 0.05), 说明蛇苔受基质Hg污染影响较大。在今后的治理过程中, 可以考虑将蛇苔作为洞内环境的生物监测材料之一。  相似文献   

Few Middle Stone Age sites have yielded convincing evidence for a complex bone technology, a behavior often associated with the emergence of modern cultures. Here, we review the published evidence for Middle Stone Age bone tools from southern Africa, analyze an additional nine bone artifacts recently recovered from Middle Stone Age levels at Blombos Cave, describe an unpublished bone tool from probable Middle Stone Age levels at Peers Cave, examine a single bone awl found at Blombosch Sands (an open site near Blombos Cave), and reappraise marked bone artifacts and a bone point recovered from Klasies River. To determine the chronological and cultural attribution of these artifacts, document bone-manufacturing techniques associated with the southern African MSA, and discuss the symbolic significance of the markings present on some of these objects we use (1) available contextual information; (2) morphometric comparison of Later Stone Age, Modern San, and purported Middle Stone Age projectile points; (3) analysis of the carbon/nitrogen content of bone tools and faunal remains from Peers and Blombos caves; and (4) microscopic analysis of traces of manufacture and use. Previously undescribed bone artifacts from Blombos Cave include a massive point manufactured on weathered bone, two complete awls and two awl tips manufactured on small-sized mammal and bird bone, a probable projectile point with a tang manufactured by knapping and scraping, a shaft fragment modified by percussion, used as retoucher and bearing a set of incised lines on the middle of the periosteal surface, and two fragments with possible engravings. The point from Peers Cave can be assigned to the Middle Stone Age and bears tiny markings reminiscent of those recorded on projectile points from Blombos and used as marks of ownership on San arrow points. The awl from Blombosch Sands and the bone point from Klasies River can be attributed to the Later Stone Age. Two notched objects from Klasies are attributed to the Middle Stone Age and interpreted as tools used on soft material; a third object bears possible deliberate symbolic engravings. Although low in number, the instances of bone artifacts attributable to the Middle Stone Age is increasing and demonstrates that the bone tools from Blombos Cave are not isolated instances. New discoveries of bone tools dating to this time period can be expected.  相似文献   

Remains from at least seven individuals of the Late Pleistocene Ice Age spotted hyena Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss, 1823) from the Teufelskammer Cave in the Neandertal valley (North Rhine-Westphalia, northwest Germany) are described. The small cave was a well-frequented hyena den of the Early to Middle Late Pleistocene which was only 100 m from the famous small Feldhofer Cave, where the first Neandertal human skeleton was found. The high amount of hyena bone material (37%) and its strongly chewed and incomplete prey remains of the mixed mammoth steppe and boreal forest megafauna prove one more of 11 recently known hyena den caves in the Rhenish Massif. Hyenas and cave bears have used the cave, but Neandertal humans lived possibly not at the same time in the same valley. Although hyenas occupied mainly the smaller caves such as the Teufelskammer Cave, humans preferred large portal cave entrances such as in the Neandertal valley with the Small Feldhofer Cave.  相似文献   

The Mauna Loa volcano, on the Island of Hawaii, has numerous young lava tubes. Among them, two at high altitudes are known to contain ice year-round: Mauna Loa Icecave (MLIC) and the Arsia Cave. These unusual caves harbor cold, humid, dark, and biologically restricted environments. Secondary minerals and ice were sampled from both caves to explore their geochemical and microbiological characteristics. The minerals sampled from the deep parts of the caves, where near freezing temperatures prevail, are all multi-phase and consist mainly of secondary amorphous silica SiO2, cryptocrystalline calcite CaCO3, and gypsum CaSO4·2H2O. Based on carbon and oxygen stable isotope ratios, all sampled calcite is cryogenic. The isotopic composition of falls on the global meteoric line, indicating that little evaporation has occurred. The microbial diversity of a silica and calcite deposit in the MLIC and from ice pond water in the Arsia Cave was explored by analysis of ~50,000 small subunit ribosomal RNA gene fragments via amplicon sequencing. Analyses reveal that the Hawaiian ice caves harbor unique microbial diversity distinct from other environments, including cave environments, in Hawaii and worldwide. Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria were the most abundant microbial phyla detected, which is largely consistent with studies of other oligotrophic cave environments. The cold, isolated, oligotrophic basaltic lava cave environment in Hawaii provides a unique opportunity to understand microbial biogeography not only on Earth but also on other planets.  相似文献   

Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni, the Alabama cavefish, is a federally endangered stygobitic fish that is restricted to Key Cave in northwestern Alabama. Due to the low abundance of this species and the continuous threats to the cave's recharge area, we surveyed Key Cave from 1992 to 1997. Alabama cavefish were present in five different pools and had numbers comparable to previous surveys performed in the 1970's and 1980's. Three different size classes were observed, indicating recruitment is occurring. These data suggest that the population is relatively stable, but future monitoring is recommended. The Alabama cavefish is an endangered species and is extremely difficult to capture, therefore any marking program to accurately estimate the population size is unlikely. A single specimen of Typhlichthys subterraneus was captured in Key Cave. This falsifies the previous assumption that these two species are allopatric. Because of this discovery, we resurveyed seven caves in the area around Key Cave for additional populations of S. poulsoni. These caves had either known populations of T. subterraneus or unidentified cavefish. No additional populations of S. poulsoni were discovered, but further investigation is warranted. The Key Cave National Wildlife Refuge was established in the high recharge area of Key Cave to protect this habitat, yet threats to the groundwater continue from encroaching urbanization.  相似文献   

The light displays by the Tasmanian Glow-worm, Arachnocampa tasmaniensis Ferguson (Diptera: Keroplatidae), in Exit and Mystery Creek caves in southeast Tasmania, Australia have been recognised as a world heritage value under the criterion relating to outstanding natural phenomena. To conserve and manage these populations, particularly in response to potential tourism development, a better understanding of their ecology is needed. Aspects of the life cycle of A. tasmaniensis were monitored over 24 months. A strong seasonal pattern was found, with pupae and adults most common in spring and summer. The increase in numbers of pupae and adults coincided with an increase in the number of prey caught in silk threads produced by the larvae. Larvae were present throughout the year but the number glowing varied both seasonally and spatially. In Mystery Creek Cave, the number of larvae glowing was generally highest during summer and autumn and lowest in winter and early spring. In Exit Cave, there was no consistent seasonal pattern in the number of larvae glowing among sites, and overall there was less variation between monthly counts than at Mystery Creek Cave. This difference in seasonal patterns between the two caves may be due to a difference in climate, with Mystery Creek Cave possibly experiencing a greater drying out of the cave air in winter than Exit Cave.  相似文献   

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