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Class III pistil-specific extensin-like proteins (PELPIII) are specifically localized in the intercellular matrix of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) styles. After pollination the majority of PELPIII are translocated into the callosic layer and the callose plugs of the pollen tubes, which could suggest a function of PELPIII in pollen tube growth. PELPIII may represent one of the chemical and/or physical factors from the female sporophytic tissue that contributes to the difference between in vivo and in vitro pollen tube growth. PELPIII glycoproteins were purified and biochemically characterized. Because of their high proline (Pro) and hydroxy-Pro (Hyp) content, PELPIII proteins belong to the class of Pro/Hyp-rich glycoproteins. The carbohydrate moiety of PELPIII is attached through O-glycosidic linkages and comprises more than one-half the total glycoprotein. Deglycosylation of PELPIII revealed two backbones, both reacting with PELPIII-specific antibodies. N-terminal amino acid sequencing of these backbones showed that PELPIII is encoded by the MG14 and MG15 genes. Two heterogeneous N-terminal sequences of MG14 and MG15, both starting downstream of the predicted signal peptide cleavage site, seem to be present, which indicates a novel N-terminal processing. Monosaccharide analysis showed that the carbohydrate moiety of PELPIII almost completely consists of arabinose and galactose in an equal molar ratio. Carbohydrate linkage analysis showed terminal and 2-linked arabinofuranosyl residues, as well as terminal and 6-, 3-, and 3,6-linked galactopyranosyl residues to be present, indicating the presence of both extensin-like and Type II arabinogalactan oligosaccharide units. The ability of beta-glucosyl Yariv reagent to bind with PELPIII confirmed the arabinogalactan protein-like characteristics of these proteins.  相似文献   

Two genes encoding the auxin-binding protein (ABP1) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), both of which possess the characteristics of a luminal protein of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), were isolated and sequenced. These genes were composed of at least five exons and four introns. The two coding exons showed 95% sequence homology and coded for two precursor proteins of 187 amino acid residues with molecular masses of 21 256 and 21 453 Da. The deduced amino acid sequences were 93% identical and both possessed an amino-terminal signal peptide, a hydrophilic mature protein region with two potential N-glycosylation sites and a carboxyl-terminal sorting signal, KDEL, for the ER. Restriction mapping of the cDNAs encoding tobacco ABP1, previously purified by amplification of tobacco cDNA libraries by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using specific primers common to both genes, indicated that both genes were expressed, although one was expressed at a higher level than the other. Genomic Southern blot hybridization showed no other homologous genes except for these two in the tobacco genome. The apparent molecular mass of the mature form of tobacco ABP1 was revealed to be 25 kDa by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using affinity-purified anti (tobacco ABP1) antibodies raised against a fusion protein with maltose-binding protein. Expression of the recombinant ABP1 gene in transgenic tobacco resulted in accumulation of the 25 kDa protein. A single point mutation of an amino acid residue at either of the two potential N-glycosylation sites resulted in a decrease in the apparent molecular mass and produced a 22 kDa protein. Mutations at both sites resulted in the formation of a 19.3 kDa protein, suggesting that tobacco ABP1 is glycosylated at two asparagine residues.  相似文献   

Two tobacco genes encoding thaumatin-like proteins were cloned and sequenced. Both genes are expressed after infection of tobacco with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Comparison of the upstream sequences of these genes with those of other TMV-inducible tobacco genes revealed limited regions of homology.  相似文献   

Clones for three barley non-specific lipid transfer proteins (LTP2, LTP3, and LTP4; formerly Cw18, Cw20 and Cw21, respectively) which had been previously shown to inhibit growth of plant pathogens, were selected and characterized from a cDNA library derived from young etiolated leaves. Genes Ltp2 and Ltp4 were located in chromosome 3H and gene Ltp3 was assigned to chromosome 7H by Southern blot analysis of wheat—barley disomic addition lines, using gene-specific probes (3'-ends of cDNAs). These assignments were confirmed by the polymerase chain reaction, using specific primers. The three genes were expressed in stem, shoot apex, leaves and roots (at low levels) throughout development. Genes Ltp3 and Ltp4 were expressed at high levels, and Lpt2 at low levels, in the spike (rachis, lemma plus palea and grain coats). Neither of the mRNAs was detected in endosperm. The proteins were localized by tissue-printing with polyclonal antibodies in the outer cell layer of the exposed surfaces of the plant, throughout the embryo, and in vascular tissues. Expression levels in leaves were moderately increased by 0.34 M NaCl and by 0.1 mM abscisic acid and were not affected by cold, drought, salicylate, 2,6-dichloro-isonicotinic acid, ethylene or ethephon. Methyl Jasmonate (10 µM) switched off all three genes. Inoculation with Av6 or vir6 isolates of the fungal pathogen Erysiphe graminis increased the three mRNAs, especially that of LTP4, which reached a maximum nine-fold increase 12–16 h after infection.  相似文献   

Infection of Samsun NN tobacco with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) was found to induce the synthesis of mRNA encoding a basic protein with a 67% amino acid sequence homology to the known acidic pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins 1a, 1b and 1c. By Southern blot hybridization it was shown that the tobacco genome contains at least eight genes for acidic PR-1 proteins and a similar number of genes encoding the basic homologues. Clones corresponding to three of the genes for acidic PR-1 proteins were isolated from a genomic library of Samsun NN tobacco. The nucleotide sequence of these genes and their flanking sequences were determined. One clone was found to correspond to the PR-1a gene; the two other clones do not correspond to known TMV-induced PR-1 mRNA's and may represent silent genes. Compared to the PR-1a gene, these genes contain an insertion or deletion in the putative promoter region and mutations affecting the PR-1 reading frame.  相似文献   

Three cDNA clones coding for the 12.8, 13.3, and 14.6 kDa larval cuticular proteins of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, were isolated and characterized. Hybridization to abdominal epidermal RNA from different stages showed that the genes for the 12.8 and 13.3 kDa proteins were expressed only during larval life. By contrast, the gene for the 14.6 kDa protein was expressed throughout the segment during the feeding, growing larval stages, then only in the flexible intersegmental regions during the deposition of endocuticle in the pharate pupa and adult. Quantitative RNA dot blot hybridizations showed that the RNA for each protein disappeared during the larval molt when the ecdysteroid titer was high, then reappeared during the preecdysial deposition of endocuticle. All disappeared when the epidermis became pupally committed at the onset of wandering. Exposure of the fourth instar epidermis to 20-hydroxyecdysone (20HE) in vitro under conditions that lead to the formation of a new larval cuticle by 48 hr caused the disappearance of these RNAs by 18 hr. Exposure of Day 2 fifth instar epidermis to 20HE in vitro caused a depression of these RNAs which in the case of the RNAs coding for the 12.8 and 13.3 kDa proteins was partially prevented by simultaneous exposure to methoprene, a juvenile hormone (JH) mimic. By contrast, the RNA for the 14.6 kDa protein was suppressed by exposure to methoprene alone. Thus, each of these larval cuticular genes is turned off by high ecdysteroid; the presence or absence of JH determines whether or not this suppression is permanent in some or all cells.  相似文献   

Nitrilase (nitrile aminohydrolase, EC catalyzes the hydrolysis of indole-3-acetonitrile (IAN) to indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Arabidopsis thaliana genome has four nitrilase genes (NIT1, NIT2, NIT3 and NIT4). Three (NIT1, NIT2 and NIT3) of the four genes have high similarity. We have cloned two NIT4 homologs (TNIT4A and TNIT4B) from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Genomic Southern hybridization, among other experiments, strongly suggests that tobacco has NIT4 homologs but not NIT1 to NIT3 homologs. Introduction of Arabidopsis NIT2 into tobacco conferred IAN-mediated growth inhibition, probably due to hydrolysis of IAN to IAA, while ectopic expression of TNIT4A had little effect on the sensitivity of transgenic plants to IAN. Nitrilase activity of TNIT4 proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

The polyamines are ubiquitous components of mammalian cells. Those compounds have been postulated to play an important role in different cellular functions including the reorganization of cytoskeleton associated with the cell cycle. In the studies reported here, it was found that inhibitors of polyamine biosynthesis, methylglyoxal-bis[quanylhydrazone] (MGBG) and difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), prevent mitogen-induced accumulation of mRNAs encoding major cytoskeletal components, beta-actin and alpha-tubulin, in mouse splenocytes. These findings suggest mechanisms through which polyamines may exert their effects on the cytoskeleton integrity.  相似文献   

The development of peroxisomes in the cells of Candida tropicalis grown on oleic acid was accompanied by a markedly high expression of peroxisomal proteins. On the basis of this finding, the nuclear DNA library of this yeast was screened by differential hybridization, and 102 clones of oleic acid-inducible sequences were isolated. Seven coding regions were found to form clusters in three stretches of the genomic DNA. Five of the regions were identified as genes for peroxisomal polypeptides (PXPs). The coding sequence for PXP-2 hybrid selected an additional mRNA for PXP-4, the subunit of long-chain acyl coenzyme A oxidase, which was the most abundant PXP. PXP-2 and PXP-4 were close in apparent molecular weight and generated similar peptides when digested with a protease. The gene for PXP-4 was adjacent to that for PXP-2 on the genome and also hybridized to the mRNA coding for PXP-5. These and other similar results suggest that the genes for the peroxisomal proteins of this organism arose by duplication of a few ancestral genes.  相似文献   

RNA localization is a regulated component of gene expression of fundamental importance in development and differentiation. Several RNA binding proteins involved in RNA localization during development in Drosophila have been identified, of which Y14, Mago, Pumilio, and IMP-1 are known to be expressed in adult mammalian intestine. The present study was undertaken to define the developmental and regional expression of these proteins, as well as Staufen-1, in mouse intestinal cells and in other tissues and cell lines using RT-PCR, and localization using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Staufen-1, Y14, Mago-m, and Pumilio-1 were expressed in intestinal epithelial cells of both villus and crypt and in Caco-2 and IEC-6 cells. In contrast, expression of IMP-1 was age- and region-specific, showing clear expression in distal fetal and newborn intestine, but very low or no expression in adult. The mRNAs were cytosolic, with more apical than basal expression in enterocytes. Staufen protein showed a similar localization pattern to that of its cognate mRNA. Overall, the data suggest an essential role for these proteins in intestinal cells. Age and regional expression of IMP-1 may indicate a role in regulation of site-specific translation of intestinal genes or in RNA localization.  相似文献   

The zfh-1 and zfh-2 genes of D. melanogaster encode novel proteins containing both homeodomain and C2-H2 zinc-finger DNA-binding motifs. Antisera against these proteins were used to investigate their expression patterns during embryonic development. The zfh-1 gene is expressed in the mesoderm of early embryos and in a number of mesodermally-derived structures of late embryos, including the dorsal vessel, support cells of the gonads, and segment-specific arrays of adult muscle precursors. In addition, zfh-1 is expressed in the majority of identified motor neurons of the developing CNS. The mesodermal zfh-1 expression requires the products of the twist and snail genes. The zfh-2 gene displays a more limited expression pattern, largely restricted to the CNS of late embryos. Ubiquitous zfh-1 expression in transgenic flies bearing an hsp70-zfh-1 construct has specific developmental consequences, including embryonic CNS defects as well as adult eye and bristle abnormalities. The expression patterns of zfh-1 and zfh-2 suggest that both genes may be involved in Drosophila neurogenesis and that zfh-1 may have additional functions in mesoderm development.  相似文献   

Genes that are expressed during leaf senescence in Brassica napus were identified by the isolation of representative cDNA clones. DNA sequence and deduced protein sequence from two senescence-related cDNAs, LSC94 and LSC222, representing genes that are expressed early in leaf senescence before any yellowing of the leaves is visible, showed similarities to genes for pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins: a PR-1a-like protein and a class IV chitinase, respectively. The LSC94 and LSC222 genes showed differential regulation with respect to each other; an increase in expression was detected at different times during development of healthy leaves. Expression of both genes was induced by salicylic acid treatment. These findings suggest that some PR genes, as well as being induced by pathogen infection, may have alternative functions during plant development, for example in the process of leaf senescence.  相似文献   

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