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The active transport of ions in plant cells   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

Cellular osmoregulation: beyond ion transport and cell volume   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
All cells are characterized by the expression of osmoregulatory mechanisms, although the degree of this expression is highly variable in different cell types even within a single organism. Cellular osmoregulatory mechanisms constitute a conserved set of adaptations that offset antagonistic effects of altered extracellular osmolality/environmental salinity on cell integrity and function. Cellular osmoregulation includes the regulation of cell volume and ion transport but it does not stop there. We know that organic osmolyte concentration, protein structure, cell turnover, and other cellular parameters are osmoregulated as well. In this brief review two important aspects of cellular osmoregulation are emphasized: 1) maintenance of genomic integrity, and 2) the central role of protein phosphorylation. Novel insight into these two aspects of cellular osmoregulation is illustrated based on two cell models, mammalian kidney inner medullary cells and teleost gill epithelial cells. Both cell types are highly hypertonicity stress-resistant and, therefore, well suited for the investigation of osmoregulatory mechanisms. Damage to the genome is discussed as a newly discovered aspect of hypertonic threat to cells and recent insights on how mammalian kidney cells deal with such threat are presented. Furthermore, the importance of protein phosphorylation as a core mechanism of osmosensory signal transduction is emphasized. In this regard, the potential roles of the 14-3-3 family of phospho-protein adaptor molecules for cellular osmoregulation are highlighted primarily based on work with fish gill epithelial cells. These examples were chosen for the reader to appreciate the numerous and highly specific interactions between stressor-specific and non-specific pathways that form an extensive cellular signaling network giving rise to adaptive compensation of hypertonicity. Furthermore, the example of 14-3-3 proteins illustrates that a single protein may participate in several pathways that are non-specific with regard to the type of stress and, at the same time, in stress-specific pathways to promote cell integrity and function during hypertonicity.  相似文献   

A study on Ca2+ transport by mitochondria isolated from Jerusalem artichoke ( Helianthus tuberosus L. cv. OB1) tubers is presented. By following the distribution of Ca2+ under respiratory conditions, we have been able to show that Ca2+ accumulation into the matrix space depends on membrane potential (ΔΨ) since the uptake is not affected by the protonophore nigericin but fully blocked by valinomycin and carbonyl cyanide- p -trifluoromethoxy phenylhydrazone (FCCP). Ca2+ uptake requires phosphate (Pi) and is inhibited by mersalyl and by ruthenium red (RR). In addition to a Ca2+ influx route, mitochondria from H. tuberosus possess an RR-insensitive Ca2+ efflux pathway which is not stimulated by external Na+, Ca2+ is rapidly released from Ca2+-loaded mitochondria in the presence of ionophores such as A23187 and valinomycin and of the uncoupler FCCP. The Pi-transport inhibitor mersalyl also induces a massive Ca2+ release through reversal of the uptake route, the latter process being blocked by RR. Thus Jerusalem artichoke mitochondria possess a Ca2+ cycling mechanism which is different from that of animal mitochondria and certain other plant species.  相似文献   

Summary Cyanide (CN) and dinitrophenol (DNP) rapidly depolarize the cells of oat coleoptiles (Avena sativa L., cultivar Victory) and of pea epicotyls (Pisum sativum L., cultivar Alaska); the effect is reversible. This indicates that electrogenesis is metabolic in origin, and, since active transport is blocked in the presence of CN and DNP, perhaps caused by interference with ATP synthesis, that development of cell potential may be associated with active ion transport. Additional evidence for an electrogenic pump is as follows. (1) Cell electropotentials are higher than can be accounted for by ionic diffusion. (2) Inhibition of potential, respiration, andactive ion transport is nearly maximal, but a potential of –40 to –80 mV remains. This is probably a passive diffusion potential since, under these conditions, a fairly close fit to the Goldman constant-field equation is found in oat coleoptile cells.  相似文献   

Extracellular ferricyanide reduction, NADH and ferrocyanide oxidation were investigated by spectrophotometrical method on photosynthetic freshwater plants ( Elodea canadensis Rich., Vallisneria spiralis L., Nitella flexilis L.) and heterotrophic tissues (roots of Triticum vulgare L., Hordeum vulgare L., Zea mays L., Pisum sativum L., Avena sativa L., Allium sativa L., Allium cepa L.). All species had ferricyanide reductase activity. The roots of land plants also carried out extracellular oxidation of NADH and ferrocyanide in contrast to leaves of the freshwater plants. External NADH stimulated ferricyanide reductase activity, but only with those objects that had external NADH oxidase activity. In all species ferricyanide decreased the membrane potential (MP), decreased the membrane resistance measured at a fixed current and inhibited K+ influx measured by flame photometry. The factors affecting ferricyanide reductase activity also influenced the inhibitory effect of ferricyanide on the MP and K+ transport. These results demonstrate a connection between transport, electrogenic and redox functions of the plasmalemma.  相似文献   

The effect of dihydroquercetin (DHQ) on proton pumps of the vacuolar membrane (H+-ATPase and H+-pyrophosphatase), slow vacuolar (SV) channel, lipid peroxidation, and stability of isolated vacuoles was studied. The results of experiments showed that DHQ affected active and passive transport systems of the vacuolar membrane. The mechanism of action of DHQ may be based on its combined effect on the sulfhydryl groups of proteins and the lipid component of the membrane. The strong stabilizing effect of DHQ on the membranes of isolated vacuoles may be associated not only with its antioxidant properties but also with changes in the membrane permeability affecting the ion channels.  相似文献   

Antioxidants in plant cells mainly include glutathione, ascorbate, tocopherol, proline, betaine and others, which are also information-rich redox buffers and important redox signaling components that interact with cellular compartments. As an unfortunate consequence of aerobic life for higher plants, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are formed by partial reduction of molecular oxygen. The above enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants in higher plant cells can protect their cells from oxidative damage by scavenging ROS. In addition to crucial roles in defense system and as enzyme cofactors, antioxidants influence higher plant growth and development by modifying processes from miotosis and cell elongation to senescence and death. Most importantly, they provide essential information on cellular redox state, and regulate gene expression associated with biotic and abiotic stress responses to optimize defense and survival. An overview of the literature is presented in terms of primary antioxidant free radical scavenging and redox signaling in plant cells. Special attention is given to ROS and ROS-anioxidant interaction as a metabolic interface for different types of signals derived from metabolisms and from the changing environment. This interaction regulates the appropriate induction of acclimation processes or execution of cell death programs, which are the two essential directions for higher plant cells.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1999,442(2-3):129-132
The ability of redox agents to modulate certain characteristics of voltage- and calcium-activated channels has been recently investigated in a variety of animal cells. We report here the first evidence that redox agents regulate the activation of ion channels in the tonoplast of higher plants. Using the patch-clamp technique, we have demonstrated that, in tonoplasts from the leaves of the marine seagrass Posidonia oceanica and the root of the sugar beet, a variety of sulphydryl reducing agents, added at the cytoplasmic side of the vacuole, reversibly favoured the activation of the voltage-dependent slow vacuolar (SV) channel. Antioxidants, like dithiothreitol (DTT) and the reduced form of glutathione, gave a reversible increase of the voltage-activated current and faster kinetics of channel activation. Other reducing agents, such as ascorbic acid, also increased the SV currents, although to a lesser extent in comparison with DTT and glutathione, while the oxidising agent chloramine-T irreversibly abolished the activity of the channel. Single channel experiments demonstrated that DTT reversibly increased the open probability of the channel, leaving the conductance unaltered. The regulation of channel activation by glutathione may correlate ion transport with other crucial mechanisms that in plants control turgor regulation, response to oxidative stresses, detoxification and resistance to heavy metals.  相似文献   

We evaluated theeffects of acute hyperoxic exposure on alveolar epithelial cell (AEC)active ion transport and on expression ofNa+ pump(Na+-K+-ATPase)and rat epithelial Na+ channelsubunits. Rat AEC were cultivated in minimal defined serum-free medium(MDSF) on polycarbonate filters. Beginning on day5, confluent monolayers were exposedto either 95% air-5% CO2(normoxia) or 95% O2-5%CO2 (hyperoxia) for 48 h.Transepithelial resistance(Rt) andshort-circuit current(Isc) weredetermined before and after exposure.Na+ channel -, -, and-subunit andNa+-K+-ATPase1- and1-subunit mRNA levels werequantified by Northern analysis.Na+ pump1- and1-subunit protein abundance wasquantified by Western blotting. After hyperoxic exposure,Isc across AECmonolayers decreased by ~60% at 48 h relative to monolayersmaintained under normoxic conditions.Na+ channel -subunit mRNAexpression was reduced by hyperoxia, whereas - and -subunit mRNAexpression was unchanged. Na+ pump1-subunit mRNA was unchanged,whereas 1-subunit mRNA was decreased ~80% by hyperoxia in parallel with a reduction in1-subunit protein. Becausekeratinocyte growth factor (KGF) has recently been shown to upregulateAEC active ion transport and expression ofNa+-K+-ATPaseunder normoxic conditions, we assessed the ability of KGF to preventhyperoxia-induced changes in active ion transport by supplementingmedium with KGF (10 ng/ml) from day2. The presence of KGF prevented theeffects of hyperoxia on ion transport (as measured byIsc) relativeto normoxic controls. Levels of1 mRNA and protein wererelatively preserved in monolayers maintained in MDSF and KGF comparedwith those cultivated in MDSF alone. These results indicate that AECnet active ion transport is decreased after 48 h of hyperoxia, likelyas a result of a decrease in the number of functionalNa+ pumps per cell. KGF largelyprevents this decrease in active ion transport, at least in part, bypreserving Na+ pump expression.


L Letellier  P Boulanger 《Biochimie》1989,71(1):167-174
Upon infection, phage DNA is transported through the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane. This crossing is accompanied by a transient increase in the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane toward ions and small solutes. This has led several authors to propose that DNA might cross the cytoplasmic membrane through channels. In the first part of the review we present data that we obtained with phage T4 and that strongly support this proposal. We then present the structural and ionic characteristics of these channels. In the second part, we summarize data obtained by several authors concerning the permeability changes induced by different phages and show that these results are compatible with a model of phage DNA transfer through channels. Finally, we discuss the possible origin of these channels.  相似文献   

Biochemical and genetics studies demonstrated the critical roles of phospholipid signaling and relevant molecules in regulating multiple processes of plant growth and development, signal transduction, mediating hormone effects and cell responses to environmental stimuli, through modulating protein subcellular localization, cross-talking with other signaling or metabolic pathways, or interacting with signaling molecules. The updated achievements of physiological effects and functional mechanism of phospholipid signaling in higher plants were reviewed.  相似文献   

Calcium plays a key role in both apoptotic and necrotic cell death. Emptying of intracellular calcium stores and/or alteration in intracellular calcium levels can modulate cell death in almost all cell types. These calcium fluxes are determined by the activity of membrane channels normally under tight control. The channels may be ligand activated or voltage dependent as well as being under the control of affector molecules such as calmodulin. It has become increasingly apparent that many calcium channels are affected by reactive oxygen or reactive nitrogen species; ROS/RNS. This may be part of the normal signaling pathways in the cell or by the action of exogenously generated ROS or RNS often by toxins. This review covers the recent literature on the activity of these redox active channels as related to cell death.  相似文献   

Conclusion Exciting innovations in the methodologies available for the study of ionic channels (notably in animal cells) have allowed hitherto impossible advances in the comprehension of both structure and function. In using channels like the Na channel and the AChR as examples of these strategies, we have tried to give a concise but up to date account of the current possibilities (in particular, the patch-clamp) for research in membrane physiology. That few of these techniques have been applied to plant cell membranes simply indicates the scope for advancement in the understanding of some problems fundamental to plant physiology. The mechanisms of transport involved in processes known to be important for the life of plant cells (e.g., regulation of cytoplasmic and vacuolar potential differences and pH, maintenance of vacuolar turgor pressure, accumulation of metabolites and their counterions, response to environmental stimuli) are relatively speaking, poorly characterized. In that ion fluxes through plasmalemma and tonoplast membranes are at least in part likely to be via ionic channels for all of these processes, an important step forward would be the application of patch-clamp techniques for the direct demonstration of a channel mechanism and the subsequent elucidation of their role.  相似文献   

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