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Inducer/helper T cells recognize nominal antigen in association with Ia on the surface of the antigen-presenting cell (APC). Recent studies have shown that B cells can effectively function as APC. In the present study we have assessed the ability of cloned inducer T cells to discriminate between activated B cells or splenic macrophages as APC. We found that most of the clones tested demonstrated an equivalent response to antigen presented by activated B cells or splenic adherent cells. Some clones were very efficiently stimulated by antigen presented by activated B cells, whereas other clones failed to respond or responded very poorly when activated B cells were used to present antigen. We attempted to determine the mechanism responsible for the inability of certain clones to proliferate in response to antigen presented by activated B cells.  相似文献   

We have described a trinitrophenyl (TNP)-specific inducer clone, clone Ly-1-T1, which responds to a variety of different stimuli, including a) soluble TNP-protein conjugates plus syngeneic (H-2d) spleen cells, b) TNP directly coupled to syngeneic or allogeneic spleen cells, and c) activated I-A identical B cells in the absence of nominal antigen. In the present study we used a panel of antibodies to investigate the recognition structures involved in the activation of clone Ly-1-T1 by these different stimuli. We show that allogeneic spleen cells must be conjugated by using relatively high concentrations of TNBS to be efficient stimulators of the clone. In contrast, syngeneic spleen cells conjugated by using a much wider range of concentrations will activate the clone. The response of the clone to TNP-coupled allogeneic spleen cells is inhibited by anti-L3T4 and anti-Ia antibodies. In contrast, stimulation of the clone with syngeneic spleen cells coupled by using the same concentrations of TNBS is not inhibited with either anti-Ia or anti-L3T4 antibody. The inhibition pattern observed with anti-Ia and anti-L3T4 antibodies was also determined by the nature of the accessory population used to present soluble TNP-protein conjugates. Anti-I-Ad antibodies blocked the activation of clone Ly-1-T1 by TNP-protein plus splenic adherent cells, indicating the involvement of polymorphic I-A determinants in this response. Anti-L3T4 antibody had little or no effect on this response, suggesting that a significant L3T4-Ia interaction is not required. Finally, the response of the clone to activated B cells in the presence or absence of TNP-protein is exquisitely sensitive to inhibition by anti-L3T4 as well as anti-I-A antibodies. The data suggest that the requirement for an L3T4-I interaction depends on the combination of antigen and accessory cell type used to stimulate the clone.  相似文献   

Mls-specific T cell clones derived by limiting dilution were tested for cytotoxic activity in a lectin-dependent 51Cr-release assay. All the T cell clones tested were cytotoxic in such an assay in apparent contrast to previous reports. However, only those target cells sensitive to cytolysis by other L3T4a+ cytolytic T cells were killed by Mls-specific T cell clones in short term 51Cr-release assays, possibly explaining this discrepancy. All the T cell clones tested were L3T4a+, Lyt-2- and stimulated B cells from Mlsa,d strains of mice to proliferate and secrete immunoglobulin. Furthermore, lysis of innocent bystander targets was observed when the T cells were stimulated with Mls-disparate stimulator cells. These results are consistent with those obtained with L3T4a+ T cells specific for protein antigen:self Ia and that express cytotoxic potential.  相似文献   

The activation of BALB/c lymphocytes in the mixed lymphocyte reaction to Mls-disparate APC has been shown to encompass up to 20% of the mature resting helper T lymphocyte population. In addition to these overtly Mls-responsive cells, our studies have revealed a second population that respond to the Mls difference of DBA/2 spleen cells in conjunction with the mitogen Con A. This part of the Mls response is therefore latent. As mitogen and Mls-stimulating effect act in synergy, it is likely that both stimuli act on the same cell, and hence the Mls effect can be regarded as a regulatory interaction between APC and Th cell. By use of congenic BALB.Mlsa mice, the regulatory effect has been mapped to the Mls locus. The regulatory influence has also been demonstrated in DBA/2 Th cells (Mlsa) stimulated simultaneously with mitogen and Mls-disparate (Mlsb) APC, consistently causing inhibition of mitogen-induced proliferation in this reverse Mls direction. This antagonistic effect has also been linked to the Mls locus. We conclude that the Mls reaction governed by the a and b alleles is bidirectional, producing synergy with class II-dependent activation signals in the direction of Mlsa----Mlsb, and antagonism in the direction Mlsb----Mlsa. Both the classical Mls and the reverse Mls effects have been demonstrated at the clonal level. These results are in accord with the previously proposed hypothesis that the Mls molecule serves as a down-regulatory stimulus in the activation of Th cells. Mls responses of Mlsb T cells are explained as the consequence of a diminished down-regulation by Mlsa APC. Conversely, the reverse Mls response described here can be considered a consequence of inordinately high down-regulation of the Mlsa T cell responses by Mlsb APC.  相似文献   

Cloned, protein antigen-specific, Ia-restricted T cell lines frequently (approximately 20%) also respond strongly to stimulator cells from strains expressing stimulatory alleles at the chromosome 1-encoded Mls-locus. Furthermore, such responses are blocked by monoclonal antibodies specific for Ia antigens expressed by the stimulator rather than the responder cells. However, such responses show no specificity for polymorphic determinants on Ia molecules, although in such responses, as in primary and secondary T cell responses to stimulating Mls-locus alleles, I-E molecules appear to play a central role. These results, combined with the unique immunobiology of the primary T cell proliferative response to Mls-locus-disparate stimulator cells, suggest to us that this response involves the interaction of the receptor on T cells for antigen:self Ia with a relatively nonpolymorphic region of Ia glycoproteins. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that a monoclonal antibody to the T cell receptor will inhibit both responses, although the response to Mls-locus-disparate stimulators appears to be more sensitive to these antibodies. We propose that the interaction of the T cell receptor with Ia is stabilized by a cell interaction molecule encoded or regulated by the Mls-locus gene product permitting the T cell receptor:Ia glycoprotein interaction to lead to T cell activation.  相似文献   

Although the existence of autoreactive T cells has been widely reported, the functional capacities of these populations have been less well defined. Studies were therefore carried out to characterize the relationship of autoreactive T cells to antigen-specific major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted T cells in their ability to act as helper cells for the induction of immunoglobulin synthesis by B cells. A number of autoreactive T cell lines and clones were isolated from antigen-primed spleen and lymph node cell populations. Autoreactive T cells were found to proliferate in response to direct recognition of syngeneic I-A or I-E subregion-encoded antigens in the absence of any apparent foreign antigen. It was shown that cloned autoreactive T cells were capable of activating B cell responses through two distinct pathways. After appropriate stimulation by syngeneic cells, autoreactive T cells polyclonally activated primed or unprimed B cells to synthesize IgM antibodies. These activated T cells functioned in these responses through an MHC-unrestricted pathway in which polyclonal responses were induced in both syngeneic and allogeneic B cells. These cloned autoreactive T cells were also able to activate IgG responses by primed B cells through a different activation pathway. In contrast to the polyclonal activation of IgM responses, the induction of IgG antibodies by the same cloned T cells required primed B cells and stimulation with the priming antigen. The activation of B cells to produce IgG was strongly MHC restricted and required the direct recognition by the autoreactive T cells of self MHC determinants expressed on the B cell surface, with no bystander activation of allogeneic B cells. These results indicate that cloned autoreactive T cells resemble antigen-specific MHC-restricted T cells in their ability to function as T helper cells through distinct MHC-restricted and MHC-unrestricted pathways.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the requirements for the induction of proliferative responses by thymic CD4-CD8- gamma delta T cells. Enriched populations of CD4-CD8- thymocytes from newborn mice, purified by negative selection with anti-CD4, anti-CD8, and anti-TCR alpha beta mAbs were found to contain approximately 20% gamma delta T cells that were p55IL-2R-. When these cells were cultured with a panel of lymphokines (IL-1, -2, -4, and -7), a small response was observed to some of the cytokines tested individually; however, combinations of certain lymphokines (IL-1 + 2, IL-1 + 7, and IL-2 + 7) were found to induce significant proliferation and the selective outgrowth (75-90%) of gamma delta T cells. These cells were IL-2R+, remained CD4-, yet expressed variable levels of CD8. A limited analysis with specific anti-V gamma and V delta mAb suggested that there had not been a selective expansion of preexisting V gamma 2, V gamma 3, or V delta 4 populations in response to the stimulatory lymphokine combinations. Thymic CD4-CD8- gamma delta T cells were unresponsive to stimulation with immobilized anti-pan gamma delta mAb alone. However, in the presence of immobilized anti-pan gamma delta mAb and IL-1, IL-2, or IL-7, but not IL-4, a vigorous proliferative response was observed. Phenotypic analysis showed that 80 to 95% of the proliferating cells were polyclonally expanded gamma delta T cells, expressed the p55IL-2R, and the majority remained CD4-CD8-. Blocking studies with anti-IL-2R mAb showed that stimulation with anti-pan gamma delta + IL-1, but not anti-pan gamma delta + IL-7 was dependent on endogenously produced IL-2. Collectively, these studies suggest that the activation requirements of newborn thymic gamma delta T cells differ markedly from alpha beta T cells in that gamma delta T cells 1) respond to combinations of cytokines in the absence of TCR cross-linking, 2) can respond to TCR cross-linking in the presence of exogenous cytokines, 3) but are unable to activate endogenous cytokine production solely in the presence of TCR cross-linking.  相似文献   

Murine CD4+ T cells can be subdivided into naive and memory T cells based on surface phenotype, on recall response to Ag, and on differences in activation requirements. Furthermore, several studies have shown that two signals are required for CD4+ T cell activation; one signal is provided by occupancy of the TCR and the other signal is provided by the APC. In this report, analysis of naive and memory CD4 T cells, separated on the basis of CD45 isoform expression, has shown that their requirements for two signals differ. Activation of memory CD4 T cells to proliferate and secrete IL-2/IL-4 only required occupancy of the TCR complex, whereas activation of naive CD4 T cells required an APC-derived signal as well. Moreover, the signal induced by anti-CD3 antibodies differs from the signal provided by anti-V beta cross-linking of the TCR because both antibodies activate memory CD4 T cells but only anti-CD3 activates naive CD4 T cells. Together these data suggest that the consequence of stimulation through the TCR/CD3 signal complex differs between memory and naive CD4 T cells.  相似文献   

Murine helper T lymphocyte (HTL) clones reactive to ovalbumin (OVA) were maintained in continuous culture in vitro. Clones were propagated by weekly stimulation in the presence of irradiated splenic filler cells, antigen, and supernatant fluid (SF) containing IL 2. By varying the quantity of these reagents in cultures of HTL cells, the reactivity to antigen of the cloned cells was altered markedly. After stimulation by antigen or SF, HTL clones became profoundly unresponsive to antigenic restimulation. Cells remained unresponsive for 2 to 9 days after stimulation, depending on the culture conditions that were chosen for their maintenance. The addition of SF containing a high concentration of IL 2 prolonged the duration of unresponsiveness by 3 days, and the presence of a non-T splenic filler cell increased the period of unresponsiveness by an additional 4 days. The use of a high concentration of OVA in cell cultures also prolonged the time of unresponsiveness. The results described here demonstrate that the response to antigen of HTL cells is down-regulated after stimulation, and appears to be correlated with exposure to SF that contains IL 2.  相似文献   

An in vitro culture method was used to study secondary cell-mediated responses to ectromelia virus infection in mice. Infected, syngeneic spleen cells or peritoneal cells were efficient "stimulator" cells when cultured with "responder" cells obtained from mice infected with ectromelia 4-6 weeks previously. The kinetics of generation of cytotoxic cells in cultures were determined; a peak occurred on days 4-5. A separation procedure performed on the cytotoxic cells showed that activity was associated mainly with the Ig-negative subpopulation (T cell-rich) and that H-2 compatibility between cytotoxic cells and target cells was required. The secondary response was virus-specific, at the level of both induction and target cell lysis, at least so far as ectromelia and lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) viruses are concerned. Seperation of responder cells prior to culture showed that a potent secondary response was generated with the Ig-negative (T cell-rich) subpopulation and only a weak response was observed when the responder cells were Ig-positive (rich in B cells). Infected stimulator cells did not appear to secrete significant amounts of soluble antigen into the medium over 4 days of culture. Thus, antigenic patterns effective in memory T cell stimulation may be largely associated with the surfaces of infected cells.Pretreatment of ectromelia virus with UV- or gamma-irradiation did not impair its ability to induce antigenic changes in stimulator cells. Stimulator cells treated with UV-or gamma-irradiated virus for 1 h and then immediately with pactamycin to inhibit further viral protein synthesis and replication were efficient stimulators, thus indicating that antigenic changes are induced very rapidly on the surface of stimulator cells after uptake of virus. These treatments are being used to further characterize the cellular requirements in the stimulator population.  相似文献   

Murine T lymphocytes recognize nominal Ag presented by class I or class II MHC molecules. Most CD8+ T cells recognize Ag presented in the context of class I molecules, whereas most CD4+ cells recognize Ag associated with class II molecules. However, it has been shown that a proportion of T cells recognizing class I alloantigens express CD4 surface molecules. Furthermore, CD4+ T cells are sufficient for the rejection of H-2Kbm10 and H-2Kbm11 class I disparate skin grafts. It has been suggested that the CD4 component of an anti-class I response can be ascribed to T cells recognizing class I determinants in the context of class II MHC products. To examine the specificity and effector functions of class I-specific HTL, CD4+ T cells were stimulated with APC that differed from them at a class I locus. Specifically, a MLC was prepared involving an allogeneic difference only at the Ld region. CD4+ clones were derived by limiting dilution of bulk MLC cells. Two clones have been studied in detail. The CD4+ clone 46.2 produced IL-2, IL-3, and IFN-gamma when stimulated with anti-CD3 mAb, whereas the CD4+ clone 93.1 secreted IL-4 in addition to IL-2, IL-3, and IFN-gamma. Cloned 46.2 cells recognized H-2Ld directly, whereas recognition of Ld by 93.1 apparently was restricted by class II MHC molecules. Furthermore, cytolysis by both clones 46.2 and 93.1 was inhibited by the anti-CD4 mAb GK1.5. These results demonstrate that CD4+ T cells can respond to a class I difference and that a proportion of CD4+ T cells can recognize class I MHC determinants directly as well as in the context of class II MHC molecules.  相似文献   

The minor lymphocyte stimulating (Mls) locus codes for lymphocyte activating determinants (LADs) on murine B lymphocytes, but not T lymphocytes. This observation was strengthened by a series of techniques which allow deletion and addition of T and B cells. These included the use of cytotoxic antisera such as anti-Thy 1.2, anti-MTLA, anti-MBLA, and complement, and the use of a goat anti-μ antisera, and finally the use of a fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS).The studies in this report document the organ distribution and the ontogenetic appearance of the surface LADs on the surface of B lymphocytes from DBA/2N (H-2d, Mlsa) and CBA/J (H-2k, Mlsd) mice. Adult-like ability to stimulate H-2 identical BALB/c (H-2d, Mlsb) and C3H/He (H-2k, Mlsc) responder cells appeared at about 4–5 weeks of age. Inability of neonatal cells to induce an Mls-defined MLC was found not to be due to a low frequency of B lymphocytes or to the presence of suppressor cells, but due to the absence of the Mls-coded LADs on their surface. These data support the concept that the Mls-coded LADs are present on adult B lymphocytes and are specific markers of B-cell differentiation, which is preceded by membrane IgM and the δ homologue of human IgD, Ia, and the receptor for the third component of complement.  相似文献   

Several oncogenes have now been implicated in mammary carcinogenesis. We investigated the phenotypic effects of expressing three representative oncogenes in mammary epithelial cells. v-myc (coding for a nuclear protein), v-Ha-ras (a G-protein homologue) and v-fgr (a tyrosine kinase) genes were introduced into the nontumorigenic clone 14 of the mouse mammary epithelial cell line COMMA-1D. Their effects upon growth and differentiation were determined. Anchorage-independent growth was induced by all three oncogenes with low efficiency. v-Ha-ras and v-fgr induced tumorigenicity in nude mice. The effect of oncogenes upon parameters unique to mammary epithelial cells in vitro was assayed. Both v-myc and v-fgr abolished the ability of clone 14 to grow as three-dimensional branching structures in hydrated collagen gel. v-fgr completely and v-myc partially inhibited the expression of the epithelium specific cytokeratins. Clone 14 can be induced to produce the beta-casein milk protein by the combination of the lactogenic hormones, dexamethasone, insulin, and PRL. Introduction of v-myc into clone 14 cells resulted in an estimated 50-fold increased induction of beta-casein protein and at least a 60-fold increase in beta-casein mRNA. The number of cells stained with anti-beta casein antibodies also showed a 10-fold increase after v-myc introduction. This still required the synergistic action of all three lactogenic hormones. Thus v-myc can alter the normal response of mammary epithelial cells to lactogenic hormones.  相似文献   

Amplifier T cells responsible for enhancement of the antibody response to type III pneumococcal polysaccharide have been shown to be resistant to the effects of antilymphocyte serum (ALS) given at the time of immunization, a treatment that eliminates suppressor T cell activity. The resistance of amplifier T cells to ALS can be attributed to the fact that their activity develops after that of suppressor T cells. ALS given 1 or 2 days after immunization does abrogate amplifier T cell activity, independent of the mode by which that activity is elicited. The data emphasize the importance of kinetic considerations in understanding the effects produced by immunologically active agents such as ALS.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody termed anti-T4 that detected approximately 60% of peripheral blood T lymphocytes was shown to define the human inducer population. In the present study, we characterized three additional monoclonal antibodies, anti-T4A, anti-T4B, and anti-TQ1, that were reactive with a similar percentage of T lymphocytes. Anti-T4A, anti-T4B, and anti-T4 delineated identical cell populations, while those defined by anti-TQ1 differed in several respects: 1) Anti-TQ1 stained a minority (less than 7%) of thymocytes, whereas the other antibodies stained a majority (80%); 2) Anti-TQ1 reacted with 70 to 85% of T4+ lymphocytes, but also stained 50% of T cells within the T4- (T8+) cytotoxic/suppressor subset; 3) The antigen defined by anti-TQ1 was not restricted in its expression to T cells; it defined a fraction of normal B and null lymphocytes as well as non-T cell lines. In vitro studies indicated that the subpopulations of T4+ T lymphocytes delineated by anti-TQ1 were functionally distinct. Although T4+TQ1+ and T4+TQ1- T cells proliferated in an equal fashion to soluble antigen and alloantigen, only the T4+TQ1+ subset was responsible for maximal proliferation in autologous MLR. This T4+TQ1+ subset contained a population of lymphocytes reactive with the previously defined JRA autoantibody. In contrast, the T4+TQ1-, but not the T4+TQ1+, subset provided the majority of T cell help for B cell immunoglobulin production in a pokeweed-driven system. We conclude that the subpopulation of T4+ inducer cells responsible for maximal helper activity in T-B interactions is restricted to a minor subpopulation of T4+ lymphocytes.  相似文献   

We previously defined a concanavalin A (Con A)-induced cloned T cell population in Peyer's patches (PP) that causes sIgM-bearing B cells to switch to sIgA-bearing B cells. In the present study we show that such IgA-specific switch T cells proliferate when exposed to syngeneic stimulator cells, i.e., the switch T cells are autoreactive. Detailed study of this phenomenon disclosed that both B cells and macrophages were capable of causing switch T cell proliferation, and in both cases, stimulation was enhanced by preactivation of the stimulator cells with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In addition, fresh T cells can act as stimulators, but only if preactivated with Con A. Finally, it was clearly shown in blocking studies with the use of various antibodies directed at class II MHC specificities that class II MHC antigens were the stimulatory determinants. These studies suggest that IgA-specific switch T cells arise in PP as a result of autologous cell-cell interactions with activated (antigen-stimulated) B cells, macrophages, or T cells.  相似文献   

Immunogenic stimuli rapidly induce a potent mediator with antisuppressor activity which represents complexes of Ig and antigen. The formation of the complexes depends on the interaction of two T cells both of which bear the Ly1 phenotype. The two T cells can be separated on the basis of their sensitivity to antilymphocytic serum and dependency on the presence of thymus. T cells bearing I region coded determinants are essential for the formation of the mediator.  相似文献   

Claus Koch 《Immunogenetics》1974,1(1):118-125
Two (T,G)-A-L preparations differing in molecular weight were tested for immunogenecity in two inbred rat strains, AS and BN. Both strains produced antibody with specificity towards different antigenic determinants on the (T,G)-A--L molecule. The inheritance of antibody response toward one of the determinants was autosomal, dominant and linked to the major histocompatibility complex. Although the antibody response toward the other determinant was also inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, it was not linked to the major histocompatibility complex.  相似文献   

Thymic stromal cell line TS-9 was found to selectively bind a subpopulation of normal murine thymocytes. Selective binding allowed the isolation and phenotypic characterization of the adherent and nonadherent subpopulations of thymocytes. Flow cytometric analysis of fluorescently labeled thymocytes revealed that the adherent and nonadherent populations differ in maturity, with the adherent population enriched in immature thymocytes of the PNAhi, Thy-1hi, CD3-/lo, and CD4+/CD8+ double positive surface phenotype. A quantitative microwell assay was developed to measure the binding of thymocytes to TS-9. Thymocytes labeled with vital DNA stain Hoechst 33342 were allowed to bind to TS-9 in microwells and the intense fluorescence of this label was readily detected with a scanning fluorometer. The binding was trypsin-sensitive and hyaluronidase and PI-PLC resistant. The binding was also temperature dependent and sensitive to cytochalasin B. A panel of monoclonal antibodies to cell surface antigens including CD2, LFA-I/ICAM-I, and Thy-1 was screened in a quantitative binding assay for their ability to inhibit the binding of thymocytes to TS-9. The binding was partially inhibited by the C3C12 monoclonal antibody which recognizes the recently identified and apparently unique gp23,gp45 complex expressed on murine stromal cells.  相似文献   

Spleen and thymus cell populations from normal or allograft tolerant mice have been cultured for 5 days with specific alloantigens and examined for their reactivity in three assay systems. No consistent correlation was observed between the production of cytotoxic T cells (CTL) in these cultures and the ability of such cultured cells to inhibit specifically a CML response from fresh normal spleen cells directed to the priming alloantigens. Furthermore, suppressor cells measured in this latter assay were apparently distinct from those able to inhibit the production of cytotoxic lymphocyte precursors (CTLp) from bone marrow stem cells in lethally irradiated bone marrow protected mice. Velocity sedimentation experiments confirmed that both the precursor and effector cells for the two suppressor systems were physically separable, and were distinct from CTLp or CTL, respectively. Precursor cells for the two suppressor systems investigated belong to the short-lived cortical thymus cell population.  相似文献   

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