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Epigenetic phenomena have been associated with the regulation of active and silent chromatin states achieved by modifications of chromatin structure through DNA methylation, and histone post-translational modifications. The latter is accomplished, in part, through the action of PcG (Polycomb group) protein complexes which methylate nucleosomal histone tails at specific sites, ultimately leading to chromatin compaction and gene silencing. Different PcG complex variants operating during different developmental stages have been described in plants. In particular, the so-called FIE/MEA/FIS2 complex governs the expression of genes important in embryo and endosperm development in Arabidopsis. In our effort to understand the epigenetic mechanisms regulating seed development in barley (Hordeum vulgare), an agronomically important monocot plant cultivated for its endosperm, we set out to characterize the genes encoding barley PcG proteins.  相似文献   

Three wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) mutants that lacked dormancyat maturity were isolated from an ethylmethane sulphonate-treatedpopulation of a dormant red-grained line, Kitakei-1354 (Kitakei).The three mutants (EH47-1, EH47-2-5 and EH47-2-6) were selectedin segregating generations derived from one M2 plant. They differin morphological and physiological characteristics, showingthat these mutants contained several mutations besides non-dormancy.Despite these differences, embryos of all the mutants rapidlylost sensitivity to abscisic acid (ABA) during the later halfof seed maturation while Kitakei embryos maintained the sensitivityeven after maturity. These results suggest that embryo sensitivityto ABA plays a key role in seed dormancy. The profile of ABAcontent of EH47-1 embryos during seed development was similarto that of Kitakei, except for a significantly lower level at30 d after pollination (DAP). This reduced level of ABA at DAP30is discussed in relation to the development of seed dormancyand ABA sensitivity of the embryos. Segregation ratios for non-dormancyin progeny of EH47-1Kitakei crosses suggest that the non-dormancyof EH47-1 is a single dominant mutation. Key words: Abscisic acid, wheat, seed dormancy, inheritance, mutant  相似文献   

We measured ABA content and sensitivity in bulblels of Lilium speciosum Thunb , regenerating from scale explants in vitro at temperatures (15, 20 or 25°C) that allowed the development of various levels of dormancy (very low, intermediate or high, respectively). The one-step purification and the accuracy of the immunoassay were confirmed by HPLC and by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. ABA content was not correlated with dormancy development. Sensitivity to ABA was determined as the difference in sprouting performance of excised bulblets on medium with and without ABA. In bulblets regenerating at 20 or 25°C. ABA sensitivity was high during the period of dormancy establishment and decreased thereafter. Dormant hulblets were almost completely insensitive to ABA. The changes in sensitivity to ABA were confirmed by measuring the level of ABA in bulblets at the time of sprouting. This level was, as expected, highest in bulhlels with low ABA-sensitivity. Briefly cold-treated bulblets, in which dormancy may he re-established by culture at 20°C, again became sensitive to ABA. ABA sensitivity decreased with increasing temperature bulblets that regenerated at I5°C and hardly developed any dormancy, were very sensitive to ABA. It was concluded that in addition to ABA sensitivity another, still unknown, factor played a key role in dormancy development.  相似文献   

Dry weight, protein, total free amino acids, levels of nitrogen assimilation, enzymes GDH, GOT and glutamate synthase, hydrolytic enzymes protease and amylase, peroxidase and nitrate reductase have been studied in high lysine barley mutant Notch-2 and its parents, NP 113 grains, during development. Dry weight and protein per grain was higher in NP 113 throughout development. The decrease in protein in Notch-2 mutant is neither due to limitation of amino acids nor to any of the key nitrogen assimilating enzymes as evident from the higher level of free amino acids, nitrate reductase and comparable levels of GDH, GOT and glutamate synthase in it as compared to its parent NP 113. During later stages of development, protease level between NP 113 and Notch-2 was nearly the same. Notch-2 had a lower level of amylase activity per grain. Peroxidase activity was higher in Notch-2 than NP 113 at and after the 17 day stage.  相似文献   

A soluble acetyl-CoA carboxylase in homogenates of leaves from wild-type barley seedlings was studied. Centrifuging the homogenate at 150,000 X g did not reduce the total activity, but raised the specific activity. During chloroplast development in light-grown seedlings or during light-dependent greening of leaves grown in the dark, both the total activity of the carboxylase per plant and the specific activity per mg of protein in homogenates of the seedlings increased rapidly. The soluble leaf acetyl-CoA carboxylase was studied in a number of barley mutants with lesions in chloroplast development. In a group of three mutants light elicited an increase in acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity as in the wild-type. In two mutants light caused a decrease in activity. Dark-grown leaves of mutant albina-f17 contained levels of soluble acetyl-CoA carboxylase reached only in the light by the wild-type, whereas light-grown albina-f17 seedlings lacked carboxylase activities. The possibility is discussed that leaf cells contain two forms of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, one soluble with unknown location and a dissociable form located in the chloroplast.  相似文献   

The main aims of the present work were to investigate whether a chilling treatment which breaks dormancy of Douglas fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seeds induces changes in the sensitivity of seeds to exogenous ABA or in ABA levels in the embryo and the megagametophyte, and whether these changes are related to the breaking of dormancy. Dormant seeds germinated very slowly within a narrow range of temperatures (20–30°C), the thermal optimum being approximately 25°C. The seeds were also very sensitive to oxygen deprivation. Treatment of dormant seeds at 5°C improved further germination, and resulted in a widening of the temperature range within which germination occurred and in better germination in low oxygen concentrations. In dry dormant seeds the embryo contained about one-third of the ABA in the megagametophyte. ABA content of both organs increased during the first 4 weeks of chilling. It then decreased sharply in the megagametophyte to the level in the embryo after 7–15 weeks of chilling. At 15°C, a temperature at which dormancy was expressed, the ABA level increased in the embryo and the megagametophyte of dormant unchilled seeds whereas it decreased in the organs of chilled seeds. The longer the chilling treatment, the faster the decrease in ABA after the transfer of seeds from 5°C to higher temperatures, and the decrease was faster at 25 than at 15°C. These results suggest that the breaking of dormancy by cold was associated with a lower capacity of ABA biosynthesis and/or a higher ABA catabolism in the seeds subsequently placed at 15 or 25°C. Moreover, the chilling treatment resulted in a progressive decrease in the sensitivity of seeds to exogenous ABA. However, seeds remained more sensitive to ABA at 15 than at 25°C. The possible involvement of ABA synthesis and of responsiveness of seeds to ABA in the breaking of dormancy by cold treatment is discussed.  相似文献   

Two mechanisms have been suggested as being responsible for dormancy in barley grain: (i) ABA in the embryo, and (ii) limitation of oxygen supply to the embryo by oxygen fixation as a result of the oxidation of phenolic compounds in the glumellae. The aim of the present work was to investigate whether hypoxia imposed by the glumellae interferes with ABA metabolism in the embryo, thus resulting in dormancy. In dormant and non-dormant grains incubated at 20 degrees C and in non-dormant grains incubated at 30 degrees C (i.e. when dormancy is not expressed), ABA content in the embryo decreased dramatically during the first 5 h of incubation before germination was detected. By contrast, germination of dormant grains was less than 2% within 48 h at 30 degrees C and embryo ABA content increased during the first hours of incubation and then remained 2-4 times higher than in embryos from grains in which dormancy was not expressed. Removal of the glumellae allowed germination of dormant grains at 30 degrees C and the embryos did not display the initial increase in ABA content. Incubation of de-hulled grains under 5% oxygen to mimic the effect of glumellae, restored the initial increase ABA in content and completely inhibited germination. Incubation of embryos isolated from dormant grains, in the presence of a wide range of ABA concentrations and under various oxygen tensions, revealed that hypoxia increased embryo sensitivity to ABA by 2-fold. This effect was more pronounced at 30 degrees C than at 20 degrees C. Furthermore, when embryos from dormant grains were incubated at 30 degrees C in the presence of 10 microM ABA, their endogenous ABA content remained constant after 48 h of incubation under air, while it increased dramatically in embryos incubated under hypoxia, indicating that the apparent increase in embryo ABA responsiveness induced by hypoxia was, in part, mediated by an inability of the embryo to inactivate ABA. Taken together these results suggest that hypoxia, either imposed artificially or by the glumellae, increases embryo sensitivity to ABA and interferes with ABA metabolism.  相似文献   

Seedless avocado fruit are produced alongside seeded fruit in the cultivar Arad, and both reach maturity at the same time. Using this system, it was possible to show that avocado seed inhibits the ripening process: seedless fruits exhibited higher response to exogenous ethylene already at the fruitlet stage, and also at the immature and mature fruit stages. They produced higher CO2 levels, and the ethylene peak was apparent at the fruitlet stage of seedless fruit, but not of seeded ones. The expression levels of PaETR, PaERS1 and PaCTR1 on the day of harvest at all developmental stages were very similar between seeded and seedless fruit, except that PaCTR1 was higher in seedless fruit only at very early stages. This expression pattern suggests that the seed does not have an effect on components of the ethylene response pathway when fruits are just picked. The expression of MADS-box genes, PaAG1 and PaAGL9, preceded the increase in ethylene production of mature seeded fruit, but not at earlier stages. However, only PaAGL9 was induced in seedless fruit at early stages of development. Taken together, these data suggest that these genes are perhaps involved in climacteric response in seeded fruit, and the seed is responsible for their induction at normal fruit ripening.  相似文献   

ABA对红锥、苦槠种子发育和萌发的效应研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
研究采用酶联免疫分析法(ELISA)提取和测定红锥和苦槠发育过程中果实内ABA含量,并用不同浓度ABA喂养,测定果实不同发育期对外源ABA的敏感性。用放射性同位素法测定ABA对贮藏蛋白质的积累作用,结果表明:随着红锥和苦槠种子发育过程内源ABA含量逐渐上升,达到高峰的时间分别为11月5日和10月5日,随后ABA含量均逐渐下降。成熟采收时果实内ABA含量比高时峰小8-9倍,随着果实的发育种子对外加ABA的敏感性逐渐变小,外源ABA浓度10^-4mol/L可以完全抑制11月25日(红锥)笔10月15日(苦槠)前种子发芽,但对成熟的种子10^-2mol/L ABA亦不能抑制发芽。ABA对成熟前期胚贮藏蛋白质合成无影响,但能促进成熟后中后期胚的贮藏蛋白质的积累作用,ABA维持红锥和苦槠贮藏蛋白质全盛和积累作用表现在转录水平上。  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seeds (grains) exhibit dormancyat maturity that is largely due to the presence of the glumellae(hulls) that reduce the availability of oxygen (O2) to the embryo.In addition, abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellins (GAS) interactwith O2 to regulate barley seed dormancy. A population-basedthreshold model was applied to quantify the sensitivities ofseeds and excised embryos to O2, ABA, and GA, and to their interactiveeffects. The median O2 requirement for germination of dormantintact barley seeds was 400-fold greater than for excised embryos,indicating that the tissues enclosing the embryo markedly limitO2 penetration. However, embryo O2 thresholds decreased by anotherorder of magnitude following after-ripening. Thus, increasesin both permeability of the hull to O2 and embryo sensitivityto O2 contribute to the improvement in germination capacityduring after-ripening. Both ABA and GA had relatively smalleffects on the sensitivity of germination to O2, but ABA andGA thresholds varied over several orders of magnitude in responseto O2 availability, with sensitivity to ABA increasing and sensitivityto GA decreasing with hypoxia. Simple additive models of O2–ABAand O2–GA interactions required consideration of theseO2 effects on hormone sensitivity to account for actual germinationpatterns. These quantitative and interactive relationships amongO2, ABA, and GA sensitivities provide insight into how dormancyand germination are regulated by a combination of physical (O2diffusion through the hull) and physiological (ABA and GA sensitivities)factors. Key words: Abscisic acid, barley, germination, gibberellin, Hordeum vulgare L., model, oxygen, sensitivity Received 2 August 2007; Revised 14 November 2007 Accepted 19 November 2007  相似文献   

Epigenetic phenomena have been associated with modifications of chromatin structure. These are achieved, in part, by histone post-translational modifications including acetylations and deacetylations, the later being catalyzed by histone deacetylaces (HDACs). Eukaryotic HDACs are grouped into three major families, RPD3/HDA1, SIR2 and the plant-specific HD2. HDAC genes have been analyzed from model plants such as Arabidopsis , rice and maize and have been shown to be involved in various cellular processes including seed development, vegetative and reproductive growth and responses to abiotic and biotic stress, but reports on HDACs from other crops are limited. In this work two full-length cDNAs ( HvHDAC2-1 and HvHDAC2-2 ) encoding two members of the plant-specific HD2 family, respectively, were isolated and characterized from barley ( Hordeum vulgare ), an agronomically important cereal crop. HvHDAC2-1 and HvHDAC2-2 were mapped on barley chromosomes 1H and 3H, respectively, which could prove useful in developing markers for marker-assisted selection in breeding programs. Expression analysis of the barley HD2 genes demonstrated that they are expressed in all tissues and seed developmental stages examined. Significant differences were observed among tissues and seed stages, and between cultivars with varying seed size, suggesting an association of these genes with seed development. Furthermore, the HD2 genes from barley were found to respond to treatments with plant stress-related hormones such as jasmonic acid (JA), abscisic acid (ABA) and salicylic acid (SA) implying an association of these genes with plant resistance to biotic and abiotic stress. The expression pattern of HD2 genes suggests a possible role for these genes in the epigenetic regulation of seed development and stress response.  相似文献   

Barley, one of the major small grain crops, is especially important in climatically demanding agricultural areas of the world, with multiple uses within food, feed, and beverage. The barley endosperm is further of special scientific interest due to its three aleurone cell layers, with the potential of bringing forward the molecular understanding of seed development and cell specification from Arabidopsis and maize. Work done in Arabidopsis and maize indicate the presence of conserved seed developmental pathways where Crinkly4 (Cr4), Defective kernel1 (Dek1), and Supernumerary aleurone layer1 (Sal1) are key players. With the use of microscopy, a comprehensive phenotypic characterization of the barley defective seed5 (des5) mutant is presented here. The analysis further extends to molecular quantification of gene expression changes in the des5 mutant by qRT-PCR. Moreover, full-length genomic sequences of the barley orthologues were generated and these were annotated as HvDek1, HvCr4, and HvSal1. The most striking results in this study are the patchy reduction in number of aleurone cells, rudimentary anticlinal aleurone cell walls, and the specific change of HvCr4 expression compared to HvDek1 and HvSal1. The data presented support the involvement of Hvdes5 in establishing aleurone cells. Finally, how these results might affect the current model of aleurone and epidermal cell identity and development is discussed with a speculation regarding a possible role of Des5 in regulating cell division/ secondary cell wall building.  相似文献   

The oxygen-dependent damage which develops in barley seeds with approximately 7-8 per cent moisture content disappears after post-irradiation storage in vacuo for 48 hours at 40 degrees C and for 24 hours at 50 degrees C. When the diration of storage at 40 degrees C is extended to 384 hours, oxygen-independent damage becomes potentiated. There is oxygen-dependent damage in seeds of approximately 13.3 per cent moisture content and after the seeds have been stored in vacuo at 50 degrees C, the oxygen-dependent damage begins to increase by 168 hours, and it is very significantly potentiated by 192 hours. Under these circumstances, caffeine acts as a radioprotector only as long as the precursors of oxic damage are present in the seeds. Once these sites are lost, caffeine acts only as a radiosensitizer. The oxygen-independent damage which increases with storage at high temperature is further potentiated by caffeine.  相似文献   

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