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A new brain‐cell line derived from Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus (POBC) was established. POBC was subcultured for 67 passages over the course of 420 days. The cultured cells were primarily epithelioid‐like. Chromosome analysis revealed the cell line to possess the normal P. olivaceus diploid karyotype of 2n = 48t (telocentric chromosomes). The cells exhibited the astrocyte marker glial fibrillary acidic protein by immunocytochemistry, and significant fluorescent signals were observed when the cells were transfected with green fluorescent protein reporter plasmid. The established POBC would be ideal material for the study of function of fish ependyma, the central neuroendocrine system and endocrine disruptors in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Hirono I  Hwang JY  Ono Y  Kurobe T  Ohira T  Nozaki R  Aoki T 《The FEBS journal》2005,272(20):5257-5264
The cysteine-rich peptide hepcidin is known to be an antimicrobial peptide and iron transport regulator that has been found in both fish and mammals. Recently, we found two different types (designated Hep-JF1 and Hep-JF2) of hepcidin cDNA in the Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, by expressed sequence tag analysis. The identity of amino acid sequences between Hep-JF1 and Hep-JF2 was 51%. The Hep-JF1 and Hep-JF2 genes both consist of three exons and two introns, and both exist as single copies in the genome. The predicted mature regions of Hep-JF1 and Hep-JF2 have six and eight Cys residues, respectively. The first Cys residue of Hep-JF1 was deleted and the second was replaced with Gly. The number and positions of Cys residues in Hep-JF2 are the same as they are in human Hep. Hep-JF1 is specifically expressed in liver while the expression of Hep-JF2 was detected from gill, liver, heart, kidney, peripheral blood leucocytes, spleen and stomach. Gene expression of Hep-JF1 in liver decreased during experimental iron (iron-dextran) overload. Expression of Hep-JF1 in liver was decreased by injecting fish with iron-dextran and increased by injecting lipopolysaccharide. Iron overload did not significantly affect expression of Hep-JF2 in liver but it did increase expression of Hep-JF2 in kidney. Lipopolysaccharide injection increased expression of Hep-JF2 in both liver and kidney. In liver, some cells expressed both Hep-JF1 and Hep-JF2 while some other cells expressed just one of them. Synthesized Hep-JF2 peptide showed antimicrobial activity, while synthesized Hep-JF1 peptide did not against several bacteria including fish-pathogenic bacteria used in this study.  相似文献   

The larval development of the Japanese flounder,Paralichthys olivaceus, was surveyed using two types of morphometric analyses, modified allometry and polar coordinate analysis by principal component analysis (PCA). In the former, centroid size was used as a growth index instead of total length (TL), such enabling the determination of more detailed changes in each character than ordinary allometry based upon TL. Polar coordinate analysis disclosed two remarkable inflexions during the larval development ofP. olivaceus. Postlarvae ofP. olivaceus were found to undergo four developmental phases. From the point of view of metamorphosis, the phases were named drifting larva, premetamorphic larva, metamorphic larva and postmetamorphic larva, respectively. These phases were also tested by other characters related to flounder metamorphosis.  相似文献   

牙鲆变态过程中的细胞凋亡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用整体的原位TUNEL方法检测了牙鲆(Paralichthysolivaceus)变态过程中身体各器官细胞凋亡的分布及变化情况。结果如下:(1)与眼睛移动相关的脑颅骨骼的细胞凋亡右侧眼睛移动开始之后,在额骨、中筛软骨和犁骨软骨中出现细胞凋亡,并保持到眼睛移动结束;(2)中枢神经和感觉器官的细胞凋亡在眼睛移动开始之前,脊髓和脊髓鞘出现细胞凋亡,在眼睛移动开始之后,脊髓和脊髓鞘细胞凋亡停止,而在脑、眼睛和内耳出现细胞凋亡,并一直持续到眼睛移动结束;(3)与游泳、捕食和消化等功能相关的器官的细胞凋亡在眼睛移动开始后,冠状幼鳍的基部出现凋亡;在变态中后期,尾鳍基部出现细胞凋亡;下颌骨、鳃弓以及肝脏在眼睛移动开始之后,出现细胞凋亡,也一直持续到眼睛移动结束。细胞凋亡通过有序地去除多余的细胞来参与器官形态建立和重组,本研究的结果表明,在牙鲆器官功能变化过程中,细胞凋亡在与其相适应的的器官形态重塑中起着重要作用[动物学报52(2):355-361,2006]。  相似文献   

Two kinds of selective agar were developed for the isolation of Streptococcus iniae, the causal agent of streptococcosis, from Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) and from culture tanks in flounder farms. The selective agars were heart infusion agar with added thallium acetate and oxlinic acid (TAOA), and colistin sulphate and oxolinic acid (CSOA). For samples containing various bacterial flora, selective agars were supplemented with defibrinated horse blood in order to distinguish beta-haemolytic colonies of Strep. iniae. Streptococcus iniae was quantitatively isolated from the brain and kidney of diseased flounders in pure culture. Two-thirds of isolates picked up from selective blood agars inoculated with intestinal samples were identified as Strep. iniae. The bacterial colony numbers of deposits and water from culture tanks on selective blood agars were about 10-10(5) times smaller than those on control heart infusion agar; Strep. iniae was isolated from few deposit and water samples.  相似文献   

A cDNA containing the gene for Japanese flounder IgD consisted of 3240 bp encoding 998 amino acid residues. The amino acid sequence of the constant region of Japanese flounder IgD shares 38-80% identity with the sequences of previously reported teleost IgDs. The structure of the constant region of Japanese flounder IgD, which contains the micro1, delta1, delta2, delta3, delta4, delta5, delta6, delta7, and TM regions, is similar to the structures of the constant regions of the IgDs of channel catfish and Atlantic salmon. Southern blot hybridisation showed that the Japanese flounder IgD gene exists as a single locus. The Japanese flounder IgD gene was mainly detected in peripheral blood leucocytes (PBLs) and small amounts were detected in the spleen, head and trunk kidney, although IgM mRNA was detected in similar amounts in PBLs, the head kidney, and spleen. The copy number of IgM mRNA in Japanese flounder PBL was 56-fold higher than that of IgD.  相似文献   

Chemokines are small, secreted cytokine peptides that have the ability to recruit a wide range of immune cells to sites of infection and disease. A novel CXC chemokine was obtained from Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. This chemokine cDNA contains an open reading frame of 333 nucleotides encoding 111 amino acid residues containing four conserved cysteine residues. The gene is composed of four exons and three introns as are those of mammalian and fish CXC chemokines. Results of homology and phylogenetic analysis revealed that the Japanese flounder CXC chemokine is closest to CXCL13 subgroup. The gene was expressed in immune-related organs, including head kidney, trunk kidney, spleen and peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs). Japanese flounder CXC chemokine gene expression was observed at 3 and 6h after induction by LPS, but not at 3 and 6h after induction by poly I:C. These results suggest that the Japanese flounder CXC chemokine is probably associated with inflammatory as well as homeostatic functions.  相似文献   

We identified and characterized the Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) inhibitor kappa B alpha (JFIKBA) cDNA. The JFIKBA cDNA contains an open reading frame of 960bp encoding 320 amino acid residues. JFIKBA contains 6 ankyrin repeats in the central coding region. Expression studies by RT-PCR showed constitutive expression of the JFIKBA gene in several Japanese flounder tissues (brain, muscle, gill, heart, kidney, liver, spleen and intestine). Moreover, expression of JFIKBA mRNA was induced in kidney by LPS stimulation. To investigate the role of JFIKBA, we constructed a recombinant plasmid expressing the JFIKBA coding region under the control of the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter. Over-expression of the JFIKBA gene in the Japanese flounder cultured cell line derived from kidney, suppressed the expression of the TNF alpha gene with lipopolysaccharide stimulation. These results indicated that JFIKBA has an important role in the innate immune system, especially in the signaling of the cytokine network.  相似文献   

When considering a behavioral pattern as a specific type of mechanism, an inherent problem is that it is difficult to determine to what extent the mechanism is programmed to behave selectively in individual situations. To probe this question further, we investigated the orientation of the body axis of the young Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. The pattern of the substrate and the orientation of neighboring fish were recognized as the determining factors for orientation in P. olivaceus. It was expected, therefore, that a group of individuals would exhibit a definite orientation pattern with respect to the striped pattern. However, the global orientation patterns on the striped substrate based on ten individuals could be classified into two categories: perpendicular and cross to the stripe pattern. This suggests that the substrate pattern and the surrounding individuals operated as distinct temporal criteria as stimuli for orientation. Analysis based on the local and global viewpoints reveals the temporality quantitatively.  相似文献   

Infection by viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) has recently occurred among wild and farmed Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus in Japan. In the present study, horizontal transmission of VHSV among Japanese flounder was experimentally demonstrated by immersion challenge. Exposure to a flounder isolate (Obama25) of VHSV revealed a dose-response, with higher mortality (81 and 70%) at the 2 higher exposure levels (6.0 and 4.0 log10 TCID50 ml(-1)). In a second experiment, high titers of VHSV were expressed from moribund and dead flounder based on virus detection in holding-tank waters 2 to 3 d prior to death of the fish and 1 d after death. The virus could not be detected in tank waters 2 d after death. Finally, a third cohabitation experiment in small tanks demonstrated horizontal transmission of VHSV from experimentally infected to uninfected fish.  相似文献   

牙鲆一株弹状病毒病原的分离与鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从患病牙鲆中分离鉴定了一株弹状病毒(Paralichthys olivaceus rhabdovirus,PoRV)。用过滤除菌后的患病牙鲆组织匀浆液,接种不同的鱼类细胞,其中有7种鱼类细胞出现明显的病变在对病毒进行挑斑分离后,测定了PoRV的滴度,显示PoRV在敏感鱼类细胞(Grass Carp Ovary,GCO)中的滴度达到106.5TCID50/mL;绘制了PoRV生长曲线;经蔗糖密度梯度离心提纯PoRV,负染及宿主细胞超薄切片的电镜观察,显示PoRV大小约为60nm×200nm。测定了PoRV的理化性质,显示该病毒对有机溶剂和温度敏感,但对DNA抑制剂阿糖胞苷(Ara-c)不敏感。经SDS-PAGE电泳,对PoRV的蛋白图谱进行了分析,表明该病毒有5种主要蛋白带,其分子量大小分别约为:250kD、67kD、44kD、30kD、23kD。  相似文献   

Galectins are a family of Ca2+-independent soluble lectins characterized by their affinity to β-galactosides. Mammalian galectins have been shown to play a defense role against certain bacteria, fungi and viruses. However, the immunological functions of galectins in fish is poorly characterized. Here we demonstrated that the expression of galectin-1 gene from the flounder Paralichthys olivaceus was decreased in the initial 8 h after challenge with poly I:C, then increased markedly from 24 h onwards, and the recombinant galectin-1 was able to neutralize the lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV), inhibiting the formation of cytopathic effects. In addition, the recombinant galectin had a potential anti-inflammatory activity against infection by LCDV, and was able to restrain the overexpression of the anti-viral protein gene mx against virus infection. These results indicate that flounder galectin-1 has an anti-viral activity, capable of reducing LCDV pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Three different chitinase genes (fChi1, fChi2 and fChi3) were identified from Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. The deduced amino-acid sequences of flounder chitinases revealed a typical chitinase structure containing a catalytic glyco-18 domain, a hinge region and a chitin binding domain type 2. The fChi1 and fChi2 mRNAs were predominantly expressed in the gastric glands of stomach. In contrast, expression of fChi3 was found in spleen, pancreas, stomach, intestine, liver, kidney and gonads of adult flounder by RT-PCR. The expression level of fChi3 in the adult tissues was below the detection limit of in situ hybridization (ISH) analysis; however, ISH signals were detected in the liver of flounder larvae. These results suggest that fChi1 and fChi2 are acidic chitinases that digest dietary chitin and that fChi3 probably is a macrophage specific chitinase (chitotriosidase) for biodefense and has an important unknown role in the liver during larval stages.  相似文献   

The cDNA sequence of the Japanese flounder (Paralychthys olivaceus) IgD has been previously reported (GenBank accession no. AB052658) and this was followed by the detection of IgD mRNA expression in some flounder organ tissues. However, it has not been determined whether the flounder IgD gene is virtually expressed into IgD protein. To characterize the flounder immunoglobulins utilized in elucidating the mechanism, evolution and diversity of the flounder immune system, antibodies specific to IgD and IgM were necessary. In the present study, partial flounder recombinant IgD (rIgD), IgM (rIgM) and the conserved regions of IgD and IgM (rCIg) were produced by cloning the cDNA sequence using isotype specific primers which were designed to produce unique fragments of IgD and IgM specific amino acid sequences. The production of recombinant Igs was ascertained by SDS-gel electrophoresis and immunoblot analysis using anti-T7 d Taq antibody. The produced recombinant Igs were purified using affinity columns, and used as immunogens. Antibodies specific to the isotype of flounder Igs were generated by immunizing rabbits with rfIgs and the antibodies produced were identified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunoblotting. Specificities of the generated antibodies were evaluated by testing cross-reactivity between recombinant IgM and IgD. By ELISA, rabbit antibodies against the rfIgD fragment (anti-rfIgD) failed to recognize any kind of flounder serum Igs, whereas respective antibodies against rfCIg (anti-rfCIg) and rfIgM fragments (anti-rfIgM) reacted with serum Igs. Likewise, in immunoblot assays, though anti-rfIgD did not, both anti-rfCIg and anti-rfIgM bound with the ~85 kd flounder IgM heavy chain. By flow cytometry analysis, anti-rfCIg, anti-rfIgD and anti-rfIgM reacted with 6%, 3% and 6.5% of cells, respectively, suggesting that flounder IgD is not secreted in serum but expressed on flounder B-like cell surfaces as in mammals. Antibodies produced against recombinant flounder Igs could be used to develop sandwich assay systems for detecting flounder Igs and for further investigating the flounder immune system.  相似文献   

To better understand the digestive physiology and phylogeny of the pancreatic serine proteases of teleosts, we cloned trypsin, chymotrypsin and elastase from flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Fifty phage plaques randomly chosen from a flounder pancreatic cDNA library were found to contain three species of trypsin, two species of chymotrypsin and four species of elastase. cDNAs of two species of carboxypeptidase A, one carboxypeptidase B and lipase were also obtained. In total, 23 out of 24 digestive enzyme cDNAs were those of proteolytic enzymes. Such a high ratio of proteolytic enzyme cDNA in the pancreas may reflect the carnivorous feeding habits of flounder. A phylogenetic comparison of the peptide sequences of flounder enzymes with those of other teleosts and mammals suggested that duplication of trypsin, chymotrypsin and elastase occurred before the divergence of the ray finned fish. It is also hypothesized that functional descendants of both duplicated genes of elastase exist in the teleosts and mammals, whereas only one of the genes of trypsin and chymotrypsin gave rise to the functional descendants in the teleosts but not in the mammals.  相似文献   

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