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James E. Cloern 《Journal of phycology》1977,13(4):389-395
Specific growth rate of Cryptomonas ovata var. palustris Pringsheim was measured in batch culture at 14 light-temperature combinations. Both the maximum growth rate (μm) and optimum light intensity (Iopt) fit an empirical function that increases exponentially with temperature up to an optimum (Topt), then declines rapidly as temperature exceeds Topt. Incorporation of these functions into Steele's growth equation gives a good estimate of specific growth rate over a wide range of temperature and light intensity. Rates of phosphate, ammonium and nitrate uptake were measured separately at 16 combinations of irradiance and temperature and following a spike addition of all starved cells initially took up nutrient at a rapid rate. This transitory surge was followed by a period of steady, substrate-saturated uptake that persisted until external nutrient concentration fell. Substrate-saturated NO3?-uptake proceeded at very slow rates in the dark and was stimulated by both increased temperature and irradiance; NH4+-uptake apparently proceeded at a basal rate at 8 and l4 C and was also stimulated by increased temperature and irradiance. Rates of NH4?-uptake were much higher than NO3?-uptake at all light-temperature combinations. Below 20 C, PO4?3-uptake was more rapid in dark than in light, but was light enhanced at 26 C. 相似文献
为了阐明CO2浓度和水环境要素变化对沉水植物生长的影响, 采用室外模拟的方法, 研究了不同磷和CO2浓度条件下苦草叶片(Vallisneria natans)光合生理特征。实验结果表明, 当水体磷浓度处于较高水平时, 苦草叶片荧光参数Vj、Mo降低, 参数ABS/CSo、DIo/CSo、TRo/CSo、RC/CS、PET显著升高, 其他荧光参数则无显著变化; 高浓度的CO2在显著降低苦草叶片Vj、ABS/RC、DIo/RC、ABS/CSo、DIo/CSo的同时, 也显著提高了苦草叶片ψo、φEo、ETo/RC、PIABS、Fv/Fm、PTR、PET的参数值, 而对其他荧光参数无显著影响; 在磷与CO2交互作用方面, 磷与CO2在Vj、Mo、ψo、TRo/CSo、RC/CS和PET处存在显著的交互作用, 其他荧光参数不显著。可见, 磷或CO2浓度变化均能显著影响苦草叶片光合生理状态, 高浓度的CO2可有效改善苦草叶片PSⅡ反应中心光化学性能、电子传递能力及单位有活性反应中心能量的分配, 从而提高苦草叶片的光合能力; 高浓度的磷可在一定程度上改善苦草叶片PSⅡ受、供体状态及电子传递性能。此外, 磷和CO2存在交互作用, 协同影响苦草叶片的光合能力。 相似文献
Shigetoh Miyachi Mikio Tsuzuki Isao Maruyama Miroslav Gantar Shizuko Miyachi Hisashi Matsushima 《Journal of phycology》1986,22(3):313-319
Effects of CO2 concentration during growth on intracellular structure were studied with ftve species of Chlorella and Scenedesmus obliquus. Cells grown under ordinary air conditions (low-CO2 cells) had a well developed pyrenoid surrounded by starch, while those grown under high CO2 conditions (high-CO2 cells) had a less developed pyrenoid or no detectable pyrenoid. Two mitochondria, one at each side of the neck of the projection of the chloroplast close to the pyrenoid, were found in low CO2 cells of C. vulgaris 11h. Usually, lamellar stacks extended in parallel in the chloroplast of low-CO2 cells of C. vulgaris 11h, while a grana-like structure was found in high-CO2 cells. However, in C. pyrenoidosa, grana like structures were found more commonly in low-CO2 cells than in high-CO2 cells. These results suggest that development of pyrenoid starch is generally correlated with growth under low CO2 conditions, whereas CO2-effects on lamellar stacking are species dependent. 相似文献
为了探讨大气CO2浓度升高对水华藻类的影响,利用水华蓝藻-拟柱胞藻作为实验材料,研究了CO2浓度升高对其生长生理和光合作用的影响,结果表明CO2浓度升高,导致拟柱胞藻的生物量、最大光合放氧速率、光合效率显著增加。当CO2浓度为700 mg/L以下,暗呼吸速率和光饱和点无明显影响,而CO2浓度为1000 mg/L时,暗呼吸速率和光饱和点显著提高。随着CO2浓度增加,藻细胞光合作用对无机碳的亲和力降低,同时胞外碳酸酐酶活性显著下降。这表明大气CO2浓度的增加,有利于拟柱胞藻的生长和光合,进而增加了水华发生的风险。 相似文献
正人类在利用化石燃料的过程中会导致大量有害温室气体CO_2的排放,促进全球气候变暖。微藻可通过光合作用固定CO_2,同时大量的微藻生物质还能作为生物能源的原料[1],因此,越来越多的研究关注于微藻生物固碳以达到降低碳排放的目的。利用微藻光合作用进行CO_2固定是一种能量节约型和环境友好型技术手段[2]。在利用微藻进行CO_2生物固定以及生物燃料生产时,研究微藻的CO_2固定能力、CO_2对微藻的生长以及油脂积累的影响等都是十分重要的。国内外利用微藻进行生 相似文献
CO_2浓度倍增对牟氏角毛藻生长和光合作用的影响 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
高浓度(5%)CO2对微藻光合作用特征和固碳机制的影响已有了广泛的研究,但CO2提高数倍对微藻的影响报道还不多。本文以牟氏角毛藻为材料,研究其在CO2浓度倍增条件下(700uLL-1)的生长和光合作用特点,以期了解CO2浓度的倍增影响微藻类的生理生化效应和机制。另外,牟氏角毛藻是常用的饵料藻种,含有丰富的多不饱和脂肪酸[1],所以还有一定的实践意义。1 材料与方法1.1 材料与培养 牟氏角毛藻(ChaetocerosmuellerimueleriLemm.)由中国科学院海洋研究所提供。对数生长期的藻… 相似文献
粘红酵母产L-苯丙氨酸解氨酶的条件和酶法合成苯丙氨酸的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究了粘红酵母(Rhodotorula glutinis)中L-苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)(EC4.3.1.5)的产酶条件及用此酶把反式肉桂酸转化成苯丙氨酸的条件.结果表明,在下列培养基(g/L)及培养条件下PAL的活力较高:酵母膏10.0,蛋白胨10.0,NaCl5.0,KH_2PO_4 0.5,苯内氨酸0.5,(NH_4)_2SO_41.0,葡萄糖5.0,pH6.0—6.5,培养温度为30℃.转化过程中,[NH_4~+]对初速度的影响符合米氏方程,其K_m和V_(max)分别为16.85mol/L和5.96 g·L~(-1)·h~(-1),最适pH为10.0.底物肉桂酸对反应初速度的影响,在低浓度时有激活作用,在高浓度下则有抑制作用.肉桂酸转化为苯丙氨酸的转化率在60.0%以上. 相似文献
We investigated the direct and indirect effects of elevated atmospheric CO(2) on freshwater container habitats and their larval mosquito occupants. We predicted that a doubling of atmospheric CO(2) would (1) alter the chemical properties of water in this system, (2) slow degradation of leaf litter, and (3) decrease larval growth of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) mosquitoes raised on that litter under competitive conditions. Effects of elevated CO(2) on water quality parameters were not detected, but the presence of leaf litter significantly reduced pH and dissolved oxygen relative to water-filled containers without litter. Degradation rates of oak leaf litter from plants grown under elevated CO(2) atmospheres did not differ from breakdown rates of litter from ambient CO(2) conditions. Litter from plants grown in an elevated CO(2) atmospheres did not influence mosquito population growth, but mosquito production decreased significantly with increasing larval density. Differences among mosquito density treatments influenced survivorship most strongly among male Ae. albopictus and time to emergence most strongly among females, suggesting fundamental sex-determined differences in response to competition. Results of this and other studies indicate that direct and indirect effects of doubled atmospheric CO(2) are minimal in artificial containers with freshwater. 相似文献
消炎痛对大鼠肝线粒体微粒体^45Ca摄取及膜流动性的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
我们曾报道消炎痛预处理在大鼠能引起明显的肝保护作用,为了进一步探讨消炎痛肝保护作用的机制,本工作观察了它对大鼠肝线粒体、微粒体钙调节作用及膜流动性的影响。结果表明,经消炎痛整体预处理的大鼠肝线粒体和微粒体的钙摄取及膜流动性均明显增加,但是,将消炎痛直接加入由正常大鼠分离的线粒体或微粒体中,则反而使膜的流动性降低。这些变化可能与消炎痛的肝保护作用有关。 相似文献
本研究以大黄鱼和鲈为实验对象,探讨饲料中添加植酸酶(PY)和非淀粉性多糖酶(WX和VP)对其氨氮和可溶性磷(PO3-4-P)排泄的影响.以含植物蛋白的饲料为基础饲料,分别向每千克饲料中添加200mg植酸酶(酶的活性为2500IU/g)、 800mg WX(主要包括葡聚糖酶、戊聚糖酶和纤维素酶,各种酶的活性皆为50IU/g)、 400mg VP(主要为木聚糖酶,酶的活性为1000IU/g)以及800mg WX 400mg VP配制出5种实验饲料.实验鱼在海水网箱中经过8周的摄食驯养后,转入室内水族箱中进行氮磷排泄测定实验.在水族箱中经2天的适应后,测定饥饿状态下氨氮及可溶性磷的排泄率.然后饱食投喂,并连续测定摄食后48h内鱼体氨氮和可溶性磷的排泄率.实验期间水温为26.5-32.5℃,盐度为32.5‰-36‰,溶氧在7 mg/L以上.实验结果表明,饥饿状态下实验鱼的氨氮和可溶性磷排泄不受实验饲料影响(p>0.05).而在饱食条件下,实验饲料中添加非淀粉性多糖酶(WX、VP及WX VP)显著降低了实验鱼的氨氮排泄率(p<0.05),而添加植酸酶组实验鱼的氨氮排泄率与对照组差异不显著.饲料处理对实验鱼可溶性磷的排泄率的影响不显著(p>0.05),但添加植酸酶组实验鱼的可溶性磷排泄率有增加的趋势. 相似文献
Formaldehyde and glycolaldehyde (substrates of the formose autocatalytic cycle) were shown to react with ammonia yielding alanine and homoserine under mild aqueous conditions in the presence of thiol catalysts. Since similar reactions carried out without ammonia yielded -hydroxy acid thioesters (Weber, 1984a, b), the thiol-dependent synthesis of alanine and homoserine is presumed to occur via amino acid thioesters – intermediates capable of forming peptides (Weber and Orgel 1979). A pH 5.2 solution of 20 mM formaldehyde, 20 mM glycolaldehyde, 20 mM ammonium chloride, 23 mM 3-mercaptopropionic acid, and 23 mM acetic acid that reacted for 35 days at 40°C yielded (based on initial formaldehyde) 1.8% alanine and 0.08% homoserine. In the absence of thiol catalyst, the synthesis of alanine and homoserine was negligible. Alanine synthesis required both formaldehyde and glycolaldehyde, but homoserine synthesis required only glycolaldehyde. At 25 days the efficiency of alanine synthesis calculated from the ratio of alanine synthesized to formaldehyde reacted was 2.1%, and the yield (based on initial formaldehyde) of triose and tetrose intermediates involved in alanine and homoserine synthesis was 0.3 and 2.1%, respectively. Alanine synthesis was also seen in similar reactions containing only 10 mM each of aldehyde substrates, ammonia, and thiol. The prebiotic significance of these reactions that use the formose reaction to generate sugar intermediates that are converted to reactive amino acid thioesters is discussed. 相似文献
Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica Thunb.), introduced to the United States, and the native coral honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens L.) were compared to determine how intrinsic differences in their growth characteristics would affect their response to atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment. Plants of both species grown from cuttings were harvested after 54 days of growth in controlled environment growth chambers at 350, 675, or 1,000 μl/liter CO2. The biomass of Japanese honeysuckle was increased 135% at 675 μ∗∗∗l/liter CO2 and 76% at 1,000 μl/liter CO2 after 54 days. Morphologically, the main effect of CO2 enrichment was to triple the number of branches and to increase total branch length six times. Enhanced and accelerated branchingalso increased total leaf area 50% at elevated CO2 concentrations. In coral honeysuckle, total biomass was only 40% greater in the elevated CO2 treatments. Branching was quadrupled but had not proceeded long enough to affect total leaf area. Main stem height was increased 36% at 1,000 μl/liter CO2. The much less significant height response of other woody erect growth forms suggests that vines may increase in importance during competition if atmospheric CO2 concentrations increase as predicted. The impact of Japanese honeysuckle in the United States may become more serious. 相似文献
研究了CO2加富对丹尼斯凤梨(Guzmania`Denise’)和吉利凤梨(Guzmania `Cherry’)叶片光合速率、植株生长、开花和光合相关酶活性的 影响。结果表明,处理30 d期间,处理(600±40)、(900±40) μmol CO2&;#8226;mol-1的净光合速率分别比同期对照增加了6.24%~31.91%和11.92%~ 41.48%;CO2加富下促进了叶片中可溶性糖和淀粉的积累, 蒸腾速率和气孔导度下降,Rubisco活性增加,乙醇酸氧化酶活性则明显下降。(600 ±40)μmol CO2&;#8226;mol-1处理下的株高、叶面积分别比同期对照下增加了6.94%~14.63%和1.66%~7. 06%,而处理(900±40) μmol CO2&;#8226;mol-1下 分别增加了9.71%~20.85%和2.87%~11.62%;CO2加富下促进了干重和鲜重的积累。此外,CO2加富提前了吉利凤梨的花期。 相似文献
本研究记录了经25°,35°和15℃驯化的眼镜蛇,在交感和迷走神经下行通路分别或同时离断后;降、升温的心率效应,并与正常对照组相应的变化量比较;观察了腹腔注射儿茶酚胺类激素及直流电脉冲刺激左、右迷走神经对心率的影响。结果显示:体温和心率之间,存在高度的正相关,呈现对数回归关系;交感、迷走下行通路分别或同时离断,均不影响这种关系;儿茶酚胺类激素对心率没有作用;刺激左、右迷走神经使心率大幅度下降。说明眼镜蛇在变温条件下的心率变化,主要是心脏自律细胞温敏代谢作用的产物,但迷走中枢的下行紧张性调控将使这种变化更有规律性。 相似文献
Rod M. Heisey 《American journal of botany》1990,77(5):662-670
Mature trees of Ailanthus altissima produce one or more potent inhibitors of seed germination and seedling growth. Inhibitor activity is highest in bark, especially of roots, intermediate in leaflets, and low in wood. Crude extracts of Ailanthus root bark and leaflets corresponding to 34 and 119 mg water extractable material/L, respectively, caused 50% inhibition of cress radicle growth. Ailanthus seeds also contain one or more inhibitors. These are bound within the seed by the pericarp but diffuse into water agar when the pericarp is removed. The inhibitor(s) could readily be extracted from Ailanthus tissues with methanol, but not dichloromethane, indicating polar characteristics. Ailanthus leaflets had highest inhibitory activity during expansion in spring, whereas activity of trunk bark peaked just before emergence of leaves. This pattern suggests transport of allelochemicals from bark into new leaves. A comparison of seven plant species for sensitivity to the inhibitor(s) from Ailanthus root bark showed little selectivity, although velvetleaf was somewhat more resistant. The inhibitor(s) from Ailanthus root bark exhibited strong herbicidal effects when sprayed pre- and postemergence on plants in soil in the greenhouse. Postemergence effects were striking, with nearly complete mortality of all species, except velvetleaf, at even the lowest doses tested. The results suggest the allelochemical(s) from Ailanthus may have potential for development as natural-product herbicides. 相似文献
东北地区森林生态系统因其面积大,碳贮量高而在本地区和我国碳平衡中占有重要的地位.土壤表面CO2通量(RS)作为陆地生态系统向大气圈释放的主要CO2源,其时空变化直接影响到区域碳循环.该研究采用红外气体分析法比较测定我国东北东部次生林区6个典型的森林生态系统的RS及其相关的土壤水热因子,并深入分析土壤水热因子对RS的影响.研究结果表明影响RS的主要环境因子是土壤温度、土壤含水量及其交互作用,但其影响程度因生态系统类型和土壤深度而异.包括这些环境因子的综合RS模型解释了67.5%~90.6%的RS变异.在整个生长季中,不同生态系统类型的土壤温度差异不显著,而土壤湿度的差异显著(α=0.05).蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)林、红松(Pinus koraiensis)林、落叶松(Larix gmelinii)林、硬阔叶林、杂木林和杨桦(Populus davidiana-Betula platyphylla)林的RS变化范围依次为1.89~5.23 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1,1.09~4.66μmol CO2·m-2·s-1,0.95~3.52 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1,1.13~5.97μmol CO2·m-2·s-1,1.05~6.58 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1和1.11~5.76μmol CO2·m-2·s-1.RS的季节动态主要受土壤水热条件的驱动而呈现单峰曲线,其变化趋势大致与土壤温度的变化相吻合.Q10从小到大依次为蒙古栎林2.32,落叶松林2.57,红松林2.76,硬阔叶林2.94,杨桦林3.54和杂木林3.55.Q10随土壤湿度的升高而增大;但超过一定的阈值后,土壤湿度对Q10起抑制作用.该研究结果强调对该地区生态系统土壤表面CO2通量的估测应同时考虑土壤水热条件的综合效应. 相似文献
水霉(Saprolegia ferax)菌丝在pH6.0-8.0的OM液体培养基中生长良好,在pH5.0时生长速率有所下降,在pH3.0—4.0时停止生长。短时间(30min)作用研究表明,低浓度的CaCl_2促进pH5.0(1—5mmol/L)和pH6.0(1mmol/L)条件下的菌丝顶端生长,抑制pH7.0—8.0条件下的菌丝生长。1mmol/L以上的EGTA则抑制pH5.0条件下菌丝顶端生长,促进pH6.0—8.0条件下的菌丝顶端生长。但CaCl_2和EGTA都不能使pH3.0—4.0条件下的菌丝恢复生长。长时间(8h)作用跟踪观察表明,2mmol/L EGTA(pH6.8)短时间作用可促进菌丝生长,但随着培养时间延长,则产生抑制作用,并诱导原生质从菌丝最顶端喷出。说明细胞壁Ca~(2 )起着提供胞外Ca~(2 )源和细胞壁修饰成分的双重作用。Ca~(2 )通道阻断剂verapamil对菌丝顶端生长的抑制作用也说明顶端生长所需的Ca~(2 )来自胞外。 相似文献
The activity of extracted NADH-NO3? reductase was measured in the marine dinoflagellates Amphidinium carteri Hulburt and Cachonina niei Loeblich. Its activity showed a diel periodicity and was ca. twice as great at midday as at midnight. The enzyme activity was unstable, with an in vitro half-life of 2–3 h. Values of enzyme activity were low or undetectable during lag phase but paralleled the instantaneous growth rate value during log phase. Nitrate reductase activity was not found in the stationary phase of growth, but additions of NO3? resulted in enzyme activity after 24h. When A. carteri was exposed to a series of light intensities for several weeks, the division rate and enzyme activity increased with increasing light intensity up to saturating intensities. In 6 h exposures, enzyme activity decreased with decreasing light intensities below light intensities saturating division rate. Additions of NH4+ (0.5–50 μm) to A. carteri cultures decreased the amount of extractable enzyme. The in vitro activity was not inhibited by similar NH+4 concentrations. 相似文献
以大豆(Glycine max)种子为材料,浓度的阿斯匹林和复方新诺明水溶液,在(20±1)℃条件下分种24h和12h, 测定大豆种子萌发过程中的各项生理生化指标以及萌发后的各形态指标实验结果表明:阿斯匹林和复方新诺明水溶液浸种都能有效地提高大豆种子的发芽率和活力指数,还能促进大豆根系的生长。其中以62.5mg·L-1的阿斯匹林和0.5mg·L-1的复方新诺明处理后的效果最为显著。阿斯匹林浸种能使大豆萌芽的相对电导率显著降低,使活性氧清除酶的活性有所提高。复方新诺明浸种则使大豆萌芽的蛋白质含量以及氨基酸总量都有显著的提高。 相似文献