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Fineran  B. A. 《Protoplasma》1979,98(3):199-221
Summary The haustorium of the root hemi-parasiteExocarpus bidwillii has tracheary elements that contain protein granules suspended within the lumen of the cell. The differentiation of these graniferous tracheary elements has been studied by transmission electron microscopy based mainly on tracheary elements formed during secondary growth of the haustorium. The vascular cambium of the haustorium is unusual in differentiating tracheary elements and some parenchyma centripetally and a few parenchyma cells centrifugally but no phloem. The cambial initials contain the usual complement of organelles and in the active state vacuoles are small and the groundplasm of the cell is rather opaque. Differentiating tracheary elements are distinguished from developing parenchyma by the early appearance of granules within the cytoplasm and the presence of small vacuoles and only a few lipid bodies. The granules arise amid local masses of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and are initiated as small swellings of the cisternae in which the matrix material of the granule accumulates. Continuity between the membrane sac of the granule and ER is often maintained as small tubular connections. By the stage the cell is fully expanded the granules are well developed and during the subsequent phase of secondary wall formation they undergo only a small amount of growth. The secondary wall is initiated on the primary wall as low ridges that soon expand circumferentially into the stalked bands of the mature cell. Lignification begins early and spreads progressively centrifugally throughout the band. Microtubules are closely associated with the developing bands and dictyosomes are usually also common in the vicinity. Once the secondary wall thickenings are developed the cell enters a phase of senescence and the components of the protoplast, with the exception of the granules, become smaller and eventually disappear. Disintegration of cell contents occurs rapidly on disappearance of the tonoplast and the release of the contents of the vacuole into the cytoplasm. The granules remain unchanged throughout senescence and on death of the cell they persist as naked structures in the lumen.Sabbatical visitor 1977.  相似文献   

The xylem in the body of the haustorium of E. bidwillii has the shape of an inverted conical flask with the expanded portion being known as the vascular core. The tracheary elements of the vascular core are notable for the occurrence of numerous granules within their lumina and the presence of mostly imperforate walls. Elsewhere in the haustorium graniferous tracheary elements are absent and the cells are usually ordinary vessel elements. Thin sections for transmission electron microscopy, post-stained in potassium permanganate, show that the secondary wall thickenings of the graniferous tracheary elements consist of eccentric layers in which the microfibrils of each successive layer run alternately longitudinally and transversely. The granules of the tracheary elements average 2 micrometer in diameter and consist of a homogeneous matrix which shows a fine fibrillar structure on high resolution. The granules are naked and mostly remain as separate structures within the lumen of the cell, but occasionally they fuse into small groups or irregular masses. In some cells the granules become transformed into fibrillar material that disperses throughout the lumen. This dispersed material may accumulate in vessels of the interrupted zone proximal to the vascular core. Occasionally, the granules also change into compacted amorphous masses that adhere to the walls of the cell. Ultrastructural cytochemistry confirms that the granules are protein and not starch as was originally believed for the Santalaceae. The function of the vascular core and its graniferous tracheary elements is discussed and we suggest that it might help regulate the pressure and flow of xylem sap entering the parasite from the host. Graniferous tracheary elements in the Santalaceae and in root parasites of the Serophulariaceae are compared and it is concluded that they represent examples of convergent evolution.  相似文献   

Michael Nee 《Brittonia》1996,48(4):574-579
Acanthosyris asipapote, a new species from the vicinity of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, is described and illustrated. It is most similar to A. paulo-alvinii Barroso, known only from the state of Bahia, Brazil, but differs by leaf characters, pilose filaments, and smaller seeds. A key to the five woody genera and nine species of Santalaceae in South America is provided. Cervantesia, Jodina, and Myoschilos are probably monotypic; Santalum (in South America) has a single species, and Acanthosyris has five species.  相似文献   

Die Struktur der Kontaktorgane gleichen Entwicklungsstadiums ist bei den untersuchten Thesium-Arten jeweils gleichförmig, unabhängig davon, ob Wirtswurzeln verschiedener Art, Rhizome, Sprosse oder eigene Wurzeln attackiert werden. Vermutlich standortbedingt können an Haustorien manchmal spontan Wurzelhaare gebildet werden. Reaktionen der Wirtswurzeln treten sehr oft in Form von Verholzungen, Seitenwurzelbildung oder Wucherungen verschiedener Gewebe in Erscheinung. Vergleicht man die Haustorial-Strukturen der verschiedenen Thesium-Arten miteinander, so kann man — von Thesium alpinum ausgehend bis hin zu Thesium bavarum — einen zunehmenden Grad der Differenzierung der verschiedenen Haustorial-Gewebe erkennen. Der Haustorial-Kern ist in der Regel nur schwach entwickelt, da sich die Mehrzahl seiner Zellen bereits sehr früh zu Xylem-Elementen differenzieren. Im Zentrum des Haustoriums entsteht ein dreiteiliger “Xylem-Kern”. Von ihm und vom Zentralzylinder aus bilden sich Xylem-Leitbahnen, die später einen “Xylem-Stiel” bilden. Auch die Differenzierung von intrusiven Zellen zu Xylem-Leitbahnen geht über zahlreiche andere Xylem-Elemente vom Xylem-Kern aus. Das Xylem-System besteht aus Tracheen, Tracheiden, “Phloeotracheiden” und Xylem-Leitbahnen, die vermutlich mit Gerbsäure gefüllt sind. Das charakteristische Auftreten kollabierter Zellschichten ist von Haustorium zu Haustorium unterschiedlich. Solche “Trennlinien” kommen nicht nur im Rindenparenchym, sondern auch im zentralen Bereich des Haustoriums und im Endophyten vor. Zwischen den kollabierten Zellschichten entstehen zum Teil sehr große lakunenartige Hohlräume. In ihnen findet man oftmals große Mengen von Bakterien, die in das benachbarte Rindenparenchym vordringen können, und dort Zellen auflösen. Die Funktion des Haustoriums scheint dadurch jedoch nicht beeinträchtigt zu werden. Die Kontaktzellen der Haustorien sind unterschiedlicher Form; oftmals ist die Zellspitze fußartig verlängert, so daß eine Oberflächenvergrößerung erreicht wird. Der Endophyt “spaltet” den Wirts-Zentralzylinder und die noch nicht zu Xylem-Elementen differenzierten Kontaktzellen dringen fadenartig durch die Tüpfel in Wirtszellen und vergrößern sich dort zu “plasmatischen Protuberanzen”, bis der Zellraum vollständig von der intrusiven Zelle eingenommen ist. Erst dann differenziert sich die intrusive Zelle zur Xylem-Leit-bahn und “sprengt” die Wirtszelle. Die bei zahlreichen Santalaceen-Haustorien vorkommenden Drüsen konnten bei den Kontaktorganen von Thesium nicht gefunden werden. Wie bei zahlreichen Rhinanthoideen können auch bei Thesium Meta- und Warzenhaustorien vorkommen.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the habitat requirements and host specificity of three root parasites in the genus Thesium (T. linophyllon, T. bavarum and T. ebracteatum). We conducted a vegetation survey and tested whether some plant species occur significantly more often in plots with Thesium spp. than expected, thereby representing potential hosts of the parasites. To test if the potential hosts are the species to which Thesium is physically attached, we also conducted an excavating and sowing experiment. We found a positive association with surrounding species for T. linophyllon, but not for the other two species. The number of haustoria of T. linophyllon attached to roots of host species was significantly affected by the number of roots of the surrounding species and by their identity (species, family and plant group). Thesium was, however, attached to 94% of all species occurring in the plots. We suggest that Thesium spp. do not specifically select hosts, but rather occur in microhabitats with specific conditions. This conclusion is also supported by the fact that there were differences in the microhabitats with and without Thesium and that germination of Thesium in the sowing experiment was higher in pots without any host. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 164 , 394–408.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Thesium chinense is a hemiparasitic plant that is common in grassland habitats of eastern Asia. Although the physiology of Thesium has been well studied in attempts to control its weedy habit, there have been few ecological investigations of its parasitic life history. Thesium chinense is thought to parasitize species of Poaceae, but evidence remains circumstantial.


A vegetation survey was conducted to test whether any plant species occurs significantly more often in plots with T. chinense than expected. In addition, haustorial connections were examined directly by excavating the roots and post-attachment host selectivity was evaluated by comparing the observed numbers of haustoria on different hosts against those expected according to the relative below-ground biomass. Haustorium sizes were also compared among host species.

Key Results

Only two of the 38 species recorded, Lespedeza juncea and Eragrostis curvula, occurred more often in plots with Thesium than expected. In contrast to this, T. chinense parasitized 22 plant species in 11 families, corresponding to 57·9 % of plant species found at the study site. Haustoria were non-randomly distributed among host species, suggesting that there is some post-attachment host selectivity. Thesium chinense generally preferred the Poaceae, although haustoria formed on the Fabaceae were larger than those on other hosts.


This is the first quantitative investigation of the host range and selectivity of hemiparasitic plants of the Santalales. The preference for Fabaceae as hosts may be linked to the greater nutrient availability in these nitrogen-fixing plants.Key words: Haustorium, hemiparasite, host range, host selectivity, Santalaceae, Thesium chinense  相似文献   

Inmaculada Fernández 《Grana》2013,52(4-5):308-310
The type and position of the particular apertural system in Thesium divaricatum has been discussed. The study of the exine stratification shows a discontinous endexine that can be explained by the harmomegathic efficiency hypothesis to accomodate volume changes, caused by climatic variation.  相似文献   

In the haustorium of Osyris arborea (a non-host specific roothemi-parasite) a distinct interrupted zone is present abovethe vascular core. The majority of the xylem elements in thevascular core are perforated. Graniferous tracheary elementsin this species are recorded for the first time. Cytochemicaltests showed the granules to be proteinaceous. The suggestedfunction of graniferous tracheary elements in the regulationof pressure and flow of sap is discussed. Osyris arborea, root hemi-parasite, Santalaceae, haustorium, graniferous tracheary elements, protein granules  相似文献   

Based on the geographical distribution of the species of Phacellaria and its host plants in the world,we speculated on the possible time,sites,and migration of the origin of Phacellaria.The host plants of Phacellaria mainly belong to Loranthaceae.Plants of Phacellaria and their hosts are mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical areas.The plants of Phacellaria might have originated from a tropical area in the south of China before the Tertiary.Their ancestors were parasitic on the ancestors of some plants of Loranthaceae by chance during the Tertiary.It possibly took them millions of years to form a sturdy relationship with their hosts.  相似文献   

Osyris alba L. is a widespread dioecious hemiparasitic shrub of S Europe, N Africa, and SW Asia. Male inflorescences are multiflowered whereas each female inflorescence is reduced to a single flower with persistent enlarged bracts. Pollination is a prerequisite for fruit and seed development and wind is unlikely to be an effective means of pollen spread. In southern Italy pollen is transported by small unspecialized flies and beetles. Both male and female flowers produce an indistinguishable sweet odour. Male flowers are produced in large numbers and over a larger period than the females and provide pollen, nectar, and staminal hairs as rewards for pollinators. The presence and function of staminal hairs with tip cells inOsyris alba has been reported for the first time. Female flowers are rewardless, producing neither mature pollen, nectar nor staminal hairs, but possess three modified yellow indehiscent anthers containing no viable pollen which may provide a strong visual feeding stimulus for pollinators. It is suggested that pollinators are attracted by deceit to female flowers by mimicry of the males and the floral mimicry is, therefore, intraspecific and intersexual. The floral characteristics and flowering phenology of male and female plants are consistent with this kind of mimicry. The female flower possesses a tricarpellary ovary with three ovules of which only one develops. The single seed, containing a small embryo and a large, rich endosperm, is borne in a red fleshy bird-dispersed fruit. The reduction in seed number per flower to one highly nutrient-invested seed, together with a reduction of the multiflowered inflorescence to a solitary flower and the sequential production of ripe fruits over an extended fruiting season, suggest that the female function is markedly resource-limited. It is suggested that, although all the reproductive characteristics present inOsyris alba, as well as hemiparasitism, had probably evolved before the end of the tropical Tertiary, they are of adaptive advantage in the nutrient and water-limited environment of the Mediterranean maquis.  相似文献   

John I. Yoder 《Planta》1997,202(4):407-413
Parasitic plants use host molecules to trigger developmental programs essential for parasitism. One such program governs the initiation, development, and function of haustoria, parasite-specific organs responsible for attachment and invasion of host tissues. Haustoria development can be initiated by several different molecules produced by appropriate host species. We are interested in understanding how these signals are interpreted by two related facultative parasites, Triphysaria eriantha (Benth.) Chuang and Heckard, and T. versicolor Fischer and C. Meyer, to distinguish their own roots from those of potential hosts. We used an in vitro bioassay to determine what proportion of different Triphysaria populations formed haustoria in the presence and absence of closely related and unrelated host species. We found that the proportion of plants with haustoria was the same whether the plants were grown in isolation or with a conspecific host. In contrast, a significantly higher proportion of plants made haustoria when the host was a congeneric Triphysaria. Plants with haustoria neither enhanced nor inhibited other plants' propensity to form haustoria. Together these results indicate that qualitative differences exist in haustorium-inducing factors exuded by closely related species. The highest proportion of Triphysaria had haustoria when grown with Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Even in this case, however, some Triphysaria failed to develop haustoria. Interestingly, the percentage of haustoria that had vessel elements was higher when connections were made with Arabidopsis than with another Triphysaria. These results demonstrate that host recognition can be manifested at multiple points in haustorium development. Received: 18 December 1996 / Accepted: 14 February 1997  相似文献   

西瓜胚乳吸器的发育及ATP酶的超微细胞化学定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王秀玲  张恒悦等 《西北植物学报》2001,21(2):301-305,T013,T014
报道了西瓜(Citrullus lanatus)胚乳吸器发育过程,并对胚乳吸器细胞中的ATP酶进行了超微细胞化学定位,球形胚早期,胚囊合点端的壁伸长发育成一管状胚乳吸器,进而吸器靠近乳本体端膨大为囊状,球形胚晚期吸器自珠孔端向合点端逐渐细胞化,胚分化出子叶时,胚乳吸器自合点端向珠孔端退化,在刚形成的胚乳吸器细胞中,ATP酶活性反应主要分布在细胞的核膜,内质网上,胞间连丝和吸器细胞壁内的小球状物上也有较强的ATP酶活性反应;在开始退化的吸器细胞中,核膜上的ATP酶性的反应减弱较早,内质网稍晚,进一步退化的胚乳吸器细胞中,ATP酶主要集中分布在细胞壁,细胞间隙内,核上几乎没有ATP酶性反应,内质网上仅有微弱的ATP酶反应。  相似文献   

Results of the first genus-wide phylogenetic analysis for Santalum (Santalaceae), using a combination of 18S-26S nuclear ribosomal (ITS, ETS) and chloroplast (3' trnK intron) DNA sequences, provide new perspectives on relationships and biogeographic patterns among the widespread and economically important sandalwoods. Congruent trees based on maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods support an origin of Santalum in Australia and at least five putatively bird-mediated, long-distance dispersal events out of Australia, with two colonizations of Melanesia, two of the Hawaiian Islands, and one of the Juan Fernandez Islands. The phylogenetic data also provide the best available evidence for plant dispersal out of the Hawaiian Islands to the Bonin Islands and eastern Polynesia. Inability to reject rate constancy of Santalum ITS evolution and use of fossil-based calibrations yielded estimates for timing of speciation and colonization events in the Pacific, with dates of 1.0-1.5 million yr ago (Ma) and 0.4-0.6 Ma for onset of diversification of the two Hawaiian lineages. The results indicate that the previously recognized sections Polynesica, Santalum, and Solenantha, the widespread Australian species S. lanceolatum, and the Hawaiian species S. freycinetianum are not monophyletic and need taxonomic revision, which is currently being pursued.  相似文献   

Based on the geographical distribution of the species of Phacellaria and its host plants in the world, we speculated on the possible time, sites, and migration of the origin of Phacellaria. The host plants of Phacellaria mainly belong to Loranthaceae. Plants of Phacellaria and their hosts are mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical areas. The plants of Phacellariamight have originated from a tropical area in the south of China before the Tertiary. Their ancestors were parasitic on the ancestors of some plants of Loranthaceae by chance during the Tertiary. It possibly took them millions of years to form a sturdy relationship with their hosts. Translated from Guihaia, 2005, 25(2) (in Chinese)  相似文献   

Brian A. Fineran 《Protoplasma》1996,194(1-2):40-53
Summary Flange cells are an unusual type of parenchyma cells with an open reticulate pattern of secondary wall thickenings. The cells superficially resemble tracheary elements but are otherwise fundamentally different. Flange cells were found in haustorial sucker tissue of the dwarf mistletoeKorthalsella. Such cells were previously unknown for a mistletoe, or other parasitic angiosperm. Flange cells are confined to the xylem of the sucker and occur as either diffuse aggregates amongst the ordinary parenchyma tissue lying between the tracts of vessels, or abut the vessels. Typical flange cells are absent at the parasite/host xylem interface. The cells contain a well differentiated protoplast, including chloroplasts with extensive granal stacks. Histochemical staining and fluorescence microscopy indicate lignification of the flange wall. In thin section, the flange wall is often stratified into dark and light staining layers. Flange cells inKorthalsella resemble contact cells, vessel associated cells and certain types of transfer cells reported in the literature. Based on morphological considerations, it is suggested that flange cells inKorthalsella are involved in absorption and transport between host and parasite. As host sap moves through the sucker apoplasm, substance might be selectively absorbed by the flange cell, before the remaining the sap passes into the vessels for long distance transport in the mistletoe.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Rainer Kollmann on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Microsatellite primers were developed for the first time in the native Australian sandalwood species Santalum lanceolatum. ? Methods and Results: Using an enrichment cloning protocol, five novel polymorphic codominant loci were developed and characterized in S. lanceolatum and S. leptocladum. In addition to these, three existing microsatellite loci from other sandalwood species were successfully amplified and characterized for S. lanceolatum and S. leptocladum. Among the eight loci, allelic diversity ranged from 4 to 29. ? Conclusions: Primers will be useful for studies of clonality, genetic diversity and spatial genetic structure in wild populations. When coupled with other molecular techniques will help investigate the relationship between S. lanceolatum and S. leptocladum, species of commercial and conservation interest.  相似文献   

The anatomical and ultrastructural development of the haustorium of the Cuscuta japonica, a holoparasitic angiosperm, growing on the host plant Impatiens balsamina was studied. After the shoot tips of light-grown parasite seedlings contacted the host, the upper haustorium (external to the host organ) developed through three main successive stages of the haustorial initials, the meristem, and the endophyte primoridium (EP) within the middle layer of the cortex of the parasite stem. The haustorial initial cells were characterized by abundant starch-bearing amyloplasts and mitochondria with an expanded intermembrane space. The meristem cells had numerous large chloroplasts with well-developed thylakoids, reflecting the capability for photosynthesis. Commonly, all three stages of haustorial cells contained conspicuous, large nuclei with enlarged nucleoli and dense cytoplasm including many other organelles, indicating a very active metabolism. In the final stage of upper haustorium development, the meristem cells differentiated into the EP, a host-penetrating tissue. The primordium had smaller file cells at the proximal end and elongate digitate cells at the distal end. The file cells divided actively, while the digitate cells contained abundant chloroplasts, dictyosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and other organelles, suggesting that the EP was cytohistologically well organized for penetration into the host tissue.  相似文献   

The investigation of the alkaloid extracts of the hemiparasitic plant Osyris alba, collected from three different localities in southern France, revealed the concomitant presence of both pyrrolizidine (PA) and quinolizidine (QA) alkaloids in the samples from two of these localities. The sample from the third locality contained only PAs. The eight QAs identified were sparteine, N-methylcytisine, cytisine, methyl-12-cytisine acetate, hydroxy-N-methylcytisine, N-acetylcytisine, lupanine, and anagyrine. Of the eleven detected PAs, eight were identified as chysin A, chysin B, 1-carboxypyrrolizidine-7-olide, senecionine, integerrimine, retrorsine, senecivernine and a new alkaloid janfestine (7R-hydroxychysin A or 1R-carbomethoxy-7R-hydroxypyrrolizidine). PAs were mainly present as their N-oxides This is, to our knowledge, the first report demonstrating the simultaneous presence of two classes of alkaloids, quinolizidine and pyrrolizidine alkaloids, in a single parasitic plant. As these alkaloids do not occur in the same host plant, the results indicate that Osyris must have tapped more than one host plant concomitantly. Since both quinolizidine and pyrrolizidine alkaloids serve as defence compounds against herbivores, affecting different molecular targets, the simultaneous acquisition of the two types of alkaloids by a single plant could provide a novel mode of defence of hemiparasites against herbivores.  相似文献   

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