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Predation on planktonic fish eggs was examined by stomach content analysis of sprat and herring sampled in a plaice spawning area to the east of the Isle of Man in March 1993. Plankton samples were taken to examine prey selection. The clupeids showed a selection for the later developmental stages of plaice eggs. Plaice eggs had a refuge in size from predation by sprat <80 mm total length which selected smaller non-plaice eggs. However, herring and sprat >80 mm total length showed a strong selection for plaice eggs, presumably due to their large size.  相似文献   

Migration is widespread among marine fishes, yet little is known about variation in the migration of individuals within localities. We tested the hypothesis that variation in the migratory behaviour among plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in the North Sea could be explained by large‐scale differences in the speed and directions of the tidal streams, which the fish use as a transport mechanism. Towards this end, 752 mature female plaice tagged with electronic data storage tags were released at eight locations with contrasting tidal flow properties, between December 1993 and September 1999. The experiment yielded 20 403 days of data from 145 plaice. The position of each fish was determined at intervals throughout the liberty period using the tidal location method. The results show 3 geographically discrete feeding aggregations during the summer, which dispersed over the southern North Sea and Eastern English Channel to spawn during winter. Our results re‐affirmed the major role of the tidal streams in the southern North Sea in structuring plaice dispersion, both by providing transport and guidance, and by delimiting the extent of distribution due to thermal stratification during the summer. These results confirm the prediction that large‐scale variation in migration behaviour can be explained in part by the tidal guidance and transport mechanisms available. They have revealed features of spatial dynamics not previously observed from a century of conventional tagging experiments and illustrate how the study of individual fish can successfully define the migratory characteristics of populations.  相似文献   

Water currents are a dominant feature of the open sea and often play an important part in the life cycle of the fish that live there. For over three decades, a focus of research at Lowestoft has been the role of tidal water currents as a part of wider understanding of the population dynamics of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in the North Sea. Increasingly sophisticated telemetry methods have been developed and used, initially to describe the migratory behaviour of individual fish, and latterly to describe the spatial dynamics of whole populations. Here, the authors review cues and clues for environmental transport at different life stages, with a critical evaluation of the facultative use of selective tidal stream transport in relation to water current speed. The clues that trigger movement into mid-water by adult fish are reconsidered in light of new findings. Finally, the orientation capabilities of plaice, together with evidence of repeat migrations and spawning site fidelity were examined.  相似文献   

Despite recent evidence for sub-stock structuring, North Sea cod are assessed as a single unit. As a consequence, knowledge of sub-stock trends is poor. In particular, there are no recent evaluations of which spawning grounds are active. Here we report results from the first ichthyoplankton survey to cover the whole North Sea. Also, this survey, conducted in 2004, was the first to make extensive use of DNA-based molecular methods to unambiguously identify early developmental stage cod eggs. We compare the findings from the plankton survey with estimated egg production inferred from the distribution of mature cod in contemporaneous trawl surveys. Results from both approaches were in general agreement and showed hot spots of egg production around the southern and eastern edges of the Dogger Bank, in the German Bight, the Moray Firth and to the east of the Shetlands. These areas broadly coincide with known spawning locations from the period 1940 to 1970. We were, however, unable to directly detect significant numbers of cod eggs at the historic spawning ground off Flamborough (northeast coast of England). The results demonstrate that most of the major spawning grounds of cod in the North Sea are still active but that some localized populations may have been reduced to the point where it is now difficult to detect the presence of eggs in the plankton.  相似文献   

Juvenile plaice Pleuronectes platessa ( n  = 1281) were tagged and released at two locations 300 m apart on a 1 km long sandy beach. Most (>90%) of the fish were recaptured within 100 m of the release site (shown by the colour of the tag), with very few caught >200 m distance after 6 weeks. The changing spatial distribution of marked fish was adequately reproduced by a simple dispersal model with a single parameter: a 78% probability of remaining in a 100 m wide zone from one day to the next, with a 22% chance that fish move into an adjacent zone. In a subsequent similar study at the same beach, fish were either released at the point of capture ( n  = 881) or transplanted to the alternate site ( n  = 910) 100 m distant. After 6 weeks, transplanted fish moved along the shore towards their sites of original capture. Fish replaced at the point of capture showed no such movement along the shore. Further modification of the dispersal model to allow for a distinction between dispersal from home sites and from sites away from the original point of collection, was sufficient to reproduce the behaviour of the populations of both transplanted and control treatment groups. The likelihood of dispersal from home sites was much less than that seen at sites away from home. Juvenile plaice thus have a degree of long‐shore site fidelity not expected of a fish with strong depth‐related migration behaviour in a relatively homogenous habitat.  相似文献   

Spawning time of female American plaice Hippoglossoides platessoides varied significantly with age. This effect, however, was not consistent across years. Generally, younger fish spawned earlier than older fish, but in the 1990s they spawned later than older fish. Spawning duration also varied with age, with younger fish generally having a longer spawning period than older fish. Changes in depth distribution were related to changes in both spawning time and duration. As depth increased, spawning time became later and duration became shorter. Fish <11 years old showed the largest change in both spawning time and depth distribution.  相似文献   

Spawning site fidelity has long been documented for anadromous salmonids, and more recently in estuarine and marine fish. The level of fidelity has implications for population dynamics, conservation, and management. This study extended a previous examination of spawning ground fidelity for common snook, Centropomus undecimalis. We used seines to sample 28 km of Gulf of Mexico beaches, spawning grounds for snook, during spawning season (May through September) from 2007 through 2010. Of 3,304 snook tagged, 171 unique fish were recaptured a total of 186 times and, of those, 166 fish (97.08%) (181 recaptures = 97.31%) were recaptured on the same island where they were tagged. One hundred seven of the recaptures occurred in the same year they were tagged, and 79 occurred one or more years after they were tagged, indicating fidelity was expressed within and across years. Distance between tag and recapture locations within and among years demonstrated fidelity at a spatial scale much smaller than barrier island (mean distance between tag and recapture =1.59 ± 0.12 km; island lengths 6.8, 8.9 and 12.4 km). Furthermore, mapping of capture locations revealed clumped distribution of snook on spawning grounds, further suggesting snook propensity for specific locations. Fish size had no effect on fidelity. We conclude that common snook show a high level of spawning site fidelity in southwest Florida, which may result in spawning group segregation, may influence the response of snook to disturbances, and may have implications for adult-to-nursery ontogenetic connections.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and energy content of North Sea plaice during the spawning period were examined in mature males and females and in immature fish, to study differences in the allocation of energy over reproduction and somatic growth between the sexes. At the beginning of the spawning period mature males and females had equal dry weights of lipid that were 70% higher than in immatures. Protein content in mature males was equal to that in immatures but was 23 % higher in mature females. Immature males and females did not differ in chemical composition. At the end of the spawning period, spent and immature fish had equal lipid contents, but protein content in spent females was 10% lower than in spent males, and 17% lower than in immatures. Gross energy content of the body decreased by 44% (65·2 to 36·3 J cm-3) in mature females, 27% (55·0 to 40·OJ cm-3) in mature males, and 9% (48·7 to 44·2J cm-3) in immatures. Energy content of plaice eggs was estimated at 6·60 kJ per 1000 eggs. Reproductive investment was estimated from the energy loss during the spawning period and included the energy of sex products and spawning metabolism. Somatic growth comprised the annual increase in energy content of fish. The pattern of energy allocation over reproduction and somatic growth differed between males and females. Males started their reproduction at a smaller length and a younger age and allocated a higher proportion of the available energy into reproduction than females. Available energy resources for somatic growth and reproduction (surplus production) were equal between the sexes up to a length of about 30 cm. Beyond this length male surplus production levelled off whereas female surplus production continued to increase. The differences in surplus production and the allocation patterns are discussed. For female plaice the energy allocated into egg production was estimated as between 48 and 64% of the total amount of energy lost during spawning. The remaining energy is used for metabolism during the spawning period, yielding an estimate of the metabolic rate of mature females of between 6·4 and 9·1 kJ day-1. A maximum estimate of the metabolic rate of mature males was 7·4 kJ day-1.  相似文献   

Data from two internationally co-ordinated survey programmes are used in an attempt to display the events in the early life that took place during the ‘recovery period’ of the North Sea herring Stock, 1979–1986. During the period, an increasing importance of the spawning grounds off Buchan and off Yorkshire is evident from distributions of newly hatched herring larvae. The dramatic changes in relative importance of spawning grounds are traced in the data on both late larvae (6 months old) and juveniles (18 months old). The onset of extended spawning off Buchan and off Yorkshire was followed by increase in distinct groups of late larvae of large mean length, and by enlargement of a group of medium-sized juveniles. It is hypothesized that the identified groups are interconnected. Thus, larvae spawned off Buchan and off Yorkshire are found to have growth rates superior to those attained by larvae from west of Scotland and around the Orkney/Shetland Isles, whereas the relationship is reversed in the juveniles. In the investigated period, larval drift routes exhibited the same trends from year to year, the drift of the northerly spawned larvae being the most variable. Thus, changes in the relative contributions from spawning grounds apparently influence the overall spatial distribution as well as size composition of larval and juvenile North Sea herring. The findings indicate that groups of larvae retain, to a large extent, separate distributions until metamorphosis, and point to larval drift pattern as a determinant of spawning group distinctness.  相似文献   

Metcalfe  J.  & Hunter  E. 《Journal of fish biology》2003,63(S1):237-238
To improve survival and reproductive success, many fish species have evolved migratory life‐histories, showing ontogenetic and/or seasonal changes in habitat use. Individuals move between different areas, each of which is 'best' for a particular activity, such as feeding, growing or spawning. The benefits of moving to a different habitat, however, have to be balanced against the costs of migration, so any behaviour that reduces the cost of movement would be expected to expand the migratory range and thereby increase the range of habitats that can be exploited.
Previous tracking experiments in the southern North Sea have shown that plaice selectively exploit the tidal streams to aid their spawning migration. Here we examine whether this behaviour is primarily (1) an energy‐saving strategy, or (2) a transport mechanism by which fish that are unable to navigate over long distances can be carried reliably between feeding and spawning grounds. Because selective tidal stream transport requires that fish remain stationary on the sea‐bed during the 'non‐transporting' tide, energetic calculations predict that this behaviour is beneficial only when the current speed exceeds a critical, size‐dependent, value. We have used detailed information about migratory behaviour from individual fish to calculate the metabolic costs and the likely reproductive benefits of different migratory strategies. Our results show that plaice use selective tidal stream transport only in areas where the tidal streams are suitably fast, indicating that this behaviour is primarily an energy saving strategy.  相似文献   

Plaice ( Pleuronectesplatessa L.) from three spawning areas in the southern North Sea were examined for six species of metazoan parasite. Differences of both incidence and level of infestation with particular parasite species were found in fish from the three areas. Neither the incidence nor the level of infestation was associated with the length of fish in the samples except in the case of the larger male fish from Flamborough, which tended to contain more larval nematodes (Anisakidae). All fish contained the intestinal nematode Cucullanus heterochrous , although fewer were found in fish from Flamborough. Southern Bight fish were more likely to contain Capillaria wickinsi than were fish from Flamborough or the German Bight. Flamborough fish were more likely to contain Anisakidae larvae than were fish from the other two areas. Fish from the three areas were similarly infested with Zoogonoides viviparus. Male fish from Flamborough were less likely to be infested with Lepeophtheirus pectoralis than male fish from the German Bight.  相似文献   

To replenish the exploited native stocks ofOstrea edulis, imports from almost all European coasts have arrived in the North Sea, particularly in the Dutch Oosterschelde estuary. The American oysterCrassostrea virginica and the Portuguese oysterC. angulata have also been imported into the North Sea several times. However, only the introductions of various genetic strains of the Pacific oysterC. gigas have been of lasting success. Spat from British Columbia (Canada) was first imported to the Oosterschelde in 1964. First spatfalls in this area took place in the warm summers of 1975 and 1976. Further larval outbursts occurred in 1982 and 1989, and good settlements took place on culture plots as well as along the dikes of the Oosterschelde. Since 1977 no more cupped oysters have been imported from overseas. The population maintained itself and was able to spread in a northern direction along the Dutch North Sea coast. In Britain, hatchery-producedC. gigas were transferred to several sites, in the 1970s including the British North Sea coast. Here, occurrence in the wild seems to be rather limited up to now. Into the German Wadden Sea,C. gigas larvae and spat from a Scottish hatchery have been introduced since 1971, as were medium-sized oysters from a variety of European sources in the 1980s. Strong spatfalls on intertidal mussel beds in the northern German Wadden Sea occured in 1991 and 1994. For the introductions ofC. gigas along the west European coasts, precautionary measures to minimize unintentional transfers of associated organisms, as recommended by the ICES Code of Practice in 1994, came too late.  相似文献   

The forth estuary: a nursery and overwintering area for North Sea fishes   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
The fish community of the Forth estuary, Scotland, has several components — estuarine resident species, diadromus migratory species, marine and freshwater adventitious species, marine juvenile migrants using the area as a nursery, and adults of marine species with seasonal migrations. The population changes during the period 1981–1988 in six species representative of the last two categories are described here. The species are the juvenile gadoids, whiting, Merlangius merlangus (L.) and cod, Gadus morhua L., juvenile flatfish, plaice, Pleuronectes platessa L. and common dab, Limanda limanda (L.), and the adult clupeids, sprat, Sprattus sprattus (L.) and herring, Clupea harengus L.The species' population changes are described in relation to aspects of wider significance such as commercial fishing for these species in North Sea areas. In particular, the underlying decline of the juvenile cod populations since 1981 in the Forth Estuary is discussed in relation to the recent reduction in commercial fishing quotas.  相似文献   

The North Sea has warmed in recent years and there is an ongoing debate into how this is affecting the distribution of fishes and other marine organisms. Of particular interest is the commercially important Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.), which has declined sharply in abundance in the North Sea over the past 20 years. Observations of the temperature experienced by 129 individual cod throughout the North Sea were made during a large-scale electronic tagging programme conducted between 1999 and 2005. We asked whether individual cod fully occupied the thermal habitat available to them. To this end, we compared the temperature experience of cod with independently measured contemporaneous sea-bottom temperature data. The majority of cod experienced a warmer fraction of the sea than was potentially available to them. By summer, most of the individuals in the south experienced temperatures considered superoptimal for growth. Cooler waters were within the reach of the cod and a small number of individuals migrated to areas that allowed them to experience lower temperatures, indicating that the cod had the capacity to find cooler water. Most did not, however, suggesting that the changing thermal regime of the North Sea is not yet causing adult cod to move to cooler waters.  相似文献   

Irradiation with artificial quasi-solar light was used to investigate lethal and sublethal effects of enhanced ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on eggs, larval and juvenile stages of North Sea plaice. The irradiation experiments resembled a worst-case scenario with a synchronous occurrence of ozone depletion, sunny weather, and low water turbulence. In eggs, UV-B exposure increased mortality and induced loss of positive buoyancy. UV-B exposures for 1 or 2 days, according to the weather conditions in spring, impaired eggs only if UV-B intensities and doses exceeded those under a further 60% ozone loss. In larvae and juveniles, long-term UV-B exposures during and after metamorphosis affected ventilation rate at normoxia and ventilatory regulation during hypoxic incubations. Oxygen consumption rates of juveniles were not affected by UV-B irradiation. Received in revised form: 20 April 2000 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Synopsis Energy expended in migration and reproduction was determined from measurements of caloric concentration and body and gonodal weight for nontrophic sea lampreys collected from different sites along the St. John River, New Brunswick. The estimated cost of locomotion in swimming the 140 km which separates the estuary from the spawning redds was 300 and 260 kcal for males and females respectively. Acutal distance which lampreys swam as well as mean swimming speed were estimated from a linear regression equation relating energy expenditure for locomotion and body weight. Energy expenditure for breeding was considerably greater than that catabolized throughout the upstream migration.  相似文献   

We present a unique view of mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in the North Sea based on a new time series of larvae caught by the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey from 1948-2005, covering the period both before and after the collapse of the North Sea stock. Hydrographic backtrack modelling suggested that the effect of advection is very limited between spawning and larvae capture in the CPR survey. Using a statistical technique not previously applied to CPR data, we then generated a larval index that accounts for both catchability as well as spatial and temporal autocorrelation. The resulting time series documents the significant decrease of spawning from before 1970 to recent depleted levels. Spatial distributions of the larvae, and thus the spawning area, showed a shift from early to recent decades, suggesting that the central North Sea is no longer as important as the areas further west and south. These results provide a consistent and unique perspective on the dynamics of mackerel in this region and can potentially resolve many of the unresolved questions about this stock.  相似文献   

The objective was to find a length–growth model to help differentiate between herring stocks (Clupea harengus l.) when their length–growth shows systematically different patterns. The most essential model restriction was that it should react robustly against variations in the underlying age range which varies not only over time but also between the different herring stocks. Because of the limited age range, significance tests as well as confidence intervals of the model parameters should allow a small sample restriction. Thus, parameter estimation should be of an analytical rather than asymptotic nature and the model should contain a minimum set of parameters. The article studies the comparative characteristics of a simple non‐asymptotic two‐parameter growth model (allometric length–growth function, abbreviated as ALG model) in contrast to higher parametric and more complex growth models (logistic and von‐Bertalanffy growth functions, abbreviated as LGF and VBG models). An advantage of the ALG model is that it can be easily linearized and the growth coefficients can be directly derived as regression parameters. The intrinsic ALG model linearity makes it easy to test restrictions (normality, homoscedasticity and serial uncorrelation of the error term) and to formulate analytic confidence intervals. The ALG model features were exemplified and validated by a 1995 Baltic spring spawning herring (BSSH) data set that included a 12‐year age range. The model performance was compared with that of the logistic and the von‐Bertalanffy length–growth curves for different age ranges and by means of various parameter estimation techniques. In all cases the ALG model performed better and all ALG model restrictions (no autocorrelation, homoscedasticity, and normality of the error term) were fulfilled. Furthermore, all findings seemed to indicate a pseudo‐asymptotic growth for BSSH. The proposed model was explicitly derived for of herring length‐growth; the results thus should not be generalized interspecifically without additional proof.  相似文献   

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