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Brassinosteroids (BRs) regulate plant development through a signal transduction pathway involving the BRI1 and BAK1 transmembrane receptor kinases. The detailed molecular mechanisms of phosphorylation, kinase activation, and oligomerization of the BRI1/BAK1 complex in response to BRs are uncertain. We demonstrate that BR-dependent activation of BRI1 precedes association with BAK1 in planta, and that BRI1 positively regulates BAK1 phosphorylation levels in vivo. BRI1 transphosphorylates BAK1 in vitro on specific kinase-domain residues critical for BAK1 function. BAK1 also transphosphorylates BRI1, thereby quantitatively increasing BRI1 kinase activity toward a specific substrate. We propose a sequential transphosphorylation model in which BRI1 controls signaling specificity by direct BR binding followed by substrate phosphorylation. The coreceptor BAK1 is then activated by BRI1-dependent transphosphorylation and subsequently enhances signaling output through reciprocal BRI1 transphosphorylation. This model suggests both conservation and distinct differences between the molecular mechanisms regulating phosphorylation-dependent kinase activation in plant and animal receptor kinases.  相似文献   

The activation functions AF1 and AF2 of nuclear receptors mediate the recruitment of coregulators in gene regulation. AF1 is mapped to the highly variable and intrinsically unstructured N terminal domain and AF2 lies in the conserved ligand binding domain. The unstructured nature of AF1 offers structural plasticity and hence functional versatility in gene regulation. However, little is known about the key functional residues of AF1 that mediates its interaction with coregulators. This study focuses on the progesterone receptor (PR) and reports the identification of K464, K481 and R492 (KKR) as the key functional residues of PR AF1. The KKR are monomethylated and function cooperatively. The combined mutations of KKR to QQQ render PR isoform B (PRB) hyperactive, whereas KKR to FFF mutations abolishes as much as 80% of PR activity. Furthermore, the hyperactive QQQ mutation rescues the loss of PR activity due to E911A mutation in AF2. The study also finds that the magnitudes of the mutational effect differ in different cell types as a result of differential effects on the functional interaction with coregulators. Furthermore, KKR provides the interface for AF1 to physically interact with p300 and SRC-1, and with AF2 at E911. Intriguingly, the inactive FFF mutant interacts strikingly stronger with both SRC-1 and AF2 than wt PRB. We propose a tripartite model to describe the dynamic interactions between AF1, AF2 and SRC-1 with KKR of AF1 and E911 of AF2 as the interface. An overly stable interaction would hamper the dynamics of disassembly of the receptor complex.  相似文献   

Comparative models of GABA(A) receptors composed of alpha1 beta3 gamma2 subunits were generated using the acetylcholine-binding protein (AChBP) as a template and were used for predicting putative engineered cross-link sites between the alpha1 and the gamma2 subunit. The respective amino acid residues were substituted by cysteines and disulfide bond formation between subunits was investigated on co-transfection into human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells. Although disulfide bond formation between subunits could not be observed, results indicated that mutations studied influenced assembly of GABA(A) receptors. Whereas residue alpha1A108 was important for the formation of assembly intermediates with beta3 and gamma2 subunits consistent with its proposed location at the alpha1(+) side of GABA(A) receptors, residues gamma2T125 and gamma2P127 were important for assembly with beta3 subunits. Mutation of each of these residues also caused an impaired expression of receptors at the cell surface. In contrast, mutated residues alpha1F99C, alpha1S106C or gamma2T126C only impaired the formation of receptors at the cell surface when co-expressed with subunits in which their predicted interaction partner was also mutated. These data are consistent with the prediction that the mutated residue pairs are located close to each other.  相似文献   

The mediator protein Claspin is critical for the activation of the checkpoint kinase Chk1 during checkpoint responses to stalled replication forks. This function involves the Chk1-activating domain (CKAD) of Claspin, which undergoes phosphorylation on multiple conserved sites. These phosphorylations promote binding of Chk1 to Claspin and ensuing activation of Chk1 by ATR. However, despite the importance of this regulatory process, the kinase responsible for these phosphorylations has remained unknown. By using a multifaceted approach, we have found that casein kinase 1 gamma 1 (CK1γ1) carries out this function. CK1γ1 phosphorylates the CKAD of Claspin efficiently in vitro, and depletion of CK1γ1 from human cells by small interfering RNA (siRNA) results in dramatically diminished phosphorylation of Claspin. Consequently, the siRNA-treated cells display impaired activation of Chk1 and resultant checkpoint defects. These results indicate that CK1γ1 is a novel component of checkpoint responses that controls the interaction of a key checkpoint effector kinase with its cognate mediator protein.  相似文献   

We have reported that the α1A-adrenergic receptor (α1AAR) in rat-1 fibroblasts is a lipid raft protein. Here we examined whether disrupting lipid rafts by methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MCD) sequestration of cholesterol affects α1AAR signaling. Unexpectedly, MCD increased α1AAR-dependent basal inositol phosphate formation and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activation in a cholesterol-dependent manner. It also initiated internalization of surface α1AAR, which was partially blocked by receptor inhibition. Binding assays revealed MCD-mediated increases in receptor agonist affinity as well as reciprocal decreases in inverse agonist affinity, a behavior that is usually interpreted as a shift toward the active receptor conformation. In untreated cells a fraction of the receptor was found to be present in preassociated receptor/G protein complexes, which rapidly dissociate upon receptor stimulation. Consistent with MCD-induced signaling, raft disruption resulted in an increase in receptor/G protein complexes. These results strongly suggest that lipid rafts constrain basal α1AAR activity; however, preassembled receptor/G protein complexes could still provide a mechanism for accelerating α1AAR signaling following stimulation.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide S (NPS) has been recently recognized as the endogenous ligand for the previous orphan G-protein-coupled receptor GPR154, now referred to as the NPS receptor (NPSR). The NPS-NPSR receptor system regulates important biological functions such as sleeping/wakening, locomotion, anxiety, and food intake. To collect information on the mechanisms of interaction between NPS and its receptor, a classical structure-activity relationship study was performed. Human (h) NPS derivatives obtained by Ala and d-scan and N- and C-terminal truncation were assessed for their ability to stimulate calcium release in HEK293 cells expressing the human recombinant NPSR. The results of this study indicate that (i) the effect of hNPS is mimicked by the fragment hNPS-(1-10); (ii) Phe(2), Arg(3), and Asn(4) are crucial for biological activity; (iii) the sequence Thr(8)-Gly(9)-Met(10) is important for receptor activation, although with non-stringent chemical requirements; and (iv) the sequence Val(6)-Gly(7) acts as a hinge region between the two above-mentioned domains. However, the stimulatory effect of hNPS given intracerebroventricularly on mouse locomotor activity was not fully mimicked by hNPS-(1-10), suggesting that the C-terminal region of the peptide maintains importance for in vivo activity. In conclusion, this study identified the amino acid residues of this peptide most important for receptor activation.  相似文献   

The type 1 sigma receptor (sigmaR1) has been shown to participate in a variety of functions in the central nervous system. To identify the specific regions of the brain that are involved in sigmaR1 function, we analyzed the expression pattern of the receptor mRNA in the mouse brain by in situ hybridization. SigmaR1 mRNA was detectable primarily in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and Purkinje cells of cerebellum. To identify the critical anionic amino acid residues in the ligand-binding domain of sigmaR1, we employed two different approaches: chemical modification of anionic amino acid residues and site-directed mutagenesis. Chemical modification of anionic amino acids in sigmaR1 with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide reduced the ligand-binding activity markedly. Since it is known that a splice variant of this receptor which lacks exon 3 does not have the ability to bind sigma ligands, the ligand-binding domain with its critical anionic amino acid residues is likely to be present in or around the region coded by exon 3. Therefore, each of the anionic amino acids in this region was mutated individually and the influence of each mutation on ligand binding was assessed. These studies have identified two anionic amino acids, D126 and E172, that are obligatory for ligand binding. Even though the ligand-binding function was abolished by these two mutations, the expression of these mutants was normal at the protein level. These results show that sigmaR1 is expressed at high levels in specific areas of the brain that are involved in memory, emotion and motor functions. The results also provide important information on the chemical nature of the ligand-binding site of sigmaR1 that may be of use in the design of sigmaR1-specific ligands with potential for modulation of sigmaR1-related brain functions.  相似文献   

To define a region(s) in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vif that involves binding to its target APOBEC3G (A3G), we have generated a series of site-specific proviral vif mutants. Of 30 mutants examined, 15 did not grow at all or grew more poorly than wild-type virus in non-permissive cells. Eight clones with N-terminal mutations located outside of the HCCH motif and BC-box, which are known to be directly crucial for the degradation of A3G, were chosen from these growth-defective mutants and mainly analyzed in detail for functional activity of their mutant Vif proteins. By single-cycle replication and immunoprecipitation/immunoblotting analyses, mutants designated W21A, S32A, W38A, Y40A, and H43A were demonstrated to hardly or poorly bind to and neutralize A3G. Upon transfection, these mutants produced progeny virions containing much more A3G than wild-type clone. Interestingly, while mutants designated E76A and W79A acted normally to inactivate A3G, they were found to exhibit a Vif-defective phenotype against A3F. Another unique mutant designated Y69A incompetent against both of A3G/F was also identified. Our results here have indicated that at least two distinct regions in the N-terminal half of HIV-1 Vif are critical for binding and exclusion of A3G/F.  相似文献   



Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a local mediator that exerts its actions through G protein coupled receptors. Knowledge on the regulation of such receptors is scarce to date. Here we show that bidirectional cross-talk exits between LPA1 and EGF receptors.


C9 cells expressing LPA1 receptor fussed to the enhanced green fluorescent protein were used. We studied intracellular calcium concentration, Akt/PKB phosphorylation, LPA1 and EGF receptor phosphorylation.


EGF diminished LPA-mediated intracellular calcium response and induced LPA1 receptor phosphorylation, which was sensitive to protein kinase C inhibitors. Angiotensin II and LPA induced EGF receptor transactivation as evidenced by Akt/PKB phosphorylation through metalloproteinase-catalyzed membrane shedding of heparin-binding EGF and autocrine/paracrine activation of EGF receptors. This process was found to be of major importance in angiotensin II-induced LPA1 receptor phosphorylation. Attempts to define a role for EGF receptor transactivation in homologous LPA1 receptor desensitization and phosphorylation suggested that G protein-coupled receptor kinases are the major players in this process, overshadowing other events.


EGF receptors and LPA1 receptors are engaged in an intense liaison, in that EGF receptors are capable of modulating LPA1 receptor function through phosphorylation cascades. EGF transactivation plays a dual role: it mediates some LPA actions, and it modulates LPA1 receptor function in inhibitory fashion.

General significance

EGF and LPA receptors coexist in many cell types and play key roles in maintaining the delicate equilibrium that we call health and in the pathogenesis of many diseases. The intense cross-talk described here has important physiological and pathophysiological implications.  相似文献   

To clarify the structural basis of the cell adhesion activity of cadherins, we examined the effects of point mutations of well-conserved amino acid residues in the extracellular domain 1 of cadherin-4 (Cdh4) on the adhesion properties by alanine scanning mutagenesis. Mutations of two well-conserved aromatic amino acid residues in the extracellular domain 1 resulted in abnormal processing of Cdh4 molecules and no cell adhesion activity, whereas mutations of the corresponding aromatic amino acids in the extracellular domain 2 did not show these effects, suggesting a role for the two residues in the extracellular domain 1 in the folding and/or intracellular transport processes of Cdh4. Mutations of the amino acid residues suspected to be involved in strand dimer formation resulted in loss or significant decrease in cell adhesion activity. The mutant Cdh4s showed weak concentration at cell-cell adhesion sites and chemical cross-linking suggested that the strand dimer formation was actually impaired in the mutants. These results are consistent with the zipper model, in which the extracellular domain 1 of Cdh4 has intrinsic strand dimer formation activity in addition to adhesion dimer formation activity, both of which are involved in cell adhesion activity. The zipper model, however, needs further improvement to fully account for the present results.  相似文献   

BK virus (BKV) is a ubiquitous pathogen that establishes a persistent infection in the urinary tract of 80% of the human population. Like other polyomaviruses, the major capsid protein of BKV, virion protein 1 (VP1), is critical for host cell receptor recognition and for proper virion assembly. BKV uses a carbohydrate complex containing alpha(2,3)-linked sialic acid attached to glycoprotein and glycolipid motifs as a cellular receptor. To determine the amino acids important for BKV binding to the sialic acid portion of the complex, we generated a series of 17 point mutations in VP1 and scored them for viral growth. The first set of mutants behaved identically to wild-type virus, suggesting that these amino acids were not critical for virus propagation. Another group of VP1 mutants rendered the virus nonviable. These mutations failed to protect viral DNA from DNase I digestion, indicating a role for these domains in capsid assembly and/or packaging of DNA. A third group of VP1 mutations packaged DNA similarly to the wild type but failed to propagate. The initial burst size of these mutations was similar to that of the wild type, indicating that there is no defect in the lytic release of the mutated virions. Binding experiments revealed that a subset of the BKV mutants were unable to attach to their host cells. These motifs are likely important for sialic acid recognition. We next mapped these mutations onto a model of BKV VP1 to provide atomic insight into the role of these sites in the binding of sialic acid to VP1.  相似文献   

In this study, we establish that the V1a vasopressin receptor (V1aR) is palmitoylated, and we show that this modification has an important functional role. Palmitoylation of the V1aR occurs within the Cys371/Cys372 couplet located in the proximal C-terminal tail domain. Substitution of these residues in a [C371G/C372G]V1aR construct effectively disrupted receptor palmitoylation. Our data also indicate an additional palmitoylation site at another locus in the receptor, as yet undefined. [3H]Palmitate incorporation was agonist-sensitive and increased following exposure to [Arg8]vasopressin (AVP). Given the hydrophobic nature of the acyl chain, palmitoylation of the C terminus of G-protein-coupled receptors has been proposed to form an additional intracellular loop. Consequently, palmitoylation/depalmitoylation will have a profound effect on the local conformation of this domain. The V1aR palmitoylation status regulated both phosphorylation and sequestration of the receptor, and furthermore, palmitoylation, phosphorylation, and sequestration were all regulated by AVP. The palmitoylation-defective construct [C371G/C372G]V1aR exhibited decreased phosphorylation compared to wild-type V1aR, under both basal and AVP-stimulated conditions, and was sequestered at a faster rate. In contrast, the binding of four different classes of ligand and intracellular signaling were not affected by palmitoylation. This study therefore establishes that there are different conformational requirements for signaling, agonist-induced phosphorylation, and sequestration of the V1aR.  相似文献   

Human ICAM-1 is the cellular receptor for the major group of human rhinoviruses (HRVs). Previous studies have suggested that the N-terminal domain of ICAM-1 is critical for binding of the major group rhinoviruses. To further define the residues within domain 1 that are involved in virus binding, we constructed an extensive series of ICAM-1 cDNAs containing single and multiple amino acid residue substitutions. In each case, substitutions involved replacement of the human amino acids with those found in murine ICAM-1 to minimize conformational effects. To facilitate the mutagenesis process, a synthetic gene encompassing the first two domains of ICAM-1 was constructed which incorporated 27 additional restriction sites to allow mutagenesis by oligonucleotide replacement. Each of the new constructs was placed into a Rous sarcoma virus vector and expressed in primary chicken embryo fibroblast cells. Binding assays were performed with six major group HRVs, including one high-affinity binding mutant of HRV-14, and two monoclonal antibodies. Results indicated that different serotypes displayed a range of sensitivities to various amino acid substitutions. Amino acid residues of ICAM-1 showing the greatest effect on virus and antibody binding included Pro-28, Lys-29, Leu-30, Leu-37, Lys-40, Ser-67, and Pro-70.  相似文献   

The leucine-rich-repeat receptor serine/threonine kinase, BRI1, is a cell-surface receptor for brassinosteroids (BRs), the steroid hormones of plants, yet its activation mechanism is unknown. Here, we report a unique autoregulatory mechanism of BRI1 activation. Removal of BRI1's C terminus leads to a hypersensitive receptor, indicated by suppression of dwarfism of BR-deficient and BR-perception mutants and by enhanced BR signaling as a result of elevated phosphorylation of BRI1. Several sites in the C-terminal region can be phosphorylated in vitro, and transgenic Arabidopsis expressing BRI1 mutated at these sites demonstrates an essential role of phosphorylation in BRI1 activation. BRI1 is a ligand-independent homo-oligomer, as evidenced by the transphosphorylation of BRI1 kinase in vitro, the dominant-negative effect of a kinase-inactive BRI1 in transgenic Arabidopsis, and coimmunoprecipitation experiments. Our results support a BRI1-activation model that involves inhibition of kinase activity by its C-terminal domain, which is relieved upon ligand binding to the extracellular domain.  相似文献   

The physical interaction of the human growth factor receptor‐bound protein 14 (hGrb14) and the insulin receptor (IR) represses insulin signaling. With respect to the recruiting mechanism of hGrb14 to IR respond to insulin stimulus, our previous reports have suggested that phosphorylation of Ser358, Ser362, and Ser366 in hGrb14 by glycogen synthase kinase‐3 repressed hGrb14–IR complex formation. In this study, we investigated phosphatase‐mediated dephosphorylation of the hGrb14 phosphoserine residues. An in vitro phosphatase assay with hGrb14‐derived synthetic phosphopeptides suggested that protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) is involved in the dephosphorylation of Ser358 and Ser362. Furthermore, coimmunoprecipitation experiments suggested that insulin‐induced hGrb14–IR complex formation was repressed by the substitution of Ser358 or Ser362 with glutamic acid. These findings suggested that phosphate groups on Ser358 and Ser362 in hGrb14 are dephosphorylated by PP1, and the dephosphorylation facilitates hGrb14–IR complex formation.  相似文献   

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