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Along a west-to-east axis spanning the Galicia Bank region (Iberian margin) and the Mediterranean basin, a reduction in surface primary productivity and in seafloor flux of particulate organic carbon was mirrored in the in situ organic matter quantity and quality within the underlying deep-sea sediments at different water depths (1200, 1900 and 3000 m). Nematode standing stock (abundance and biomass) and genus and trophic composition were investigated to evaluate downward benthic-pelagic coupling. The longitudinal decline in seafloor particulate organic carbon flux was reflected by a reduction in benthic phytopigment concentrations and nematode standing stock. An exception was the station sampled at the Galicia Bank seamount, where despite the maximal particulate organic carbon flux estimate, we observed reduced pigment levels and nematode standing stock. The strong hydrodynamic forcing at this station was believed to be the main cause of the local decoupling between pelagic and benthic processes. Besides a longitudinal cline in nematode standing stock, we noticed a west-to-east gradient in nematode genus and feeding type composition (owing to an increasing importance of predatory/scavenging nematodes with longitude) governed by potential proxies for food availability (percentage of nitrogen, organic carbon, and total organic matter). Within-station variability in generic composition was elevated in sediments with lower phytopigment concentrations. Standing stock appeared to be regulated by sedimentation rates and benthic environmental variables, whereas genus composition covaried only with benthic environmental variables. The coupling between deep-sea nematode assemblages and surface water processes evidenced in the present study suggests that it is likely that climate change will affect the composition and function of deep-sea nematodes.  相似文献   

The deep-sea represents a substantial portion of the biosphere and has a major influence on carbon cycling and global biogeochemistry. Benthic deep-sea prokaryotes have crucial roles in this ecosystem, with their recycling of organic matter from the photic zone. Despite this, little is known about the large-scale distribution of prokaryotes in the surface deep-sea sediments. To assess the influence of environmental and trophic variables on the large-scale distribution of prokaryotes, we investigated the prokaryotic assemblage composition (Bacteria to Archaea and Euryarchaeota to Crenarchaeota ratio) and activity in the surface deep-sea sediments of the Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent North Atlantic Ocean. Prokaryotic abundance and biomass did not vary significantly across the Mediterranean Sea; however, there were depth-related trends in all areas. The abundance of prokaryotes was positively correlated with the sedimentary concentration of protein, an indicator of the quality and bioavailability of organic matter. Moving eastwards, the Bacteria contribution to the total prokaryotes decreased, which appears to be linked to the more oligotrophic conditions of the Eastern Mediterranean basins. Despite the increased importance of Archaea, the contributions of Crenarchaeota Marine Group I to the total pool was relatively constant across the investigated stations, with the exception of Matapan-Vavilov Deep, in which Euryarchaeota Marine Group II dominated. Overall, our data suggest that deeper areas of the Mediterranean Sea share more similar communities with each other than with shallower sites. Freshness and quality of sedimentary organic matter were identified through Generalized Additive Model analysis as the major factors for describing the variation in the prokaryotic community structure and activity in the surface deep-sea sediments. Longitude was also important in explaining the observed variability, which suggests that the overlying water masses might have a critical role in shaping the benthic communities.  相似文献   

Pore water and solid phase distributions of C, N, P and Si in sediments of the Arctic Ocean (Svalbard area) have been investigated. Concentrations of organic carbon (Corg) in the solid phase of the sediment varied from 1.3 to 2.8% (mean 1.9%), with highest concentrations found at shallow stations south/southwest of Svalbard. Relatively low concentrations were obtained at the deeper stations north/northeast of Svalbard. Atomic carbon to nitrogen ratios in the surface sediment ranged from below 8 to above 10. For some stations, high C/N ratios together with high concentrations of Corg suggest that sedimentary organic matter is mainly of terrigenous origin and not from overall biological activity in the water column. Organic matter reactivity (defined as the total sediment oxygen consumption rate normalized to the organic carbon content of the surface sediment) correlated with water depth at all investigated stations. However, the stations could be divided into two separate groups with different reactivity characteristics, representing the two most dominant hydrographic regimes: the region west of Svalbard mainly influenced by the West Spitsbergen Current, and the area east of Svalbard where Arctic polar water set the environmental conditions. Decreasing sediment reactivity with water depth was confirmed by the partitioning between organic and inorganic carbon of the surface sediment. The ratio between organic and inorganic carbon at the sediment-water interface decreased exponentially with water depth: from indefinite values at shallow stations in the central Barents Sea, to approximately 1 at deep stations north of Svalbard. At stations east of Svalbard there was an inverse linear correlation between the organic matter reactivity (as defined above) and concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the pore water. The more reactive the sediment, the less DOC existed in the pore water and the more total carbonate (Ct or ΣCO2) was present. This observation suggests that DOC produced in reactive sediments is easily metabolizable to CO2. Sediment accumulation rates of opaline silica ranged from 0.35 to 5.7 μmol SiO2 m−2d−1 (mean 1.3 μmol SiO2 m−2d−1), i.e. almost 300 times lower than rates previously reported for the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Concentrations of ammonium and nitrate in the pore water at the sediment-water interface were related to organic matter input and water depth. In shallow regions with highly reactive organic matter, a pool of ammonium was present in the pore water, while nitrate conoentrations were low. In areas where less reactive organic matter was deposited at the sediment surface, the deeper zone of nitrification caused a build-up of nitrate in the pore water while ammonium was almost depleted. Nitrate penetrated from 1.8 to ≥ 5.8 cm into the investigated sediments. Significantly higher concentrations of “total” dissolved nitrogen (defined as the sum of NO3, NO2, NH4 and urea) in sediment pore water were found west compared to east of Svalbard. The differences in organic matter reactivity, as well as in pore water distribution patterns of “total” dissolved nitrogen between the two areas, probably reflect hydrographic factors (such as ice coverage and production/import of particulate organic material) related to the dominant water mass (Atlantic or Arctic Polar) in each of the two areas. The data presented were collected during the European “Polarstern” Study (Arctic EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

The microbial lysis of deep-sea nodules as a possible result of large-scale, deep-sea mining is considered. It is assumed that the Mn (IV) and Fe (III) compounds of the manganese nodules are reduced by the numerous aerobic bacteria at the sediment/water interface as soon as the adjacent nodule area is buried by sedimentation of the disturbed deposits and the organic-rich debris from the blooming surface plankton. Intensive mineralization processes in the resettled sediments cause oxygen depletion. Subsequently, the aerobic (and anaerobic) microorganisms will switch to Mn (IV) and Fe (III) oxides as alternative electron acceptors in order to continue their energy-conserving (ATP synthesis) reactions (anaerobic respiration). The higher the amount of decomposable organic matter, the more intensive are these processes. Consequently, buried manganese nodules may be dissolved, thereby liberating mobile Mn (II), Fe (II) and several trace elements (Ni, Cu, Co and others). This possible hazard and its ecological consequences should be evaluated carefully before deep-sea mining is started on a large scale.  相似文献   

Spherical (~2 mm diameter) diatom (Skeletonema sp.) aggregates, representing analogues of “marine snow”, were placed at the sediment–water interface of an experimental sediment system. Optode measurements showed that, after an initial lag period, oxygen concentrations within the aggregates decreased and then were gradually replenished, resulting in a temporary anoxic microniche. A multi-species, 3-dimensional, reactive transport model was used to simulate the oxygen dynamics and the associated biogeochemical consequences. Temporal and spatial changes in oxygen were replicated assuming an exponential increase in the mineralisation rate constant and a gradual exhaustion of reactive organic material. The peak value of the time-dependent reaction rate constant of organic matter mineralisation (k OMM) was seven to sixty times greater than analogous values measured previously in water column experiments. The validated model was used to investigate how the size and reactivity of parcels of organic matter influence the formation of anoxic microniches at the sediment–water interface of typical deep-sea environments. As well as k OMM, the concentration of reactive organic matter in the aggregate, its size and porosity were also critical in determining the likelihood of anoxic microniche formation. For the optimum fitted parameters describing k OMM and the concentration of reactive organic matter, the minimum diameter of the parcel to induce anoxia was 1.8 mm, whereas it was 2.8 mm to make a significant contribution to the denitrification occurring in a typical deep-sea sediment. This work suggests that anoxic microniches resulting from the settlement of marine aggregates may play an overlooked role for denitrification activities in deep-sea sediments.  相似文献   

This study addresses deep pore water chemistry in a permeable intertidal sand flat at the NW German coast. Sulphate, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nutrients, and several terminal metabolic products were studied down to 5 m sediment depth. By extending the depth domain to several meters, insights into the functioning of deep sandy tidal flats were gained. Despite the dynamic sedimentological conditions in the study area, the general depth profiles obtained in the relatively young intertidal flat sediments of some metres depth are comparable to those determined in deep marine surface sediments. Besides diffusion and lithology which control pore water profiles in most marine surface sediments, biogeochemical processes are influenced by advection in the studied permeable intertidal flat sediments. This is supported by the model setup in which advection has to be implemented to reproduce pore water profiles. Water exchange at the sediment surface and in deeper sediment layers converts these permeable intertidal sediments into a “bio-reactor” where organic matter is recycled, and nutrients and DOC are released. At tidal flat margins, a hydraulic gradient is generated, which leads to water flow towards the creekbank. Deep nutrient-rich pore waters escaping at tidal flat margins during low tide presumably form a source of nutrients for the overlying water column in the study area. Significant correlations between the inorganic products of terminal metabolism (NH4 + and PO4 3−) and sulphate depletion suggest sulphate reduction to be the dominant pathway of anaerobic carbon remineralisation. Pore water concentrations of sulphate, ammonium, and phosphate were used to elucidate the composition of organic matter degraded in the sediment. Calculated C:N and C:P ratios were supported by model results.  相似文献   

Bacteria play a major role in the decomposition of organic matter arriving at the deep-sea floor, and hence there is a need to determine accurate rates of bacterial production associated with sediment particles. However, sediment-based procedures are not well defined and sampling deep-sea sediments is technically difficult, time consuming, and expensive, often only producing relatively small amounts of undisturbed sediment for analysis. We describe and test a small-scale method (requiring 0.25 ml sediment) for the examination of bacterial production in deep-sea calcium carbonate rich sediments. Time course experiments showed variation in the period of linear [3H]thymidine uptake between 1 and 3 hr depending on station depth. The average concentration of natural thymidine in deep-sea sediments was 0.61 nmol per 0.5 ml slurry sample. Isotope dilution was significant, ranging between 26 and 51%. There was substantial small-scale (0.2-1.0 m) variation in deep-sea benthic bacterial [3H]thymidine incorporation rates (39%). Deep-sea surficial sediment bacterial production (assuming zero isotope dilution due to its potential high variability) in surficial sediments of the deep NE Atlantic varied between 0.014 and 0.48 mg C g-1 d-1 (mean = 0.23 mg C g-1 d-1) over 3 locations of depths between 1,092 and 3,572 m and at 3 times. Bacterial biomass varied between 1.1 and 12 mg C g-1 (mean = 6.1 mg C g-1). Bacterial growth rate estimates in these deep-sea sediments varied between 0.003 and 0.13 d-1 (mean = 0.050 d-1) giving doubling times of 5.3-216 d (mean = 44.5 d); which are similar to those of bacteria inhabiting waters in the upper mixed layer (2-<40 m) of the water column (2.6-57.8 d). comparison with shallow and coastal sea sediments (0.13-116 d) indicates that deep-sea sediment bacteria in the NE Atlantic are able to grow at rates similar to those in shallow sediment systems given sufficient food. However, the range is broader for deep-sea sediment bacteria, which may indicate a more "feast" and "fast" life than their counterparts in shallower environments. waters >2,000 m cover 60% of the Earth's surface; thus bacterial production in deep-sea sediments must contribute an important fraction of oceanic and global bacterial production. It is therefore important to establish an accurate method of measuring bacterial production so that the full roles and controls of bacteria from this environment can be determined.  相似文献   

During spring storms massive uprooting of Littorella uniflora occurred in a shallow Dutch softwater lake. The aim of this study was to test whether changes in plant morphology and sediment characteristics could explain the observed phenomenon. Uprooting was expected to occur in plants having a high shoot biomass and low root to shoot ratio (R:S), growing on sediments with a high organic matter content. Normally, uprooting of the relative buoyant L. uniflora is prevented by an extensive root system, expressed as a high R:S. This was studied by sampling floating and still rooted L. uniflora plants, as well as sediment and sediment pore water, along a gradient of increasing sediment organic matter content. Increasing organic matter content was related to increasing L. uniflora shoot biomass and consequently decreasing R:S. Furthermore, the results indicated that uprooting indeed occurred in plants growing on very organic sediments and was related to a low R:S. The increased shoot biomass on more organic sediments could be related to increased sediment pore water total inorganic carbon (TIC; mainly CO2) availability. Additionally, increased phosphorus availability could also have played a role. The disappearance of L. uniflora might lead to higher nutrient availability in the sediments. It is suggested that this could eventually promote the expansion of faster‐growing macrophytes.  相似文献   

Submarine canyon systems provide a heterogeneous habitat for deep-sea benthos in terms of topography, hydrography, and the quality and quantity of organic matter present. Enhanced meiofauna densities as found in organically enriched canyon sediments suggest that nematodes, as the dominant metazoan meiobenthic taxon, may play an important role in the benthic food web of these sediments. Very little is known about the natural diets and trophic biology of deep-sea nematodes, but enrichment experiments can shed light on nematode feeding selectivity and trophic position. An in-situ pulse-chase experiment (Feedex) was performed in the Nazaré Canyon on the Portuguese margin in summer 2007 to study nematode feeding behaviour. 13C-labelled diatoms and bacteria were added to sediment cores which were then sampled over a 14-day period. There was differential uptake by the nematode community of the food sources provided, indicating selective feeding processes. 13C isotope results revealed that selective feeding was less pronounced at the surface, compared to the sediment subsurface. This was supported by a higher trophic diversity in surface sediments (Θ−1 = 3.50 ± 0.2) compared to the subsurface (2.78 ± 0.6), implying that more food items may be used by the nematode community at the sediment surface. Predatory and scavenging nematodes contributed relatively more to biomass than other feeding types and can be seen as key contributors to the nematode food web at the canyon site. Non-selective deposit feeding nematodes were the dominant trophic group in terms of abundance and contributed substantially to total nematode biomass. The high levels of ‘fresh’ (bioavailable) organic matter input and moderate hydrodynamic disturbance of the canyon environment lead to a more complex trophic structure in canyon nematode communities than that found on the open continental slope, and favours predator/scavengers and non-selective deposit feeders.  相似文献   

Invasive species may impact biotic community structure, ecosystem processes, and associated goods and services. Their impact may be especially strong when they also serve as ecosystem engineers (i.e. organisms affecting the physical habitat and resources for other species). Dreissenid mussels fill both these roles, having invaded the Laurentian Great Lakes in the late 1980s, and also serve as ecosystem engineers by altering nutrient fluxes and influencing the microbial food web through direct nutrient release and excretion of feces and pseudo‐feces at the water–sediment interface. We conducted laboratory experiments to investigate how the different functional traits of invasive quagga mussels (filtering activity and direct nutrient release) and native chironomid larvae (tube building and bioirrigation) interact with lake sediment of differing organic matter content to influence biogeochemical fluxes and water quality. Our results showed that sediment reworking and ventilation activities by chironomid larvae increased oxygen penetration in the sediment, affecting primarily pore water chemistry, whereas invasive mussels enhanced nutrient releases in the surface water. However, sediment organic matter modulated the effects of ecosystem engineers on system‐level processes; chironomids had a greater influence on sediment reworking and microbial‐mediated processes in organic‐rich sediments, whereas quagga mussels enhanced nutrient concentrations in the overlying water of organic‐poor sediments. These results have management implications, as the effects of invasive mussels on the biogeochemical functioning in the Great Lakes region and elsewhere can alter system bioenergetics and promote harmful algal blooms.  相似文献   

Biogeochemical processes in the groundwater discharge zone of urban streams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of biogeochemical processes on nitrogen and organic matter transformation and transport was investigated for two urban streams receiving groundwater discharge during the dry summer baseflow period. A multiple lines of evidence approach involving catchment-, and stream reach-scale investigations were undertaken to describe the factors that influence pore water biogeochemical processes. At the catchment-scale gaining stream reaches were identified from water table mapping and groundwater discharge estimated to be between 0.1 and 0.8 m3 m?2 d?1 from baseflow analysis. Sediment temperature profiles also suggested that the high groundwater discharge limited stream water infiltration into the sediments. At the stream reach-scale, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentrations were higher in stream water than in groundwater. However, DOC and DON concentrations were greatest in sediment pore water. This suggests that biodegradation of sediment organic matter contributes dissolved organic matter (DOM) to the streams along with that delivered with groundwater flow. Pore water ammonium (NH4 +) was closely associated with areas of high pore water DOM concentrations and evidence of sulfate (SO4 2?) reduction (low concentration and SO4:Cl ratio). This indicates that anoxic DOM mineralization was occurring associated with SO4 2? reduction. However the distribution of anoxic mineralization was limited to the center of the streambed, and was not constrained by the distribution of sediment organic matter which was higher along the banks. Lower sediment temperatures measured along the banks compared to the center suggests, at least qualitatively, that groundwater discharge is higher along the banks. Based on this evidence anoxic mineralization is influenced by groundwater residence time, and is only measurable along the center of the stream where groundwater flux rates are lower. This study therefore shows that the distribution of biogeochemical processes in stream sediments, such as anoxic mineralization, is strongly influenced by both the biogeochemical conditions and pore water residence time.  相似文献   

The transit and fate of certain pollutants (Cd, Pb, Zn and P) transported to the western Mediterranean sea-floor and a method to assess their impact are described. The spatial distribution of pollutant concentrations in the Rhône prodelta shows that their decline with distance from their source is due both to mixing with unpolluted sediments, release from contaminated particles during transit and release from sediments after deposition. Beyond the continental shelf, metals of anthropogenic origin, mainly incorporated in faecal pellets, sink and become entrapped in deep sea sediments. Because subsaturating concentrations of trace metals are often found in surface pore waters and storage, therefore, still occurs, co-precipitation with other metal ions existing in slightly supersaturated states has also to be considered. Although phosphate tends to precipitate as apatite after entering sea water, its `definitive' storage in sediments is hindered by certain forms of pollution. Low pH and reducing conditions in sediments enhance phosphate release to the overlying water . Eutrophication may then occur in localised areas. The effects of urban waste water contamination on biogeochemical processes in sediments are examined, in particular processes responsible for the transformation of organic nitrogen. Sediment quality appears to be better defined by the effectiveness of diagenetic processes than by pollutant concentration per se. In general, polluted sediments possess weak capacities to transform organic nitrogen relative to the quantities of organic matter that are available. Such sediment characteristics are indicated by the preferential growth of Caulerpa taxifolia over that of Posidonia oceanica.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of nematodes in the sediments of three cores from the phytodetritus-influenced Porcupine Abyssal Plain station is compared with three cores from the Madeira Abyssal Plain station in the DEEPSEAS programme. Nematode vertical distributions are compared with sediment organic chemistry data sampled at the same time from the same sites. The results support the two hypotheses erected by Thiel (1983) that the penetration of meiofauna into deep-sea sediments might be correlated with the input of organic matter and that a greater biological activity of larger organisms would increase the penetration of nematodes into the sediment through increase downward transport of food material.  相似文献   

1. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) commonly colonise isoetid species inhabiting oxygenated sediments in oligotrophic lakes but are usually absent in other submerged plants. We hypothesised that organic enrichment of oligotrophic lake sediments reduces AMF colonisation and hyphal growth because of sediment O2 depletion and low carbon supply from stressed host plants. 2. We added organic matter to sediments inhabited by isoetids and measured pore‐water chemistry (dissolved O2, inorganic carbon, Fe2+ and ), colonisation intensity of roots and hyphal density after 135 days of exposure. 3. Addition of organic matter reduced AMF colonisation of roots of both Lobelia dortmanna and Littorella uniflora, and high additions stressed the plants. Even small additions of organic matter almost stopped AMF colonisation of initially un‐colonised L. uniflora, though without reducing plant growth. Mean hyphal density in sediments was high (6 and 15 m cm?3) and comparable with that in terrestrial soils (2–40 m cm?3). Hyphal density was low in the upper 1 cm of isoetid sediments, high in the main root zone between 1 and 8 cm and positively related to root density. Hyphal surface area exceeded root surface area by 1.7–3.2 times. 4. We conclude that AMF efficiently colonise isoetids in oligotrophic sediments and form extensive hyphal networks. Small additions of organic matter to sediments induce sediment anoxia and reduce AMF colonisation of roots but cause no apparent plant stress. High organic addition induces night‐time anoxia in both the sediment and the plant tissue. Tissue anoxia reduces root growth and AMF colonisation, probably because of restricted translocation of nutrient ions and organic solutes between roots and leaves. Isoetids should rely on AMF for P uptake on nutrient‐poor mineral sediments but are capable of growing without AMF on organic sediments.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic microbial communities in seawater and sediments metabolize much of the organic carbon produced in the ocean. Although carbon cycling and preservation depend critically on the capabilities of these microbial communities, their compositions and capabilities have seldom been examined simultaneously at the same site. To compare the abilities of seawater and sedimentary microbial communities to initiate organic matter degradation, we measured the extracellular enzymatic hydrolysis rates of 10 substrates (polysaccharides and algal extracts) in surface seawater and bottom water as well as in surface and anoxic sediments of an Arctic fjord. Patterns of enzyme activities differed between seawater and sediments, not just quantitatively, in accordance with higher cell numbers in sediments, but also in their more diversified enzyme spectrum. Sedimentary microbial communities hydrolyzed all of the fluorescently labeled polysaccharide and algal extracts, in most cases at higher rates in subsurface than surface sediments. In seawater, in contrast, only 5 of the 7 polysaccharides and 2 of the 3 algal extracts were hydrolyzed, and hydrolysis rates in surface and deepwater were virtually identical. To compare bacterial communities, 16S rRNA gene clone libraries were constructed from the same seawater and sediment samples; they diverged strongly in composition. Thus, the broader enzymatic capabilities of the sedimentary microbial communities may result from the compositional differences between seawater and sedimentary microbial communities, rather than from gene expression differences among compositionally similar communities. The greater number of phylum- and subphylum-level lineages and operational taxonomic units in sediments than in seawater samples may reflect the necessity of a wider range of enzymatic capabilities and strategies to access organic matter that has already been degraded during passage through the water column. When transformations of marine organic matter are considered, differences in community composition and their different abilities to access organic matter should be taken into account.  相似文献   

A colonisation experiment was performed in situ at 2500 m water depth at the Arctic deep-sea long-term observatory HAUSGARTEN to determine the response of deep-sea nematodes to disturbed, newly available patches, enriched with organic matter. Cylindrical tubes,laterally covered with a 500 μm mesh, were filled with azoic deep-sea sediment and (13)C-labelled food sources (diatoms and bacteria). After 10 days of incubation the tubes were analysed for nematode response in terms of colonisation and uptake. Nematodes actively colonised the tubes, however with densities that only accounted for a maximum of 2.13% (51 ind.10 cm(-2)) of the ambient nematode assemblages. Densities did not differ according to the presence or absence of organic matter, nor according to the type of organic matter added. The fact that the organic matter did not function as an attractant to nematodes was confirmed by the absence of notable (13)C assimilation by the colonising nematodes. Overall, colonisation appears to be a process that yields reproducible abundance and diversity patterns, with certain taxa showing more efficiency. Together with the high variability between the colonising nematode assemblages, this lends experimental support to the existence of a spatio-temporal mosaic that emerges from highly localised, partially stochastic community dynamics.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2008,68(3-4):191-215
In order to reconstruct paleoceanographic conditions in the southwestern (SW) Okhotsk Sea, radiolarian assemblages were analyzed from 10 surface sediments and 5 sediment cores obtained from various water depths, ranging between 461 and 1348 m. We also measured geochemical components such as biogenic opal, calcium carbonate, total organic carbon, total sulfur and total nitrogen for one sediment core. These data imply that the complicated water structure in the SW Okhotsk Sea changed with time from the last glacial to Holocene. The glacial surface water was characterized by low primary production in the summer and expanded sea-ice coverage in the winter. During this time, the ventilation might have reached deeper than during the Holocene. During the major deglacial period including the melt-water pulses 1A and 1B, the deep-sea oxygen content had declined with less ventilation and/or more oxygen consumption with organic matter supply into the deeper depths. The intermediate layer has been well ventilated and has supplied large amount of organic matter during the last 20 kyrs, especially in the early-mid Holocene, however such condition ceased during 3 to 2 ka. The warm Pacific deep water has been present since 9 ka. The influence of warmer surface water such as the Soya Warm Current (SWC) increased in the coastal area during 7 to 4 ka and since 2 ka till present. Neritic-derived productivity might be extended at 2.2–1.8 ka and since 1.2 ka till present.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The sulphate reduction capacity of six shallow soft water sediments, differing in pH and organic matter content, was studied under controlled pH adjustments ranging from pH 3 to pH 8.
2. In the acid sediments, relatively rich in organic matter, the sulphate reduction capacity reached values of 0.09-0.12 μmol g−1 d−1. In the circumneutral mineral sediments the values ranged between 0.04 and 0.08 μmol g−1 d−1.
3. The latter group of sediments was very sensitive to the effects of experimental acidification as sulphate reduction was almost fully inhibited when pH decreased from 7 to 5. In the acid sediments inhibition occurred at lower pH values, in the range pH 5 to pH 3.
4. Sulphate reduction governed the production of free sulphides, whereas putrefaction processes were only of minor importance. It is suggested that in acid sediments, relatively rich in organic matter, the sulphate reducing bacterial population is less sensitive to acidification than in circumneutral mineral sediments.
5. The presence of organic matter appeared to be important in counteracting the inhibiting effects of acidification on sulphate reduction. This is important for the in situ sulphate reduction in sediments of soft waters which become enriched with organic matter during the long-term process of acidification.  相似文献   

Kisand  Anu  Nõges  Peeter 《Hydrobiologia》2003,492(1-3):129-138
Increased discharges of organic matter from different sources in Morales Stream, one of the main tributaries of the Matanza-Riachuelo River, caused not only an increase in its primary production but also drastic changes in the composition of its sediments, thus favoring eutrophication processes. An in situ study was carried out in order to assess the effects of an organic point source contamination (from intensive cattle rearing) on the sediments of Morales Stream. Surface water and sediment samples were analysed to determine the chemical characteristics of the water–sediment system. The amounts and forms of sediment phosphorus were determined using the `EDTA method' (Golterman, 1996) at two sites of the stream having different nutrient loads. The increase in the organic load of Morales Stream waters influences the dynamics of sediment P, producing two main effects: (1) an increase in the organic matter amount of the sediment that leads to an increase in the amount of P associated to organic fractions, which may be released by bacterial activity under anoxic conditions; and (2) a decrease in the concentration of P in the fraction bound to iron. Morales Stream sediments may act as a potential source of P, which can release this nutrient to water under the reducing conditions originated by uncontrolled discharges of organic residues to this water body.  相似文献   

Biogeochemistry of manganese- and iron-rich sediments in Toolik Lake,Alaska   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The sediments within Toolik Lake in arctic Alaska are characterized by extremely low rates of organic matter sedimentation and unusually high concentrations of iron and manganese. Pore water and solid phase measurements of iron, manganese, trace metals, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur are consistent with the hypothesis that the reduction of organic matter by iron and manganese is the most important biogeochemical reaction within the sediment. Very low rates of dissolved oxygen consumption by the sediments result in an oxidizing environment at the sediment-water interface. This results in high retention of upwardly-diffusing iron and manganese and the formation of metal-enriched sediment. Phosphate in sediment pore waters is strongly adsorbed by the metal-enriched phases. Consequently, fluxes of phosphorus from the sediments to overlying waters are very small and contribute to the oligotrophic nature of the Toolik Lake aquatic system. Toolik Lake contains an unusual type of lacustrine sediment, and in many ways the sediments are similar to those found in oligotrophic oceanic environments.  相似文献   

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