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The characteristics of an atypical group of the family Enterobacteriaceae resembling Enterobacter cloacae were studied. The urinary tract was the most common source of these organisms, and most strains represented infections of secondary clinical significance. In contrast to typical Enterobacter strains, the atypical strains were highly susceptible to the cephalosporins; otherwise, there was a high degree of susceptibility to five other antibiotics and resistance to ampicillin except in very high concentration.  相似文献   

In an attempt to define the phylogenetical relationship among 17 phenotypically related species of genera Enterobacter, Pantoea, Serratia, Klebsiella and Erwinia, we determined almost all of their groE operon sequences using the polymerase chain reaction direct sequencing method. The number of nucleotide substitutions per site was 0.12+/-0.030. The value was 3.6-fold higher than that of 16S rDNA. As a result, we were successful in constructing molecular phylogenetic trees which had a finer resolution than that based on the 16S rDNA sequences. The phylogenetic trees based on the nucleotide sequences and deduced amino acid sequences of groE operons indicated that the members of genera Enterobacter, Pantoea and Klebsiella were closely related to each other, while Serratia and Erwinia species except Erwinia carotovora, made distinct clades. The close relationship between Enterobacter aerogenes and Klebsiella pneumoniae, that had been suggested by biochemical tests and DNA hybridization, was also supported by our molecular phylogenetic trees.  相似文献   

The biochemical, serological, and epidemiological characteristics of 95 strains of Serratia marcescens isolated at the Boston City Hospital were examined. Several strains were shown to be endemic, and the majority of isolates were cultured from urine or respiratory secretions. Serratia species were highly resistant to polymyxin B and the cephalosporins, and various proportions were also resistant to other antibiotics including kanamycin, but all of the isolates were sensitive to gentamicin. The appearance of resistance to kanamycin and nalidixic acid among endemic strains was demonstrated. The nosocomial nature of Serratia infections, particularly those involving the urinary tract, was confirmed. Many clinical bacteriology laboratories currently fail to identify the nonpigmented strains.  相似文献   

Three selective media for differentiation of Klebsiella pneumoniae from Enterobacter aerogenes on the basis of colonial morphology were evaluated. Using methyl violet 2B as a selective agent, strains of K. pneumoniae isolated from urine, fresh water, and fresh produce were tested against other members of Enterobacteriaceae in addition to strains of Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Comparison of colonial morphology showed K. pneumoniae produced larger, smoother colonies than other bacteria tested. These media were developed to aid in presumptive separation of K. pneumoniae from E. aerogenes in the monitoring of bacterial quality of water.  相似文献   

THIRTY STRAINS OF HUMAN ORAL ANAEROBIC SPIROCHETES WERE ISOLATED IN THREE DIFFERENT MEDIA: veal heart infusion-ascitic fluid, Spirolate-Brain Heart Infusion-rabbit serum, and supplemented PPLO broth. The morphological and biochemical characteristics of the isolates permitted their differentiation into three distinct species: Treponema denticola, T. macrodentium, and T. oralis (proposed new species). These species could be differentiated as follows. Organisms of the T. denticola type had a "2-4-2" axial fibril relationship as determined by electron microscopy, required serum for growth, did not utilize glucose or lactate, and produced indole, ammonia, acetate, and lactate as end products. T. macrodentium had a "1-2-1" axial fibril relationship, did not require serum, utilized glucose but not lactate, did not produce indole or ammonia, and produced formate, acetate, lactate, and succinate as acid end products. T. oralis had a "1-2-1" axial fibril relationship, required serum for growth, utilized lactate but not glucose, produced indole but not ammonia, and produced propionate and acetate as acid end products.  相似文献   

The profiles of the utilization of 20 protein amino acids in 118 Klebsiella pneumoniae sub- sp. pneumoniae, K. oxytoca, K. planticola, K. mobilis, Enterobacter cloacae, Serratia marscescens, S. liquefaciens, Escherichia coli strains isolated from clinical material were studied. The utilization of amino acids was determined on minimal saline agar containing amino acid as the only source of nitrogen and carbon; the results were evaluated after 72-hour incubation at 37 degrees C. 17 profiles of amino-acid utilization were thus determined, most of them genus-specific in enterobacteria: Klebsiella (profiles No. 1--6, 9, 10), Enterobacter (No. 11--13), Serratia (No. 14--16), Escherichia (No. 17). The full coincidence of amino-acid utilization profiles in bacteria of K. mobilis (No. 1, 6) and K. pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae with out of such profiles in bacteria of the genera Enterobacter, Serratia, Escherichia was established, which confirmed that K. mobilis (formerly Enterobacter aerogenes) belonged to the genus Klebsiella.  相似文献   

A model of antibiotic synergy based on a molecular mechanism of action which blocked sequential steps in a single metabolic pathway was tested. Twenty-five strains each of Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, and Serratia were tested in vitro against three different two drug combinations of vancomycin, carbenicillin, or cephalothin. Synergy was observed when vancomycin was combined with either carbenicillin or cephalothin against isolates of Pseudomonas or Serratia, whereas the combination of carbenicillin and cephalothin did not result in significant synergy against these isolates. The presence of synergy was not related to the sensitivity or resistance of the isolates to the drugs in the combination. Synergy was also observed with all three antibiotic combinations against Klebsiella isolates which may be related to enzyme inactivation by one of the drugs in the combination. These observations support the hypothetical model of antibiotic synergy based on sequential blocking of one biochemical pathway.  相似文献   

The resistance of bacteria to antimicrobial agents could be influenced by growth environment. The susceptibility of two enteric bacteria, Yersinia enterocolitica and Klebsiella pneumoniae, to chlorine dioxide was investigated. These organisms were grown in a defined medium in a chemostat and the influence of growth rate, temperature, and cell density on the susceptibility was studied. All inactivation experiments were conducted with a dose of 0.25 mg of chlorine dioxide per liter in phosphate-buffered saline at pH 7.0 and 23 degrees C. The results indicated that populations grown under conditions that more closely approximate natural aquatic environments, e.g., low temperatures and growth at submaximal rates caused by nutrient limitation, were most resistant. The conclusion from this study is that antecedent growth conditions have a profound effect on the susceptibility of bacteria to disinfectants, and it is more appropriate to use the chemostat-grown bacteria as test organisms to evaluate the efficacy of a certain disinfectant.  相似文献   

The resistance of bacteria to antimicrobial agents could be influenced by growth environment. The susceptibility of two enteric bacteria, Yersinia enterocolitica and Klebsiella pneumoniae, to chlorine dioxide was investigated. These organisms were grown in a defined medium in a chemostat and the influence of growth rate, temperature, and cell density on the susceptibility was studied. All inactivation experiments were conducted with a dose of 0.25 mg of chlorine dioxide per liter in phosphate-buffered saline at pH 7.0 and 23 degrees C. The results indicated that populations grown under conditions that more closely approximate natural aquatic environments, e.g., low temperatures and growth at submaximal rates caused by nutrient limitation, were most resistant. The conclusion from this study is that antecedent growth conditions have a profound effect on the susceptibility of bacteria to disinfectants, and it is more appropriate to use the chemostat-grown bacteria as test organisms to evaluate the efficacy of a certain disinfectant.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the OmpF porin in Escherichia coli K-12 was highly and reversibly inhibited by 5 mM salicylate in the bacterial growth medium, and salicylate also inhibited the OmpC porin synthesis, although only weakly. The full expression of the salicylate effect was presumed to require the ompB gene product on comparison between the wild type and ompB mutant strains. The salicylate effect was also observed for the porin protein synthesis in Klebsiella pneumoniae and Serratia marcescens, although an ompB-like gene remains to be identified in both species.  相似文献   

Citrobacter spp., Enterobacter hormaechei subsp., Klebsiella variicola and Proteae tribe members are rarely isolated Enterobacterales increasingly implicated in nosocomial infections. Herein, we show that these species contain multiple genes encoding resistance to important antibiotics and are widely and globally distributed, being isolated from human, animal, plant, and environmental sources in 67 countries. Certain clones and clades of these species were internationally disseminated, serving as reservoirs and mediums for the global dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes. As they can easily transmit these genes to more pathogenic species, additional molecular surveillance studies should be undertaken to identify and contain these antibiotic-resistant species.  相似文献   

Strains ofKlebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella terrigena, Enterobacter agglomerans andAzospirillum lipoferum were compared as diazotrophic inoculants in association withPoa pratensis andTriticum aestivum. Each strain colonized both plants in numbers ranging from 104 to 107 bacteria per root, and electron microscopy and immunofluorescence staining of inoculated roots revealed bacteria mainly on root hairs. Indirect immunofluorescence with specific antifimbriae antibodies showed that the enteric bacteria expressed their fimbria in both associations. All associations were positive in an acetylene reduction test but only in half of them was atmospheric nitrogen transferred to the plant. In the inoculated plants, variable effects in the dry matter and N yields in both hosts were observed and no correlation was found between dry matter, nitrogen content or the amount of fixed nitrogen. In infected plants, the number of root hairs and lateral roots increased and the length of the zone of elongation decreased. The changes in root morphology were more evident in associations with enteric bacteria than with Azospirillum. The results give further evidence on the importance of bacterial adhesion in associative N2 fixation and suggest that bacteria-induced physiological changes in plant roots may be more important than the amount of nitrogen transferred to the plant.  相似文献   

Interrelationships between genetic and biochemical factors underlying ischemic stroke and ischemic heart disease are poorly understood. We: 1) undertook the most comprehensive meta-analysis of genetic polymorphisms in ischemic stroke to date; 2) compared genetic determinants of ischemic stroke with those of ischemic heart disease, and 3) compared effect sizes of gene-stroke associations with those predicted from independent biochemical data using a mendelian randomization strategy. Electronic databases were searched up to January 2009. We identified: 1) 187 ischemic stroke studies (37,481 cases; 95,322 controls) interrogating 43 polymorphisms in 29 genes; 2) 13 meta-analyses testing equivalent polymorphisms in ischemic heart disease; and 3) for the top five gene-stroke associations, 146 studies (65,703 subjects) describing equivalent gene-biochemical relationships, and 28 studies (46,928 subjects) describing biochemical-stroke relationships. Meta-analyses demonstrated positive associations with ischemic stroke for factor V Leiden Gln506, ACE I/D, MTHFR C677T, prothrombin G20210A, PAI-1 5G allele and glycoprotein IIIa Leu33Pro polymorphisms (ORs: 1.11 – 1.60). Most genetic associations show congruent levels of risk comparing ischemic stroke with ischemic heart disease, but three genes—glycoprotein IIIa, PAI-1 and angiotensinogen—show significant dissociations. The magnitudes of stroke risk observed for factor V Leiden, ACE, MTHFR and prothrombin, but not PAI-1, polymorphisms, are consistent with risks associated with equivalent changes in activated protein C resistance, ACE activity, homocysteine, prothrombin, and PAI-1 levels, respectively. Our results demonstrate causal relationships for four of the most robust genes associated with stroke while also showing that PAI-1 4G/5G polymorphism influences cardiovascular risk via a mechanism not simply related to plasma levels of PAI-1 (or tPA) alone.  相似文献   

Bacterial growth in the rhizosphere and resulting changes in plant growth parameters were studied in small aseptic seedlings of birch (Betula pendula and B. pubescens) and grasses (Poa pratensis and Festuca rubra). The seedlings were inoculated with three Frankia strains (Ai1a and Ag5b isolated from native Alnus root nodules and Ai17 from a root nodule induced by soil originating from a Betula pendula stand), and three associative N2-fixing bacteria (Enterobacter agglomerans, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas sp., isolated from grass roots). Microscopic observations showed that all the Frankia strains were able to colonize and grow on the root surface of the plants tested without addition of an exogenous carbon source. No net growth of the associative N2-fixers was observed in the rhizosphere, although inoculum viable counts were maintained over the experimental period. Changes in both the biomass and morphology of plant seedlings in response to bacterial inoculation were recorded, which were more dependent on the plant species than on the bacterial strain.  相似文献   

Du  Mengqian  Hu  Weimin  Tamura  Takashi  Alshahni  Mohamed Mahdi  Satoh  Kazuo  Yamanishi  Chiaki  Naito  Toshio  Makimura  Koichi 《Mycopathologia》2021,186(2):189-198

Candida auris is an emerging pathogen associated with outbreaks in clinical settings. Isolates of the pathogen have been geographically clustered into four clades with high intra-clade clonality. Pathogenicity varies among the clades, highlighting the importance of understanding these differences.


To examine the physiological and biochemical properties of each clade of C. auris to improve our understanding of the fungus.


Optimal growth temperatures of four strains from three clades, East Asia, South Asia and South Africa, were explored. Moreover, assimilation and antifungal susceptibility properties of 22 C. auris strains from the three clades were studied.


The optimal growth temperatures of all strains were 35–37 °C. Assimilation testing demonstrated that the commercial API ID 32 C system can be used to reliably identify C. auris based on the biochemical properties of the yeast. Notably, C. auris can be uniquely differentiated from commonly clinical fungi by its ability to assimilate raffinose and inability to utilize D-xylose, suggesting a useful simple screening tool. The antifungal susceptibility results revealed that all strains are resistant against fluconazole (minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) 4 to?>?64 µg/mL) and miconazole (MIC 8 to?>?16 µg/mL), with strains from the Japanese lineage showing relatively lower MIC values (1–4 µg/mL). Conversely, itraconazole, voriconazole, amphotericin B, micafungin and caspofungin were active against most of the tested strains. On the clade level, East Asian strains generally showed lower MICs against azoles comparing to the other clades, while they displayed MICs against flucytosine higher than those of strains from South Africa and South Asia clades.


Our data suggest a simple identification approach of C. auris based on its physiological and biochemical properties and highlight aspects of C. auris population from various clades.


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