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In the accompanying report (C. F. Webb, C. Das, S. Eaton, K. Calame, and P. Tucker, Mol. Cell. Biol. 11:5197-5205, 1991), we characterize B-cell-specific protein-DNA interactions at -500 and -200 bp upstream of the mu immunoglobulin heavy chain promoter whose abundances were increased by interleukin-5 plus antigen. Because of the high A + T/G + C ratio of these sequences and the consistent findings by others that enhancer- and promoterlike regions are often located near matrix-associated regions, we asked whether these sequences might also be involved in binding to the nuclear matrix. Indeed, DNA fragments containing the -500 binding site were bound by nuclear matrix proteins. Furthermore, UV cross-linking studies showed that the DNA binding site for interleukin-5-plus-antigen-inducible proteins could also bind to proteins solubilized from the nuclear matrix. Nuclear matrix-associated sequences have also been demonstrated on either side of the intronic immunoglobulin heavy chain enhancer. Our data suggest a topological model by which interactions among proteins bound to the promoter and distal enhancer sequences might occur.  相似文献   

The constant (C; ref. 3) gene segment of the immunoglobulin kappa light chain and about 1 kb upstream as well as downstream of the segment have been sequenced. The sequences of the C gene segment itself and parts of the upstream region were determined both in liver and in myeloma T DNA clones derived from the same mouse inbred strain. The sequences were identical, i.e. no somatic mutations were detected. Two sites in the region not coding for protein are discussed as possible targets of aberrant variable (V) gene translocations. Doublet frequencies were calculated in the approx. 2500 bp of the C region sequence reported in this paper and in the approx. 3400 bp of two rearranged V gene regions.  相似文献   

2318 bp downstream of the CK (1) gene segment were sequenced in a clone (L1-D) derived from mouse liver DNA. The 966 bp at the 5' side of this stretch were found to be identical to a sequence which had been determined previously in a myeloma T derived clone, i.e. no somatic mutations had occurred in the transition from the germline to the rearranged configuration. The remaining 1352 bp had not been known and extend the sequenced part of the mouse JK-CK region to about 7.5 kb. Within the newly sequenced area three BspRI sites have been located which were used in chromatin studies (Weischet et al., accompanying publications). In L1-D sequences have been found which are possible targets of aberrant recombination events.  相似文献   

The jcpk gene on mouse Chromosome 10 causes a severe, early onset form of polycystic kidney disease (PKD) when inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. In order to positionally clone this gene, high resolution genetic and radiation hybrid maps were generated along with a detailed physical map of the approximately 500-kb region containing the jcpk gene. Additionally, sixty-nine kidney-specific ESTs were evaluated as candidates for jcpk and subsequently localized throughout the mouse genome by radiation hybrid mapping analysis. Previous studies indicating non-complementation of the jcpk mutation and 67Gso, a new PKD translocation mutant had suggested that 67Gso represents a new allele of jcpk. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis using key bacterial artificial chromosome clones from the jcpk critical region, refined the 67Gso breakpoint and provided support for the allelism of jcpk and 67Gso.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence analysis and restriction endonuclease mapping have been used to characterize a cDNA copy of immunoglobulin MOPC 21 Kappa mRNA clones in the bacterial plasmid pMB9. Three regions of the inserted cDNA of plasmid pL21-1 have been sequenced and match the known protein sequence at amino acid residues 1-24, 128-138 and 171-179. With these sequences to provide absolute correlations between the restriction map and the structural gene sequence it has been possible to exactly deduce the positions of all 11 of the insert restriction sites mapped within the structural gene. The pL21-1 insert contains the complete variable and constant regions as well as parts of the 3' untranslated and polypeptide leader coding sequences.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide sequence of a 5.5-kilobase segment of cloned mouse DNA which includes regions encoding two parts of the mouse kappa immunoglobulin gene: the J regions (amino acids 96-108 of the kappa chain) and the C region (residues 109-214). This sequence allows us to rule out interruptions in the germline constant region coding segment as well as the presence of additional functional J genes in the sequenced DNA segment, although two weak homologies to J regions have been found. The complete sequence also allows us to identify a single occurrence of the heptanucleotide palindrome thought to play a role in V/J joining. This palindrome, midway between J and C regions, is the site of aberrant joining in the plasmacytoma MPC11 and may be a target for such aberrant recombination of other kappa genes. In addition, computer analysis of the J sequences suggests that those closest to the C region arose by the most recent duplication event.  相似文献   

Five families of variable region genes of mouse kappa chains were analyzed by Southern blot hybridization to determine their relative chromosomal map positions. Map positions were deduced by Vk gene deletion from antibody-producing cells expressing upstream Vk genes and retention in cells expressing downstream genes. The Vk regions expressed in the myelomas M0PC167, MPC11, M0PC21 and ABPC20 are members of Vk families exhibiting one, three, six and six major germline hybridization bands respectively. The gene order of the five families in germline DNA was found to be VM167-VM11-(VM21, VA20)-VABE8-Jk-Ck. As expected in a deletion model of immunoglobulin gene rearrangement, a sequence located just 5' of J1 in germline DNA was found to be absent from some antibody producing cells which had not retained any germline Ck genes. However, other cell lines contained this sequence in rearranged contexts, suggesting that any deletion model of immunoglobulin V-J joining, as well as V gene mapping, must take into account the possibilities of stepwise rearrangements and reintegration of "deleted" DNA.  相似文献   

Two different kappa light chain genes have previously been isolated from one mouse myeloma. The V (variable, abbreviations in ref. 2) gene segments of the two genes were now used to identify their germline counterparts in EcoRI digests of mouse liver DNA. In addition two sets of related V gene segments were found which hybridize with either of the two DNA probes. Five of the V region fragments of one set were cloned in a lambda phage vector and partially characterized by restriction mapping and Southern blot hybridization. Repetitive DNA sequences were found on each of the five fragments as well as on other cloned immunoglobulin gene containing fragments. Cross-hybridization between some but not all of the regions containing repetitive DNA sequences was observed.  相似文献   

Similar to the Igh-V multigene family, the human or mouse Igk-V repertoirer is a distorted continuum of homologous genes that may be grouped into families displaying >80% nucleic acid sequence similarity among their members. systematic interspecies sequence comparisons reveal that most human Igk-V gene families exhibit clear homology to mouse Ogk-V families (sequence similarity >74%). A hypothetical phylogenetic tree of Igk-V genes predicts that a minimum of seven Igk-V genes/families predate mammalian radiation. In two cases, several interrelated mouse Igk-V families exhibit phylogenetic equidistance with just one human Igk-V family, implying a more pronounced divergence for the elevated number of Igk-V gene families in the mouse. Mouse-human Igk-V comaprisons, moreover, illustrate how expansion, contraction, and perhaps deletion of Igk-V gene families shape the Igk-V repertoire during mammalian evolution.  相似文献   

We have designed two original sets of oligonucleotide primers hybridizing the relatively conserved motifs within the immunoglobulin signal sequences of each of the 15 heavy chain and 18 kappa light chain gene families. Comparison of these 5' primers with the immunoglobulin signal sequences referenced in the Kabat database suggests that these oligonucleotide primers should hybridize with 89.4% of the 428 mouse heavy chain signal sequences and with 91.8% of the 320 kappa light chain signal sequences with no mismatch. Following PCR amplification using the designed primers and direct sequencing of the amplified products, we obtained full-length variable sequences belonging to major (V(H)1, V(H)2, V(H)3, Vkappa1 and Vkappa21) but also small-sized (V(H)9, V(H)14, Vkappa2, Vkappa9A/9B, Vkappa12/13, Vkappa23 and Vkappa33/34) gene families, from nine murine monoclonal antibodies. This strategy could be a powerful tool for antibody sequence assessment whatever the V gene family before humanization of mouse monoclonal antibody or identification of paratope-derived peptides.  相似文献   

N Mori  J Singer-Sam  C Y Lee  A D Riggs 《Gene》1986,45(3):275-280
A clone containing cDNA for X chromosome-linked phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK-1) was isolated from a mouse myeloma cDNA library. The nucleotide (nt) sequence of the cDNA has been determined, and the amino acid (aa) sequence of the enzyme thereby deduced. At the nt level, the coding region of mouse PGK cDNA has 93% homology with human X-linked cDNA and 60% homology with the yeast gene. Mouse PGK-1 protein contains 416 aa and is 98%, 96% and 64% homologous with human, horse, and yeast enzyme sequences, respectively.  相似文献   

We have cloned double stranded cDNA sequences encoding a mouse immunoglobulin light chain (L-321) into the PstI site of the beta-lactamase gene of plasmid pBR322 by the oligo (dG)-oligo (dC) tailing procedure. Escherichia coli X1776 transformed by the recombinant plasmids were screened for the expression of L-321 antigenic determinants by a newly developed in situ radio-immunoassay. One out of seven transformants screened was found to synthesize an L-chain like protein. Each bacterial cell produces about 550 molecules of the L-chain sequence. Preferential segregation of the L-chain sequence to the periplasmic space suggest covalent attachment of the L-chain sequence to the N-terminal portion of beta-lactamase. Restriction mapping of the plasmid DNA isolated from the positive clone indicated the presence of a DNA sequence coding for the entire constant region and extending into the variable region for a length corresponding to about 40 amino acid residues. The orientation of the cloned cDNA with respect to the plasmid DNA is compatible with the formation of a fused beta-lactamase-L-321 peptide.  相似文献   

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