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Eight-week-old vegetative plants of Arabidopsis thaliana, ecotype Columbia, were induced to flower by a single long day (LD). In this experimental system, it is known that the last component of the floral stimulus moves from the leaves to the apex 24-36 h after the start of the LD, and the first floral meristem is initiated by the shoot apical meristem (SAM) at 44-56 h (Corbesier et al., 1996, The Plant Journal 9: 947-952). Here we show that the rate of cell division is increased at floral transition in all SAM parts but not in the sub-apical pith cells. Mitotic activity starts to increase 24 h after the start of the LD and is two- to three-fold higher at peak times than that in non-induced plants. This activation is followed by the start of SAM enlargement at 44 h, SAM doming at 48 h, and the elongation of apical internodes (bolting) at 52 h.  相似文献   

目前,有关不定芽发生的研究主要集中在单基因的调控方面,缺乏转录组方面的系统研究.利用RNA-seq高通量测序技术在全基因组范围内检测了不定芽发生早期的基因表达谱,共检测到2457个差异表达基因.这些基因参与了激素代谢和信号转导、愈伤组织和侧根的形成、茎顶端分生组织的发育和光合作用等过程.进一步的途径富集分析表明,不定芽发生早期苯丙氨酸代谢和苯丙胺素合成等途径相关的基因显著富集.并且苯丙氨酸可以显著抑制不定芽的发生,暗示了苯丙氨酸代谢和苯丙胺素的合成可能在不定芽发生过程起着重要的作用.  相似文献   

研究了表油菜素内酯(epi-BR)对拟南芥细胞体外分化的影响.表明epi-BR不仅能促进愈伤组织的增殖,而且还能有效地诱导愈伤组织转绿,继而分化绿芽和长成小植株,其诱导频率高达70%以上。电镜观察表明,epi-BR诱导的转绿细胞中的叶绿体发育正常。  相似文献   

Analysis of leaf proteins in late flowering mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Late flowering monogenic mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. at the loci co, gi, fca, fve, fwa, fha, fpa, fy and their corresponding wild type, Landsberg erecta , were analysed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. All plants were grown under continuous light and proteins were extracted from leaves of the same age (20-day-old). The polypeptide patterns of the mutants at the loci co, gi, fca, fve, fwa, fha, fpa , and Landsberg erecta were identical. The mutant at the fy locus showed a qualitative difference with Landsberg erecta . Crosses were made between this line and the wild type Landsberg erecta . F2 plants, resulting from autopollination of the hybrid, were analysed and showed no cosegregation between the observed protein and the flowering phenotype, indicating that these two lines differ by more than a single mutation.  相似文献   

Many changes in gene expression occur in response to water-deficitstress. A challenge is to determine which changes support plantadaptation to conditions of reduced soil water content and whichoccur in response to lesions in metabolic and cellular functions.Microarray methods are being employed to catalogue all of thechanges in gene expression that occur in response to specificwater-deficit conditions. Although these methods do not measurethe amount or activities of specific proteins that functionin the water-deficit response, they do target specific biochemicaland cellular events that should be detailed in further work.Potential functions of approx. 130 genes of Arabidopsis thalianathat have been shown to be up-regulated are tabulated here.These point to signalling events, detoxification and other functionsinvolved in the cellular response to water-deficit stress. Asmicroarray techniques are refined, plant stress biologists willbe able to characterize changes in gene expression within thewhole genome in specific organs and tissues subjected to differentlevels of water-deficit stress.  相似文献   

蛋白质的亚细胞定位信息对于深入了解该蛋白质的功能具有重要意义。本文对一个预测的拟南芥叶绿体未知功能基因At4g22890 编码蛋白进行了叶绿体定位研究。我们克隆了该基因5′端长208 bp 的DNA 片段, 与绿色荧光蛋白(GFP) 基因构建重组表达载体pMON530-cTP-GFP, 经农杆菌介导转化拟南芥。转基因植株经激光共聚焦显微镜观察, GFP 荧光仅在叶绿体中观察到, 表明所克隆的DNA 序列编码的多肽能够将At4g22890 编码蛋白质引导进入叶绿体, 由此推测该蛋白质为叶绿体蛋白质。  相似文献   

Caesium-affected gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

报道了细菌Xanthobacter autotrophicus编码卤代烷烃脱卤酶基因在拟南芥菜中的高效表达。以土壤农杆菌介导将该基因整合到拟南芥菜基因组中,经数代筛选得到了转基因纯合种子,Northern印迹和气相色谱检测表明,转基因的表达程度很高,酶量占细胞总可溶性蛋白的8%,酶活力达7.8mU·ml-1提取物。转基因植株在含二氯乙烷的培养基上不能生长。  相似文献   

拟南芥FRUITFULL(FUL)基因的表达调控模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
褚婷婷  谢华  徐勇  马荣才 《生物工程学报》2010,26(11):1546-1554
FRUITFULL(FUL)基因是一类MADS box基因,在控制开花时间、花分生组织分化、茎生叶形态以及心皮和果实的发育中发挥重要作用。为了阐明FUL的表达调控模式,克隆了拟南芥Arabidopsis thaliana FUL启动子区(-2148bp~+96bp)及其第一内含子,并构建一系列启动子分段缺失表达载体及含FUL第一内含子的融合载体。并进一步构建了各顺式作用元件融合拟南芥TUBULIN和ACTIN启动子的表达载体。转基因拟南芥分析结果表明,FUL启动子的上游存在2个抑制其表达的顺式作用元件,其中一个很可能与转录因子AP1的结合有关;2个存在于上游调控区的CArG-box对FUL基因表达起到重要的调控作用;FUL基因第一内含子参与拟南芥心皮和雄蕊的发育调控,而且有增强基因表达的作用。  相似文献   

Cytosine methylation at symmetrical CpG and CpNpG sequences plays a key role in the epigenetic control of plant growth and development; yet, the way by which the methylation signal is interpreted into a functional state has not been elucidated. In animals, the methylation signal is recognized by methyl-CpG-binding domain (MBD) proteins that specifically bind methylated CpG dinucleotides. In Arabidopsis thaliana, 12 putative MBD proteins were identified and classified into seven subclasses. Here, we characterized six MBD proteins representing four subclasses (II, III, IV, and VI) of the Arabidopsis MBD family. We found that AtMBD7 (subclass VI), a unique protein containing a double MBD motif, as well as AtMBD5 and AtMBD6 (subclass IV), bind specifically symmetrically methylated CpG sites. The MBD motif derived from AtMBD6, but not from AtMBD2, was sufficient for binding methylated CpG dinucleotides. AtMBD6 precipitated histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity from the leaf nuclear extract. The examined AtMBD proteins neither bound methylated CpNpG sequences nor did they display DNA demethylase activity. Our results suggest that AtMBD5, AtMBD6, and AtMBD7 are likely to function in Arabidopsis plants as mediators of the CpG methylation, linking DNA methylation-induced gene silencing with histone deacetylation.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks synchronized with the environment allow plants to anticipate recurring daily changes and give a fitness advantage. Here, we mapped the dynamic growth phenotype of leaves and roots in two lines of Arabidopsis thaliana with a disrupted circadian clock: the CCA1 over‐expressing line (CCA1ox) and the prr9 prr7 prr5 (prr975) mutant. We demonstrate leaf growth defects due to a disrupted circadian clock over a 24 h time scale. Both lines showed enhanced leaf growth compared with the wild‐type during the diurnal period, suggesting increased partitioning of photosynthates for leaf growth. Nocturnal leaf growth was reduced and growth inhibition occurred by dawn, which may be explained by ineffective starch degradation in the leaves of the mutants. However, this growth inhibition was not caused by starch exhaustion. Overall, these results are consistent with the notion that the defective clock affects carbon and energy allocation, thereby reducing growth capacity during the night. Furthermore, rosette morphology and size as well as root architecture were strikingly altered by the defective clock control. Separate analysis of the primary root and lateral roots revealed strong suppression of lateral root formation in both CCA1ox and prr975, accompanied by unusual changes in lateral root growth direction under light–dark cycles and increased lateral extension of the root system. We conclude that growth of the whole plant is severely affected by improper clock regulation in A. thaliana, resulting not only in altered timing and capacity for growth but also aberrant development of shoot and root architecture.  相似文献   

The protein pattern of leaf plasma membranes from Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Landsberg erecta was analysed in order to detect changes induced by acute short-term ozone treatment. Plasma membranes were isolated 0, 3 and 8 h after the end of a 2 h fumigation of the plants with 500 nmol mol?1 of O3. Proteins extracted from plasma membranes were separated by high-performance two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Eight hours after the end of fumigation, one new protein appeared and the amounts of two other proteins increased significantly. The reported study is a first step towards the identification of plasmalemma proteins altered by ozone and to a more detailed characterization of structural changes occurring in the plasma membrane after ozone exposure.  相似文献   

Gene expression is controlled and regulated by interactions between cis-regulatory DNA elements (CREs) and regulatory proteins. Enhancers are one of the most important classes of CREs in eukaryotes. Eukaryotic genes, especially those related to development or responses to environmental cues, are often regulated by multiple enhancers in different tissues and/or at different developmental stages. Remarkably, little is known about the molecular mechanisms by which enhancers regulate gene expression in plants. We identified a distal enhancer, CREβ, which regulates the expression of AtDGK7, which encodes a diacylglycerol kinase in Arabidopsis. We developed a transgenic line containing the luciferase reporter gene (LUC) driven by CREβ fused with a minimal cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter. The CREβ enhancer was shown to play a role in the response to osmotic pressure of the LUC reporter gene. A forward genetic screen pipeline based on the transgenic line was established to generate mutations associated with altered expression of the LUC reporter gene. We identified a suite of mutants with variable LUC expression levels as well as different segregation patterns of the mutations in populations. We demonstrate that this pipeline will allow us to identify trans-regulatory factors associated with CREβ function as well as those acting in the regulation of the endogenous AtDGK7 gene.  相似文献   

以拟南芥动蛋白(kinesin)kin-8家族的AtKin8a和AtKin8b这两个动蛋白基因作为研究对象,以组成型表达的肌动蛋白基因(Actin2)作为对照,利用半定量RT-PCR的方法,分析其在拟南芥各器官中的表达状况。结果表明:AtKin8a和AtKin8b基因主要在花器官中特异表达;随后克隆AtKin8a和AtKin8b基因启动子区域并与GUS基因融合,转基因植株花器官GUS染色表明:AtKin8a和AtKin8b基因的表达主要分别在胚珠、花药部位。由此推测它们可能分别在胚珠、花药发育过程中发挥作用。  相似文献   

We analyzed the complete genome sequence of Arabidopsis thaliana and sequence data from 83 genes in the outcrossing A. lyrata, to better understand the role of gene expression on the strength of natural selection on synonymous and replacement sites in Arabidopsis. From data on tRNA gene abundance, we find a good concordance between codon preferences and the relative abundance of isoaccepting tRNAs in the complete A. thaliana genome, consistent with models of translational selection. Both EST-based and new quantitative measures of gene expression (MPSS) suggest that codon preferences derived from information on tRNA abundance are more strongly associated with gene expression than those obtained from multivariate analysis, which provides further support for the hypothesis that codon bias in Arabidopsis is under selection mediated by tRNA abundance. Consistent with previous results, analysis of protein evolution reveals a significant correlation between gene expression level and amino acid substitution rate. Analysis by MPSS estimates of gene expression suggests that this effect is primarily the result of a correlation between the number of tissues in which a gene is expressed and the rate of amino acid substitution, which indicates that the degree of tissue specialization may be an important determinant of the rate of protein evolution in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

采用PCR及RT-PCR法分别克隆了拟南芥SDIR1基因的DNA和cDNA序列。根据序列比对分析结果,发现了3种不同的转录本,提示SDIR1基因的转录中存在选择性剪接。3种转录本的长度分别为822bp、691bp和666bp,依次命名为:SDIR1-822、SDIR1-691、SDIR1-666。与SDIR1基因的DNA序列及已报道的SDIR1cDNA序列比较,除转录本SDIR1-822包含了完整的编码序列外,其余2种转录本的编码序列都存在不同长度的缺失。其中,SDIR1-691缺失了131bp的片段:第2外显子3′端缺失33bp,第3外显子53bp全部缺失,第4外显子5′端缺失45bp;转录本SDIR1-666缺失了156bp的片段:第3外显子3′端缺失18bp,第4外显子5′端缺失138bp。进而随机挑取101个克隆子对三种转录本的表达比例进行初步分析,结果表明3种分子的比值为SDIR1-822:SDIR1-691:SDIR1-666=26.00:1.33:1.00,反映出SDIR1基因不同转录本在拟南芥中的相对表达量。  相似文献   

The shoot apical meristem is a group of rapidly dividing cells that generate all aerial parts of the plant. It is a highly organised structure, which can be divided into functionally distinct domains, characterised by specific proliferation rates of the individual cells. Genetic studies have enabled the identification of regulators of meristem function. These factors are involved in the formation and maintenance of the meristem, as well as in the formation of the primordia. Somehow, they must also govern cell proliferation rates within the shoot apex. Possible links between meristem regulators and the cell cycle machinery will be discussed. In order to analyse the role of cell proliferation in development, cell cycle gene expression has been perturbed using transgenic approaches and mutation. The effect of these alterations on growth and development at the shoot apex will be presented. Together, these studies give a first insight into the regulatory networks controlling the cell cycle and into the significance of cell proliferation in plant development.  相似文献   

A single-cell analysis of the Arabidopsis vegetative shoot apex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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