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Understanding which life-history variables have the greatest influence on population growth rate has great ecological and conservation importance. Applying models of population regulation and demographic mechanisms can aid management and conservation of both wild and captive populations. By comparisons of sensitivity, elasticity, and life-table response analyses, we identified demographic processes that were most likely to produce changes in population size (via prospective analyses) and the traits that actually influenced population changes (via retrospective analyses) among sexes, zoological facilities, and generations of captive squirrel monkey populations (Saimiri sciureus). Variation in life-history traits occurs within each group analyzed. Those traits that vary the most include age at maturity, age at last reproduction, and fertility. Zoos with increasing population growth rates maintain earlier ages of maturity, later ages of last reproduction, high rates of juvenile and adult survival, and most importantly greater fertility, reflecting shorter inter-birth intervals. Using prospective analyses, juvenile and adult survivals were predicted to be demographic traits with the greatest effect on population growth. Surprisingly, and despite predictions, retrospective analyses revealed that fertility was the life-history characteristic trait that contributed the most to changes in population size.  相似文献   

To restore habitat is to restore the functional aspects of a place where one or more species are intended to live. However, habitat restored with the right structural elements can still fail to support the species due to insufficient space and spatial contiguity (e.g., movement corridors) with nearby habitat. The spatial extent of habitat determines its capacity to support various demographic units, such as a breeding pair of individuals, a true population, or a metapopulation. In scatter‐plots of published density estimates and their corresponding study area sizes, I found consistent patterns that appeared to represent spatial scale domains, in which subpopulations, populations, and multiple populations exist for each species. These spatial scale domains can help guide habitat restoration by indicating the minimum area needed to support a population. The effectiveness of restored habitat, considered alone or in combination with existing habitat, should be judged by the habitat's capacity to sustain a functioning population, which includes the population's membership in a metapopulation. Additionally, the evidence increasingly demonstrates that habitat must include sufficient space for the population(s) to periodically relocate as resources are depleted locally. The spatial extent of proposed habitat restoration can now be linked to the likely demographic unit of the species that can be supported there. I provide two examples of proposed habitat conservation and their likely effectiveness based on their spatial areas.  相似文献   

We censused Lemur catta within a 1 km2 study area at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar, during the September–October birth season for 19 years between 1963 and 2000, a total of 290 troop counts (266 with age and sex). The non-infant population was 155 in 1972–5, fell to 105 in 1985, and rose to a maximum of 282 in 1997, while troops increased from 12 in 1972–1985 up to 25 in 1998–2000. Local density varies between habitat types from 1 per ha to ca. 6 per ha. Troops fission at ca. 15–25 individuals, or 6–10 females. Adult sex ratio has no apparent correlation with fissions, birth rate or survival. Birth rate falls steeply with number of adult females, from 80–100% in 2-female troops to about 50% in 8–10 female troops. The penalty for large troop size is greater in the dense, rich areas, but nonetheless troops there are also larger. One-year-survival does not vary with troop size, and is lower in the sparse, dry zone. Troop size is too large for optimal birth rate, but fissioning to much lower size might make troops too small for optimal adult survival, given the intense intertroop competition. This reflects Sibley's (1983) conjecture that troop sizes may not reach stable optima. Rainfall per lemur-year (beginning Oct 1) varied from 265 to 894 mm. Drought followed by rain can eliminate >90% of a cohort, especially in the dryest zone. Possibly this results from fruit failure in years following drought. It is unknown whether food supplementation of some Berenty troops is dangerous for the forest, or helpful for an isolated and vulnerable ring-tailed lemur population.  相似文献   

运用种群静态生命表、生殖力表和Leslie矩阵模型,研究了重庆特有濒危植物缙云卫矛在北温泉、鸡公山和东温泉3个片断生境中种群的数量动态。静态生命表结果显示3个种群的最大龄级分别为14、13、9龄;相对于其它两个种群,北温泉种群表现出数量较多的幼苗,但同时该样地幼苗种群表现出较高的种群消失率(Kx)。种群生殖力表显示3个种群的净增殖率(R0)均大于1,内禀增长率(rm)均大于0,表明缙云卫矛种群可以完成自我更新,种群表现出正增长。Leslie矩阵模型对缙云卫矛种群进行的数量预测结果显示缙云卫矛3个种群20年后均表现出数量的增长,这与生殖力表显示的结果一致。缙云卫矛的濒危可能是其生境破碎化引起的。  相似文献   

植物群落的演替理论   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
演替是植被动态的中心问题.与演替有关的理论有接力植物区系学说、初始植物区系学说、促进忍耐和抑制学说、生活史对策演替学说、资源比率学说、Odum-Margelef生态系统发展理论、McMahon系统概念模型、变化镶嵌体稳态学说、演替的尺度等级系统观点. 文章论述了演替的分类、演替的进程、演替机制、顶极群落与非平衡态、植物群落的线性与线性系统、演替的细胞学和遗传学特征、演替与进化、演替的研究方法等.  相似文献   

植物化学遗传学:一种崭新的植物遗传学研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化学遗传学(chemical genetics,也称为化学基因组学,chemical genomics)研究方法是利用生物活性小分子扰动蛋白分子互作过程来研究有关的生命现象,是常规遗传学研究方法的补充和延伸。化学遗传学在植物科学中的应用——植物化学遗传学的研究在短短几年内,凭借其作为一种新的遗传学研究方法所具备的独特优势(如能够克服常规遗传学研究中的遗传冗余、突变致死难题及可提供特异强度、作用时间点上的条件性遗传扰动等),已开始解决一些植物分子生物学中长期存在的研究难题。本文就植物化学遗传学的一般原理及其方法,以及它作为一种新的遗传学研究方法的优势及特点作一个综述.  相似文献   

We analyzed the effect of competition on survival‐ and reproduction‐related parameters under two (0.5 · 106 and 1.5 · 106 cells ml—1 of Chlorella) food densities between Moina macrocopa and Ceriodaphnia dubia using the life table demography approach. In general, regardless of the presence of Moina, the average lifespan and generation time were higher for C. dubia. However, rate of population increase (r) and values of reproductive effort were higher for M. macrocopa. The net reproductive values of C. dubia grown alone varied from 7.6 to 36.6 offspring female—1 lifetime—1, depending on Chlorella density. Corresponding values for Moina varied little (16.4 and 17.4 offspring female—1 lifetime—1). Values of gross reproductive rate, net reproductive rate and the generation time of both cladoceran species were higher in mixed cultures than when grown alone. The negative effect of competition was evident for both the cladoceran species, not in their reproductive rates, but in their generation times, and thus population growth rates. The role of competition and facilitation occurring between the two species was discussed in relation to different algal food levels.  相似文献   

1. The decomposition of population growth rate into contributions from different demographic rates has many applications, ranging from evolutionary biology to conservation and management. Demographic rates with low variance may be pivotal for population persistence, but variable rates can have a dramatic influence on population growth rate. 2. In this study, the mean and variance in population growth rate (lambda) is decomposed into contributions from different ages and demographic rates using prospective and retrospective matrix analyses for male and female components of an increasing common tern (Sterna hirundo) population. 3. Three main results emerged: (1) subadult return was highly influential in prospective and retrospective analyses; (2) different age-classes made different contributions to variation in lambda: older age classes consistently produced offspring whereas young adults performed well only in high quality years; and (3) demographic rate covariation explained a significant proportion of variation in both sexes. A large contribution to lambda did not imply a large contribution to its variation. 4. This decomposition strengthens the argument that the relationship between variation in demographic rates and variation in lambda is complex. Understanding this relationship and its consequences for population persistence and evolutionary change demands closer examination of the lives, and deaths, of the individuals within populations within species.  相似文献   

AIMS: Despite the biodiversity values of the freshwater floodplains of northern Australia being widely recognized, there has not been a concomitant investment in developing the extent of knowledge of the basic functions and ecological processes that underpin the ecological character of these habitats. This review addresses the extent of our knowledge on the plant ecology of these wetlands and covers: the relationships between the climate and the hydrological regime on the floodplain; the vegetation patterns, succession and adaptation; and primary production. SCOPE: Information is available on the seasonal, but less regularly on the inter-annual, dynamics of the macrophytic vegetation and its evident inter-relationship with the extent, depth and duration of inundation by seasonal flooding. The available scientifically collected information on plant distribution and relationship with the water regime could be complemented by more attention to traditional knowledge. The productivity of the vegetation is high-the dominant wetland grass species have an annual dry weight production of 0.5-2.1 kg m-2 and the surrounding riparian (Melaleuca) trees contribute litterfall of 0.7-1.5 kg (dry weight) m-2 year-1, approximately 70% due to leaf-fall. The availability of dissolved oxygen in the water is known to vary diurnally and seasonally, at least in some habitats. The importance of seasonal differences in the availability of dissolved oxygen for the growth of micro- and macrophytic vegetation has not been investigated. The seasonal distribution and growth of plant species on a few floodplains have been investigated, and maps at scales of 1:10,000 to 1:100,000 are available for these. However, only on a few occasions have longer term analyses been conducted and long-term changes in the vegetation measured and assessed. Species lists and categorization of growth strategies and forms are available and provide a basis for further ecological investigation. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the large investment in managing the many pressures that have degraded the ecological character of these highly valued wetlands, the fundamental ecological processes that underpin the biodiversity values have not received the same level of attention. Further information on plant growth and the environmental factors that drive seasonal and annual changes in vegetation distribution and productivity is required to assist managers in attending to changes due to increasing invasive species and changes in fire regimes.  相似文献   

叶绿体基因工程:一种植物生物技术的新方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以叶绿体转化为主的叶绿体基因工程,与传统的基因工程技术细胞核转化相比,在外源基因表达水平和转基因植物安全性等方面有明显的优势, 尤其是在控制转基因沉默和遗传稳定性方面,可以互补核转化带来的局限性。因此,叶绿体基因工程是一种很具有发展前景的植物转基因技术,并在未来工农业生物技术领域发挥重要作用。本文着重在叶绿体转化技术主要特点,应用领域及其未来的发展前景等方面进行了简单评述。  相似文献   

Developing objective tools for tracking progress of restored sites is of general concern. Here, we present an innovative approach based on principal response curves (PRC) and species classification according to their preferential habitats to monitor changes in community composition. Following large‐scale restoration of a cut‐over peatland, vegetation was surveyed biannually over 8 years. We evaluated whether the establishing plant communities fell within the range of natural variation. We used both general diversity curves and PRC applied on plant species grouped by preferred habitat to compare restored sites and unrestored sites to a reference ecosystem. After 8 years, diversity and richness differed between the sites, with Forest and Ruderal species more prominent in unrestored sites, and Peatland, Forest, and Wetland species dominant in restored sites. The PRC revealed that the restored site became rapidly dominated by typical peatland plants, the main drivers of temporal changes being Sphagnum rubellum, Pohlia nutans, and Mylia anomala. Some differences remained between the restored and the undisturbed species pools: the former had more herbaceous species associated with wetlands such as Calamagrostis canadensis and Typha latifolia and the latter had more forested species like Kalmia angustifolia throughout the study. PRC revealed to be an efficient tool identifying species driving changes at the community level after restoration. In our case study, examining PRC scores after classifying species according to their preferred habitat allowed to illustrate objectively how restoration promotes target species (associated to peatlands) and how lack of intervention benefits ruderal species.  相似文献   

四川九顶山东坡地形复杂,降水丰沛,孕育了丰富植物物种.在野外样带调查的基础上,分析了九顶山种子植物区系组成和各分布类型在海拔梯度上的分布规律.九顶山种子植物区系组成中,北温带属占优势(27.8%),其次是泛热带属(14.2%)和东亚属(13.0%).北温带属的垂直分布与海拔升高为正相关关系,而其他的分布类型一般局限在一定海拔范围内,并不连续.  相似文献   

The whole Mapuche Indian community of Blancura Centro was covered by a demographic census, with special attention given to variables of genetic interest. Afterwards a sample of it was investigated in relation to 22 genetic systems. The community can be characterized as a young group, with high fertility, but moderate mortality and endogamy. The index of opportunity for selection is relatively low (0.46). The presence of variation at the ABO and Lutheran loci suggests some non-Indian admixture, calculated as 7% in the sample studied. Unusual findings were the absence of L*NS, low frequency (7%) of L*MS and high frequency (37%) of L*Ns. They also showed low frequencies of P*1 (28%) and DI*a (3%), but high of HP*1 (74%). Similarities, but also differences, were noted with previous results obtained in this tribe in Argentina and Chile.  相似文献   

We compared the demography of two populations of wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum, that occupy environments of different aridity (desert and Mediterranean) and represent distinct parts of the species' distribution (periphery and core) in Israel. Our demographic study included a survey of survival and fecundity of adults in quadrate plots marked at two sites in natural vegetation (one site per population), and the creation of experimental seed banks examined over three years. We measured variability in population growth rate and investigated the role of the seed bank in the demography of two populations. The latter employed construction of two-stage, three age-class transition matrices and usage of elasticity analysis. At both sites, population dynamics appear to be transient with high fluctuations of population growth rate due to variability in annual rainfall and, most likely, intra- and inter-specific density dependence. The importance of the seed bank differed among two populations. Seed dormancy had almost no demographic effect on the Mediterranean population, while it was of paramount importance in the desert population. The two populations also differed in seed and seedling survival and per adult fecundity, presumably due to the difference between two sites in (i) relative impact of seed predation, (ii) effects of density dependence on population demography, and (iii) lower vigor of seeds of desert vs. Mediterranean origin. Our study highlights the importance of life history adaptations that may evolve under specific selective forces in different parts of a species' range, which, in certain circumstances, may be critical for the persistence of a species.Wir verglichen die Demographie von zwei Populationen Wilder Gerste, Hordeum spontaneum, die Habitate unterschiedlicher Trockenheit (Wüste und mediterran) besetzen und die unterschiedliche Bereiche der Artenverbreitung (Peripherie und Kern) in Israel repräsentieren. Unsere demographischen Untersuchungen bestanden in einer Erfassung der Überlebensrate und der Fruchtbarkeit ausgewachsener Pflanzen in quadratischen Versuchsfeldern, die in zwei Untersuchungsflächen in der natürlichen Vegetation (eine Untersuchungsfläche pro Population) markiert wurden und in der Herstellung einer experimentellen Samenbank, die über drei Jahre beobachtet wurde. Wir erfassten die Variabilität der Populationswachstumsrate und untersuchten die Rolle der Samenbank in der Demographie der beiden Populationen. Letzteres erforderte die Konstruktion von Zwei-Stadien, Drei-Altersklassen-Transitions-Matrizen und die Verwendung einer Elastizitäts-Analyse. Die Populationsdynamiken scheinen in beiden Untersuchungsflächen kurzlebig zu sein, mit einer hohen Fluktuationsrate des Populationswachstums aufgrund der Variabilität des jährlichen Niederschlags und am wahrscheinlichsten aufgrund der intra- und interspezifischen Dichteabhängigkeit. Die Bedeutung der Samenbank unterschied sich zwischen den beiden Populationen. Die Samendormanz hatte bei der mediterranen Populationen nahezu keinen demographischen Effekt, während sie bei der Wüstenpopulation von herausragender Bedeutung war. Die beiden Populationen unterschieden sich auch in der Überlebensrate der Samen und Keimlinge und der Pro-Pflanzen-Fruchtbarkeit, vermutlich aufgrund der Unterschiede der beiden Untersuchungsflächen in (i) der relativen Wichtigkeit der Samenprädation, (ii) den Effekten der Dichteabhängigkeit der Populationsdemographie und (iii) der geringen Vitalität der Samen der Wüsten-Herkunft im Gegensatz zur mediterranen Herkunft. Unsere Studie hebt die Bedeutung einer Anpassung im Lebenszyklus hervor, die bei spezifischen selektiven Faktoren in den unterschiedlichen Teilen eines Verbreitungsgebietes einer Art evolvieren können und die unter bestimmten Umständen wichtig für den Bestand einer Art sein können.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We used recent developments in theoretical population ecology to construct basic models of common loon (Gavia immer) demography and population dynamics. We parameterized these models using existing survival estimates and data from long-term monitoring of loon productivity and abundance. Our models include deterministic, 2-stage, density-independent matrix models, yielding population growth-rate estimates (λ) of 0.99 and 1.01 for intensively studied populations in our Wisconsin, USA, and New Hampshire, USA, study areas, respectively. Perturbation analysis of these models indicated that estimated growth rate is extremely sensitive to adult survival, as expected for this long-lived species. Also, we examined 20 years of count data for the 2 areas and evaluated support for a set of count-based models of population growth. We detected no temporal trend in Wisconsin, which would be consistent with fluctuation around an average equilibrium state but could also result from data limitations. For New Hampshire, the model set included varying formulations of density dependence and partitioning of stochasticity that were enabled by the annual sampling resolution. The best model for New Hampshire included density regulation of population growth and, along with the demographic analyses for both areas, provided insight into the possible importance of breeding habitat availability and the abundance of nonbreeding adults. Based on these results, we recommend that conservation organizations include nonbreeder abundance in common loon monitoring efforts and that additional emphasis be placed on identifying and managing human influences on adult loon survival.  相似文献   

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