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The C terminus of CFTR contains a PDZ interacting domain that is required for the polarized expression of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in the apical plasma membrane of polarized epithelial cells. To elucidate the mechanism whereby the PDZ interacting domain mediates the polarized expression of CFTR, Madin-Darby canine kidney cells were stably transfected with wild type (wt-CFTR) or C-terminally truncated human CFTR (CFTR-DeltaTRL). We tested the hypothesis that the PDZ interacting domain regulates sorting of CFTR from the Golgi to the apical plasma membrane. Pulse-chase studies in combination with domain-selective cell surface biotinylation revealed that newly synthesized wt-CFTR and CFTR-DeltaTRL were targeted equally to the apical and basolateral membranes in a nonpolarized fashion. Thus, the PDZ interacting domain is not an apical sorting motif. Deletion of the PDZ interacting domain reduced the half-life of CFTR in the apical membrane from approximately 24 to approximately 13 h but had no effect on the half-life of CFTR in the basolateral membrane. Thus, the PDZ interacting domain is an apical membrane retention motif. Next, we examined the hypothesis that the PDZ interacting domain affects the apical membrane half-life of CFTR by altering its endocytosis and/or endocytic recycling. Endocytosis of wt-CFTR and CFTR-DeltaTRL did not differ. However, endocytic recycling of CFTR-DeltaTRL was decreased when compared with wt-CFTR. Thus, deletion of the PDZ interacting domain reduced the half-life of CFTR in the apical membrane by decreasing CFTR endocytic recycling. Our results identify a new role for PDZ proteins in regulating the endocytic recycling of CFTR in polarized epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) has been known for the past 11 years to be a membrane glycoprotein with chloride channel activity. Only recently has the glycosylation of CFTR been examined in detail, by O'Riordan et al in Glycobiology. Using cells that overexpress wild-type (wt)CFTR, the presence of polylactosamine was noted on the fully glycosylated form of CFTR. In the present commentary the results of that work are discussed in relation to the glycosylation phenotype of cystic fibrosis (CF), and the cellular localization and processing of ΔF508 CFTR. The significance of the glycosylation will be known when endogenous CFTR from primary human tissue is examined.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a chloride channel that undergoes endocytosis through clathrin-coated pits. Previously, we demonstrated that Y1424A is important for CFTR endocytosis (Prince, L. S., Peter, K., Hatton, S. R., Zaliauskiene, L., Cotlin, L. F., Clancy, J. P., Marchase, R. B., and Collawn, J. F. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 3602-3609). Here we show that a second substitution in the carboxyl-terminal tail of CFTR, I1427A, on Y1424A background more than doubles CFTR surface expression as monitored by surface biotinylation. Internalization assays indicate that enhanced surface expression of Y1424A,I1427A CFTR is caused by a 76% inhibition of endocytosis. Patch clamp recording of chloride channel activity revealed that there was a corresponding increase in chloride channel activity of Y1424A,I1427A CFTR, consistent with the elevated surface expression, and no change in CFTR channel properties. Y14124A showed an intermediate phenotype compared with the double mutation, both in terms of surface expression and chloride channel activity. Metabolic pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that the two mutations did not affect maturation efficiency or protein half-life. Taken together, our data show that there is an internalization signal in the COOH terminus of CFTR that consists of Tyr(1424)-X-X-Ile(1427) where both the tyrosine and the isoleucine are essential residues. This signal regulates CFTR surface expression but not CFTR biogenesis, degradation, or chloride channel function.  相似文献   

System A, the Na(+)-dependent amino acid transport activity, is encoded by the ATA2 gene and up-regulated following partial hepatectomy (PH), and its competitive inhibition interferes with liver regeneration. Rabbit polyclonal antibody was raised against a portion of the ATA2 gene product followed by immunodetection of ATA2 in isolated liver plasma membrane and lysate. The level of ATA2 increased in the plasma membrane following PH, while the relatively high quantity of ATA2 found in liver lysate remained constant. We also have shown that Northern analysis of steady-state ATA2 mRNA revealed no significant change following PH. These data show that ATA2-mediated transport is not regulated by the steady-state level of ATA2 mRNA but is regulated by the amount of ATA2 and redistribution to the plasma membrane. We hypothesize that ATA2 activity is regulated by recruitment of ATA2 protein from an intracellular compartment. In addition, the pattern of expression of System A activity in oocytes, transport kinetics, and sensitivity to chemical modification indicate the presence of a second System A isoform in liver that differs substantially from ATA2.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) contains a conserved tyrosine-based internalization motif, (1424)YDSI, which interacts with the endocytic clathrin adaptor complex, AP-2, and is required for its efficient endocytosis. Although direct interactions between several endocytic sequences and the medium chain and endocytic clathrin adaptor complexes have been shown by protein-protein interaction assays, whether all these interactions occur in vivo or are physiologically important has not always been addressed. Here we show, using both in vitro and in vivo assays, a physiologically relevant interaction between CFTR and the mu subunit of AP-2. Cross-linking experiments were performed using photoreactive peptides containing the YDSI motif and purified adaptor complexes. CFTR peptides cross-linked a 50-kDa subunit of purified AP-2 complexes, the apparent molecular mass of mu 2. Furthermore, isolated mu 2 bound to the sorting motif, YDSI, both in cross-linking experiments and glutathione S-transferase pull-down experiments, confirming that mu 2 mediates the interaction between CFTR and AP-2 complexes. Inducible overexpression of dominant-negative mu 2 in HeLa cells results in AP-2 complexes that fail to interact with CFTR. Moreover, internalization of CFTR in mutant cells is greatly reduced compared with wild type HeLa cells. These results indicate that the AP-2 endocytic complex selectively interacts with the conserved tyrosine-based internalization signal in the carboxyl terminus of CFTR, YDSI. Furthermore, this interaction is mediated by the mu 2 subunit of AP-2 and mutations in mu 2 that block its interaction with YDSI inhibit the incorporation of CFTR into the clathrin-mediated endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

Tector M  Hartl FU 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(22):6290-6298
The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), a chloride channel with 12 membrane-spanning sequences, undergoes inefficient maturation in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Potentially charged residues in transmembrane segments may contribute to this defect in biogenesis. We demonstrate that transmembrane segment 6 of CFTR, which contains three basic amino acids, is extremely unstable in the lipid bilayer upon membrane insertion in vitro and in vivo. However, two distinct mechanisms counteract this anchoring deficiency: (i) the ribosome and the ER translocon co-operate to prevent transmembrane segment 6 from passing through the membrane co- translationally; and (ii) cytosolic domains of the ion channel post-translationally maintain this segment of CFTR in a membrane-spanning topology. Although these mechanisms are essential for successful completion of CFTR biogenesis, inefficiencies in their function retard the maturation of the protein. It seems possible that some of the disease-causing mutations in CFTR may reduce the efficiency of proper membrane anchoring of the protein.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations inthe cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene.CFTR is a chloride channel whose activity requires protein kinaseA-dependent phosphorylation of an intracellular regulatory domain(R-domain) and ATP hydrolysis at the nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs).To identify potential sites of domain-domain interaction within CFTR,we expressed, purified, and refolded histidine (His)- andglutathione-S-transferase (GST)-tagged cytoplasmic domainsof CFTR. ATP-binding to his-NBD1 and his-NBD2 was demonstrated bymeasuring tryptophan fluorescence quenching. Trypticdigestion of in vitro phosphorylated his-NBD1-R and in situphosphorylated CFTR generated the same phosphopeptides. An interactionbetween NBD1-R and NBD2 was assayed by tryptophan fluorescencequenching. Binding among all pairwise combinations of R-domain, NBD1,and NBD2 was demonstrated with an overlay assay. To identifyspecific sites of interaction between domains of CFTR, an overlay assaywas used to probe an overlapping peptide library spanning allintracellular regions of CFTR with his-NBD1, his-NBD2, andGST-R-domain. By mapping peptides from NBD1 and NBD2 that bound toother intracellular domains onto crystal structures for HisP, MalK, andRad50, probable sites of interaction between NBD1 and NBD2 wereidentified. Our data support a model where NBDs form dimers with theATP-binding sites at the domain-domain interface.


Phosphorylation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Regulation of epithelial chloride flux, which is defective in patients with cystic fibrosis, may be mediated by phosphorylation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) or protein kinase C (PKC). Part of the R-domain of CFTR (termed CF-2) was expressed in and purified from Escherichia coli. CF-2 was phosphorylated on seryl residues by PKA, PKC, cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG), and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I (CaM kinase I). Direct amino acid sequencing and peptide mapping of CF-2 revealed that serines 660, 700, 737, and 813 as well as serine 768, serine 795, or both were phosphorylated by PKA and PKG, and serines 686 and 790 were phosphorylated by PKC. CFTR was phosphorylated in vitro by PKA, PKC, or PKG on the same sites that were phosphorylated in CF-2. Kinetic analysis of phosphorylation of CF-2 and of synthetic peptides confirmed that these sites were excellent substrates for PKA, PKC, or PKG. CFTR was immunoprecipitated from T84 cells labeled with 32Pi. Its phosphorylation was stimulated in response to agents that activated either PKA or PKC. Peptide mapping confirmed that CFTR was phosphorylated at several sites identified in vitro. Thus, regulation of CFTR is likely to occur through direct phosphorylation of the R-domain by protein kinases stimulated by different second messenger pathways.  相似文献   

Cheung JC  Deber CM 《Biochemistry》2008,47(6):1465-1473
Understanding the structural basis for defects in protein function that underlie protein-based genetic diseases is the fundamental requirement for development of therapies. This situation is epitomized by the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)-the gene product known to be defective in CF patients-that appears particularly susceptible to misfolding when its biogenesis is hampered by mutations at critical loci. While the primary CF-related defect in CFTR has been localized to deletion of nucleotide binding fold (NBD1) residue Phe508, an increasing number of mutations (now ca. 1,500) are being associated with CF disease of varying severity. Hundreds of these mutations occur in the CFTR transmembrane domain, the site of the protein's chloride channel. This report summarizes our current knowledge on how mutation-dependent misfolding of the CFTR protein is recognized on the cellular level; how specific types of mutations can contribute to the misfolding process; and describes experimental approaches to detecting and elucidating the structural consequences of CF-phenotypic mutations.  相似文献   

The most common mutation in cystic fibrosis (deletion of Phe-508 in the first nucleotide binding domain (DeltaF508)) in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) causes retention of the mutant protein in the endoplasmic reticulum. We previously showed that the DeltaF508 mutation causes the CFTR protein to be retained in the endoplasmic reticulum in an inactive and structurally altered state. Proper packing of the transmembrane (TM) segments is critical for function because the TM segments form the chloride channel. Here we tested whether the DeltaF508 mutation altered packing of the TM segments by disulfide cross-linking analysis between TM6 and TM12 in wild-type and DeltaF508 CFTRs. These TM segments were selected because TM6 appears to line the chloride channel, and cross-linking between these TM segments has been observed in the CFTR sister protein, the multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein. We first mapped potential contact points in wild-type CFTR by cysteine mutagenesis and thiol cross-linking analysis. Disulfide cross-linking was detected in CFTR mutants M348C(TM6)/T1142C(TM12), T351C(TM6)/T1142C(TM12), and W356C(TM6)/W1145C(TM12) in a wild-type background. The disulfide cross-linking occurs intramolecularly and was reducible by dithiothreitol. Introduction of the DeltaF508 mutation into these cysteine mutants, however, abolished cross-linking. The results suggest that the DeltaF508 mutation alters interactions between the TM domains. Therefore, a potential target to correct folding defects in the DeltaF508 mutant of CFTR is to identify compounds that promote correct folding of the TM domains.  相似文献   

Defective cAMP-stimulated chloride conductance of the plasma membrane of epithelial cell is the hallmark of cystic fibrosis (CF) and results from mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, CFTR. In the majority of CF patients, mutations in the CFTR lead to its misfolding and premature degradation at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Other mutations impair the cAMP-dependent activation or the ion conductance of CFTR chloride channel. In the present work we identify a novel mechanism leading to reduced expression of CFTR at the cell surface, caused by C-terminal truncations. The phenotype of C-terminally truncated CFTR, representing naturally occurring premature termination and frameshift mutations, were examined in transient and stable heterologous expression systems. Whereas the biosynthesis, processing, and macroscopic chloride channel function of truncated CFTRs are essentially normal, the degradation rate of the mature, complex-glycosylated form is 5- to 6-fold faster than the wild type CFTR. These experiments suggest that the C terminus has a central role in maintaining the metabolic stability of the complex-glycosylated CFTR following its exit from the ER and provide a plausible explanation for the severe phenotype of CF patients harboring C-terminal truncations.  相似文献   

Mismanaged protein trafficking by the proteostasis network contributes to several conformational diseases, including cystic fibrosis, the most frequent lethal inherited disease in Caucasians. Proteostasis regulators, as cystamine, enable the beneficial action of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) potentiators in ΔF508-CFTR airways beyond drug washout. Here we tested the hypothesis that functional CFTR protein can sustain its own plasma membrane (PM) stability. Depletion or inhibition of wild-type CFTR present in bronchial epithelial cells reduced the availability of the small GTPase Rab5 by causing Rab5 sequestration within the detergent-insoluble protein fraction together with its accumulation in aggresomes. CFTR depletion decreased the recruitment of the Rab5 effector early endosome antigen 1 to endosomes, thus reducing the local generation of phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate. This diverts recycling of surface proteins, including transferrin receptor and CFTR itself. Inhibiting CFTR function also resulted in its ubiquitination and interaction with SQSTM1/p62 at the PM, favoring its disposal. Addition of cystamine prevented the recycling defect of CFTR by enhancing BECN1 expression and reducing SQSTM1 accumulation. Our results unravel an unexpected link between CFTR protein and function, the latter regulating the levels of CFTR surface expression in a positive feed-forward loop, and highlight CFTR as a pivot of proteostasis in bronchial epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Expression of thecystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), and of atleast one other member of the ATP-binding cassette family of transportproteins, P-glycoprotein, is associated with the electrodiffusionalmovement of the nucleotide ATP. Evidence directly implicating CFTRexpression with ATP channel activity, however, is still missing. Hereit is reported that reconstitution into a lipid bilayer of highlypurified CFTR of human epithelial origin enables the permeation of bothCl and ATP. Similar topreviously reported data for in vivo ATP currents of CFTR-expressingcells, the reconstituted channels displayed competition betweenCl and ATP and had multipleconductance states in the presence of Cl and ATP. PurifiedCFTR-mediated ATP currents were activated by protein kinase A and ATP(1 mM) from the "intracellular" side of the molecule and wereinhibited by diphenylamine-2-carboxylate, glibenclamide, and anti-CFTRantibodies. The absence of CFTR-mediated electrodiffusional ATPmovement may thus be a relevant component of the pleiotropic cysticfibrosis phenotype.


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is considered to be a monogenic disease caused by molecular lesions within the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene and is diagnosed by elevated sweat electrolytes. We have investigated the clinical manifestations of cystic fibrosis, CFTR genetics and electrophysiology in a sibpair in which the brother is being treated as having CF, whereas his sister is asymptomatic. The diagnosis of CF in the index patient is based on highly elevated sweat electrolytes in the presence of CF-related pulmonary symptoms. The investigation of chloride conductance in respiratory and intestinal tissue by nasal potential difference and intestinal current measurements, respectively, provides no evidence for CFTR dysfunction in the siblings who share the same CFTR alleles. No molecular lesion has been identified in the CFTR gene of the brother. Findings in the investigated sibpair point to the existence of a CF-like disease with a positive sweat test without CFTR being affected. Other factors influencing sodium or chloride transport are likely to be the cause of the symptoms in the patient described. Received: 25 August 1997 / Accepted: 20 January 1998  相似文献   

We have investigated several purification strategies for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) based on its structural similarity to other proteins of the traffic ATPase/ABC transporter family. Recombinant CFTR expressed in heterologous cells was readily solubilized by digitonin and initially separated from the majority of other cellular proteins by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. CFTR, with two predicted nucleotide binding domains, bound avidly to several triazine dye columns, although elution with MgATP, MgCl2, or high ionic strength buffers was inefficient. CFTR did not bind to either ATP or ADP coupled to agarose. Because CFTR is a glycoprotein we investigated its binding to lectin columns. CFTR bound readily to wheat germ agglutinin, but poorly to Lens culinaris agglutinin. CFTR was enriched 9-10 times when eluted from wheat germ agglutinin with N-acetylglucosamine. This enrichment was tripled if lectin chromatography followed sucrose gradient centrifugation. Our results suggest the combination of sucrose density gradient centrifugation and lectin chromatography would be a satisfactory approach to initial purification of CFTR expressed in heterologous cells.  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a well known environmental endocrine disruptor that may cause human prostate cancer through disturbing cell mitosis, proliferation, and apoptosis. As one of the most important anion channels in organisms, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is proposed as a tumor suppressor in carcinogenesis and development of prostate cancer in recent studies. Whether CFTR plays a role in BPA-induced prostate cancer needs to be further identified. In this study, two prostate cancer cell lines PC-3 and LNCaP were exposed to BPA for detecting the cytotoxic reactions by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. After the treatment with BPA for 24 hours, the cell viability was decreased significantly with increased cell apoptosis in the two cell lines. Moreover, both PC-3 and LNCaP cells had a reduced expression level of cAMP, CFTR, and adenosine triphosphate upon BPA treatment. In addition, AMPKα kinase was found upregulated to promote cell apoptosis through increasing Bax expression and decreasing Bcl-2 expression. Our study suggests a role and mechanism of CFTR in BPA-induced prostate cancer via cell apoptosis for the first time.  相似文献   

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